Risk of post-contrast acute kidney injury in emergency department patients with sepsis

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Dec;25(6):429–37  |  Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Risk of post-contrast acute kidney injury in emergency department patients with sepsis
YC Hsu, MD1; HY Su, MD1; CK Sun, MD, PhD1,2; CY Liang, MD3,4; TB Chen, PhD5; CW Hsu, MD, PhD1,2
1 Department of Emergency Medicine, E-Da Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2 School of Medicine for International Students, College of Medicine, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3 Department of Emergency Medicine, E-Da Cancer Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4 Department of Information Engineering, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
5 Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Corresponding author: Dr CW Hsu (saab30002000@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Although computed tomography (CT) is a useful tool for exploring occult infection in patients with sepsis in the emergency department, the potential nephrotoxicity of contrast media is a major concern. Our study aimed to investigate the association between use of contrast-enhanced CT and the risks of acute kidney injury and other adverse outcomes in patients with sepsis.
Methods: In total, 587 patients with sepsis who underwent CT scan (enhanced CT group: 105, non-enhanced CT group: 482) from January 2012 to December 2016 at a tertiary referral centre were enrolled in this retrospective analysis, and propensity score matching was performed to minimise the selection bias. The length of stay, incidences of acute kidney injury and emergent dialysis, and short-term mortality were compared between the two groups.
Results: Compared with patients in the non-enhanced CT group, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group did not have increased risks of acute kidney injury (odds ratio [OR]=1.38, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.55-3.43; P=0.489), emergent dialysis (OR=1.31, 95% CI=0.47-3.68; P=0.602), or short-term mortality (OR=0.90, 95% CI=0.48-1.69; P=0.751). In addition, there was no significant difference in the median length of hospital stay between survivors in the two groups (20 vs 19 days, P=0.742).
Conclusions: Intravenous contrast administration during CT scanning was not associated with prolonged length of hospital stay in patients with sepsis in an emergency setting. Moreover, the use of contrast-enhanced CT was not associated with increased risks of acute kidney injury, emergent dialysis, or short-term mortality.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The risks of nephrotoxicity and other adverse outcomes (ie, emergent dialysis, short-term mortality, and increased length of stay) were not increased after intravenous contrast administration during computed tomography scanning of patients with sepsis.
  • Renal function improved within 48-72 hours after computed tomography scans, relative to initial measurements in all patients, suggesting that sepsis (not the administration of contrast media) was the primary determinant of clinical outcomes.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The lack of a significant correlation between the administration of contrast agents and the risk of acute kidney injury in patients with sepsis conflicts with the tendency to withhold contrast-enhanced computed tomography for the diagnostic assessment and management of sepsis in the emergency setting.
  • After weighing the benefits and risks of contrast administration, clinicians could utilise contrast-enhanced computed tomography scanning in a reasonable manner in critically ill patients with sepsis, in order to identify occult infection foci earlier and facilitate prompt medical management.
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that contributes to nearly 850 000 emergency department (ED) visits annually in the US.1 According to the practice guidelines published by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, a care bundle of sepsis treatment—including fluid resuscitation, antimicrobial therapy, and source control—is recommended as life-saving treatment for patients with sepsis.2 Computed tomography (CT) scanning is a popular method for identifying the focus of infection and guiding the implementation of an appropriate antimicrobial strategy in emergency medical care settings.3 The utilisation of CT scans in the ED has increased considerably, such that more than 70 million CT scans are performed in the US annually.4 Approximately one in seven patients undergoes a CT scan during evaluation in the ED.5
Although the use of iodinated contrast media is an important method for improving the diagnostic accuracy of CT examination,6 there are concerns regarding the potential for precipitating renal dysfunction, especially in patients who already have impaired renal function.7 8 The third leading cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in hospitalised patients is reported to be contrast-associated (CA)-AKI9; CA-AKI is associated with increased risks of major adverse events, including myocardial infarction, renal failure, and mortality.7 10 Nevertheless, it remains controversial whether an association exists between intravenous administration of contrast media during CT scans and the development of CA-AKI.11 12 13 This controversy exists largely because the introduction of refined iso- or low-osmolar contrast agents has reduced the risk of AKI14 and because the majority of previous studies on CA-AKI were performed in patients who underwent coronary angiography,15 16 17 which utilises different dosages and routes of contrast administration relative to those of conventional contrast-enhanced CT scans.18 Previous studies on CA-AKI in an emergency setting have been inconclusive.6 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 Although those studies investigated the benefits and risks of contrast administration in many clinical settings, including acute stroke, pulmonary embolism, and trauma, very few of them evaluated the impact of contrast administration on patients with sepsis. Notably, sepsis remains a leading cause of mortality in critically ill patients2 and CT imaging studies play important roles in both identifying the source of infection and facilitating infection control in patients with sepsis. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate whether intravenous contrast administration in patients with sepsis is associated with an increased risk of AKI and increased incidences of other adverse clinical outcomes.
Study design
This retrospective cohort study was conducted at a tertiary referral medical centre with approximately 50 000 ED visits per year. The study population included all adult (age ≥18 years) patients who visited the ED and underwent CT scans (including brain, chest, abdomen or extremities) and serial serum creatinine measurements during their initial ED visits and any follow-ups within 48 to 72 hours from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016. Patients with sepsis were identified by principal diagnosis and serum lactate measurement, in accordance with Sepsis-3 guidelines.25 Patients who received haemodialysis, underwent contrast-enhanced CT scan within 3 months, or experienced a cardiac arrest event before ED arrival were excluded from the analysis. This study protocol followed the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines.
Data collection
Demographic characteristics of the enrolled patients (ie, age and sex) and clinical information (eg, co-morbidities, chronic medications, laboratory results, acute illness, types and dosage of contrast agent, and initial and final diagnoses) were obtained from written medical charts and electronic medical records. Co-morbidities were coded based on International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification diagnostic codes reported in medical records. In accordance with World Health Organization criteria, anaemia was defined as baseline haematocrit values below 39% and below 36% for men and women, respectively.26 Chronic kidney disease was defined as a baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, calculated using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation.27 Baseline renal function was calculated according to each patient’s serum creatinine level at 24 hours before the CT scan. The presence of shock was identified by the need for vasopressors to maintain haemodynamic stability despite adequate fluid administration during ED stay.
Outcome measures
We divided the eligible patients for this study into two groups: contrast-enhanced CT and non-enhanced CT; primary and secondary outcomes were recorded and compared between groups. The primary outcome was the incidence of AKI, which was defined as an absolute increase of 0.5 mg/dL or >50% increase in baseline serum creatinine concentration within 48 to 72 hours after CT scan.28 The secondary outcomes included the incidences of emergent dialysis (defined as initiation of dialysis during the hospital stay) and short-term mortality (defined as death within 30 days after CT scan), as well as the difference in length of hospital stay for survivors.
Sample size estimation
The estimation of sample size was performed with PASS 11 software in accordance with the results of previous studies regarding AKI incidence in patients with sepsis29 and odds ratio (OR) of CA-AKI.30 With a 30% incidence of AKI in patients with sepsis and an OR of 2.7 for CA-AKI, we determined that 109 patients were needed to detect a significant association with probability (power) of 0.8 and Type 1 error of 0.05.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as means±standard deviations or medians with 25th to 75th percentiles (ie, interquartile range) for continuous variables, and as numbers (%) for categorical variables. Two-sample t tests and Chi squared tests were used to compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. A two-tailed P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Propensity score matching was performed to reduce potential selection bias and other confounding factors. We calculated the propensity score for each patient by modelling the probability of receiving contrast medium. Variables in the model were composed of factors that influence outcomes related to renal function or influence the selection of contrast medium. We used total 21 variables including age, sex, co-morbidities (ie, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, coronary artery disease, left heart failure, chronic kidney disease, anaemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dyslipidaemia, and malignancy), nephrotoxic medications (ie, statins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers, nephrotoxic antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and vancomycin), laboratory data (ie, initial serum creatinine, eGFR, and serum lactate), measures of illness severity (ie, initial presence of septic shock and need for intensive care unit [ICU] admission) to calculate the propensity scores for all patients. A multivariable logistic regression analysis model using nearest-neighbour matching, calliper 0.1, was generated to predict the probability of receiving contrast medium. We used the resulting propensity scores to match the contrast-enhanced CT group members with non-enhanced CT group members at a ratio of 1:1. Patients without a corresponding match were excluded. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Windows version 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US).
Study population and contrast agents
During the study period, 200 427 adult patients visited the ED; of these, 712 met the criteria for inclusion in this study. After further exclusion of patients with elevated serum lactate levels from shock with non-septic aetiology, the remaining 587 patients (enhanced CT group: 105; non-enhanced CT group: 482) were analysed (Fig). In the contrast-enhanced CT group, 23 patients received intravenous iopromide (Ultravist 370; Bayer Parma AG, Berlin, Germany) and 82 patients received intravenous iohexol (Omnipaque; Bayer Parma AG, Berlin, Germany). Only one patient received a contrast volume >100 mL (120 mL).

Figure. Flowchart of patient enrolment
Prior to propensity score matching, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group were significantly younger; moreover, they had lower prevalences of hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, compared to patients in the non-enhanced CT group. Patients in the enhanced CT group also had significantly lower initial and follow-up serum creatinine levels, and had higher initial serum lactate levels than those in the non-enhanced CT group. There were no significant differences in the incidences of shock and ICU admission between the two groups (Table 1).

Table 1. Demographic and characteristics of patients with sepsis (n=587)
By using propensity score with 1:1 matching, 101 patients with sepsis in the contrast-enhanced CT group were successfully paired with an equal number of patients in the non-enhanced CT group. After matching, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in any covariates (Table 2).

Table 2. Demographic and characteristics of matched patients with sepsis (n=202)
Treatment outcomes
Before propensity score matching, the risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, and short-term mortality were not significantly greater in the contrast-enhanced CT group than in the non-enhanced CT group. Five of 44 patients with sepsis in the non-enhanced CT group who received emergency haemodialysis subsequently required chronic dialysis; however, no patients required chronic dialysis in the contrast-enhanced CT group. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the length of hospital stay between the two groups (Table 3). The same results were observed after propensity score matching: there were no notable differences in the risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, or short-term mortality; the median length of hospital stay was also similar between the matched contrast-enhanced and non-enhanced CT groups (Table 4).

Table 3. Outcomes analysis of unmatched patients with sepsis

Table 4. Outcomes analysis of matched patients with sepsis
In this ED-based single-centre retrospective study, we performed a subgroup analysis to investigate the possible adverse clinical impacts of contrast agent administration in patients with sepsis. By using propensity score matching, we demonstrated that intravenous administration of contrast media in patients with sepsis was not associated with increased risks of AKI or other adverse outcomes, following contrast-enhanced CT scans to identify foci of infection. During revision of this manuscript, Hinson et al31 reported a retrospective cohort study; they concluded that contrast medium administration was not associated with increased incidence of AKI in patients with sepsis, consistent with our findings. Compared with the study by Hinson et al, the patients in our study had more severe sepsis (ie, higher incidences of shock and ICU admission); moreover, our findings revealed that administration of reasonable volumes of contrast medium did not increase the risks of emergency dialysis or short-term mortality. Thus, clinicians can use contrast-enhanced CT scans in a reasonable manner in septic patients, in order to identify occult infection foci earlier and facilitate prompt medical management.
Our patients had surprisingly high prevalences of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease, which could have been related to their older age, as reported in a prior study.32 Before propensity score matching, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group were significantly younger and had fewer co-morbidities, including hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Moreover, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group had lower initial serum creatinine levels and higher eGFRs, as observed in other studies.6 32 This could be related to the common clinical practice of using contrast-enhanced CT for younger patients with few co-morbidities and relatively good renal function, based on considerations of the potential nephrotoxicities of the contrast agents7; a few patients with poor renal function (24 of 482 patients with sepsis in the non-enhanced CT group) may also have avoided contrast agents following an explanation of the potential for nephrotoxicity. Clinicians may have hesitated to administer contrast media to patients with respiratory disease because of the risk of immediate hypersensitivity reaction; however, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have not been established as consistent risk factors for contrast media-related adverse drug reactions.33 The lack of significant differences in risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, and short-term mortality between the non-enhanced and enhanced CT groups before propensity score matching in our study may have been influenced by the above-mentioned tendency for clinicians to perform contrast-enhanced CT in presumably healthier patients. However, it is difficult to evaluate the causal relationship between administration of contrast agents and risk of AKI in patients with sepsis by comparing two patient groups with many different demographic and characteristics; therefore, we used propensity score matching to minimise the impacts of potential confounders.
Although the mean initial serum lactate level in the contrast-enhanced CT group was slightly but significantly higher than that in the non-enhanced CT group, this difference was not correlated with the incidences of acute illness (eg, shock), ICU admission, and short-term mortality between the two groups. In addition, the levels of renal function, reflected by serum creatinine levels and eGFRs within 48 to 72 hours after CT scans, improved relative to initial measurements in both groups. These seemingly paradoxical findings suggested that sepsis, rather than the administration of contrast media, was the determinant of clinical outcomes in the present study.
Previous studies in emergency medical settings have shown wide variation in the incidence of post-contrast AKI (3.2%-12%); this may be partially explained by the variety of diseases encountered in the ED, as well as differences in the definitions of AKI adopted in each study.6 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 Nearly half of the patients (49%) in the present study experienced septic shock; thus, the increased incidence of post-contrast AKI in our patients (12.4%), compared with that observed in prior studies, may be attributed to the impaired physical status of our patients. This may also explain the considerably higher rates of emergent dialysis and short-term mortality, as well as the increased median length of hospital stay for survivors among our patients, compared to those parameters measured in other studies that did not focus on patients with sepsis.21 34
Thus far, the pathophysiology of CA-AKI remains poorly characterised. Based on the results of some animal studies, proposed mechanisms include acute tubular necrosis caused by medullary hypoxia from vasoconstriction, as well as direct cytotoxic effects of the contrast agent on renal tubular cells.35 36 Compared with AKI caused by other aetiologies, CA-AKI involves relatively rapid recovery of renal function; this is potentially because of the reduced extent of tubular necrosis, which leads to minor and transient functional impairment of tubular epithelial cells.37 Nevertheless, sepsis is the leading cause of AKI in critically ill patients and is associated with a higher mortality rate among patients in the ICU, compared with patients who have AKI caused by other aetiologies.38 Therefore, hesitation to perform contrast-enhanced CT scans for patients with sepsis, in order to identify occult infection foci, could result in delayed diagnoses of life-threatening conditions that carry considerable risks of morbidity and mortality, even in patients with serum creatinine up to 4.0 mg/dL.6
A number of studies performed in the past several years have been designed to maintain a balance between the benefits and adverse effects of contrast-enhanced CT scans in many clinical settings.6 7 12 20 21 22 The vast majority of those studies showed no significant association between the use of contrast agents and an increased risk of AKI. Consistent with the prior findings, contrast-enhanced CT scans of our patients with sepsis were not associated with increased risks of AKI and other adverse clinical outcomes. Among all aetiologies of AKI in patients requiring emergent medical attention, such as sepsis, dehydration, and nephrotoxic medication use,18 the contribution of CA-AKI is regarded as considerably less important37; notably, our findings support this view. Furthermore, it has been consistently shown that the performance of a contrast-enhanced CT scan is justified in patients for whom the examination is indicated, provided that other risk factors of AKI are well controlled.39
There are several limitations in our study, largely in relation to its single-centre and retrospective design. First, the non-enhanced CT group consisted of older patients with a higher prevalence of hypertension and worse renal function; this suggested a selection bias. Although we routinely checked serum lactate for patients with suspected sepsis in the ED, there were a few patients diagnosed with sepsis who did not have lactate measurement data; this may also have resulted in selection bias. Second, although propensity score matching was used to minimise the impacts of potential confounders, unmeasured confounding variables remained, leading to potentially biased results. Therefore, further large-scale cohort or well-controlled prospective randomised studies are warranted. Finally, the definition of AKI used in this study (elevation of serum creatinine concentration by 0.5 mg/dL or by 50% increase relative to baseline within 48 to 72 hours after contrast administration) may not accurately reflect the clinical condition because the relationship between increases in serum creatinine level and deterioration of renal function is reportedly non-linear.40
Our study demonstrated that the intravenous administration of contrast media during CT scans was not associated with increased risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, or short-term mortality for patients with sepsis in the ED; moreover, the use of contrast-enhanced CT was not associated with prolonged length of hospital stay in these patients. The lack of a significant correlation between the administration of contrast agents and the risk of AKI in patients with sepsis conflicts with the tendency to withhold contrast-enhanced CT for the diagnostic assessment and management of sepsis in the emergency setting. Further studies are necessary to confirm these findings and provide further guidance for clinical practice.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: YC Hsu.
Acquisition of data: HY Su, CW Hsu, CY Liang.
Analysis or interpretation of data: TB Chen.
Drafting of the article: YC Hsu.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: CK Sun, CW Hsu.
Dr Chi-feng Hsieh is acknowledged for providing technical support in sample size calculation.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of E-Da hospital (EMRP-106-037) and the requirement for informed patient consent was waived because of the retrospective observational nature of the study.
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Associations of clinical and dosimetric parameters with late rectal toxicities after radical intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer: a single-centre retrospective study

Hong Kong Med J 2019;25:Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Associations of clinical and dosimetric parameters with late rectal toxicities after radical intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer: a single-centre retrospective study
Brian YH Ng, MB, ChB, FRCR1; Ellen LM Yu, BSc, MSc2; Tracy TS Lau, MB, BS, FHKCR1; KS Law, MB, BS, FHKCR1; Ashley CK Cheng, MB, BS, FHKCR1
1 Department of Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
2 Clinical Research Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Brian YH Ng (bryan.yh.ng@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: This study assessed the incidence of late rectal toxicities and evaluated potential predictive factors for late proctitis in patients treated with prostate-specific intensity-modulated radiotherapy in Hong Kong.
Methods: This retrospective longitudinal observational study included patients with localised prostate cancer who were treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy in an oncology unit in Hong Kong between January 2007 and December 2011, and who had >1 year of follow-up. Clinical, pharmacological, and radiation parameters were recorded. Toxicities were measured by Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.
Results: In total, 232 patients were included in this analysis. The mean follow-up time was 7.3 ± 2.1 years and 46.5% of the patients had late rectal toxicities. Late proctitis occurred in 30.5% of patients; 25% of the patients with late proctitis exhibited grade ≥2 toxicity. Median onset times for late proctitis and rectal bleeding were 15 and 18.4 months, respectively. Multivariable regression showed increased odds for the occurrence of late proctitis in patients with older age (odds ratio [OR]=1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.04-1.19, P=0.003), higher V70 (OR=1.08, 95% CI=1.01-1.15, P=0.027), and presence of acute rectal toxicities (OR=4.47, 95% CI=2.37-8.43, P<0.001). Antiplatelet use was not significantly associated with the occurrence of late proctitis (OR=1.98, 95% CI=0.95-4.14, P=0.07).
Conclusions: The incidence of late rectal toxicities was considerable among patients in this study. Clinicians should consider the possibility of late proctitis for patients with older age, acute rectal toxicities, and higher V70. High doses to rectal volumes should be limited because of the significant association with V70.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Age, V70, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities were identified as potential predictive factors for the occurrence of late proctitis in prostate cancer patients who undergo treatment with intensity-modulated radiotherapy.
  • This is the first study in Hong Kong to describe the incidence of late rectal toxicities over time and to identify associations between pharmacological factors and the occurrence of late proctitis in patients with prostate cancer who undergo treatment with intensity-modulated radiotherapy with radical intent.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Clinicians should closely monitor patients for the development of late rectal toxicities, including proctitis, following intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
  • Clinicians should promptly investigate any rectal symptoms that develop after radiotherapy in patients who exhibit factors predictive of high risk, including older age, the presence of acute rectal toxicities, and higher V70.
  • During radiotherapy planning for patients with prostate cancer, clinicians should attempt to limit the applications of high doses to rectal volumes.
Radical radiotherapy is a standard treatment option for patients with early-stage and locally advanced non-metastatic prostate cancer. Advances in radiotherapy in the past 20 years include the use of androgen deprivation therapy for patients with this type of cancer, as well as the application of more precise radiotherapy techniques.1 2 Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has emerged as the standard radiotherapy technique.3 Its benefits have been explored in terms of the effects of dose escalation or hypofractionation on survival outcomes.4 5 For patients undergoing this type of treatment, toxicities are the primary concern. Long-term side-effects (ie, complications occurring ≥3 months after radiotherapy) have a major impact on the quality of life for affected patients; this is particularly important for patients with genitourinary or rectal toxicities. Late rectal toxicities, including per-rectal bleeding, faecal incontinence, and proctitis, have been reported to occur at rates of 5% to 21%.1 34 5 6 7 8 9
Associations have been reported between late rectal toxicities and various clinical and dosimetric parameters; however, most data were collected using the conventional three-dimensional conformal technique.8 1011 12 In addition, there have been limited reports of such associations among patients in Hong Kong. In particular, Poon et al8 reported that 8% of patients exhibited grade ≥2 late rectal toxicities following IMRT in a retrospective cohort study. Although several clinical parameters were assessed, most failed to show statistically significant associations, with the exception of the presence of acute rectal toxicities.8 To the best of our knowledge, pharmacological parameters following IMRT for prostate cancer have not yet been studied in local populations. Some previous reports showed a significant association between anticoagulant use and late rectal toxicities, whereas an association between antiplatelet use and androgen deprivation was inconsistent among studies.12 13 14
Multiple strategies have been used for the treatment of late rectal toxicities. The use of hyperbaric oxygen has shown promising results in some retrospective studies, but it has not been available in Hong Kong until recently.12 15 16 Treatments with sucralfate, prednisolone enaema, short-chain fatty acids, and antifibrinolytics have been evaluated in small trials.17 18 19 Thus far, no standard approach has been established, and there are no published data regarding local management practices.
Late rectal toxicities may represent clinically significant complications because of their non-negligible incidences. Insights regarding any factors predictive of their occurrence could aid in improved treatment planning and early identification of toxicity. This study was performed to assess the incidence of late rectal toxicities and to identify factors predictive for late proctitis in patients treated with prostate-specific IMRT in Hong Kong.
Study design and patients
This retrospective longitudinal observational study included patients with prostate cancer who received IMRT with radical intent in a tertiary referral institution in Hong Kong from January 2007 to December 2011. Patients were excluded if they were followed up for fewer than 12 months from the start of radiotherapy, if they did not complete the course of radiotherapy, if they were not at risk of proctitis (eg, those with post-abdominoperineal resection), or if they did not have a retrievable radiotherapy plan due to technical difficulties. The cut-off date for data collection was 31 December 2018.
Patients underwent treatment with a comfortably full bladder and an empty rectum, with laxatives administered 1 day prior to simulation computed tomography. Patients were asked to empty the bladder prior to attending the radiotherapy suite, and then drink a comfortable volume of water. A pelvic thermoplastic mould was used for immobilisation. Intravenous contrast was administered prior to computed tomography. Re-simulation was performed automatically if bladder volume was below 150 cc, if prominent rectal gas was present, or upon request by the attending oncologist. Contouring was performed by designated oncologists with confirmation by at least one specialist. Tumour and whole prostate were contoured as a single volume; the clinical target volume (CTV) was the volume of the tumour, whole prostate, and base of the seminal vesicle (defined as 1 cm of the central seminal vesicle proximal to the base of the prostate). Whole seminal vesicle was included in the CTV if seminal vesicle involvement was observed. Planning target volume (PTV) was determined by expanding the CTV by a radial margin of 1.5 cm, except posteriorly where a smaller margin was used (0.7 cm). Pelvic lymph node irradiation was not performed. Patients received 70 Gy in 35 daily fractions over 7 weeks at 100% of the isodose level. Rectal volume was contoured in accordance with the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Consensus Contouring Guidelines for normal male pelvic tissue. Dose constraints for organs at risk followed our departmental protocol: for the rectum, we classified the plan as fulfilling the first, second, or third criteria. First criteria were satisfied if V40 (% of organ volume receiving 40 Gy) <35% or V65 (% of organ volume receiving 65 Gy) <17%; second criteria were satisfied if V53 (% of organ volume receiving 53 Gy) <45% or V68 (% of organ volume receiving 68 Gy) <20%; and third criteria were satisfied if V60 (% of organ volume receiving 60 Gy) <50%, V65 (% of organ volume receiving 65 Gy) <35%, or V70 (% of organ volume receiving 70 Gy) <25%. Hormonal treatment was administered based on the risk stratification used in the United Kingdom National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. Patients were followed up at 3–6-month intervals until the patient died or defaulted, and data were censored at the last recorded follow-up. Dose distributions, doses administered to organs at risk, and dose volume histograms were evaluated by the Eclipse and Planning System (Varian Medical Systems; Palo Alto [CA], United States).
Data collection
For each patient, basic demographic data were documented, including age; Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score; smoking habit; pretreatment albumin level; co-morbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, lipid disorder, history of cerebrovascular disease, ischaemic heart disease, and/or chronic renal impairment; medical history of abdominal surgery; drug history including antihypertensives, oral glycaemic agents, antiplatelets, anticoagulants, lipid-lowering agents, and antipurine agents; androgen deprivation therapies, including medical or surgical castration; and use of immunosuppressants. Tumour characteristics were also recorded, including pretreatment prostate-specific antigen level, clinical T-staging determined by clinical and radiological findings (based on AJCC 7th edition20), and Gleason score.
Acute and late rectal toxicities, including proctitis, incontinence, and per-rectal bleeding, were recorded and classified in accordance with Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.21 Late rectal toxicities were defined as those that occurred at least 3 months after the completion of radiotherapy. Late proctitis was defined as either the presence of rectal symptoms listed in Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4, or colonoscopy findings of proctitis (eg, telangiectasia, ulcers, or inflammation). If a patient presented with per-rectal bleeding, colonoscopy findings were referenced whenever present to differentiate proctitis or other causes of bleeding, such as diverticulosis or haemorrhoids. Per-rectal bleeding only was recorded if no endoscopic proctitis features were present; otherwise, both per-rectal bleeding and proctitis were recorded. Additional parameters recorded included time of onset of late rectal toxicities, as well as treatment modalities used.
Dosimetric parameters (eg, V40, V50, V60, V70, Dmax [maximum dose], mean dose to rectum, and contoured rectal volume) were evaluated with the radiotherapy planning system. The use of static beam or volumetric arc technique was recorded, as was the compliance with rectal dose constraints.
Statistical analysis and research ethics
Incidences of grade ≥1 late rectal toxicities with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated at 1, 2, and 5 years after treatment. The Kaplan-Meier curve method was used to illustrate the time to onset of late rectal toxicities. The Chi squared test, Fisher’s exact test, independent t test, or Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare baseline patient characteristics, pharmacological and dosimetric parameters between patients in grades 0 and ≥1 late toxicities, as well as in patients with late proctitis. The association of each parameter with late proctitis was examined using a multivariable binary logistic regression model with a backward stepwise selection method, including variables with P<0.1 in univariable regression analyses. The presence of multicollinearity was determined by using variance inflation factors. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Windows version 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). The threshold of statistical significance was set at P<0.05. The STROBE checklist was followed to ensure standardised reporting.
From January 2007 to December 2011, a total of 238 patients with prostatic cancer received radical radiotherapy in our institution. As shown in the Figure, 232 patients were included in the analysis. The mean age of patients was 72.3 ± 4.8 years at time of radiotherapy (Table 1). The mean follow-up period was 7.3 ± 2.1 years, and there were 157 (67.7%) surviving patients at the cut-off date for data collection. Forty-two (18.1%) patients had been diagnosed with biochemical recurrence during the study period, based on the Phoenix definition.22 In total, 229 patients received a PTV dose of ≤70 Gy. Owing to genuine bowel invasion, or as a component of individualised dose escalation, four patients received a PTV dose of 66 to 76 Gy, of which three were >70 Gy. Colonoscopy was performed in 103 (44.4%) patients during follow-up. Among patients with per-rectal bleeding, 93 (88.6%) had undergone colonoscopy.

Figure. Patient recruitment

Table 1. Baseline clinical, pharmacological, and dosimetric parameters of prostate cancer patients treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy, stratified by severity of late rectal toxicities and late proctitis
Occurrences of acute and late rectal toxicities throughout the study period are shown in Table 2. The rates of all-grade acute and late rectal toxicities were 36.2% and 46.5%, respectively; the rates of grade ≥2 late rectal toxicities and proctitis were 28.4% and 25.0%, respectively. Nineteen (8.2%) patients had grade 3 per-rectal bleeding, with 15 (78.9%) requiring blood transfusion and eight (42.1%) requiring endoscopic coagulation. The cumulative incidences of rectal toxicities at 1, 2, and 5 years after treatment are shown in Table 3. The median times of onset of late proctitis, late faecal incontinence, and late per-rectal bleeding were 15, 21.8, and 18.4 months, respectively.

Table 2. Occurrences of acute and late rectal toxicities during the study period (n=232)

Table 3. Incidences of grade ≥1 late rectal toxicities at selected time points
Patients’ detailed demographic, pharmacological, and dosimetric parameters are listed in Table 1. Factors including history of haemorrhoid, PTV dose, and V70 were significantly different between patients with and without late rectal toxicities. In addition, age was the sole demographic factor significantly associated with late proctitis. There was no significant association between antiplatelet use and late rectal toxicities (P=0.066). No associations were found between late proctitis and other demographic or pharmacological characteristics (eg, PTV dose and history of haemorrhoid) in this study.
Univariable and stepwise multivariable analyses were performed to identify factors predictive of
late proctitis (Table 4). In univariable analysis, the presence of acute rectal toxicities, antiplatelet use, age at radiotherapy, Dmax, and dose/volume histogram parameters (ie V50, V60, V70, and rectal constraints) were identified as potential risk factors. In the regression model with all potential risk factors included, multicollinearity was detected among the dose/volume histogram parameters (variance inflation factors of 7.21, 8.69, 3.05, and 4.97 for V50, V60, V70, and rectal constraints, respectively). Compared to V50 and V60, V70 (ie, the high-dose region) showed a stronger association with late proctitis in univariable analysis. Multicollinearity was resolved by exclusion of V50 and V60 from the multivariable regression model. The final multivariable regression model revealed increased odds of late proctitis in patients with older age, higher V70, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities. Antiplatelet use tended to show higher odds, but this finding was not statistically significant (odds ratio=1.98, 95% CI=0.95-4.14). Dmax and satisfaction of the 3rd criteria alone were associated with late proctitis in univariable analysis, but the associations were not significant in multivariable analysis.

Table 4. Association with grade ≥1 late proctitis: binary logistic regression
Common treatment modalities among patients with grade ≥2 late proctitis were also recorded. Topical agents such as Ultraproct® (commercial preparation of fluocortolone pivalate, fluocortolone hexanoate, and cinchocaine hydrochloride), bismuth ointment, or an antifibrinolytic agent (eg, tranexamic acid) are commonly used as first-line treatment.23 More than half (53.4%) of the patients had been administered an antifibrinolytic agent, while 77.6% and 19% of the patients were prescribed Ultraproct® and bismuth, respectively. Prednisolone enaema was also administered in 22 (37.9%) patients; the median duration of enaema use was 3.5 months (interquartile range, 1-7.25 months). Subjective improvement was reported by eight (36.4%) patients who received enaema treatment.
Radiation proctitis and other long-term rectal toxicities are clinically significant complications of radiotherapy to the prostate, due to their detrimental effects on patients’ quality of life, as well as the expected long duration of post-treatment survival. In our cohort, the incidences of late proctitis (30.2%) and overall rectal toxicities (46.5%) were slightly higher than those in previous reports (5%-21%).1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Comparison of baseline characteristics showed that more patients had ≥T3 disease in our cohort, although we found no statistically significant association between T-staging and a higher incidence of proctitis; similarly, no association between these parameters were reported in other studies.8 12 Other variables with possible interactions were similar between our study and prior studies; these included age, dosimetric parameters (eg, V70, which was 14% in our study and 10% to 23% in previous studies), and the use of antiplatelets.8 11 12
There are two possible explanations for the higher incidences of late proctitis and overall rectal toxicities. First, our study involved frequent utilisation of colonoscopy for any rectal symptoms, which may lead to a higher rate of recognition; notably, the rate of utilisation was not reported in previous studies. Second, our study had a relatively long follow-up period. Previous studies described the incidence of toxicity throughout the study period. The mean follow-up period in our study was 7.3 years, whereas that of most previous studies was 38.9 to 66 months; in one notable exception, the follow-up period was 8.4 years (the incidence was 21% in that study).3 The longer study period may also have contributed to a higher number of late rectal toxicities.
Previous reports suggested that a variety of parameters are associated with late proctitis; knowledge of these parameters could help clinicians to predict the risk of proctitis in each patient. In our study, age, and dosimetric parameters including V50, V60, and V70 were associated with late proctitis; history of haemorrhoid and V70 were associated with overall late rectal toxicities. These findings are consistent with the results of previous studies.10 11 12 13 14 24 Some factors identified in prior studies, including diabetes, previous abdominal surgery, and the use of antiandrogen or anticoagulant medication,11 13 25 failed to demonstrate any associations in the present study. Of note, <10% of the patients in our study had a history of abdominal surgery or inflammatory bowel disease; this could have influenced our ability to identify a statistically significant association. Recall bias, incomplete documentation of coexisting medical conditions and pharmacological histories, and the relatively small sample size in our cohort may have influenced our conclusions regarding factors associated with overall late rectal toxicities and/or late proctitis.
Several dosimetric parameters and dose/volume histogram data (including V50, V60, and V70) were also associated with late proctitis, as in previous studies.8 Our in-house rectal constraints did not demonstrate significant associations with the occurrence of proctitis (P=0.092). Notably, in the present study, the PTV dose was associated with overall late toxicities, but not with late proctitis specifically. Most patients received 70 Gy in this study; therefore, the effects of PTV dose on complications were difficult to establish.
Regression analysis was used to predict the odds of late proctitis among patients in our study. As shown in Table 4, higher V70, older age, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities were found to increase the odds of late proctitis. Poon et al8 also reported similar findings concerning acute rectal toxicities; however, they did not find associations with V70 or age. The increased incidence of late proctitis in our study may have enhanced our ability to identify significantly associated factors. Nevertheless, both our present study and the study of Poon et al8 demonstrated that patients with acute rectal toxicities during radiotherapy had higher incidences of late proctitis than patients without acute rectal toxicities. Similar results were reported by Fellin et al.11 Taken together, the present and prior results indicate that the presence of acute toxicities is predictive for late proctitis. Clinicians should be vigilant and perform prompt investigations when patients with acute toxicities report any rectal symptoms during subsequent follow-up.
Theoretically, dosimetric parameters are expected to be associated with late proctitis. In our study, the dosimetric parameters exhibited modest associations with late proctitis. Notably, we did not find a significant association between our in-house rectal constraints and the occurrence of late proctitis. Fellin et al11 demonstrated similar associations between late proctitis and V70, as well as other dosimetric parameters, in their cohort. This suggests that the presence of confounding factors may reduce the strength of associations with late proctitis. A notable factor is the inter-fractional variation of rectal and bladder filling; specifically, Miralbell et al26 found that rectal filling was significantly associated with late rectal toxicities. Imaging-guided radiotherapy with inter-fractional bowel and bladder control has been suggested in accordance with the nomogram designed by Delobel et al9; this type of therapy could reduce the risks of acute and late rectal toxicities. In our study, there was no strict inter-fractional bowel or imaging control for bladder and rectal volumes during the course of IMRT. Although we found no statistically significant difference in the mean rectal volume during simulation computed tomography between patients with and without late proctitis, we could not retrieve the inter-fractional variation in rectal volumes for analysis in this study; this factor was also excluded from analysis in the study by Fellin et al.11 Although identical instructions were provided to patients during simulation and treatment, inter-fractional variations may have been statistically significant. To further confirm whether dosimetric parameters are predictive of late proctitis, a prospective study is needed in which strict interfractional rectal and bladder control are performed, in combination with improved treatment verification strategies (eg, the use of cone beam computed tomography).
There were a few weaknesses in this study. First, this was a retrospective study in which incomplete reporting may have occurred and data might have been missing. Second, the small sample size and the low prevalences of some clinical factors and events may have affected the statistical power to determine associations between rates of complications and potential predictive factors (eg, use of anticoagulants and presence of inflammatory bowel disease). Third, confounding factors might have been present as mentioned earlier in the Discussion, and could not be controlled because of the retrospective nature of this study. However, this study did identify factors that clinicians could use to predict the occurrence of late proctitis. The significant association of V70 with late proctitis should be applied to radiotherapy planning, in that high doses to the rectal volume should be limited where possible.
In summary, late rectal toxicities were frequent among patients in this study in Hong Kong. The occurrence of late proctitis was associated with age, V50, V60, and V70; the occurrence overall late rectal toxicities was associated with a history of haemorrhoid, PTV dose, and V70. Multivariable regression analysis suggested that age, V70, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities could predict the occurrence of late proctitis. Clinicians should closely monitor patients for the occurrence of late proctitis if they exhibit these high-risk factors.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: BYH Ng, ACK Cheng.
Acquisition of data: BYH Ng.
Analysis or interpretation of data: BYH Ng, ELM Yu, TTS Lau.
Drafting of the article: BYH Ng, ELM Yu, TTS Lau, KS Law.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: BYH Ng, ELM Yu, KS Law, ACK Cheng.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflict of interest.
The initial abstract was presented at the “ESTRO meets Asia” Conference 2019, Singapore, 6-8 December 2019.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sector.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Kowloon West Cluster research ethics committee (Ref KW/EX-19-020(131-08)) and the requirement for patient consent was waived by the committee.
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Risk of post-contrast acute kidney injury in emergency department patients with sepsis

Hong Kong Med J 2019;25:Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Risk of post-contrast acute kidney injury in emergency department patients with sepsis
YC Hsu, MD1; HY Su, MD1; CK Sun, MD, PhD1,2; CY Liang, MD3,4; TB Chen, PhD5; CW Hsu, MD, PhD1,2
1 Department of Emergency Medicine, E-Da Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2 School of Medicine for International Students, College of Medicine, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3 Department of Emergency Medicine, E-Da Cancer Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4 Department of Information Engineering, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
5 Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Corresponding author: Dr CW Hsu (saab30002000@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Although computed tomography (CT) is a useful tool for exploring occult infection in patients with sepsis in the emergency department, the potential nephrotoxicity of contrast media is a major concern. Our study aimed to investigate the association between use of contrast-enhanced CT and the risks of acute kidney injury and other adverse outcomes in patients with sepsis.
Methods: In total, 587 patients with sepsis who underwent CT scan (enhanced CT group: 105, non-enhanced CT group: 482) from January 2012 to December 2016 at a tertiary referral centre were enrolled in this retrospective analysis, and propensity score matching was performed to minimise the selection bias. The length of stay, incidences of acute kidney injury and emergent dialysis, and short-term mortality were compared between the two groups.
Results: Compared with patients in the non-enhanced CT group, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group did not have increased risks of acute kidney injury (odds ratio [OR]=1.38, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.55-3.43; P=0.489), emergent dialysis (OR=1.31, 95% CI=0.47-3.68; P=0.602), or short-term mortality (OR=0.90, 95% CI=0.48-1.69; P=0.751). In addition, there was no significant difference in the median length of hospital stay between survivors in the two groups (20 vs 19 days, P=0.742).
Conclusions: Intravenous contrast administration during CT scanning was not associated with prolonged length of hospital stay in patients with sepsis in an emergency setting; moreover, the use of contrast-enhanced CT was not associated with increased risks of acute kidney injury, emergent dialysis, or short-term mortality.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The risks of nephrotoxicity and other adverse outcomes (ie, emergent dialysis, short-term mortality, and increased length of stay) were not increased after intravenous contrast administration during computed tomography scanning of patients with sepsis.
  • Renal function improved within 48-72 hours after computed tomography scans, relative to initial measurements in all patients, suggesting that sepsis (not the administration of contrast media) was the primary determinant of clinical outcomes.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The lack of a significant correlation between the administration of contrast agents and the risk of acute kidney injury in patients with sepsis conflicts with the tendency to withhold contrast-enhanced computed tomography for the diagnostic assessment and management of sepsis in the emergency setting.
  • After weighing the benefits and risks of contrast administration, clinicians could utilise contrast-enhanced computed tomography scanning in a reasonable manner in critically ill patients with sepsis, in order to identify occult infection foci earlier and facilitate prompt medical management.
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that contributes to nearly 850 000 emergency department (ED) visits annually in the US.1 According to the practice guidelines published by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, a care bundle of sepsis treatment—including fluid resuscitation, antimicrobial therapy, and source control—is recommended as life-saving treatment for patients with sepsis.2 Computed tomography (CT) scanning is a popular method for identifying the focus of infection and guiding the implementation of an appropriate antimicrobial strategy in emergency medical care settings.3 The utilisation of CT scans in the ED has increased considerably, such that more than 70 million CT scans are performed in the US annually.4 Approximately one in seven patients undergoes a CT scan during evaluation in the ED.5
Although the use of iodinated contrast media is an important method for improving the diagnostic accuracy of CT examination,6 there are concerns regarding the potential for precipitating renal dysfunction, especially in patients who already have impaired renal function.7 8 The third leading cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in hospitalised patients is reported to be contrast-associated (CA)-AKI9; CA-AKI is associated with increased risks of major adverse events, including myocardial infarction, renal failure, and mortality.7 10 Nevertheless, it remains controversial whether an association exists between intravenous administration of contrast media during CT scans and the development of CA-AKI.11 12 13 This controversy exists largely because the introduction of refined iso- or low-osmolar contrast agents has reduced the risk of AKI14 and because the majority of previous studies on CA-AKI were performed in patients who underwent coronary angiography,15 16 17 which utilises different dosages and routes of contrast administration relative to those of conventional contrast-enhanced CT scans.18 Previous studies on CA-AKI in an emergency setting have been inconclusive.6 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 Although those studies investigated the benefits and risks of contrast administration in many clinical settings, including acute stroke, pulmonary embolism, and trauma, very few of them evaluated the impact of contrast administration on patients with sepsis. Notably, sepsis remains a leading cause of mortality in critically ill patients2 and CT imaging studies play important roles in both identifying the source of infection and facilitating infection control in patients with sepsis; therefore, the current study aimed to investigate whether intravenous contrast administration in patients with sepsis was associated with an increased risk of AKI and increased incidences of other adverse clinical outcomes.
Study design
This retrospective cohort study was conducted at a tertiary referral medical centre with approximately 50 000 ED visits per year. The study population included all adult (age ≥18 years) patients who visited the ED and underwent CT scans (including brain, chest, abdomen or extremities) and serial serum creatinine measurements during their initial ED visits and any follow-ups within 48 to 72 hours from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016. Patients with sepsis were identified by principal diagnosis and serum lactate measurement, in accordance with Sepsis-3 guidelines.25 Patients who received haemodialysis, underwent contrast-enhanced CT scan within 3 months, or experienced a cardiac arrest event before ED arrival were excluded from the analysis. This study protocol followed the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines.
Data collection
Demographic characteristics of the enrolled patients (ie, age and sex) and clinical information (eg, co-morbidities, chronic medications, laboratory results, acute illness, types and dosage of contrast agent, and initial and final diagnoses) were obtained from written medical charts and electronic medical records. Co-morbidities were coded based on International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification diagnostic codes reported in medical records. In accordance with World Health Organization criteria, anaemia was defined as baseline haematocrit values below 39% and below 36% for men and women, respectively.26 Chronic kidney disease was defined as a baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, calculated using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation.27 Baseline renal function was calculated according to each patient’s serum creatinine level at 24 hours before the CT scan. The presence of shock was identified by the need for vasopressors to maintain hemodynamic stability despite adequate fluid administration during ED stay.
Outcome measures
We divided the eligible patients for this study into two groups: contrast-enhanced CT and non-enhanced CT; primary and secondary outcomes were recorded and compared between groups. The primary outcome was the incidence of AKI, which was defined as an absolute increase of 0.5 mg/dL or >50% increase in baseline serum creatinine concentration within 48 to 72 hours after CT scan.28 The secondary outcomes included the incidences of emergent dialysis (defined as initiation of dialysis during the hospital stay) and short-term mortality (defined as death within 30 days after CT scan), as well as the difference in length of hospital stay for survivors.
Sample size estimation
The estimation of sample size was performed with PASS 11 software in accordance with the results of previous studies regarding AKI incidence in patients with sepsis29 and odds ratio (OR) of CA-AKI.30 With a 30% incidence of AKI in patients with sepsis and an OR of 2.7 for CA-AKI, we determined that 109 patients were needed to detect a significant association with probability (power) of 0.8 and Type 1 error of 0.05.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as means±standard deviations or medians with 25th to 75th percentiles (ie, interquartile range) for continuous variables, and as numbers (%) for categorical variables. Two-sample t tests and Chi squared tests were used to compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. A two-tailed P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Propensity score matching was performed to reduce potential selection bias and other confounding factors. We calculated the propensity score for each patient by modelling the probability of receiving contrast medium. Variables in the model were composed of factors that influence outcomes related to renal function or influence the selection of contrast medium. We used total 21 variables including age, sex, co-morbidities (ie, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, coronary artery disease, left heart failure, chronic kidney disease, anaemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dyslipidaemia, and malignancy), nephrotoxic medications (ie, statins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers, nephrotoxic antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and vancomycin), laboratory data (ie, initial serum creatinine, eGFR, and serum lactate), measures of illness severity (ie, initial presence of septic shock and need for intensive care unit [ICU] admission) to calculate the propensity scores for all patients. A multivariable logistic regression analysis model using nearest-neighbour matching, calliper 0.1, was generated to predict the probability of receiving contrast medium. We used the resulting propensity scores to match the contrast-enhanced CT group members with non-enhanced CT group members at a ratio of 1:1. Patients without a corresponding match were excluded. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Windows version 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US).
Study population and contrast agents
During the study period, 200 427 adult patients visited the ED; of these, 712 met the criteria for inclusion in this study. After further exclusion of patients with elevated serum lactate levels from shock with non-septic aetiology, the remaining 587 patients (enhanced CT group: 105; non-enhanced CT group: 482) were analysed (Fig). In the contrast-enhanced CT group, 23 patients received intravenous iopromide (Ultravist 370; Bayer Parma AG, Berlin, Germany) and 82 patients received intravenous iohexol (Omnipaque; Bayer Parma AG, Berlin, Germany). Only one patient received a contrast volume >100 mL (120 mL).

Figure. Flowchart of patient enrolment
Prior to propensity score matching, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group were significantly younger; moreover, they had lower prevalences of hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, compared to patients in the non-enhanced CT group. Patients in the enhanced CT group also had significantly lower initial and follow-up serum creatinine levels, and had higher initial serum lactate levels than those in the non-enhanced CT group. There were no significant differences in the incidences of shock and ICU admission between the two groups (Table 1).

Table 1. Demographic and characteristics of patients with sepsis (n=587)
By using propensity score with 1:1 matching, 101 patients with sepsis in the contrast-enhanced CT group were successfully paired with an equal number of patients in the non-enhanced CT group. After matching, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in any covariates (Table 2).

Table 2. Demographic and characteristics of matched patients with sepsis (n=202)
Treatment outcomes
Before propensity score matching, the risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, and short-term mortality were not significantly greater in the contrast-enhanced CT group than in the non-enhanced CT group. Five of 44 patients with sepsis in the non-enhanced CT group who received emergency haemodialysis subsequently required chronic dialysis; however, no patients required chronic dialysis in the contrast-enhanced CT group. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the length of hospital stay between the two groups (Table 3). The same results were observed after propensity score matching: there were no notable differences in the risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, or short-term mortality; the median length of hospital stay was also similar between the matched contrast-enhanced and non-enhanced CT groups (Table 4).

Table 3. Outcomes analysis of unmatched patients with sepsis

Table 4. Outcomes analysis of matched patients with sepsis
In this ED-based single-centre retrospective study, we performed a subgroup analysis to investigate the possible adverse clinical impacts of contrast agent administration in patients with sepsis. By using propensity score matching, we demonstrated that intravenous administration of contrast media in patients with sepsis was not associated with increased risks of AKI or other adverse outcomes, following contrast-enhanced CT scans to identify foci of infection. During revision of this manuscript, Hinson et al31 reported a retrospective cohort study; they concluded that contrast medium administration was not associated with increased incidence of AKI in patients with sepsis, consistent with our findings. Compared with the study by Hinson et al, the patients in our study had more severe sepsis (ie, higher incidences of shock and ICU admission); moreover, our findings revealed that administration of reasonable volumes of contrast medium did not increase the risks of emergency dialysis or short-term mortality. Thus, clinicians can use contrast-enhanced CT scans in a reasonable manner in septic patients, in order to identify occult infection foci earlier and facilitate prompt medical management.
Our patients had surprisingly high prevalences of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease, which could have been related to their older age, as reported in a prior study.32 Before propensity score matching, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group were significantly younger and had fewer co-morbidities, including hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Moreover, patients in the contrast-enhanced CT group had lower initial serum creatinine levels and higher eGFRs, as observed in other studies.6 32 This could be related to the common clinical practice of using contrast-enhanced CT for younger patients with few co-morbidities and relatively good renal function, based on considerations of the potential nephrotoxicities of the contrast agents7; a few patients with poor renal function (24 of 482 patients with sepsis in the non-enhanced CT group) may also have avoided contrast agents following an explanation of the potential for nephrotoxicity. Clinicians may have hesitated to administer contrast media to patients with respiratory disease because of the risk of immediate hypersensitivity reaction; however, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have not been established as consistent risk factors for contrast media-related adverse drug reactions.33 The lack of significant differences in risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, and short-term mortality between the non-enhanced and enhanced CT groups before propensity score matching in our study may have been influenced by the above-mentioned tendency for clinicians to perform contrast-enhanced CT in presumably healthier patients. However, it is difficult to evaluate the causal relationship between administration of contrast agents and risk of AKI in patients with sepsis by comparing two patient groups with many different demographic and characteristics; therefore, we used propensity score matching to minimise the impacts of potential confounders.
Although the mean initial serum lactate level in the contrast-enhanced CT group was slightly but significantly higher than that in the non-enhanced CT group, this difference was not correlated with the incidences of acute illness (eg, shock), ICU admission, and short-term mortality between the two groups. In addition, the levels of renal function, reflected by serum creatinine levels and eGFRs within 48 to 72 hours after CT scans, improved relative to initial measurements in both groups. These seemingly paradoxical findings suggested that sepsis, rather than the administration of contrast media, was the determinant of clinical outcomes in the present study.
Previous studies in emergency medical settings have shown wide variation in the incidence of post-contrast AKI (3.2%-12%); this may be partially explained by the variety of diseases encountered in the ED, as well as differences in the definitions of AKI adopted in each study.6 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 Nearly half of the patients (49%) in the present study experienced septic shock; thus, the increased incidence of post-contrast AKI in our patients (12.4%), compared with that observed in prior studies, may be attributed to the impaired physical status of our patients. This may also explain the considerably higher rates of emergent dialysis and short-term mortality, as well as the increased median length of hospital stay for survivors among our patients, compared to those parameters measured in other studies that did not focus on patients with sepsis.21 34
Thus far, the pathophysiology of CA-AKI remains poorly characterised. Based on the results of some animal studies, proposed mechanisms include acute tubular necrosis caused by medullary hypoxia from vasoconstriction, as well as direct cytotoxic effects of the contrast agent on renal tubular cells.35 36 Compared with AKI caused by other aetiologies, CA-AKI involves relatively rapid recovery of renal function; this is potentially because of the reduced extent of tubular necrosis, which leads to minor and transient functional impairment of tubular epithelial cells.37 Nevertheless, sepsis is the leading cause of AKI in critically ill patients and is associated with a higher mortality rate among patients in the ICU, compared with patients who have AKI caused by other aetiologies.38 Therefore, hesitation to perform contrast-enhanced CT scans for patients with sepsis, in order to identify occult infection foci, could result in delayed diagnoses of life-threatening conditions that carry considerable risks of morbidity and mortality, even in patients with serum creatinine up to 4.0 mg/dL.6
A number of studies performed in the past several years have been designed to maintain a balance between the benefits and adverse effects of contrast-enhanced CT scans in many clinical settings.6 7 12 20 21 22 The vast majority of those studies showed no significant association between the use of contrast agents and an increased risk of AKI. Consistent with the prior findings, contrast-enhanced CT scans of our patients with sepsis were not associated with increased risks of AKI and other adverse clinical outcomes. Among all aetiologies of AKI in patients requiring emergent medical attention, such as sepsis, dehydration, and nephrotoxic medication use,18 the contribution of CA-AKI is regarded as considerably less important37; notably, our findings support this view. Furthermore, it has been consistently shown that the performance of a contrast-enhanced CT scan is justified in patients for whom the examination is indicated, provided that other risk factors of AKI are well controlled.39
There were several limitations in our study, largely in relation to its single-centre and retrospective design. First, the non-enhanced CT group consisted of older patients with a higher prevalence of hypertension and worse renal function; this suggested a selection bias. Although we routinely checked serum lactate for patients with suspected sepsis in the ED, there were a few patients diagnosed with sepsis who did not have lactate measurement data; this may also have resulted in selection bias. Second, although propensity score matching was used to minimise the impacts of potential confounders, unmeasured confounding variables remained, leading to potentially biased results. Therefore, further large-scale cohort or well-controlled prospective randomised studies are warranted. Finally, the definition of AKI used in this study (elevation of serum creatinine concentration by 0.5 mg/dL or by 50% increase relative to baseline within 48 to 72 hours after contrast administration) may not accurately reflect the clinical condition because the relationship between increases in serum creatinine level and deterioration of renal function is reportedly non-linear.40
Our study demonstrated that the intravenous administration of contrast media during CT scans was not associated with increased risks of AKI, emergent dialysis, or short-term mortality for patients with sepsis in the ED; moreover, the use of contrast-enhanced CT was not associated with prolonged length of hospital stay in these patients. The lack of a significant correlation between the administration of contrast agents and the risk of AKI in patients with sepsis conflicts with the tendency to withhold contrast-enhanced CT for the diagnostic assessment and management of sepsis in the emergency setting. Further studies are necessary to confirm these findings and provide further guidance for clinical practice.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: YC Hsu.
Acquisition of data: HY Su, CW Hsu, CY Liang.
Analysis or interpretation of data: TB Chen.
Drafting of the article: YC Hsu.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: CK Sun, CW Hsu.
Dr Chi-feng Hsieh is acknowledged for providing technical support in sample size calculation.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of E-Da hospital (EMRP-106-037) and the requirement for informed patient consent was waived because of the retrospective observational nature of the study.
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Natural clinical course of progressive supranuclear palsy in Chinese patients in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2019;25:Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Natural clinical course of progressive supranuclear palsy in Chinese patients in Hong Kong
YF Shea, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP1; Alex CK Shum, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; SC Lee, BHS (Nursing)1; Patrick KC Chiu, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP1; KS Leung, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; YK Kwan, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; Francis CK Mok, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; Felix HW Chan, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2
1 Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
2 Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen Mun Hospital, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr YF Shea (elphashea@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a frequent type of atypical parkinsonism. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no study of its natural clinical course among Chinese patients.
Methods: This retrospective study included 21 patients with PSP who had radiological evidence of midbrain atrophy (confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging) from the geriatrics clinics of Queen Mary Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital. Clinical information was retrieved from clinical records, including age at onset, age at presentation, age at death, duration of symptoms, level of education, sex, presenting scores on Cantonese version of Mini-Mental State Examination, clinical symptoms, and history of levodopa or dopamine agonist intake and response. Clinical symptoms were clustered into the following categories and the dates of development of these symptoms were determined: motor symptoms, bulbar symptoms, cognitive symptoms, and others.
Results: Motor symptoms developed early in the clinical course of disease. Cox proportional hazards modelling showed that the number of episodes of pneumonia, time to vertical gaze palsy, and presence of pneumonia were predictive of mortality. Apathy, dysphagia, pneumonia, caregiver stress, and pressure injuries were predictive of mortality when analysed as time-dependent covariates. There was a significant negative correlation between the age at presentation and time to mortality from presentation (Pearson correlation=-0.54, P=0.04). Approximately 40% of caregivers complained of stress during the clinical course of disease.
Conclusion: Important clinical milestones, including the development of dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries, and pneumonia, may guide advanced care planning for patients with PSP.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Although this was a small cohort, 57% of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) were initially misdiagnosed.
  • Important clinical milestones, including the development of apathy, dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries, and pneumonia, were predictive of mortality in patients with PSP.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Monitoring of vertical gaze palsy or levodopa response is important throughout the clinical course of disease in patients with PSP.
  • Important clinical milestones, including the development of dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries and pneumonia, may be used to guide the ideal timing for discussions of advanced care planning for patients with PSP.
With the ageing of the Hong Kong population, clinicians must monitor increasing numbers of patients with neurodegenerative disease. Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a common form of atypical parkinsonism,1 with a prevalence of up to 18 cases per 100 000 people.1 Pathologically, PSP is characterised by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, or both in the basal ganglia and brainstem.1 In patients with classical Richardson’s syndrome, the disease is characterised by early postural instability, falls, vertical gaze palsy, parkinsonism with poor response to levodopa, pseudobulbar palsy, and frontal release signs.2 Increasingly, patients with PSP have been reported to exhibit the following manifestations: parkinsonism, progressive gait freezing, corticobasal syndrome, apraxia of speech, frontal presentation, or cerebellar ataxia.2 Despite advancements in understanding the disease, there remains no approved treatment for PSP.
In addition to the need for accurate diagnosis of PSP, the natural clinical course of the disease is a concern for caregivers.3 4 Important problems for patients with PSP include increased risks of falls, dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, pressure injuries, caregiver stress leading to institutionalisation, and long-term mortality.1 Given the lack of definitive treatment, it remains prudent for clinicians to educate caregivers regarding the natural course of PSP, which will ensure that caregivers are better prepared to care for their relatives; it will also allow implementation of different methods to avoid long-term complications, and may facilitate discussions of advanced care planning (ACP) at earlier stages of disease.3 In particular, clinicians need to identify the appropriate timing to discuss ACP. Previous studies have shown that the mean age at onset of PSP is 61 to 67.2 years, and that the disease affects both sexes equally; moreover, the median survival ranges from 5.3 to 10.2 years.5 Factors predictive of mortality included age at onset, early clinical milestones (eg, falls, vertical gaze palsy, neck or limb stiffness, dysphagia, and incontinence), cognitive impairment, language impairment, autonomic dysfunction, male sex, and certain subtypes of PSP, such as classical Richardson’s syndrome and pneumonia.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
To the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies of the natural clinical course of disease in Chinese patients with PSP. This information is important for clinical treatment and the design of future intervention studies (eg, for the purposes of sample size estimation). In the present study, we hypothesised that bulbar symptoms and pneumonia could predict mortality in patients with PSP. The aims of this study were (1) to calculate the prevalences of motor symptoms, cognitive symptoms, bulbar symptoms, other systemic symptoms, and long-term outcomes (eg, falls, tube feeding, pressure injuries, and institutionalisation) during the clinical course of PSP, and (2) to identify factors predictive of mortality among patients with PSP.
This retrospective study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (HKU/HA HKW IRB; Approval No. UW 17-483) and New Territories West Cluster Clinical and Research Ethics Committee (NTWC CREC; Approval No. NTWC/CREC/17127); the requirement for informed consent was waived by the review board. This study comprised a retrospective review of the clinical records of all patients who presented to the geriatrics clinics of Queen Mary Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital between 1 January 2008 and 30 December 2017. All patients had at least 1 year of clinical follow-up and fulfilled the latest Movement Disorder Society Criteria for clinical diagnosis of PSP.2 In addition, magnetic resonance imaging scans showed radiological evidence of midbrain atrophy (Hummingbird sign or Morning Glory sign) in all patients, according to radiological reports prepared by licensed radiologists.1 Twenty-five patients with clinically probable PSP and radiological evidence of midbrain atrophy were considered for inclusion in this study. Four patients were excluded because their clinical history and radiology findings were not suggestive of PSP. Finally, 21 patients were included: 19 had Richardson syndrome variant, one had PSP-corticobasal syndrome, and one had PSP with language impairment. The patient who had PSP with language impairment was previously described.17 Seven and 14 patients were recruited from Queen Mary Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital, respectively.
Baseline clinical information retrieved
Clinical information was retrospectively retrieved from clinical records, including age at onset, age at presentation, age at death, duration of symptoms, level of education, sex, presenting scores on Cantonese version of Mini-Mental State Examination (C-MMSE),18 clinical symptoms, and history of levodopa or dopamine agonists intake or response. Clinical symptoms were clustered into the following categories: motor symptoms (including limb or neck stiffness, slowness of movement, balance impairment, gait impairment, falls, tremor, and vertical gaze palsy), bulbar symptoms (including dysarthria, dysphagia, and drooling), cognitive symptoms (including memory impairment, apathy, apraxia, dysexecutive syndrome, behavioural disinhibition, repetitive motor behaviour, hyperorality, and visual hallucination), and others (including faecal or urinary incontinence, constipation, insomnia, depression, and caregiver stress).6 The dates of development of the above symptom clusters were retrospectively determined.
‘Age at presentation’ was defined as the age at which the patient first presented to the geriatrics clinic. ‘Duration of symptoms’ was defined as the time between the first appearance of clinical symptoms of neurodegenerative disease and the first presentation. ‘Age at onset’ was defined as the difference between the ‘age at presentation’ and the ‘duration of symptoms’. ‘Disease duration’ was defined as the difference between ‘age at onset’ and ‘age at death’ or the last date of follow-up. ‘Time to diagnosis’ was defined as the time between the date of disease onset and the date of diagnosis with PSP. The times to development of the above categories of symptoms were calculated in relation to both disease onset and presentation.
Long-term outcomes
Long-term outcomes were recorded, including falls, dysphagia, pneumonia, pressure sore development, and mortality. ‘Time to event’ was defined by the difference between the onset of clinical symptoms and first appearance of these long-term events. The time to each event from the time of first presentation was also calculated.
These were defined as events that resulted in the patient’s body or body part inadvertently coming to rest on the ground or other surface lower than the body. The dates and numbers of falls were recorded. Geriatric day hospital training was recorded, including the pre-/post-training elderly mobility scale.19 Parkinsonism medications were often titrated in the geriatric day hospital.
A diagnosis of pneumonia was made based on the following criteria: clinical signs and symptoms, white cell count of ≥10×109/L or proportion of neutrophils of ≥80%, fever (body temperature of ≥37.6℃), and new infiltrates or consolidations on chest radiography (X-ray or computed tomography).20 The dates and total numbers of pneumonia diagnoses were recorded.
Any documentation of dysphagia by a speech therapist was recorded; alternatively (if available), reports of video fluoroscopic swallowing studies were obtained. Penetration was defined as the entry of barium material into the airway without passage below the vocal cords; aspiration was defined as the passage of barium material below the level of the vocal cords.21 The dates of diagnosis of dysphagia and tube feeding were recorded.
Pressure injuries
The locations of pressure injuries and their stages, according to National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel guidelines, were recorded.22 The dates of discovery of pressure injuries were recorded.
This was defined as institutionalisation of the patient, regardless of the level of care (eg, personal care facility or health care facility). The dates of institutionalisation were recorded where possible.
The date and cause of death were recorded.
Statistical analysis
For descriptive statistics, continuous variables with normal distributions were expressed as means ± standard deviations; variables that did not exhibit a normal distribution were expressed as medians (interquartile ranges). Symptom prevalences (cumulative incidences) were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method, with the first presentation defined as time zero. Patients who did not exhibit a particular symptom by the most recent assessment were censored at that point. Median times to clinical events were used as cut-offs to define ‘early’ or ‘late’ development of those events (binary classification). Time zero was consistently defined as the first clinical presentation or onset of disease, while the event time was defined as the number of months from first presentation or disease onset to occurrence of the event. Cox proportional hazards modelling was used to identify factors predictive of mortality based on the above binary classification or clinical events as time-dependent covariates. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to study the correlations between age at presentation and time to mortality (from the date of presentation). A two-tailed P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows (version 24; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
Basic demographics
Twenty-one patients were included in this analysis, with a total of 1671.4 months of follow-up from onset (1428.4 months from presentation). The baseline demographics are summarised in Table 1. The mean age of the patients at presentation was 67.6 ± 9.4 years, and most patients were men (76.2%). Fifty-seven percent of the patients received another diagnosis at the time of presentation: nine patients were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, one patient was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia, one patient was diagnosed with cervical myelopathy, and one patient was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. None of the patients showed improvement when treated with levodopa or a dopamine agonist. Six patients (28.6%) exhibited dementia at the time of presentation. Seventeen patients (81%) had been referred to the geriatric day hospital for rehabilitation after a median of 20 months from presentation; they showed improvement in elderly mobility scale score (pre-geriatric day hospital elderly mobility scale score vs post-geriatric day hospital elderly mobility scale score: 14 ± 4.6 vs 16 ± 4.3, respectively, P=0.02). Fifteen patients (71.4%) died during follow-up with mean survival of 6.1 ± 2.6 years from onset (5.2 ± 3.2 years from presentation); 12 of these 15 patients (80%) died of pneumonia, while two (13.3%) died of sudden cardiac arrest.

Table 1. Basic demographics of Chinese patients with progressive supranuclear palsy in Hong Kong
Clinical features
Among the categories of potential symptoms, motor symptoms were most prevalent during initial presentation (specific symptoms affected up to 33.3% of patients) [Fig 1]. Motor manifestations were among the earliest clinical features observed in patients with PSP (online supplementary Appendix). The most frequent motor symptoms at the time of presentation were limb stiffness (33.3%) and gait impairment (28.6%). Vertical gaze palsy was present in 19% of patients at the time of presentation, but eventually affected all patients (100%). The prevalence of gait impairment increased rapidly, such that ≥80% of the patients were affected within 3 years after presentation. All motor features showed increased in prevalence over time, with final prevalences ranging from 47.6% to 100%. Regarding bulbar symptoms, dysarthria was the most frequent presenting symptom (9.5%). Both dysarthria and dysphagia reached 100% prevalence over time (Fig 1).

Figure 1. Cumulative prevalence plots for motor symptoms and bulbar symptoms: symptom prevalences were estimated and expressed as the proportions of total patients for motor and bulbar symptoms, using the Kaplan-Meier method with the baseline assessment defined as time zero
Regarding cognitive symptoms, memory impairment and apathy were the two most frequent presenting symptoms, with prevalences of 33.3% and 23.8%, respectively (Fig 2). The respective prevalences of memory impairment and apathy increased to >65% and >45% over time. The prevalence of dysexecutive syndrome reached 28.6% during the clinical course of disease. Other cognitive symptoms relevant to patients with PSP showed lower prevalence, including apraxia, behavioural disinhibition, repetitive motor behaviour, hyperorality, and visual hallucination; the highest prevalence for any of these symptoms was 9.5% throughout the clinical course of disease. The degree of caregiver stress also increased with progression of disease, such that it reached approximately 40% within 5 years after initial presentation.

Figure 2. Cumulative prevalence plots for other symptoms and long-term outcomes: prevalences were estimated and expressed as the proportions of total patients for other symptoms and long-term outcomes, using the Kaplan-Meier method with the baseline assessment defined as time zero
Regarding systemic symptoms, faecal and urinary incontinence showed the highest prevalences (both reached approximately 40%), particularly in the later stages of disease (Fig 2). Regarding long-term outcomes, the prevalences of aspiration pneumonia and dysphagia requiring Ryle’s tube insertion both reached 100% over time (Fig 2).
Factors predicting mortality
Using median time to clinical events as cut-off (binary classification) [online supplementary Appendix] and with analysis in a Cox proportional hazards model, our results showed that earlier development of vertical gaze palsy (hazard ratio [HR]=4.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.4-13.9, P=0.01) and earlier development of pneumonia (HR=10.9, 95% CI=2.2-53.3, P=0.003) were predictive of mortality from disease onset (Table 2). Multivariate analysis showed that earlier development of vertical gaze palsy (HR=3.8, 95% CI=1.1-13.0, P=0.04) and earlier development of pneumonia (HR=10.4, 95% CI=1.9-55.7, P=0.006) were predictive of mortality from disease onset (Table 2). Earlier development of vertical gaze palsy (HR=3.3, 95% CI=1.1-10.5, P=0.01), earlier development of dysphagia (HR=3.7, 95% CI=1.0-12.9, P=0.04), and earlier development of pneumonia (HR=10.6, 95% CI=2.2-52.0, P=0.004) were predictive of mortality from disease presentation (Table 2). Multivariate analysis showed that only earlier development of pneumonia (HR=9.9, 95% CI=1.9-51.8, P=0.007) was predictive of mortality from presentation (Table 2). The number of episodes of pneumonia was also predictive of mortality in patients with PSP, indicating that pneumonia is a major cause of mortality (Table 2). There was a significant negative correlation between the age at presentation and time to mortality from presentation (Pearson correlation=-0.54, P=0.04).

Table 2. Results of Cox modelling for prediction of mortality using median times to specific clinical events as cut-offs
Using clinical events as time-dependent covariates in Cox modelling for prediction of mortality, we found that apathy, dysphagia, Ryle’s tube feeding, pneumonia, and pressure injuries were predictive of mortality from both disease onset and presentation (Table 3). Caregiver stress was only predictive of mortality from presentation (Table 3).

Table 3. Results of Cox modelling for prediction of mortality using clinical events as time-dependent covariates
An accurate diagnosis of PSP is important for management of the disease in affected patients. However, only 43% of the patients in this study received a correct diagnosis at the time of initial presentation. This is potentially because vertical gaze palsy was not present initially and only developed during clinical follow-up (median time to develop, 19.6 months; online supplementary Appendix). In addition, 43% of patients were initially misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s disease; this group of patients may have had PSP with parkinsonism.2 Clinicians should regularly assess patients with parkinsonism for the presence of any vertical gaze palsy or poor response to levodopa, in order to correctly identify patients with PSP. Our reported mean time to diagnosis of 3 years was similar to the duration reported in previous studies (mean, 3.1-4 years).1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28
With regard to clinical features, our cohort of patients exhibited early development of motor symptoms, which was consistent with previous studies.1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28 Our cohort of patients showed evidence of improved mobility, as reflected by changes in elderly mobility scale score after training in the geriatric day hospital, with a median time to referral of 20 months from the initial clinical presentation. Patients with PSP should be referred to a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist for fall assessment, as well as guidance regarding the potential need for walking aids. Relatives should be educated to ensure close monitoring of environmental risks for falls. The patients in our cohort showed relatively early development of memory problems at a median duration of 9 months, which contrasted with the mean duration of 12 months observed in another study.6 There may have been bias in the current cohort, which recruited patients with PSP from a geriatrics clinic whereas the patients in the previous study were recruited from a neurology clinic.6
A previous meta-analysis showed mixed results with regard to whether the age at onset of PSP was predictive of mortality.5 Pooled results from six studies showed no prognostic effect of yearly increases in age at disease onset in either univariate or multivariate analyses.5 However, pooled results from nine studies using median age at onset as cut-off showed a pooled HR of 1.75 (95% CI=1.32-2.32) in multivariate analysis.5 Other predictors of mortality found in the present study, including vertical gaze palsy, dysphagia, pneumonia, or pressure injuries, were previously reported in other studies.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 It remains unknown whether resolution of dysphagia in patients with PSP can prevent pneumonia and reduce mortality. It is important for clinicians to refer patients with PSP involving dysphagia to a speech therapist for advice regarding food texture and appropriate swallowing posture (ie, chin-tuck) [Table 4].29 During the clinical course of disease, approximately 40% of primary caregivers complained of caregiver stress, which was also determined to be a significant predictor of mortality. Patient aggression and depression have been reported as sources of stress.4 When these positive predictors of mortality appear, clinicians should consider discussing ACP with patients or caregivers (Table 4).

Table 4. Recommendations for the management of disease in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy
The finding of apathy as a time-dependent covariate for prediction of mortality is notable. Recently, apathy was found to predict survival in a cohort of 124 patients with syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (including 35 patients with PSP, mean age of 72.2 ± 8.5 years).30 The development of apathy in patients with PSP was related to brainstem, midbrain, and frontal atrophy.30 It remains unknown whether apathy accelerates the decline to death or indirectly signifies the degree of brainstem degeneration, including the development of dysphagia, which is also related to greater mortality. Future clinical trials may consider the use of therapeutic measures to address apathy, in order to assess their impacts on the survival of patients with PSP.
Because there is currently no disease-modifying treatment for patients with PSP, ACP is an important component of clinical care, for which patients and their caregivers can reach a consensus during the clinical course of disease.4 In addition, symptomatic care plays an important role. Symptoms relevant to patients with PSP include dystonia, drooling, gaze palsy (also known as reduced blinking), constipation, and apathy.4 Drooling could be managed by the administration of sublingual atropine drops (Table 4).4 Reduced blinking could be managed by frequent application of lubricating eyedrops. Gaze palsy could be managed by the use of prisms or audiobooks (Table 4).4 Apathy could be minimised by addressing sensory deficits, such as through the use of eyeglasses or hearing aids (Table 4).4 Up to 75% of patients with PSP could be discharged home after stabilisation of symptoms.4
There were multiple limitations in this current study. First, it was a retrospective study involving reviews of clinical charts, and may be biased due to inconsistent documentation of symptoms. Second, there was a limited number of patients included, none of whom had autopsy and pathological confirmation of their diagnosis; however, we had radiological evidence of PSP. Third, our descriptive statistical results should be regarded as preliminary findings; only limited variables could be included in our Cox proportional hazards modelling for survival analysis. Notably, no specific scales were used to assess the severity of parkinsonism or other symptoms, including response to levodopa; most of our evaluations were subjective. Sequential C-MMSE scores were not recorded; thus, we were unable to examine the development of dementia over time. Fourth, we only included patients attending the geriatrics clinic; therefore, our cohort may not be fully representative of patients with PSP who present to most neurology clinics. Finally, the limited numbers of patients precluded stratified analyses based on subtypes of PSP.
In conclusion, important clinical milestones, including the development of dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries, and pneumonia, may be used to guide the ideal timing for discussions of ACP for patients with PSP, in order to facilitate long-term care.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: YF Shea, ACK Shum.
Acquisition of data: YF Shea, ACK Shum.
Analysis or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the article: YF Shea, ACK Shum.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: All authors.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This retrospective study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/ Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (HKU/HA HKW IRB; Ref UW 17-483) and New Territories West Cluster Clinical and Research Ethics Committee (NTWC CREC; Ref NTWC/CREC/17127). The requirement for informed consent was waived by the review board.
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Substance abuse effects on urinary tract: methamphetamine and ketamine

Hong Kong Med J 2019;25:Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Substance abuse effects on urinary tract: methamphetamine and ketamine
CH Yee, MB, BS, FRCS (Edin)1; CF Ng, MB, ChB, FRCS (Edin)1; YL Hong, MSc2; PT Lai, BN1; YH Tam, MB, ChB, FRCS (Edin)2
1 Department of Surgery, SH Ho Urology Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr CH Yee (yeechihang@surgery.cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Ketamine is known to cause urinary tract dysfunction. Recently, methamphetamine (MA) abuse has become a growing problem in Asia. We investigated the symptomatology and voiding function in patients who abused MA and ketamine and compared their urinary tract toxicity profiles.
Methods: In the period of 23 months from 1 October 2016, all consecutive new cases of patients presenting with MA- or ketamine-related urological disorder were recruited into a prospective cohort. Polysubstance abuse patients were excluded. Data were analysed by comparison between patients with ketamine abuse and MA abuse. Basic demographic data and initial symptomatology were recorded, and questionnaires on urinary symptoms and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were used as assessment tools.
Results: Thirty-eight patients were included for analysis. There was a statistically significant difference in mean age between patients with MA and ketamine abuse (27.2 ± 7.2 years and 31.6 ± 4.8 years, respectively, P=0.011). Urinary frequency was the most common urological symptom in our cohort of patients. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of dysuria (ketamine 43.5%, MA 6.7%, P=0.026) and a significant trend in the difference in hesitancy (ketamine 4.3%, MA 26.7%, P=0.069). Overall, questionnaires assessing urinary storage symptoms and voiding symptoms did not find a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The MoCA revealed that both groups had cognitive impairment (ketamine 24.8 ± 2.5, MA 23.6 ± 2.9, P=0.298).
Conclusions: Abuse of MA caused urinary tract dysfunction, predominantly storage symptoms. Compared with ketamine, MA abuse was not commonly associated with dysuria or pelvic pain.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Conventionally, methamphetamine has mainly been implicated for its neurological impact. Our study illustrated the impact of methamphetamine on the urinary tract, ie, an increase in storage symptoms.
  • Cognitive impairment from ketamine abuse was also documented in our study with a valid assessment.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Management of methamphetamine and ketamine abuse should involve multiple disciplines to improve the comprehensiveness of assessment and treatment.
Both the range of available drugs and the scope of drug markets are expanding and diversifying. Abuse of substances such as amphetamine-type stimulants, cannabis, and cocaine are major global health concerns. According to World Health Organization statistics, the number of cannabis users increased from 183 million in 2015 to 192 million in 2016 worldwide, whereas 34 million people abuse amphetamines and prescription stimulants.1
While the spectrum of substance abuse can be wide, many forms of illicit drug use inevitably induce toxicity and detrimental effects on the urinary tract. Smoking cannabis was found to have a significant association with bladder cancer in a hospital-based case-control study,2 attributed to the common carcinogens present in cannabis and tobacco smoke.3 Acute renal infarction has been observed in patients who used cocaine.4 Ketamine has received particular attention in the past few years for its impacts on both the upper and lower urinary tract.5 It has been one of the most commonly abused substances by teenagers since 2005 in Asian cities such as Hong Kong.6
In recent years, methamphetamine (MA) abuse has also become a serious and growing problem in Asia.7 The proportion of people abusing MA increased from 28.8% to 75.1% over a span of 5 years in China.8 Japan has seen its third epidemic of MA abuse since 1995.9 South Korea has also had an increase in psychotropic drug abuse, predominantly MA, from 7919 people in 2014 to 11 396 in 2016.10 In Hong Kong, 25.9% of people who abused drugs had exposure to amphetamine-type psychotropic substances in 2017.11 While the psychological and neurological effects of MA have been widely discussed, the urological aspects of the drug’s side-effects have not yet been well documented in the literature. We investigated the symptomatology and voiding function in a cohort of patients who abused the two most common psychotropic substances in our locality, namely MA and ketamine, and compared their urinary tract toxicity profiles.
In the period of 23 months from 1 October 2016, all consecutive new cases of patients who attended our centre for MA- or ketamine-related urological disorders were seen in a dedicated clinic and were recruited into a prospective cohort. Ethics committee approval was granted for the study (CREC Ref CRE-2011.454). Written informed consent was given by all participants before entering the study.
Basic demographic data were recorded before clinic attendance, including age, sex, employment status, drinking habits, and smoking history. Habits of substance abuse were characterised. Serum creatinine levels, urine microscopy and culture, and uroflowmetry were measured. Initial symptomatology enquiry included the presence and characteristics of frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain, haematuria, hesitancy, intermittency, and incomplete emptying. Functional bladder capacity was calculated by adding the voided volume to post-void urine residuals during the uroflowmetry assessment. Urological symptoms were assessed with the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) or the Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS).12 The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) was used to assess sexual function in male respondents who were sexually active in the preceding 4 weeks. Another component of symptom assessment was the Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency (PUF) patient symptom scale. The Chinese version of the PUF symptom scale is a validated assessment tool for cystitis.13 For cognitive dysfunction, we employed the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as an assessment tool. Chu et al14 proved the validity and reliability of the Cantonese Chinese MoCA as a brief screening tool for cognitive impairment.
Polysubstance abuse patients were excluded. Data were analysed by comparison between two groups of patients, namely those with ketamine abuse only and those with MA abuse only. Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the clinical characteristics of the study cohort. Chi squared tests were used for categorical data, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for continuous data. A P value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. The SPSS (Windows version 24.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) was used for all calculations.
From October 2016 to August 2018, 66 new patients attended our clinic for urological problems secondary to substance abuse. After excluding patients with substance abuse other than ketamine and MA, 38 patients were included for analysis (Table 1). Both genders contributed 19 patients. There was a statistically significant difference in mean age between the two groups of patients with MA and ketamine abuse (27.2 ± 7.2 years and 31.6 ± 4.8 years, respectively, P=0.011). Most patients were not active substance abusers upon presentation to the clinic. While all patients had a history of substance abuse, only two (5.3%) patients were consuming alcohol on a daily basis.

Table 1. Demographics of patients (n=38)
Urinary frequency was the single most common urological symptom in our patient cohort. Regardless of whether the patient was consuming ketamine alone, MA alone, or a combination of ketamine and MA, urinary frequency was found in 71.1% of the patients, with no statistically significant differences between these groups (Table 2). Other symptoms that shared similar distributions between both groups were urgency, suprapubic pain, intermittent stream, and sensation of incomplete emptying. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of dysuria between the two groups (ketamine 43.5%, MA 6.7%, P=0.026). A trend was observed in the difference in prevalence of hesitancy (ketamine 4.3%, MA 26.7%, P=0.069).

Table 2. Presenting symptoms of patients
To summarise the results of questionnaires that assess urinary storage symptoms and voiding symptoms as a whole, neither OABSS nor IPSS revealed a statistically significant difference between the two patient groups (Table 3). The mean IPSS score of the ketamine only group was 20.9 ± 8.1, falling into the severe symptom category, whereas that of the MA only group was 16.1 ± 8.9, falling into the moderate symptom group. No significant differences in maximal voiding velocity, voided volume, post-void residual, or bladder capacity were observed between the two groups. Similarly, no significant difference was observed in sexual function between the male patients of these three groups, as assessed by IIEF.

Table 3. Renal function, symptom scores, and uroflowmetry of patients
Pelvic pain assessment with the PUF symptom scale revealed higher scores in the ketamine group, especially in the Bother score domain (ketamine 6.7 ± 2.9, MA 4.7 ± 2.5, P=0.036). Cognitive assessment using MoCA revealed that both groups had impairment, but there was no significant difference between the MA group and the ketamine group (ketamine 24.8 ± 2.5, MA 23.6 ± 2.9, P=0.298). Serum creatinine did not differ significantly between the groups (ketamine 88.48 ± 55.44, MA 66.83 ± 16.92, P=0.138).
Substance abuse is a significant public health problem, with approximately 5.2% of the world population aged between 15 and 64 years having used illicit drugs at least once in the previous year.1 Southeast and East Asia have been a global hub for MA production and trafficking over the past decades, and its abuse is common in areas of South Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Golden Triangle, and Iran.10 Psychotropic substance abuse is the most common form of drug abuse in Hong Kong, and since 2015, MA has taken over ketamine’s spot as the leading drug of abuse among all psychotropic substances.11 As MA has become the new trendy drug of abuse, and most drug abusers are young and had their first drug exposure at an early age, this can account for our finding that patients who used MA had a lower mean age than patients who used ketamine in the cohort (Table 1).
Methamphetamine belongs to the class of amphetamines that also includes other drugs such as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine). The stimulant, euphoric, anorectic, empathogenic, entactogenic, and hallucinogenic properties of MA drive its popularity for abuse. Kolbrich et al15 demonstrated the fast, widespread, and long-lasting distribution of MA in the human brain, paralleling the long-lasting behavioural and neurological effects of the drug. Our data on cognitive impairment in MA users echoed this finding, demonstrating impaired function in this group by MoCA assessment.
Much of the focus on MA in the literature has been placed on its neurological and behavioural aspects. Unlike ketamine, whose effects on the urinary tract and treatment modalities have been more commonly discussed,16 similar research endeavours have not been undertaken in the area of MA, even though it is a more widely abused drug. Thus, our study was an effort to investigate the clinical presentation of MA abuse on the urinary tract and compare it with ketamine abuse, another common drug of illicit use. As illustrated by our findings in the cohort, patients who used MA reported at least moderate severity of urinary symptoms by IPSS assessment. Because we studied a group of young patients with mean age 27.2 years, we conclude that the urological impact of MA abuse cannot be neglected.
In the current study, storage symptoms (particularly urinary frequency) had similar prevalence between patients who used MA and ketamine (Table 2). On assessment of storage symptoms by OABSS, patients in both groups attained similar scores to patients with overactive bladder syndrome.17 In the case of ketamine abuse, storage symptoms can be attributed to denuded mucosa and infiltration of inflammatory cells into the lamina propria of the bladder, eventually leading to chronic inflammation and fibrosis.5 It has been postulated that the storage symptoms from MA abuse can be the result of a dysfunctional dopamine pathway in detrusor control. The β-phenylethylamine core structure of MA allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier easily and to resist brain biotransformation. Furthermore, its structural similarity with monoamine neurotransmitters allows amphetamines to act as competitive substrates at dopamine’s membrane transporters. It also promotes dopamine release from storage vesicles. All these effects increase cytoplasmic dopamine concentrations and enhance reverse transport.18 However, long-term exposure to amphetamines may result in dopamine neuron terminal damage or loss. A post-mortem study of people who used MA chronically showed a mean 50% to 60% reduction in dopamine levels throughout the striatum.19 Another study on dopamine dysregulation reported a 25% to 30% decrease in the maximal extent of dopamine-induced stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in the striatum.20 These results suggested that dopamine signalling in the striatum of people who use MA chronically was impaired both presynaptically and postsynaptically. An animal study showed that a selective D1 antagonist decreased bladder capacity in rats.21 Taking Parkinson’s disease, which is the result of dopaminergic neuron degeneration with the basal ganglia failing to suppress micturition,22 as a reference, the pathological dopaminergic pathway could be one of the aetiologies behind MA-related urinary symptoms.
In our cohort, 26.7% of patients who used MA reported hesitancy during voiding, and 46.7% reported a sensation of incomplete emptying (Table 2). Case reports in the literature have drawn an association between amphetamines and urinary retention.23 24 These findings underlined the possibility that MA-related urological pathology might have multiple facets rather than purely concerning the dopaminergic axis and storage symptoms. The possible aetiology may be the increased release of norepinephrine from MA abuse, which may cause increased α-adrenergic stimulation of the bladder neck.25 In a study of medical treatment for urinary symptoms in people who used MA, Koo et al26 reported that α-blockers resulted in a 33% treatment success rate in terms of IPSS reduction for patients with predominant voiding symptoms. This observation could be employed as a reference for treatment options.
Patients with ketamine abuse more commonly experienced dysuria and pelvic pain. In our previous report of 319 patients with ketamine abuse, the mean PUF score was 22.2.16 In contrast, symptoms of dysuria and pelvic pain were not commonly observed in patients with MA abuse. This could be because the effects of MA on the urinary tract were more on neurology rather than local tissue destruction, resulting in less local nociceptor stimulation. Currently, there are no reports on histological assessment of urinary tract tissues in people who use MA. This would be useful to facilitate a more comprehensive investigation on the impact on MA on the urinary tract.
The relatively small sample size of our cohort limited our statistical analysis. As MA abuse has only gained popularity in recent years in our locality, and the urological sequelae of such abuse might take years before it becomes prominent and severe, the current study could act as an initial assessment highlighting the early observation of urological presentation. One of the potential limitations of our study is that the majority of the patients presenting to our clinic were not active substance abusers. At the time point of assessment, the use of a heterogeneous group of active and former abusers may introduce bias into our evaluation. However, our cohort included mostly patients with long abuse duration. Studies have demonstrated the persistent effects of drug abuse even after a period of abstinence, namely dysfunctional dopamine metabolism in patients who had used MA27 and urinary tract damage in patients who had used ketamine.5 Thus, the clinical picture captured by our study may still reflect the impact of drug abuse on the urinary tract.
In conclusion, MA is a common drug of choice for abuse in Asia. It causes urinary tract dysfunction, predominantly in the form of storage symptoms. Compared with ketamine, MA abuse was not commonly associated with dysuria or pelvic pain. Apart from the behavioural impacts of MA abuse, its urinary tract implications should not be neglected.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: CH Yee, CF Ng, YH Tam.
Acquisition of data: YL Hong, PT Lai.
Analysis or interpretation of data: CH Yee, YL Hong.
Drafting of the article: CH Yee, YL Hong.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: CH Yee, CF Ng, YH Tam.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, CF Ng was not involved in the peer review process of the article. Other authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This research project was funded by the Beat Drugs Fund, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Ethics approval
Ethics committee approval was granted for the study (CREC Ref CRE-2011.454). Written informed consent was given by all participants before entering the study.
1. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. World drug report. 2018. Available from: https://www.unodc.org/wdr2018/. Accessed 10 May 2019.
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Piloting a partially self-financed mode of human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery for men who have sex with men in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Oct;25(5):382–91  |  Epub 9 Oct 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Piloting a partially self-financed mode of human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery for men who have sex with men in Hong Kong
SS Lee, MD, FRCP1; TH Kwan, BSc2; NS Wong, PhD1; Krystal CK Lee, MB, BS, FHKAM (Community Medicine)1,3; Denise PC Chan, PhD1; Teddy TN Lam, PharmD, PhD4; Grace CY Lui, MB, ChB, FRCP1,5
1 Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
3 Department of Psychiatry, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
4 School of Pharmacy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
5 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof Grace CY Lui (gracelui@cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) 300 mg/emtricitabine (FTC) 200 mg is a proven strategy for preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission in men who have sex with men (MSM). This study aimed to test the feasibility and acceptability of PrEP delivered at a pilot clinic for MSM in Hong Kong, where PrEP service is currently unavailable.
Methods: Partially self-financed PrEP was provided to HIV-negative adult MSM with high behavioural risk of HIV transmission after excluding hepatitis B infection and renal insufficiency. Participants received daily TDF/FTC for 30 weeks at 13.3% of the drug cost. Adherence and behaviours were monitored through questionnaires while creatinine and HIV/STI (sexually transmitted infection) incidence were monitored with point-of-care and laboratory tests. Preference for continuing with PrEP was evaluated at the end of the prescription period.
Results: Seventy-one PrEP-naïve MSM were included in the study, of whom 57 (80%) were retained at the end of 28 weeks. Satisfactory adherence and self-limiting adverse events were reported, while none of the participants contracted HIV. Risk compensation was observed, with an STI incidence of 3.17 per 100 person-years. At the end of the prescription period, a majority (89%) indicated interest in continuing with PrEP. Preference for PrEP was associated with age ≥28 years and peer influence (P=0.04), while stigma was a concern. Price was a deterrent to self-financed PrEP, and only half (51%) considered a monthly cost of ≤HK$500 (US$1=HK$7.8) as reasonable.
Conclusions: A partially self-financed mode of PrEP delivery is feasible with good retention in MSM in Hong Kong.
New knowledge added by this study
  • A workable model for delivering affordable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to men who have sex with men (MSM) at high risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Hong Kong is important.
  • Risk compensation as reflected by diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) following PrEP is a concern in a proportion of MSM.
  • Adverse events from the use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg and emtricitabine 200 mg for PrEP are not uncommon though normally self-limiting, but cessation may be required in a small proportion of PrEP users.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Partially self-financed daily PrEP administered in conjunction with STI/HIV monitoring is operationally feasible and acceptable to MSM in Hong Kong, where PrEP is currently otherwise unavailable as a service.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) 300 mg/emtricitabine (FTC) 200 mg is a key strategy for protecting people at high risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. The effectiveness of PrEP for HIV prevention has been demonstrated in large-scale national studies1 2 3 and extensively reviewed in the literature.4 Mathematical modelling parameterised by data from the Netherlands concluded that PrEP for men who have sex with men (MSM) is cost-effective in the context of a stable HIV epidemic.5 Following approval of the Food and Drug Administration in the US, PrEP guidelines have been promulgated by the World Health Organization,6 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,7 and the European AIDS Clinical Society.8 Despite promotions and advocacies at different levels, uptake of PrEP has remained low internationally, with wide disparities across countries. Of note, Asia has been reported to account for fewer than 5% of all PrEP initiations recorded worldwide.9 Notably, cost remains an important deterrent to its introduction in most cities/countries where generic TDF/FTC cannot be prescribed legally, and Hong Kong is no exception. Elsewhere, different service models for PrEP delivery have been developed,10 but there exists a “purview paradox” causing obstructions in societal implementation.11
In Hong Kong, PrEP is currently unavailable as an HIV prevention service, where MSM have continued to account for a high proportion of newly reported HIV infections (67% in 2017; www.aids.gov. hk). A study was conceptualised to test the feasibility and acceptability of PrEP delivery by piloting a designated clinic to deliver lower-cost TDF/FTC to MSM at high risk of HIV transmission. The results of this study are expected to serve as a useful reference for the future development of sustainable PrEP programmes in Hong Kong.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis clinic
A research clinic was set up at Prince of Wales Hospital, the teaching hospital of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In collaboration with HIV services and community-based organisations, eligible HIV-negative MSM were referred or self-referred to join the study. A bilingual (Chinese and English) website was set up to provide information about PrEP, with linkages to eligibility screening and behavioural and adherence surveys through the online system.
Participant recruitment
Participants were MSM aged ≥18 years who were normally resident in Hong Kong and could communicate in written and spoken English or Chinese. Potential participants who had not previously used PrEP were targeted. The main inclusion criteria were: firstly, history of unprotected anal sex in the preceding 6 months; and secondly, negative HIV antibody test result within the last 3 months; plus at least one of the following in the past 6 months: (a) diagnosis of sexually transmitted infection [STI], (b) sex partner(s) with positive or unknown HIV status, (c) history of recreational drug use during sex, ie, “chem-sex”; and/or (d) multiple sex partners. The exclusion criteria were: (a) having any form of mental illnesses; (b) inability or refusal to give consent; (c) incarceration; (d) known hepatitis B virus infection; and (e) known renal insufficiency with creatinine clearance <60 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis regimen and monitoring
Participants completed a pre-assessment to confirm their eligibility for inclusion in the study. A 2-week course of daily TDF/FTC was given free at the first visit to evaluate tolerance before the participant was asked to provide partial payment by instalment, covering a total prescription period of 30 weeks. The prescription was partially self-financed, as each person was required to pay HK$1316 (US$1=HK$7.8) 4 times for four consecutive prescription periods. As an incentive, the same payment entitled the participant to receive an increasing duration of medication. At week 28, a 2-week supply of medication was given free. The total cost was equivalent to 13.3% of the market price of patented TDF/FTC, or HK$702 per month, in Hong Kong.
Three forms of monitoring were implemented: (a) questionnaires for periodic data collection on HIV risk behaviours, adverse reactions to antiretrovirals, and adherence to daily self-administered PrEP by tablet PC, at each consultation; (b) point-of-care and laboratory tests: fourth-generation HIV antibody/antigen tests; plasma creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate; STI: syphilis serology, and urine tests for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis by nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT); and (c) online diary for tracking daily intake of TDF/FTC and sexual activities. Finger prick was used for monitoring HIV, creatinine, and syphilis serology at selected time-points. Archived blood samples collected at baseline and week 28 were tested for hepatitis C virus antibody. A weekly email reminder was sent to participants requesting completion of the online diary.
Complete case analyses were performed addressing: (a) acceptability/feasibility: characteristics of participants; proportion of MSM interested in continuing with PrEP following the study; retention in the programme; (b) outcome evaluation: drug adherence; coverage of unprotected sex; adverse reactions; detection of STIs at baseline; subsequent diagnoses while on PrEP; and preference for continuing PrEP use and service delivery models including price, setting, and regimen. Variables were assessed using univariate analysis. Categorical variables were tested with the Chi squared test if the expected value in each cell was at least 5; otherwise, Fisher’s exact test was used. Continuous variables were examined using the Mann-Whitney U test. The STROBE guideline was implemented in reporting the study.
Between September 2017 and May 2018, 292 MSM were assessed.12 A total of 71 (median age, 32 years) MSM were included in the study. Their demographic and behavioural profiles are shown in Table 1. Half of the participants were self-referred; the rest were referred from community-based organisations and collaborating HIV services. Thirty-three (46%) participants reported a history of STIs, 15 of whom had a diagnosis in the preceding 6 months. All participants were PrEP-naïve, but 10 (14%) had previously been put on post-exposure prophylaxis after high-risk sexual exposure. Engagement in chem-sex was reported by 25 (35%) of the participants. The self-perceived risk of HIV infection was high in one-fifth of the participants. Over the 30-week prescription period, there was a total follow-up of 1639 person-weeks. At the end of the study period, 57 (80%) participants remained in the programme. Fourteen withdrew from the study, nine of whom (64%) did so within the initial 2 months. The following reasons for withdrawal were given by 10 participants: low or no perceived risk (6); adverse events (2); concern about adverse drug effects or drug interactions (1); unaffordability (1); inconvenience or too busy to attend the clinic (1); and on the advice of friends (1).

Table 1. Demographic characteristics and behavioural profile of men who have sex with men who participated in the study (n=71)
Full adherence to attending all visits was achieved by all participants who completed the study, though 16% (74/460) of the pre-arranged appointments required rescheduling. The rates of adherence to HIV testing (six time-points), plasma creatinine testing (three time-points), and STI screening (three time-points) were 100%, 99.5%, and 100%, respectively. Adherence to daily use of TDF/FTC, as derived from the questionnaires administered at each visit, is shown in Table 2. Overall, 60 out of 69 (87%) participants with diary data reported having ever omitted at least one dose. A median of two to three doses was missed between each pair of consultations, which took place at intervals of 4 to 8 weeks. The total number of doses omitted ranged from 1 to 71 (median, 6; interquartile range=3-14). Occasions of condomless sex without concurrent use of TDF/FTC were noted, which occurred in 20 out of 953 (2%) person-days. While participants were advised to take the TDF/ FTC tablet at about the same time each day, some 14% to 25% reported not being able to stick to the strict 24-hour dosing interval.

Table 2. Adherence of men who have sex with men to pre-exposure prophylaxis use
Adverse events relating to the use of TDF/FTC were reported by 35 (52%) out of the 67 participants who attended the clinic at least twice (Table 313). The main adverse events were: dyspepsia (18%), loose stool or increased bowel motions (16%), fatigue (15%), headache (12%), and nausea with or without decreased appetite (12%). Other adverse events included difficulty falling or staying asleep, dizziness, and anxiety or depression. These adverse events were generally mild (grade 1), self-limiting, and did not bother the participants, and the majority resolved within the first week. Two participants withdrew from the study because of grade 2 adverse events that lasted over 2 weeks. One complained of nausea, diarrhoea, stomach upset, and anxiety, which resolved 2 days after stopping TDF/FTC at week 8. The other had headache shortly after initiation on PrEP and depressed mood and fleeting suicidal ideation in the ensuing 2 weeks, which resolved upon stopping at week 4. Separately, plasma creatinine was measured at baseline, week 12, and week 28; there was a >20% increase of plasma creatinine in 7/63 (11%) and 6/57 (11%) of the participants compared with baseline, respectively. Three (5%) participants who completed the study had a 20% increase in plasma creatinine readings at both weeks 12 and 28. None had an estimated glomerular filtration rate level <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 at any time in the course of receiving PrEP.

Table 3. Adverse events related to the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (n=67)
None of the participants contracted HIV in the course of the study. Condomless sex was reported by 70 out of 71 (99%) of the participants. Their behavioural profiles and STI diagnoses at different time intervals are shown in Table 4. Out of the 59 MSM followed up through week 20 or beyond, compared with baseline, condom use decreased in 22 (49%), increased in 9 (20%), and was unchanged in 14 (31%) for sex with known partners (n=45), and the corresponding rates for newly met partners (n=47) were 19 (40%), 7 (15%), and 21 (45%), respectively. Reduction of condom use with newly met partners was associated with the attainment of postsecondary education (odds ratio [OR]=2.00, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.46-2.75, P=0.07 by Fisher’s exact test). There was no association between reduction of condom use and demographic characteristics, reasons for taking PrEP, or history of risk behaviours. The proportion of PrEP users engaging in chem-sex was similar before (41%) and after PrEP (32%-40%).

Table 4. Condomless anal sex and diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections at baseline and during the 28-week observation period
With regard to STIs, 2 (3%), 3 (4%), and 16 (23%) were positive for N gonorrhoeae (NAAT), C trachomatis (NAAT), and syphilis serology (nine treponemal only, seven treponemal and non-treponemal) at baseline, respectively. One of the 16 (6%) syphilis serology-positive MSM was a newly diagnosed infection. Over a follow-up period of 1639 person-weeks among those retained in the study for at least 12 weeks, 13 incident STIs (one N gonorrhoeae [incidence rate=3.17 per 100 personyears], three C trachomatis [incidence rate=9.52 per 100 person-years], and nine syphilis [incidence rate=28.55 per 100 person-years]) had occurred. The participants with incident STI were more likely to be poppers users (46% and 18% of participants with and without incident STIs used poppers, respectively; OR=3.81, 95% CI=1.03-14.10, P=0.06). None of the participants had positive results for hepatitis C virus antibody at baseline or follow-up.
At the last visit during the prescription period, participants (n=65) were asked about their future intentions regarding PrEP. Fifty-eight (89%) responded that they would like to continue with PrEP after the study. The MSM who preferred to continue PrEP after the study were more likely to be aged ≥28 years (OR=6.03, 95% CI=1.06-34.17, P=0.04) [Table 5]. Peer influence was important, as none of those uninterested in continuing on had discussed PrEP use with their boyfriends (P=0.04) or sex partners (P=0.04). Price (83%) was the most concerning factor affecting their PrEP-using decision, followed by efficacy (46%) and potential adverse drug effects (42%) [Table 6]. Some 14% were worried about embarrassment or stigma related to PrEP. The majority, 63 of 68 (93%), had disclosed their PrEP status to their partners, and 9 (14%) of them reported ever experiencing stigma. Half (51%) considered a monthly cost for PrEP of ≤HK$500 reasonable. Two-thirds (66%) accepted community-based organisations as the portal for receiving PrEP and monitoring. Over half (60%) and about half (48%) favoured daily mode and on-demand PrEP, respectively. Fewer than one-third favoured injection (28%) and time-driven PrEP (26%).

Table 5. Factors associated with preference for continuing PrEP after completion of study

Table 6. Preference for PrEP delivery models (n=65)
Men who have sex with men have continued to be the hardest-hit population by the global HIV epidemic,14 and Hong Kong is no exception. While PrEP has not yet been implemented, its acceptance is generally high, at 78.6% among MSM in late 2016,15 but only 1% have been reported to have accessed PrEP.16 Our study was the first that has piloted PrEP delivery to MSM in Hong Kong. Our results showed that the operation of a PrEP clinic in Hong Kong is feasible and acceptable to the MSM community, as evidenced by our high retention rate of 80% among users of a daily regimen over the 7-month observation period. Severe adverse reactions were uncommon in our study, echoing the conclusion on the safety profile of PrEP, as illustrated in clinical studies and confirmed in reviews.4 17
None of the MSM in the study contracted HIV, but the small sample size did not allow the efficacy of PrEP to be evaluated. Elsewhere, a meta-analysis of multiple studies with different regimens concluded that PrEP reduced the HIV infection risk by 70% in the presence of high adherence.4 The failure of PrEP is very uncommon, as shown by a large-scale PROUD study2 and by evaluating real world data.18 In our pilot study, adherence to daily TDF/FTC, creatinine testing, and HIV/STI monitoring was high. Non-adherence to TDF/FTC could potentially lead to resistance if HIV infection occurs in the course of PrEP, though its incidence has remained low.19 Condomless sex in conjunction with the omission of TDF/FTC, which can be referred as PrEP-unprotected condomless sex, was relatively uncommon. Risk compensation, defined as the increased practice of condomless sex in PrEP users, is an emerging concern.20 21 Our results did not confirm any consistent increase of risk compensation behaviours, an observation shared by other recent studies.4 22 23 Increased incidence of STI could be more prevalent in the initial period of PrEP introduction19 24 or restricted to a subpopulation of MSM regardless of PrEP use.20 It is uncommon to see MSM starting to engage in condomless anal sex after PrEP initiation.23 One modelling study showed that STI incidence would decline with increased PrEP coverage.25 With increasing PrEP coverage, non-PrEP users may become a neglected community when planning STI/HIV interventions.26
The present results highlight that the major obstacle to PrEP implementation is its cost, as patented TDF/FTC is too expensive for out-of-pocket acquisition.16 In our study, requiring participants to pay an amount closer to the cost of generic products (HK$750 or <US$100 per month) appealed to only a fraction of the MSM approached. About half of the eligible MSM did not join this project because of the high cost incurred.12 Making PrEP free or affordable should be an effective strategy for preventing HIV transmission through high-risk behaviours. Taking reference to the situation in the US, different models for PrEP could be considered, including services at STI clinics, community health centres, community-based organisations, pharmacies, and private primary care providers.10 This study highlighted issues for consideration in the establishment of a local PrEP service. The need for dispensing prescription medicine alongside HIV/STI testing and toxicity monitoring has made access to PrEP complex. Vertical programmes that have conventionally offered HIV testing to high-risk populations have been more prepared to implement PrEP than overburdened primary care services tend to be.27 Other innovative models of PrEP delivery have been reported in other countries, such as pharmacy-based clinics in Seattle in the US,28 community health centres in Bangkok, Thailand,29 and integrated sexual reproductive health services in Wales.30 While those models provide lessons, they may not be relevant to the situation in Hong Kong. Finally, stigma could be a major deterrent to accessing PrEP, as expressed by some of the MSM who refused to participate.31 In rolling out PrEP, a marketing strategy that focuses on health protection rather than risk reduction may be more appropriate.32 A non-targeting approach regarding behavioural risk could be less stigmatising and may still be cost-effective at achieving HIV prevention in low-HIV incidence settings.33
The current study has some limitations. First, the sample size was small, such that the results may not be generalisable to the situation of the entire MSM community in Hong Kong. Second, sampling bias could not be eliminated, as the study included self-referred MSM and those referred from collaborating organisations. Individuals reluctant to participate in a clinical trial and those unwilling or unable to pay for TDF/FTC were excluded. Nevertheless, the study did manage to recruit MSM with high-risk behaviours, including those who engaged in chem-sex. Finally, we relied on self-reporting for tracking of HIV/STI risk, a strategy that might have underestimated high-risk behaviours. By subjecting the participants to STI screening at multiple time-points, we detected otherwise-hidden STIs both at baseline and during the course of PrEP. For maximum effectiveness, PrEP should go hand in hand with community-based STI/HIV monitoring, so that prompt treatment can be offered to those diagnosed with infections, while those testing negative can continue to be prescribed TDF/FTC for HIV prevention.
While cost is a major obstacle to scaling up implementation of PrEP, making it available free may pose an added challenge to countries or cities where a policy decision to introduce PrEP as a public health service has yet to be made. Our results suggested that a partially self-financed mode of delivery is feasible and could appeal to a proportion of risk-taking MSM. Fee-based PrEP provision has been available in other Asian Pacific countries like Thailand.34 A partially self-financed model could be an interim measure, and this is less demanding of resources in locations where generic TDF/FTC is not available (as in Hong Kong). Operationally, PrEP cannot be implemented in isolation but must be provided in conjunction with periodic HIV/STI testing, as reflected in our study. Provision of PrEP serves the dual purpose of HIV prevention and opportunistic STI screening, which enables prompt treatment to be given so as to reduce reinfections and the infection burden in the MSM community. Rectal C trachomatis or N gonorrhoeae infection has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of HIV transmission35 and should therefore be considered as part and parcel of the HIV prevention package. Finally, as PrEP is a biomedical form of HIV prevention, our results confirm that severe adverse events are uncommon, but moderate but intolerable reactions may occur in a small proportion of people on TDF/FTC, who would require clinical advice on cessation.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: SS Lee, TH Kwan, TTN Lam.
Acquisition of data: TH Kwan, NS Wong, SS Lee, GCY Lui, DPC Chan, KCK Lee.
Analysis or interpretation of data: TH Kwan, NS Wong, SS Lee.
Drafting of the article: SS Lee.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: SS Lee, GCY Lui.
Ms Mandy Li, Mr Chengqian Ye, Mr Choi-yin Lam, and Dr See-long Lee are thanked for their assistance in participant enrolment and management of the research clinic. We thank AIDS Concern, CHOICE (Community Health Organisation for Intervention, Care and Empowerment), Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Integrated Treatment Centre, HIV services of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, and Prince of Wales Hospital for technical support and the referral of potentially eligible participants to the study. The Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences and Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases of The Chinese University of Hong Kong are acknowledged for providing technical support in developing the analyses. Gilead Sciences, Inc. is acknowledged for drug donation in support of part of the study.
The research data have been presented in part as posters at the Lancet–CAMS Health Summit 2018 (27-28 October 2018, Beijing, PR China), the 3rd Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference 2018 (28-30 June 2018, Hong Kong), HIV Glasgow 2018 (28-31 October 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom), and the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science 2019 (21-24 July 2019, Mexico City, Mexico).
Conflicts of interest
GCY Lui has served as advisory committee member for Gilead Sciences, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, and ViiV; and as a speaker for Gilead Sciences and Merck; and has received research grants/donations from Gilead Sciences, Merck and GSK. SS Lee has served as advisory committee member for Gilead Sciences, GSK and Merck; and as a speaker for Gilead Sciences sponsored events; and has received funding from Gilead Grants for community education activities.
This research was supported by the Council for the AIDS Trust Fund (Ref MSS264R), Hong Kong SAR Government.
Ethics approval
The study was approved by The Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref CREC 2016.470) and registered at the Centre for Clinical Research and Biostatistics Clinical Trials Registry of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref CUHK_CCRB00533). A Clinical Trials Certificate was obtained following application to Department of Health of the Hong Kong SAR Government (Ref 100860).
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Prehospital electrocardiogram shortens ischaemic time in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Oct;25(5):356–62  |  Epub 9 Oct 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Prehospital electrocardiogram shortens ischaemic time in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
KS Cheung, FHKCEM1; LP Leung, FHKCEM2; YC Siu, FHKCEM3; TC Tsang, FHKCEM1; Matthew SH Tsui, FRCP (Edin), FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)1; CC Tam, FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine)4; Raymond HW Chan, FHKAM (Medicine)5
1 Department of Accident and Emergency, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
2 Emergency Medicine Unit, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
3 Fire and Ambulance Services Academy, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
4 Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
5 Division of Cardiology, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KS Cheung ( cks373@ha.org.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Total ischaemic time should be shortened as much as possible in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). This study evaluated whether prehospital 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) could shorten system delay in STEMI management.
Methods: From November 2015 to November 2017, 15 ambulances equipped with X Series Monitor/ Defibrillator (Zoll Medical Corporation) were used in the catchment area of Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. Prehospital ECG was performed for patients with chest pain; the data were tele-transmitted to attending emergency physicians at the Accident and Emergency Department (AED) for rapid assessment. Data from patients with STEMI who were transported by these 15 ambulances were compared with data from patients with STEMI who were transported by ambulances without prehospital ECG or who used self-arranged transport.
Results: Data were analysed from 197 patients with STEMI. The median patient delay for activation of the emergency response system was 90 minutes; 12% of patients experienced a delay of >12 hours. There was a significant difference in delay between patients transported by ambulance and those who used self-arranged transport (P<0.001). For system delay, the use of prehospital ECG shortened the median time from ambulance on scene to first ECG (P<0.001). When performed upon ambulance on scene, prehospital ECG was available 5 minutes earlier than if performed in ambulance compartment before departure. Use of prehospital ECG significantly shortened AED door-to-triage time, AED door-to-first AED ECG time, AED door-to-physician consultation time, and length of stay in the AED (P<0.001 for all comparisons).
Conclusion: Prehospital ECG shortened ischaemic time prior to hospital admission.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Patient delay is significantly longer for patients who use self-arranged transport compared with those transported by ambulance.
  • System delay—in particular the time from ambulance on scene to first electrocardiogram (ECG)—is significantly shorter with prehospital ECG than without.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • To minimise ischaemic time, ECG should be performed on scene, rather than in the ambulance compartment whenever feasible.
  • This evidence supports a recommendation for the Hong Kong Fire Services Department to purchase prehospital ECG machines for the whole territory in the future.
Approximately 10.6 persons in Hong Kong die of coronary heart diseases each day.1 Coronary heart diseases represent a spectrum of disorders, from common atherosclerosis to life-threatening ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The European Society of Cardiology has divided the total ischaemic time in patients with STEMI into patient and system delays.2 System delays are further subdivided into emergency medical system and non-emergency medical system (hospital) delays. Minimising delays of all types would be most beneficial for patient outcome. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies of the components of ischaemic time in patients with STEMI in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD) serves as the primary emergency ambulance provider in Hong Kong. Ambulance services are activated by the Fire Service Control Centre upon calls to 999; the ambulances are staffed in accordance with protocols approved by the HKFSD Medical Director.3 Patients are transported to the nearest public hospital, based on their geographical location. There is no opportunity for patients to choose the destination hospital, and no primary diversions are used for chest pain/STEMI.
To shorten the total ischaemic time in patients with STEMI, the HKFSD and the Department of Accident and Emergency (AED) of Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) jointly launched a pilot project named ‘Prehospital Ambulance 12-lead Electrocardiogram for Chest Pain Patients in Hong Kong West Cluster’. Our group previously published an article using data from the first phase of this pilot project (12 November 2015 to 31 December 2016), demonstrating the impact of prehospital 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) on door-to-balloon time (D2B) in patients with STEMI who received primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI).3 However, the majority of D2B time constituted the post-admission period, whereas myocardial injury likely began with the onset of symptoms before hospital admission. We hypothesised that prehospital ECG would also shorten the ischaemic time before hospital admission, including the first medical contact-to-first ECG time, AED door-to-triage and AED door-to-consultation time, and length of stay in the AED. In the present analysis, pre-admission data from our pilot project were compared with those of patients with STEMI who received the standard management. By assessing the patient flow from the onset of symptoms until admission, patient and system delays could be identified, and potential improvements could be implemented accordingly.
This was a retrospective observational study of data from the first and second phases of the ‘Prehospital Ambulance 12-lead Electrocardiogram for Chest Pain Patients in Hong Kong West Cluster’ pilot project (12 November 2015 to 5 November 2017). Data were provided by the QMH AED, QMH Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), and HKFSD.
The QMH CCU provided the list of all patients admitted through the AED with emergency coronary angiography, with or without PPCI. This included patients who travelled to hospital by self-arranged transport, as well as those who travelled by ambulance with and without prehospital 12-lead ECG. Patients were excluded if they had STEMI that developed during in-patient stay, if they had post-arrest malignant arrhythmia, or if they had extracorporeal-membrane-oxygenation-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECMO-CPR). Patients secondarily transported from St John Hospital on an outlying island were also excluded. The HKFSD and QMH AED provided data regarding the first and second phases of our pilot project, in which 15 HKFSD ambulances in Hong Kong West Cluster were equipped with X Series Defibrillator/Monitor (Zoll Medical Corporation, Chelmsford [MA], US). Prehospital 12-lead ECGs of chest pain patients were tele-transmitted to the AED for immediate assessment by an emergency physician. Physicians from CCU received alerts regarding patients with suspected STEMI in ECG. This pilot project began on 12 November 2015; the first phase ended on 31 December 2016. In the first phase, all prehospital ECGs were obtained in ambulance compartments before departure from the scene. In the second phase (1 January 2017 to 5 November 2017), prehospital ECGs were performed either upon ambulance on scene or in the ambulance compartment, as determined by the ambulance crew based on the feasibility of carrying the X Series Defibrillation/Monitor to the scene.
The primary objective of this study was to investigate whether there were significant differences in patient and system delays between the use of prehospital 12-lead ECG and standard care. The primary outcomes were the patient and system delay times in minutes. Patient delay was measured from the time of symptom onset to the time of emergency response system activation. The times of emergency response system activation were the time of the 999 call for ambulance patients and the time of AED registration for patients with self-arranged transport. System delay was measured from the time of emergency response system activation to the time of admission through the AED. System delay was further stratified as the time from ambulance on scene to AED registration; ambulance on scene to first ECG (for patients travelling by ambulance); AED door-to-triage time, AED door-to-first AED ECG time, AED door-to-physician consultation time, and length of stay in the AED (for all patients). The secondary objective of this study was to assess accuracy of triage, benefit of performing prehospital ECG when ambulance on scene compared with in the ambulance compartment, ability to call CCU on/before patient arrival, and adherence to HKFSD performance pledge. Triage accuracy was measured by proportion of patients correctly triaged as category 1. Benefit of performing prehospital ECG when ambulance on scene compared with in the ambulance compartment was measured by shortened time in minutes to undergo ECG when the former is performed. Ability to call CCU on/before patient arrival was measured by the proportion of patients with CCU calls on/before AED registration. Adherence to HKFSD performance pledge was measured as the time from 999 call to the time of ambulance arrival at the street address.
Data were analysed by Excel 2010 (Microsoft Corp, Redmond [WA], US) and SPSS (Windows version 25.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US). The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyse statistical differences between groups.
In all, 245 patients were admitted through the AED to the CCU with emergent coronary angiogram, with or without PPCI. In total, 43 patients were excluded because they developed STEMI during in-patient stay, exhibited post-arrest malignant arrhythmia, or required ECMO-CPR. In addition, five patients who were secondarily transported from St John Hospital were excluded. Data were analysed for a total of 197 patients from CCU and our pilot project. In the first phase, 118 patients were included; all underwent prehospital ECGs in the ambulance compartment. In the second phase, 79 patients were included; 36 and eight underwent prehospital ECGs in the ambulance compartment and on scene, respectively. The remaining 35 patients were transported by ambulances without prehospital ECG capabilities (Fig).

Figure. Inclusion and exclusion of patients
Patient delay
The median patient delay time was 90 minutes; 12% of patients experienced delays of >12 hours. There was significant difference in patient delay between patients travelling by ambulance and those who used self-arranged transport (Table 1).

Table 1. Patient delay (time of symptom onset to time of activating emergency response system)
System delay
There were significant differences between patients with and without prehospital ECG, in terms of median time from ambulance on scene to AED registration (Table 2), and ambulance on scene to first ECG (Table 3). Prehospital ECG was available 5 minutes earlier if performed upon ambulance on scene compared with that in ambulance compartment. This 5-minute difference also gave us an estimate of time required to transfer the patient to the ambulance from the scene where the patient experienced chest pain. Prehospital ECG performed at the time of ambulance on scene was available 35 minutes earlier than the first ECG (in the AED) for patients who used self-arranged transport.

Table 2. Ambulance on scene to Accident and Emergency Department registration time

Table 3. Ambulance on scene to first electrocardiogram time (n=128)
After excluding six patients with unknown time of 999 call or unknown time of ambulance arrival on scene, the median time from 999 call to ambulance on scene was 8 minutes (interquartile range, 6-10 minutes). Overall, 119 of 123 (96.7%) patients had times within 17 minutes (12 minutes to street address performance pledge by HKFSD, plus 5 minutes travel time between ambulance and scene). Forty-three patients with STEMI underwent prehospital ECG and had known CCU call times; of these, ambulance crews in 7 of 8 with ECG performed on scene (88%), and 25 of 35 with ECG performed in the ambulance compartment (71%), were able to contact the CCU physician on or before patient arrival in AED. With prehospital ECG, AED door-to-triage time, AED door-to-first AED ECG time, AED door-to-physician consultation time, and length of stay in the AED were all significantly shortened. In addition, more patients with STEMI were correctly triaged as category 1 if they had undergone prehospital ECG (Table 4).

Table 4. Accident and Emergency Department door-to-triage time, door-to-first AED ECG time, door-to-physician consultation time, correct triage category, and length of stay in the AED
Patient delay
The MEDEA study showed that female sex and age >65 years were factors associated with delayed presentation in patients with acute myocardial infarction.4 Perceived barriers in care-seeking and symptom congruence were also associated with prehospital delays in Hong Kong Chinese patients with acute myocardial infarction.5 Although current guidelines recommend PPCI by an experienced team within 12 hours of symptom onset as a reperfusion strategy in patients with STEMI,2 12% of patients in our study called 999 or arrived at the AED >12 hours after symptom onset (Table 1). These delays might have worsened their outcomes. Moreover, 15 of 197 (7.6%) were evaluated by another physician before they presented to the AED, and those other physicians might have performed ECG in their clinics. Regardless of the availability of ECG in the other clinics, there is no formal communication channel between the AED and private physicians, with the exception of referral letters. These factors may also have contributed to delays.
A key factor for reducing prehospital delay is education of the public, especially high-risk patients, regarding the prudent use of emergency medical services and the typical symptoms of myocardial infarction. Online symptom checkers have been devised for patient self-diagnosis. However, an audit study found only moderate accuracy in these algorithms.6 Because patients with STEMI often have other medical co-morbidities that require regular follow-up by family physicians or general out-patient clinics, education regarding typical symptoms of myocardial infarction and the availability of prehospital ECG assessments could be provided during these regular consultations. Notably, prehospital ECG can be performed only after a patient has activated the emergency response system; therefore, it cannot shorten the patient delay unless it is coupled with public education regarding STEMI symptoms and public awareness of prehospital ECG availability.
Self-arranged travel versus ambulance transport
Approximately one-third of patients with STEMI in our pilot project used self-arranged transport for travelling to the hospital. This phenomenon is not unique to Hong Kong.7 8 9 Compared with patients travelling by ambulance, a greater proportion of patients travelling by self-arranged transport had patient delay time of >12 hours (Table 1). Self-arranged transport patients did not undergo prehospital ECG. The delayed activation of the emergency response system deprived such patients of early assessment by an ambulance crew, as well as early notifications to the AED and CCU physicians of unstable vitals and a potential need for life-saving treatment. It is important to educate the public on appropriate use of ambulance services. Mass media campaigns regarding use of ambulances for chest pain have been shown to increase emergency medical system use by people with chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndromes.10 In this study, there was a significant difference in the median times for ambulance patients to make 999 calls and for self-arranged transport patients to register in the AED (Table 1). This may be related to differences in awareness of STEMI symptoms, different patient attitudes regarding management of their own symptoms, and different treatment expectations regarding ambulance services. Education should emphasise early 999 calls for patients with STEMI symptoms, instead of the use of self-arranged transport.
The Hong Kong Fire Services Department performance pledge
For emergency ambulance calls, the HKFSD has a performance pledge of within 12 minutes for 92.5% of patients, from the time of the call to the arrival of an ambulance at the designated street address.11 For chest pain patients with suspected myocardial infarction, even when 5 additional minutes are added to include travel time from the ambulance to the scene (as estimated in Table 3), this pledge remains more stringent than those of ambulance services in other countries. For example, the average response time by the London Ambulance Service for corresponding category 2 calls is 18 minutes.12 In our 123 patients with STEMI who were transported by ambulances, the median response time was 8 minutes; 96.7% of patients received a response within the target of within 17 minutes during the pilot project. By enhancing the mobilising system and commissioning new fire stations/ambulance depots at various locations, the response time for chest pain patients is expected to decrease further.
Prehospital electrocardiogram and the potential for delayed transport to the hospital
Before this pilot project was implemented, there were concerns regarding delayed transport to the hospital due to the performance of prehospital ECG. In contrast to our expectations, the median scene-to-AED registration time was 3 minutes shorter in patients who underwent prehospital ECG, compared with patients who did not undergo prehospital ECG (Table 2). However, every ambulance journey was unique and involved a different travel distance. Because the actual distances travelled and the proportions of time used for performing prehospital ECG in each ambulance journey were not available, a larger data analysis is needed to clarify these findings.
On scene or in ambulance compartment
Among the 44 patients with STEMI who underwent prehospital ECG, the CCU physician was called before patient arrival in 7 of 8 (88%) patients for whom ECG was performed on scene and in 25 of 35 (71%) patients for whom ECG was performed in the ambulance compartment. The CCU call time was unknown for the remaining one patient. Therefore, performing prehospital ECG on scene allowed earlier CCU consultations. It has been recommended that 12-lead ECG recording and interpretation should be performed as soon as possible upon initial medical contact, with a target maximum delay of 10 minutes.13 This target was achieved in our pilot project in patients for whom prehospital ECG was performed on scene (median time: 6 minutes) [Table 3]. We were near this target in patients for whom ECG was performed in the ambulance compartment (median time: 11 minutes). Therefore, ECG performance on scene, rather than in the ambulance compartment, is recommended whenever feasible.
More efficient Accident and Emergency Department management in multiple steps
Preliminary history and vital signs collected during ambulance transport were immediately given to the triage nurse upon patient arrival. This shortened the triage time to 0 minutes (door-to-triage time) in patients for whom prehospital ECG was performed. Moreover, triage accuracy was improved: more patients with STEMI (40/44) who underwent prehospital ECGs were correctly triaged as category 1 (critical) and therefore received immediate treatment. Shortened times for door-to-first AED ECG and door-to-consultation were evident. Patients with STEMI who were transported by ambulance could provide notification to the AED before their arrival, thereby enabling pre-arrival preparation of an acute care room. In addition, an immediate AED physician assessment with repeat ECG could be performed upon patient arrival. These changes resulted in an overall reduction in the length of AED stay (nearly by half), compared with the length of AED stay for patients who did not undergo prehospital ECG. Shortened length of AED stay is beneficial for percutaneous coronary intervention centres where patients with STEMI cannot yet bypass the AED with direct catheterisation laboratory admission.
Delayed activation of the emergency response system and choice of transportation contributed to patient delay. Prehospital 12-lead ECG, preferably performed on scene, can shorten system delay and total ischaemic time in STEMI management.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: All authors.
Acquisition of data: KS Cheung, YC Siu, RHW Chan.
Analysis or interpretation of data: KS Cheung, LP Leung.
Drafting of the article: KS Cheung.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: All authors.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
We would like to thank the staff of the following institutions: (1) Hong Kong Fire Services Department, for performing prehospital electrocardiograms and providing prehospital data; (2) Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, for providing data on door-to-balloon and door-to-catheter time; (3) Department of Accident and Emergency, Queen Mary Hospital, for collecting patient clinical data; (4) Mr Fan Min of Emergency Medicine Unit, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, for statistical analyses; and (5) Zoll Medical Corporation (Chelmsford [MA], US), for providing the machines, training, and technical support free of charge.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Analysis of data from this pilot project was approved by the Institutional Review Board of The University of Hong Kong/ Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (UW19-184). The requirement for patient consent was waived.
1. HealthyHK, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Coronary heart diseases. Available from: https://www.healthyhk.gov.hk/phisweb/en/healthy_facts/disease_burden/major_causes_death/coronary_heart_disease/. Accessed 21 Apr 2019.
2. Ibanez B, James S, Agewall S, et al. 2017 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation: The Task Force for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J 2018;39:119-77. Crossref
3. Cheung KS, Leung LP, Siu YC, et al. Prehospital 12-lead electrocardiogram for patients with chest pain: a pilot study. Hong Kong Med J 2018;24:484-91. Crossref
4. Ladwig KH, Fang X, Wolf K, et al. Comparison of delay times between symptom onset of an acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction and hospital arrival in men and women <65 years versus ≥65 years of age: findings from the Multicenter Munich Examination of Delay in Patients Experiencing Acute Myocardial Infarction (MEDEA) Study. Am J Cardiol 2017;120:2128-34. Crossref
5. Li PW, Yu DS. Predictors of pre-hospital delay in Hong Kong Chinese patients with acute myocardial infarction. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2018;17:75-84. Crossref
6. Semigran HL, Linder JA, Gidengil C, Mehrotra A. Evaluation of symptom checkers for self diagnosis and triage: audit study. BMJ 2015;351:h3480. Crossref
7. Hong CC, Sultana P, Wong AS, Chan KP, Pek PP, Ong ME. Prehospital delay in patients presenting with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Eur J Emerg Med 2011;18:268-71. Crossref
8. Mathews R, Peterson ED, Li S, et al. Use of emergency medical service transport among patients with ST-segment- elevation myocardial infarction: findings from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry Acute Coronary Treatment Intervention Outcomes Network Registry-Get with the Guidelines. Circulation 2011;124:154-63. Crossref
9. Lavery T, Greenslade JH, Parsonage WA, et al. Factors influencing choice of pre-hospital transportation of patients with potential acute coronary syndrome: an observational study. Emerg Med Australas 2017;29:210-6. Crossref
10. Nehme Z, Cameron PA, Akram M, et al. Effect of a mass media campaign on ambulance use for chest pain. Med J Aust 2017;206:30-5. Crossref
11. Fire Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government. Performance pledge. Available from: https://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/eng/aboutus/performance.html. Accessed 21 Apr 2019.
12. NHS London Ambulance Service. New ambulance response categories. Available from: https://www.londonambulance.nhs.uk/calling-us/17086-2/. Accessed 21 Apr 2019.
13. Diercks DB, Peacock WF, Hiestand BC, et al. Frequency and consequences of recording an electrocardiogram >10 minutes after arrival in an emergency room in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (from the CRUSADE Initiative). Am J Cardiol 2006;97:437-42. Crossref

Sexual function, self-esteem, and general well-being in Chinese adult survivors of childhood cancers: a cross-sectional survey

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Oct;25(5):372–81  |  Epub 9 Oct 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Sexual function, self-esteem, and general well-being in Chinese adult survivors of childhood cancers: a cross-sectional survey
CF Ng, FHKAM (Surgery)1; Cindy YL Hong, MSc1; Becky SY Lau, MPH1; Jeremy YC Teoh, FHKAM (Surgery)1; Samuel CH Yee, FHKAM (Surgery)1; Alex WK Leung, FHKAM (Paediatrics)2; John WM Yuen, PhD3
1 SH Ho Urology Centre, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Paediatrics Oncology Team, Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
3 School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof CF Ng (ngcf@surgery.cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: This study was conducted to evaluate sexual function in adult survivors of childhood cancers and investigate possible relationships between sexual function and quality of life, as measured by general well-being, self-esteem, body image, and depressive symptoms.
Methods: This cross-sectional survey was performed in our centre from 14 August 2015 to 8 September 2017. Adult patients who had a history of childhood cancers, and who were disease-free for >3 years, were approached for the study during clinical follow-up. Clinical information was collected from medical records. Self-administered questionnaires regarding quality of life and sexual functioning were given to the patients and resulting data were analysed.
Results: Two hundred patients agreed to participate in the study. The overall response rate was 64.8%. Ninety-one (45.5%) patients were women, and the mean age was 25.4 ± 5.57 years. The overall sexual functioning score was 28.3 ± 20.09. Forty-eight (24.0%) patients reported at least one sexual problem. Among patients who reported no sexual problems, more had haematological cancers (P=0.009), fewer underwent surgery (P=0.004), fewer underwent surgery with external effects (P=0.032), and fewer were regular social drinkers (P=0.013); additionally, they had a higher mean Rosenberg self-esteem scale score (P=0.010), lower mean body image scale score (P=0.008), and lower mean Patient Health Questionnaire score (P=0.001).
Conclusion: Aspects of life beyond disease condition and physical function should be considered in adult survivors of childhood cancers. Appropriate referral and intervention should be initiated for these patients when necessary.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Approximately one-quarter of young Chinese cancer survivors in Hong Kong had at least one sexual problem.
  • Sexual problems were more common in men, in patients diagnosed with cancer at an older age, and in patients who were married or had a history of sexual experiences.
  • The presence of sexual problems in adult survivors of childhood cancer was significantly associated with a history of surgery, as well as a history of surgery with external effects; patients with sexual problems generally had lower physical well-being scores, lower self-esteem scores, higher body image scale scores, and an increased number of depressive symptoms.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Rather than entirely focusing on disease condition and physical function, physicians and medical staff should ensure that they consider other aspects of life in survivors of childhood cancer, to support holistic recovery of these patients.
  • Multidisciplinary care, such as involvement of adult urologists and gynaecologists, would facilitate the transition of these young cancer survivors into adult life.
Sexual health, defined by the World Health Organization as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality, has been recognised as an integral part of overall health and quality of life.1 Improvements in disease understanding and treatment options have changed the circumstances involved in the management of sexual dysfunction and reproductive medicine.
With improvements in cancer care, the long-term outlook of paediatric cancer patients has significantly improved in recent decades.2 However, there is increasing awareness of the problems experienced by these cancer survivors when they reach adulthood.3 Potential problems experienced by adult survivors of childhood cancers include (1) physical and functional complications related to the cancer and its therapies (eg, delay in pubertal development, hormonal production, azo-/oligospermia, ovarian failure, and vaginal stenosis); and (2) psychosocial problems related to the cancer and its therapies (eg, concerns regarding cancer recurrence, self-esteem, and relationship problems). These physical and psychological dysfunctions affect the sexual health and overall health of the patients. The findings of many reports have suggested significant associations between sexual function and health status,4 and have revealed that these problems are relatively common among cancer survivors.5 6
Unfortunately, discussions of sexual dysfunction remain infrequent in traditional Chinese culture. The situation may be more difficult among young adult cancer survivors. Therefore, information regarding cancer-related sexual dysfunction, including its prevalence in the Chinese population, remains limited and may lead to an underestimation of the seriousness of the problem. To address this lack of knowledge and facilitate future development of childhood cancer care, this cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate sexual function in adult survivors of childhood cancers and the relationships of sexual function with the general well-being, self-esteem, body image, and depressive symptoms of these patients.
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was performed at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The sample size was based on a convenience sample of all patients that we could recruit during the 2-year study period. Consecutive patients who were returning to the paediatric oncology clinic for follow-up and who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were invited to participate in the study. After patients provided informed consent, basic demographic data and disease-related information were collected.
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) diagnosed with cancer at age <18 years; (2) aged 18 to 40 years at the time of inclusion in the study; (3) not undergoing treatment and disease-free >3 years after completing treatment (excluding use of chemopreventive agents). The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) original tumours that were hormone-dependent, such as breast cancer; (2) ongoing sex hormone supplementation; and (3) sensory/cognitive impairment that would interfere with the patient’s ability to independently complete the questionnaires.
Questionnaire data collection
A series of self-administered questionnaires were completed by the patients in a private room in the clinic. The following questionnaires were used.
Medical outcomes study sexual functioning scale
This is a validated instrument that has been widely used to identify sexual impairment and dysfunction associated with serious health conditions or side-effects of treatments.7 It consists of four questions for both male and female patients, which evaluate sexual problems including lack of interest in sexual activity, difficulty in becoming aroused, difficulty in relaxing and enjoying sex, and difficulty in achieving orgasm. Each outcome is measured with an ordinal scale ranging from 0 (‘not a problem’) to 4 (‘very much a problem’). The category of ‘not applicable’ was recoded as 0 during calculation. Total scores were calculated and transformed to a 0-100 scale; a higher score indicates more sexual problems. The questionnaire was translated and validated by Department of Nursing, The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong.
General Health Questionnaire Short Form-12
This questionnaire is used for general measurement of health status in terms of physical component score (PCS) and mental component score (MCS).8 The summary scores are calculated based on the standard scoring algorithm described in the manual9; a higher score represents better physical or mental health.
Rosenberg self-esteem scale
This tool is commonly used to evaluate self-esteem.10 11 It comprises 10 questions which assess both positive and negative feelings about the self. Patients respond to questions using a 4-point scale, ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’; a higher summary score indicates higher self-esteem.
Body image scale
Body image scale (BIS) is an 11-item scale used to assess body image changes in cancer survivors after cancer treatment.12 13 Body image changes can be rated in an ordinal scale ranging from 0 (‘not at all’) to 3 (‘very much’); a higher total score indicates greater body image distress.
Patient Health Questionnaire
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is widely used to measure depressive symptoms. It assesses the extent to which the symptoms were experienced by the patient in past 2 weeks.14 15 Patients respond to items using an ordinal scale ranging from 0 (‘not at all’) to 3 (‘nearly every day’). The degree of depression is graded based on the total score of the nine items: mild (5 ≤ score ≤ 9), moderate (10 ≤ score ≤ 14), and severe (score ≥15).
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics are presented as counts and percentages for categorical data, and as means and standard deviations for continuous data. The Chi squared test, Fisher’s exact test, analysis of variance, correlation, and simple linear regression methods were used for simple analyses and subgroup comparisons. More sophisticated analyses were performed using multiple linear regression and multivariable logistic regression, to control for potential confounders. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Windows version 24.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). All levels of significance were set at the 0.05 level and all tests were two-sided. Missing data were excluded from analysis.
Patient demographic characteristics and cancer treatment histories
The study was performed from 14 August 2015 to 8 September 2017. Three hundred seventy-two consecutive patients were approached, and 241 patients agreed to participate in the study. The overall response rate was 64.8%. Forty-one patients were excluded from analysis due to incomplete data collection or failure to appropriately meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Therefore, a total of 200 patients were included in the analysis.
Among the 200 patients, 91 (45.5%) were women; the mean age of all patients was 25.4 ± 5.57 years, and the mean age at diagnosis was 7.8 ± 5.09 years. In total, 133 (66.5%) patients had haematological cancer, among whom 92 (46.0%) had acute lymphoid leukaemia, 15 (7.5%) had acute myeloid leukaemia, and 10 (5.0%) had Hodgkin lymphoma. Sixty-seven (33.5%) patients had non-haematological cancer, among whom 11 (5.5%) had Wilm’s tumour, 10 (5.0%) had osteosarcoma, and eight (4.0%) had neuroblastoma. Sixty-five (32.5%) patients underwent surgery, and 23 (11.5%) exhibited visible external effects, such as limb resection. Fifty-three (26.8%) patients received radiotherapy and 176 (88.9%) received chemotherapy. Ten (5.0%) patients had experienced cancer relapse. Thirty-one (15.5%) patients were married, 94 (47.0%) were single with a current or previous relationship, and 75 (37.5%) were single and had never been in a relationship (Table 1). Eighty (40.4%) patients reported a history of sexual experiences and 15 (7.6%) had impregnated their partners or ever conceived a child.

Table 1. Demographic data of the entire cohort (n=200)
Sexual impairment and dysfunction related to childhood cancer and treatment
The overall medical outcomes study sexual functioning score was 28.3 ± 20.09. Men (32.3 ± 19.92) had a significantly higher mean sexual functioning score (ie, more sexual problems) than women (23.6 ± 19.36, P=0.002) [Table 2]. Age at the time of this study (r=0.193, P=0.006) and age at cancer diagnosis (r=0.147, P=0.037) were significantly positively correlated with sexual functioning score (ie, more sexual problems). Patients who had a history of sexual experiences (32.8 ± 19.45, P=0.008) or who had been married (38.1 ± 20.63, P=0.004) had a significantly higher mean sexual functioning score than patients who had no history of sexual experiences and who had not been married (Table 2). Multiple regression analysis controlling for all potential confounders suggested that male sex (β=9.20, P=0.001) and marital status of ‘married’ (β=13.95, P=0.038) were significantly associated with higher sexual functioning score (ie, more sexual problems) [Table 3].

Table 2. Sexual function (medical outcomes study sexual functioning score)

Table 3. Multiple regression analysis of medical outcomes study sexual functioning scale
Assessments of self-esteem, body image, and depression in all patients
The mean Rosenberg self-esteem scale score was 29.9 ± 4.25. Multiple regression analysis showed that a history of relapse (β=-2.89, P=0.044) was significantly associated with Rosenberg self-esteem scale score following adjustment for other variables (ie, patients who had a history of relapse had lower self-esteem) [online Supplementary Appendices 1 and 2].
The mean BIS score was 5.6 ± 4.45. Age at diagnosis was statistically significantly positively correlated with BIS score (r=0.260, P<0.001). Patients who had not undergone surgery (4.9 ± 4.09) had significantly lower BIS score than patients who had undergone surgery (7.1 ± 4.81, P=0.002). Patients who had a history of haematological cancer (4.9 ± 4.11) also had significantly lower BIS score than patients who had a history of non-haematological cancer (7.1 ± 4.77, P=0.002) [online Supplementary Appendix 1]. Multiple regression analysis suggested that age at diagnosis (β=0.22, P<0.001) was associated with BIS score (online Supplementary Appendix 2).
The mean PHQ score was 4.80 ± 4.27. The numbers of patients who reported minimal depressive symptoms and major depression were 68 (34%) and 24 (12%), respectively (online Supplementary Appendix 3). No statistical significance was found across demographics variables (online Supplementary Appendices 1 and 2).
The General Health Questionnaire Short Form-12 analysis revealed that the overall PCS was 51.2 ± 6.44. Age at the time of this study (r=-0.159, P=0.025) and age at diagnosis (r=-0.170, P=0.017) were significantly negatively correlated with PCS. Patients who had undergone surgery without external effects (51.9 ± 5.20) had significantly higher mean PCS (ie, better physical health) than patients who had undergone surgery with external effects (47.5 ± 7.39, P=0.018) [online Supplementary Appendix 1]. Multiple regression analysis showed that male sex (β=2.04, P=0.024) was significantly associated with PCS, following adjustment for other variables (online Supplementary Appendix 2). In contrast, the overall MCS was 49.0 ± 9.00. There were no statistically significant relationships between MCS and any demographic variables (online Supplementary Appendices 1 and 2).
Subgroup analysis based on sexual functioning scores
Patients were divided into three groups based on their sexual functioning scores. Forty-eight (24.0%) patients had experienced at least one sexual problem, 125 (62.5%) patients reported that they never had any sexual problem and/or stated ‘not applicable’, and 27 (13.5%) patients reported ‘not applicable’ for all items. Among women in this study, 19 (20.9%) reported at least a small problem in at least one aspect of sexual function, 49 (53.8%) reported ‘not a problem’ and/or ‘not applicable’ for all items, and 23 (25.3%) reported ‘not applicable’ for all items; among men in this study, these numbers were 29 (26.6%), 76 (69.7%), and four (3.7%), respectively (Table 4).

Table 4. Response to medical outcomes study sexual functioning scale
In the group with no sexual problems, more patients had haematological cancers (n=89, 71.2% vs n=24, 50.0%; P=0.009), fewer patients underwent surgery (n=34, 27.2% vs n=24, 50.0%; P=0.004), fewer patients underwent surgery with external effects (n=9, 26.5% vs n=13, 54.2%; P=0.032), and fewer patients were regular social drinkers (n=2, 1.6% vs n=6, 12.5%; P=0.013). The group with no sexual problems also had statistically significantly higher PCS (52.5 ± 5.62 vs 48.1 ± 7.96, P=0.003), higher Rosenberg self-esteem scale score (30.6 ± 4.24 vs 28.4 ± 4.06, P=0.010), lower mean BIS score (4.9 ± 3.89 vs 7.5 ± 5.38, P=0.008), and lower mean PHQ score (4.1 ± 4.44 vs. 6.8 ± 3.89, P=0.001) [Table 5]. However, in multivariable logistic regression analysis controlling for all potential confounders, no variables were statistically significant when comparing the group with no problems to the group with problems. After model selection, a history of surgery with external effects (odds ratio [OR]=6.09, P=0.001), PCS (OR=0.93, P=0.010), and Rosenberg self-esteem scale score (OR=0.89, P=0.013) were significantly related to the presence of sexual function problems (Table 6).

Table 5. Comparison between patients without sexual functioning problems (all responses to medical outcomes study sexual functioning scale = “no problem”) and those with reported sexual functioning problems (any sexual functioning problem reported on medical outcomes study sexual functioning scale)

Table 6. Multiple logistic regression analysis of medical outcomes study sexual functioning scores with other parameters
In this study, approximately one-quarter of young Chinese cancer survivors in Hong Kong reported at least one sexual problem. Sexual problems were more common in men, in patients diagnosed with cancer at an older age, and in patients who were married or had a history of sexual experiences. Moreover, the presence of sexual problems was significantly associated with a history of surgery, as well as a history of surgery with external effects; patients with sexual problems generally had lower physical well-being scores, lower self-esteem scores, higher BIS scores, and an increased number of depressive symptoms. This new information can aid in understanding our patients’ needs and in guiding the provision of necessary care.
Sex-related differences in sexual function outcomes
In a similar study in the United States,4 involving 599 cancer survivors aged 18 to 39 years, 52% of female and 32% of male respondents reported at least ‘a small problem’ in one or more areas of sexual functioning. Overall, 42.7% of the patients in that study reported at least one problematic symptom; the overall sexual functioning score (indicative of more problems) was higher in women (21.6) than in men (10.6). Interestingly, the findings in our study contrasted with those of the prior study. Approximately one-quarter of survivors (24% overall, 26.6% of men, 20.9% of women) had at least one sexual problem. Furthermore, the overall sexual functioning scores for male and female survivors were 32.3 and 23.6, respectively. Therefore, fewer cancer survivors may experience sexual problems in Hong Kong. However, the problems experienced by these survivors may be more severe, as reflected by the higher sexual functioning score.
In our study, men had higher sexual functioning scores (ie, more sexual problems) than women. However, compared with men in the study (3.7%), many more women (25.3%) reported ‘not applicable’ (P<0.001). An overall lower score among women may not necessarily mean that they experienced fewer sexual problems; it might indicate that they were less sexually active. By excluding responses of ‘not applicable’ from the overall sexual functioning scale assessment, we found no significant sex-related difference in sexual functioning score (P=0.499). The mean scores for women and men were 31.62 ± 15.72 and 33.51 ± 19.25, respectively. Regarding patients with responses of ‘not applicable’ in the overall sexual functioning scale, 85.2% did not have sexual experience. Furthermore, women in the present study may have been less sexually active than men. A larger proportion of female survivors might only have sexual intercourse after marriage and thus be unaware of sexual problems prior to that point. Therefore, long-term assessment of sexual function is important for identifying sexual problems in cancer survivors, especially women.
Sex-related differences in specific sexual problems
Overall, the most common sexual problems reported were difficulties in relaxing and enjoying sex (19.5%) and difficulties in achieving an erection or orgasm (18.5%). Comparatively fewer survivors reported lack of sexual interest (13.0%) and problems in becoming sexually aroused (13.5%). Frederick et al16 performed a semi-structured interview study in a paediatric oncology and survivorship clinic, involving 22 childhood cancer survivors aged 18 to 39 who reported two or more sexual problems. The most commonly reported sexual problems were also difficulties in relaxing and enjoying sex (n=19, 86%) and difficulties in achieving an erection or orgasm (n=18, 82%), as in the present study. Frederick et al16 also reported that for each of the sexual function items, the proportion of women who reported problems (34.1%-39.5%) was greater than the proportion of men who reported problems (15.3%-20.4%). However, our study showed similar proportions of women and men experiencing problems in becoming sexually aroused (women: 13.2%, men: 13.8%) and in achieving an erection or orgasm (women: 18.7%, men: 18.3%). A greater proportion of men reported a lack of sexual interest (women: 8.8%, men: 16.5%) and an inability to relax or enjoy sex (women: 17.6%, men: 21.1%). The sexual problems experienced by cancer survivors seemed to differ between sexes. In Chinese culture, men play a more dominant role in a relationship, and typically initiate sexual activity.17 This might be why more men reported problems regarding sexual desire, including sexual interest, relaxation, and enjoyment. Because Asian women are more passive in terms of sexual activity, they might not view reduced sexual interest as a problem.18 Instead, they might be more concerned with an inability to achieve orgasm during sex.
The authors of previous studies proposed that greater numbers of female survivors reported sexual problems because they were more likely to experience cancer-related physical changes and psychological distress.4 19 However, our study showed no significant sex-related differences in physical health (P=0.072), mental health (P=0.354), self-esteem (P=0.184), body image (P=0.057), or depressive symptoms (P=0.349). This implies that the cancer survivors in our study did not experience sex-specific effects of their childhood cancer experience on their quality of life.
Implications for patient treatment
It is well-known that treatments for cancer may cause adverse effects on sexual function. Both Kenney et al20 and Van Dorp et al21 reviewed the literature regarding reproductive health of male and female survivors. They noted that alkylating agent chemotherapy and gonadal irradiation carried dose-related risks of primary gonadal dysfunction, which affected both sexual function and fertility. Chow et al22 also stated that surgery might involve long-term consequences, disfiguration with psychosocial impact, and delayed complications. Our study found that a larger proportion of survivors who had undergone surgery, especially surgery with external effects, reported problems involving sexual function, whereas survivors who had undergone radiation or chemotherapy showed no significant difference between the proportions of survivors who reported the presence or absence of problems involving sexual function.
Adolescence and young adulthood are the points in life when people focus intensely on their own bodies and can experience dissatisfaction with their bodies and physical appearances.23 Any alterations in physical appearance may affect their self-perceptions. Indeed, in a study involving focus groups and questionnaire surveys among survivors aged 15 to 29 years and matched controls to investigate body image and sexual health among adolescents and young adult cancer survivors, Olsson et al24 found that survivors perceived themselves to be less sexually attractive due to scars on their bodies and were less satisfied with their sexual function, compared with their matched controls.
With the progression of surgical techniques, such as the introduction of minimally invasive surgery, we presume that the impacts of scarring and physical disfiguration may be minimised. Until this change occurs, healthcare professionals should provide information regarding the potential adverse effects of treatments on the reproductive system and sexual function, as well as counselling to the survivors; importantly, survivors interviewed in previous studies indicated they had unmet needs for information, support, and counselling.20
There were some limitations in our study. Because we did not include a control arm, we could not assess whether there were any differences between our patients and similar age-matched young adults in terms of the measured parameters. Therefore, we plan to perform a follow-up study that involves the application of the assessments in these questionnaires to similarly aged individuals in the general population to confirm our findings. Another limitation of this study was that it was performed in a single centre and the findings may be biased due to the specific patient population involved. However, this is one of the main children’s cancer centres in Hong Kong, and is therefore a major referral centre that receives patients from various regions of Hong Kong; combined with the moderate sample size, we consider this to provide a good representation of adult survivors of childhood cancer in Hong Kong.
In this cross-sectional study of 200 young Chinese cancer survivors, approximately one-quarter of the patients reported at least one sexual problem. A history of sexual problems was significantly associated with a history of surgery, as well as a history of surgery with external effects. Compared with patients without sexual problems, those with sexual problems generally had lower physical well-being scores, lower self-esteem scores, higher body image distress scores, and an increased number of depressive symptoms. Given the findings in this study, aspects of life beyond disease condition and physical function should be considered in adult survivors of childhood cancers. Moreover, appropriate referral and intervention should be initiated for these patients when necessary.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: CF Ng, AWK Leung.
Acquisition of data: BSY Lau, CF Ng, AWK Leung.
Analysis or interpretation of data: CYL Hong, BSY Lau, CF Ng.
Drafting of the article: CYL Hong, BSY Lau, CF Ng.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: All authors.
Conflicts of interest
As editors of the journal, CF Ng and JYC Teoh were not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
The project was supported by Hong Kong Children Cancer Fund.
Ethics approval
Approvals (CRE-2014.674) from The Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong—New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee were obtained.
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Epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus infection and its effect on children with heart disease in Hong Kong: a multicentre review

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Oct;25(5):363–71  |  Epub 9 Oct 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus infection and its effect on children with heart disease in Hong Kong: a multicentre review
SH Lee, MB, BS, FRCPCH1; KL Hon, MB, BS, MD2; WK Chiu, MB, BS, MD3; YW Ting, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Paediatrics)4; SY Lam, MB, BS, FRCPCH4
1 Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan, Hong Kong
2 Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
3 Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, United Christian Hospital, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
4 Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr SH Lee (leeshm@ha.org.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Objectives: There is no guideline in Hong Kong regarding respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunoprophylaxis for children with heart disease because of a lack of local data on RSV infection. Therefore, this study evaluated the epidemiology and impact of RSV infection on children with heart disease in Hong Kong, with the goal of providing recommendations regarding RSV immunoprophylaxis.
Methods: This multicentre retrospective case-control study on paediatric RSV infection was conducted in four local regional hospitals from 2013 to 2015. The patients’ demographic and clinical data were retrieved and analysed.
Results: There were 3538 RSV hospitalisations during the study period, and the mortality rate was 0.14%. Some RSV seasonality was present in Hong Kong, primarily in spring and summer. Respiratory syncytial virus infection was positively correlated with relative humidity and negatively correlated with wind speed and atmospheric pressure. Patients with heart disease had a more severe outcome than those without, including longer median hospital stay (4 vs 2 days, P<0.001), higher complication rate (28.6% vs 9.8%, P<0.001), and higher rates of intensive care (11.6% vs 1.4%, P<0.001) and mechanical ventilation (3.6% vs 0.4%, P=0.003). Complications in non-cardiac patients included myocarditis and Kawasaki disease. Predictors of severe RSV infection in patients with heart disease were heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and severe airway abnormalities associated with congenital heart disease.
Conclusions: Respiratory syncytial virus infection occurs mainly in spring and summer in Hong Kong, and is related to meteorological conditions. Respiratory syncytial virus infection poses a heavy disease burden on children with heart disease. A local guideline on RSV immunoprophylaxis for these children is therefore needed.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This study reviewed the epidemiology and impact of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection on children with heart disease (HD) in Hong Kong.
  • RSV infections are common in Hong Kong, and the incidence peaks from March to August; prevalence is greatest in children aged <1 year, and there is a mild male preponderance. Infection is favoured by high relative humidity, low wind speed, and low atmospheric pressure.
  • HD, both congenital and acquired, is a distinct risk factor for severe RSV infection in terms of hospital length of stay, reinfection, complication, respiratory failure, and the requirements for intensive care unit care and mechanical ventilation.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • A local guideline on RSV immunoprophylaxis is needed for children with HD.
  • In Hong Kong, an RSV immunoprophylaxis scheme administered monthly for 5 months, beginning in the first year of life, should be considered in children with HD who exhibit any of the following severity predictors: heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and severe airway abnormalities associated with congenital HD.
  • The optimal timing for immunoprophylaxis may be during the local peak of infection, from March to August.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection poses a heavy disease burden in children worldwide.1 2 Haemodynamically significant congenital heart disease (hs-CHD) has been mainly studied and identified as a risk factor for severe RSV infection.3 4National immunoprophylaxis policies for RSV in children have been adopted worldwide.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In Hong Kong, under the Paediatric Coordinating Committee of the Hospital Authority, guidelines and government funding for RSV immunoprophylaxis for children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia of prematurity were established in 2012.12 However, no consensus has been reached regarding guidelines for RSV immunoprophylaxis for children with congenital or acquired heart disease (HD), because the epidemiology and impact of RSV infection on these patients have not been delineated in Hong Kong.13 14 15 16 It has been suggested that the high morbidity and mortality rates of RSV infection in children with hs-CHD observed during the pre-palivizumab era3 are no longer applicable, owing to advances in healthcare. To widen the scope of the study regarding HD there is a need to conduct an updated local study regarding the epidemiology and impact of RSV infection on children with all types of HD, with the aim of providing evidence-based recommendations for RSV immunoprophylaxis.
Study design
Hong Kong has a population of 7.48 million, including a paediatric population (aged ≤18 years) of approximately 1.1 million. Over 90% of in-patient service and nearly all tertiary service is provided by the public health system. There are 12 public hospitals providing approximately 1500 acute paediatric beds, of which 45 are paediatric intensive care beds; the total annual discharges and deaths are approximately 88 500. The present study was a multicentre retrospective case-control study of RSV infection in children in four hospitals with large paediatric departments, including 22 paediatric intensive care beds and approximately 630 acute paediatric beds, from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015.
Recruitment criteria
Paediatric patients were recruited using the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System electronic database of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority. The inclusion criteria were: (1) any discharge diagnosis of RSV infection, including bronchiolitis and pneumonia [International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, codes: 079.6 (0), 466.0 (9), 466.11, 480.1]; and (2) laboratory confirmation of RSV infection from patients’ nasopharyngeal or endotracheal secretions, either by immunofluorescent antigen staining (D3 Ultra 8 DFA; Diagnostic Hybrids Inc, Athens [OH], US) or RNA detection by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (Xpert Xpress Flu/RSV; Cepheid, Sunnyvale [CA], US).
Data collection
Information was collected regarding epidemiologic characteristics, demographics, and clinical information (eg, laboratory and pharmacy data, pre-existing co-morbidities, complications, reinfection, and intensive care unit [ICU] and ventilator requirements). Complications were defined as new secondary diagnosis related to RSV infection in a specific episode. Heart disease was defined as the presence of any active HD, including structural defects and cardiomyopathies. Patients who showed complete resolution of HD were considered normal. Diagnosis was confirmed by echocardiography, with or without cardiac catheterisation. Details of HD were retrieved, such as haemodynamic status, need for medication, and need for operation. One designated paediatrician from each hospital verified and retrieved information from the patients’ paper records, if needed. The numbers of hospital admissions for acute respiratory infections in the same period were also retrieved from each hospital. Meteorological information was obtained from the electronic database of the Hong Kong Observatory.
Main outcomes
First, the epidemiology of RSV infection and its association with meteorological conditions in the entire cohort was studied. Then patients were excluded if they had significant co-morbidities other than HD, including chronic lung disease, neuromuscular problems, and immunocompromised status, which are expected to increase the severity of RSV infection.17 18 19 Patients with social problems awaiting placement in the hospital causing undue prolonged hospital stay were also excluded. The remaining patients were then divided into heart disease (HD) and control (without any co-morbidities) groups to compare the severity of RSV infection. Cardiac patients alone were analysed to identify cardiac predictors of severe outcome from RSV infection (Fig 1).

Figure 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS (Windows version 23.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US). Continuous data were tested for normality. There was a large difference in sample size between the HD and control groups; therefore, non-parametric tests were used to compare these groups: the Mann-Whitney U test was used for univariate analysis of continuous data, and the Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test were used for categorical variables, where appropriate. The same statistical analyses were repeated using a smaller control group (1/10 of the original size), which was obtained by generating an age- and sex-matched random sample from the original control group. This repeat analysis yielded similar results, which showed that the statistical tests used were acceptable despite the large discrepancy in sample size. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were also performed. A backward variable selection method was used for model building. Results were considered statistically significant when P≤0.05.
There were 3538 RSV-related hospital admissions in the four paediatric departments during the 3-year period, which constituted 11.8% of acute respiratory infection admissions to the four departments and 43% of all RSV admissions to public hospitals in Hong Kong. The age distribution of the admitted patients is shown in Table 1. The RSV infections primarily affected children aged <5 years: 96.2% in the entire cohort and 97.3% in the HD group. Furthermore, RSV infections were most common in children aged <1 year: 44.6% in the entire cohort and 56.3% in the HD group. There was a mild male sex preponderance in the entire cohort, as well as in the HD group: male-to-female ratios of 1.32 and 1.29). The mortality rates were 0.14% (n=5) in the entire cohort and 0% in the HD group. All patients who died had an underlying chronic illness, such as congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, acute leukaemia, or asthma.

Table 1. Age distribution of the entire cohort of paediatric patients with respiratory syncytial virus infection, those with heart disease (heart disease group), and those without co-morbidities (control group)
The aggregated monthly trend of RSV infection is shown in Figure 2. Most infections (87.7% of those in the entire cohort and 91.1% of those in the HD group) occurred during the period from January to September, peaking from March to August (the spring and summer months). With respect to meteorological factors, bivariate correlation analysis of the entire cohort showed that the aggregated monthly RSV incidence had a statistically significant positive correlation with the monthly mean relative humidity (r=0.71, P=0.010) and statistically significant negative correlations with the monthly mean wind speed (r=-0.80, P=0.002) and monthly mean atmospheric pressure (r=-0.62, P=0.032) [Table 2]. Backward linear regression revealed that only monthly mean wind speed was significantly and independently associated with monthly RSV incidence (B=-31.716, 95% confidence interval [CI]=-48.61 to -14.82; P=0.002).

Figure 2. Aggregated monthly RSV-related hospitalisations among the entire cohort of paediatric patients with RSV (3538 episodes), those with heart disease (heart disease group, 112 episodes), and those without co-morbidities (control group, 3201 episodes), from 2013 to 2015

Table 2. Correlations of meteorological factors with aggregate monthly incidence of hospitalisation for RSV infection in the entire cohort, 2013 to 2015
Impact of respiratory syncytial virus infection on children with heart disease
Overall, 225 episodes were excluded because they involved patients who had co-morbidities other than HD. The HD group had 112 episodes involving 105 patients, while the control group had 3201 episodes involving 3155 patients. The demographic and clinical details of both groups are depicted in Table 3. The HD and control groups had similar age distribution (median [interquartile range]=0.9 years [0.46-1.97 years] vs 1.19 years [0.45-2.4 years]; P=0.068) and sex proportion (male preponderance of 56.3% vs 56.9%, P=0.899). There was no statistically significant difference in mortality rate (0% in HD group vs 0.03% in control group; P=1). Patient-based analysis revealed that the HD group had a higher RSV re-infection rate (>1 episode in the study period) than the rate in the control group (7.6% vs 1.7%, P<0.001). Respiratory syncytial virus infection was statistically significantly more severe in the HD group than in the control group in terms of the hospital length of stay (median=4 days [3-6 days] vs 2 days [2-4 days]; P<0.001), respiratory failure requiring respiratory support (17.0% vs 5.1%; P<0.001), requirement of ICU care (11.6% vs 1.4%, P<0.001), requirement of invasive or non-invasive mechanical ventilation (3.6% vs 0.4%, P=0.003), and occurrence of complications (28.6% vs 9.8%, P<0.001). Respiratory failure and dehydration were common complications in both groups. However, heart failure exacerbation (n=13) and arrhythmia (n=3) only occurred in the HD group, while febrile convulsion (n=96), acute myocarditis (n=2), and Kawasaki disease (n=8) were only observed in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of co-infection rate (8.9% vs 7.8%; P=0.665). More than half of co-infections (55.4%) were due to respiratory organisms: rhinovirus was most common, followed by adenovirus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Pneumococcus bacteria (Table 4).

Table 3. Comparison of epidemiology, mortality and morbidity of patients with and without heart disease who were hospitalised for RSV infection

Table 4. Co-infections with other micro-organisms in the heart disease and control groups (n=3313)
Predictors of severe outcome in cardiac patients
In the HD group, 26 patients had a history of partial surgical repair of heart lesions, while nine others required urgent cardiac surgery after recovery from RSV infection. Four cardiac risk factors were identified: (1) heart failure requiring medications (n=26); (2) pulmonary hypertension (n=7); (3) severe airway abnormalities associated with congenital heart disease (CHD) such as pulmonary artery sling (n=6); and (4) cyanotic CHD (n=1). Each patient could have multiple risk factors; 75 patients had no risk factors. Regression analyses involving age, sex, and the four risk factors were conducted to identify variables that could predict the severity of RSV infection. Backward multivariate linear regression showed that total hospital length of stay was positively and independently associated with heart failure (B=4.65, 95% CI=2.55-6.74, P<0.001), pulmonary hypertension (B=5.52, 95% CI=1.89-9.15, P=0.003), and airway abnormalities (B=10.35, 95% CI=6.44-14.25, P<0.001). The ICU length of stay was positively and independently associated with airway abnormalities (B=5.90, 95% CI=3.73-8.07, P<0.001). Backward binary logistic regression revealed that the requirement of ICU care was positively associated with pulmonary hypertension (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]=20.67, 95% CI=3.74-114.21, P=0.001) and airway abnormalities (aOR=15.50, 95% CI=2.56-93.84, P=0.003). Similarly, respiratory failure was positively associated with both pulmonary hypertension (aOR=9.27, 95% CI=1.41-61.05, P=0.021) and airway abnormalities (aOR=11.21, 95% CI =1.84-68.33, P=0.009) [Table 5].

Table 5. Potential predictors of severe outcome from RSV infection in patients with heart disease
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reviewing the epidemiology and impact of RSV infection on children with HD in Hong Kong. The representative sample in this study included 43% of all RSV-related hospitalisations in the public sector. Respiratory infection due to RSV was common in children in Hong Kong, causing 11.8% of hospital admissions for acute respiratory infection; it was most common in children aged <5 years, similar to the findings of another study in Hong Kong (96.2% vs 98.4%).13 However, the incidence of respiratory infection due to RSV in patients aged <1 year in the present study was lower than that in Western studies (44.6% vs 75%-90%).2 This is potentially because babies in Hong Kong are typically cared for at home with the help of grandparents or domestic helpers, rather than attending nursery facilities. Coupled with the small number of children in most Hong Kong families, this may have reduced the rate of cross-infection. 20 Male sex was identified as a risk factor for RSV-related hospitalisation, as in prior studies, but the male preponderance in this study was slightly lower than that of other studies (1.32:1 vs 1.44-1.65:1).2 13 20 21 22 23 The mortality rate of RSV-related hospitalisation was extremely low (0.14%), which was similar to the rates in local and worldwide studies (0.15%-1%).2 13 15 Most deaths occurred in patients who had underlying chronic illnesses.
Although the seasonality of RSV infection in Hong Kong, a subtropical area, is not well-defined in the manner observed in temperate regions, there is a degree of seasonal variation. As in other studies from Hong Kong and Singapore,13 14 15 16 24 this study showed that RSV infection peaked in the humid spring and summer months, but was less common from October to December during the dry and windy season. Indeed, analysis of meteorological data showed that RSV infection was positively correlated with relative humidity and negatively correlated with both wind speed and atmospheric pressure. Relative humidity has been consistently associated with RSV infection rate in other studies.13 16 25 Notably, RSV in large particle aerosol form is more stable at higher humidity and may thus favour transmission.25 While temperature, rainfall, and sunlight were associated with RSV infection in previous studies,13 16 25 this study showed that wind speed was negatively associated with RSV infection. We presume that strong wind disturbs the stability of RSV in aerosol. We recommend that individuals who care for young children maintain a dry and well-ventilated environment to decrease the likelihood of cross-infection. In addition, this study highlighted the differences in RSV seasonality in Hong Kong, relative to other parts of Asia. Taiwan has two biennial peaks (spring and autumn), while Malaysia has a single peak infection period (September to December).22 23 Thus, local epidemiological and climatic data are pivotal in determining the appropriate timing for RSV immunoprophylaxis.
In this study, we included all types of HD, rather than CHD alone; notably, acquired HD, such as cardiomyopathy, can increase vulnerability to RSV infection.26 The characteristics of RSV infection in cardiac patients have changed. First, the percentage of cardiac patients in this study was lower than that in prior studies (3.2% vs 8%-16.4%).3 22 27 28 29 Second, the outcome of RSV infection in this study was less severe than that of prior studies with respect to the requirement of ICU care (11.6% vs 30.4%-63%), requirement of mechanical ventilation (3.6% vs 19%-24%), and rate of mortality (0% vs 2.5%-37%).3 22 27 28 29 These differences may be related to the ongoing tendencies for economic and healthcare improvement; they may also be related to good antenatal ultrasound service, termination of pregnancies involving severe CHD, and easy access to medical service in Hong Kong. However, as in other studies, children with HD in Hong Kong exhibit significantly more severe outcomes from RSV infection than do children without co-morbidity.15 22 26 29 30 31
In the present study, myocarditis and Kawasaki disease were complications of RSV infection in the non-cardiac group. These associations have not been extensively reported in prior studies, and further investigation is needed. The lack of these complications in the HD group may be explained by the much smaller sample size in that group (the HD group had 112 episodes involving 105 patients, while the control group had 3201 episodes involving 3155 patients). The rate of co-infection with other respiratory viruses in this study was low compared with that reported in a meta-analysis (4.3% vs ≤50%)2; however, the findings were similar in that dual infection led to a more severe disease course and that rhinovirus was the most common co-infecting agent. Notably, adenovirus was the second most common agent in this study, whereas it was human bocavirus in the meta-analysis; the presence of this virus is not routinely assessed in Hong Kong.
Within the HD group, we identified three severity predictors for RSV infection, namely heart failure requiring medications, pulmonary hypertension, and severe airway abnormalities associated with CHD. The first two have been well described3 22 26 27 and were included in the American Academy of Pediatrics guideline for RSV prophylaxis11; severe airway abnormality associated with CHD has not been extensively investigated in previous studies of RSV infection. Pulmonary artery sling with tracheal stenosis is not easily identified during prenatal examinations and some affected patients remain undiagnosed for a few months after birth. The disease may first be identified during respiratory infection, such as RSV, and most patients exhibit severe courses of disease. In contrast to the findings of the Taiwanese study,32 we did not find cyanotic CHD to be a severity predictor. This was potentially because the number of such patients was very small in our series (n=1). Indeed, the number of live births of patients with severe cyanotic CHD is decreasing in Hong Kong due to the high rate of termination of pregnancies involving the disease. The number of surviving patients with severe untreated cyanotic CHD is also small, as they either receive some form of surgical treatment or do not survive early infancy.
Early studies stressed the importance of hygiene and infection control for the prevention of RSV infection.20 The IMpact-RSV study in the late 1990s led to the approval of palivizumab (a monoclonal antibody) for passive immunisation in the US in 1998 and in Europe in 1999 for children with chronic lung disease or prematurity.5 6 33 In 2003, the use of palivizumab in the US was extended to children with hs-CHD (heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and cyanotic CHD) who were aged ≤2 years.7 34 Comparable national guidelines have been gradually adopted globally, including in Asian countries (Japan in 2006 and Korea in 2009).8 9 In temperate regions with a distinct RSV season length of approximately 6 months, the typical palivizumab regimen is monthly intramuscular injection at 15 mg/kg/dose during the RSV season, with a maximum of five doses. However, in subtropical regions without a clear RSV season, monthly injection may be necessary for the entire year, which is costly. In 2011, a study in Taiwan showed that a protocol of six consecutive monthly doses in at-risk children, beginning when the risk was initially detected in the first year of life, was also effective.10 Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics limits routine RSV immunoprophylaxis to children who have acyanotic CHD with heart failure or pulmonary hypertension in the first year of life.11 In the United Kingdom, children who have cyanotic or acyanotic CHD with significant co-morbidities are recommended to receive RSV immunoprophylaxis until age 2 years.35 In 2017, however, an international steering committee broadened the indications to children with unoperated hs-CHD or symptomatic airway abnormalities who were aged ≤2 years, as well as children with cardiomyopathy requiring treatment who were aged ≤1 year.36 A Canadian-Italian group questioned whether children with hs-CHD need higher doses of immunoprophylaxis because of their increased inherent risks.37 Numerous studies have shown the safety and efficacy of RSV immunoprophylaxis and its long-term benefit in children with HD.6 30 38 39 40 It is therefore imperative to establish similar guidelines in Hong Kong. In accordance with local experience regarding bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature babies,12 an RSV immunoprophylaxis scheme administered monthly for five doses, beginning in the first year of life, should be considered in children with HD who exhibit severity predictors such as heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and/or severe airway abnormality related to CHD. The optimal timing for immunoprophylaxis may be during the local peak of infection, from March to August.
Limitations of this study
Because this was a retrospective hospital-based study, the incidence of RSV respiratory infection may have been underestimated; however, we presume that only patients with relatively mild disease were potentially omitted. As in all retrospective reviews, this study did not use a pre-defined protocol for management and clinical documentation. This limitation was partially addressed by analysing objective clinical details which are relatively standard and easily retrievable through electronic means. We also collected out-patient follow-up records when necessary to provide additional information regarding co-morbidities. However, instances of re-infection before and after the study period were not assessed due to technical limitations, which is not ideal.
Respiratory syncytial virus infections are common in Hong Kong, and the incidence peaks from March to August; prevalence is greatest in children aged <1 year, and there is a mild male preponderance. Infection is favoured by high relative humidity, low wind speed, and low atmospheric pressure. Heart disease, both congenital and acquired, is a distinct risk factor for severe RSV infection in terms of hospital length of stay, reinfection, complication, respiratory failure, and the requirements for ICU care and mechanical ventilation. In Hong Kong, an RSV immunoprophylaxis scheme administered monthly for five doses, beginning during spring and summer in the first year of life, should be considered in children with HD who exhibit any of the following severity predictors: heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and severe airway abnormalities associated with CHD.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the concept of study, acquisition and analysis of data. SH Lee and KL Hon wrote the article and had critical revision for important intellectual content. All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
We thank Ms Kathy YC Tsang of Prince of Wales Hospital who provided expert and continuous statistical support for this study.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The results from this research have been presented, in part, at the following conferences:
1. The first phase of this research involving two hospitals on the impact of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children with heart disease was presented in the 2nd Asian RSV Expert Forum, Singapore, 24 October 2016.
2. The preliminary data of this research involving four hospitals on the epidemiology and impact of RSV infection in children with heart disease were presented in: (a) "RSV infection in Hong Kong Children" forum organised by the Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Cardiology, 17 January 2017 and (b) the Working Group on Use of Palivizumab for RSV Infection Prophylaxis in Children under Hospital Authority Paediatric COC, 30 August 2017.
3. A modified abstract was selected as poster presentation in the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, 28 September 2019 (with prior permission by Editor-in-Chief of the Hong Kong Medical Journal).
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong (Ref KC/KE-16-0122/ER-2). There is no ethical concern and waiver for obtaining consent was approved by the Cluster Research Ethics Committees of the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong. All procedures performed in this study involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
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Emergency attendances and hospitalisations for complications after transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies: a five-year retrospective multicentre study

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Oct;25(5):349–55  |  Epub 11 Oct 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Emergency attendances and hospitalisations for complications after transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies: a five-year retrospective multicentre study
KC Cheng, FHKAM (Surgery), FCSHK1; WC Lam, MB, ChB1;HC Chan, FHKAM (Surgery), FCSHK1; CC NgoFHKAM (Surgery), FCSHK2; MH Cheung, FHKAM (Surgery), FCSHK2; HS So, FHKAM (Surgery), FCSHK1; KM Lam, FHKAM (Surgery), FCSHK3
1 Department of Surgery, United Christian Hospital, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
2 Department of Surgery, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
3 Private Practice, Chiron Medical, Central, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KC Cheng (bryan.ckc@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) prostate biopsy is an established procedure for diagnosis of prostate cancer. Complications after TRUS biopsy are not well reported in Hong Kong. This study evaluated the 5-year incidences of TRUS biopsy complications and potential risk factors for those complications.
Methods: This was a retrospective review of biopsies performed from 2013 to 2017 in two local hospitals, using data retrieved from electronic medical records. The primary outcome was the occurrence of complications requiring either emergency attendances or hospitalisations within 30 days after biopsy. Potential risk factors were examined using multiple logistic regression analysis.
Results: In total, 1699 men were included (mean age ± standard deviation: 67 ± 7 years; median prostate-specific antigen level: 7.9 μg/L [interquartile range, 5.5-12.6 μg/L]); 4.3% had pre-biopsy bacteriuria. Overall, 5.7% and 3.8% of post-biopsy complications required emergency attendances and hospitalisations, respectively. Gross haematuria and rectal bleeding requiring emergency attendances developed in 2.1% and 0.4% of men; 0.8% and 0.4% required hospitalisations. Furthermore, 1.5% of men developed acute urinary retention requiring hospitalisations; 1.9% and 1.2% had post-biopsy infections requiring emergency attendances and hospitalisations, respectively, and 0.9% had urosepsis requiring hospitalisations. Prostate volume >48 cc was associated with an increased risk of post-biopsy retention (odds ratio 2.75, 95% confidence interval: 1.23-4.17).
Conclusions: The rate of overall complications after TRUS biopsy was low. The most common complications requiring emergency attendances and hospitalisations were gross haematuria and acute urinary retention, respectively. Prostate volume >48 cc increased the risk of post-biopsy urinary retention.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Complications requiring emergency attendances or hospitalisations after transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) prostate biopsies are uncommon.
  • The most common complications requiring emergency attendances and hospitalisations are gross haematuria and acute urinary retention, respectively.
  • The presence of a large prostate (volume >48 cc) increases the risk of acute urinary retention after TRUS biopsy. However, no specific factors are associated with increased risk of post-biopsy infections.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Patients with large prostate should be counselled for the increased risk of urinary retention after TRUS biopsy.
  • Despite the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in urine and blood cultures, patients who develop sepsis after TRUS biopsy are likely to recover after a brief period of hospitalisation.
Transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) prostate biopsy, introduced in 1989,1 is an established and longstanding procedure for detection of prostate cancer. Because it can be learned rapidly and comprises a simple, office-based procedure, TRUS biopsy remains the most commonly performed procedure for diagnosis of prostate cancer.2 3 However, TRUS biopsy is associated with significant risks. Instances of bleeding are common, including haematuria, rectal bleeding, and haemospermia; however, these are generally mild and self-limiting.4 The most worrisome complication is post-biopsy infection, which occurs in 0% to 6.3% of men after TRUS biopsy.4 The risk is low, but the consequences are serious in affected patients. There is recent evidence to suggest that increasing numbers of quinolone-resistant organisms are contributing to the development of post-biopsy sepsis.4
In Hong Kong, there have been few reports of TRUS biopsy complications. Some studies have focused on infective complications in relatively small numbers of patients.5 6 Therefore, we reviewed TRUS biopsies performed over a 5-year period in two local hospitals to evaluate the incidences and types of complications, as well as their associated risk factors. This could provide an important insight into the overall TRUS biopsy complications, including infective and non-infective complications in the local population.
Patients and study design
This retrospective cohort analysis included men who underwent TRUS biopsy procedures during the period from 2013 to 2017 in United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong and Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong. All patients who underwent TRUS biopsy procedures were included in the analysis. Indications for biopsy included elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, suspicious digital rectal examination of the prostate, restaging biopsies in incidental prostate cancer detected in transurethral prostatectomy or in patients under active surveillance of prostate cancer, and previous suspicion of prostate cancer (eg, high-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia or atypical small acinar proliferation). Pre-biopsy blood tests were performed to determine complete blood count, clotting profile, and PSA level. Mid-stream urine was collected 3 to 4 weeks prior to biopsy for bacterial culture analysis. A course of antibiotic treatment was administered if pre-biopsy bacteriuria was detected, based on the sensitivity profile of the involved bacteria. Anticoagulant medications and clopidogrel were discontinued prior to biopsy; the duration of cessation and any requirement for heparin coverage were determined by physicians. The use of low-dose aspirin was continued during biopsy. Oral bisacodyl tablets were used for rectal preparation on the morning of the biopsy procedure. Quinolone antibiotic prophylaxis with oral levofloxacin 500 mg was prescribed 1 hour prior to biopsy, then continued for 2 days after biopsy. This report was compiled in accordance with the STROBE guidelines.7 The principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki were followed.
Biopsy procedure
All biopsies were performed as day procedures. A 7.5-MHz biplanar transrectal ultrasound probe and 18-gauge needles with side-firing needle-guides were used for biopsy. Each patient was positioned in the left lateral posture with both hips and knees flexed. Prostate size measurement was calculated using the ellipsoidal formula. Topical lidocaine jelly and local anaesthetic injection with 10 mL of 1% plain lidocaine were used routinely in one hospital; these were injected into the area between the prostatic base and seminal vesicles. The other hospital used topical lidocaine alone. Six-core to 12-core systemic biopsies were performed depending on the hospital involved and the time frame of the biopsy procedure, as the two centres have changed the practice in performing more number of cores with time. Each patient was discharged on the same day after completion of the procedure. Clinical follow-up was performed at 4 weeks post-biopsy in an out-patient clinic to review the pathology findings.
Follow-up assessment
Patients who were admitted for biopsies were identified using the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System. Clinical records (ie, discharge summary, emergency case notes, clinic consultation notes, laboratory results, and ultrasound findings) were retrieved using the hospital-based Clinical Management System and the territory-wide Electronic Patient Record, which comprises a centralised medical records system shared by all public hospitals. Thus, men who had been admitted to another public hospital for complications could be identified. The patients’ records were examined and the occurrence of complications was determined using a standardised form. During post-biopsy follow-up examinations, clinical records from the Clinical Management System were examined to identify any potential attendances or admissions to private sector hospitals owing to complications. The primary outcome in this study was the occurrence of complications within 30 days after biopsy. Complications were defined as events requiring either emergency attendances or hospitalisations; these events were analysed separately. Post-biopsy urinary tract infections (PBI) were defined as the presence of urinary tract infection symptoms (dysuria, with or without frequency, urgency, or suprapubic pain) after biopsy, with or without sepsis. Based on the Sepsis-3 criteria, sepsis was defined as an acute increase in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score of ≥2.8 Acute urinary retention (AUR) was defined as acute painful retention of urine requiring catheterisation. Any lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) that occurred or worsened after biopsy, which required emergency attendances, were also recorded.
Statistical analysis
Statistical calculations were computed with the SPSS (Windows version 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). For examination of potential risk factors, continuous variables, such as PSA level and prostate size, were categorised based on the median values. The Chi squared test was used to compare complications between the two hospitals. Multiple logistic regression models were used to investigate potential risk factors for complications.
In total, 1710 men were admitted to either of the two hospitals for TRUS biopsy procedures during the study period. Eleven men were excluded because they refused to undergo TRUS biopsy after admission; therefore, 1699 men were included in the study. The mean age (± standard deviation) of the men was 67 ± 7 years and median PSA level was 7.9 μg/L (interquartile range, 5.5-12.6 μg/L). Of the 1699 men in the study, 310 (18.2%) had a suspicious digital rectal examination of the prostate; the overall cancer detection rate was 19.8%. Characteristics and results of the biopsies are shown in Table 1. Overall, 5.7% and 3.8% of post-biopsy complications required emergency attendances and hospitalisations, respectively (Table 2). There were no occurrences of mortality in the entire cohort.

Table 1. Characteristics and results of prostate biopsies (n=1699)

Table 2. Complications requiring emergency attendances or hospitalisations after prostate biopsies (n=1699)
Bleeding complications
Overall, 2.1% of men in the study developed gross haematuria requiring emergency attendances, and 0.8% were hospitalised for further management. Haematuria subsided with conservative treatment in all affected men; no transfusions or emergency surgical interventions were needed. Rectal bleeding occurred in 0.4% of men; all required hospitalisations. Rectal bleeding resolved spontaneously in all affected men, except two who required rectal packing with adrenaline gauze for haemostasis. There were no cases of haemospermia requiring emergency attendances. No risk factors could be identified for emergency attendances or hospitalisations related to any bleeding complications (Table 3). Importantly, the continuation of low-dose aspirin was not associated with an increased rate of bleeding complications.

Table 3. Multiple logistic regression model examining risk factors for non-infective complications
Retention of urine and lower urinary tract symptoms
In all, 1.5% of men in the study developed AUR; all required hospitalisations. During these hospitalisations, the men were assessed by voiding trials; all were able to void spontaneously within 2 to 3 days. Acute-onset LUTS was present in 0.4% of men who had emergency attendances, and 0.1% of the men required hospitalisation. Prostate size >48 cc was associated with a nearly 3-fold increase in the risk of post-biopsy retention (odds ratio=2.75, 95% confidence interval: 1.23-4.17; Table 3). No risk factors were identified with respect to the occurrence of LUTS.
Post-biopsy infection
Pre-biopsy bacteriuria was present in 4.3% of men in this study. The most common causative bacterial species was Escherichia coli (1.8%) [Table 4]. Emergency attendances and hospitalisation rates for PBI were 1.9% and 1.2%, respectively. Sepsis occurred in 0.9% of men in this study, all of whom required hospitalisations (Table 2). Among patients who developed sepsis, none had a positive pre-biopsy urine culture. Post-sepsis urine cultures were positive in 46.7% (7/15) of the men who developed sepsis; all of these positive cultures showed growth of E coli, and 57% (4/7) of the cultures demonstrated quinolone resistance. Blood cultures were positive in 40% (6/15) of the men who developed sepsis; all of these positive cultures showed growth of E coli, and 83% (5/6) of the cultures demonstrated quinolone resistance. None of the men required intensive care and none developed prostate abscesses. The median hospital stay for men with sepsis was 6 days (interquartile range, 4-10 days).

Table 4. Types of pre-biopsy bacteriuria
Treatment for bacteriuria and the presence of diabetes mellitus both showed no associations with overall infection or urosepsis. No other factors tested including age and prostate size were associated with infective complications. There were no differences in the rates of overall complications requiring either emergency attendances (6.5% vs 4.6%, P=0.10) or hospitalisations (3.9% vs 3.8%, P=0.95) between the two hospitals. Moreover, there were no differences in the rates of overall post-biopsy infection or sepsis (0.8% vs 1.6%, P=0.13 and 0.5% vs 1.4%, P=0.19).
Non-infective complications
Non-infective complications after TRUS biopsy were common in this study; fortunately, most comprised minor complications that did not require additional treatment. Using questionnaires and telephone for follow-up of patients who underwent TRUS biopsy, the ProtecT Study group found that haematuria occurred in 65.8%, rectal bleeding occurred in 36.8%, and haemospermia occurred in 92.6%, within 35 days after biopsy.9 A recent systematic review of TRUS biopsy complications reported wider ranges of complication rates: haematuria in 27.9% to 64.5% of patients, haemospermia in 6% to 90.1% of patients, and rectal bleeding in 11.5% to 40% of patients.4 These wide ranges of complication rates were largely dependent on the methods by which the complications were registered. In our study, the reported bleeding rate was lower, as we only included patients with complications requiring emergency attendances. The differences in our findings suggest that post-biopsy bleeding might generally be mild; thus, it does not require medical consultation.
Prostate size is reportedly associated with the risk of haematuria after biopsies, as is the number of cores, although this particular point remains controversial.10 11 12 However, our study did not find evidence to support these relationships. The post-biopsy retention rate in our study was comparable with that in the literature (0.2%-1.7%).4 All men had successful voiding trials in our cohort and did not require surgical intervention. Importantly, we found that prostate size was a risk factor for post-biopsy retention, consistent with the results of two other studies.10 11
Infective complications
Infective complications requiring hospitalisation have been reported in 0% to 6.3% of patients after TRUS biopsy.4 The Global Prevalence Study of Infections in Urology 2013 revealed post-biopsy infection in 5.2% of patients; of them, 3% required hospitalisation.3 A recently published population-based study showed an increasing trend in infective complications, comprising a four-fold increase in overall hospitalisations over 10 years.13 In the present study, we could not perform any temporal analyses of complications because the length of the study was insufficient; to the best of our knowledge, there have been no such temporal analyses in Hong Kong. The infection rate in our cohort was comparatively lower than that of most international studies,4 and similar to that in prior studies elsewhere in Asia14 15 (0% and 0.5% of PBI), as well as in Hong Kong5 6 (0.5% and 3.9%). Reasons for the apparent lower infection rate in people of Asian ethnicity compared with those of other ethnicities are unclear. Tsu et al6 reported that patients who underwent TRUS biopsy exhibited a high prevalence (53.6%) of antibiotic-resistant flora in the rectum, although the PBI rate remained low among these patients (2.4%). Numerous risk factors have been associated with the development of PBI.4 However, in the present study, we did not identify any factors that could predict the risk of PBI.
A positive urine culture was not a mandatory requirement to define PBI in this study, as a significant proportion of men who had urinary tract infection symptoms without systemic inflammatory response syndrome were treated and discharged directly from the emergency department, and most did not provide urine cultures. Thus, the emergency case notes were reviewed to determine whether PBI had occurred. In contrast, for men who had been hospitalised with sepsis, urine and blood cultures were available for analysis.
There were no reports of mortality in our cohort. In general, death directly related to biopsy is exceedingly rare and most patients die because of other factors. The reported mortality rates after TRUS biopsy are 0.09% to 1.3%, depending on the length of the post-biopsy follow-up period.4 Data from a prostate cancer screening trial showed a mortality rate of 0.095% in biopsy patients, which was comparable to that of the control group. Notably, the mortality rate in biopsy patients was lower than that in patients who had no biopsies; none of the deaths in the study were related to the biopsy procedure.16
Transperineal or transrectal approaches
There has been a recent surge of interest, both in Hong Kong and internationally, in performing transperineal prostate biopsies. Transperineal biopsies are advantageous in that they have an extremely low risk of sepsis and enable improved sampling of tumours in the anterior prostate.17 In transperineal biopsy, the needle is passed through clean and prepared skin, rather than faeces or bowel; this method is presumed to eliminate post-biopsy infection. In 2013, a large systematic review of transperineal biopsy showed no instances of sepsis, with only a few reported cases of PBI (0%-1.6%).4 Transrectal biopsy exhibits difficulty in sampling the anterior prostate. Indeed, transperineal biopsy reportedly exhibits a superior cancer detection rate, especially in terms of tumours in the anterior prostate.18 19
Despite these advantages in the rate of post-biopsy sepsis and sampling of anterior tumours, the transperineal approach has limitations. These include longer operating time, greater procedure-related pain, and increased post-biopsy retention, particularly in relation to the use of template mapping protocols.20 21 A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted in 2012, which compared the outcomes of transperineal and transrectal biopsies, did not show any differences in rates of complications between the two approaches.22 In our opinion, additional studies are needed to compare the two approaches in terms of cancer detection rate, complications, cost-effectiveness, and patient-reported outcomes before wide adoption of the transperineal approach is recommended.
In early 2018, we began exploratory use of transperineal prostate biopsy; thus far, we have used it for assessment of 71 patients. None of the patients have shown signs of sepsis or urinary tract infections; two patients were readmitted after biopsy for urethral bleeding and three patients were readmitted for urinary retention. The number of biopsies performed thus far is insufficient for a meaningful comparison with existing data from transrectal biopsies.
Limitations and future studies
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in Hong Kong to provide data regarding non-infective complications of TRUS biopsy. It provides valuable information for patients and can be used by clinicians during treatment counselling. Special precautions and education are needed for patients with a large prostate, as they exhibit an increased risk of post-biopsy retention. Nonetheless, the value of this study was limited by its retrospective nature.
The complications recorded were based solely on emergency attendances and hospitalisations in all public hospitals; importantly, attendances to private sector hospitals might have been missed. However, because approximately 90% of in-patient care in Hong Kong is provided by public hospitals, we presume that our approach enabled us to retrieve data regarding the vast majority of post-biopsy complications that required hospitalisations.23 In addition, patients who had attended private hospitals for complications, then attended public out-patient clinics for follow-up, could be identified and recorded unless they also selected private clinic follow-up.
Milder complications which did not require emergency attendances or hospitalisations, as well as sexual dysfunction and post-biopsy pain, could not be assessed in this study. Because of its retrospective design, we also could not report on prior antibiotics exposure and travel history among the patients, which limits analyses of risk factors. The number of cores taken could have affected the rate of complications.4 Approximately 20% of men in the cohort had sextant biopsies. The use of this lower number of cores might have led to underestimation of the rate of complications, compared with current standards for biopsy, in which 10 to 12 cores are taken.
Finally, a locoregional prospective multicentre study with other Asian nations would provide valuable insights into complications after prostate biopsies in the Asian population; it would also aid in assessments of differences in complications compared with Western nations.
Complications requiring emergency attendances or hospitalisations after transrectal prostate biopsy were uncommon; the most common complications requiring emergency attendances and hospitalisations were gross haematuria and AUR, respectively. Prostate volume >48 cc was a risk factor for post-biopsy urinary retention, but no specific risk factors were identified for post-biopsy infections. Patients with large prostate should be counselled for the increased risk of urinary retention after TRUS biopsy.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: KC Cheng, KM Lam.
Acquisition of data: KC Cheng, WC Lam, KM Lam.
Analysis or interpretation of data: KC Cheng.
Drafting of the article: KC Cheng.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: HC Chan, CC Ngo, MH Cheung, HS So.
This research has been presented in part at the 15th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2017, 4-6 August 2017, Hong Kong.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
We acknowledge and express our gratitude to Dr YS Chan and Dr Alvin Chan for the data entry.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Kowloon Central/Kowloon East Research Ethics Committee (Ref KC/KE-19-0182/ER-1).
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