External validation of a simple scoring system to predict pregnancy viability in women presenting to an early pregnancy assessment clinic

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Apr;26(2):102–10  |  Epub 2 Apr 2020
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
External validation of a simple scoring system to predict pregnancy viability in women presenting to an early pregnancy assessment clinic
Osanna YK Wan, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), FHKCOG; Symphorosa SC Chan, MD, FRCOG; Jacqueline PW Chung, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), FHKCOG; Janice WK Kwok, BSc; Terence TH Lao, MD, FRCOG; DS Sahota, BEng, PhD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Osanna YK Wan (osannawan@cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: A scoring system combining clinical history and simple ultrasound parameters was developed to predict early pregnancy viability beyond the first trimester. The scoring system has not yet been externally validated. This study aimed to externally validate this scoring system to predict ongoing pregnancy viability beyond the first trimester.
Methods: This prospective observational cohort study enrolled women with singleton intrauterine pregnancies before 12 weeks of gestation. Women underwent examination and ultrasound scan to assess gestational sac size, yolk sac size, and fetal pulsation status. A pregnancy-specific viability score was derived in accordance with the Bottomley score. Pregnancy outcomes at 13 to 16 weeks were documented. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis was used to assess the discriminatory performance of the scoring system.
Results: In total, 1508 women were enrolled; 1271 were eligible for analysis. After adjustment for covariates, miscarriage (13%) was significantly associated with age ≥35 years (odds ratio [OR]=1.99, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.19-3.34), higher bleeding score (OR=2.34, 95% CI: 1.25-4.38), gestational age (OR=1.17, 95% CI: 1.13-1.22), absence of yolk sac (OR=4.73, 95% CI: 2.11-10.62), absence of fetal heart pulsation (OR=3.57, 95% CI: 1.87-6.84), mean yolk sac size (OR=1.25, 95% CI: 1.06-1.47), and fetal size (OR=0.82, 95% CI: 0.77-0.88). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.91 (95% CI: 0.89-0.93). Viability score of ≥1 corresponded to a >90% probability of viable pregnancy.
Conclusions: The scoring system was easy to use. A score of ≥1 could be used to counsel women who have a high likelihood of viable pregnancy beyond the first trimester.
New knowledge added by this study
  • External validation of the Bottomley score was achieved and a cut-off viability score was established. Women with a viability score of ≥1 had a >90% probability that their pregnancy would be carried to beyond the first trimester.
  • Miscarriage was significantly associated with age ≥35 years, higher bleeding score, gestational age, absence of yolk sac, absence of fetal heart pulsation, mean yolk sac size, and fetal size.
  • A pregnancy with a large subchorionic haematoma (ratio of mean subchorionic haematoma diameter to gestational sac diameter >0.5) was almost two-fold more likely to miscarry, compared with other pregnancies.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • This scoring system allows gynaecologists to use simple clinical history and standard ultrasound measurements to predict pregnancy viability beyond the first trimester
  • This score could potentially enhance treatment of women who present with early pregnancy complications, including reassurance of viability among those with high scores and psychological preparation for miscarriage among those with low scores.
Miscarriage is the most common early pregnancy complication, which constitutes a large burden for patients and the overall healthcare system. Approximately one in four women experiences early pregnancy loss during her lifetime; such losses have significant negative psychological and social impacts on affected women.1 2 3 4 Miscarriage has been ranked the second most common diagnosis for admissions in the past 10 years in Hong Kong.5 In-patient hospital admissions for miscarriage were considerably reduced following establishment of out-patient early pregnancy assessment clinics (EPACs) in various hospitals. Women visit EPACs to seek reassurance that their pregnancy remains viable, which may be difficult because gestational sac size and embryonic growth are not uniform6; moreover, estimates of gestational age are misleading in women with irregular menstrual periods.7 8 A score that signifies the likelihood of a viable pregnancy may be helpful for clinicians working in EPACs.9 10 This score would enable clinicians to target appropriate early psychological or clinical support, thereby minimising psychological morbidity, especially for patients with finite resources.
Probability models to predict pregnancy viability have been reported; these combine clinical history, sonographic assessment of gestational sac and heart pulsation, and biochemical measurements.3 9 11 12 13 However, some models cannot be utilised in initial counselling, because they require calculators or biochemical measurements which may not yet be available.9 12 13 In a recent systematic review regarding prediction of miscarriage in women with viable intrauterine pregnancy, it was found that many combinations of markers have been tested with varying diagnostic accuracy; however, no meta-analysis could be performed on combination models.14 Furthermore, the meta-analysis did not involve assessment of the proportions of women with intrauterine pregnancy of uncertain viability, and no scoring system or cut-off value could be derived for counselling.
The Bottomley score11 is a scoring system independent of biochemical measurements, which utilises clinical and ultrasound parameters, including maternal age, severity of bleeding, and ultrasound features (eg, mean sizes of gestational sac and yolk sac, as well as presence of fetal heart pulsation). It has been validated in comparison with more complicated probability-based models in women with intrauterine pregnancy of uncertain viability; however, the validation study was limited by small sample size and the exclusion of one third of the eligible women due to missing variables and absence of data regarding pregnancy outcomes.12 The scoring system was also limited by the absence of data regarding body mass index (BMI) and smoking status, which might affect the likelihood of viable pregnancy.11 Furthermore, ethnicity influences miscarriage risk—black women are reportedly more likely to miscarry than white women,15 whereas rates among South and East Asian women are reportedly similar to those of white women after adjustment for confounders.16 The objective of the present study was to assess and validate the Bottomley score for prediction pregnancy viability until 16 weeks of gestation in a cohort of Chinese pregnant women who presented to our hospital with threatened miscarriage or abdominal pain before 12 weeks of gestation.
Study design
This non-interventional prospective observational study was performed at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, between July 2013 and June 2015. An out-patient EPAC is available in this hospital to receive referrals of first trimester pregnant women with vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or both, and suspected threatened miscarriage, threatened miscarriage with uncertain viability, and/or abdominal pain complicating intrauterine pregnancy; referrals were made by general practitioners or accident and emergency medical officers. All gynaecologists at the EPAC had ≥3 years of experience in ultrasound scans, as well as in diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage.
Patients and clinical assessment
For this study, Chinese women aged ≥18 years with a singleton intrauterine pregnancy, referred before 12 weeks of gestation based on last menstrual period, were invited to participate. Participants provided demographic data for both standard clinical treatment and determination of the pregnancy viability score. Women were excluded if they underwent pregnancy termination, had an ectopic or multiple pregnancy, had pregnancy at an unknown location, or were diagnosed with miscarriage at the time of initial presentation. Women with intrauterine pregnancy of uncertain viability underwent a second ultrasound examination after 7 to 14 days to determine fetal viability, in accordance with published guidelines.17 18 19
Detailed information regarding obstetrics history and history of the current pregnancy were obtained, including abdominal pain (graded by pain score) and vaginal bleeding (assessed using a pictorial blood loss chart with number of pads used; no bleeding was regarded as a score of 0, while clots or flooding was regarded as a score of 4). Information regarding smoking status (smoker or non-smoker), alcohol intake, and BMI were collected. Smokers included women who continued to smoke, as well as those who had discontinued smoking ≤2 weeks before presentation to our hospital.20 Alcohol users included women who consumed >2 units per day, once or twice per week, in the month before and during their pregnancy.21 Body mass index was classified in accordance with international classification as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.22
Ultrasound assessment
All women underwent a structured ultrasound assessment. All transvaginal ultrasound scans were performed using a GE Voluson 730 ultrasound machine (GE Healthcare, Zipf, Austria) to ascertain the location and viability of the pregnancy. Mean gestational sac diameter, mean yolk sac diameter, size of fetal pole, and presence of fetal heart pulsation were documented. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guidelines17 18 and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines19 were used for diagnosis of miscarriage, intrauterine pregnancy of uncertain viability, viable pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or pregnancy of unknown location. In women with a history of vaginal bleeding, a hypoechoic or anechoic crescent-shaped area on ultrasound images was regarded as a subchorionic haematoma; its three-dimensional size was classified as small, medium, or large when its size ratio (relative to gestational sac size) was <0.2, 0.2-0.5, or >0.5, respectively.
Clinical score and patient treatment
Each pregnancy was assigned a Bottomley score based on clinical history and ultrasound parameters.11 All clinicians were blinded to the score and all women in this study were treated in accordance with our established standard clinical protocols. Pregnancies were categorised as viable or miscarriage at the repeat ultrasound scan conducted between 13 and 16 weeks of gestation, according to the presence or absence of fetal heart pulsation. Women with miscarriage were treated in accordance with current guidelines.17 19 Watchful waiting, or medical or surgical evacuation of the uterus, were offered according to each patient’s clinical condition. For medical evacuation, misoprostol 800 μg vaginally was used as first-line treatment, with follow-up assessment to check for complete evacuation. Patient treatment was not affected by participation in the study.
Ethics approval
Ethics approval was obtained from the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref CREC-2013.348). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Sample size calculations
Bottomley and colleagues11 reported that the areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of their score were 0.90 and 0.72 using a combination of history and ultrasound parameters and history alone, respectively. To determine whether the Bottomley score in our local population exceeded the discriminatory power of the history-alone model and achieved discriminatory power similar to that of the combined model, sample size analysis, using MedCalc Statistical Software version 18.5 (MedCalc Software bv, Ostend, Belgium), showed that a minimum sample size of 750 was required for a type 1 error of 1% and power of 90%, with the assumption that miscarriage occurred in one of every 10 pregnancies. The planned sample size was increased to 1500 to allow for the worst-case scenario of 50% non-participation rate and 50% loss to follow-up rate.
Statistical analysis
Women were divided into viable or miscarriage groups according to pregnancy outcome. Comparisons of socio-demographic and pregnancy characteristics between the two outcome groups were performed using the Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test, where appropriate, for categorical variables; the Mann-Whitney U test with post hoc Bonferroni correction was used for comparisons of continuous variables. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of significant predictors of miscarriage were determined by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed to determine the discriminatory performance of the Bottomley score, as well as to determine the Bottomley score which predicted 90% viable pregnancies at the repeat ultrasound scan. Probit regression, with Bottomley score as the only independent predictor, was performed to estimate the probability of an ongoing viable pregnancy beyond the first trimester. Bottomley scores were truncated to a minimum value of -12 and a maximum value of 18, prior to Probit regression and ROC analyses. Patients lost to follow-up were excluded from the study. All analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics, version 20.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk [NY], United States) and MedCalc. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Patient characteristics and ultrasound measurements
Of the 1508 women invited to participate, 54 (3.6%) declined and two (0.1%) were lost to follow-up at 13 to 16 weeks of gestation (Fig 1). Table 1 summarises the socio-demographic characteristics, clinical signs and symptoms, and ultrasound measurements in the two outcome groups. The Bottomley score ranged from -41 to 24; 36 women (2.8%) had a score of ≤-12, and 64 (5.0%) had a score ≥18, while the score ranged from -12 to +1 in women with a pregnancy of uncertain viability at first assessment.

Figure 1. Flowchart of study recruitment and eventual pregnancy outcome after first trimester

Table 1. Clinical and ultrasound characteristics of women with viable pregnancy or miscarriage after the first trimester
Risk of miscarriage
Unadjusted and adjusted ORs for risk of miscarriage after adjusting for covariates are summarised in Table 2. Subchorionic haematoma was noted in 167 pregnancies (13.1%), including 138 (82.6%) with bleeding. Haematoma size relative to gestational sac size was significantly associated with miscarriage (χ2=70.5, P<0.05) [Tables 1 and 2]. A pregnancy with a large haematoma was nearly two-fold more likely to miscarry, compared with other pregnancies (17/160 [10.6%] vs 66/1111 [5.9%]).

Table 2. Results of univariate and multivariate analysis of significant maternal and ultrasound characteristics for prediction of miscarriage after the first trimester in women presenting for early pregnancy assessment
Predictive performance of Bottomley score
The area under the ROC curve of the discriminatory performance of the Bottomley score in all women was 0.91 (95% CI: 0.89-0.93, P<0.001). A score of ≥1 had a sensitivity of 91% (95% CI: 85.8-95.1%) and a false positive rate of 26.7% (95% CI: 24.1-29.4%). Figure 2 and Table 3 show the observed and estimated viability of a pregnancy after the first trimester, compared with the viability estimates by Bottomley et al11 at each viability score. The estimated probability of viability for a particular pregnancy, based on the Bottomley score, was determined: Probit(p) = 1.15109 + 0.17188 × score.

Figure 2. Title

Table 3. Observed and estimated likelihood of viable pregnancy beyond the first trimester in our cohort of 1271 women based on the Bottomley score, compared with likelihood reported by Bottomley et al11
The estimated probability of viability reported by Bottomley and colleagues11 was within the 95% CI of the estimated probability determined by our Probit(p) function if the viability score was ≥0. The area under the ROC curve of the Bottomley score in women with a pregnancy of uncertain viability at initial presentation was only 0.74 (95% CI: 0.67-0.80).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of independent external validation of the scoring system proposed by Bottomley et al.11 to predict early second trimester pregnancy viability in women with intrauterine pregnancy before 12 weeks of gestation. Moreover, it is the first study in a homogenous Chinese population. Our findings indicated that the Bottomley score could be used to predict the likely outcome of pregnancy, thus potentially alleviating maternal anxiety; this is particularly useful for women with symptoms of threatened miscarriage. The scoring system is simple to use and does not require a calculator (in contrast to previous models)8 11; moreover, it relies solely on information that can be readily obtained by any gynaecologist, without the need for blood tests.3 12 Women with a Bottomley score of ≥1 had a >90% probability of pregnancy viability beyond the first trimester. These women could be reassured, and further ultrasounds could be avoided. A low Bottomley score was associated with increased likelihood of miscarriage, such that half of the women with a score of -7 or -6 were expected to miscarry; this proportion reached 80% if the score was ≤-12. Proper counselling could be offered to prepare these women psychologically, thereby reducing the impact of pregnancy loss.
This scoring system incorporates several different variables that interact with each other. For example, a larger but empty gestational sac increases the likelihood of miscarriage, thus resulting in a lower (ie, more negative) score; however, this lower score would be counterbalanced by the presence of fetal heart pulsation and an appropriately sized yolk sac. In addition, although a negative score was unexpectedly determined for pregnancies with the presence of fetal heart pulsation, this negative score could be counterbalanced by a positive score for a larger gestational sac size.
Notable strengths in this study include its use of a priori determination of sample size to assess discriminatory performance. Moreover, the participation rate was high and few pregnancies were lost to follow-up. The resulting large sample size enabled assessment of discriminatory performance of the scoring system; it also allowed identification of predictors of miscarriage in our cohort of Chinese women and provided estimated sensitivities (±5%) at specific viability scores. Whereas only 10% of included patients were of Asian ethnicity in the study by Bottomley et al,11 our study was performed in a homogenous Chinese population; therefore, our findings suggest that the score is likely to be valid for various Asian populations, although further studies are necessary to validate its use in different Asian subgroups.
This scoring system was designed for use in all pregnant women with an intrauterine pregnancy before 12 weeks of gestation. Our analysis of the performance of this scoring system in pregnancies with uncertain viability alone also showed reasonable performance: pregnancy failure could be predicted in women with pregnancies of uncertain viability, with an area under the ROC curve of >0.5. However, this finding should be interpreted with caution, because there were only 223 women in this subgroup; our sample size was only sufficient to detect an area under the ROC curve of 0.65, assuming that the ratio of miscarriage to viability was 1:1. Of note, while the scoring system was reliable for estimation of pregnancy viability until 16 weeks of gestation, the implication of each score differed, compared with the previous study.11
Lastly, the miscarriage rate in this study was 13%, approximately 50% lower than the 20% to 30% rates reported by Kong et al1 and Bottomley et al.11 However, the observed rate of miscarriage among women with intrauterine pregnancy of uncertain viability at presentation was consistent with the rates observed in other studies.11 12 The relatively low overall miscarriage rate could have been due to differences in local referral practices, because some women attending our EPAC were asymptomatic, whereas women with heavy vaginal bleeding or severe abdominal pain might have been admitted directly for treatment; we were unable to ascertain how many women with early pregnancy loss were directly admitted without referral to the EPAC. We excluded women with ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy of unknown location because these women had empty uteri. By focusing on women with intrauterine pregnancy irrespective of viability, we presumed that our study would be more likely to generate useful clinical information for counselling if the model were validated. Notably, excluded women comprised only 0.9% of all women invited to participate in the study.
Other potential explanations for the low miscarriage rate could be differences in lifestyle factors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as incidence of obesity; in contrast to the findings in published literature,23 24 these factors were not associated with pregnancy outcome. Smoking during pregnancy is rare in Chinese women.25 Obesity is also uncommon; in the present study only 35 women (2.7%) had a BMI ≥30 kg/m2, while the median weight of 53.3 kg and median BMI of approximately 21-21.5 kg/m2 in this study were similar to the characteristics of women attending a first trimester Down syndrome screening clinic and of pregnant women enrolled in another prospective study (regarding the pelvic floor) in our centre.26 27 Lastly, the median duration of gestation at presentation to EPAC was 55 days in our study, whereas it was 50 days in the study by Bottomley et al.11 This could have contributed to our lower miscarriage rate, which decreases with gestational age.
Consistent with the findings of other studies, our multivariate analysis indicated that the following factors were associated with increased likelihood of miscarriage: increasing age, absence of fetal heart pulsation, heavier bleeding, and a large subchorionic haematoma. In addition to miscarriage, subchorionic haematoma increases the risk of placental abruption and preterm premature rupture of membranes.28 We previously proposed classification of the three sizes of the subchorionic haematoma, in relation to gestational sac size.29 We suggested assessment of the size of subchorionic haematoma relative to the gestational sac, rather than the mere presence or absolute size of subchorionic haematoma, in accordance with the approach used by clinicians in the United States.30 This parameter was expected to enhance prediction of miscarriage, but this hypothesis was not supported by multivariate analysis results; further studies are needed to more thoroughly investigate the usefulness of this parameter.
The results of our external validation study suggested that the scoring system would reliably predict probable pregnancy viability, despite slight differences in score implication. Application of this score could potentially enhance the treatment of women who initially present with early pregnancy complications. The cut-off value obtained in this study may be useful when counselling pregnant women. Further studies will be performed in our study centre to determine whether this externally validated scoring system could be utilised to reduce psychological morbidity by reassuring the women likely to maintain a viable pregnancy, while psychologically preparing other women for expected miscarriage.
Author contributions
Concept or design: OYK Wan, SSC Chan, JPW Chung.
Acquisition of data: OYK Wan, JWK Kwok
Analysis or interpretation of data: OYK Wan, JWK Kwok, DS Sahota.
Drafting of the manuscript: OYK Wan, DS Sahota, TTH Lao.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: OYK Wan, SSC Chan, JPW Chung, TTH Lao, DS Sahota.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, JPW Chung was not involved in the peer review process. The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
The results from this research have been presented, in part, at the following conferences:
1. Wan O, Chan SS, Kong G. A prospective observational study to validate the reliability of the early pregnancy viability scoring system. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015;46(Suppl 1):42. (Oral presentation)
2. Kwok J, Wan O, Chan SS. Subchorionic hematoma: its size and association with early pregnancy outcome. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015;46(Suppl 1):172. (Poster presentation)
3. Wan OY, Chan SS, Kong GW. A prospective observational study to validate the reliability of the early pregnancy viability scoring system. FOCUS in O&G 2015 Congress; 2015. May 30-31; Shatin, Hong Kong. The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 2015. (Oral presentation)
4. Wan OY, Chan SS, Kong GW. External validation of an early pregnancy viability prediction model via a prospective observational study. RCOG World Congress; 2016. Jun 20-22; Birmingham: United Kingdom; 2016. (Poster presentation)
This research was supported by a research grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund of Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR (HMRF Reference: 12131091). The study sponsor was not involved in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data, or in the writing of the manuscript.
Ethics approval
Ethics approval was obtained from the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref CREC-2013.348). Written informed consent was obtained from all the participants.
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Patient-reported outcomes after surgery or radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer: a retrospective study

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Apr;26(2):95–101  |  Epub 2 Apr 2020
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Patient-reported outcomes after surgery or radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer: a retrospective study
CF Ng, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Surgery); KY Kong, MB, ChB; CY Li, MB, ChB; Jennifer KT Li, MB, ChB; NY Li, MB, ChB; Brian PK Ng, MB, ChB; Steven CH Leung, MSc; Cindy YL Hong, MSc, CH Yee, MB, ChB,FHKAM (Surgery); Jeremy YC Teoh, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Surgery)
SH Ho Urology Centre, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof CF Ng (ngcf@surgery.cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: To compare the intermediate-term outcomes and patient-reported outcomes of robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) and radical external beam radiotherapy (RT) in Chinese patients with localised prostate cancer.
Methods: This was a retrospective study of patients with localised prostate cancer diagnosed between 2010 and 2011 and treated with either RALP or RT. Baseline patient and disease characteristics, post-treatment complications, and latest disease status were retrospectively collected from hospital records. For assessment of patient-reported outcomes, the Chinese version of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) questionnaire was completed by the patients.
Results: Ninety three patients aged 58 to 84 years were recruited. Thirty patients were treated by RALP (32.3%), whereas 63 received RT (67.7%). The RALP group had significantly lower baseline prostate-specific antigen levels than the RT group (P<0.001). More patients who underwent RALP reported urinary incontinence (70.0% vs 3.2%, P<0.001), whereas more patients who underwent RT reported other voiding symptoms (87.3% vs 50.0%, P<0.001) and perirectal bleeding (36.5% vs 0%, P<0.001) during follow-up. Of the 85 patients who were still alive at the time of the study, 52 (61.2%) returned completed questionnaires. Patients who underwent RALP had poorer median (interquartile range) EPIC urinary summary scores than patients who underwent RT [81.5 (18.3) vs 88.9 (17.9), P=0.016]. Urinary function [75.9 (20.4) vs 93.6 (16.2), P<0.001] and incontinence [60.5 (31.8) vs 91.8 (14.5), P<0.001] were also significantly worse in the RALP group. The bowel and sexual domain scores were similar between the two groups.
Conclusions: We found that RALP and RT were associated with different patterns of complications and patient-reported outcomes. Urinary incontinence was much more prevalent in the patients treated surgically. This may significantly affect patients’ quality of life.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Patient-reported outcomes of treatment for localised prostate cancer in a Chinese cohort
  • Intermediate-term outcomes and complications experienced by patients, from physician assessments
  • Relationship between unplanned hospitalisation and treatment
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Potential combined use of patient-reported outcomes of treatment and physician consultations
  • Consideration of treatment based on complications
In 2016, prostate cancer was the third most common type of cancer in men in Hong Kong, with 1912 new cases diagnosed.1 Increased disease awareness and the use of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening have increased the frequency of diagnosis of early-stage prostate cancers.2
While active surveillance has become increasingly common for low-risk localised prostate cancer, robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) and external beam radiotherapy (RT) remain the mainstay treatments for localised prostate cancer. Despite the effectiveness of both treatments, treatment-related adverse effects are not uncommon. Prostatectomy can result in urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, which can greatly affect patients’ quality of life.3 4 The adverse effects of RT include irritative voiding symptoms, radiation cystitis, and proctitis.3 4 Therefore, comparing the functional outcomes of different treatments is an important task for clinicians and patients during treatment planning. However, information about the functional and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) of RALP and RT is lacking in Asia. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the intermediate-term functional and PROs of prostatectomy and RT for patients diagnosed with localised prostate cancer.
We conducted a retrospective review of the treatment outcomes of patients with localised prostate cancer diagnosed from January 2010 to December 2011 and treated by either RALP or RT at a university hospital centre in Hong Kong. As the review took place in December 2016, the follow-up period for all patients was 5 to 7 years, allowing us to measure intermediate-term outcomes.5 This cohort of patients was chosen to ensure a relatively stable group of patients with at least 5 years’ follow-up but to avoid symptoms related to disease recurrence and progression. The study was approved by the institution’s ethics committee (the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee, Ref CREC 2016.373) and conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Patients’ demographic characteristics, pretreatment disease characteristics, treatment outcomes, and complications were retrieved from hospital records. The patients’ quality of life was assessed using a validated PRO measure, the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) questionnaire.6 The EPIC questionnaire has been validated as a measure of disease-specific function. The full version of the EPIC questionnaire consists of 50 questions divided into four treatment complication-related domains: urinary symptoms, bowel symptoms, sexual symptoms, and hormonal treatment-related symptoms. Each domain is further subdivided into different functional components that evaluate the severity of adverse effects and level of bother (ie, distress) related to the symptoms and adverse effects. Most of the questions are scored on a Likert scale, with the majority using a 5-point scale. The calculation of final quality of life was based on the EPIC scoring guideline; the final score ranged from 0 to 100, with higher scores representing better quality of life. A validated Chinese version of this questionnaire was used.7 Copies of the questionnaire were mailed to the patients’ home addresses in early December 2016, and the patients were given 2 weeks to complete the questionnaire. Patients who participated in the PRO segment consented to their participation in the study.
All of the statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics (Windows version 25.0; IBM Corp., Armonk [NY], United States). Personnel involved in the collection and input of EPIC data were blinded to the patients’ clinical information. The results were deemed statistically significant at a P value of <0.05. The results for the RALP and RT groups were compared using the Chi squared test, Fisher’s exact test, or Student’s t test. The EPIC scores for the two treatment arms were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. The details of individual symptoms and their impact on quality of life were also assessed. Missing values were excluded fromanalysis.
Patients’ baseline characteristics
Ninety three men aged 58 to 84 years were recruited to take part in the study. Eighty five of these patients were still alive during the study period, but eight died due to non-prostate cancer–related causes (RALP n=1, RT n=7). Thirty (32.3%) patients had been treated by RALP, whereas 63 (67.7%) had received RT. Fifty two patients returned the questionnaires, giving a response rate of 61.2% (Table 1).

Table 1. Demographics at diagnosis for 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
The mean ages of the patients who underwent RALP and RT were 65.8±6.07 and 69.81±5.48 years, respectively, and the RALP patients were significantly younger than the RT patients (P=0.002). More than half of the patients in each group were defined as Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group category 1.
The pretreatment serum PSA levels of the patients who underwent RALP (9.6±4.18 ng/mL) were also significantly lower than those of the patients who underwent RT (29.44±32.03 ng/mL, P<0.001). One third of the patients in the RT (33.3%) and half of the patients in the RALP (50.0%) group were diagnosed as T1c. Sixty percent of the patients who underwent RALP and 38.1% of the patients who underwent RT had Gleason scores <7; only 23.3% of the RALP patients and 36.5% of the RT patients had scores >7. The Gleason scores for the patients who underwent RALP were lower than those for the patients who underwent RT, although the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.185). There was a trend of more patients with D’Amico high-risk cancer in the RT group than the RALP group (Table 2).

Table 2. Tumour characteristics and treatment outcomes of 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
Treatment outcomes
All patients who underwent RALP achieved undetectable serum PSA levels after surgery, whereas 46.0% of the patients who underwent RT had undetectable PSA levels. During the follow-up period, 12 (19.0%) patients from the RT group and two (6.7%) patients from the RALP group developed biochemical recurrence, but this difference was statistically insignificant (P=0.213). The majority of the patients who underwent RT and had biochemical recurrence (75%) opted for androgen deprivation therapy for further treatment, whereas all RALP patients with biochemical recurrence (100%) chose salvage RT as an additional therapy. About 5% of the patients in the RT group developed metastatic disease during the follow-up period, while none in the RALP group did so (Table 3).

Table 3. Treatment outcomes and complications of 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
The clinical information indicates that the majority of the patients in both groups suffered urinary symptoms to some degree during the first 3 months after treatment. However, short-term bowel dysfunction was more prevalent in the patients who underwent RT (46%) than in the patients who underwent RALP (6.7%; P<0.001).
Regarding intermediate-term complications reported during physician consultation, 70% of the RALP group patients reported urinary incontinence, compared with only 3.2% of the RT group patients (P<0.001). In contrast, more RT group patients (87.3%) than RALP group patients (50%) experienced lower urinary tract symptoms other than urinary incontinence (P<0.001). Furthermore, 36.5% of the RT group patients complained of perirectal bleeding, which was not reported by the RALP group patients (P<0.001). Erectile dysfunction was more prevalent in the RALP group (85.2%) than in the RT group (23.2%), with 60.9% of the RALP group patients requesting treatment for this condition (P<0.001).
Six (9.5%) of the patients who underwent RT had unplanned hospitalisations related to their prostate cancer or its treatment during the follow-up period. Four were due to haematuria, one was due to rectal bleeding, and one was due to acute urine retention. No unplanned hospital admissions were observed in the RALP group (Table 3).
Results of Expanded Prostate Index Composite questionnaire
The EPIC questionnaire was used to assess the patients’ reported outcomes with regard to their choice of treatment and their urinary, bowel, and sexual function over the 4 weeks before the survey (Table 4). The overall response rate was 61.2% (52 out of 85 patients), and the response rates for the RT group (33 out of 56, 58.9%) and the RALP group (19 out of 29, 65.5%) were similar.

Table 4. EPIC scores of 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
The RALP group patients had poorer median (interquartile range) EPIC urinary summary scores (81.5 [18.3]) than the RT group patients had (88.9 [17.9]; P=0.016). Significantly poorer urinary function and incontinence results were observed in the RALP group (75.9 [20.4] and 60.5 [31.8], respectively] than in the RT group (93.6 [16.2] and 91.8 [14.5], respectively) [both P<0.001]. However, the two groups reported similar EPIC scores for urinary bother and urinary irritation/obstruction (Table 4 and Fig 1).

Figure 1. EPIC scores, urinary domain, of 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robotassisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
The patients who underwent both RT and RALP reported good bowel function, with median EPIC bowel summary scores of 92.9 (15.6) and 92.0 (19.6), respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of either bowel function or bowel bother (Fig 2).

Figure 2. EPIC scores, bowel domain, of 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robotassisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
Poor median EPIC sexual summary and function scores were reported by both the RT (22.4 [23.1] and 2.8 [13.4], respectively) and the RALP (31.7 [32.2] and 10.6 [32.1], respectively) groups. Although low scores on the sexual bother subscale were also reported, they were less poor than those for the function subscale. However, no significant differences were observed between the RT and RALP groups on any of the sexual function scales (Fig 3).

Figure 3. EPIC scores, sexual domain, of 93 Chinese men with localised prostate cancer treated by radiotherapy or robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
This study was the first to investigate the PROs of treatment for localised prostate cancer in a Chinese cohort and the intermediate-term complications experienced by patients. As expected, the complication profiles and PROs differed between patients who underwent radical prostatectomy and those who received external beam RT as treatment for localised prostate cancer. Compared with the RT group, the RALP group had less bowel disturbance immediately after treatment and less rectal bleeding during follow-up. The RALP group reported more urinary incontinence during follow-up, whereas the RT group experienced a greater frequency of other urinary symptoms. In addition, more unplanned admissions (mainly due to haematuria and rectal bleeding) were observed among the RT patients. However, the PRO results showed that the two groups achieved similar scores in other domains, except that the patients who underwent RALP had significantly lower incontinence and function scores.
Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the world and the fifth leading cause of death from cancer in men.8 Although prostate cancer has a lower overall incidence in Asia than in Western countries, its incidence in Asia is rising.9 The rapid increase in incidence has been partly related to the increased usage of serum PSA for early cancer detection, which has resulted in increased detection of earlier-stage cancers. As a result, more patients can receive treatment with curative intent. This may be one cause of the decreasing prostate cancer mortality rate in many countries.8 9
Currently, most Asian patients with localised prostate cancer choose active intervention as treatment; active surveillance is not commonly practised in the region.10 The two most commonly performed treatments for prostate cancer in Asia are RT and RALP. Therefore, our study focused on assessing the outcomes of these two treatment modalities. As these two treatments have similar oncological outcomes for localised cancer,11 the choice of treatment depends on other factors, such as the risk to patients associated with surgery and possible post-treatment complications. We also noticed that patients’ age and performance status may affect the choice of treatment, as in our cohort, older patients and those with more co-morbidities were more likely to choose RT than surgery. Potential treatment-related complications were also a major consideration during the decision making process.
Some cross-sectional12 and prospective3 13 studies have investigated the effects of different types of treatment on the PROs of patients with localised prostate cancer. In general, these studies have found that different treatments are associated with different patterns of complications. Compared with RT, RALP has been shown to have greater negative effects on sexual function and urinary incontinence, whereas RT is associated with more bowel symptoms, especially bloody stools. Interestingly, sexual function has been found to gradually decline even under active surveillance, which is related to the natural ageing process.3 Our results indicated similar patterns of complications, with more RALP group patients reporting urinary incontinence and more RT group patients reporting bloody stools during follow-up. Similar to the results of the ProtecT study,4 we found that by around 6 years (72 months) after treatment, the two treatment groups achieved similar scores for voiding symptoms, bowel bother, and bowel function. In terms of sexual function, although both treatment groups had low sexual summary and function scores, the RT group generally had lower scores than the RALP group, although the difference was statistically insignificant. This finding was inconsistent with the results of previous studies.4 However, the higher mean age and greater reported use of hormonal therapy of our RT cohort compared with our RALP cohort may have resulted in poorer sexual function. Nevertheless, the two groups’ sexual bother scores were similar, which suggests that the poorer sexual function reported by the RT group compared with the RALP group did not cause more bother to the patients.
There is little information available about the differences in PROs yielded by different modes of treatment for localised prostate cancer in Asian populations. Only one early report has been conducted with a Japanese population, in which urinary domain scores initially worsened after prostatectomy and brachytherapy, gradually improving later.14 Compared with other treatment modalities, external beam RT resulted in significantly lower bowel summary scores. Therefore, our study provides important information about the outcomes of treatment of localised prostate cancer, particularly the use of a relatively new treatment modality, RALP. More prospective multicentre studies would be helpful to provide more information to support patient counselling.
We not only investigated PROs, but also recorded symptoms/complications after treatment (ie, physician-reported outcomes) and unplanned admissions due to disease- or treatment-related complications. Although some studies have suggested that PROs are more accurate than physician-reported outcomes,15 we believed that combining the two would provide a more comprehensive picture of patients’ post-treatment course. Our findings revealed not only differences in the patterns of urinary and bowel symptoms experienced by the two groups of patients, but also a trend of more unplanned hospital admissions in the RT group than the RALP group. Most of these admissions were related to the adverse effects of RT, such as haematuria and perirectal bleeding. Along with PROs, this information is important for patient counselling.
The study had several limitations. The sample was relatively small and involved only local Chinese participants. Currently, data on PROs for the local population are lacking. We hope our data can help to provide some information for patients and physicians during their decision making process. Our results were quite similar to the reported PROs for localised prostate cancer in the literature. Further, Tyson et al16 suggested there is not much racial difference in PROs amongst patients with prostate cancer. Second, as data on treatment-related complications were collected retrospectively, the information about the incidence of complications may have been biased, particularly for erectile dysfunction. Further prospective studies should provide more information on this topic. Furthermore, the number of patients was unbalanced between the two groups, as more RT-treated patients were recruited. This may have reflected the clinicians’ and patients’ preference. In addition, baseline disease characteristics differed between the two groups, with more high-risk patients in the RT group than in the RALP group. Therefore, oncological outcomes were not analysed further in this study. Finally, as active surveillance has only become common clinical practice in recent years, the number of patients receiving this treatment a few years ago was small. Therefore, we did not include this treatment modality in our initial planning, and no information about this treatment was available for comparison with findings for the other treatments.
Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy and external beam RT are associated with different patterns of complications and PROs with respect to urinary, bowel, and sexual function. Our results provide valuable information for counselling patients regarding treatment choices and outcome expectations.
Author contributions
Concept or design: CF Ng.
Acquisition of data: KY Kong, CY Li, JKT Li, NY Li, BPK Ng.
Analysis or interpretation of data: KY Kong, CY Li, JKT Li, NY Li, BPK Ng, SCH Leung.
Drafting of the manuscript: CF Ng, SCH Leung.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As editors of the journal, CF Ng and JYC Teoh were not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
The study was conducted in accordance with good clinical practice guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethics approval was granted by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref CREC 2016.373). Informed consent was obtained from the patients when they completed the questionnaires.
1. Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR Government. Available from: http://www3. ha.org.hk/cancereg/pdf/factsheet/2016/prostate_2016. pdf. Accessed 6 Sep 2019.
2. Wong HF, Yee CH, Teoh JY, et al. Time trend and characteristics of prostate cancer diagnosed in Hong Kong (China) in the past two decades. Asian J Androl 2019;21:104-6. Crossref
3. Wallis CJ, Mahar A, Cheung P, et al. New rates of interventions to manage complications of modern prostate cancer treatment in older men. Eur Urol 2016;69:933-41. Crossref
4. Donovan JL, Hamdy FC, Lane JA, et al. Patient-reported outcomes after monitoring, surgery, or radiotherapy for prostate cancer. N Engl J Med 2016;375:1425-37. Crossref
5. Prabhu V, Lee T, McClintock TR, Lepor H. Short-, intermediate-, and long-term quality of life outcomes following radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. Rev Urol 2013;15:161-77.
6. Wei JT, Dunn RL, Litwin MS, Sandler HM, Sanda MG. Development and validation of the expanded prostate cancer index composite (EPIC) for comprehensive assessment of health-related quality of life in men with prostate cancer. Urology 2000;56:899-905. Crossref
7. Lee TK, Poon DM, Ng AC, et al. Cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of the expanded prostate cancer index composite. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2018;14 Suppl 1:10-5. Crossref
8. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Siegel RL, Torre LA, Jemal A. Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin 2018;68:394-424. Crossref
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11. Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Lane JA, et al. 10-Year outcomes after monitoring, surgery, or radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. N Engl J Med 2016;375:1415-24. Crossref
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14. Kakehi Y, Takegami M, Suzukamo Y, et al. Health related quality of life in Japanese men with localized prostate cancer treated with current multiple modalities assessed by a newly developed Japanese version of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite. J Urol 2007;177:1856- 61. Crossref
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16. Tyson MD, Alvarez J, Koyama T, et al. Racial variation in patient-reported outcomes following treatment for localized prostate cancer: results from the CEASAR Study. Eur Urol 2017;72:307-14. Crossref

Visual impairment and spectacles ownership among upper secondary school students in northwestern China

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Feb;26(1):35–43  |  Epub 6 Feb 2020
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Visual impairment and spectacles ownership among upper secondary school students in northwestern China
J Zhao, PhD1; H Guan, PhD1; K Du, PhD1; H Wang, PhD2; Matthew Boswell,MA2; Y Shi, PhD1; Scott Rozelle,PhD2; Nathan Congdon, MD3,4,5; Annie Osborn, BA1
1 Center for Experimental Economics in Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China
2 Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
3 Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
4 Orbis International, New York, United States
5 Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Guangzhou, China
Corresponding author: Dr H Guan (hongyuguan0621@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Purpose: To assess the prevalence of visual impairment and spectacles ownership among academic and vocational upper secondary school students in rural China.
Methods: This cross-sectional study included 5583 students from four academic upper secondary schools (AUSSs) and two vocational upper secondary schools (VUSSs) in Mei and Qianyang counties, Baoji Prefecture, Shaanxi Province. In March and April 2016, students underwent assessment of visual acuity (VA) and completed a questionnaire regarding spectacles use and family characteristics. Students with visual impairment (presenting VA ≤6/12 in the better eye) and students needing spectacles (uncorrected VA ≤6/12 in the better eye, which could be improved to >6/12 with refraction) were identified.
Results: Among 5583 students (54% boys, mean age 16.4±1.0 years) in grades 10 and grade 11 attending AUSSs (n=4549) and VUSSs (n=1034), visual impairment was detected in 4026 students. Among the AUSS students, 3425 (75%) needed spectacles; 2551 (75%) had them. Among the VUSS students, 601 (58%) needed spectacles; this proportion was significantly smaller (P=0.004), as was the proportion who had spectacles (n=212, 35%, P<0.001), compared with the AUSS students. Multivariate analysis showed that ownership of spectacles among children who needed them was associated with worse uncorrected VA (P<0.001), male sex (P<0.001), and residence in an urban area (P<0.034). Spectacles ownership was also strongly associated with AUSS education (P<0.001).
Conclusion: There is a high rate of unmet need in visual care among upper secondary school students. Lack of spectacles ownership among children who needed them was significantly associated with VUSS education.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This study investigated the prevalence of refractive error and rate of spectacles ownership among 5583 students in academic upper secondary schools (AUSSs) and vocational upper secondary schools (VUSSs) in northwestern rural China.
  • Visual impairment was observed in 4026 students, of whom 3425 were in AUSSs (75%) and 601 were in VUSSs (58%). Of these 4026 students, 2763 were observed to own spectacles. Among the 2763 students who owned spectacles, 2551 of those were in AUSSs (75%) and 212 were VUSSs (35%).
  • Among students who needed spectacles, a larger proportion of students in VUSSs did not own spectacles, compared with students in AUSSs.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • There is a high rate of unmet need in visual care among upper secondary school students in rural northwestern China.
  • China’s health and education policymakers should consider incorporating programmes that specifically address spectacles ownership and quality among rural upper secondary schools, especially among those attending vocational upper secondary schools and those with low socio-economic status.
Half of all children with vision problems worldwide reside in China,1 and many children in rural China are visually impaired. In particular, a recent study of vision problems among primary school children in rural northwestern China showed that 24% of 9- to 11-year-old students in grades 4 and 5 of primary school had myopia.2 Among 13- to 15-year-old students in lower secondary school, half (50.4%) of all students reportedly exhibit visual impairment.3 Other studies have shown similarly high rates of myopia among children in rural China.4 5
Children with poor vision experience academic difficulty, such that poor vision is significantly negatively correlated with academic performance.2 Appropriate spectacles wear has been shown to increase the capacity and motivation of students to learn. In two recent randomised controlled trials in China, students who were provided free spectacles demonstrated statistically significant improvement in academic performance.3 5 Although spectacles enable non-invasive, inexpensive treatment of myopia, a significant proportion of rural Chinese children who need spectacles do not own them.6 In a sample of 18 915 students in grades 4 to 6 in rural Gansu Province, >97% of near-sighted students did not own spectacles.7 Among 9- to 11-year-old students in primary school, as few as one in six students with poor uncorrected vision owned spectacles.2 In lower secondary school, only 37% of students who needed spectacles were observed to own spectacles.
In addition to the outright failure to own spectacles, under-correction or the use of poorly fitted spectacles (including spectacles with refractive inaccuracy and spectacles that were not upgraded in a timely manner) may increase the burden of children with poor vision due to refractive error.6 Researchers have discovered high rates of inaccuracy in spectacles prescriptions in rural China. In a random sample of 3226 children in 15 middle schools (grades 7-10) in Guangdong Province, nearly 67% of student-owned spectacles were inaccurate. A spectacles quality-check study conducted in 33 primary schools in Shaanxi and 36 primary schools in Gansu showed that nearly half (46%) of students with spectacles had a Snellen visual acuity (VA) that was not corrected to ≥6/12.8 9
An understanding of vision problems among rural students in elementary and lower secondary schools is beginning to emerge in the literature; however, to the best of our knowledge, few studies have examined visual impairment and spectacles ownership among the approximately 13.5 million upper secondary school (grades 10-12) students in rural China. Empirical studies regarding spectacles quality among these students are similarly scarce. As a result, factors determining spectacles ownership and quality at this age are poorly understood. Vision problems among upper secondary school students are of particular concern in rural China because visual impairment has been shown to increase as students age through the school system; notably lower secondary school students experience higher rates of impairment and uncorrected poor vision, compared with primary school students.10 Therefore, there may be a greater need for quality vision care among upper secondary school students.
Furthermore, these vision problems among students in rural China are of particular concern because of China’s two-track upper secondary school system. Specifically, there are two types of upper secondary schools, academic upper secondary schools (AUSSs) and vocational upper secondary schools (VUSSs). Empirical studies comparing AUSS and VUSS students in China have shown that VUSS attendance does not lead to gains in specific skills and that it reduces general skills (relative to AUSS attendance). Moreover, VUSS students have a higher tendency to drop out.11 The primary determinant of whether a student attends an AUSS or a VUSS is that student’s performance on an entrance exam. Given that uncorrected vision in primary and middle school can lead to reduced academic performance,3 7 students without spectacles or with incorrect prescriptions may be attending VUSSs at higher rates than are consistent with their abilities. There may also exist a feedback mechanism between the skills VUSS students are likely to learn and the rates of spectacles ownership, as well as the quality of spectacles, among these students. In particular, high rates of uncorrected refractive error could mean that VUSS students experience smaller benefits from school than AUSS students; this might cause students (or their parents) to have less interest in spectacles. However, without empirical studies to assess potential links between spectacles ownership and quality in both AUSS and VUSS, there is no basis to study causal mechanisms. Understanding differences in vision and access to quality vision care in China’s upper secondary school environment can help to support future studies of this issue.
The overall objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of visual impairment, rate of spectacles ownership, and quality of spectacles among upper secondary school students in northwestern rural China. To fulfil this objective, there were three specific aims. First, the prevalence of refractive error, rate of spectacles ownership, and quality of spectacles were assessed in both AUSS and VUSS students. Second, the factors associated with spectacles ownership were assessed among students who had refractive errors. Finally, the association between spectacles ownership and type of upper secondary school (AUSS or VUSS) was investigated.
The protocol for this study was approved in full by Institutional Review Boards at Stanford University, Palo Alto, US, and the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Guangzhou, China. Permission was received from the local Board of Education in each county, as well as the principals of all schools involved. The principles of the Declaration of Helsinki were followed throughout.
This study was carried out in Mei and Qianyang counties, both of which are located within Baoji prefecture in the southern part of Shaanxi Province. The Shaanxi Province per capita gross domestic product (GDP) was $7728 in 2015.12 Baoji prefecture ranked approximately in the middle of all prefectures within Shaanxi Province (ranked 4/10 at $7651 per year).13 The per capita GDP in Baoji prefecture is similar to the per capita GDP in Shaanxi Province. In terms of per capita GDP, Mei county and Qianyang county ranked approximately in the middle of all counties in Shaanxi Province (Mei county ranked 44/107 at $5667 per year, while Qianyang county ranked 55/107 at $5272 per year)13; therefore, the per capita GDPs of these two counties are relatively similar to the per capita GDP of Shaanxi Province ($7728). The per capita GDPs in these two counties are similar to the per capita GDPs in Ningxia Autonomous Region ($6210) and Qinghai Province ($5845).14 In addition to its average GDP, our sample area is broadly representative of poorer rural parts of northwestern China due to the scarcity of agricultural resources (cultivated land per capita of only 0.11 hectares per household, similar to the regional average).12
Data collection
Data for this study were collected in Mei county during March 2016, and in Qianyang county during April 2016. The study was conducted at all six upper secondary schools in Mei and Qianyang counties, including four AUSSs (3 in Mei county and 1 in Qianyang county) and two VUSSs (1 in each county). Total enrolment for the six schools was 5583 students; 4549 attended AUSSs and 1034 attended VUSSs. Access to these schools for research purposes was granted by the Board of Education of each county. All students in all grades 10 and 11 in each sample county and sample school participated in the data collection process.
Data were collected in two parts by enumerators, graduate students from Shaanxi Normal University who had been trained by optometrist from the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center. In the first part of the data collection effort, enumerators administered a questionnaire to all students, regarding a number of student and household characteristics. The variables that were created from the data included spectacles ownership (defined as the ability to produce spectacles at school on the day the questionnaire was administered, following prior instructions to bring them that day), grade level, sex, urban or rural residence, school type, boarding status at school, parental migration status (both parents worked away from home this semester), and parental educational level. In the second part of the data collection effort, the survey team conducted a VA test to measure the sharpness of each student’s vision. Visual acuity was measured without refractive correction for all children, as well as with habitually worn correction for children who owned spectacles. The data collection procedure is shown in the Figure.

Figure. Flowchart of participants in this study
Visual acuity assessment
The VA assessment was conducted using Early Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy Study Tumbling-E charts (Precision Vision, La Salle [IL], US). The chart has 14 rows of optotypes (represented by a capital letter E) with five optotypes pointing randomly in different directions in each row. The sizes of the optotypes become smaller with vertical movement downward on the chart. Visual acuity is recorded as 6/X, such that X varies between 60 (at the top of the chart) and 3 (at the bottom of the chart) when tested at a distance of 4 m.
The VA was measured without refractive correction for all children, as well as with habitually worn correction for children who owned spectacles. Each eye was tested separately in a well-lit, indoor area of each school. Students stood at a distance of 4 m from a Tumbling-E chart. Each student began testing from the top row (6/60). If the orientation of at least four of the five optotypes was correctly identified, the student was examined on row 4 (6/30). Failure was defined as an inability to correctly identify the orientation of at least four of the five optotypes in a given row. If one or fewer optotypes was missed on row 4, the testing resumed at row 7 (6/15) and continued to row 11 (6/6). If a student failed, the row immediately above the failed row was tested until the student identified at least four of the five optotypes in a row. The lowest row read successfully was recorded as the VA for the eye undergoing testing. If the top row was missed at 4 m, the student was progressively advanced to 1 m with progression down the chart as described above, and the VA was divided by 4. In this study, we defined normal vision as VA >6/12 in both eyes, in accordance with published definitions.4 Thus, a failed visual screening was defined as uncorrected VA ≤6/12 in either eye.
We also performed a subgroup analysis of students with poor vision, which was defined as uncorrected VA ≤6/12 in the better eye. The definition of visual impairment in the better eye included only binocular visual impairment. Using the VA of the better eye as a cut-off for poor vision is a common practice in clinical vision research, because the VA of the better-seeing eye is the best indication of an individual’s level of vision.4 6 15 We stratified poor vision into mild poor vision (presenting VA ≤6/12 to 6/18), moderate poor vision (presenting VA <6/18 to 6/60), and severe poor vision (presenting VA <6/60), in accordance with categories proposed in the World Health Organization International Statistical Classification of Disease 10th Revision.2
To calculate and compare different VA levels in this study, we used a linear scale with constant increments, logMAR (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution).2 logMAR is one of the most commonly used continuous scales to describe VA, and uses the logarithm transformation: logMAR = log10 (1/VA). logMAR offers a relatively intuitive interpretation of VA measurement. Its scale uses constant increments of 0.1, where each increment indicates approximately one line of VA loss in the Early Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart. Higher logMAR values indicate worse VA.2
Statistical methods
We first conducted a general descriptive analysis of visual impairment, spectacles ownership, and spectacles quality. We also investigated the prevalence of various baseline variables among students attending AUSSs and those attending VUSSs. Variables included logMAR VA, level of poor vision (ie, mild, moderate, or severe), school type (AUSS=1), age, grade (grade 10=1), sex (male=1), boarding status (living at school=1), residence (urban=1), parental migration status (both migrated=1), and parental education for both mother and father (completed ≥12 years of education=1).
Next, to explore potential factors influencing spectacles ownership, we investigated all baseline variables as predictors of ownership among students who needed spectacles, using simple and multiple logistic regression analyses. We included only students with uncorrected VA ≤6/12 in either eye in our regression analyses. To explore the relationship between spectacles ownership and the type of upper secondary school (AUSS or VUSS), we employed a second logistic regression analysis method, which controlled for VA, age, sex, urban or rural residence, parental migration status, and parental education levels; this analysis included only students with uncorrected VA ≤6/12 in either eye. All analyses were performed using Stata version 14.0 statistical software (StataCorp, College Station [TX], US). All tests were two-sided and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Among the 5583 students (54% boys, mean age 16.4±1.0 years) in grades 10 and grade 11 at four AUSSs (n=4549) and two VUSSs (n=1034), 100% completed both the questionnaire and the vision screening. Uncorrected VA of ≤6/12 was present in 4026 students (72%); of these, 3425 were in AUSSs (75% of AUSS students) and 601 were in VUSSs (58% of VUSS students). A greater proportion of AUSS students had poor vision, compared with VUSS students (P=0.004, Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of baseline characteristics between students attending academic upper secondary school and those attending vocational upper secondary school
Among students with poor uncorrected vision, 2763 (69%) demonstrated owning spectacles. Of the students who owned spectacles, 2551 were in AUSSs (75% of students with poor vision attending AUSSs) and 212 were in VUSSs (35% of students with poor vision attending VUSSs). Among students who needed spectacles, a greater proportion of students in VUSSs did not own spectacles, compared with students in AUSSs (Table 2).

Table 2. Comparison of overall spectacles ownership and ownership of under-corrected or inaccurate spectacles between students attending academic upper secondary school and those attending vocational upper secondary school
When spectacles ownership was stratified by severity of visual impairment in the better eye, 72% of students with mild poor vision (726/1009) in AUSSs and 32% of students with mild poor vision (61/190) in VUSSs had spectacles. Of students with moderate poor vision, 95% (1148/1207) in AUSSs and 63% (95/152) in VUSSs had spectacles. Finally, of students with severe poor vision, 99% (461/468) in AUSSs and 90% (35/39) in VUSSs had spectacles (Table 2). The spectacles owned by the students were often under-corrected or exhibited refractive inaccuracy; 36% of students who had spectacles failed the VA screening while wearing their spectacles. Both AUSS and VUSS students who had spectacles were equally likely to have under-corrected vision (Table 2).
Simple logistic regression models for predicting spectacles ownership revealed that the following characteristics were significant predictors among students with poor vision (Table 3): worse uncorrected VA (P<0.001); AUSS attendance (P<0.001); a lower grade level (P=0.006); male sex (P<0.001); boarding at school (P=0.001); residence in an urban area (P=0.001); and both parents out-migrated for work (P=0.015). Students whose mothers had completed at least 12 years of education were also more likely to own spectacles than students whose mothers did not finish upper secondary school (P=0.006); similarly, students whose fathers completed at least 12 years of education were more likely to own spectacles (P=0.020).

Table 3. Logistic regression model of potential predictors of spectacles ownership among 4026 students needing spectacles
Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the following characteristics were associated with spectacles ownership: worse uncorrected VA (P<0.001); AUSS attendance (P<0.001); male sex (P<0.001); and residence in an urban area (P=0.034). In this model, age, boarding status, parental out-migration, and education status were not associated with spectacles ownership (Table 3). In the multiple logistic regression model investigating the relationship between spectacles ownership and type of upper secondary school, spectacles wear was strongly associated with AUSS attendance (P<0.001); the same result was obtained when controlling for student characteristics and parental characteristics (Table 4).

Table 4. Logistic regression model of spectacles ownership and type of upper secondary school among 4026 students needing spectacles
Our study found a high prevalence of poor vision among upper secondary school students in rural northwestern China: nearly 72% of these students had refractive errors, which was consistent with the results of a prior analysis in which a high prevalence of poor vision was found among upper secondary school students in rural areas.15 Furthermore, rates of correction were well below poor vision prevalence rates: overall, 31% of students who needed spectacles were not wearing them in this rural northwestern Chinese cohort.
Furthermore, nearly 40% of the students who wore spectacles had prescriptions with under-correction or refractive inaccuracy. Thus, nearly half of students with poor vision and more than one third of all students are attending school without clear vision. This demonstrates a high rate of unmet need in visual care among upper secondary school students, which is consistent with the findings of studies from primary and lower secondary schools in rural northwestern China.2 6 16
Based on our results, we suspect that several factors may contribute to the low rates of spectacles ownership among rural upper secondary school students. In particular, rates of spectacles ownership were higher in students with worse uncorrected VA, which suggests that students with mild poor vision do not experience a need to correct their vision; these students or their parents may mistakenly presume that spectacles are unnecessary or associated with deteriorations in eyesight.17
Another factor that may affect spectacles ownership is a family’s level of income/wealth. Spectacles ownership rates were higher among students residing in urban areas, as well as among students with better-educated fathers. These factors may act as proxies for family wealth18 19; thus, our results suggest that children in a wealthier family are more likely to wear spectacles when needed. Rural students tend to be much poorer than their urban counterparts, which may explain why many do not own spectacles. Our findings are consistent with those found in the literature.2 9
Our results also showed that spectacles ownership was strongly associated with AUSS attendance. This finding implies involvement of several factors in spectacles ownership. One of these factors may be the expectations of academic performance for VUSS students, who have lower rates of spectacles ownership than their AUSS peers; VUSS students may have a lighter academic burden,20 which allows them to tolerate poorer vision. Their parents may also presume that they do not need spectacles. Moreover, the number of VUSS students with poor vision may also contribute to lowered academic achievements and expectations. Our results are only correlative, but future studies of causal mechanisms are needed. Furthermore, given that VUSS graduates have poorer general skills compared with AUSS graduates,20 VUSS students comprise an at-risk population that urgently requires additional investigation.
The overall implication of the study, similar to the findings in studies of primary school and lower secondary school,2 3 5 is that systematic implementation of vision care programmes is needed in rural Chinese schools, including upper secondary schools. There is a need to more clearly identify which students exhibit poor vision, as well as a need for programmes that provide spectacles or encourage spectacles wear among affected students. Finally, there is a need for programmes that provide high-quality spectacles.
This study was limited in three ways. First, the results were based on cross-sectional data, such that it was difficult to perform a causal analysis between spectacles ownership and upper secondary school educational choice. Second, data regarding school performance and spectacles ownership were not collected when students were in lower secondary school (prior to AUSS or VUSS attendance); these data might have been useful in a causal analysis. Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility that factors specific to AUSSs (for instance, more homework leading to less time spent outdoors) might place AUSS students at greater risk of visual impairment. Furthermore, we cannot exclude the possibility that inability to afford spectacles and the lack of spectacles use prior to taking the entrance exam would result in lower overall learning, which would partially contribute to the type of upper secondary school attended; this contribution may lead to a positive correlation between VUSS attendance and poor vision. Third, the participants in this study were recruited from two counties in rural northwestern China, which limits the external validity of the findings.
Despite these limitations, we believe the results from this study provide compelling evidence that a number of students in rural northwestern China are not receiving adequate vision care: poorer students whose parents have less education are less likely to have spectacles when needed; VUSS students are also less likely to have spectacles when needed, compared with AUSS students. We presume that these findings will aid programme planners in targeting vulnerable populations when formulating strategies to reduce the burden of uncorrected myopia in rural China. China’s health and education policymakers should consider incorporating programmes that specifically address spectacles ownership and quality in rural upper secondary schools, especially among VUSS students and poorer students.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: All authors.
Acquisition of data: J Zhao, H Guan, K Du, Y Shi.
Analysis or interpretation of data: J Zhao, H Guan, K Du, Y Shi.
Drafting of the article: J Zhao, H Guan, H Wang, M Boswell, AOsborn.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: H Wang, M Boswell, S Rozelle, N Congdon.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This study was supported by the 111 Project (Grant No. B16031). H Guan is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 7180310.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the institutional review board at Stanford University, Palo Alto, United States (Ref 52514). Permission was received from local boards of education in each region and the principals of all schools. A letter was given to children and the parents informing them of the vision screening of their child, and a receipt returned to the school to show the parent consent. The presented data are anonymised, and the risk of identification is low. This study was performed in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
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Association between beta-blocker use and obesity in Hong Kong Chinese elders: a post-hoc analysis

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Feb;26(1):27–34  |  Epub 22 Jan 2020
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Association between beta-blocker use and obesity in Hong Kong Chinese elders: a post-hoc analysis
KL Leung, BPharm, BSc1; Winnie Fong, BPharm1; Ben Freedman, MB, BS, PhD2; Beata Bajorek, PhD, BPharm3; Vivian WY Lee, PharmD, BCPS4
1 School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Heart Research Institute, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
3 Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
4 Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof Vivian WY Lee (vivianlee@cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Studies of Caucasian populations have shown that beta-blockers may exacerbate weight gain, a risk factor for many chronic diseases. Still, beta-blockers are the most prescribed antihypertensives in the Chinese population in Hong Kong. We aimed to explore the association between beta-blocker use, hypertension, and weight status of this population.
Methods: A post-hoc analysis regarding body mass index (BMI) and the use of beta-blockers was performed based on the medication profile of community-dwelling older adults. Participants’ BMI, hypertension diagnosis, name, dose, frequency, route of administration of beta-blockers, and other drugs that may alter body weight were recorded.
Results: Of 1053 Chinese individuals aged ≥65 years (mean age 76.9±7.2 years, 80% female) from 32 elderly centres in Hong Kong, 18% (185/1053) of them consumed beta-blockers. That group also had a significantly larger proportion of obese individuals (45.9% vs 32.1%, P=0.002). After adjusting for other weight-altering drugs, beta-blockers remained a significant predictor of overweight and obesity (P=0.001). As the hypertensive population had significantly higher BMI than the normotensive population (24.3±3.6 vs 22.9±3.5, P<0.001), a sub-analysis on those with hypertension diagnosis confirmed that only the hypertensive population taking atenolol had a significantly larger population of obese individuals (BMI ≥25) compared with those who took metoprolol (58.9% vs 38.5%, P=0.03) and those who did not take any beta-blockers (58.9% vs 38.4%, P=0.007).
Conclusions: Our findings taken together with other guideline reservations cast doubt on whether beta-blockers, particularly atenolol, should be the major drug prescribed to older adults with hypertension.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Beta-blocker consumption is associated with obesity in Chinese older adults.
  • Hypertensive population taking atenolol had the largest portion of obesity.
  • Strong and unique association of obesity and atenolol usage.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Healthcare professionals should be more vigilant concerning initiation of therapy for hypertension and ongoing surveillance of weight, such as carefully assessing baseline characteristics (including both body mass index and blood pressure status) before prescribing a beta-blocker, and regular monitoring of both parameters in hypertension treatment, particularly for patients with obesity and those who have not yet become obese if beta-blockers are prescribed.
Hypertension is highly prevalent and a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease.1 Less well recognised by patients and health professionals alike is that some of the pharmacotherapies used to treat hypertension may adversely impact other cardiovascular risk factors by causing weight gain. More specifically, the weight gain effects of beta-adrenergic antagonists (beta-blockers) have been highlighted by many studies of Caucasian patients.2 3 4 5 Many guidelines no longer list beta-blockers as first-line antihypertensives.6 7 8 However, the 2018 hypertension guidelines published by the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension,9 the joint statement published in 2012 by the European Society of Hypertension and the European Association for the Study of Obesity,10 and a position paper of The Obesity Society and the American Society of Hypertension11 still advocate the use of beta-blockers in patients with both hypertension and obesity because beta-blockade is more effective in lowering blood pressure (BP) in patients with obesity than in patients who are thinner.12 In Hong Kong, two recent large database studies found that beta-blockers are still the most commonly prescribed antihypertensives, although they are used relatively less in younger patients aged <55 years.13 14 Furthermore, only 4% of Hong Kong patients have their antihypertensive treatment upgraded by changing from beta-blockers to firstline agents.15
The generally increasing prevalence of obesity among older adults is an important factor in drug-induced weight gain.16 Studies have shown that obesity in older people is associated with functional impairment and co-morbidity, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and dementia.17 18 19 These chronic conditions, for which being overweight is a risk factor, are also worryingly increasing in prevalence.20 21 22 This renders weight management in older persons an important health issue.
To date, there has been a lack of research to confirm the weight gain effects of beta-blockers in non-Caucasian populations, and this is particularly germane because so many older Chinese patients with hypertension are still receiving beta-blocker therapy.
The objective of this study was to explore the association between beta-blocker use, hypertension, and overweight/obesity in a cohort of older Chinese people. The specific objectives were to: (1) identify the proportion of patients prescribed beta-blockers; (2) compare the body mass index (BMI) of beta-blocker users with non-users; and (3) compare the effects of different beta-blockers on BMI.
Study design
A post-hoc analysis was undertaken using an existing dataset comprising the medication profiles of a cohort of community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong. The data were originally collected (July to August in 2016) for a primary study seeking to explore the relationship between diet and the prevalence of atrial fibrillation.23 The study was approved by the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all study participants. Confidentiality agreement forms were signed by all data collectors. STROBE reporting guidelines were implemented in this manuscript.
Study population
The original study cohort comprised 1665 people attending one of 32 neighbourhood elderly recreational community centres in Hong Kong. The inclusion criteria included those who were Hong Kong Chinese residents, aged ≥65 years, living in the community, and able to speak and understand Cantonese. The exclusion criteria included those with terminal health conditions and/or significant cognitive impairment that would preclude participation because of communication barriers (eg, severe mental illness, dementia).
Data collection
All primary study data were collected during a summer community outreach programme—a territory-wide medical outreach service in Hong Kong provided by volunteer students from the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The data were originally collected via face-to-face interviews with the participants in Cantonese and recorded on paper-based questionnaires by trained volunteer students.
At each outreach visit, participants’ body weight, height, and BP were measured, BMI calculated, medication profile extracted, and demographic data recorded. Calculated BMIs were compared with the Asian BMI classification set by the World Health Organization, in which BMI ≥23 and ≥25 are considered as overweight and obese, respectively.24 A self-reported diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes was recorded and verified against the patient’s current medication profile. The self-reported diagnosis of hypertension was the only evidence to determine whether the patient had hypertension or not. As part of the logistics and service provided by our outreach, BP was also measured using an Omron HEM-7011TM electronic blood pressure monitor (Omron Healthcare, Kyoto Japan), which has an “A/A” performance classification under British Hypertension Society criteria (ie, indicating that at least 80% and 95% of readings are within an absolute difference of 5 to 10 mm Hg from each other, respectively25). The readings were compared against 2017 American Heart Association guidelines,6 but such readings were not used to diagnose hypertension. To ensure accuracy, for each patient, the BP measurements were repeated after 10 minutes of rest when the first reading was found to be elevated (ie, BP >120/80 mm Hg). When a beta-blocker had been prescribed, the name, dose, frequency, and route of administration of the agent were additionally recorded. The consumption of other drugs known to alter body weight was also recorded and listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Participants' demographics and characteristics
Statistical analysis
Data handling (data entry, verification, and analysis) was computerised using SPSS (Windows version 23.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). Only the patients with complete drug profiles and all variables recorded were included. Any incomplete drug profile or missing variables (eg, BMI) were considered missing data and were not included in the analysis. Independent samples t tests were used to compare BMI values between people taking different beta-blockers. Binary logistic regression was used to verify the contributions of various drug classes and co-morbidities on a stratified binary BMI parameter (normal and underweight vs overweight and obesity). Chi squared tests were used to detect any significant differences in the proportion of patients with high BMI across different types of beta-blockers. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Participant characteristics
Among the 1665 individuals participating in the summer community outreach programme, data pertaining to 1053 were included in the analysis after screening against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The participants’ demographics and characteristics are shown in Table 1. People taking beta-blockers were generally heavier (mean BMI 24.6±3.7 vs 23.6±3.6, P<0.001). From the perspective of BP measurement readings, around 80% of the participants (804/1053) had elevated BP measurements during the outreach visit; of these, one third (286/804) had no history of hypertension and were not on any medications likely to be used for treating hypertension. The remaining two thirds (518/804) self-reported having hypertension. From the perspective of self-reported hypertension, 81.9% of those with self-reported hypertension (513/626) had hypertensive readings, and only 6% (40/626) had normotensive readings; the remaining ones had borderline hypertensive readings (12%, 73/626).
Overall, 185 (18%) of the 1053 participants were using one beta-blocker. Among the range of beta-blockers used, atenolol and metoprolol were the most frequently prescribed (40% and 53%, respectively), followed by propranolol (5%) and bisoprolol (2%). Among the beta-blocker users, the majority (95%, 175/185) had a self-reported history of hypertension. In those participants with self-reported hypertension who were not using beta-blockers (n=451), the main antihypertensive agents prescribed were calcium channel blockers (71.3%), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (22.3%), angiotensin receptor blockers (12.1%), alpha-blockers (7.9%), methyldopa (4.2%), hydralazine (1.0%), and reserpine (0.2%).
Body mass index and beta-blocker use
Overall, 54.1% (570/1053) of the participants were overweight or obese. The summary of patients’ BMI with or without beta-blockers is summarised in Table 2. After adjusting for consumption of various weight-altering drug classes, binary logistic regression showed that beta-blockers were the only drug class that made a significant contribution to stratified BMI status (ie, classification as overweight or obese) [Table 3]. Among those prescribed beta-blockers (n=185), a significantly higher proportion was either overweight or obese compared with those who were not taking beta-blockers (n=868) [64.8% vs 51.8%, P=0.002; Table 2]. This difference is most evident when comparing the proportion of patients with obesity across beta-blocker users and non-users (45.9% vs 32.1%, respectively; P=0.002).

Table 2. Body mass index distribution of people who were and were not using beta-blockers

Table 3. Binary logistic regression analysis on body mass index status
Participants deemed to have hypertension (based solely on self-reported diagnosis of hypertension plus verification against medication profile, but not on BP measurement during the outreach service) had a significantly higher BMI than those who were normotensive (mean BMIs: 24.3±3.6 vs 22.9±3.5, respectively; P<0.001). Although this difference may not be clinically significant, it triggered further sub-analysis on participants with hypertension diagnosis. A sub-analysis on the patients with self-reported diagnosis of hypertension was performed to confirm the association between the use of beta-blockers and BMI (Table 4). Among these participants with self-reported diagnosis of hypertension (n=626), a significantly higher proportion of patients with obesity (BMI >25) was observed in those using atenolol compared with those taking metoprolol (58.9% vs. 38.5%, P=0.031) or those who did not use any beta-blockers (58.9% vs 38.4%, P=0.007). Those using atenolol had a significantly higher BMI than those who did not use beta-blockers (mean BMIs: 25.3±3.5 vs 24.1±3.6, P=0.01).

Table 4. Body mass index distribution among older Chinese adults taking different beta-blockers
Binary logistic regression analysis found that loop diuretics were associated with BMI reduction. However, concerning mechanism and indication, loop diuretics function by enhancing salt and water excretion and are clinically used to maintain euvolaemia or prevent volume expansion.26 In other words, it makes no significant contribution to alteration of dry body weight, which is used for BMI determination and obesity evaluation. Therefore, despite the above findings, loop diuretics were excluded from our further analysis.
Our study presents preliminary findings regarding the potential real-world impact of beta-blockers on weight, noting the high proportion of community-dwelling older adults using these agents. We found a significant association between obesity/overweight with the use of beta-blockers in older Chinese adults. The difference was largely driven by the strong association between obesity and atenolol (rather than other beta-blockers). This may have important ramifications on therapeutic choice if the association is causal.
The potential mechanisms by which beta-blockers may induce weight gain include reduction of total energy expenditure (by 5%-10%), which may involve (1) decreased resting energy expenditure; (2) increased feelings of tiredness, with subsequent reduction of non-exercise-associated thermogenesis; (3) inhibition of lipolysis; and (4) enhancement of insulin resistance.27
Many studies of Caucasian populations have reported the weight gain effects of beta-blockers, being associated with a mean weight gain of 1.2 kg (range, -0.4 kg to 3.5 kg),27 which could explain our findings of 2.6 kg higher mean body weight in people taking beta-blockers (mean body weight of people who did vs did not take beta-blockers: 57.8±9.7 kg vs 55.2±9.8 kg, respectively; P=0.002 respectively), but we do not have longitudinal data to make pre-versus post-drug commencement comparisons. Several studies have compared impact on weight between selected beta-blockers and alternative antihypertensive medications, ie, atenolol versus captopril,2 metoprolol versus thiazide diuretics,3 atenolol versus chlorthalidone,4 and atenolol versus nifedipine,5 with all reporting weight gain (or reduced weight loss) in the beta-blocker treatment group. A long-term follow-up study also reported sustained weight gain in a propranolol treatment group compared with a placebo group.28
Despite the findings of previous studies, to date, there have been no intraclass head-to-head studies in humans regarding beta-blocker-induced weight gain. The two beta-blockers of note, atenolol and metoprolol, both being β1-selective beta-blockers, seemingly have no plausible cause that could account for such differences between them. Our study suggests that atenolol and metoprolol (the two most commonly used beta-blockers in Hong Kong13 14) may have different effects on weight. We found a significantly higher BMI and a higher proportion of patients with obesity in those taking atenolol compared with those who did not, especially among those defined as being hypertensive. This difference in obesity was also significant for the comparison with metoprolol. Patients taking metoprolol did not show any significant difference from patients who were not on any beta-blockers.
In our study, the mean difference in BMI between those using atenolol and no beta-blockers was about 1.2. Converting the mean BMI difference in a 60-kg woman reveals a mean body weight difference of 3.1 kg. Whether such a degree of weight gain is clinically significant in light of age-related weight gain is worthwhile to discuss. Indeed, age-related weight gain is an important factor of concern. According to a study of older Chinese adults, the median weight change from 20 years old to baseline was 11.8 kg and 11.5 kg for men and women, respectively.29 Another 10-year follow-up study also reported that a modest weight gain (2.5-5 kg) was not associated with an increase in mortality.30 Therefore, a gain of 3.1 kg alone may not be clinically significant. Yet, such a modest weight gain can be additive to physiological age-related weight gain and contribute to obesity. While age-related weight gain may not be a modifiable factor, the selection of pharmacotherapy is definitely one. Particularly, the use of beta-blockers may not actually be the best therapeutic option for hypertension management. Switching to other first-line agents that have no weight gain effects would reduce the possibilities to become obese.
Given our findings, it is important to note the variable recommendations around the use of beta-blockers in hypertension management. Although a number of international guidelines advocate the use of beta-blockers in patients with both obesity and hypertension,9 10 11 the 2017 American Heart Association guideline criticised atenolol for its inferior efficacy in treatment of hypertension.6 Moreover, a meta-analysis of atenolol versus other antihypertensive treatments also reported higher overall and cardiovascular mortality and more frequent strokes with atenolol treatment.31 Given these reservations about atenolol and our findings of higher prevalence of obesity in those taking atenolol, it is uncertain whether atenolol should continue to be the most-used drug for hypertension. This is relevant to many parts of the world, including Hong Kong, where atenolol appears to be the first-line therapy for hypertension in older patients and may be associated with an adverse effect on weight and BMI.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the association between BMI and beta-blocker use in a Chinese population. Additionally, this is the first study highlighting the intraclass differences between beta-blockers in terms of possible weight gain effects (as illustrated by the proportion of obesity), specifically in the hypertensive Chinese population. Therefore, our findings have implications for local clinical practice given the high rate of use of beta-blockers, particularly atenolol, in the older adults in Hong Kong, despite guideline recommendations.
In considering this study’s findings, it is important to acknowledge some of its limitations. First, given the cross-sectional nature of the study, no temporal or causal relationships can be fully assessed or confirmed. We only found an association between beta-blocker usage and obesity in hypertensive patients. We did not assess weight gain, as the term weight gain has a temporal element that should be validated with duration of drug therapy and weight changes throughout a certain period. Second, there is an issue with ‘confounding by indication’: it is possible that some study patients were obese when their antihypertensive therapy was initiated and, consequently, their physicians elected to use beta-blockers, given the recommendation by the few international consensuses and guidelines.9-12 However, since this was a post-hoc analysis based on a cross-sectional study, it is difficult to figure out the temporal sequence—whether beta-blockers were initiated because the patients were obese, or the patients became obese after taking beta-blockers. Third, the results were subject to selection bias because (a) study participation was voluntary, likely representing those who were more physically and/or socially active, and (b) those who were home-bound or had limited access to outdoor environments were not available for inclusion. Third, although the selection criteria were not designed in favour of women, the greater participation of women in our study is common in community-based investigations in Hong Kong,32 33 34 35 36 37 probably reflecting their greater participation in community-based and health-related activities.32 33 Although the self-reported diagnoses of hypertension were verified against the medication profiles, it is possible that beta-blockers were prescribed for an alternative indication, such as ischaemic heart disease.
Our study has reported a high proportion of beta-blocker use among Hong Kong older adults with hypertension. Beta-blocker users, and more specifically atenolol users, have a significantly higher BMI, as well as a higher propensity towards obesity compared with non-users. Our results can remind clinicians of the possibility that beta-blockers, particularly atenolol, may worsen weight control in hypertensive patients with obesity or cause significant weight gain in those who are not yet obese. Our findings taken together with other guideline reservations cast doubt on whether beta-blockers, particularly atenolol, should be the major drug prescribed to older adults with hypertension.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the concept of study, acquisition and analysis of data, wrote the article, and had critical revision for important intellectual content. All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
The study was approved by the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref 14610518) and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all study participants. Confidentiality agreement forms were signed by all data collectors.
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Age, sex, and disease status as determinants of skin hydration and transepidermal water loss among children with and without eczema

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Feb;26(1):19–26  |  Epub 6 Feb 2020
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Age, sex, and disease status as determinants of skin hydration and transepidermal water loss among children with and without eczema
KL Hon, MB, BS, MD1,2; PH Lam, MSSc, MA1; WG Ng, MPhril1; JS Kung, PhD1; NS Cheng, MNur1; ZX Lin, PhD2; CM Chow, MB, ChB3; TF Leung, MB, ChB, MD1,4
1 Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 The Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
3 Department of Paediatrics, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
4 Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KL Hon (ehon@hotmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Purpose: Skin hydration (SH) and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) are important skin biophysical parameters for assessment of childhood eczema. This study investigated whether age, sex, and disease status influence these parameters.
Methods: Skin hydration and TEWL were measured by Delfin MoistureMeterSC and Delfin Vapometer SWL5, respectively, among children aged ≤18 years with and without eczema. Disease status was evaluated using Scoring Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) and Nottingham Eczema Severity Score (NESS) clinical tools.
Results: Clinical scores and objective measurements were reviewed for 132 patients with eczema and 120 patients without eczema. In both sexes, SH was significantly higher among children aged ≤2 years with and without eczema than among children aged >2 years with and without eczema. Among children aged >2 years, SH was higher among girls with and without eczema than among boys with and without eczema. Regardless of age or sex, SH was lower among children with eczema than among children without eczema. Age-, sex-, and disease-related differences were not observed for TEWL. Skin hydration was negatively correlated with objective SCORAD (r=-0.418, P<0.001), overall SCORAD (r=-0.385, P<0.001), oedema/papulation (r=-0.243, P=0.041), lichenification (r=-0.363, P=0.002), dryness (r=-0.415, P<0.001), and intensity (r=-0.266, P=0.025). Transepidermal water loss was positively correlated with objective SCORAD (r=0.209, P=0.018), overall SCORAD (r=0.215, P=0.015), and lichenification (r=0.240, P=0.043). Skin hydration was negatively correlated with TEWL among children without eczema (r=-0.401, P<0.001), but not among children with eczema.
Conclusion: Skin hydration can be used to distinguish clinical differences in eczema based on age, sex, and disease status.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Skin hydration was lower in children with eczema than in children without eczema and generally decreased with age, especially in patients with more severe disease.
  • Among children aged >2 years, skin hydration was generally higher in girls than in boys.
  • Age-, sex-, and disease-related differences were not observed with respect to transepidermal water loss.
  • Skin hydration and transepidermal water loss both were correlated with eczema severity, as measured by the SCORAD clinical tool.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Skin hydration can be used to distinguish clinical differences in eczema based on age, sex, and disease status.
  • The effects of age and sex on skin hydration should be considered in research studies and in clinical treatment of patients with eczema.
  • Caregivers for children with eczema should receive information regarding the effects of age and sex on skin hydration.
Eczema is a prevailing childhood dermatological disease associated with skin dryness and impaired quality of life.1 2 3 4 Eczema, particularly during disease flare-ups, is typically characterised by unbearable itchiness, sleep disturbance, erythematous rash, dryness, and inflammation.1 5 6 In the clinical setting, subjective and objective assessments are used in combination to evaluate eczema disease severity.7 8
SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) is a clinical tool often used to evaluate disease severity.7 9 Eczematous areas and intensity of eczema are recorded; these are considered the objective components in SCORAD (ie, objective SCORAD). Subjective symptoms including the degree of skin itchiness and sleep disturbance due to skin itchiness are also recorded to determine the overall SCORAD assessment outcome.10 Nottingham Eczema Severity Score (NESS) is a clinical assessment tool that adopts subjective and objective approaches for evaluation of the severity of eczema.4 7 11 12 Using an assessment form, patients record their symptoms of sleep impairment due to skin itchiness in terms of the number of nights and length of the presence of eczematous symptoms within the previous 12 months; they also report the areas of eczematous skin.11 In Hong Kong, a validated Chinese version of the NESS is used.12
In addition to clinical scores, skin measurements including skin hydration (SH) and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) are important indicators of the barrier function of the skin.8 13 Skin hydration and TEWL measurements have been shown to correlate with eczema severity and quality of life impairment.8 13 Measurements of these non-invasive parameters may be useful in prognostic prediction of the development of eczema in infants14; these parameters have been use in Hong Kong as auxiliary tools in eczema therapeutic trials.7 8 15 16 To the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies in Hong Kong regarding the influences of age and sex on these parameters. This study aimed to compare the age and sex of Chinese children with and without eczema in terms of SH and TEWL, and to evaluate the correlations of SH and TEWL with clinical scores.
Patient recruitment
Chinese patients with eczema, who were aged 4 weeks to 18 years and were attending the paediatric dermatology clinic at Prince of Wales Hospital, were recruited from July 2018 to October 2018. Eczema was diagnosed in accordance with the United Kingdom working diagnosis.9 In addition, Chinese patients without eczema (eg, naevi or warts), aged 4 weeks to 18 years, were also recruited from the same paediatric dermatology clinic at Prince of Wales Hospital during the study period. Patients without eczema were defined as those who had not been clinically diagnosed with eczema in their medical history. Patients and their caregivers received an explanation of the details of the study including its aim and procedures, as well as each patient’s rights and possible risks related to involvement in the study. Written informed consent for participating in the overall study was obtained from patients or caregivers before enrolment in the study. Patients were then separated into two groups; those with a current or prior clinical diagnosis of eczema were regarded as children with eczema, while those without clinically diagnosed eczema were regarded as children without eczema. Both children with and without eczema underwent the same study measurements and received the same treatment procedures throughout the study.
Clinical assessment of eczema
Eczema was routinely assessed by clinicians using the SCORAD tool.9 10 The overall SCORAD assessment outcome was determined by two objective components and one subjective component. The extent of eczematous areas involved were assessed by observing patient’s eczematous body surface area covering head and neck (9%), bilateral upper limbs (9% each), bilateral lower limbs (18% each), anterior trunk (18%), back (18%) and genitals (1%), which were aggregated to 100% of whole body surface areas. Intensity of dermatological lesions was assessed by indicating none (0), mild (1), moderate (2) and severe (3) onto the eczematous areas in terms of six categories: redness, swelling, oozing/crust, excoriation, lichenification, and dryness on non-eczematous areas. The score of intensity of dermatological lesions was obtained by adding up the scores of these six categories. Subjective components of SCORAD were assessed by evaluation of subjective symptoms (ie, pruritus and sleep loss) over the course of the previous three nights, which were rated on a scale from 0 to 10.9 10 Objective SCORAD scores <15, 15 to 40, and >40 were classified as mild, moderate, and severe disease, respectively; overall SCORAD scores <25, 25 to 50, and >50 were classified as mild, moderate, and severe disease, respectively.9 10 17 Both overall SCORAD and objective SCORAD scores were used in this study. The NESS tool was also used to determine the severity of eczema.11 18 With respect to the past 12 months, the duration of eczema and number of nights impacted by skin itchiness weekly were rated from 1 to 5. A higher score indicated greater eczema severity. In addition, areas of skin with eczematous lesions (eg, rash, lichenified skin, and/or bleeding) were recorded. Scores ranging from 3 to 8, 9 to 11, and 12 to 15 were categorised as mild, moderate, and severe disease.11 The validated Chinese version of the NESS was used.12
Equipment-based skin measurements
Patients were first taken to an air-conditioned treatment room and rested for 20 minutes. All children included in this study (regardless of the presence or absence of eczema) reported no use of emollient in any form within 24 hours prior to the skin measurements. Skin hydration was measured topically using the MoistureMeterSC (Delfin Technologies Ltd., Kuopio, Finland) at a standard site 2 cm below the antecubital fossa of each patient’s right arm.8 13 The SH is measured in arbitrary units (a.u.), which range from 0 to 300 a.u. The MoistureMeterSC serves as a capacitance meter, measuring the skin capacitance detected from the probe head of equipment onto the skin surface layer, based on the relationship between skin capacitance and the water content of the surface layer of skin19 20; a higher SH value indicates greater skin moisture. Transepidermal water loss was topically measured using the Vapometer SWL5 (Delfin Technologies Ltd.) at the same standard site 2 cm below the antecubital fossa of each patient’s right arm.8 13 The TWEL is measured in g/m2h, which range from 0 to 300. The Vapometer is equipped with a closed cylindrical chamber containing sensors which detect changes in relative humidity and temperature after placement on the skin surface. The TEWL is then measured based on the change in relative humidity19 20; an increasing TEWL value indicates greater skin dryness. Skin measurements were conducted by trained research personnel, and fewer than 5 minutes were required to complete both procedures. During the measurements, no psychological or physiological discomforts occurred.
Statistical analyses
Clinical data were de-identified and analysed using SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 25.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US). Frequency distributions were used to describe patients’ demographic data. Independent-samples t tests were used to compare SH and TEWL between patients in terms of sex, age, and presence or absence of disease. Pearson correlation was used to investigate associations between skin measurements and SCORAD subcategories. Trend analysis was performed regarding the effects of age on SH. Multiple regression model of the interactions of SH and TEWL with age and sex in children with and without eczema was done. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant and 95% confidence intervals were adopted for all statistical comparisons in this study.
Patient characteristics
In total, datasets of clinical scores (SCORAD) and equipment measurements were reviewed for 252 patients during the period from August 2018 to October 2018. Among the 252 patients (mean age, 5.84±5.97 years; 52.0% boys), 132 were children with eczema (mean age, 7.05±6.60 years; 52.3% boys), while 120 were children without eczema (mean age, 4.52±4.91 years; 51.7% boys). Furthermore, 121 patients were aged ≤2 years, while 131 patients were aged >2 years.
Age-related changes in skin hydration
Table 1 shows that, among children with eczema (n=132), the mean SH of boys aged ≤2 years was significantly higher than the mean SH of boys aged >2 years (P<0.001). Similarly, the mean SH of girls aged ≤2 years was significantly higher than the mean SH of girls aged >2 years (P<0.001). Among children without eczema (n=120), the mean SH of boys aged ≤2 years was significantly higher than the SH of boys aged >2 years (P=0.046). However, no statistically significant difference in SH (P=0.980) was observed in comparisons between girls aged ≤2 years and girls aged >2 years. These results demonstrated that SH significantly differed in an age-related manner among both boys and girls with eczema.

Table 1. Age-, sex-, and disease status–related differences in transepidermal water loss and skin hydration
Sex-related changes in skin hydration
Table 1 shows that, among children with eczema (n=132), the mean SH of girls aged >2 years was significantly higher than the mean SH of boys aged >2 years (P=0.006). Similarly, among children without eczema, the mean SH of girls aged >2 years was significantly higher than the mean SH of boys aged >2 years (P=0.009). However, in both children with eczema and children without eczema, there were no sex-related differences in SH among patients aged ≤2 years. These results demonstrated that SH significantly differed in a sex-related manner among patients aged >2 years, regardless of the presence or absence of eczema.
Disease status–related changes in skin hydration
Table 1 shows that, among boys in this study (n=131), the mean SH of children with eczema aged >2 years was significantly lower than the mean SH of children without eczema aged >2 years (P<0.001). Furthermore, the mean SH of boys with eczema aged ≤2 years was significantly lower than the mean SH of boys without eczema aged ≤2 years (P=0.005). Similarly, among girls in this study (n=121), the mean SH of children with eczema aged >2 years was significantly lower than the mean SH of children without eczema aged >2 years (P<0.001). In addition, the mean SH of girls with eczema aged ≤2 years was significantly lower than the mean SH of girls without eczema aged ≤2 years (P=0.009). The results showed that SH was consistently higher in children without eczema than in children with eczema, regardless of age and sex.
Relationships of skin hydration with clinical scores and objective measurements
Among children with eczema (Table 2; n=132), Pearson correlation demonstrated that SH was significantly negatively correlated with objective SCORAD (P<0.001), overall SCORAD (P<0.001), oedema/papulation (P=0.041), lichenification (P=0.002), dryness (P<0.001), and intensity (P=0.025). In addition, Pearson correlation demonstrated that TEWL was significantly positively correlated with objective SCORAD (P=0.018), overall SCORAD (P=0.015), and lichenification (P=0.043). No significant correlation was observed between TEWL and SH (P=0.565) in children with eczema, whereas a correlation was present in children without eczema (P<0.001).

Table 2. Pearson correlations of skin hydration and transepidermal water loss with clinical scores in children with eczema
Effects of age on skin hydration
Trend analysis revealed a marked decline in SH during the first 50 months of life among children with eczema, relative to children without eczema (Fig). Beginning at 51 months of age, the magnitude of SH began to gradually decline. Conversely, for children without eczema, a slight, steady decline in SH was observed in the first 50 months of life.

Figure. Trend analysis of skin hydration between children with eczema and children without eczema over time
Age-related changes in transepidermal water loss
Table 1 shows that, among children with eczema (n=132), the mean TEWL of girls aged ≤2 years was significantly higher than the mean TEWL of girls aged >2 years (P=0.046). However, no statistically significant difference in TEWL (P=0.877) was observed in comparisons between boys aged ≤2 years and boys aged >2 years. Similarly, among both boys and girls without eczema in this study, no statistically significant difference in TEWL was found between children aged ≤2 years and children aged >2 years. The findings demonstrated that TEWL was affected by age only among girls with eczema.
Sex- and disease status–related changes in transepidermal water loss
Regardless of age and disease status, no statistically significant difference in TEWL was found between boys and girls (Table 1). Likewise, regardless of age and sex, no statistically significant difference in TEWL was found between children with eczema and children without eczema. The results showed that TEWL did not significantly differ among patients based on sex, age, or disease status.
Impacts of age and sex on skin hydration
Multiple regression models were constructed with TEWL and SH as the outcome variables, using age and sex as independent predictors, to examine the effects of the age and sex interaction on TEWL and SH in children with and without eczema. Table 3 shows that, among children without eczema, the age×sex interaction term could explain 40.9% of the variance in SH (P=0.031); however, the age×sex interaction term could not explain the variance in SH (P=0.290) among children with eczema. In addition, when used as a predictive variable, age could not explain the variance in SH among children with eczema (P=0.364) or among children without eczema (P=0.143). Similarly, when used as a predictive variable, sex could not explain the variance in SH among children with eczema (P=0.377) or among children without eczema (P=0.132). These results showed that the interaction between age and sex significantly affected SH among children without eczema, but not among children with eczema; when considered alone, neither age nor sex significantly affected SH among any of the children in the study.

Table 3. Multiple regression model of the interactions of skin hydration and transepidermal water loss with age and sex in children with and without eczema
Impacts of age and sex on transepidermal water loss
In contrast, Table 3 shows that, when used as a predictive variable, age could explain 67.8% of the variance in TEWL (P=0.009) among children without eczema, but could not explain the variance in TEWL (P=0.156) among children with eczema. In addition, when used as a predictive variable, sex could not explain the variance in TEWL among children with eczema (P=0.379) or among children without eczema (P=0.952). Similarly, the age×sex interaction term could not explain the variance in TEWL among children with eczema (P=0.194) or among children without eczema (P=0.088). These results showed that age alone significantly affected TEWL among children without eczema, but not among children with eczema; sex alone and the age×sex interaction term did not significantly affect TEWL among any of the children in the study.
Skin hydration and TEWL are useful auxiliary tools in assessment of adult eczema for research purposes.8 13 21 The findings in this study confirmed our previous observations that SH and TEWL were correlated with disease severity (ie, objective SCORAD and overall SCORAD) in paediatric patients with eczema.13 As SH declines (ie, skin dryness increases), the clinical scores of objective SCORAD and overall SCORAD increase, indicating more severe eczema. Furthermore, as TEWL increases (ie, skin loses water through the epidermis), the clinical scores of objective SCORAD and overall SCORAD increase, indicating more severe eczema. In our study, SH and TEWL were also correlated with lichenification, which is an indicator of the chronicity of eczema.13 21 This study also demonstrated that age and sex could influence SH, but not TEWL. First, SH was significantly lower in children with eczema than in children without eczema, regardless of age or sex; no such difference was demonstrated with respect to TEWL. Second, SH was generally higher in young children, whereas TEWL did not differ on the basis of age. Hence, researchers should consider these relationships when interpreting SH measurements in infants.
Skin hydration was lower in children with eczema than in children without eczema (Fig). Trend analysis showed that SH declined more markedly in children with eczema than in children without eczema during the first 2 years of life. This phenomenon might reflect the onset and progression of eczema in early life. Skin hydration was correlated with skin dryness and lichenification (Table 2). With disease progression, skin dryness increases and lichenification develops as a sign of chronicity. Therefore, age is a key factor that affects SH and eczema severity. Among children aged >2 years, SH was higher in girls than in boys, regardless of the presence or absence of eczema. This universal phenomenon might be related to sex differences in cutaneous physiology. Furthermore, the observation of a sex difference in SH suggests that skin is less dry and more manageable with emollients in girls, compared with boys. We previously studied quality of life in children with eczema and found that not all aspects of quality of life were affected equally in children with eczema.22 Age and sex were important in that clothes/shoes caused more problems for girls, whereas itching and sleep disturbance primarily affected younger children. In addition, eczema damaged the epidermal layer of skin and caused greater self-image difficulties in girls than in boys, especially during childhood and adolescence. These findings indicated that psychosocial influences should be considered among patients with eczema. Notably, age influenced SH and TEWL among children without eczema. Although regression analysis showed that age was not a significant predictor of SH or TEWL among children with eczema, the partial eta squared (ηp2) for age was high, which suggested that it may explain some variance in both SH and TEWL. Thus, age should be considered in further studies of SH and/or TEWL.
The design and findings of this study were quite different from those in studies by Walters et al and Kong et al.23 24 The participants in the study by Walters et al were mainly Caucasian, while those in the study by Kong et al were mainland Chinese.23 In addition, the study by Kong et al was conducted in winter, such that the temperature and relative humidity were extremely low.24 Hong Kong is a subtropical climate and the skin measurements in the present study were performed using an established standard protocol. In addition, both prior studies focused on comparisons between children without eczema and their mothers. In contrast, our study compared SH and TEWL between children with eczema and children without eczema. Furthermore, our study showed the following: SH was significantly higher among both boys and girls aged ≤2 years than among boys and girls aged >2 years, regardless of the presence or absence of eczema; this age-related difference was not observed with respect to TEWL. Among children aged >2 years, SH was higher among girls with and without eczema than among boys with and without eczema; this sex-related difference was not observed with respect to TEWL. Regardless of age and sex, SH was lower among children with eczema than among children without eczema; this disease status-related difference was not observed with respect to TEWL. Hence, we concluded that age and sex affect SH. Kong et al24 also demonstrated a more permeable skin barrier in younger children, compared with both older children and adults. Potential underlying reasons for the findings in our study require further investigation because of the cross-sectional study design and limited sample size.
There were some limitations in this study. First, the sample size was small and did not allow in-depth subgroup analysis of children with eczema or children without eczema; thus, our findings cannot be used to establish age-based population norms for the assessment parameters used in this study. Second, the recruitment of patients was restricted to a single site; thus the sample may not have been representative of the population, and the generalisability of the results may be limited. Finally, the efficacy of skin barrier treatment was not evaluated. Future studies should address these limitations and confirm our findings.
This study investigated the effects of age and sex on SH and TEWL in children with and without eczema. Skin hydration was lower in children with eczema than in children without eczema and generally decreased with age, especially during infancy and in patients with more severe disease. Among children aged >2 years, SH was generally higher in girls than in boys. Thus, we presume that SH can be used to distinguish clinical differences in eczema based on age, sex, and disease status.
Author contributions
Concept or design: KL Hon.
Acquisition of data: PH Lam, WG Ng, JS Kung.
Analysis or interpretation of data: PH Lam.
Drafting of the article: KL Hon, PH Lam.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: KL Hon, WG Ng, JS Kung, NS Cheng, ZX Lin, CM Chow, TF Leung.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, KL Hon was not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref CRE.2016.118). Written informed consent to participate was obtained from patients or caregivers before enrolment in the study.
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Second tier non-invasive prenatal testing in a regional prenatal diagnosis service unit: a retrospective analysis and literature review

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Feb;26(1):10–8  |  Epub 22 Jan 2020
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Second tier non-invasive prenatal testing in a regional prenatal diagnosis service unit: a retrospective analysis and literature review
Vivian KS Ng, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)1; Avis L Chan, MB, BS, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)1,2; WL Lau, MB, BS, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)1; WC Leung, MD, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)1
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Yaumatei, Hong Kong
2 Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, United States
Corresponding author: Dr Vivian KS Ng (vivian_nks@hotmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The Hong Kong Hospital Authority has newly introduced a new Down's syndrome screening algorithm that offers free-of-charge non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to women who screen as high risk. In preparation for this public-funded second tier NIPT service, the present study was conducted to retrospectively analyse women eligible for NIPT and to review the local literature.
Methods: Our retrospective study included women screened as high risk for Down's syndrome (adjusted term risk ≥1:250) during the period of 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016. We performed descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic regression to examine the factors associated with women’s choice between NIPT and invasive testing. We also reviewed existing local literature about second tier NIPT.
Results: The study included 525 women who screened positive: 67% chose NIPT; 31% chose invasive diagnostic tests; and 2% declined further testing. Our literature review showed that in non-research (self-financed NIPT) settings, NIPT uptake rates have been increasing since 2011. Nulliparity, first trimester status, higher education, maternal employment, and conception by assisted reproductive technology are common factors associated with self-financed NIPT after positive screening. Among women choosing NIPT, the rates of abnormal results have typically been around 8% in studies performed in Hong Kong.
Conclusion: Implementation of second tier NIPT in the public setting is believed to be able to improve quality of care. We expect that the public in Hong Kong will welcome the new policy.
New knowledge added by this study
  • A comprehensive review of all local studies in Hong Kong (including ours) that summarise the increasing trend of women choosing second tier non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) after high-risk Down's syndrome screening results; factors associated with choice of NIPT; and the percentages of abnormal NIPT results.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The new Hospital Authority policy of offering publicly funded second tier NIPT for high-risk Down’s syndrome screening results will be feasible, beneficial, and welcomed by pregnant women and their partners.
Prenatal diagnostic tests for Down’s syndrome have been changing dramatically in recent decades. In the 1990s, women aged ≥35 years at confinement of pregnancy were regarded as the ‘high-risk’ group in terms of carrying babies with Down’s syndrome. They were offered direct invasive procedures that involved using a needle to puncture the amniotic sac (amniocentesis) or placenta (chorionic villus sampling) to rule out chromosomal abnormalities. Although these tests are diagnostic and accurate, they have procedure-related miscarriage risks of 1/100 to 1/200.1 Indeed, the majority of these cases undergoing such invasive procedures are normal pregnancies, and this age-based approach imposed avoidable risks on otherwise normal babies. Later, Down’s syndrome screening for nuchal translucency (NT) and maternal serum markers was introduced to women of advanced maternal age (≥35 years). Since 1 July 2010, universal Down’s syndrome screening has been offered in all public obstetrics units in Hong Kong.2 All pregnant women at appropriate gestation are offered informed prenatal screening choices irrespective of their age. Those women who are screened as high risk (adjusted term risk ≥1:250) were counselled for either invasive diagnostic prenatal tests (chorionic villus sampling versus amniocentesis) or expectant management without further tests. Ultrasound examination for fetal abnormalities was performed regardless of women’s choices. This measure has significantly reduced unnecessary invasive procedures for women of advanced maternal age without introducing any other risk factors.3 However, the sensitivity and specificity of first or second trimester Down’s syndrome screening tests are only about 90%,4 and false positive cases and accidental findings of chromosomal and structural abnormalities may put women at risk of further unnecessary procedures.
The discovery of the presence of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma by Professor Dennis Lo in 1997 was a remarkable breakthrough in prenatal screening.5 6 7 In 2011, non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) became commercially available in Hong Kong as a self-financed examination. Following positive Down’s syndrome screening, women are now given an additional choice, NIPT, in addition to the traditional approach with either invasive diagnostic procedures or expectant management. The introduction of this technology has made a significant impact on choices and decisions by obstetricians, healthcare policy makers, and pregnant women.8
Compared with conventional screening, which has a 90% detection rate of Down’s syndrome and a 5% false positive rate,1 NIPT achieves a higher detection rate (99%) and a lower false positive rate (as low as 0.1%).9 Even though NIPT costs >HK$5000, it is generally accepted by clinicians and pregnant women because of its accuracy and safety. In December 2019, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority introduced a publicly funded (free-of-charge) second tier of NIPT to pregnant women who are screened positive/high risk by the Down’s syndrome screening tests. While transitioning to the new healthcare policy (Fig 1), we performed this study to analyse data from a large sample in our centre (which has approximately 5000 annual deliveries) and summarise local NIPT study findings from Hong Kong. We hypothesised that the general population and healthcare providers in Hong Kong are ready for and supportive of the new policy and that the prospective NIPT uptake rate will be very high.

Figure 1. New algorithm for prenatal diagnosis of Down’s syndrome in Hong Kong
This retrospective cohort study was conducted in a government-funded regional obstetrics unit in Hong Kong that manages approximately 5000 annual deliveries. All women who presented to our obstetrics unit were eligible for Down’s syndrome screening, should their gestation meet the screening criteria. The Down’s syndrome screening programme is funded by the government and therefore free of charge to all registered pregnant women. Pregnant women are offered either first trimester combined Down’s syndrome screening at 11 to 13 weeks of gestation or second trimester screening at 16 to 19 weeks of gestation. In all Hospital Authority units, first trimester combined Down’s syndrome screening measures and analyses the woman’s age, NT thickness, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, and free beta human chorionic gonadotropin, while second trimester biochemical screening includes the woman’s age, total human chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein, and unconjugated estriol (uE3) [uE3 has been included in biochemical screening since late 2016 to improve screening detection rates of trisomy 13, 18, and 21]. The result is regarded as high risk if the adjusted term risk ratio for trisomy 21, 18, and/or 13 is ≥1:250. Women who are screened as high risk are notified and counselled for further management options by trained nurses or midwives who are certified for ultrasound scanning by the Hospital Authority and Fetal Medicine Foundation. These women are offered the following informed choices: (1) publicly funded invasive tests; (2) self-financed NIPT; or (3) decline further tests. The procedure-related risks of miscarriage are quoted as 1% in chorionic villus sampling and 0.5% in amniocentesis.1 In the presence of thickened NT, especially those ≥3.5 mm, women were offered the option of direct invasive testing, as that finding indicates an increased risk of microdeletions or microduplications. Regardless of their choices, detailed ultrasound examination is arranged at 19 to 22 weeks of gestation in women screened as high risk to screen for any fetal structural abnormalities. If ultrasound abnormalities are detected, women who have chosen NIPT or declined further tests are counselled again for invasive diagnostic tests to rule out chromosomal or genetic abnormalities.
Pregnant women screened with high-risk results for trisomy 21, 18, and/or 13 by the universal Down’s syndrome screening programme during the period of 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016 (2 years) were included in this study. We retrieved their demographic (maternal age, education level, race) and clinical (obstetric history, history of abnormal pregnancy, family history, ultrasound findings, Down's syndrome screening test results, woman’s choice of further tests after positive screening) details from the Clinical Management System, Electronic Patient Record, Antenatal Record System, and our written records. Descriptive data (counts and percentages) were presented in tables and flowcharts. Bivariate analysis of Chi squared or Fisher’s exact tests was performed to identify factors associated with women’s choice between NIPT and invasive tests. Two-tailed P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. We included all statistically significant factors in a multivariable logistic regression model with woman’s choice as the outcome. Variables that remained statistically significant were regarded as factors that were independently associated with the woman’s choice. The hypothesis was tested by comparing our study’s results with the findings of other studies in Hong Kong about NIPT uptake over time. Data were analysed using SPSS (Windows version 23.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
From 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016, 9276 women underwent Down’s syndrome screening in our unit. A total of 525 (6%) women were screened positive or at high risk of trisomy 21, 18, and/or 13. Table 1 shows the demographic and clinical characteristics of the screened positive women in our study. Among them, 318 (61%) women were aged ≥35 years at their estimated date of confinement. Almost all women were Chinese (512/525, 98%), and the remaining women were from a variety of races. Regarding education level, almost half of these women (49%) had achieved secondary school level, and one third had achieved tertiary school level. The education level of 12% of them was unknown. The vast majority of women (>95%) in this study had no significant family history or personal history of abnormal pregnancy or genetic diseases. Those with significant family history or personal history of abnormal pregnancy were family history of mental retardation (n=2), trisomy 21 (n=1), Emmanuel syndrome (n=1), and not specified (n=1). Around one third of women in this study had gravidity ≥3 (37%), and nearly half of them were nulliparous (46%). Most of them were conceived naturally (94%).

Table 1. Demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, and Down’s syndrome screening results of 525 women with positive screening
For the index pregnancy, 459 (87%) women and 66 (13%) women had the Down’s syndrome screening performed during the first and second trimester, respectively. Over 80% of screened positive women was positive for any one of trisomy 21, 18, or 13. For those with NT measured in the screening, 80% of women had NT <3 mm, and 10% had NT of ≥3.5 mm. The distribution of the trisomy 21 risk ratio was uniform and even.
After high-risk results from Down’s syndrome screening, 67% of women chose NIPT; 31% chose invasive diagnostic tests; and 2% declined further testing. Figure 2 shows a detailed flowchart of women’s decisions for further testing upon positive Down’s syndrome screening. Out of 351 women who opted for NIPT after high-risk screening results, 328 (93%) had normal NIPT results, while 23 (7%) had abnormal results. The abnormal results included trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, sex chromosome-related, others (69XXX; dup (3q26.1-q29,31M) and del (5q15.33-p14.1,22M); increased uptake chromosome 9), and non-reportable (n=2). Of the 23 women with abnormal NIPT results, 21 proceeded to invasive procedures; one miscarried prior to invasive procedures; and one underwent termination of pregnancy directly. The diagnosis was confirmed by diagnostic tests in 16 cases: 14 cases ended up with termination of pregnancy; one continued pregnancy (47XYY); and one miscarried afterwards (69XXX). The remaining five women who had invasive diagnostic tests following high-risk NIPT (n=3) and non-reportable NIPT (n=2) were found normal by karyotyping.

Figure 2. Flowchart of women’s decisions about further testing upon positive Down’s syndrome screening
There were 328 women with normal NIPT results. However, 15 of them still required invasive procedures for reasons of maternal anxiety (n=3), fetal gender confirmation (n=1), and sonographic abnormalities detected during anomaly scans (n=11). The 11 women with ultrasound abnormalities all proceeded to invasive procedures. The ultrasound findings, karyotypes, and pregnancy outcomes of these women are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Eleven cases with normal non-invasive prenatal test results but sonographic abnormalities
Between women choosing NIPT and invasive diagnostic procedures, the factors of maternal education, conception by assisted reproductive technology, gravidity, parity, first trimester, trisomy risks, and NT reached statistically significant difference (Table 3). After adjusting for all these variables in the logistic regression model, only higher maternal education (P=0.04), gravidity <3 (P<0.001), nulliparity (P=0.03), and examination during the first trimester (P<0.001) were associated with higher NIPT uptake.

Table 3. Demographic and clinical characteristics of women choosing non-invasive prenatal testing versus invasive diagnostic procedures after positive Down’s syndrome screening
Although NIPT was self-financed, increasing NIPT uptake rates since 2011 reported by studies from Hong Kong support our hypothesis that pregnant women are supportive of contingent NIPT after positive Down’s syndrome screening tests. The uptake rate of self-financed NIPT has increased from 20% (95% confidence interval [CI]=18%-24%; in Poon et al’s study, 2011-201210) to 29% (95% CI=26%-32%; in Chan et al’s study, 2012-201311) to 67% (95% CI=63%-71%) in our study, 2015-2016. We observed a steep increase in the NIPT uptake rate in our unit (from 23% in 2012 to 71% in 2016),12 and a corresponding rise has been observed in other local public obstetrics units,13 despite the fact that women had to pay for the cost of NIPT. A multi-centred survey-based study performed in Hong Kong showed that >90% of women favouring NIPT after positive Down’s syndrome screening were willing to pay for the test.14 This study also found that higher income was an independent predictor of women’s choice for NIPT. Our study did not include household income because the missing rate is very high (>50%). Low or non-response on sensitive issues such as income and wealth has been well documented in the literature.15 If cost is eliminated as a factor, we would expect the majority of women to choose NIPT as a contingent test, as projected by Lo et al13 in 2015-2016 and Cheng et al16 in 2015-2016. In those studies, NIPT was offered as a research expense, and the uptake rates were 62% and 90%, respectively.13 16
Non-invasive prenatal testing is popular and widely accepted in other parts of the world. The United Kingdom has the same algorithm to manage women screened positive for Down’s syndrome, but outside the research arena, NIPT is only available in the private sector at the patient’s own expense. A study in the United Kingdom showed that the main motivation for women choosing NIPT as a further test after positive Down's syndrome screening was reassurance, as NIPT is safe, accurate, and able to pick up those that may otherwise have been missed by combined Down's syndrome screening.17 The reassurance and reduction of anxiety made all women in the study believe that NIPT should be adopted as part of the National Health System’s obstetric practice. Another study in Australia also reported positive experiences in women undergoing NIPT, with 93% of respondents indicating support of public funding for NIPT as part of Down’s syndrome screening.18
In concordance with high acceptance of NIPT in Hong Kong and worldwide, the number of invasive procedures has significantly decreased recently. In our study, 328 (62%) women were able to avoid unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures that might have been performed in historical clinical practice in public hospitals before NIPT and current clinical practice if these pregnant women are not able to pay the cost. Uptake may be much greater if NIPT is offered at no cost. Second tier screening after positive combined first trimester screening significantly reduced the number of invasive procedures performed and increased specificity while maintaining close to 100% sensitivity.19 In addition, NIPT may provide a broader range of information about microdeletions, microduplications, single-gene disorders, etc. This provides additional options for women who prefer the extended reports provided by NIPT if clinically indicated.20
Although NIPT is highly sensitive and specific in detecting trisomies 21, 18, and 13, ultrasound still plays an important complementary role in the contemplated algorithm for prenatal Down's syndrome screening. Given normal NIPT results following positive Down's syndrome screening, a number of women may also require invasive procedures in the presence of sonographic abnormalities resulting from false negative cases or non-aneuploidy diseases like thalassaemia (Table 2).
We reviewed the local data from studies in Hong Kong regarding second tier NIPT after high-risk Down’s syndrome screening results (Table 4 10 11 13 16 21). Our study has the largest sample size in the last 5 years. The vast majority of pregnant women presented to the obstetrics unit during the first trimester and had first trimester combined Down’s syndrome screening tests performed. In non-research (self-financed NIPT) settings, NIPT uptake rates have been increasing since 2011. Nulliparity, first trimester status, higher education, maternal employment, and conception by assisted reproductive technology are common factors that have been independently associated with self-financed NIPT after positive Down’s syndrome screening tests. In our study, a multivariable logistic regression model indicated that NT thickness and adjusted term risk ratio of trisomy 21 were no longer statistically associated with NIPT uptake. We found that positive Down’s syndrome screening results, adjusted term risk of trisomy 21, and NT were correlated. By controlling for any one of these factors, the effects of the other two factors could be held relatively constant. Moreover, NT thickness is only reported in the first trimester, and therefore, the effects of NT may be accounted for by the first trimester factor. Among women choosing NIPT, the rate of abnormal results has typically been around 8% in studies performed in Hong Kong.

Table 4. Local studies about second tier non-invasive prenatal testing after high-risk Down’s syndrome screening results
Our study is limited by the retrospective nature of the study and missing data on self-reported items like education level and household income. Furthermore, obstetric professionals’ perceptions about NIPT may vary among different healthcare providers, leading to potential implicit bias.22 Studies have found that obstetricians had more certain views about the usefulness of NIPT than midwives had.23 To consider this potential bias, a questionnaire to the healthcare providers would be useful for understanding their perceptions, attitudes, and the extent of any bias towards NIPT or invasive diagnostic procedures. Standardised counselling materials (interview scripts, booklets, videos, question and answer information sheets) distributed to women may also minimise dynamic human factors during the counselling session.
Implementation of second tier NIPT in the public setting is believed to improve quality of care, women’s choice, and overall financial/budget performance.24 A significant number of unnecessary invasive procedures can be avoided. We expect that the public in Hong Kong will welcome this new policy.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: VKS Ng.
Acquisition of data: VKS Ng.
Analysis or interpretation of data: VKS Ng.
Drafting of the article: VKS Ng.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: AL Chan, WL Lau, WC Leung.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest or declarations to report regarding the present work.
The authors acknowledge the excellent work by staff at the prenatal diagnostic clinic, Kwong Wah Hospital for their outstanding service provision and patient care.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (Kowloon Central/Kowloon East) of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority (Ref no. KC/KE-18-0123/ER-3). The requirement for patient consent was waived by the Ethics Committee.
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Associations of clinical and dosimetric parameters with late rectal toxicities after radical intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer: a single-centre retrospective study

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Dec;25(6):460–7  |  Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Associations of clinical and dosimetric parameters with late rectal toxicities after radical intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer: a single-centre retrospective study
Brian YH Ng, MB, ChB, FRCR1; Ellen LM Yu, BSc, MSc2; Tracy TS Lau, MB, BS, FHKCR1; KS Law, MB, BS, FHKCR1; Ashley CK Cheng, MB, BS, FHKCR1
1 Department of Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
2 Clinical Research Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Brian YH Ng (bryan.yh.ng@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: This study assessed the incidence of late rectal toxicities and evaluated potential predictive factors for late proctitis in patients treated with prostate-specific intensity-modulated radiotherapy in Hong Kong.
Methods: This retrospective longitudinal observational study included patients with localised prostate cancer who were treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy in an oncology unit in Hong Kong between January 2007 and December 2011, and who had >1 year of follow-up. Clinical, pharmacological, and radiation parameters were recorded. Toxicities were measured by Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.
Results: In total, 232 patients were included in this analysis. The mean follow-up time was 7.3 ± 2.1 years and 46.5% of the patients had late rectal toxicities. Late proctitis occurred in 30.5% of patients; 25% of the patients with late proctitis exhibited grade ≥2 toxicity. Median onset times for late proctitis and rectal bleeding were 15 and 18.4 months, respectively. Multivariable regression showed increased odds for the occurrence of late proctitis in patients with older age (odds ratio [OR]=1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.04-1.19, P=0.003), higher V70 (OR=1.08, 95% CI=1.01-1.15, P=0.027), and presence of acute rectal toxicities (OR=4.47, 95% CI=2.37-8.43, P<0.001). Antiplatelet use was not significantly associated with the occurrence of late proctitis (OR=1.98, 95% CI=0.95-4.14, P=0.07).
Conclusions: The incidence of late rectal toxicities was considerable among patients in this study. Clinicians should consider the possibility of late proctitis for patients with older age, acute rectal toxicities, and higher V70. High doses to rectal volumes should be limited because of the significant association with V70.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Age, V70, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities were identified as potential predictive factors for the occurrence of late proctitis in prostate cancer patients who undergo treatment with intensity-modulated radiotherapy.
  • This is the first study in Hong Kong to describe the incidence of late rectal toxicities over time and to identify associations between pharmacological factors and the occurrence of late proctitis in patients with prostate cancer who undergo treatment with intensity-modulated radiotherapy with radical intent.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Clinicians should closely monitor patients for the development of late rectal toxicities, including proctitis, following intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
  • Clinicians should promptly investigate any rectal symptoms that develop after radiotherapy in patients who exhibit factors predictive of high risk, including older age, the presence of acute rectal toxicities, and higher V70.
  • During radiotherapy planning for patients with prostate cancer, clinicians should attempt to limit the applications of high doses to rectal volumes.
Radical radiotherapy is a standard treatment option for patients with early-stage and locally advanced non-metastatic prostate cancer. Advances in radiotherapy in the past 20 years include the use of androgen deprivation therapy for patients with this type of cancer, as well as the application of more precise radiotherapy techniques.1 2 Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has emerged as the standard radiotherapy technique.3 Its benefits have been explored in terms of the effects of dose escalation or hypofractionation on survival outcomes.4 5 For patients undergoing this type of treatment, toxicities are the primary concern. Long-term side-effects (ie, complications occurring ≥3 months after radiotherapy) have a major impact on the quality of life for affected patients; this is particularly important for patients with genitourinary or rectal toxicities. Late rectal toxicities, including per-rectal bleeding, faecal incontinence, and proctitis, have been reported to occur at rates of 5% to 21%.1 34 5 6 7 8 9
Associations have been reported between late rectal toxicities and various clinical and dosimetric parameters; however, most data were collected using the conventional three-dimensional conformal technique.8 1011 12 In addition, there have been limited reports of such associations among patients in Hong Kong. In particular, Poon et al8 reported that 8% of patients exhibited grade ≥2 late rectal toxicities following IMRT in a retrospective cohort study. Although several clinical parameters were assessed, most failed to show statistically significant associations, with the exception of the presence of acute rectal toxicities.8 To the best of our knowledge, pharmacological parameters following IMRT for prostate cancer have not yet been studied in local populations. Some previous reports showed a significant association between anticoagulant use and late rectal toxicities, whereas an association between antiplatelet use and androgen deprivation was inconsistent among studies.12 13 14
Multiple strategies have been used for the treatment of late rectal toxicities. The use of hyperbaric oxygen has shown promising results in some retrospective studies, but it has not been available in Hong Kong until recently.12 15 16 Treatments with sucralfate, prednisolone enaema, short-chain fatty acids, and antifibrinolytics have been evaluated in small trials.17 18 19 Thus far, no standard approach has been established, and there are no published data regarding local management practices.
Late rectal toxicities may represent clinically significant complications because of their non-negligible incidences. Insights regarding any factors predictive of their occurrence could aid in improved treatment planning and early identification of toxicity. This study was performed to assess the incidence of late rectal toxicities and to identify factors predictive for late proctitis in patients treated with prostate-specific IMRT in Hong Kong.
Study design and patients
This retrospective longitudinal observational study included patients with prostate cancer who received IMRT with radical intent in a tertiary referral institution in Hong Kong from January 2007 to December 2011. Patients were excluded if they were followed up for fewer than 12 months from the start of radiotherapy, if they did not complete the course of radiotherapy, if they were not at risk of proctitis (eg, those with post-abdominoperineal resection), or if they did not have a retrievable radiotherapy plan due to technical difficulties. The cut-off date for data collection was 31 December 2018.
Patients underwent treatment with a comfortably full bladder and an empty rectum, with laxatives administered 1 day prior to simulation computed tomography. Patients were asked to empty the bladder prior to attending the radiotherapy suite, and then drink a comfortable volume of water. A pelvic thermoplastic mould was used for immobilisation. Intravenous contrast was administered prior to computed tomography. Re-simulation was performed automatically if bladder volume was below 150 cc, if prominent rectal gas was present, or upon request by the attending oncologist. Contouring was performed by designated oncologists with confirmation by at least one specialist. Tumour and whole prostate were contoured as a single volume; the clinical target volume (CTV) was the volume of the tumour, whole prostate, and base of the seminal vesicle (defined as 1 cm of the central seminal vesicle proximal to the base of the prostate). Whole seminal vesicle was included in the CTV if seminal vesicle involvement was observed. Planning target volume (PTV) was determined by expanding the CTV by a radial margin of 1.5 cm, except posteriorly where a smaller margin was used (0.7 cm). Pelvic lymph node irradiation was not performed. Patients received 70 Gy in 35 daily fractions over 7 weeks at 100% of the isodose level. Rectal volume was contoured in accordance with the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Consensus Contouring Guidelines for normal male pelvic tissue. Dose constraints for organs at risk followed our departmental protocol: for the rectum, we classified the plan as fulfilling the first, second, or third criteria. First criteria were satisfied if V40 (% of organ volume receiving 40 Gy) <35% or V65 (% of organ volume receiving 65 Gy) <17%; second criteria were satisfied if V53 (% of organ volume receiving 53 Gy) <45% or V68 (% of organ volume receiving 68 Gy) <20%; and third criteria were satisfied if V60 (% of organ volume receiving 60 Gy) <50%, V65 (% of organ volume receiving 65 Gy) <35%, or V70 (% of organ volume receiving 70 Gy) <25%. Hormonal treatment was administered based on the risk stratification used in the United Kingdom National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. Patients were followed up at 3–6-month intervals until the patient died or defaulted, and data were censored at the last recorded follow-up. Dose distributions, doses administered to organs at risk, and dose volume histograms were evaluated by the Eclipse and Planning System (Varian Medical Systems; Palo Alto [CA], United States).
Data collection
For each patient, basic demographic data were documented, including age; Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score; smoking habit; pretreatment albumin level; co-morbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, lipid disorder, history of cerebrovascular disease, ischaemic heart disease, and/or chronic renal impairment; medical history of abdominal surgery; drug history including antihypertensives, oral glycaemic agents, antiplatelets, anticoagulants, lipid-lowering agents, and antipurine agents; androgen deprivation therapies, including medical or surgical castration; and use of immunosuppressants. Tumour characteristics were also recorded, including pretreatment prostate-specific antigen level, clinical T-staging determined by clinical and radiological findings (based on AJCC 7th edition20), and Gleason score.
Acute and late rectal toxicities, including proctitis, incontinence, and per-rectal bleeding, were recorded and classified in accordance with Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.21 Late rectal toxicities were defined as those that occurred at least 3 months after the completion of radiotherapy. Late proctitis was defined as either the presence of rectal symptoms listed in Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4, or colonoscopy findings of proctitis (eg, telangiectasia, ulcers, or inflammation). If a patient presented with per-rectal bleeding, colonoscopy findings were referenced whenever present to differentiate proctitis or other causes of bleeding, such as diverticulosis or haemorrhoids. Per-rectal bleeding only was recorded if no endoscopic proctitis features were present; otherwise, both per-rectal bleeding and proctitis were recorded. Additional parameters recorded included time of onset of late rectal toxicities, as well as treatment modalities used.
Dosimetric parameters (eg, V40, V50, V60, V70, Dmax [maximum dose], mean dose to rectum, and contoured rectal volume) were evaluated with the radiotherapy planning system. The use of static beam or volumetric arc technique was recorded, as was the compliance with rectal dose constraints.
Statistical analysis and research ethics
Incidences of grade ≥1 late rectal toxicities with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated at 1, 2, and 5 years after treatment. The Kaplan-Meier curve method was used to illustrate the time to onset of late rectal toxicities. The Chi squared test, Fisher’s exact test, independent t test, or Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare baseline patient characteristics, pharmacological and dosimetric parameters between patients in grades 0 and ≥1 late toxicities, as well as in patients with late proctitis. The association of each parameter with late proctitis was examined using a multivariable binary logistic regression model with a backward stepwise selection method, including variables with P<0.1 in univariable regression analyses. The presence of multicollinearity was determined by using variance inflation factors. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Windows version 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). The threshold of statistical significance was set at P<0.05. The STROBE checklist was followed to ensure standardised reporting.
From January 2007 to December 2011, a total of 238 patients with prostatic cancer received radical radiotherapy in our institution. As shown in the Figure, 232 patients were included in the analysis. The mean age of patients was 72.3 ± 4.8 years at time of radiotherapy (Table 1). The mean follow-up period was 7.3 ± 2.1 years, and there were 157 (67.7%) surviving patients at the cut-off date for data collection. Forty-two (18.1%) patients had been diagnosed with biochemical recurrence during the study period, based on the Phoenix definition.22 In total, 229 patients received a PTV dose of ≤70 Gy. Owing to genuine bowel invasion, or as a component of individualised dose escalation, four patients received a PTV dose of 66 to 76 Gy, of which three were >70 Gy. Colonoscopy was performed in 103 (44.4%) patients during follow-up. Among patients with per-rectal bleeding, 93 (88.6%) had undergone colonoscopy.

Figure. Patient recruitment

Table 1. Baseline clinical, pharmacological, and dosimetric parameters of prostate cancer patients treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy, stratified by severity of late rectal toxicities and late proctitis
Occurrences of acute and late rectal toxicities throughout the study period are shown in Table 2. The rates of all-grade acute and late rectal toxicities were 36.2% and 46.5%, respectively; the rates of grade ≥2 late rectal toxicities and proctitis were 28.4% and 25.0%, respectively. Nineteen (8.2%) patients had grade 3 per-rectal bleeding, with 15 (78.9%) requiring blood transfusion and eight (42.1%) requiring endoscopic coagulation. The cumulative incidences of rectal toxicities at 1, 2, and 5 years after treatment are shown in Table 3. The median times of onset of late proctitis, late faecal incontinence, and late per-rectal bleeding were 15, 21.8, and 18.4 months, respectively.

Table 2. Occurrences of acute and late rectal toxicities during the study period (n=232)

Table 3. Incidences of grade ≥1 late rectal toxicities at selected time points
Patients’ detailed demographic, pharmacological, and dosimetric parameters are listed in Table 1. Factors including history of haemorrhoid, PTV dose, and V70 were significantly different between patients with and without late rectal toxicities. In addition, age was the sole demographic factor significantly associated with late proctitis. There was no significant association between antiplatelet use and late rectal toxicities (P=0.066). No associations were found between late proctitis and other demographic or pharmacological characteristics (eg, PTV dose and history of haemorrhoid) in this study.
Univariable and stepwise multivariable analyses were performed to identify factors predictive of
late proctitis (Table 4). In univariable analysis, the presence of acute rectal toxicities, antiplatelet use, age at radiotherapy, Dmax, and dose/volume histogram parameters (ie V50, V60, V70, and rectal constraints) were identified as potential risk factors. In the regression model with all potential risk factors included, multicollinearity was detected among the dose/volume histogram parameters (variance inflation factors of 7.21, 8.69, 3.05, and 4.97 for V50, V60, V70, and rectal constraints, respectively). Compared to V50 and V60, V70 (ie, the high-dose region) showed a stronger association with late proctitis in univariable analysis. Multicollinearity was resolved by exclusion of V50 and V60 from the multivariable regression model. The final multivariable regression model revealed increased odds of late proctitis in patients with older age, higher V70, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities. Antiplatelet use tended to show higher odds, but this finding was not statistically significant (odds ratio=1.98, 95% CI=0.95-4.14). Dmax and satisfaction of the 3rd criteria alone were associated with late proctitis in univariable analysis, but the associations were not significant in multivariable analysis.

Table 4. Association with grade ≥1 late proctitis: binary logistic regression
Common treatment modalities among patients with grade ≥2 late proctitis were also recorded. Topical agents such as Ultraproct® (commercial preparation of fluocortolone pivalate, fluocortolone hexanoate, and cinchocaine hydrochloride), bismuth ointment, or an antifibrinolytic agent (eg, tranexamic acid) are commonly used as first-line treatment.23 More than half (53.4%) of the patients had been administered an antifibrinolytic agent, while 77.6% and 19% of the patients were prescribed Ultraproct® and bismuth, respectively. Prednisolone enaema was also administered in 22 (37.9%) patients; the median duration of enaema use was 3.5 months (interquartile range, 1-7.25 months). Subjective improvement was reported by eight (36.4%) patients who received enaema treatment.
Radiation proctitis and other long-term rectal toxicities are clinically significant complications of radiotherapy to the prostate, due to their detrimental effects on patients’ quality of life, as well as the expected long duration of post-treatment survival. In our cohort, the incidences of late proctitis (30.2%) and overall rectal toxicities (46.5%) were slightly higher than those in previous reports (5%-21%).1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Comparison of baseline characteristics showed that more patients had ≥T3 disease in our cohort, although we found no statistically significant association between T-staging and a higher incidence of proctitis; similarly, no association between these parameters were reported in other studies.8 12 Other variables with possible interactions were similar between our study and prior studies; these included age, dosimetric parameters (eg, V70, which was 14% in our study and 10% to 23% in previous studies), and the use of antiplatelets.8 11 12
There are two possible explanations for the higher incidences of late proctitis and overall rectal toxicities. First, our study involved frequent utilisation of colonoscopy for any rectal symptoms, which may lead to a higher rate of recognition; notably, the rate of utilisation was not reported in previous studies. Second, our study had a relatively long follow-up period. Previous studies described the incidence of toxicity throughout the study period. The mean follow-up period in our study was 7.3 years, whereas that of most previous studies was 38.9 to 66 months; in one notable exception, the follow-up period was 8.4 years (the incidence was 21% in that study).3 The longer study period may also have contributed to a higher number of late rectal toxicities.
Previous reports suggested that a variety of parameters are associated with late proctitis; knowledge of these parameters could help clinicians to predict the risk of proctitis in each patient. In our study, age, and dosimetric parameters including V50, V60, and V70 were associated with late proctitis; history of haemorrhoid and V70 were associated with overall late rectal toxicities. These findings are consistent with the results of previous studies.10 11 12 13 14 24 Some factors identified in prior studies, including diabetes, previous abdominal surgery, and the use of antiandrogen or anticoagulant medication,11 13 25 failed to demonstrate any associations in the present study. Of note, <10% of the patients in our study had a history of abdominal surgery or inflammatory bowel disease; this could have influenced our ability to identify a statistically significant association. Recall bias, incomplete documentation of coexisting medical conditions and pharmacological histories, and the relatively small sample size in our cohort may have influenced our conclusions regarding factors associated with overall late rectal toxicities and/or late proctitis.
Several dosimetric parameters and dose/volume histogram data (including V50, V60, and V70) were also associated with late proctitis, as in previous studies.8 Our in-house rectal constraints did not demonstrate significant associations with the occurrence of proctitis (P=0.092). Notably, in the present study, the PTV dose was associated with overall late toxicities, but not with late proctitis specifically. Most patients received 70 Gy in this study; therefore, the effects of PTV dose on complications were difficult to establish.
Regression analysis was used to predict the odds of late proctitis among patients in our study. As shown in Table 4, higher V70, older age, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities were found to increase the odds of late proctitis. Poon et al8 also reported similar findings concerning acute rectal toxicities; however, they did not find associations with V70 or age. The increased incidence of late proctitis in our study may have enhanced our ability to identify significantly associated factors. Nevertheless, both our present study and the study of Poon et al8 demonstrated that patients with acute rectal toxicities during radiotherapy had higher incidences of late proctitis than patients without acute rectal toxicities. Similar results were reported by Fellin et al.11 Taken together, the present and prior results indicate that the presence of acute toxicities is predictive for late proctitis. Clinicians should be vigilant and perform prompt investigations when patients with acute toxicities report any rectal symptoms during subsequent follow-up.
Theoretically, dosimetric parameters are expected to be associated with late proctitis. In our study, the dosimetric parameters exhibited modest associations with late proctitis. Notably, we did not find a significant association between our in-house rectal constraints and the occurrence of late proctitis. Fellin et al11 demonstrated similar associations between late proctitis and V70, as well as other dosimetric parameters, in their cohort. This suggests that the presence of confounding factors may reduce the strength of associations with late proctitis. A notable factor is the inter-fractional variation of rectal and bladder filling; specifically, Miralbell et al26 found that rectal filling was significantly associated with late rectal toxicities. Imaging-guided radiotherapy with inter-fractional bowel and bladder control has been suggested in accordance with the nomogram designed by Delobel et al9; this type of therapy could reduce the risks of acute and late rectal toxicities. In our study, there was no strict inter-fractional bowel or imaging control for bladder and rectal volumes during the course of IMRT. Although we found no statistically significant difference in the mean rectal volume during simulation computed tomography between patients with and without late proctitis, we could not retrieve the inter-fractional variation in rectal volumes for analysis in this study; this factor was also excluded from analysis in the study by Fellin et al.11 Although identical instructions were provided to patients during simulation and treatment, inter-fractional variations may have been statistically significant. To further confirm whether dosimetric parameters are predictive of late proctitis, a prospective study is needed in which strict interfractional rectal and bladder control are performed, in combination with improved treatment verification strategies (eg, the use of cone beam computed tomography).
There were a few weaknesses in this study. First, this was a retrospective study in which incomplete reporting may have occurred and data might have been missing. Second, the small sample size and the low prevalences of some clinical factors and events may have affected the statistical power to determine associations between rates of complications and potential predictive factors (eg, use of anticoagulants and presence of inflammatory bowel disease). Third, confounding factors might have been present as mentioned earlier in the Discussion, and could not be controlled because of the retrospective nature of this study. However, this study did identify factors that clinicians could use to predict the occurrence of late proctitis. The significant association of V70 with late proctitis should be applied to radiotherapy planning, in that high doses to the rectal volume should be limited where possible.
In summary, late rectal toxicities were frequent among patients in this study in Hong Kong. The occurrence of late proctitis was associated with age, V50, V60, and V70; the occurrence overall late rectal toxicities was associated with a history of haemorrhoid, PTV dose, and V70. Multivariable regression analysis suggested that age, V70, and the presence of acute rectal toxicities could predict the occurrence of late proctitis. Clinicians should closely monitor patients for the occurrence of late proctitis if they exhibit these high-risk factors.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: BYH Ng, ACK Cheng.
Acquisition of data: BYH Ng.
Analysis or interpretation of data: BYH Ng, ELM Yu, TTS Lau.
Drafting of the article: BYH Ng, ELM Yu, TTS Lau, KS Law.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: BYH Ng, ELM Yu, KS Law, ACK Cheng.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflict of interest.
The initial abstract was presented at the “ESTRO meets Asia” Conference 2019, Singapore, 6-8 December 2019.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sector.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Kowloon West Cluster research ethics committee (Ref KW/EX-19-020(131-08)) and the requirement for patient consent was waived by the committee.
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26. Miralbell R, Taussky D, Rinaldi O, et al. Influence of rectal volume changes during radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a predictive model for mild-to-moderate late rectal toxicity. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;57:1280-4. Crossref

Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire: a Chinese translation and validation study

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Dec;25(6):453–9  |  Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire: a Chinese translation and validation study
SY Yeung, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), FHKCOG; Janice WK Kowk, BSc; SM Law, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), FHKCOG; Jacqueline PW Chung, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), FHKCOG; Symphorosa SC Chan, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), FHKCOG
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr SY Yeung (carolyeung@cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Health-related Quality of Life (UFS-QOL) questionnaire is a validated tool in English language to assess treatment outcomes for women with fibroids. We performed a Chinese (traditional) translation and cultural adaptation of it and evaluated its reliability, validity, and responsiveness.
Methods: Overall, 223 Chinese women aged ≥18 years with uterine fibroids self-administered the UFS-QOL, Short-Form Health Survey-12, pictorial blood loss assessment chart (PBAC), and a visual analogue scale (VAS) on fibroid-related symptom severity. Demographics and haemoglobin levels were recorded; physical examination and ultrasound for size of fibroids were performed. Half of the women were followed up 6 months later for responsiveness.
Results: Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from 0.706 to 0.937, demonstrating high internal reliability. The intra-class correlation coefficients to measure test-retest reliability implied excellent stability of symptom scores (0.819, P<0.001), health-related quality of life scores (0.897, P<0.001), and all subscales (range 0.721-0.870, P<0.001). Convergent validity was demonstrated by positive correlations between the findings of various symptom severity assessment tools (PBAC, VAS on fibroid-related symptoms severity) and the symptom severity domain of Chinese UFS-QOL. In addition, there were positive correlations between health-related quality of life scores of Chinese UFS-QOL and the corresponding subscales of the Short-Form Health Survey-12. Responsiveness was shown by reduction of symptom severity scores and improvement of health-related quality of life scores after treatment.
Conclusions: The Chinese version of the UFS-QOL is valid, reliable, and responsive to changes after treatment.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The Chinese version of the Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Quality of Life Questionnaire (UFS-QOL) questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to assess the impact of uterine fibroids on women’s quality of life, and it can be used to evaluate the response after treatment for uterine fibroids.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The Chinese version of the UFS-QOL questionnaire can be used to evaluate the impact of uterine fibroids on quality of life to guide treatment and evaluate response during daily clinical practice. It is also a useful research tool to assess quality of life improvements after various fibroid treatments.
Fibroids are the most common benign uterine tumour affecting reproductive age women, and the lifetime risk is up to 60% in women aged over 45 years.1 2 They are associated with menorrhagia,3 4 which results in anaemia and reduced vitality.5 They also exert mass effects, leading to significantly increased urinary frequency and stress urinary incontinence compared with the general population.6 Moreover, women with fibroids may experience deep dyspareunia.7 All the above have negative effects on quality of life.
Measuring the symptoms and quality of life of women with fibroids is important, as it is a major indicator for treatment. The Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire (UFS-QOL) is an English questionnaire published in 2002 that was specially designed to assess the whole spectrum of fibroid-related symptoms and its impact on quality of life.8 It consists of eight items on symptoms and 29 on health-related quality of life (HRQL) with six subscales (concern, activities, energy/mood, control, self-consciousness, and sexual functioning). A raw score ranging from 1 to 5 is assigned to each of the items. To calculate the symptom severity score and HRQL score, the sum of the raw scores of the related items is transformed into a final score (range, 0-100) based on a specific formula. A higher symptom severity score indicates more severe symptoms, while a higher HRQL score indicates better quality of life. The UFS-QOL has been validated, and its responsiveness was also assessed.8 9 10 It has been widely adopted in different studies to assess fibroid treatment outcomes11 12 and translated into multiple languages.13
The objective of this study was to produce a valid, reliable, culturally adapted Chinese version of the UFS-QOL. We believe this would serve as a useful tool to assess the impact of fibroid-related quality of life and response to treatment and facilitate future research and clinical use in the Chinese population.
We obtained approval to use the UFS-QOL from the Society of the Interventional Radiology Foundation. A forward-backward procedure was applied to translate the UFS-QOL into traditional Chinese. Two independent bilingual researchers were asked to separately produce two forward translations aiming for conceptual translation. The two translations were reviewed between the two researchers to produce a provisional draft of the Chinese UFS-QOL. The provisional Chinese UFS-QOL was then back-translated to English by two other bilingual researchers who were blinded to the original questionnaire. The back-translated English version was further compared to the original questionnaire by two monolingual experts (English) with no discrepancy noted before we finalised the Chinese version of the UFS-QOL (online Supplementary Appendix)
Study phase
The study was conducted in the gynaecology clinic of a university hospital between July 2015 and July 2016. All women aged ≥18 years with fibroids who understood written traditional Chinese were eligible. Women with known mental incapacity or cognitive or developmental disability were excluded. The Mini-Mental State Examination was performed to detect and exclude women with unreported psychiatric morbidity. Written consent was obtained.
Women were asked to fill out the Chinese UFS-QOL and Short-Form Health Survey-12 (SF-12) before consultation. The SF-12 is a 12-item survey that assesses eight domains of quality of life (physical functioning, role limitation as a result of physical and emotional problems, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, and mental health), and it has a validated Chinese version.14 Lower SF-12 scores are associated with worse HRQL.
The participating women were assessed by gynaecologists who were blinded to the questionnaire information. Clinical and socio-demographic data including age, gravidity, parity, co-existing medical illness, menstrual status, education level, marital status, literacy, and employment status were obtained. General examinations to examine the subjects for pallor and measure their blood pressure, pulse, body weight, and height were performed. Abdominal and/or gynaecological examinations were performed to assess the uterine size and rule out other pathology. Transabdominal and/or transvaginal ultrasound were performed to measure uterine size and the number, location, and size of fibroids. Complete blood work was performed. Both the women and the attending gynaecologists were asked to grade the overall severity of symptoms on a 10-cm visual analogue scale (VAS), with higher scores indicating more severe symptoms.
The women maintained a pictorial blood loss assessment chart (PBAC) for two menstrual cycles. The PBAC is a validated self-reporting tool with a score calculated every 4 weeks.15 A score ≥100 represents heavy menstrual bleeding, and ≤75 represents normal menses.
The first 60 women filled out the two questionnaires again 2 weeks later and returned them by mail to researchers. In addition, a question on perceived change in clinical condition over the past 2 weeks was asked.
Women were offered appropriate treatment as clinically indicated. In general, tranexamic acid 500 mg 4 times daily and/or mefenamic acid 500 mg 3 times daily were prescribed for menorrhagia unless contra-indicated. Combined oral contraceptive pills were given if contraception was required and when there was no contraindication. If medical treatment failed, treatment including endometrial ablation, a levonorgestrel-containing contraceptive device, myomectomy or hysterectomy, or uterine artery embolisation (UAE) were offered.
The first half of the recruited women were followed up 6 months later. They were asked to perform PBAC, and complete blood work was performed. During follow-up, the women filled out the above questionnaires again before the gynaecologist’s assessment. The women were also asked about improvement after treatment.
Sample size and statistical analysis
A sample size of five or more respondents per item has been proposed for psychometric analysis.16 17 With the UFS-QOL’s total of 37 items and assuming a 20% discard rate due to incomplete filling of questionnaires, a sample size of 220 was required to adequately assess the questionnaire.18
We used SPSS (Windows version 20.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) for statistical analysis. The psychometric properties of the UFS-QOL were assessed following the American Psychological Association’s Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.19
Reliability was assessed by internal consistency and test-retest correlation. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, with >0.7 being considered acceptable.16 17 Test-retest reliability was analysed in women who reported no change to health status over the 2-week period from the first questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was assessed by intra-class correlation coefficient. Values between 0.6 and 0.8 indicate substantial agreement, and values over 0.8 indicate near-perfect agreement.20
The convergent validity of the UFS-QOL was estimated by Pearson’s correlation, with participant-rated symptom severity VAS score, PBAC score, and physician-rated symptom severity VAS score as well as the quality of life domains of the SF-12. For discriminant validity, the women were stratified into mild, moderate, and severe symptoms according to the women-rated symptom severity VAS scores. A score of VAS ≤4 was classified as mild, while ≥7 was classified as severe symptomatology. The UFS-QOL scores were compared among the three groups.
Responsiveness was evaluated by comparing pre- and post-treatment scores using paired samples t tests or Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The effect size (ie, change in mean score divided by the standard deviation of the baseline)20 and standardised response mean (ie, change in mean score divided by the standard deviation of the change) were calculated. A value of 0.2 was considered as a ‘small’ effect, 0.5 a ‘moderate’ effect, and ≥0.8 a ‘large’ effect.
A total of 223 women were recruited. Their mean age was 44.8±6.0 years (range, 28-62 years). There were multiple fibroids in 54.5% of the participants, and 51.6% of the women had uterine size ≥12 weeks. Overall, 28.3%, 73.3%, 47.1%, and 29.1% reported cycle irregularity, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, and pressure symptoms from fibroids, respectively, while 12.1% were asymptomatic. The median UFS-QOL score at recruitment was 40.6 (interquartile range [IQR]=25.0-56.3) and 67.2 (IQR=48.3-83.6) for symptom severity and HRQL, respectively.
The internal consistency and test-retest reliability values are shown in Table 1. The Cronbach’s alpha values of all subscales were >0.7. Fifty-one women (85%) returned the questionnaire 2 weeks after the initial visit. All of them reported no health changes. Test-retest reliability indicated substantial to perfect agreement.

Table 1. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of UFSQOL subscales
Convergent validity was assessed by the degree of correlation of the UFS-QOL symptoms severity score on the one hand with the women-rated and physician-rated VAS scores and PBAC score on the other. There was a moderate degree of correlation between the UFS-QOL and these assessment tools (Table 2).

Table 2. Convergent validity—Pearson’s correlation between UFS-QOL symptom severity subscale, VAS by women and gynaecologists, and PBACs
A negative correlation was seen between the UFS-QOL symptom severity subscale and all domains of the SF-12, and a positive correlation was observed between the HRQL subscales and SF-12 domains. The energy/mood and activities subscales had the strongest correlation with the role-emotional domain of the SF-12 (r=0.597, P<0.001).
The UFS-QOL scores for symptomatic and asymptomatic women were significantly different across all subscales (median symptom severity score: 43.8 vs 21.9, P<0.001; median HRQL score: 79.3 vs 63.8, P<0.001). For women with clinically palpable uterus, the scores on the control and self-consciousness subscales were lower than those of women with smaller uterus size (median score of control subscale: 65.0 vs 75.0, P=0.025; median score of self-consciousness subscale: 67.0 vs 75.0, P=0.015). Women with significant anaemia (haemoglobin level <80 g/L) had lower energy and activity subscale scores (median energy score: 50.0 vs 67.9, P=0.014; median activity score: 42.9 vs 66.1, P=0.013) than women who were not anaemic had.
Women were classified into three groups (mild, moderate and severe symptoms) according to their symptom severity VAS score (≤4, 4.1-7, and ≥7). Higher women-rated severity score was associated with higher UFS-QOL symptom severity score, with significant differences between different severity groups. Similarly, higher women’s VAS severity score was associated with lower UFS-QOL HRQL scores. The differences in UFS-QOL score among the three groups were statistically significant (P<0.001) for all except the mild versus moderate groups on the sexual functioning subscale (Fig).

Figure. Discriminant validity comparison of women-rated symptom severity score (VAS) and UFS-QOL subscales
Among the 100 women being followed up, 50 received medical treatment, 21 received surgery and UAE (15 hysterectomies, 4 myomectomies, 2 UAE), and 29 did not receive any treatment. There was a significant reduction in symptom severity score and improvement in HRQL subscale scores after any treatment, except on the sexual functioning subscale (Table 3). Despite the results being statistically insignificant, the sexual functioning subscale still showed a trend towards quality of life improvement with treatment. For surgically treated women, the reduction in symptom severity score ranged from 22 to 38 with a large effect size (range, 0.8-2.6).

Table 3. Responsiveness of women with uterine fibroids after treatment (n=71)
For women reporting no improvement (n=53), reduction in symptom severity scores and improvement in HRQL scores were modest except for the control subscale (P=0.027). For those participants who reported improvement (n=47), there was a significant reduction in symptom severity score and improvement in HRQL scores. The changes were significant except for the sexual functioning subscale (P=0.14). Women who reported improvement demonstrated greater improvement in symptom severity and all HRQL subscales by 7 to 19 points. The differences were significant for all except the energy/mood and sexual functioning subscales (Table 4).

Table 4. Change in UFS-QOL scores at 6 months follow-up, by overall treatment effects
Fibroids are common in women, and the Chinese population is no exception. Newer treatments such as ulipristal acetate and high intensity focused ultrasound ablation can shrink fibroids to improve symptoms.21 22 23 24 Assessment of effects on quality of life is essential for evaluation of the usefulness of these modalities.
The UFS-QOL is a simple, disease-specific tool that has been used in various studies to assess treatment outcomes. The Chinese version of the UFS-QOL needs to be validated before application for clinical and research purposes because of cultural differences and language-specific concerns.
Our results showed that the Chinese UFS-QOL is a reliable tool with high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha >0.7 for all subscales) and almost perfect agreement between test and retest results (intra-class correlation coefficient >0.8 for all except the sexual functioning subscale). These results are comparable with the original and other translated version of the UFS-QOL.8 13
The validity of the Chinese UFS-QOL was supported by moderate positive correlations between the women-rated VAS score, physician-rated VAS score, PBAC score, and UFS-QOL symptom severity score (with correlation coefficients ranging 0.3-0.6). There was also a moderate positive correlation between the SF-12 and UFS-QOL HRQL subscale scores. The energy/mood domain of the UFS-QOL had the strongest correlation with the SF-12 role-emotion domain (r=0.597). Women with larger uterus size scored lower in the control and self-consciousness domains, and those with significant anaemia also had lower energy and activity scores. These results reflected the ability of the Chinese UFS-QOL to assess the underlying constructs.
The Chinese UFS-QOL also demonstrated responsiveness towards change in women who received treatment. The mean change in subscale scores ranged from 6 to 15 points at 6 months post-treatment. The changes were most pronounced for women who received surgery (myomectomy or hysterectomy), who had a mean score increase from 22 to 39 and an effect size of ≥0.8 for all subscales. Similar findings were also reported in a previous study.23 In addition, larger score changes was observed in women who received surgery compared with medical treatment, an effect that has also been shown in other studies.24 The Chinese UFS-QOL was able to discriminate between women who reported that their treatment was effective compared with those who did not. Although there were mean increases of 7 points in both the energy/mood and sexual functioning subscales, they did not reach statistical significance. This might be explained by the fact that mood and sexual satisfaction could be affected by multiple factors other than fibroid symptoms alone. Improvement in fibroid-related symptoms alone might not result in dramatic changes in these aspects of quality of life.
Strengths and limitations
Our study sample included a wide range of disease severities and a broad symptom spectrum, which allows generalisation of the findings to the community of women with fibroids. Another strength is that the responsiveness of the UFS-QOL was evaluated, which allows its use to assess treatment effects. However, the study has a few limitations. The minimal important difference, ie, the smallest clinically significant change in score large enough to implicate treatment, was not assessed. In addition, the majority of women who returned for follow-up received either medical treatment or hysterectomy, whereas few underwent myomectomy or UAE. Further studies may be required to address these issues. Finally, there are two forms of written Chinese characters (traditional and simplified). Because the Chinese UFS-QOL is a self-administered questionnaire written in traditional Chinese, application to women who can read only simplified Chinese characters may be limited.
Our study showed that the Chinese version of UFS-QOL is comparable to the original and other translated version of this questionnaire in terms of reliability, validity,8 9 13 and responsiveness.10 In conclusion, the Chinese version of the UFS-QOL is a reliable, valid tool for the assessment of symptom severity and HRQL. It can be used to evaluate efficacy and treatment effects on fibroids in women in the future.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: SY Yeung, SM Law, SSC Chan.
Acquisition of data: SY Yeung, SM Law, JWK Kwok.
Analysis or interpretation of data: SY Yeung, JWK Kwok.
Drafting of the article: SY Yeung.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: SM Law, SSC Chan, JPW Chung.
The authors thank Dr Linda WY Fung for performing the forward translation, Dr Alyssa SW Wong for the backward translation, Professor Sonia Grover and Dr Sotirios Saravelos for evaluating the final English version against the original questionnaire.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, JPW Chung was not involved in the peer review process of the article. Other authors have disclosed no conflict of interest.
The preliminary results of part of this study (reliability and validity) have been presented during an oral presentation session at the 25th Asian & Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Hong Kong, June 2017.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Ethics approval was obtained in April 2015 from the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC Ref 2015.085).
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Natural clinical course of progressive supranuclear palsy in Chinese patients in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Dec;25(6):444–52  |  Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Natural clinical course of progressive supranuclear palsy in Chinese patients in Hong Kong
YF Shea, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP1; Alex CK Shum, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; SC Lee, BHS (Nursing)1; Patrick KC Chiu, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP1; KS Leung, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; YK Kwan, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; Francis CK Mok, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2; Felix HW Chan, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP2
1 Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
2 Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen Mun Hospital, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr YF Shea (elphashea@gmail.com)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a common type of atypical parkinsonism. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no study of its natural clinical course among Chinese patients.
Methods: This retrospective study included 21 patients with PSP who had radiological evidence of midbrain atrophy (confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging) from the geriatrics clinics of Queen Mary Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital. Clinical information was retrieved from clinical records, including age at onset, age at presentation, age at death, duration of symptoms, level of education, sex, presenting scores on Cantonese version of Mini-Mental State Examination, clinical symptoms, and history of levodopa or dopamine agonist intake and response. Clinical symptoms were clustered into the following categories and the dates of development of these symptoms were determined: motor symptoms, bulbar symptoms, cognitive symptoms, and others.
Results: Motor symptoms developed early in the clinical course of disease. Cox proportional hazards modelling showed that the number of episodes of pneumonia, time to vertical gaze palsy, and presence of pneumonia were predictive of mortality. Apathy, dysphagia, pneumonia, caregiver stress, and pressure injuries were predictive of mortality when analysed as time-dependent covariates. There was a significant negative correlation between the age at presentation and time to mortality from presentation (Pearson correlation=-0.54, P=0.04). Approximately 40% of caregivers complained of stress during the clinical course of disease.
Conclusion: Important clinical milestones, including the development of dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries, and pneumonia, may guide advanced care planning for patients with PSP.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Although this was a small cohort, 57% of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) were initially misdiagnosed.
  • Important clinical milestones, including the development of apathy, dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries, and pneumonia, were predictive of mortality in patients with PSP.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Monitoring of vertical gaze palsy or levodopa response is important throughout the clinical course of disease in patients with PSP.
  • Important clinical milestones, including the development of dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries and pneumonia, may be used to guide the ideal timing for discussions of advanced care planning for patients with PSP.
With the ageing of the Hong Kong population, clinicians must monitor increasing numbers of patients with neurodegenerative disease. Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a common form of atypical parkinsonism,1 with a prevalence of up to 18 cases per 100 000 people.1 Pathologically, PSP is characterised by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, or both in the basal ganglia and brainstem.1 In patients with classical Richardson’s syndrome, the disease is characterised by early postural instability, falls, vertical gaze palsy, parkinsonism with poor response to levodopa, pseudobulbar palsy, and frontal release signs.2 Increasingly, patients with PSP have been reported to exhibit the following manifestations: parkinsonism, progressive gait freezing, corticobasal syndrome, apraxia of speech, frontal presentation, or cerebellar ataxia.2 Despite advancements in understanding the disease, there remains no approved treatment for PSP.
In addition to the need for accurate diagnosis of PSP, the natural clinical course of the disease is a concern for caregivers.3 4 Important problems for patients with PSP include increased risks of falls, dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, pressure injuries, caregiver stress leading to institutionalisation, and long-term mortality.1 Given the lack of definitive treatment, it remains prudent for clinicians to educate caregivers regarding the natural course of PSP, which will ensure that caregivers are better prepared to care for their relatives; it will also allow implementation of different methods to avoid long-term complications, and may facilitate discussions of advanced care planning (ACP) at earlier stages of disease.3 In particular, clinicians need to identify the appropriate timing to discuss ACP. Previous studies have shown that the mean age at onset of PSP is 61 to 67.2 years, and that the disease affects both sexes equally; moreover, the median survival ranges from 5.3 to 10.2 years.5 Factors predictive of mortality included age at onset, early clinical milestones (eg, falls, vertical gaze palsy, neck or limb stiffness, dysphagia, and incontinence), cognitive impairment, language impairment, autonomic dysfunction, male sex, and certain subtypes of PSP, such as classical Richardson’s syndrome and pneumonia.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
To the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies of the natural clinical course of disease in Chinese patients with PSP. This information is important for clinical treatment and the design of future intervention studies (eg, for the purposes of sample size estimation). In the present study, we hypothesised that bulbar symptoms and pneumonia could predict mortality in patients with PSP. The aims of this study were (1) to calculate the prevalences of motor symptoms, cognitive symptoms, bulbar symptoms, other systemic symptoms, and long-term outcomes (eg, falls, tube feeding, pressure injuries, and institutionalisation) during the clinical course of PSP, and (2) to identify factors predictive of mortality among patients with PSP.
This retrospective study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (HKU/HA HKW IRB; Approval No. UW 17-483) and New Territories West Cluster Clinical and Research Ethics Committee (NTWC CREC; Approval No. NTWC/CREC/17127); the requirement for informed consent was waived by the review board. This study comprised a retrospective review of the clinical records of all patients who presented to the geriatrics clinics of Queen Mary Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital between 1 January 2008 and 30 December 2017. All patients had at least 1 year of clinical follow-up and fulfilled the latest Movement Disorder Society Criteria for clinical diagnosis of PSP.2 In addition, magnetic resonance imaging scans showed radiological evidence of midbrain atrophy (Hummingbird sign or Morning Glory sign) in all patients, according to radiological reports prepared by licensed radiologists.1 Twenty-five patients with clinically probable PSP and radiological evidence of midbrain atrophy were considered for inclusion in this study. Four patients were excluded because their clinical history and radiology findings were not suggestive of PSP. Finally, 21 patients were included: 19 had Richardson syndrome variant, one had PSP-corticobasal syndrome, and one had PSP with language impairment. The patient who had PSP with language impairment was previously described.17 Seven and 14 patients were recruited from Queen Mary Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital, respectively.
Baseline clinical information retrieved
Clinical information was retrospectively retrieved from clinical records, including age at onset, age at presentation, age at death, duration of symptoms, level of education, sex, presenting scores on Cantonese version of Mini-Mental State Examination (C-MMSE),18 clinical symptoms, and history of levodopa or dopamine agonists intake or response. Clinical symptoms were clustered into the following categories: motor symptoms (including limb or neck stiffness, slowness of movement, balance impairment, gait impairment, falls, tremor, and vertical gaze palsy), bulbar symptoms (including dysarthria, dysphagia, and drooling), cognitive symptoms (including memory impairment, apathy, apraxia, dysexecutive syndrome, behavioural disinhibition, repetitive motor behaviour, hyperorality, and visual hallucination), and others (including faecal or urinary incontinence, constipation, insomnia, depression, and caregiver stress).6 The dates of development of the above symptom clusters were retrospectively determined.
‘Age at presentation’ was defined as the age at which the patient first presented to the geriatrics clinic. ‘Duration of symptoms’ was defined as the time between the first appearance of clinical symptoms of neurodegenerative disease and the first presentation. ‘Age at onset’ was defined as the difference between the ‘age at presentation’ and the ‘duration of symptoms’. ‘Disease duration’ was defined as the difference between ‘age at onset’ and ‘age at death’ or the last date of follow-up. ‘Time to diagnosis’ was defined as the time between the date of disease onset and the date of diagnosis with PSP. The times to development of the above categories of symptoms were calculated in relation to both disease onset and presentation.
Long-term outcomes
Long-term outcomes were recorded, including falls, dysphagia, pneumonia, pressure sore development, and mortality. ‘Time to event’ was defined by the difference between the onset of clinical symptoms and first appearance of these long-term events. The time to each event from the time of first presentation was also calculated.
These were defined as events that resulted in the patient’s body or body part inadvertently coming to rest on the ground or other surface lower than the body. The dates and numbers of falls were recorded. Geriatric day hospital training was recorded, including the pre-/post-training elderly mobility scale.19 Parkinsonism medications were often titrated in the geriatric day hospital.
A diagnosis of pneumonia was made based on the following criteria: clinical signs and symptoms, white cell count of ≥10×109/L or proportion of neutrophils of ≥80%, fever (body temperature of ≥37.6℃), and new infiltrates or consolidations on chest radiography (X-ray or computed tomography).20 The dates and total numbers of pneumonia diagnoses were recorded.
Any documentation of dysphagia by a speech therapist was recorded; alternatively (if available), reports of video fluoroscopic swallowing studies were obtained. Penetration was defined as the entry of barium material into the airway without passage below the vocal cords; aspiration was defined as the passage of barium material below the level of the vocal cords.21 The dates of diagnosis of dysphagia and tube feeding were recorded.
Pressure injuries
The locations of pressure injuries and their stages, according to National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel guidelines, were recorded.22 The dates of discovery of pressure injuries were recorded.
This was defined as institutionalisation of the patient, regardless of the level of care (eg, personal care facility or health care facility). The dates of institutionalisation were recorded where possible.
The date and cause of death were recorded.
Statistical analysis
For descriptive statistics, continuous variables with normal distributions were expressed as means ± standard deviations; variables that did not exhibit a normal distribution were expressed as medians (interquartile ranges). Symptom prevalences (cumulative incidences) were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method, with the first presentation defined as time zero. Patients who did not exhibit a particular symptom by the most recent assessment were censored at that point. Median times to clinical events were used as cut-offs to define ‘early’ or ‘late’ development of those events (binary classification). Time zero was consistently defined as the first clinical presentation or onset of disease, while the event time was defined as the number of months from first presentation or disease onset to occurrence of the event. Cox proportional hazards modelling was used to identify factors predictive of mortality based on the above binary classification or clinical events as time-dependent covariates. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to study the correlations between age at presentation and time to mortality (from the date of presentation). A two-tailed P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows (version 24; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
Basic demographics
Twenty-one patients were included in this analysis, with a total of 1671.4 months of follow-up from onset (1428.4 months from presentation). The baseline demographics are summarised in Table 1. The mean age of the patients at presentation was 67.6 ± 9.4 years, and most patients were men (76.2%). Fifty-seven percent of the patients received another diagnosis at the time of presentation: nine patients were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, one patient was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia, one patient was diagnosed with cervical myelopathy, and one patient was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. None of the patients showed improvement when treated with levodopa or a dopamine agonist. Six patients (28.6%) exhibited dementia at the time of presentation. Seventeen patients (81%) had been referred to the geriatric day hospital for rehabilitation after a median of 20 months from presentation; they showed improvement in elderly mobility scale score (pre-geriatric day hospital elderly mobility scale score vs post-geriatric day hospital elderly mobility scale score: 14 ± 4.6 vs 16 ± 4.3, respectively, P=0.02). Fifteen patients (71.4%) died during follow-up with mean survival of 6.1 ± 2.6 years from onset (5.2 ± 3.2 years from presentation); 12 of these 15 patients (80%) died of pneumonia, while two (13.3%) died of sudden cardiac arrest.

Table 1. Basic demographics of Chinese patients with progressive supranuclear palsy in Hong Kong
Clinical features
Among the categories of potential symptoms, motor symptoms were most prevalent during initial presentation (specific symptoms affected up to 33.3% of patients) [Fig 1]. Motor manifestations were among the earliest clinical features observed in patients with PSP (online supplementary Appendix). The most frequent motor symptoms at the time of presentation were limb stiffness (33.3%) and gait impairment (28.6%). Vertical gaze palsy was present in 19% of patients at the time of presentation, but eventually affected all patients (100%). The prevalence of gait impairment increased rapidly, such that ≥80% of the patients were affected within 3 years after presentation. All motor features showed increased in prevalence over time, with final prevalences ranging from 47.6% to 100%. Regarding bulbar symptoms, dysarthria was the most frequent presenting symptom (9.5%). Both dysarthria and dysphagia reached 100% prevalence over time (Fig 1).

Figure 1. Cumulative prevalence plots for motor symptoms and bulbar symptoms: symptom prevalences were estimated and expressed as the proportions of total patients for motor and bulbar symptoms, using the Kaplan-Meier method with the baseline assessment defined as time zero
Regarding cognitive symptoms, memory impairment and apathy were the two most frequent presenting symptoms, with prevalences of 33.3% and 23.8%, respectively (Fig 2). The respective prevalences of memory impairment and apathy increased to >65% and >45% over time. The prevalence of dysexecutive syndrome reached 28.6% during the clinical course of disease. Other cognitive symptoms relevant to patients with PSP showed lower prevalence, including apraxia, behavioural disinhibition, repetitive motor behaviour, hyperorality, and visual hallucination; the highest prevalence for any of these symptoms was 9.5% throughout the clinical course of disease. The degree of caregiver stress also increased with progression of disease, such that it reached approximately 40% within 5 years after initial presentation.

Figure 2. Cumulative prevalence plots for other symptoms and long-term outcomes: prevalences were estimated and expressed as the proportions of total patients for other symptoms and long-term outcomes, using the Kaplan-Meier method with the baseline assessment defined as time zero
Regarding systemic symptoms, faecal and urinary incontinence showed the highest prevalences (both reached approximately 40%), particularly in the later stages of disease (Fig 2). Regarding long-term outcomes, the prevalences of aspiration pneumonia and dysphagia requiring Ryle’s tube insertion both reached 100% over time (Fig 2).
Factors predicting mortality
Using median time to clinical events as cut-off (binary classification) [online supplementary Appendix] and with analysis in a Cox proportional hazards model, our results showed that earlier development of vertical gaze palsy (hazard ratio [HR]=4.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.4-13.9, P=0.01) and earlier development of pneumonia (HR=10.9, 95% CI=2.2-53.3, P=0.003) were predictive of mortality from disease onset (Table 2). Multivariate analysis showed that earlier development of vertical gaze palsy (HR=3.8, 95% CI=1.1-13.0, P=0.04) and earlier development of pneumonia (HR=10.4, 95% CI=1.9-55.7, P=0.006) were predictive of mortality from disease onset (Table 2). Earlier development of vertical gaze palsy (HR=3.3, 95% CI=1.1-10.5, P=0.01), earlier development of dysphagia (HR=3.7, 95% CI=1.0-12.9, P=0.04), and earlier development of pneumonia (HR=10.6, 95% CI=2.2-52.0, P=0.004) were predictive of mortality from disease presentation (Table 2). Multivariate analysis showed that only earlier development of pneumonia (HR=9.9, 95% CI=1.9-51.8, P=0.007) was predictive of mortality from presentation (Table 2). The number of episodes of pneumonia was also predictive of mortality in patients with PSP, indicating that pneumonia is a major cause of mortality (Table 2). There was a significant negative correlation between the age at presentation and time to mortality from presentation (Pearson correlation=-0.54, P=0.04).

Table 2. Results of Cox modelling for prediction of mortality using median times to specific clinical events as cut-offs
Using clinical events as time-dependent covariates in Cox modelling for prediction of mortality, we found that apathy, dysphagia, Ryle’s tube feeding, pneumonia, and pressure injuries were predictive of mortality from both disease onset and presentation (Table 3). Caregiver stress was only predictive of mortality from presentation (Table 3).

Table 3. Results of Cox modelling for prediction of mortality using clinical events as time-dependent covariates
An accurate diagnosis of PSP is important for management of the disease in affected patients. However, only 43% of the patients in this study received a correct diagnosis at the time of initial presentation. This is potentially because vertical gaze palsy was not present initially and only developed during clinical follow-up (median time to develop, 19.6 months; online supplementary Appendix). In addition, 43% of patients were initially misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s disease; this group of patients may have had PSP with parkinsonism.2 Clinicians should regularly assess patients with parkinsonism for the presence of any vertical gaze palsy or poor response to levodopa, in order to correctly identify patients with PSP. Our reported mean time to diagnosis of 3 years was similar to the duration reported in previous studies (mean, 3.1-4 years).1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28
With regard to clinical features, our cohort of patients exhibited early development of motor symptoms, which was consistent with previous studies.1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28 Our cohort of patients showed evidence of improved mobility, as reflected by changes in elderly mobility scale score after training in the geriatric day hospital, with a median time to referral of 20 months from the initial clinical presentation. Patients with PSP should be referred to a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist for fall assessment, as well as guidance regarding the potential need for walking aids. Relatives should be educated to ensure close monitoring of environmental risks for falls. The patients in our cohort showed relatively early development of memory problems at a median duration of 9 months, which contrasted with the mean duration of 12 months observed in another study.6 There may have been bias in the current cohort, which recruited patients with PSP from a geriatrics clinic whereas the patients in the previous study were recruited from a neurology clinic.6
A previous meta-analysis showed mixed results with regard to whether the age at onset of PSP was predictive of mortality.5 Pooled results from six studies showed no prognostic effect of yearly increases in age at disease onset in either univariate or multivariate analyses.5 However, pooled results from nine studies using median age at onset as cut-off showed a pooled HR of 1.75 (95% CI=1.32-2.32) in multivariate analysis.5 Other predictors of mortality found in the present study, including vertical gaze palsy, dysphagia, pneumonia, or pressure injuries, were previously reported in other studies.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 It remains unknown whether resolution of dysphagia in patients with PSP can prevent pneumonia and reduce mortality. It is important for clinicians to refer patients with PSP involving dysphagia to a speech therapist for advice regarding food texture and appropriate swallowing posture (ie, chin-tuck) [Table 4].29 During the clinical course of disease, approximately 40% of primary caregivers complained of caregiver stress, which was also determined to be a significant predictor of mortality. Patient aggression and depression have been reported as sources of stress.4 When these positive predictors of mortality appear, clinicians should consider discussing ACP with patients or caregivers (Table 4).

Table 4. Recommendations for the management of disease in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy
The finding of apathy as a time-dependent covariate for prediction of mortality is notable. Recently, apathy was found to predict survival in a cohort of 124 patients with syndromes associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (including 35 patients with PSP, mean age of 72.2 ± 8.5 years).30 The development of apathy in patients with PSP was related to brainstem, midbrain, and frontal atrophy.30 It remains unknown whether apathy accelerates the decline to death or indirectly signifies the degree of brainstem degeneration, including the development of dysphagia, which is also related to greater mortality. Future clinical trials may consider the use of therapeutic measures to address apathy, in order to assess their impacts on the survival of patients with PSP.
Because there is currently no disease-modifying treatment for patients with PSP, ACP is an important component of clinical care, for which patients and their caregivers can reach a consensus during the clinical course of disease.4 In addition, symptomatic care plays an important role. Symptoms relevant to patients with PSP include dystonia, drooling, gaze palsy (also known as reduced blinking), constipation, and apathy.4 Drooling could be managed by the administration of sublingual atropine drops (Table 4).4 Reduced blinking could be managed by frequent application of lubricating eyedrops. Gaze palsy could be managed by the use of prisms or audiobooks (Table 4).4 Apathy could be minimised by addressing sensory deficits, such as through the use of eyeglasses or hearing aids (Table 4).4 Up to 75% of patients with PSP could be discharged home after stabilisation of symptoms.4
There are multiple limitations in the current study. First, it was a retrospective study involving reviews of clinical charts, and may be biased due to inconsistent documentation of symptoms. Second, there was a limited number of patients included, none of whom had autopsy and pathological confirmation of their diagnosis; however, we had radiological evidence of PSP. Third, our descriptive statistical results should be regarded as preliminary findings; only limited variables could be included in our Cox proportional hazards modelling for survival analysis. Notably, no specific scales were used to assess the severity of parkinsonism or other symptoms, including response to levodopa; most of our evaluations were subjective. Sequential C-MMSE scores were not recorded; thus, we were unable to examine the development of dementia over time. Fourth, we only included patients attending the geriatrics clinic; therefore, our cohort may not be fully representative of patients with PSP who present to most neurology clinics. Finally, the limited numbers of patients precluded stratified analyses based on subtypes of PSP.
In conclusion, important clinical milestones, including the development of dysphagia, vertical gaze palsy, significant caregiver stress, pressure injuries, and pneumonia, may be used to guide the ideal timing for discussions of ACP for patients with PSP, in order to facilitate long-term care.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: YF Shea, ACK Shum.
Acquisition of data: YF Shea, ACK Shum.
Analysis or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the article: YF Shea, ACK Shum.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: All authors.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This retrospective study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/ Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (HKU/HA HKW IRB; Ref UW 17-483) and New Territories West Cluster Clinical and Research Ethics Committee (NTWC CREC; Ref NTWC/CREC/17127). The requirement for informed consent was waived by the review board.
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Substance abuse effects on urinary tract: methamphetamine and ketamine

Hong Kong Med J 2019 Dec;25(6):438–43  |  Epub 4 Dec 2019
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Substance abuse effects on urinary tract: methamphetamine and ketamine
CH Yee, MB, BS, FRCS (Edin)1; CF Ng, MB, ChB, FRCS (Edin)1; YL Hong, MSc2; PT Lai, BN1; YH Tam, MB, ChB, FRCS (Edin)2
1 Department of Surgery, SH Ho Urology Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr CH Yee (yeechihang@surgery.cuhk.edu.hk)
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Ketamine is known to cause urinary tract dysfunction. Recently, methamphetamine (MA) abuse has become a growing problem in Asia. We investigated the symptomatology and voiding function in patients who abused MA and ketamine and compared their urinary tract toxicity profiles.
Methods: In the period of 23 months from 1 October 2016, all consecutive new cases of patients presenting with MA- or ketamine-related urological disorder were recruited into a prospective cohort. Polysubstance abuse patients were excluded. Data were analysed by comparison between patients with ketamine abuse and MA abuse. Basic demographic data and initial symptomatology were recorded, and questionnaires on urinary symptoms and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were used as assessment tools.
Results: Thirty-eight patients were included for analysis. There was a statistically significant difference in mean age between patients with MA and ketamine abuse (27.2 ± 7.2 years and 31.6 ± 4.8 years, respectively, P=0.011). Urinary frequency was the most common urological symptom in our cohort of patients. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of dysuria (ketamine 43.5%, MA 6.7%, P=0.026) and a significant trend in the difference in hesitancy (ketamine 4.3%, MA 26.7%, P=0.069). Overall, questionnaires assessing urinary storage symptoms and voiding symptoms did not find a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The MoCA revealed that both groups had cognitive impairment (ketamine 24.8 ± 2.5, MA 23.6 ± 2.9, P=0.298).
Conclusions: Abuse of MA caused urinary tract dysfunction, predominantly storage symptoms. Compared with ketamine abuse, MA abuse was not commonly associated with dysuria or pelvic pain.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Conventionally, methamphetamine has mainly been implicated for its neurological impact. Our study illustrated the impact of methamphetamine on the urinary tract, ie, an increase in storage symptoms.
  • Cognitive impairment from ketamine abuse was also documented in our study with a valid assessment.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Management of methamphetamine and ketamine abuse should involve multiple disciplines to improve the comprehensiveness of assessment and treatment.
Both the range of available drugs and the scope of drug markets are expanding and diversifying. Abuse of substances such as amphetamine-type stimulants, cannabis, and cocaine are major global health concerns. According to World Health Organization statistics, the number of cannabis users increased from 183 million in 2015 to 192 million in 2016 worldwide, whereas 34 million people abuse amphetamines and prescription stimulants.1
While the spectrum of substance abuse can be wide, many forms of illicit drug use inevitably induce toxicity and detrimental effects on the urinary tract. Smoking cannabis was found to have a significant association with bladder cancer in a hospital-based case-control study,2 attributed to the common carcinogens present in cannabis and tobacco smoke.3 Acute renal infarction has been observed in patients who used cocaine.4 Ketamine has received particular attention in the past few years for its impacts on both the upper and lower urinary tract.5 It has been one of the most commonly abused substances by teenagers since 2005 in Asian cities such as Hong Kong.6
In recent years, methamphetamine (MA) abuse has also become a serious and growing problem in Asia.7 The proportion of people abusing MA increased from 28.8% to 75.1% over a span of 5 years in China.8 Japan has seen its third epidemic of MA abuse since 1995.9 South Korea has also had an increase in psychotropic drug abuse, predominantly MA, from 7919 people in 2014 to 11 396 in 2016.10 In Hong Kong, 25.9% of people who abused drugs had exposure to amphetamine-type psychotropic substances in 2017.11 While the psychological and neurological effects of MA have been widely discussed, the urological aspects of the drug’s side-effects have not yet been well documented in the literature. We investigated the symptomatology and voiding function in a cohort of patients who abused the two most common psychotropic substances in our locality, namely MA and ketamine, and compared their urinary tract toxicity profiles.
In the period of 23 months from 1 October 2016, all consecutive new cases of patients who attended our centre for MA- or ketamine-related urological disorders were seen in a dedicated clinic and were recruited into a prospective cohort. Ethics committee approval was granted for the study (CREC Ref CRE-2011.454). Written informed consent was given by all participants before entering the study.
Basic demographic data were recorded before clinic attendance, including age, sex, employment status, drinking habits, and smoking history. Habits of substance abuse were characterised. Serum creatinine levels, urine microscopy and culture, and uroflowmetry were measured. Initial symptomatology enquiry included the presence and characteristics of frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain, haematuria, hesitancy, intermittency, and incomplete emptying. Functional bladder capacity was calculated by adding the voided volume to post-void urine residuals during the uroflowmetry assessment. Urological symptoms were assessed with the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) or the Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS).12 The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) was used to assess sexual function in male respondents who were sexually active in the preceding 4 weeks. Another component of symptom assessment was the Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency (PUF) patient symptom scale. The Chinese version of the PUF symptom scale is a validated assessment tool for cystitis.13 For cognitive dysfunction, we employed the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as an assessment tool. Chu et al14 proved the validity and reliability of the Cantonese Chinese MoCA as a brief screening tool for cognitive impairment.
Polysubstance abuse patients were excluded. Data were analysed by comparison between two groups of patients, namely those with ketamine abuse only and those with MA abuse only. Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the clinical characteristics of the study cohort. Chi squared tests were used for categorical data, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for continuous data. A P value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. The SPSS (Windows version 24.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) was used for all calculations.
From October 2016 to August 2018, 66 new patients attended our clinic for urological problems secondary to substance abuse. After excluding patients with substance abuse other than ketamine and MA, 38 patients were included for analysis (Table 1). Both genders contributed 19 patients. There was a statistically significant difference in mean age between the two groups of patients with MA and ketamine abuse (27.2 ± 7.2 years and 31.6 ± 4.8 years, respectively, P=0.011). Most patients were not active substance abusers upon presentation to the clinic. While all patients had a history of substance abuse, only two (5.3%) patients were consuming alcohol on a daily basis.

Table 1. Demographics of patients (n=38)
Urinary frequency was the single most common urological symptom in our patient cohort. Regardless of whether the patient was consuming ketamine alone, MA alone, or a combination of ketamine and MA, urinary frequency was found in 71.1% of the patients, with no statistically significant differences between these groups (Table 2). Other symptoms that shared similar distributions between both groups were urgency, suprapubic pain, intermittent stream, and sensation of incomplete emptying. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of dysuria between the two groups (ketamine 43.5%, MA 6.7%, P=0.026). A trend was observed in the difference in prevalence of hesitancy (ketamine 4.3%, MA 26.7%, P=0.069).

Table 2. Presenting symptoms of patients
To summarise the results of questionnaires that assess urinary storage symptoms and voiding symptoms as a whole, neither OABSS nor IPSS revealed a statistically significant difference between the two patient groups (Table 3). The mean IPSS score of the ketamine only group was 20.9 ± 8.1, falling into the severe symptom category, whereas that of the MA only group was 16.1 ± 8.9, falling into the moderate symptom group. No significant differences in maximal voiding velocity, voided volume, post-void residual, or bladder capacity were observed between the two groups. Similarly, no significant difference was observed in sexual function between the male patients of these three groups, as assessed by IIEF.

Table 3. Renal function, symptom scores, and uroflowmetry of patients
Pelvic pain assessment with the PUF symptom scale revealed higher scores in the ketamine group, especially in the Bother score domain (ketamine 6.7 ± 2.9, MA 4.7 ± 2.5, P=0.036). Cognitive assessment using MoCA revealed that both groups had impairment, but there was no significant difference between the MA group and the ketamine group (ketamine 24.8 ± 2.5, MA 23.6 ± 2.9, P=0.298). Serum creatinine did not differ significantly between the groups (ketamine 88.48 ± 55.44, MA 66.83 ± 16.92, P=0.138).
Substance abuse is a significant public health problem, with approximately 5.2% of the world population aged between 15 and 64 years having used illicit drugs at least once in the previous year.1 Southeast and East Asia have been a global hub for MA production and trafficking over the past decades, and its abuse is common in areas of South Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Golden Triangle, and Iran.10 Psychotropic substance abuse is the most common form of drug abuse in Hong Kong, and since 2015, MA has taken over ketamine’s spot as the leading drug of abuse among all psychotropic substances.11 As MA has become the new trendy drug of abuse, and most drug abusers are young and had their first drug exposure at an early age, this can account for our finding that patients who used MA had a lower mean age than patients who used ketamine in the cohort (Table 1).
Methamphetamine belongs to the class of amphetamines that also includes other drugs such as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine). The stimulant, euphoric, anorectic, empathogenic, entactogenic, and hallucinogenic properties of MA drive its popularity for abuse. Kolbrich et al15 demonstrated the fast, widespread, and long-lasting distribution of MA in the human brain, paralleling the long-lasting behavioural and neurological effects of the drug. Our data on cognitive impairment in MA users echoed this finding, demonstrating impaired function in this group by MoCA assessment.
Much of the focus on MA in the literature has been placed on its neurological and behavioural aspects. Unlike ketamine, whose effects on the urinary tract and treatment modalities have been more commonly discussed,16 similar research endeavours have not been undertaken in the area of MA, even though it is a more widely abused drug. Thus, our study was an effort to investigate the clinical presentation of MA abuse on the urinary tract and compare it with ketamine abuse, another common drug of illicit use. As illustrated by our findings in the cohort, patients who used MA reported at least moderate severity of urinary symptoms by IPSS assessment. Because we studied a group of young patients with mean age 27.2 years, we conclude that the urological impact of MA abuse cannot be neglected.
In the current study, storage symptoms (particularly urinary frequency) had similar prevalence between patients who used MA and ketamine (Table 2). On assessment of storage symptoms by OABSS, patients in both groups attained similar scores to patients with overactive bladder syndrome.17 In the case of ketamine abuse, storage symptoms can be attributed to denuded mucosa and infiltration of inflammatory cells into the lamina propria of the bladder, eventually leading to chronic inflammation and fibrosis.5 It has been postulated that the storage symptoms from MA abuse can be the result of a dysfunctional dopamine pathway in detrusor control. The β-phenylethylamine core structure of MA allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier easily and to resist brain biotransformation. Furthermore, its structural similarity with monoamine neurotransmitters allows amphetamines to act as competitive substrates at dopamine’s membrane transporters. It also promotes dopamine release from storage vesicles. All these effects increase cytoplasmic dopamine concentrations and enhance reverse transport.18 However, long-term exposure to amphetamines may result in dopamine neuron terminal damage or loss. A post-mortem study of people who used MA chronically showed a mean 50% to 60% reduction in dopamine levels throughout the striatum.19 Another study on dopamine dysregulation reported a 25% to 30% decrease in the maximal extent of dopamine-induced stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in the striatum.20 These results suggested that dopamine signalling in the striatum of people who use MA chronically was impaired both presynaptically and postsynaptically. An animal study showed that a selective D1 antagonist decreased bladder capacity in rats.21 Taking Parkinson’s disease, which is the result of dopaminergic neuron degeneration with the basal ganglia failing to suppress micturition,22 as a reference, the pathological dopaminergic pathway could be one of the aetiologies behind MA-related urinary symptoms.
In our cohort, 26.7% of patients who used MA reported hesitancy during voiding, and 46.7% reported a sensation of incomplete emptying (Table 2). Case reports in the literature have drawn an association between amphetamines and urinary retention.23 24 These findings underlined the possibility that MA-related urological pathology might have multiple facets rather than purely concerning the dopaminergic axis and storage symptoms. The possible aetiology may be the increased release of norepinephrine from MA abuse, which may cause increased α-adrenergic stimulation of the bladder neck.25 In a study of medical treatment for urinary symptoms in people who used MA, Koo et al26 reported that α-blockers resulted in a 33% treatment success rate in terms of IPSS reduction for patients with predominant voiding symptoms. This observation could be employed as a reference for treatment options.
Patients with ketamine abuse more commonly experienced dysuria and pelvic pain. In our previous report of 319 patients with ketamine abuse, the mean PUF score was 22.2.16 In contrast, symptoms of dysuria and pelvic pain were not commonly observed in patients with MA abuse. This could be because the effects of MA on the urinary tract were more on neurology rather than local tissue destruction, resulting in less local nociceptor stimulation. Currently, there are no reports on histological assessment of urinary tract tissues in people who use MA. This would be useful to facilitate a more comprehensive investigation on the impact on MA on the urinary tract.
The relatively small sample size of our cohort limited our statistical analysis. As MA abuse has only gained popularity in recent years in our locality, and the urological sequelae of such abuse might take years before it becomes prominent and severe, the current study could act as an initial assessment highlighting the early observation of urological presentation. One of the potential limitations of our study is that the majority of the patients presenting to our clinic were not active substance abusers. At the time point of assessment, the use of a heterogeneous group of active and former abusers may introduce bias into our evaluation. However, our cohort included mostly patients with long abuse duration. Studies have demonstrated the persistent effects of drug abuse even after a period of abstinence, namely dysfunctional dopamine metabolism in patients who had used MA27 and urinary tract damage in patients who had used ketamine.5 Thus, the clinical picture captured by our study may still reflect the impact of drug abuse on the urinary tract.
In conclusion, MA is a common drug of choice for abuse in Asia. It causes urinary tract dysfunction, predominantly in the form of storage symptoms. Compared with ketamine, MA abuse was not commonly associated with dysuria or pelvic pain. In addition to the behavioural impacts of MA abuse, its urinary tract implications should not be neglected.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Concept or design: CH Yee, CF Ng, YH Tam.
Acquisition of data: YL Hong, PT Lai.
Analysis or interpretation of data: CH Yee, YL Hong.
Drafting of the article: CH Yee, YL Hong.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: CH Yee, CF Ng, YH Tam.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, CF Ng was not involved in the peer review process of the article. Other authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This research project was funded by the Beat Drugs Fund, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Ethics approval
Ethics committee approval was granted for the study (CREC Ref CRE-2011.454). Written informed consent was given by all participants before entering the study.
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