Neonatal outcomes of preterm or very-low-birth-weight infants over a decade from Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong: comparison with the Vermont Oxford Network

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):381–6 | Epub 7 Jul 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj166064
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Neonatal outcomes of preterm or very-low-birth-weight infants over a decade from Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong: comparison with the Vermont Oxford Network
YY Chee, FHKAM (Paediatrics); Mabel SC Wong, FHKAM (Paediatrics), FHKCPaed; Rosanna MS Wong, FHKAM (Paediatrics); KY Wong, FHKAM (Paediatrics)
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr YY Chee (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: There is a paucity of local data on neonatal outcomes of preterm/very-low-birth-weight infants in Hong Kong. This study aimed to evaluate the survival rate on discharge and morbidity of preterm/very-low-birth-weight infants (≤29+6 weeks and/or birth weight <1500 g) over a decade at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong, so as to provide centre-specific data for prenatal counselling and to benchmark these results against the Vermont Oxford Network.
Methods: Standardised perinatal/neonatal data were collected for infants with gestational age of 23+0 to 29+6 weeks and/or birth weight of <1500 g who were born at Queen Mary Hospital between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2014. These data were compared with all neonatal centres in the Vermont Oxford Network in 2013. The Chi squared test was used to compare the categorical Queen Mary Hospital data with that of Vermont Oxford Network. A two-tailed P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The overall survival rate on discharge from Queen Mary Hospital for 449 infants was significantly higher than that of the Vermont Oxford Network (87% versus 80%; P=0.0006). The morbidity-free survival at Queen Mary Hospital (40%) was comparable with the Vermont Oxford Network (44%). At Queen Mary Hospital, 86% of infants had respiratory distress syndrome, 40% bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 44% patent ductus arteriosus, 7% severe intraventricular haemorrhage, 5% necrotising enterocolitis, 10% severe retinopathy of prematurity, 10% late-onset sepsis, and 84% growth failure on discharge. Rates of respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotising enterocolitis, and severe retinopathy of prematurity were similar in the two populations. At Queen Mary Hospital, significantly more infants had bronchopulmonary dysplasia (P=0.011), patent ductus arteriosus (P=0.015), and growth failure (P=0.0001) compared with the Vermont Oxford Network. In contrast, rate of late-onset sepsis was significantly lower at Queen Mary Hospital than the Vermont Oxford Network (P=0.0002).
Conclusions: Mortality rate and most of the morbidity rates of our centre compare favourably with international standards, but rates of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and growth failure are of concern. A regular benchmarking process is crucial to audit any change in clinical outcomes after implementation of a local quality improvement project.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Mortality rate and most of the morbidity rates at our centre compare favourably with international standards.
  • Significantly more preterm/very-low-birth-weight infants had bronchopulmonary dysplasia and growth failure at our centre compared with the Vermont Oxford Network. Identification of these areas for improvement could facilitate the development of a quality improvement project.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Local survival and morbidity rates provided by this study can be used for prenatal counselling about preterm delivery.
  • The baseline data (growth failure rate upon discharge) obtained in the present study can be used to audit a future quality improvement project in the local community (standardised nutritional pathway for very-low-birth-weight infants).
There has been a substantial improvement in the outcomes for preterm infants over the past few decades. This improvement reflects the advances made in antenatal, perinatal, and neonatal care. It is crucial to audit and benchmark local data on clinical outcomes with international standards.1 One of the largest neonatal databases, the Vermont Oxford Network (VON), has been collecting and maintaining data on very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants and infants who fulfil other eligibility requirements from all over the world since 1989 (website: Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) in Hong Kong has been participating in the VON since 1998. Today, QMH is one of almost 1000 centres all over the world participating in the network.3
There is a paucity of data reporting neonatal outcomes for preterm/VLBW local infants. These data are valuable in providing centre- and gestational age (GA)–specific information that can be used for parental counselling about high-risk infants, and facilitate decision making by neonatologists, obstetricians, and parents.
The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the survival rate on discharge and morbidity in preterm/VLBW infants (born between 23+0 and 29+6 weeks and/or birth weight of <1500 g) at a tertiary perinatal centre in Hong Kong over a decade. We also compared the neonatal outcomes with the VON database, aiming to identify key areas for quality improvement in the local community.
Study population and clinical outcomes
The study was conducted at QMH, Hong Kong, which is a tertiary referral perinatal centre with an annual delivery rate of approximately 3500 to 4500. The hospital provides care for preterm infants who are predominantly of Chinese ethnicity. This study was done in accordance with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.
Perinatal/neonatal data of all infants born alive at QMH with GA of 23+0 to 29+6 weeks and/or birth weight of <1500 g between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2014 were collected. These infants were part of the VON database. Infants born outside of QMH were not included in this study. Data were collected retrospectively from the Clinical Management System and Clinical Information System and entered into the VON database by members of the QMH neonatal team.
Definitions for maternal and infant characteristics were provided in the manual “Nightingale Data Definitions” by the VON. In this study, GA was determined as the best obstetric estimate using ultrasonography and/or date of the last menstrual period. If no antenatal data were available, GA was estimated by postnatal neonatal assessment. Intrauterine growth restriction, defined as birth weight of <10th percentile for gender and GA, was determined using growth charts published by Fenton and Kim.4 Maternal obstetric data included data on antenatal steroid use, presence of chorioamnionitis, and mode of delivery. Antenatal steroid therapy was considered to be given if it was provided to the mother during pregnancy at any time prior to delivery. Chorioamnionitis was diagnosed on histopathological findings.
The survival rate was defined as neonates who survived to the time of discharge. Surfactant was used as early rescue therapy for infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), defined by the presence of clinical and radiological features within the first 24 hours of life. Conventional mechanical ventilation use at any time was defined as intermittent positive pressure ventilation through an endotracheal tube with a conventional ventilator at any time after leaving the delivery room. Rescue postnatal steroids were used beyond 2 weeks of age at our centre to facilitate extubation of ventilator-dependent neonates with oxygen requirement of >40% and significant radiological features of persistent lung disease. Data on infants discharged with oxygen were also collected.
Early-onset sepsis was defined as blood or cerebrospinal fluid culture–positive bacterial sepsis occurring within 72 hours of life. Haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) on two-dimensional echocardiography was treated with intravenous ibuprofen (only data from 2010 to 2014 were collected as ibuprofen was used as medical treatment for PDA at QMH since 2010) or surgical ligation if medical treatment was unsuccessful or contra-indicated. Severe retinopathy of prematurity was defined as stage III or above according to international classification.5
The major morbidities included severe neurological injury (defined as grade 3 or 4 intraventricular haemorrhage [IVH], or periventricular leukomalacia [PVL]), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD; defined as supplemental oxygen use at a postmenstrual age [PMA] of 36 weeks), pneumothorax (defined as extrapleural air diagnosed by chest radiograph or needle aspiration), necrotising enterocolitis (NEC; defined as stage ≥2 of Bell’s criteria), and late-onset infection (defined as bacterial or fungal infection after day 3 of life).
Data from QMH were compared with those of all neonatal centres in the VON database in a single year in 2013, the latest data available at the time of the study.
Statistical analysis
The Chi squared test was used to compare the categorical QMH data with that of VON. All P values were two-tailed, and a P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Study group
A total of 449 infants with GA of 23+0 to 29+6 weeks and/or birth weight of 345 g to 1890 g who were born at QMH between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2014 were included in this study. This study compared survival rate and morbidity of these infants from QMH against 38 754 infants in the VON database in 2013. A significantly greater proportion of infants was delivered at 23 weeks of gestation in the VON group compared with the QMH group, which is contrary to the two groups at 27 and 29 weeks of gestation (P=0.0002). The proportion of infants born at 24 to 26 weeks and 28 weeks was similar for both groups (Table 1).

Table 1. Proportions of infants born at different gestational age at Queen Mary Hospital (2005 to 2014) and Vermont Oxford Network (2013)
Antenatal, maternal, and neonatal demographics
Overall, 31.0% of the cohort subjects at QMH were multiple births (no difference between the QMH and VON group; P=0.061). Fewer infants in the QMH group were delivered by caesarean section compared with the VON group (58.6% vs 68.2%; P=0.0001). Antenatal steroids were given to 90.4% of mothers in QMH; rate of prenatal steroid use increased with increasing GA, from 73% at 23 weeks, to 82%-89% between 24 and 25 weeks and 90%-96% between 26 and 29 weeks. There was no significant difference in prenatal steroid use between the two groups (P=0.065). Chorioamnionitis was confirmed by placental histology in 24.3% of mothers at QMH, which was significantly more than that in the VON group (17.9%; P=0.0006).
Infants at QMH were predominantly born to Asian (mainly Chinese) mothers whereas the majority of the VON group were of White origin (P<0.001). In QMH, 11.8% of the neonates were born small for GA, similar to the VON group (9.2%, P=0.07) [Table 2].

Table 2. Demographic features and perinatal information of infants born at Queen Mary Hospital and Vermont Oxford Network
In QMH, 78% of the infants were being intubated for delivery room resuscitation. At 23 weeks, all infants underwent intubation in the delivery room. Around half of the infants delivered at 29 weeks and 20% at 28 weeks did not need intubation in the delivery room, whereas 83%-97% of infants born between 24 and 27 weeks needed intubation at birth. Compared with infants with GA of ≥26 weeks, the proportion of infants with GA of <26 weeks with Apgar score of ≤3 at 1 minute was higher. Only 16% of the infants were able to achieve a target core temperature of 36.5°C to 37.5°C upon admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (vs 51% in the VON group; P<0.0001).
Survival rate on discharge and major morbidities
In QMH, 87% of the 449 infants survived to discharge. Rates of survival increased with increasing GA, from 27% at 23 weeks to 96% at 29 weeks. Overall survival rate of the QMH group was significantly higher than that in the VON group (87% vs 80%; P=0.0006). In QMH, morbidity-free survival rate increased from 0% at 23 weeks to 65% at 29 weeks (Table 3). Survival without major morbidity was similar when comparing the QMH and VON data (40% vs 44%; P=0.105) [Table 3].

Table 3. Overall survival and morbidity-free survival rates at Queen Mary Hospital and Vermont Oxford Network according to gestational age
In QMH, 86% of infants experienced RDS and 83% needed surfactant therapy. Rate of mechanical ventilation at any time decreased from 100% at 23 weeks to 69% at 29 weeks. There was no significant difference in the incidence of RDS between QMH and VON groups (P=0.808). Significantly more infants in the QMH, however, were given surfactant therapy for RDS and put on mechanical ventilation, compared with VON (83% vs 74%; P=0.0001). The overall frequency of pneumothorax was similar in both groups (P=0.57).
Use of postnatal steroids for BPD was lower in QMH compared with VON (3% vs 14%; P=0.0001) although the QMH rate for BPD was higher (40% vs 34%; P=0.011) and rate of home oxygen use was lower (10% vs 18%; P=0.0001) [Table 4].

Table 4. Pulmonary morbidities according to gestational age at Queen Mary Hospital and Vermont Oxford Network
In QMH, rates of early- and late-onset sepsis were 3% and 10%, respectively. No significant difference was noted in the incidence of early-onset sepsis between QMH and VON (P=0.792) although QMH had a significantly lower rate of late-onset sepsis (10% vs 16%; P=0.0002) [Table 5].

Table 5. Other neonatal morbidities according to gestational age at Queen Mary Hospital and Vermont Oxford Network
In QMH, NEC developed in 5% of infants (≥stage 2) and 10% of infants were diagnosed as having severe retinopathy of prematurity (≥stage 3). The overall frequencies of NEC and severe retinopathy of prematurity were similar in the QMH and VON groups (P=0.693 and P=0.100, respectively) [Table 5].
In QMH, PDA was diagnosed in 44% of infants, of whom 36% were treated with ibuprofen (in 2010-2014), and 7% with surgical closure. For management of PDA, QMH had higher rates of ibuprofen treatment than the VON group (36% vs 12%; P=0.0001), whereas the rates of PDA ligation were similar (P=0.936) [Table 5].
In QMH, 7% of sonograms indicated severe IVH (grade 3 or 4); PVL was observed in 3% of infants. There were no significant differences in the incidence of severe IVH or PVL between QMH and VON groups (P=0.070 and P=0.963, respectively; Table 5).
In QMH, the length of hospital stay among survivors decreased with increasing GA, from 19 weeks at GA 23 weeks to 8 weeks at GA of 29 weeks. Similarly, PMA at discharge decreased from 42 weeks for surviving infants born at GA of 23 weeks, to 41 weeks at GA of 24 weeks, 39 to 40 weeks at GA of 25 to 27 weeks, 38 weeks at GA of 28 weeks, and 37 weeks at GA of 29 weeks.
Growth failure (body weight <10th centile for age and sex) was evident in 84% of infants at QMH (vs VON 42%; P=0.0001) upon discharge.
This study reports the mortality and morbidity in the neonatal intensive care unit in QMH over a 10-year period (2005-2014). As the only intensive care centre from China participating in the VON, QMH data provide an important source of local epidemiological information. Data recorded at QMH were compared with the entire VON database. This allows the benchmarking of our neonatal care and clinical outcomes for preterm infants internationally. Local centre–specific information about preterm infants based on GA facilitates parental counselling about high-risk infants and aids decision making.
Our study revealed that the survival rate on discharge of preterm/VLBW infants (≤29+6 weeks and/or birth weight of <1500 g) from QMH was higher than that from VON, with comparable morbidity-free survival. The higher survival rate on discharge from QMH may be partly explained by the higher proportion of 23-week GA infants in the VON (3.3% vs 6.5%; P=0.0002). Advances in perinatal and neonatal care have contributed to improved survival among preterm infants. The goal in the care of these babies should be to improve intact survival without morbidities. Among the key morbidities (severe IVH, PVL, BPD, NEC, pneumothorax, any late infection), BPD was the only clinical entity with a significantly higher incidence at QMH compared with VON (40% vs 34%; P=0.011). Reducing the risk of BPD will have a great impact on morbidity-free survival in our population.6 Of note, BPD is a condition with multifactorial causes and preterm infants are predisposed to lung injury including ventilator-induced lung injury, infection, and inflammation.7 8 9 The higher rate of BPD in QMH compared with VON could be related to the higher prevalence of chorioamnionitis, a known risk factor that inhibits alveolar development.10 As we were ventilating more infants than VON (as evidenced by the higher rate of surfactant use for RDS and use of conventional mechanical ventilation at any time), the risk of ventilator-associated lung injury was increased. Haemodynamically significant PDA was present in a greater proportion of infants at QMH compared with VON (44% vs 39%; P=0.015); PDA increases pulmonary blood flow and causes interstitial oedema. The mechanical ventilator setting and oxygen requirement increase as a result and provide a foundation for BPD. The risk of BPD is also influenced by growth restriction. Growth failure upon discharge was present in 84% of our infants. With poor nutrition in these infants, normal lung growth, maturation, and repair are inhibited. Postnatal steroid was used less frequently in QMH compared with VON (3% vs 14%), and may explain in part the decreased incidence of BPD in VON.
In order to reduce the incidence of BPD in our population, modifiable risk factors need to be reduced. In recent years, our unit has been managing RDS more with continuous positive airway pressure support with subsequent selective surfactant administration—that is, INSURE (INtubation, SURfactant administration, then Extubation)—in order to avoid unnecessary or prolonged ventilation, thereby reducing ventilator-associated lung injury and BPD.11 12 Targeted oxygen saturation has also been used in our centre to minimise oxygen toxicity associated with BPD.13 14
We had a significantly higher proportion of infants who were small for GA upon discharge compared with the VON group (84% vs 42%; P=0.0001). Apart from affecting lung growth and maturation, postnatal growth failure is associated with poor long-term neurocognitive outcome.15 16 One possible explanation for growth failure in our population is the lack of guidelines about preterm infant nutrition (eg timing of feeding initiation and milk volume advancement, prescription of total parenteral nutrition etc). Without such guidelines, a preterm infant’s caloric intake may be suboptimal with consequent compromise of growth. In order to improve the growth of our preterm infants, a standardised nutritional pathway for the VLBW infants has been in use since 2015. Its effect has yet to be evaluated.
A limitation of our study is the lack of adjustment for potential confounding factors. The two groups, QMH and VON, were not directly comparable, for instance, the higher survival rate of preterm infants in our centre could be partly affected by the lower proportion of GA of 23 weeks in our study population.
The majority of neonatal outcomes for preterm/VLBW infants at QMH were comparable with VON, with the exception of BPD and growth failure upon discharge. Regular auditing and benchmarking of clinical outcomes will help ensure quality improvement with implementation of new interventions and projects in our unit.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
1. Horbar JD, Plsek PE, Leahy K; NIC/Q 2000. NIC/Q 2000: establishing habits for improvement in neonatal intensive care units. Pediatrics 2003;111(4 Pt 2):e397-410.
2. Horbar JD. The Vermont-Oxford Neonatal Network: integrating research and clinical practice to improve the quality of medical care. Semin Perinatol 1995;19:124-31. Crossref
3. Annual report for infants born in 2014. Center 320. Vermont Oxford Network; 2015.
4. Fenton TR, Kim JH. A systematic review and meta-analysis to revise the Fenton growth chart for preterm infants. BMC Pediatr 2013;13:59. Crossref
5. An international classification of retinopathy of prematurity. The Committee for the Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity. Arch Ophthalmol 1984;102:1130-4. Crossref
6. Greenough A, Ahmed N. Perinatal prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. J Perinat Med 2013;41:119-26. Crossref
7. Jobe AH, Ikegami M. Mechanisms initiating lung injury in the preterm. Early Hum Dev 1998;53:81-94. Crossref
8. Kallapur SG, Jobe AH. Contribution of inflammation to lung injury and development. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2006;91:F132-5. Crossref
9. Kinsella JP, Greenough A, Abman SH. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Lancet 2006;367:1421-31. Crossref
10. Thomas W, Speer CP. Chorioamnionitis is essential in the evolution of bronchopulmonary dysplasia—the case in favour. Paediatr Respir Rev 2014;15:49-52. Crossref
11. Morley CJ, Davis PG, Doyle LW, et el. Nasal CPAP or intubation at birth for very preterm infants. N Engl J Med 2008;358:700-8. Crossref
12. Committee on Fetus and Newborn; American Academy of Pediatrics. Respiratory support in preterm infants at birth. Pediatrics 2014;133:171-4. Crossref
13. Supplemental Therapeutic Oxygen for Prethreshold Retinopathy of Prematurity (STOP-ROP), a randomized, controlled trial. I: primary outcomes. Pediatrics 2000;105:295-310. Crossref
14. Askie LM, Henderson-Smart DJ, Irwig L, Simpson JM. Oxygen-saturation targets and outcomes in extremely preterm infants. N Engl J Med 2003;349:959-67. Crossref
15. Ehrenkranz RA, Dusick AM, Vohr BR, Wright LL, Wrage LA, Poole WK. Growth in the neonatal intensive care unit influences neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants. Pediatrics 2006;117:1253-61. Crossref
16. Franz AR, Pohlandt F, Bode H, et al. Intrauterine, early neonatal, and postdischarge growth and neurodevelopmental outcome at 5.4 years in extremely preterm infants after intensive neonatal nutritional support. Pediatrics 2009;123:e101-9. Crossref

Early surgery for Hong Kong Chinese elderly patients with hip fracture reduces short-term and long-term mortality

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):374–80 | Epub 28 Jun 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj165005
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Early surgery for Hong Kong Chinese elderly patients with hip fracture reduces short-term and long-term mortality
Stephanie KK Liu, MB, BS1; Angela WH Ho, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Orthopaedic Surgery)2; SH Wong, MB, BS, FHKAM (Orthopaedic Surgery)2
1 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
2 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Caritas Medical Centre, Shamshuipo, Hong Kong
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Young Investigator Awards, 15th Regional Osteoporosis Conference held in Hong Kong on 24-25 May 2014; and at the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Young Investigator Awards, IOF Regionals 5th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting held in Taipei, Taiwan on 15 November 2014.
Corresponding author: Dr Angela WH Ho (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Studies have shown that early surgery reduces hospital and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture, but no major study has examined such relationship in Hong Kong. This study aimed to explore the relationship of early surgery and mortality in a Chinese elderly population with hip fracture.
Methods: This observational study included patients attending public hospitals in Hong Kong. All patients who underwent surgery for geriatric hip fracture in public hospitals from January 2000 to December 2011 were studied. Data were retrieved and collected from the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System of the Hospital Authority. Patients were divided into three groups according to timing of surgery: early (0-2 days after admission), delayed (3-4 days after admission), and late (≥5 days after admission) groups. Based on the date of death, we analysed 30-day and 1-year mortality, regardless of cause of death. Comparison of mortality rates was also made between the period before and after implementation of Key Performance Indicator formulated by the Hospital Authority.
Results: The overall 1-year mortality rate was 16.8%. The relative risks of 1-year mortality were 1.21 and 1.52 when the delayed and late groups were compared with the early group, respectively. The hazard ratios of long-term mortality were 1.16 (95% confidence interval, 1.13-1.20) and 1.37 (1.33-1.41), respectively for the same comparison.
Conclusion: Prevalence of geriatric hip fracture will continue to rise and further increase the burden on our health care system. After implementation of Key Performance Indicator, most elderly patients with hip fracture underwent surgery within 2 days provided they were medically fit. Early surgery can reduce both short-term and long-term mortality. Setting up a fragility fracture registry would be beneficial for further studies.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This study provides evidence that Key Performance Indicator (KPI) can increase the percentage of patients who undergo early surgery and improve their clinical outcome.
  • Most medically fit patients were identified for early surgery within 2 days.
  • High-risk patients with medical co-morbidities were identified for prompt preoperative optimisation under KPI.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Early surgery should be considered the standard of care for management of elderly patients with hip fracture.
Hip fracture has a high prevalence in an ageing population and places a major burden on and challenge to our health care system. In Hong Kong, the number of geriatric hip fractures managed in the Hospital Authority increased from 3678 in 2000 to 4579 in 2011.1 International clinical guidelines recommend surgical treatment within 2 days of admission.2 3 4 Geriatric hip fracture was selected as the first Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for orthopaedics in Hong Kong by the Hospital Authority in 2009 with an aim to limit preoperative length of stay to no more than 2 days for 70% of patients with hip fracture.5 Studies have shown that early surgery reduces hospital and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture,6 7 8 but no major study has examined such relationship. This study was conducted to explore the relationship of early surgery and mortality in a Chinese elderly population with hip fracture.
We undertook a retrospective review of data collected from the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System of the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong for all patients aged 65 years or above who presented to any public hospital between January 2000 and December 2011 with hip fracture that was treated surgically. Those patients with a disease coding of acute hip fracture (ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes 820.8, 820.09, 820.02, 820.03, 820.20, and 820.22) were retrieved; operations for geriatric hip fracture were defined as a patient episode with ICD-9-CM procedure codes of 81.52, 51.51, 81.40, 79.15, 79.35, or 78.55. Only elderly patients with a disease code for acute hip fracture and procedure code for hip fracture surgery were included in the current study. Those who had second hip fracture surgery or surgery for complications arising from a previous hip fracture were excluded.
Patients were divided into three groups according to timing of surgery: early (0-2 calendar days after admission), delayed (3-4 calendar days after admission), and late (≥5 calendar days after admission) groups. Dates of death were retrieved from the Deaths Registries of the Hong Kong SAR. Based on the date of death, we analysed the 30-day and 1-year mortality regardless of cause. Mortality was calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Among the three groups, the 30-day and 1-year mortality were compared using Chi squared test. Long-term mortality was compared by Cox regression models using age, gender, and year as covariates. Subgroup analysis of mortality before (year 2000-2008) and after (year 2009-2011) the execution of KPI for hip fracture was also performed. The result was considered statistically significant if the P value was <0.05. All analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary [NC], US) software. The principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki have been followed.
The study identified 43 830 patients (12 821 men and 31 009 women) with age ranging from 65 to 112 years (mean, 82 years). Early surgery was performed in 48%, delayed surgery in 25%, and late surgery in 27% of all patients. The 30-day and 1-year mortality of the patients by gender and surgery group are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. For each age-group (65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, ≥85 years), the percentage of early, delayed, or late surgery was similar with a deviation of only 1% to 2%. Linear regression revealed no correlation between the timing of surgery and patient age. The 1-year mortality rate of all hip fractures was 16.8% (25.0% for males and 13.4% for females). The 1-year mortality rates of early, delayed, and late surgery groups were 14.1%, 17.2%, and 21.4%, respectively. The relative risks of 1-year mortality were 1.21 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.16-1.29) and 1.52 (95% CI, 1.45-1.59) when the delayed and late groups were compared with the early group, respectively. All results were statistically significant.

Table 1. 30-Day and 1-year mortality of patients by gender (all P<0.001)

Table 2. Mortality, excess mortality, and relative risk of patients by surgery group (all P<0.001)
The long-term mortality rate was also significantly related to the timing of surgery using log rank test (Fig 1). The hazard ratios (HRs) of long-term mortality were 1.16 (95% CI, 1.13-1.20) and 1.37 (95% CI, 1.33-1.41) when the delayed group and late group were compared with the early group, respectively. Such significant difference was observed across all age-groups for both genders, except those male patients of 65-69 years in the delayed surgery group (Table 3). In men, the respective HR was 1.12-1.35 and 1.30-1.58 when the delayed group and late group were compared with the early group, with the highest HR noted in the age-group of 70-74 years. Similar results were observed in females: the HR varied with age and ranged from 1.12-1.40 and 1.29-1.70 respectively when the delayed group and late group were compared with the early group, with the highest HR in the age-group of 70-74 years (Table 3).

Figure 1. Survival curves of patients with hip fracture in three surgery groups

Table 3. Hazard ratio of timing to surgery in different age-groups and by gender
Subgroup analysis of the mortality rate before (year 2000-2008) and after (year 2009-2011) execution of KPI for hip fracture was performed. Mortality rate increased as surgery delay was prolonged. The respective relative risk of 1-year mortality before KPI was 1.12 (95% CI, 1.04-1.21) and 1.27 (95% CI, 1.19-1.36) when the delayed group and late group were compared with the early group; the corresponding figures after KPI were 1.15 (95% CI, 0.99-1.34) and 1.39 (95% CI, 1.20-1.60). The overall 1-year mortality was lower in the post-KPI group (relative risk=0.81; P<0.001; 95% CI, 0.76-0.86). All results were statistically significant (Table 4). There was also a gradual reduction in preoperative length of stay of elderly patients (age range, 65-112 years) with hip fracture in the post-KPI period (Fig 2).

Table 4. Overall mortality rate and subgroup analysis of the mortality rate before (year 2000-2008) and after (year 2009-2011) execution of Key Performance Indicator for hip fracture (all P<0.001)

Figure 2. Trend of preoperative length of stay from 2000-2011
Hip fracture in elderly patients is well known to be associated with osteoporosis and sarcopenia.9 10 In an ageing population, it is becoming more important and places a great burden on our health care system. Timing of surgery for hip fracture is considered an important factor in reducing mortality. We therefore conducted this study to find out their relationship. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first large observational study of the association between timing of surgery and mortality of hip fracture in the local Chinese elderly population.
Current international guidelines and national model of care for geriatric hip fracture recommend early surgery to improve the clinical outcome for elderly patients, including morbidity and mortality. The Blue Book of the British Orthopaedic Association in 2007 stated that hip fractures should be operated on within 48 hours.2 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Clinical Guideline (CG 124) from the United Kingdom recommends that surgery be performed on the day of, or the day after admission, based on the reason that early surgery within 24 or 48 hours is associated with a lower mortality risk.3 In Canada, access to surgery should be no later than 48 hours or 2 days after admission to the emergency room.4
Hip fracture is associated with high mortality among the elderly people, with excess mortality compared with the general population globally.11 Our study found that longer preoperative stay was associated with an overall increased 30-day, 1-year, and long-term mortality in the study population, as shown in Tables 2 and 3. Other studies have examined short-term mortality following surgery, with medical co-morbidities adjusted. Colais et al7 reported that patients who underwent surgery within 2 days had a lower 1-year mortality than those in whom surgery was delayed (HR=0.83; 95% CI, 0.82-0.85). Moja et al12 performed a meta-analysis of 35 studies and found that early surgery (<2 days of admission) had significantly less mortality, with the odds ratio (OR) being 0.74 (95% CI, 0.67-0.81; P<0.001). In cases with more than 2 days of delay, the OR for death in hospital was 1.43 (95% CI, 1.37-1.49) and 30-day mortality was 1.36 (95% CI, 1.29-1.43).13 Sund and Liski14 found that delay of more than 2 nights led to a significant increase in mortality; the HR for late surgery was 1.18 (95% CI, 1.09-1.28, P<0.0001). Similar findings were also reported from other studies. Delay of surgery affected both short-term and long-term mortality.15 16 17 In our study, the HRs for delayed surgery and late surgery were 1.16 and 1.37, respectively, similar to other large-scale international studies.14 16 The longer the delay in surgery, the worse the clinical outcome.
Most studies in the current literature have focused on short-term mortality following surgery in patients with hip fracture, but it is known that mortality in those elderly patients with hip fracture is high not only in the first year following fracture, but also remains higher than the general population during the subsequent 5 years of follow-up in some studies. Man et al1 reported a 1-year excess mortality following surgery for geriatric hip fracture of 6.22% to 23.45%. In our study, the beneficial effects of early surgery on mortality were not only limited to the first year after initial fracture, but extended to later years after the injury based on the calculation using survival analysis (Fig 1). Our results showed that the HRs of long-term mortality were 1.16 (95% CI, 1.13-1.20) and 1.37 (95% CI, 1.33-1.41) when the delayed group and late group were compared with the early group, respectively. This significant result was observed across all age-groups for both genders (Table 3), despite advancing age and male gender being associated with increased mortality and higher excess mortality following hip surgery.1 Thus, early surgery for hip fracture among elderly patients is justified to relieve pain, reduce complications, and improve survival; this echoes our current local guidelines from the Hospital Authority.4 16 18 19
Key Performance Indicator was a framework formulated by the Hospital Authority in 2008 and covered three areas, including Clinical Services, Human Resources, and Finance. For each area, it covers a collection of selected indicators. Annual reviews are conducted by a working group to ensure the KPIs are in line with the service directions and priorities of the Hospital Authority. Through comments and feedback collected from different sources, the working group reviews the results and offers suggestions and recommendations for subsequent service development and resource allocation, in order to provide the best service and practices for the general public. With the implementation of the KPI, hospitals gradually operated on hip fractures as an emergency or earlier under the supervision of more experienced orthopaedic surgeons. In the past, it was not uncommon for hip fracture surgery to be performed by junior orthopaedic surgeons in an emergency setting after office hours. According to the Blue Book of the British Orthopaedic Association, “all patients with hip fracture who are medically fit should have surgery within 48 hours of admission, and during normal working hours”.2 To correctly interpret the best practice guideline, timing of surgery is an important consideration that can improve outcome. Therefore, emergency daytime surgery under supervision is preferable. Prior to 2007 the KPI was approximately 30%, but it had improved to 71.6% by 2015.20 As a result, length of hospital stay, and postoperative mortality and morbidity were reduced in our population.18
Figure 2 shows the gradual reduction in preoperative length of stay of elderly patients (age range, 65-112 years) with hip fracture after implementation of KPI. Lau et al21 identified preoperative length of stay as one of the most important factors to affect clinical outcomes of elderly patients with hip fracture. This was confirmed by our study. After the introduction of KPI for geriatric hip fracture, there was a reduced preoperative stay, and improved survival with reduced 1-year mortality (Table 4). This was likely because patients were able to mobilise sooner with consequent faster recovery and rehabilitation. Advances in surgical techniques, improved perioperative care, and a multidisciplinary approach allowed high-risk elderly patients to undergo early surgery.
Since the execution of KPI, the percentage of medically fit patients operated on early has increased by approximately 30% to over 70%.5 18 As a result, the overall 1-year mortality was significantly lower in the post-KPI group. Our current data reveal that the KPI was successful in allowing more patients to have earlier surgery with a consequent better clinical outcome. Unnecessary delay for surgery was avoided.
One of the reasons for a delay in surgery was medical fitness. It is not uncommon for geriatric patients to be admitted with an acute medical co-morbidity, such as chest infection. This group of patients has complex care needs and a higher risk of morbidity and mortality.11 Surgery is often delayed due to the need for a medical condition to be stabilised. We therefore performed a subgroup analysis of 1-year mortality in patients before and after KPI. Our results showed that after the implementation of KPI, the increased relative risk of mortality for delayed surgery was even more pronounced (Table 4).
A recent retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data published by Nyholm et al22 revealed that patients who underwent delayed surgery had more co-morbidities, and those with a higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score often waited longer for surgery. One of the postulated reasons was preoperative optimisation of their medical condition. Nonetheless they were able to show an association between surgical delay and risk of mortality even after adjustment for ASA score, indicating that there was an increased risk of mortality with increasing surgical delay, but not due to decreasing medical fitness of patients with longer delay times only.23 A systematic review and meta-analysis by Moja et al12 of 35 retrospective and prospective studies examined the association between mortality and delayed surgery in hip fracture among elderly patients. Meta-analysis of the primary outcome of overall mortality showed that early surgery (<2 days of admission) had significantly less mortality with an OR of 0.74 (95% CI, 0.67-0.81; P<0.001). Meta-analysis of only prospective studies gave similar results (OR=0.69; 95% CI, 0.57-0.83), and further analysis did not show any effect of potential confounders such as age or gender. Despite some intra-study heterogeneity, these authors concluded that early surgery was associated with overall lower mortality risk, consistent with the current recommendation in national guidelines.2 3 4
In order to achieve early preoperative optimisation, collaboration with orthogeriatricians is important. The National Hip Fracture Database annual report in 2015 revealed that 85.3% of people with hip fracture received orthogeriatric assessment in the perioperative period. Such service, however, was not available in all orthopaedic units.23 The NICE Clinical Guideline (CG 124) recommends early input from orthogeriatricians in the management of patients with hip fracture.3 They play a key role in the integration of initial assessment and perioperative care as most elderly patients with hip fracture have co-morbidities. Leung et al24 found that input from geriatricians in the pre- and post-operative periods resulted in reduced 1-year mortality (11.5% for orthogeriatric group vs 20.4% for conventional group; P=0.02) and improved functional outcome in elderly patients with hip fracture. In the study of Vidán et al,25 patients assigned to the geriatric intervention showed a lower hospital mortality (0.6% vs 5.8%; P=0.03) and major medical complication rate (45.2% vs 61.7%; P=0.003) compared with the usual care group. Similar findings are evident in many other reports.26 27 28
Orosz et al29 classified reasons of delay in surgery into patient-related or system-related. Delay related to stabilisation of medical co-morbidities may sometimes be inevitable, but operative delay would undoubtedly have a significant impact on survival. Based on this observational study, we were able to conclude that KPI was successful in allowing more medically fit patients to undergo surgery without delay and therefore lead to improved clinical outcomes. Surgery may be delayed in high-risk patients to enable optimisation of medical conditions, and involves close collaboration with orthogeriatricians.
In future studies, further subgroup analysis of patients with different ASA grade and number of co-morbidities is warranted so that causes of excess mortality and high-risk patients can be recognised and early interventions performed to reduce their risk. Potential confounding factors should also be identified as far as possible so they can be controlled and matched in future studies. The setting up of a fragility fracture registry would be beneficial for further studies and analysis.
This study has several limitations. First, factors affecting mortality—for example, pre-injury mobility status, medical co-morbidities, ASA grade, functional status, and fracture type—were not adjusted. It is known that patients with active medical co-morbidities have higher morbidity and mortality.15 Medical fitness is one of the major confounding factors in delayed surgery. Patients who are medically fit generally undergo surgery earlier, and those with medical co-morbidities may be delayed for preoperative assessment and stabilisation.
Second, a small percentage of geriatric hip fracture patients who were treated in the private sector was not included. This, however, would not have had a large impact on the overall results as approximately 98% of elderly patients with hip fracture are managed in public hospitals under the Hospital Authority. We believe our data are an accurate reflection of hip fracture cases in Hong Kong.30
Third, like many database systems for hospital data, deaths out of Hong Kong were not captured, leading to underreported hospital mortality.
Fourth, the current observed association between early operation and reduced mortality rate might have been substantially confounded by improved operative techniques and choice of implant (eg use of cemented hemiarthroplasties for relatively younger and medically fit elderly patients with femoral neck fractures), early involvement from orthogeriatricians, and improved general medical care. Undoubtedly all these factors within the current improved clinical pathway have played an important role in the improved clinical outcomes in the later (post-KPI) period of this study.
Lastly, reasons for delay in operation were not determined in this study.
The present observational study found that KPI has successfully increased the percentage of patients undergoing early surgery within 2 days so as to improve clinical outcome, with one of the parameters being mortality. Collaboration with orthogeriatricians will allow early preoperative optimisation of high-risk patients with medical co-morbidities. With an expected increase in the incidence of geriatric hip fracture, good practice of KPI with early surgery should be offered to these patients. Guidelines, clinical pathways, and the setting up of a fragility fracture registry can all play a significant role in improving our health care system.
The authors would like to thank Dr CP Chan for the statistical analysis, and Mr Tony Kwok and the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System team of Hospital Authority for their help in data retrieval.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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A cross-sectional study of the knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients aged 50 years or above towards herpes zoster in an out-patient setting

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):365–73 | Epub 7 Jul 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj165043
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
A cross-sectional study of the knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients aged 50 years or above towards herpes zoster in an out-patient setting
Anthony CY Lam, MY Chan, HY Chou, SY Ho, HL Li, CY Lo, KF Shek, SY To, KK Yam, Ian Yeung
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Anthony CY Lam (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: There has been limited research on the knowledge of and attitudes about herpes zoster in the Hong Kong population. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients aged 50 years or above towards herpes zoster and its vaccination.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in the format of a structured questionnaire interview carried out in Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club General Outpatient Clinic in Hong Kong. Knowledge of herpes zoster and its vaccination was assessed, and patient attitudes to and concerns about the disease were evaluated. Factors that affected a decision about vaccination against herpes zoster were investigated.
Results: A total of 408 Hong Kong citizens aged 50 years or above were interviewed. Multiple regression analysis revealed that number of correct responses regarding knowledge about herpes zoster was positively correlated with educational attainment (B=0.313, P=0.026) and history of herpes zoster (B=0.408, P=0.038), and negatively correlated with age (B= –0.042, P<0.001) and male gender (B= –0.396, P=0.029). Answers to several questions revealed a sizable number of misconceptions about the disease. Among all respondents, 35% stated that they were worried about getting the disease, and 17% would consider vaccination against herpes zoster.
Conclusions: Misconceptions about herpes zoster were notable in this study. More health education is needed to improve the understanding and heighten awareness of herpes zoster among the general public. Although the majority of participants indicated that herpes zoster would have a significant impact on their health, a relatively smaller proportion was actually worried about getting the disease. Further studies on this topic should be encouraged to gauge the awareness and knowledge of herpes zoster among broader age-groups.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Certain misconceptions about herpes zoster persist among Hong Kong people.
  • While a majority of participants indicated that herpes zoster would have a significant impact on their health, a relatively smaller proportion of respondents were actually worried about getting the disease.
  • Vaccination against herpes zoster is currently not common among Hong Kong people.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • More health education should be provided to improve knowledge about herpes zoster and clarify misconceptions about the disease among Hong Kong people.
  • Health promotion that includes treatment and/or prevention of herpes zoster can be explored.
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the Herpesviridae family and is an enveloped double-stranded DNA virus. Primary infection with VZV causes varicella, commonly known as chickenpox. The virus migrates to the sensory ganglia and establishes latency, by which the affected individual becomes asymptomatic. Reactivation of the virus causes herpes zoster (HZ), also known as shingles.1
Infection with VZV is the highest reported notifiable infectious disease in Hong Kong, with 8879 cases reported in 2016.2 A study in 1994 showed that antibodies against VZV were found in more than 90% of children by 8 years of age,3 illustrating that latent infection was highly prevalent. These individuals would be at risk of HZ.
Studies report the lifetime prevalence of HZ to be approximately 10% to 32%.1 4 The University of Hong Kong estimated the prevalence of HZ to be 16.8%.5 The incidence of HZ is positively correlated with age.6 Individuals who are immunocompromised7 or have a chronic disease8 may be at a greater risk of having HZ.
The viral disease HZ presents with a rash with dermatomal distribution, accompanied by vesicular eruption and neuropathic pain.7 A number of complications can result from HZ.9 Post-herpetic neuralgia, a persistent neuropathic pain in the area affected by HZ, can develop particularly in older adults.9 10 Other serious sequelae include HZ ophthalmicus, HZ oticus and bacterial skin infections, all of which adversely affect the quality of life of patients.9 These also place a significant economic burden on the health care system.11 In 2009, a study estimated the cost of treating new HZ cases in the US to be over one billion US dollars each year.12 Active HZ can be treated by antiviral therapy, such as acyclovir.7 13
The vaccine for HZ is a live vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the US in 2006 for the prevention of HZ in immunocompetent patients aged 60 years or above.14 The vaccine has been approved for use in Hong Kong since 2007.13 The FDA approved the use of the vaccine in individuals aged 50 to 59 years in 2011.15 According to the Shingles Prevention Study,16 HZ vaccine lowered the incidence of HZ by 51% and reduced the pain and discomfort of postherpetic neuralgia by 66% when compared with placebo. Similar studies to assess public awareness of HZ and its vaccination were then carried out. The Herpes Zoster Global Awareness Survey from 22 countries17 and a knowledge, attitude, and practice study in South Korea18 were conducted in 2009 and 2015, respectively. Factors promoting or limiting the prevalence of vaccination against HZ were also investigated in the latter study.18
There has been limited research conducted in the Hong Kong population to assess the knowledge of and attitudes towards HZ and the practice of vaccination. This study aimed to explore these areas.
Setting and participants
A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 11 clinic sessions during 24 July to 12 August 2015 at the Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club General Outpatient Clinic (GOPC). The GOPC is open to the general public and serves all patients who comprise mainly those with chronic or episodic disease. There were 6330 patients attending the clinic during the study period, of which approximately three quarters aged 50 years or above. These patients in the waiting area of the clinic were selected by convenience sampling to participate in this study. No additional criteria were set to allow for a higher degree of generalisability. Participants were asked to complete a face-to-face questionnaire after giving written informed consent. They were allowed to either complete the questionnaire themselves, or listen to the researcher reading the questions aloud without any additional interpretation, then answer the question verbally. Approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster and the GOPC prior to commencement of this study.
Research instrument
A questionnaire consisting of 30 items was designed; this included questions on demographics (n=3), medical history (n=4), whether the respondent had heard about HZ (n=1), knowledge of HZ (n=8) and HZ vaccination (n=6); attitudes towards preventing HZ (n=7); and whether the respondent would consider vaccination against HZ (n=1).
Statistical analysis
To estimate the proportions of participant responses to the questions about knowledge of HZ, for 95% confidence level with an expected true proportion of 50% and 5% margin of error, a sample size of 385 was obtained using the formula:
where N=sample size, Z=Z value, p=population variance, and C=margin of error
To analyse the number of correct responses associated with five demographic factors with an effect size (f2) of 0.15 and a statistical power of 0.8, an a-priori analysis was employed to obtain the sample size of 92 to achieve a 5% margin of error, using G*Power (version and the following formulae19:
N=λ/f2 and N=v+u+1
where N=sample size, λ=non-centrality parameter, f2=effect size, v=degree of freedom of the denominator of the F ratio, and u=number of predictors
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS (Windows version 23.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US). Demographic data, medical history, respondents’ attitude towards preventing HZ and decision about HZ vaccination were analysed by descriptive statistics. Regarding knowledge of HZ, the number of correct responses out of eight questions was calculated. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to evaluate the association of the number of correct responses with age, gender, educational attainment, history of HZ, and history of chronic diseases. Chi squared tests were applied to evaluate the associations in giving correct response to each question among the same five variables. A P value of <0.05 was considered significant.
A total of 496 persons were invited to participate in the study, of whom 430 agreed which corresponded to a response rate of 87%; 408 valid responses were collected. The sample was not weighted by the population because the male-to-female ratio was similar to that of the population (48:52).20 The demographic data are shown in Table 1. Approximately 40% of respondents did not know their history of chickenpox despite its high prevalence, whereas over 95% had heard of the condition of HZ. Although some respondents did not understand the medical terminology “herpes zoster”, most of them knew the Cantonese colloquial name (生蛇).

Table 1. Demographics of respondents
Knowledge of herpes zoster
Table 2 summarises the responses to the eight questions pertaining to the knowledge of HZ, in which 16 respondents who had never heard of the condition were excluded. Only 29.6% knew that chickenpox and HZ are related. Over half were unsure of the lifetime prevalence of HZ. Immunocompromised state was a well-known risk factor of HZ (84.7%). Over 70% were aware that VZV can reactivate in young ages. Rash, blisters, and neuropathic pain were the most commonly known symptoms of HZ, identified by 85.7% of respondents. Nonetheless 13.3% did not know the symptoms of HZ even though they had heard of the disease.

Table 2. Responses to questions regarding the knowledge of herpes zoster
There is a saying in Chinese society that death will ensue when the rash of HZ circumvents the body. Worryingly, only slightly less than half (48.7%) knew that this was untrue, 18.9% thought the statement was true and the remaining were unsure. Additionally, 69.6% gave the correct response that contacts of HZ patients could not acquire HZ infection directly, and 72.2% knew that HZ was treatable.
Respondents scored a mean (±standard deviation [SD]) of 4.96 (±1.72) correct responses out of eight. Over half of all subjects answered five or six questions correctly.
Of 392 participants who had heard of HZ, 11 respondents who were uncertain of their history of HZ were excluded from the multivariate regression analysis regarding the knowledge of HZ (Table 3a). The number of correct responses was positively correlated with educational attainment (P=0.026) and history of HZ (P=0.038), but negatively correlated with age per year (P<0.001) and male gender (P=0.029).

Table 3. (a) Multiple regression analysis between the number of correct responses to questions regarding the knowledge of herpes zoster (HZ) and selected demographic factors (n=381). (b) Results from Chi squared tests showing odds ratios of giving correct responses to questions on knowledge regarding HZ (n=381)
The results of the Chi squared tests and the corresponding odds ratios are shown in Table 3b. Respondents aged 65 years or above were half as likely as those aged 50-64 years to give correct responses regarding the relationship between chickenpox and HZ (P=0.007), the higher risk of HZ among immunocompromised individuals (P=0.027), and the misconception of death associated with a circumventing rash  (P=0.003). In contrast, participants with higher educational attainment were more likely than those without to give appropriate answers to the latter two questions (P=0.008 and P<0.001, respectively).
Respondents with a history of HZ (P=0.001) and those with higher educational attainment (P=0.028) were more likely to correctly identify the symptoms of HZ.
Knowledge of herpes zoster vaccination
Of 392 respondents, 148 (37.8%) had heard of the HZ vaccine. Only this subgroup was asked to answer four additional questions about the vaccine (Table 4). One respondent who did not answer the questions was excluded. On average, 1.73 (±1.00) out of four responses were correct.

Table 4. Responses to questions regarding the knowledge of herpes zoster vaccination
Nearly half of these respondents (46.9%) correctly identified the target age-group for HZ vaccination and 24.5% thought there was no age limit. Most subjects did not know that vaccination is possible regardless of history of chickenpox or HZ. Around two thirds (68.0%) were aware that the vaccine can significantly reduce the incidence of HZ, but only 49.7% knew that the vaccine is not indicated for treatment of active disease.
Attitudes and practice
Table 5 gives a breakdown of the seven questions about attitudes of respondents to HZ. Over half (52.2%) of 391 respondents (with one participant who did not answer the questions being excluded) thought they had an insufficient understanding of HZ. Almost two thirds were interested in learning more about the disease (66.2%) and its prevention (66.0%). A similar percentage of subjects (64.5%) remarked that there were inadequate channels to learn about prevention of the disease. While 76.7% believed that HZ could affect their health significantly, only 35.0% were worried about getting the disease. Almost one third (30.4%) said that they could afford the HZ vaccine.

Table 5. Responses to questions regarding the attitude towards prevention of herpes zoster
Among the subgroup who had heard of the HZ vaccine, 140 (94.6%) replied that their doctor had not mentioned or recommended the vaccine.
This study compared the vaccination rate for HZ with that of influenza and pneumococcus. The latter two vaccines are recommended by the Centre for Health Protection for those aged above 65 years and are included in the Elderly Vaccination Subsidy Scheme.21 Enquiry revealed that 26.9% and 14.3% of 391 respondents had taken the influenza vaccine in the past year and pneumococcal vaccine in the past 5 years, respectively. The figures were much higher than that for HZ vaccination (2.8%).
When asked about the reasons for not having HZ vaccination, approximately half (47.1%) replied that they were unaware of its availability. This was followed by inadequate promotion from doctors and public education (32.4%), the relatively high cost of the vaccine (28.4%), and good self-perceived health (20.3%). Lastly, 17.2% replied that they would consider HZ vaccination in the future.
This study attempted to investigate the knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards HZ and its vaccination among citizens aged 50 years or above in Hong Kong. The results were informative. They revealed that the general public do not have adequate knowledge about the diseases caused by VZV or awareness regarding the prevention of HZ. This corroborates the general opinion of having an inadequate understanding of the disease. Similar findings have been observed in other countries according to a global survey,17 in which around 67% subjects stated they had little or no knowledge about HZ.
Few respondents in this study knew that chickenpox (varicella zoster) and shingles (HZ) are caused by the same virus. Similar results have been reported by the Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong (HKUPOP).5 Certain misconception about the disease persists—death from a rash circumventing the body—is still a commonly believed myth among the middle-aged and the elderly people. This study found that the proportions of respondents who were aware of HZ and its vaccination were comparable with those reported by a study in South Korea.18
There was a significant association between educational attainment and the correct responses regarding knowledge of HZ. The positive correlation between a history of HZ and the number of correct responses, however, was only marginally significant. There may be several reasons. Physicians may not have given patients enough information about the disease with consequent persistence of misconceptions. Patients who have had the disease should not be presumed to have a better understanding than those who have not. Moreover, participants might be relatively less aware of HZ due to its less life-interfering nature: only 35% were concerned about getting the disease. Despite the relatively low perceived risk, approximately 77% opined that HZ would have a significant effect on their health, whilst 66% admitted an interest in knowing more about the disease and its prevention. Similar observations have been reported in other countries,17 where 26% predicted that they were likely to have HZ in the future, and 70% indicated that they would ask their doctors about HZ vaccination.
This study found that over 60% of respondents showed disagreement regarding whether there was sufficient accessibility to information about the prevention of HZ. This may contribute to a lack of awareness of the HZ vaccine as the most common reason in our study for non-vaccination. This serves to emphasise the substantial role of doctors in health promotion regarding HZ in future.
According to the study conducted in South Korea,18 although 85.8% of participants would consider vaccination against HZ initially, the figure fell to 59.6% when they took account of the associated cost. On the contrary, HZ vaccination was considered by 17.2% and 36.0% of respondents in this study and in the survey led by HKUPOP,5 respectively, suggesting that HZ vaccination is currently not widely accepted by the community. The situations in Hong Kong and South Korea are similar to some degree since participants expressed some interest in vaccination but associated cost and recommendations from doctors were key influences on a decision about whether or not to vaccinate.
This study could be subject to selection bias because participants were recruited via convenience sampling in one clinic only. The results obtained from this study may have limited generalisability to the GOPC setting and the general population. In future studies, representative samples may be recruited from clinics in various districts and specialties to achieve a more diverse group of people and to further confirm the associations.

Several survey responses were invalidated. For instance, some people claimed that they had not had chickenpox before but had had HZ. This is biologically implausible and may be because most people got chickenpox as an infant or child.1 3 8 This hinders accurate recall unless family member can help. Recall bias is another recognised limitation of this study. Patients with a history of HZ or other chronic diseases usually pay greater attention to their health. Their medical history was subject to self-reported bias since such information could not be retrieved from their medical records.

Another source of bias comes from non-response. Those who refused to participate in the survey (13%) stated that they were unfamiliar with the disease. The results of this study may also be affected by responses that were speculative, as reflected by the observation that some respondents tended to guess rather than answer “uncertain or do not know”. These factors may overvalue the level of understanding of the disease among the general public that could have been improved by a pilot study to design questions with clear wordings and simple language. A pilot study would help identify respondents’ strategies in answering specific questions that required recall, to better evaluate their understanding of HZ, and establish the limits of recollection, with the effect of minimising bias, and enhancing accuracy and response completeness.

Further studies may be initiated to investigate the epidemiology of HZ in Hong Kong, and clarify whether there are significant associations of HZ knowledge with specific socio-demographic groups. Similar studies should also be conducted in younger adults.

Since 2014, the varicella zoster vaccine has been incorporated into the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme, under which children will be vaccinated against chickenpox at 1 year of age and during their first year of primary education.22 23 While this may offer protection against chickenpox and HZ for future generations, more studies are needed to determine whether it is also cost-effective to offer HZ vaccination to the population aged 50 years or above. This may have notable implications for its acceptance and practice.

Hong Kong people generally have some knowledge about the symptoms of HZ, and are aware that treatment is available for active disease. Nonetheless, there remains unsatisfactory understanding of the disease progression from chickenpox to HZ, and misconceptions about the disease remain prevalent, particularly in the older age-group. The lack of knowledge that HZ is preventable may be pertinent to the relatively low awareness and acceptance of the HZ vaccine compared with that for vaccines for other important diseases such as influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. Further public education about varicella zoster and HZ, covering both disease features and effective prevention, will help to empower health, rectify misconceptions, and reduce disease burden in Hong Kong.

The authors would like to thank Dr Wendy WS Tsui and Dr Alfred SK Kwong from the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Queen Mary Hospital, for their kind permission to conduct the study in the Sai Ying Pun GOPC. We thank Dr LW Tian from the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, the University of Hong Kong, for his invaluable feedback and support. This study was conducted by medical students as a Health Research Project submitted to the School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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Are we making good use of our public resources? The false-positive rate of screening by fundus photography for diabetic macular oedema

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):356–64 | Epub 7 Jul 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj166078
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Are we making good use of our public resources? The false-positive rate of screening by fundus photography for diabetic macular oedema
Raymond LM Wong, MRCSEd (Ophth), FCOphth HK1,2,3; CW Tsang, FRCSEd (Ophth)1,3; David SH Wong, FRCOphth2; Sarah McGhee, FFPH (UK)4; CH Lam, BSc(Hons) in Optometry2; J Lian, PhD4; Jacky WY Lee, FRCSEd (Ophth)2; Jimmy SM Lai, FRCOphth2; Victor Chong, FRCOphth2,5; Ian YH Wong, FRCOphth2
1 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
3 Hong Kong Eye Hospital, 147K Argyle Street, Hong Kong
4 Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
5 Oxford Eye Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals, Oxford, United Kingdom
Corresponding authors: Dr Raymond LM Wong (, Dr Ian YH Wong (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: A large proportion of patients diagnosed with diabetic maculopathy using fundus photography and hence referred to specialist clinics following the current screening guidelines adopted in Hong Kong and United Kingdom are found to be false-positive, implying that they did not have macular oedema. This study aimed to evaluate the false-positive rate of diabetic maculopathy screening using the objective optical coherence tomography scan.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study. Consecutive diabetic patients from the Hong Kong West Cluster Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Programme with fundus photographs graded R1M1 were recruited between October 2011 and June 2013. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography imaging was performed. Central macular thickness of ≥300 µm and/or the presence of optical coherence tomography signs of diabetic macular oedema were used to define the presence of diabetic macular oedema. Patients with conditions other than diabetes that might affect macular thickness were excluded. The mean central macular thickness in various subgroups of R1M1 patients was calculated and the proportion of subjects with central macular thickness of ≥300 µm was used to assess the false-positive rate of this screening strategy.
Results: A total of 491 patients were recruited during the study period. Of the 352 who were eligible for analysis, 44.0%, 17.0%, and 38.9% were graded as M1 due to the presence of foveal ‘haemorrhages’, ‘exudates’, or ‘haemorrhages and exudates’, respectively. The mean (±standard deviation) central macular thickness was 265.1±55.4 µm. Only 13.4% (95% confidence interval, 9.8%-17.0%) of eyes had a central macular thickness of ≥300 µm, and 42.9% (95% confidence interval, 37.7%-48.1%) of eyes had at least one optical coherence tomography sign of diabetic macular oedema. For patients with retinal haemorrhages only, 9.0% (95% confidence interval, 4.5%-13.5%) had a central macular thickness of ≥300 µm; 23.2% (95% confidence interval, 16.6%-29.9%) had at least one optical coherence tomography sign of diabetic macular oedema. The false-positive rate of the current screening strategy for diabetic macular oedema was 86.6%.
Conclusion: The high false-positive rate of the current diabetic macular oedema screening adopted by the United Kingdom and Hong Kong may lead to unnecessary psychological stress for patients and place a financial burden on the health care system. A better way of screening is urgently needed. Performing additional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography scans on selected patients fulfils this need.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The current Hong Kong diabetic retinopathy screening results in a high level of false positive results, which in turn creates unnecessary psychological stress for patients and financial burden on our health care system.
  • The current screening programme can be improved by the use of optical coherence tomography scans in selected patients.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The results of our study reflect a need to revise the current Hong Kong diabetic retinopathy screening system (Risk Assessment and Management Programme; RAMP-DR).
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most common causes of blindness and its incidence increases with the duration of diabetes.1 2 3 The reported prevalence ranges from 24%-40% after 5 years to 80%-90% after 20 years of diabetes.2 3 4 Diabetic macular oedema (DME) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) are the two major causes of vision loss in DR.5 The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) showed that clinically significant macular oedema (CSME) leads to moderate vision loss in one of four patients with this condition over 3 years. Timely laser treatment reduces the risk of vision loss by half.6 In recent years, there has been a move towards the use of newer treatment modalities, such as intravitreal injection of anti–vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents that are superior to the traditional laser treatment in the management of CSME.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Screening for DR has been proven to be cost-effective in reducing significant vision loss by early detection of the pathology.15 16 17 This will subsequently reduce the financial burden caused by vision complications of DR on the health care system.18 19 A number of DR screening strategies are available with different efficacies.20 Systematic screening for DR with fundus photography has been implemented in the UK and Hong Kong, and it has been shown to be cost-effective for sight-threatening conditions from the provider’s perspective (Fig 1).21 However, the accuracy of the current DR screening protocol for DME remains unknown. With limited health care resources, improving the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of systematic screening programmes is important.22

Figure 1. (a) The left disc and part of the macula showing evidence of new vessels elsewhere (yellow arrowheads) and exudates (green arrowhead). (b) Presence of new vessels are better seen on a red-free version of the same photo (yellow arrowheads)
In Hong Kong, individuals who attend public out-patient clinics for diabetes management are offered annual fundus photography for DR screening. Eyes are graded according to the protocol adopted by the UK National Health Service (Diabetic Eye Screening Revised Grading Definitions, version 1.4, NHS Screening Programmes). Those found to have sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy (STDR), that is, patients who have their worse eye graded as pre-proliferative DR (R2 or above), maculopathy (M1) or ungradable at screening, are referred for clinical assessment by an ophthalmologist. Those confirmed to have CSME or PDR are then offered appropriate treatment.6
Unlike PDR, DME cannot be visualised with fundus photography because of the lack of stereopsis in two-dimensional photographs. Instead of appreciating the actual macular thickening, determining the presence of surrogate markers in the macula, such as retinal exudates and haemorrhages, is currently the recommended first step in predicting the presence of macular oedema from fundus photography.23
Our unpublished data from the Hong Kong West Cluster DR Screening Programme showed that the prevalence of ungradable fundus photographs was 3.8% and the rate for a positive screen for M1 by fundus photography was 14%. Those graded as M1 accounted for 86.4% of all the referred STDR cases. A similar result was found in the UK where 79% of all subjects with diabetes who were referred to ophthalmology clinics following screening were graded as M1.24 These findings indicate that M1 is the most prevalent type of STDR diagnosed at screening among subjects with diabetes in both the UK and Hong Kong. Due to the limited ability of fundus photography to visualise retinal thickening in DME, the number of false positives (ie those without DME) has become a concern. The opportunity to detect M1 at an early stage during DR screening is potentially very valuable. A high false-positive rate is perceived to increase the burden on patients and public health care resources. Because these false positive cases do not need treatment, such extra workload produces no benefit and could be considered a waste of public resources. On the other hand, it would benefit the cost-effectiveness of macular oedema detection if a screening protocol with fewer false positive results could be identified.
In recent years, optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been developed to generate highly accurate and objective information regarding the cross-sectional view of the retina. This scanning technique is fast, safe, non-invasive, contact-free, and with no radiation exposure. It is a reliable means to identify macular thickening in diabetics. Comparison of photographic-graded M1 with the findings from OCT scans can perhaps enable us to better understand the current level of false positives at screening and provide essential information to evaluate the means by which the cost-effectiveness of screening for M1 can be improved. The aims of this study were to evaluate the false-positive rate of grade M1 using the existing criteria and OCT imaging as the reference standard, and also to estimate the consequences of inappropriate specialty clinic referrals generated from the false positive results.
In this cross-sectional observational study, patients were recruited from the Hong Kong West Cluster DR Screening Programme. This programme offers annual DR screening to all diabetic patients in Queen Mary Hospital (a teaching hospital in Hong Kong) and patients referred from the Hong Kong Risk Assessment and Management Programme (RAMP-DR screening) in the Hong Kong West Cluster. In other words, this programme cares for the eye conditions of all the diabetic patients attending public sector in the Hong Kong West Cluster. There are 500 000 residents in the Hong Kong West Cluster and around 7 000 000 citizens in Hong Kong. Assuming the prevalence of diabetes mellitus to be similar across different regions of Hong Kong, Hong Kong West Cluster cares for 7.1% (500 000/7 000 000) of diabetic patients in the city. All patients who attended this programme had mydriatic fundus photographs taken for DR screening. Fundus photographs were graded by a qualified RAMP screening programme grader (an optometrist) according to the UK NHS Diabetic Eye Screening–Feature Based Grading Forms (Version 1.4). This allocated an M1 grade to subjects with the presence of exudates or retinal haemorrhages/microaneurysms within 1 disc diameter (1.5 mm) of the centre of the fovea, accompanied by a reduction in the best-corrected visual acuity to 6/12 or worse. In addition to maculopathy (M0-M1), retinopathy (R0-R3) was graded from the fundus photographs using the same screening standard. Nonetheless, because patients with moderate non-proliferative DR or worse (DR screening grade R2 or above), which constituted 3.0% of the screened population in Hong Kong,25 needed to be assessed and followed by ophthalmologists regardless of their maculopathy status (M0 or M1), these subjects do not contribute to the extra workload of specialist clinics. Therefore, the current study focused on only patients in whom maculopathy or mild retinopathy (R1M1) was revealed following screening with fundus photography.
Consecutive subjects aged 18 years or above (no upper age limit) with fundus photographs graded R1M1 were recruited from October 2011 to June 2013. Patients with retinal or choroidal conditions other than diabetes that could affect retinal thickness were excluded. Patients with media opacities such as cataract were not excluded provided the grading of fundus photography was not affected and optimal OCT scans could be obtained. Therefore, all ungradable photos were excluded from this study. Informed consent was obtained from all the patients. This study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hong Kong West Cluster.
Because the traditional gold standard for diagnosing CSME, slit lamp biomicroscopy, is subjective and difficult to validate, we used OCT imaging as the reference standard for diagnosis. Spectral-domain OCT (sd-OCT) imaging was performed with a Carl Zeiss Cirrus sd-OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin [CA], United States) on all included subjects to determine central macular thickness (CMT) using the Macular Cube protocol (average retinal thickness in the area enclosed in a 1000-µm diameter circle centred at the fovea). A CMT of 300 µm was used as the cut-off for normal macular thickness (the rationale of choosing this value will be discussed in detail in Discussion).
The OCT scans were analysed by an experienced retina specialist for the presence of OCT signs of macular oedema, namely the presence of intraretinal cyst, subretinal fluid, diffuse retinal thickening, or change in internal limiting membrane (ILM) contour. During analysis, the retina specialist was blinded to CMT value.
Statistical analyses
Only one eye from each subject was used in the analysis. For patients with both eyes graded as R1M1, only their right eye was chosen for analysis. A descriptive analysis was used to summarise the demographic characteristics of study subjects. The positive predictive values (PPVs) of different combinations of criteria were calculated with 95% confidence interval (CI). We first classified the fundus photographs into three groups according to the criteria used to grade them as M1 at screening: haemorrhages only, exudates only, or both haemorrhages and exudates. Each of these three groups was compared with the reference standard results of the OCT scan that measured a CMT of ≥300 µm to calculate the PPV of each M1 criterion at screening. We also calculated the PPV by comparing each of these three groups with the reference standard results of the OCT that measured any OCT signs of DME. Chi squared test was used to determine whether there were any significant differences in the PPVs among the three groups. The false-positive rate was obtained by subtracting the PPV from 1.
A total of 491 R1M1 patients were recruited during the study period. After excluding those with conditions that might affect macular thickness or the quality of an OCT scan such as dense cataract, 352 R1M1 patients remained eligible for analysis. The mean (± standard deviation) age of these 352 patients was 65 ± 11 years and 187 (53%) patients were female.
Among the 352 eyes analysed, 155 (44.0%), 60 (17.0%), and 137 (38.9%) were graded as M1 based on the presence of foveal haemorrhages, exudates, or haemorrhages and exudates, respectively, in the fundus photographs (Table 1).

Table 1. Incidence of OCT signs among fundus photographic signs of diabetic macular oedema and corresponding CMT
The overall mean CMT of all the subjects was 265.1 µm. The mean CMT was 256.8 µm for the patients with haemorrhages only, 270.0 µm for the patients with exudates only, and 272.4 µm for those with both haemorrhages and exudates.
Overall, only 47 (13.4%) of the 352 (95% CI, 9.8%-17.0%) eyes had a CMT of ≥300 µm (Table 1). Using the criterion of the presence of retinal haemorrhages within 1 disc diameter from the centre of the fovea, 9.0% (95% CI, 4.5%-13.5%) of eyes had a CMT of ≥300 µm, which was the lowest proportion. Applying the criterion of presence of exudates at the fovea, 15.0% (95% CI, 6.0%-24.0%) had a CMT of ≥300 µm; and in the presence of simultaneous haemorrhages and exudates, this figure was 17.5% (95% CI, 11.1%-23.9%) [Chi squared=4.70, P=0.096].
When CMT was not taken into account, 151 (42.9%) of the 352 (95% CI, 37.7%-48.1%) eyes had at least one OCT sign of DME (Table 1). The proportion of eyes with any OCT signs of macular oedema varied depending on the criterion applied to define the eye as MI. The proportion was lowest for presence of haemorrhages at 1 disc diameter from the centre of the fovea at 23.2% (95% CI, 16.6%-29.9%) followed by 51.7% (95% CI, 39.1%-64.3%) for the presence of exudates at the fovea, and 61.3% (95% CI, 53.1%-69.5%) for the presence of simultaneous haemorrhages and exudates (Chi squared=45.3, P<0.001).
Of the 47 eyes with a CMT of ≥300 µm, 95.7% were noted to have at least one OCT sign of DME, which was a significantly higher proportion than in eyes with CMT of <300 µm (34.8%, P<0.001; Table 2).

Table 2. Comparison of incidence of OCT signs between CMT of ≥300 µm and CMT of <300 µm
The PPV of the DME screening was 13.4% (95% CI, 9.8%-17.0%) and false-positive rate was 86.6% (95% CI, 83.0%-90.2%) if macular thickness was used to define the presence of macular oedema. The PPV remained as low as 42.9% (95% CI, 37.7%-48.1%) and false-positive rate 57.1% (95% CI, 51.9%-62.3%) even if the thickness criterion was dropped and presence of OCT signs of macular oedema were considered sufficient to indicate the presence of oedema.
Annual DR screening by ophthalmologists is an ideal but costly method that most health care systems can ill afford. The UK and Hong Kong adopt the fundus photography screening strategy that effectively prevents vision loss from PDR but may not be as accurate as in the screening of DME. The current study showed a high false-positive rate of 86.6% and low PPV of 13.4% in the screening for DME. Similar to our findings, a UK audit by Jyothi et al24 revealed that 79% of their M1 patients who were referred to specialist clinics did not require any intervention. Because a grade of M1 is used to estimate the presence of CSME and, ideally, all CSME patients should be treated, most of those who were not treated would be due to a false positive result (ie patients without CSME being graded as M1). Therefore, despite the absence of further evaluation of their M1 patients, the results of Jyothi et al’s study24 imply a low accuracy of the screening strategy.
To date, there is no consensus on the upper limit of normality for OCT central subfield (area within 500 µm from the centre of the fovea) thickness, but it is thought to range from 230-300 µm for time-domain OCT and 300-350 µm for sd-OCT.26 The difference between the two types of OCT machines arises because time-domain machines measure retinal thickness from the ellipsoid zone to the ILM while the spectral-domain machines use the distance between retinal pigment epithelium or Bruch’s membrane to the ILM, which are more posterior structures to the ellipsoid zone. Most benchmark studies of the effects of intravitreal anti-VEGF injections in the management of DME used time-domain OCT for assessment. The upper limit of normal CMT was defined as 250 µm in the Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (DRCR Network) study10 and READ-2 study8; 275 µm in the RISE and RIDE studies7 and the RESTORE study9; and 300 µm in the RESOLVE study.14 The DRCR Network also showed that sd-OCT measurement can be reliably converted to standard Stratus time-domain OCT measurement with conversion equations.13 If CMT of 250 µm in time-domain OCT is converted to the sd-OCT, it will range from 290.2 µm to 313.4 µm. We chose 300 µm as the cut-off value for the upper limit of normal macular thickness to distinguish abnormal from normal because our Carl Zeiss Cirrus OCT is a sd-OCT. Similar cut-off values were adopted by the DRCR Network in a recently published paper.12 In their multicentre study, when Cirrus OCT was used, 305 µm and 290 µm were used to define increased CMT for males and females, respectively.12 Using 300 µm as the cut-off in our reference standard gave a smaller number of false-positive diagnoses by traditional fundus photography screening than using a higher cut-off value, therefore favouring the current screening programme by being conservative in the estimation of false-positive rate. Another reason for using this criterion was because of the importance of the screening programme to be sufficiently sensitive to identify subtle disease states. Macular oedema is less likely to be present when CMT is <300 µm. Macular oedema should be diagnosed only when a subject’s CMT is ≥300 µm and additional criteria are met. These criteria are as follows: the presence of intraretinal cysts, subretinal fluid and/or diffuse retinal oedema (retinal thickening with areas of reduced retinal reflectivity on OCT scans) on more than one scan, or any of the above associated with a change in the ILM contour (Fig 2), including increased CMT or loss of foveal contour.27 A qualitative and quantitative assessment of the macula with OCT can objectively diagnose or exclude macular oedema.

Figure 2. Optical coherence tomography scans of a patient with diabetic macular oedema: (a) presence of intraretinal cysts (arrowheads) and change in foveal ILM contour (arrow); (b) presence of subretinal fluid (arrow) and intraretinal cysts (arrowheads); and (c) presence of diffuse retinal thickening (asterisk)
It is worth noting that some believe macular thickness should not be included as an OCT criterion for determining the presence of DME. These ophthalmologists think that as long as any OCT sign of DME (ie presence of intraretinal cyst, subretinal fluid, diffuse retinal thickening and/or change in foveal contour) is present, thickening ensues regardless of CMT. Although we agree that OCT signs signify the presence of genuine oedema, we believe it is still essential to include CMT in the diagnostic criteria because the basis for ophthalmologists treating patients with DME came from the large-scale study performed by the ETDRS group.6 The ETDRS group has proven that only patients with CSME identified ophthalmoscopically by ophthalmologists will benefit from laser treatment compared with controls. Biomicroscopic assessment of DME by an ophthalmologist, however, is less sensitive than an OCT scan in diagnosing macular oedema when retinal thickening is mild.28 29 Therefore, for diabetic patients with a CMT of <300 µm, evidence may not support treatment even if intraretinal cysts or other OCT signs of macular oedema are present, especially since laser and anti-VEGF therapies have potential side-effects. As all of the latest studies to evaluate the effects of anti-VEGF injections in the management of CSME included the CMT criteria when recruiting patients, it was appropriate to include the macular thickness criterion when setting our reference standard. In fact, Bandello et al30 have performed a subgroup analysis with RESTORE study data and showed that treatment efficacy varied among patients with different CMT, in which the visual acuity gain after treatment was less in patients with baseline CMT of ≤300 µm (time-domain OCT measurement) than for those with CMT of >300 µm. Moreover, patients with better baseline visual acuity were more likely to experience visual acuity loss following laser monotherapy. This further justifies the need for the thickness criterion to be included when considering treatment.
If CMT ≥300 µm is considered genuine thickening of the macula, regardless of the presence of other OCT signs of DME, the false-positive rate of the current screening (proportion of referred M1 patients with CMT of <300 µm on OCT) protocol is 86.6%. For every 1000 patients referred following screening to an ophthalmologist for diabetic maculopathy, 134 or fewer may require treatment because even among patients with increased CMT, the condition might not be clinically significant when it is only marginally greater than 300 µm. The cost of seeing one patient in a government eye clinic in Hong Kong is HK$600, and the marginal cost of offering one OCT scan is HK$50 (cost of operating staff and colour print-out included; administrative costs in the health care system not included). Therefore, for every 1000 R1M1 patients offered OCT, at least 866 patients will have no CSME, thus referral to an eye specialist is unnecessary. In approximate monetary terms, hospitals would save HK$469 600 per 1000 R1M1 patients (866 x $600 – 1000 x $50) if they had an OCT machine. In addition to the financial burden, the high false-positive rate of screening would lead to unnecessary psychological stress for patients.
Based on our study data, if only OCT signs, not CMT, are taken as the reference standard for the presence of genuine DME, the false-positive rate of the current DME screening is also not low at 57.1% of the screened-positive population.
A high false-positive rate of screening programmes places a huge burden on the health care system in terms of cost and manpower. In contrast, a high false-negative rate puts patients at risk of vision loss even when effective treatment is readily available.31 32 33 An increased number of patients with vision loss as a consequence of false-negative screening will, in turn, translate into a financial burden on the health care system and society. In view of the rising prevalence of diabetes and its complications worldwide,34 a more reliable and cost-effective screening strategy is needed.
We have reviewed the fundus photographs and OCT scans of R1M1 patients and endeavoured to determine why the PPV is unacceptably low. A substantial proportion of the false positive cases were graded M1 because of the presence of dot haemorrhages or microaneurysms within 1 disc diameter from the centre of the fovea together with a best corrected visual acuity of 6/12 or worse. This is one of the criteria for M1 grading in the protocol adopted by the Hong Kong RAMP-DR screening and the UK NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme. The inclusion of dot haemorrhages/microaneurysms in the definition of M1 may not be beneficial to the screening programme. For example, they are not included in the Scottish Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Programme (Scottish Diabetic Retinopathy Grading Scheme 2007 v1.1).
Further studies should be conducted to evaluate the effects of amending the grading protocol of M1 (eg by revising the grading criteria) in the current screening strategy. The false-positive rate of screening may be reduced, perhaps with minimal impact on the false-negative rate. If resources are available, the addition of OCT imaging in selected cases (eg OCT scans for all patients graded as M1), or even for all (ie OCT for all in addition to fundus photography) may also help increase the effectiveness of screening. Either way, although the false-negative rate of DR screening might be increased, the consequence is not as severe in DME screening as other screenings because CSME generally impairs vision slowly. Furthermore, all negatively screened patients will be screened again in 1 year. If there is progression of disease, signs of disease, such as presence of exudate, will likely become more prominent and be noticed at the subsequent annual screenings. Subtle changes that cannot be detected by screening will not hugely affect the patient’s vision. If the screening strategy is enhanced by performing additional OCT scans, there will be additional benefits on top of the improved accuracy in DME screening since OCT evidence of micro-structural changes to the retinal layers has been shown to correlate well with visual acuity and may have prognostic value in DME.35
Since this study recruited consecutive eligible patients from the diabetes complication screening programme and this screening programme is catered to all the public diabetic patients in the Hong Kong West Cluster, which is a representative population of Hong Kong, our findings should reflect the accuracy of the Hong Kong RAMP-DR screening programme.
Our study had several limitations, including potential selection bias due to subject recruitment solely in a public hospital, and self-selection bias due to refusal of eligible diabetic patients to participate in screening and/or screened-positive patients to participate in this study. There are a lack of accurate local epidemiological data regarding the prevalence of diabetes in the population resident in the catchment area of the screening programme and the proportion of all diabetic patients in the Hong Kong West Cluster (coverage area) who attend public services is unknown. Hence, our study subjects might not be representative of all diabetic patients in the study area. Nonetheless unlike voluntary response bias, when stratified to different severity levels (eg M0 or M1; R0, R1, R2, or R3), the presentation of DR differs little between patients in the public sector and private sector so bias should be minimal. Regarding self-selection bias, we have no data for the proportion of eligible patients who refused to participate in the screening programme. All patients who visited our clinic were those who agreed to the screening and had been referred from a general out-patient clinic or Department of Medicine of Queen Mary Hospital. All diabetic patients who are currently followed up in the public sector of Hong Kong West Cluster will attend the universal DR screening programme (RAMP). Since this is part of their diabetes follow-up, we may assume that only those who refuse such follow-up in the public sector will miss the RAMP screening. Therefore these potential sources of bias will not affect interpretation of our data. We have not documented the number of screened-positive subjects (DR grade R1M1) who refused to participate in our study, but we believe the number would have been small given our convenient location and the non-invasive nature of OCT scans, thus we should only expect minimal self-selection bias.
Another limitation of our study is that only one experienced retina specialist was responsible for determining the presence of OCT signs of DME in our subjects. Nonetheless the retina specialist was blinded to the fundus photography DR grading, and the presence of OCT signs such as intraretinal fluid and change in foveal contour were distinct and not ambiguous. As such, the lack of multiple independent investigators to determine the presence of OCT signs of macular oedema should not have induced bias or affected our findings and final analysis. This study also lacks the data regarding the false-negative rate in the current screening programme. Since the objective of our study was to evaluate the rate of false-positive referrals, only patients with eyes graded as M1 were recruited. In order to evaluate the screening system as a whole, analysis of the data of eyes graded as M0 is also essential. Moreover, the strength and weakness of the screening can be objectively assessed with the calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and false-positive and false-negative rates. Further studies in this respect are warranted.
In our study, we used the Macular Cube protocol to measure CMT, determining the macular thickness at 128 different points in the foveal region (500 µm radius from the centre of fovea). By averaging the 128 readings, the CMT of one patient was obtained. This way of measuring CMT is more reliable than performing only two scans (horizontal and vertical) when evaluating macular oedema with OCT.
The low PPV of the current DME screening adopted by the UK and Hong Kong will lead to unnecessary psychological stress for patients and place a financial burden on the health care system. An improved screening protocol, such as the addition of sd-OCT scans in selected patients or amendment of the grading protocol of the current screening programme, is necessary to improve its cost-effectiveness.
This study was supported by the Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Hong Kong. The authors would like to thank all the ophthalmologists and physicians at Queen Mary Hospital (Hong Kong) who were involved in management of the patients.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation: initial experience in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):349–55 | Epub 28 Jun 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj166030
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation: initial experience in Hong Kong
Michael KY Lee, MB, BS, FRCP1; SF Chui, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Medicine)1; Alan KC Chan, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)1; Jason LK Chan, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)1; Eric CY Wong, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)1; KT Chan, MB, BS, FRCP1; HL Cheung, MB, ChB, FRCS2; CS Chiang, MB, BS, FRCP1
1 Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan, Hong Kong
2 Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Michael KY Lee (
  A video clip showing transcatheter aortic valve implantation technique
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Aortic stenosis is one of the most common valvular heart diseases in the ageing population. Patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis are at high risk of sudden death. Surgical aortic-valve replacement is the gold standard of treatment but many patients do not receive surgery because of advanced age or co-morbidities. Recently, transcatheter aortic valve implantation has been developed as an option for these patients. This study aimed to assess efficacy and safety of this procedure in the Hong Kong Chinese population.
Methods: Data for baseline patient characteristics, procedure parameters, and clinical outcomes up to 1-year post-implantation in a regional hospital in Hong Kong were collected and analysed.
Results: A total of 56 patients with severe aortic stenosis underwent the procedure from December 2010 to September 2015. Their mean (± standard deviation) age was 81.9 ± 4.8 years; 64.3% of them were male. Their mean logistic EuroSCORE was 22.6% ± 13.4%. After implantation, the mean aortic valve area improved from 0.70 cm2 ± 0.19 cm2 to 1.94 cm2 ± 0.37 cm2. Of the patients, 92% were improved by at least one New York Heart Association functional class. Stroke and major vascular complications occurred in one (1.8%) and five (8.9%) patients, respectively. A permanent pacemaker was implanted in seven (12.5%) patients. Both hospital and 30-day mortalities were 1.8%. The 1-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortality rates were 12.5% and 7.1%, respectively.
Conclusions: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation has been developed as an alternative treatment for patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis who are deemed inoperable or high risk for surgery. Our results are very promising and comparable with those of major clinical trials.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is safe and feasible in patients with symptomatic severe aortic valve stenosis and high surgical risk.
  • Clinical outcome was very promising for up to 1 year in patients who underwent TAVI.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • TAVI should be offered to patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis who are deemed inoperable or at high risk for open heart surgery.
With improved living standards and advances in medical treatment, the respective life expectancies of males and females in Hong Kong have increased from 72.3 years and 78.5 years in 1981, to 81.2 years and 86.7 years in 2014.1 Aortic stenosis is one of the most common valvular heart diseases in the ageing population.2 The prevalence of aortic stenosis is up to 4.6% in people older than 75 years.2 After onset of symptoms, including the classic triad of chest pain, heart failure or syncope, patients with severe aortic stenosis are at very high risk of sudden death with 2-year mortality rate of up to 50% if left untreated.3 4 5 Surgical aortic-valve replacement (SAVR) is the gold standard of treatment for patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis.3 4 6 7 Many do not receive surgical treatment, however, because of advanced age or multiple co-morbidities.8 Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has recently been developed as an option for these patients who are inoperable or at high risk of SAVR.9 10
Queen Elizabeth Hospital is the first hospital in Hong Kong to perform TAVI since December 2010. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of this procedure in the Hong Kong Chinese population.
In order to introduce TAVI into Hong Kong, a Structural Heart Team comprising cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, cardiac anaesthesiologists, radiologists and cardiac nurses, was formed in early 2010 in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, which is a regional hospital in Hong Kong. All potential patients were assessed and interviewed independently by cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. Clinical assessment of functional status, transthoracic echocardiogram, transoesophageal echocardiogram (TEE), computed tomographic (CT) scan, and conventional angiogram were performed according to the protocol to assess the risks of SAVR and suitability for TAVI. The Structural Heart Team would undertake these investigations to assess whether the risks of the patients were too high for SAVR and if they were suitable for TAVI.
The correct size of the TAVI device was based on the aortic annular dimensions measured by TEE and CT scan. The preferred route of device introduction was via the femoral artery. Based on findings such as the vessel diameter, degree of calcification and tortuosity found on CT imaging, the subclavian artery or direct aortic approach was also a valid alternative. The device was implanted under fluoroscopic guidance and the correct position monitored by fluoroscopy and TEE. Patients underwent transthoracic echocardiogram prior to discharge to assess device function and exclude pericardial effusion. Post-discharge, regular clinic visits, and serial transthoracic echocardiograms were arranged to assess progress and monitor any adverse events. All complications were reported to an independent Safety Monitoring Committee of the hospital.
The first TAVI device was used in December 2010 and was a self-expanding Medtronic CoreValve device (Medtronic, Minneapolis [MN], US) [Fig 1a]. Subsequent to the introduction of its second-generation Evolut R (Medtronic, Minneapolis [MN], US) in 2015 (Fig 1b), it was used in most cases due to its improved design of recapture/repositioning ability and its smaller sheath size (18 Fr vs 14 Fr). We obtained another self-expanding device with recapture/repositioning ability (St Jude Medical Portico; St Jude Medical, Minneapolis [MN], US; Fig 1c), and a balloon-expandable device (Edwards SAPIEN XT; Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine [CA], US) [Figs 1d and 1e] in 2015. This enhanced the ability to treat a broad spectrum of patients with a wide variety of clinical and anatomical challenges. The choice of valve type was made by the Structural Heart Team, based on the anatomy of the native aortic valve, size, and calcification of iliofemoral vessels and need for alternative access.

Figure 1. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation device (reproduced with permission)
(a) CoreValve, (b) Evolut R, (c) Portico, (d) SAPIEN XT, (e) SAPIEN S3
All patients who underwent TAVI during the study period were entered into the TAVI registry of our hospital. Their baseline characteristics, procedural details, device used, and clinical outcomes were recorded. They attended for regular follow-up in our structural heart disease clinic as well as regular echocardiographic monitoring. Follow-up data were also added to the registry. Any patient who defaulted follow-up was contacted; if they had died, cause of death was retrieved from their electronic patient record of Hospital Authority of Hong Kong.
We retrieved and analysed the data of the TAVI registry. Descriptive statistics were used to report baseline characteristics, procedural results, and clinical outcomes. Analysis was performed using the Microsoft Office Excel (Mac version 2011; Microsoft, Washington, US). The study was performed in accordance with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.
Baseline characteristics
From December 2010 to September 2015, a total of 56 patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis underwent TAVI. Their baseline characteristics are outlined in Table 1. Their mean (± standard deviation) age was 81.9 ± 4.8 years, and the majority (64.3%) were male. The prevalence of severe co-morbidities was predicted as high, with a mean logistic EuroSCORE of 22.6% ± 13.4% and a mean Society of Thoracic Surgeons score of 7.0 ± 4.4. Several variables were taken into account when calculating these risk scores, such as age, symptoms at presentation, current haemodynamic status, left ventricular systolic function, baseline renal function, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, and presence of other co-morbidities such as peripheral artery disease, pulmonary disease, and cerebrovascular disease. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 54.8% ± 12.9%. Most patients had various degrees of heart failure symptoms with 22 (39.3%), 26 (46.4%), and six (10.7%) patients in NYHA class II, III, and IV, respectively. All patients had severe aortic stenosis on echocardiography, defined by standard criteria with a mean aortic valve area of 0.7 cm2 ± 0.2 cm2 and mean aortic transvalvular pressure gradient of 49.0 mm Hg ± 12.9 mm Hg.

Table 1. Baseline characteristics (n=56)
Procedural outcomes
The procedural outcomes are summarised in Table 2. Successful implantation was completed in 98.2% of patients and all procedures were performed under general anaesthesia. Transfemoral access was successful in most cases (54 patients, 96.4%) although one (1.8%) patient was treated via the subclavian approach and one (1.8%) via a direct aortic approach. The most commonly used TAVI device was a 26-mm prosthesis. A second valve was required during the index procedure in nine (16.1%) patients due to suboptimal position of the first device. Most patients (32/56, 57.1%) had no or trivial aortic regurgitation following implantation and 23 (41.1%) had mild aortic regurgitation. None had moderate or severe aortic regurgitation.

Table 2. Procedural outcomes (n=56)
Adverse events
The safety endpoints and clinical outcomes are outlined in Table 3. Conversion to open heart surgery after the procedure was necessary in two patients, one of whom had a calcified valvular leaflet that dislodged into the left atrium after device implantation and required open exploration. The other patient had incessant ventricular fibrillation, possibly due to coronary obstruction during the procedure, and required emergent cardiopulmonary bypass and open heart surgery. Pre-procedural CT revealed adequate coronary height (both left coronary and right coronary ostium >16 mm above annular plane) and adequate sinus of Valsalva diameters. The coronary obstruction was thought to be due to dislodged calcified nodules from the aortic valve leaflets. This patient eventually died despite SAVR under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support, and was the only hospital mortality (1.8%).

Table 3. Clinical and safety outcomes (n=56)
Stroke occurred in one (1.8%) patient within 30 days. New conduction abnormalities requiring permanent pacing were present in seven (12.5%) patients. There were major access-related vascular complications in five (8.9%) patients and three (5.4%) had acute kidney injury stage 2 although none required long-term dialysis and no patient had acute kidney injury stage 3 (Table 3).
Follow-up results
Most patients (55/56, 98.2%) either had regular follow-up or died. Only one patient who relocated to Mainland China was lost to follow-up, although his doctor keeps us updated regularly about his condition. The longest follow-up period was 5 years. The 30-day mortality rate was 1.8%. The NYHA functional class of patients at baseline and at 30 days is outlined in Figure 2; 92% of patients improved by at least one functional class. The mean LVEF was 57.9% ± 10.9% at 30 days. The mean aortic valve area improved to 1.94 cm2 ± 0.37 cm2 and mean aortic transvalvular pressure gradient improved to 8.1 mm Hg ± 3.4 mm Hg (Fig 3). These improvements persisted at 6-month and 1-year follow-up assessment. The 6-month all-cause and cardiovascular mortalities were 8.9% and 5.4%, respectively. The 1-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortalities were 12.5% and 7.1%, respectively (Table 3). Causes of 1-year mortality included myocardial infarction, heart failure with cardiogenic shock, liver failure, pneumonia, and sepsis with disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.

Figure 2. NYHA functional class of patients at baseline and at 30 days

Figure 3. The mean aortic valve area and pressure gradient
This is the first report to describe the clinical experience of TAVI in a major tertiary referral hospital, which is also the first hospital in Hong Kong to introduce this technology and having the largest case volume in Hong Kong up until the end of 2015. The clinical outcomes of our cohort show very promising results.
Since 2010, there have been several landmark clinical trials describing the initial clinical outcome of TAVI in both high-surgical-risk and inoperable patients. The PARTNER 1 was a multicentre prospective randomised controlled trial to investigate the balloon-expandable Edwards SAPIEN valve (Edwards Lifesciences). PARTNER 1B arm randomised inoperable patients to TAVI or best medical treatment and showed a 20% absolute reduction in mortality rate at 1 year with TAVI.9 The PARTNER 1A arm randomised patients with high surgical risk to either TAVI or SAVR and TAVI was shown to be non-inferior to SAVR in terms of mortality rate at 1 year (24% vs 26.8%; P=0.44).11 The US CoreValve pivotal trial randomised patients with high surgical risk to either TAVI using the self-expanding CoreValve or SAVR and demonstrated a significant reduction in mortality rate at 1 year in the TAVI group compared with the SAVR group (14.2% vs 19.1%; P=0.04).10 The relatively high 1-year mortality rate in those clinical trials is mainly due to their baseline multiple co-morbidities and the advanced age (mean age, 80 years) of patients. The 1-year mortality rate of 12.5% in our cohort compares well with these landmark trials. The risk profile of our patient group is nonetheless not lower (logistic EuroSCORE of 22% in our group vs 18% in CoreValve pivotal trial). This high baseline risk factor accounts for the high 1-year mortality rate although a significant proportion was related to non-cardiac causes (3 out of 7). The current view is to avoid treating the patients with too high risk and who will not benefit from this high-risk procedure. A reasonable 1-year expected survival is also a prerequisite.12 13
Other complication rates of our cohort also compared well with the landmark trials. Significant aortic regurgitation secondary to paravalvular leak (PVL) is a unique problem not uncommonly encountered following TAVI in contrast to patients who undergo SAVR in whom there is usually no residual leakage.14 15 One study showed that even mild PVL after TAVI is associated with higher mortality rate at 2 years.16 Treatment of significant PVL is by post-dilation, putting in another valve (so called ‘valve in valve’) or using a vascular plug. The rate of moderate or severe PVL in both the PARTNER 1B9 and US CoreValve pivotal trial10 was approximately 7%. No moderate or severe PVL was noted in our study due to the high rate of using two valves (‘valve in valve’) in 16% of our cohort compared with the reported 4% rate in the US CoreValve pivotal trial. With increasing experience and availability of a repositionable device, however, progressively fewer cases required more than one valve.
Some of the complications after TAVI are more disabling than others, such as stroke. The major stroke rate in both the PARTNER and US CoreValve pivotal trial was approximately 5%.9 10 Major stroke rate in one meta-analysis of more than 10 000 patients was 3.3%.17 Clinical stroke occurred in only one (1.8%) patient in our cohort. This is probably because of our small sample size, as well as the random and unpredictable nature of this complication. More cases of stroke would be expected if more patients were treated. The latest clinical trial using next-generation TAVI devices resulted in a much lower rate of stroke after TAVI (0.9% at 30 days and 2.4% at 1 year for high-risk patients).18 The aetiology of stroke after TAVI is multifactorial and includes embolism of valvular material during balloon valvuloplasty, device manipulation across an atheromatous aorta, and atrial fibrillation.19 Multiple strategies to reduce periprocedural stroke have been attempted including direct stenting, avoidance of pre- or post-dilation, use of cerebral protection devices and different antithrombotic regimens.20 21 Currently, randomised trials are underway to determine whether cerebral protection devices are useful in reducing periprocedural stroke.22
Conduction abnormality is another common event following TAVI. The reported rate of permanent pacemaker implantation to treat high-grade heart block varies from 10% to 30% and it depends very much on type and implantation depth of the device.23 24 25 26 The rate reported in the US CoreValve pivotal trial was 20% at 1 month and 22% at 1 year.10 The permanent pacemaker implantation rate in our cohort was 12.5% with the majority of our cases having a self-expandable valve. In our cohort, most pacemakers were implanted earlier on in the study period when we were more cautious about treating post-procedural conduction abnormalities.
Major vascular complications occurred in approximately 6% of patients in the US CoreValve pivotal trial and 11% in PARTNER 1 trial.9 10 Rates of major vascular complications in different observational and randomised trials range from 5% to 17%.27 The lower rate in the US CoreValve pivotal trial can be explained by the smaller size of the introducer sheath for CoreValve (18 Fr) compared with the much bigger 22-24 Fr sheath for the first-generation SAPIEN device in the PARTNER 1 trial.9 For the same reason and the relative smaller size of peripheral vessels in an Asian population, we would expect a higher rate of vascular complications. Indeed, the major vascular complication rate in our cohort was 8.9%, which is compatible with the worldwide standard. This is the result of our comprehensive use of CT angiogram for all cases from the beginning of the cohort to delineate the size of the peripheral vessels and better plan of procedural strategies.
Overall, the success of the procedure depends not only on the technical requirement in a very high-risk group of patients but also a comprehensive, multidisciplinary team approach. This ‘heart team’ approach is the cornerstone of the rapidly developing field of structural heart intervention and preferred strategies in dealing with anticipated complications.27
After the success in treating high-risk patients with aortic stenosis, the recently published PARTNER 2 trial evaluated TAVI and SAVR in patients with intermediate surgical risk. It randomised patients with intermediate surgical risk to either TAVI or SAVR; TAVI was non-inferior to SAVR in terms of all-cause mortality and disabling stroke at 2 years (19.3% in TAVI group vs 21.1% in SAVR group; P=0.25).28 Another major trial testing TAVI in intermediate-risk patients, the SURTAVI Trial ( number NCT01586910), has completed patient recruitment and the results will be available very soon.
The limitations of the current study include the relatively small sample size and a single-centre early experience. The technology is evolving and lower- or intermediate-risk patients are being treated in various clinical trials. With an increasing awareness of the disease and referrals from around the territory, the population being treated is expected to increase in the coming years.
The technique TAVI has been developed as an alternative treatment for patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis who are deemed inoperable or high risk for surgery. It has been proven in major randomised controlled trials to have an acceptable complication rate and durability in the medium term. Our results are very promising and comparable with those of major clinical trials. Long-term clinical outcomes should be diligently monitored.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
1. Women and men in Hong Kong—key statistics. 2015 Edition. Available from: Accessed 26 Jun 2016.
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Secular trends in caesarean section rates over 20 years in a regional obstetric unit in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):340–8 | Epub 7 Jul 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj176217
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Secular trends in caesarean section rates over 20 years in a regional obstetric unit in Hong Kong
WH Chung, MRCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology); CW Kong, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology); William WK To, FRCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr WH Chung (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Although caesarean section rates have been increasing over the years in both public and private sectors in Hong Kong, there has been a paucity of formal surveys on local trends in such rates. This study aimed to examine the trends in caesarean section rates over a 20-year period at a public regional obstetric unit in Hong Kong using the Robson’s Ten-group Classification System.
Methods: All deliveries in a single obstetric unit during a 20-year period (1995-2014) were classified into 10 subgroups according to the Robson’s classification. The annual caesarean section rate for each subgroup was calculated and then stratified into 5-year intervals to analyse any significant trends.
Results: The caesarean section rates in a total of 86 262 births with complete data were analysed. The overall caesarean section rate increased modestly from 15.4% to 24.6% during the study period. There was an obvious increasing trend for caesarean section in those with previous caesarean section (Robson’s category 5), breech presentation at delivery (category 6 and 7), multiple pregnancy (category 8), and preterm labour (category 10). A gradual fall in caesarean section rate from 14.4% to 10.8% was seen in primiparous women with term spontaneous labour (category 1). Statistically significant differences (P<0.001) in these trends were confirmed when the data were stratified into 5-year intervals for comparison.
Conclusion: The rising caesarean section rate may be associated with clinical management policies that allow women with relative risk factors (such as breech, previous caesarean section, or multiple pregnancy) to opt for caesarean section. This rise was counterbalanced by a decrease in primary caesarean section rate in primiparous women with spontaneous labour. The trend for caesarean section was more in line with patient expectations rather than evidence-based practice.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Pregnancy with previous caesarean section (CS) was the principal contributing factor to rising CS trend.
  • In addition, a significant increase in CS rate was observed in those with breech presentation, multiple pregnancy, and preterm labour.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • To reverse this rise, policies should aim to reduce CS rate for first births by adopting external cephalic version and safe vaginal delivery technique for twins. Vaginal delivery after previous CS can be promoted to reduce repeat CS.
  • The results of this study should encourage obstetric units to audit their own CS trends using the Robson’s classification, analyse the extent of rise for each class, identify areas for improvement, and institute appropriate changes in clinical practice.
The crude rate of caesarean section (CS) deliveries is considered an important global indicator when measuring access to obstetric care.1 Previous ecological analysis in primitive lower-income countries revealed that with the introduction of safe CS deliveries, small increases in CS rates, if performed in women with a medical indication, could dramatically reduce maternal and newborn mortality.1 2 3 On the other hand, CS rates in developed countries have risen steeply since the 1970s and 1980s4 without any obvious evidence of significant improvements in pregnancy outcome.1 5 High CS rates have since been an issue of international public health concern. In 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that there was no justification for any region to have a CS rate higher than 10% to 15%.6 There is a lack of scientific evidence of any substantial maternal or perinatal benefit from increasing CS rates and some studies contrarily have shown that higher rates may be associated with negative consequences to maternal and child health.7 8 Despite this, CS rates have continued to increase worldwide in middle- and high-income countries. The WHO-recommended upper limit of 15% has been grossly exceeded by most centres in developed countries over the last two decades.9
The lack of a standardised classification system to facilitate monitoring and comparison of CS rates in a consistent and action-oriented manner is one of the factors that makes changes to CS trends difficult to understand.10 Previous discussions often focused on total CS rates and did not yield information about the underlying reasons. The Robson’s Ten-group Classification System is one of the best methods that fulfils current international and institutional needs to monitor and analyse CS rates.11 The classification system divides women into 10 groups based on basic epidemiological and obstetric characteristics, including parity, previous uterine scar, preterm (<37 weeks) or term delivery, fetal presentation, singleton or multiple pregnancy, or whether labour is spontaneous or induced. The actual indication for CS is not needed for such categorisation. As the groups are totally inclusive and mutually exclusive, the classification system can be applied prospectively. All women who present to the labour ward for delivery can be promptly classified based on these readily available parameters. Specifically, these categories are11:
(1) Primiparous women with a single cephalic pregnancy, ≥37 weeks’ gestation, in spontaneous labour;
(2) Primiparous women with a single cephalic pregnancy, ≥37 weeks’ gestation, who have induction of labour or CS prior to labour onset;
(3) Multiparous women without a previous uterine scar, with a single cephalic pregnancy of ≥37 weeks’ gestation in spontaneous labour;
(4) Multiparous women without a previous uterine scar, with a single cephalic pregnancy of ≥37 weeks’ gestation, with induction of labour or CS prior to labour onset;
(5) Multiparous women with one or more previous uterine scar(s) and a single cephalic pregnancy of ≥37 weeks’ gestation;
(6) Primiparous women with a single breech pregnancy;
(7) Multiparous women with a single breech pregnancy, with/without previous uterine scar(s);
(8) Women with multiple pregnancies with/without previous uterine scar(s);
(9) Women with a single pregnancy with a transverse or oblique lie, with/without previous uterine scar(s); and
(10) Women with a single cephalic pregnancy at ≤36 weeks’ gestation.
Despite this increase in CS rates over the years in both public as well as private sectors, there has been a paucity of formal surveys on trends in CS rates in Hong Kong. This study attempted to analyse the secular trends in CS rates over 20 years at a single public tertiary training obstetric unit serving a stable population of around 0.7 to 1 million in the Kowloon East area. Applying the Robson’s classification to the data should allow identification of the subgroup(s) that are predominantly contributing to the steady increase in overall CS rate. The results of this study should determine whether the increase in CS rates is genuinely due to changes in patient epidemiology and risk factors or merely to changes in obstetric management.
The obstetric data from a single obstetric unit (United Christian Hospital, Kwun Tong) for the last 20 years (1995-2014) were retrieved from the Hospital Authority (HA) Obstetrics Clinical Information System. The annual data were supplied to the unit in an anonymous format with only secondary identifiers such as medical record number and hospital number. After compiling this 20-year database, basic patient characteristics that could constitute important epidemiological risk factors, such as the proportion with advanced maternal age of >35 years, percentage with previous CS or other uterine scars, induction of labour and multiple pregnancies, were calculated over the study period.
All cases that underwent CS in our unit during the study period were classified into one of the 10 groups according to the Robson’s classification,10 11 using prior characteristics or risk factors before delivery, including primiparous versus multiparous, preterm versus term, induction of labour versus spontaneous labour, cephalic presentation versus breech or other non-cephalic presentation, singleton versus multiple pregnancy, and previous uterine scar versus no previous scars. The CS rate of each of the 10 subgroups was then calculated for each year, and the trends and changes in the rate over the 20 years were examined. The total number of patients in each category was then stratified into four 5-year intervals to compare the four periods using 4 x 2 contingency tables and Mantel-Haenszel Chi squared tests for linear trends for each category. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Significant trends identified in each category were then compared with observable trends in patient epidemiological factors over the same period of time. This study was approved by the Kowloon Central/Kowloon East Ethics Committee Board.
There were 86 262 births and 17 140 CSs from January 1995 to December 2014. The annual number of deliveries over the 20 years ranged from 3350 in 1995 to 5648 in 2011. The overall CS rate increased modestly from 15.4% in 1996 to 24.6% in 2014. Parallel with the gradual increase in overall CS rate, the proportion of elective CS compared with emergency CS also gradually increased from 25%-30% for 1995-2000 to 40%-45% for 2010-2014, indicating that an increasing number of CS were performed electively and the decision was made well ahead of labour, rather than as an emergency in the intrapartum period. There were significant increases in the proportion of women with previous CS (lowest 5% in 2000 to 16.2% in 2014), advanced maternal age of >35 years (lowest 13.2% in 1995 to 24.5% in 2014), induction of labour (lowest 8.5% in 2006 to 15.9% in 2014), and multiple pregnancies (1.1% in 1996 to 3.6% in 2014) during the study period (Fig 1). The crude perinatal mortality rate also fluctuated between 2.6 and 5.3 per 1000 deliveries; the adjusted perinatal mortality rate (excluding those major congenital malformations and birth weight of <750 g) also varied with an excursion of 1.9 and 3.5 per 1000 deliveries. Due to the small number variations with absolute crude perinatal mortality ranging between 10 and 27 per year, however, no obvious trends were identified during the study. The maternal mortality rate was lower than 5 per 100 000 pregnancies throughout the two decades with many years recorded as zero, so no trends could be observed due to the small variations.

Figure 1. Trends in CS rates of major epidemiological risk factors from 1995 to 2014
Comparison of the trend in Robson’s categories 1 to 4 for primiparous and multiparous women with term spontaneous labour (category 1 and 3) or induced labour or elective CS (category 2 and 4) revealed that the group of primiparous women with term spontaneous labour (category 1) had a consistent and gradual fall in CS rate from 14.4% to 10.8%, while the group of multiparous women with term spontaneous labour (category 3) also had a slight fall from 2.1% to 1.6%. The other categories remained quite stable (Fig 2). On the contrary, obvious trends showing a dramatic increase in CS rate were observed in those with previous CS (category 5, from 29% to 61%), breech presentation at delivery (category 6 and 7, primiparous from 72% to 97% and multiparous from 69% to 96%), and multiple pregnancy (category 8, from 35% to 86%). Although the CS rate for abnormal lie or malpresentation other than breech (category 9) approached 100% throughout the period and therefore displayed no significant trend, a subtle increase in CS rate was seen in those with preterm labour (category 10, from 17% to 25%) [Fig 2]. The data were then stratified into 5-year intervals and the CS rate for each category compared using a 2 x 4 contingency table. The above observed trends were confirmed to be statistically significantly different with P<0.05 for categories 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 (Table).

Figure 2. Trends in CS rates of Robson’s categories from 1995 to 2014

Table. Comparison of CS rates in the Robson’s Ten-group Classification System for 5-year intervals between 1995 and 2014
The data were then reorganised to show the percentage contribution of each Robson’s category to the total CS rate for each 5-year interval (Fig 3a). As there were wide differences in the absolute number of women in these categories, it could be seen that the contribution of categories 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 tended to overwhelm the contribution of other categories. Thus, despite the modest fall in CS rates in category 1 over the four interims from approximately 14% to 11%, the impact on reducing the overall CS rates was predominant over other categories, amounting to almost 10% of all CS recorded. This effect, however, was counterbalanced by the contribution of categories 5 and 8 that increased the CS rates, and to the accumulated effects on increasing CS rates by other categories (Fig 3b), so that the net balance was an overall rise in CS rates from 15% to 24% within the study period.

Figure 3. (a) Percentage contribution and (b) percentage change to contribution of each Robson’s category to total caesarean section (CS) rates
The data presented above revealed a gradual increase in overall CS rate of approximately 10% over the 20-year study period. While there was a significant reduction in the primary CS rate in low-risk primiparous women with spontaneous labour, this was counterbalanced by the ever-increasing CS rate in those with previous CS, breech presentation, multiple pregnancies, and to a lesser extent those with preterm labour. The data have demonstrated the advantages of using the Robson’s classification to analyse factors that will influence the overall CS rate.
The use of the Robson’s classification is increasing rapidly and spontaneously worldwide. Despite some limitations, the 10-group classification is easy to implement and interpret.11 12 It allows standardised comparisons of data across countries and time points, and identifies the subpopulations that drive changes in CS rates. The 10-group classification was easily applied to different levels of analysis from single-centre to multi-country datasets without problems of inconsistencies or misclassification,12 13 14 15 16 enabling specific groups of women to be clearly identified as the main contributors to the overall CS rate. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that this classification can help health care providers plan practical and effective care that targets specific groups of women to improve maternal and perinatal care.13 14 16 17
According to the WHO multi-country survey,9 CS rate was as high as 46% in China, 42% in Paraguay, and 40% in Ecuador with an overall mean of 26.4% for the 21 countries in the survey. Incremental rates as high as 18% within 3 to 4 years and a total CS rate of up to 80% have been reported in some parts of China.9 18 In Hong Kong, the annual CS rate rose steadily from 16.6% to 27.4% from 1987 to 1999, indicating a 65% increase over 12 years, with the CS rates in private institutions of approximately 27.4% higher than those in the public sector.4 The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists territory-wide audit has documented an increase in overall CS rates in Hong Kong from 27.1% in 1999 to 30.4% in 2004 and 42.1% in 2009,19 a drastic increase of 12% over a 5-year interval. The annual obstetric report of the HA in 2014 also showed varying CS rates among the eight public hospitals with obstetric services, ranging from 22.7% to 32%.20 The overall increase in CS rates of approximately 10% over the 20-year period to 24%-25% (approximately 0.5% per year on average) reported in the current study was modest in rate as well as lower in absolute value compared with the figures reported above, and those reported in other countries. The slight drop in CS rates for primiparous pregnancies with spontaneous term labour may be an important factor that mitigates the surge in CS rates in the study period.
Primary caesarean section (categories 1 to 4)
The current data have demonstrated a modest drop in CS rate for primiparous women with spontaneous labour (category 1) and a slight fall in multiparous women with spontaneous labour (category 3) although the rate for all women with induced labour or prelabour CS (category 2 and 4) has remained constant. Review of the labour ward management protocol in the unit during the study period revealed that the adoption of evidence-based active management of labour protocols since the late 90s (including regular formal audits in CS rates and indications), the implementation of ‘best practices’ such as vigilant use of partograms,21 early amniotomy,22 and prompt oxytocin augmentation for slow progress23 could have contributed to the gradual but progressive fall in CS rates in these low-risk women. Similar measures in labour management have been shown in cluster-randomised trials to be associated with significant, albeit small declines in primary CS rates driven by the effects in low-risk pregnancies.24 Indeed the magnitude of fall of 1% to 2% in CS rates in such studies was similar to that observed over the two decades in the current study. As this category of low-risk primiparous women with spontaneous labour usually constitutes approximately ≥30% of the entire obstetric population, the effects of a modest fall in CS rates in this group will have a major impact on the overall rate. Other national studies to evaluate the effect of labour attempts and labour success on primary CS rates have shown that the fall in CS rates might not be persistent. After a slight drop in the late 90s, the rate started to rise again between 2004 and 2010.25 In addition, other meta-analyses have shown that the effects of such active management of labour, while consistently associated with shorter duration of labour and no discernible differences in neonatal and maternal outcome, might not be associated with significant reductions in CS rates.26 It remains to be seen whether the modest fall in CS rate in primiparous low-risk women in the current study will persist in future years. The effects of still other more drastic attempts to curb primary CS rates in primiparous women, including redefining labour dystocia,27 postponing the cut-off for active labour at 6-cm dilatation, allowing adequate time for second stage of labour, and encouraging operative vaginal delivery28 require further evaluation.
Previous caesarean section (category 5)
The rising proportion of women with previous CS who undergo repeat CS has been shown by various studies to contribute significantly to the overall rise in CS rates. For instance, at a single tertiary hospital level, it was shown that the Robson’s classification easily identified multiparous women with a previous CS scar as the leading patient group that contributed to an increase in CS rates from 38% in 1998 to 43.7% in 2011.13 Similarly, on a national scale, a French population–based study using perinatal survey data showed that a continuous rise in the CS rate was observed in three patient groups, one of which was women with previous CS.16 On an even larger scale, a WHO global survey of 97 095 women who delivered in one of 120 facilities in eight countries showed that although women with a previous CS (category 5) represented only 11.4% of the obstetric population, they were the largest contributor to the overall CS rate (26.7% of all the CSs). This highlights the great burden of repeat CS and the need to curb primary CS in order to control CS rates.17 In our study, the repeat CS rate escalated sharply from approximately 30% to 50%-60% over the two decades. This could be explained by the abandonment of the use of X-ray and computed tomographic pelvimetry as a selection tool 15 years ago to decide which patients with previous CS can undergo a trial of labour.29 As evidence accumulated that pelvimetry is imprecise and fails to predict successful trial of vaginal birth after CS,30 a liberal policy of allowing women with previous CS to choose between elective repeat CS or trial of labour was adopted since 2001. Although this policy is not based on strong evidence, the progressive increase in CS rate in this category indicates the preference of a large proportion of patients to elect repeat CS based on the relative indication of previous CS.
Breech presentation (category 6 and 7)
The Term Breech Trial published in 2000 is a good example of an important landmark study that has affected clinical protocols adopted by the unit and thus the CS rates in the study period.31 This was an authoritative randomised controlled trial which concluded that planned CS carries a reduced perinatal mortality and early neonatal morbidity for babies with breech presentation at term compared with planned vaginal birth. Although these findings have been challenged in subsequent studies,32 33 the policy of sectioning all breech babies has been widely adopted in international guidelines.34 35 Thus, while the CS rate for breech presentation was already high at approximately 70%-75% at the beginning of the study period, it increased to well over 90% in the subsequent 10 to 15 years to comply with these recommendations. Within this study period, 10%-12% of women with breech presentation at term opted for external cephalic version (ECV) and approximately 65% had achieved a successful vaginal delivery. With better counselling to achieve a higher acceptance of a trial of ECV, a decline in CS in this category can be anticipated.
Multiple pregnancies (category 8) and preterm deliveries (category 10)
The policy of allowing women with a twin pregnancy to opt for CS delivery was even more controversial. Over 90% of these CS deliveries were elective, based on maternal choice rather than emergency intrapartum obstetric indications. Over the 20 years of the study, women with a twin pregnancy in which one fetus was breech opted for CS in order to avoid a vaginal breech delivery at all costs, despite the lack of good clinical supporting evidence if the first twin is in vertex presentation.36 This further evolved into a patient expectation that all twin pregnancies should be sectioned, again despite contrary evidence from randomised controlled trials that elective CS in uncomplicated twins offers no perinatal advantage.37 The data from the current study showed that the liberal clinical policy we have adopted gradually since 2003 to accommodate such expectations has resulted in an overwhelming rise in CS rates in multiple pregnancies from >40% to >80%, far in excess of that which could be explained by a breech presentation38 or other risk factors in either twin.
Similarly, the literature has not shown any particular perinatal survival benefit for CS in preterm delivery of a cephalic-presenting fetus.39 There is also good evidence that CS delivery at very early gestations is associated with increased morbidity in the mother.40 Despite this, we observed that a large proportion of the increase in preterm CS was a result of planned iatrogenic preterm deliveries largely due to specific maternal or fetal conditions such as pre-eclampsia or early-onset fetal growth restriction with evidence of fetal compromise. The modest increase in the use of CS in these cases from approximately 19% to 23%-24% more likely reflects the obstetrician’s increasing preference for CS in the management of these cases rather than women’s choice. Nevertheless, the increase was modest and comparable with that reported in other centres.41
Transverse or oblique presentation (category 9)
The overall contribution of this class to the overall CS rate was low. Stabilising induction after ECV was performed in only a small number of highly selected cases largely because of the low success rate (<30%), so that the impact of such a practice on CS rates in this category was limited. Hence the CS rate in this class remained high throughout the study period (>96%).
Strengths and limitations
A strength of the current study was the large sample size collected over a long duration of two decades to allow significant trends to be observed. As a single-centre study, the impact of authoritative scientific guidelines or a change to liberal management policies that allowed patients with relative indications to undergo CS delivery could be readily identified. Although patient epidemiology, risk factors, and case-mix were believed to contribute to the rising CS rates observed within the study period, such effects were not observed in all categories. For example, advanced maternal age should have caused an increase in CS rates for low-risk primiparous women yet this was not observed. Changes in obstetric management protocols could also play an important role in these increasing trends. For instance, the rising repeat CS rate for women with previous CS from 36.7% to 57.0% during the study period grossly exaggerated the absolute increase in the number of CS performed in women with previous uterine scars. Liberal rules for multiple pregnancies as described above were not entirely evidence-based, but were often adopted to meet patient expectations. It remained a limitation that we could not test the temporal relationship of CS trend to changes in obstetric practice to establish a causal relationship.
In this study, it could be argued that the trends observed are specific to a public obstetric unit that did not entertain CS at the mother’s request in the absence of any clinical indications. However, CS rates have been observed to rise similarly in all other HA hospitals as reflected in the HA annual obstetric reports since 1999. We believe that our practice is similar to that of other public institutions in Hong Kong and that our observations can serve to encourage other obstetric units to audit their own trends, analyse the extent of rise in each Robson’s category, and identify the target groups that contribute most significantly to the rise in CS rates. Appropriate changes may then be made to clinical management protocols.
The most significant trends in an increase in CS rates were in line with the clinical practice towards CS for those with relative indications such as previous CS, breech presentation, and multiple pregnancies. The drop in CS rates for primiparous pregnancies with spontaneous term labour could be ascribed to more vigilant active labour management, and because the large absolute number in this group had the effect of mitigating the overall surge in CS rates. The overall increase in CS rates of approximately 10% over the 20-year period was modest compared with figures reported previously in Hong Kong and in other developed countries.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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Medium-term results of ceramic-on-polyethylene Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):333–9 | Epub 10 Mar 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj164949
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Medium-term results of ceramic-on-polyethylene Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty
H Li, MD1*; S Zhang, MD2*; XM Wang, MD3; JH Lin, MD1; BL Kou, MD1
1 Arthritis Clinic and Research Center, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, No.11 Xizhimen South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100044, China
2 Orthopaedic Department, Beijing Dongchengqu First People’s Hospital, Beijing, 100075, China
3 Orthopaedic Department, Beijing Moslem Hospital, Beijing, 100054, China
* The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Corresponding authors: Dr JH Lin (, Dr BL Kou (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The need for better durability and longevity in total hip arthroplasty for patients with various hip joint diseases remains a challenge. This study aimed to obtain medium-term results at a follow-up of >10 years for Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted to review the results after a minimum of 12.4 years of 207 consecutive total hip arthroplasties in 185 patients in Peking University People’s Hospital in China using the Zweymüller SL-Plus stem in combination with the Bicon-Plus threaded cup and ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing between October 1994 and April 2000.
Results: During the study period, two patients (2 hips) died and 25 patients (28 hips) were lost to follow-up. Two hips were revised for aseptic loosening of the Bicon-Plus cup. The mean clinical and radiological follow-up was 14.1 years (range, 12.4-16.5 years) for the remaining 156 patients (175 hips). The mean (standard deviation) Harris Hip score for the 175 hips increased significantly from 39.3 (3.8) preoperatively to 94.1 (2.5) postoperatively at a mean follow-up of 14.1 years (P<0.05). Focal osteolysis was observed in seven (4.0%) of 175 stems and three (1.7%) of 175 cups. The Kaplan-Meier survival with revision for any reason as the end-point was 99.03% (95% confidence interval, 95%-100%).
Conclusions: The high survival rate of the cementless Zweymüller-Plus system with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing at mid-term follow-up makes this total hip arthroplasty system reliable for patients with various hip joint diseases.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This study determined the medium-term outcome of Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty (THA) with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Zweymüller-Plus THA has a good medium-term outcome and is reliable for patients with various hip joint diseases.
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is considered one of the most effective therapies for a variety of hip joint diseases. The cemented THA has been successfully performed since the 1960s but has been widely criticised in several postoperative follow-up studies for its later loosening.1 2 During the 1970s, cementless THA with different principles of fixation and various new materials was introduced. This prosthesis had good biocompatibility and its specific surface structure could achieve secondary fixation to bone that could avoid later loosening.3
The Zweymüller-Plus system (Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG; Rotkreuz, Switzerland), a kind of cementless THA that comprises the SL-Plus stem and Bicon-Plus cup, was introduced in 1993 as a successor to the Alloclassic system.4 It has been widely used for primary THA. Because of aseptic loosening due to polyethylene wear, alternative bearings were introduced.5 6 These alternative bearings included metal-on-metal, ceramic-on-ceramic, and ceramic-on-polyethylene articulation.7 8 The Zweymüller-Plus THA system with the ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing has been reported to have superior survival and durability at 10 years’ follow-up than other bearings.9 Additionally, in the mid-1990s in mainland China, the Zweymüller-Plus THA with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing was the most common type of hip prosthesis. We report the results after a minimum of 12.4 years of an independent series using Zweymüller-Plus THA with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing in a historical follow-up study.
Between October 1994 and April 2000, a total of 207 Zweymüller-Plus total hip replacements (Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG) with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearings were performed in 185 consecutive patients at Peking University People’s Hospital in China. The institutional review board of Peking University People’s Hospital approved this study, with the requirement of patient informed consent waived because of its retrospective nature.
Data on the patients including gender, age, hip distribution, initial diagnosis, complications, reason for revisions, and clinical outcome were obtained from the hospital database and retrospectively reviewed. Basic demographic data and indications for implantation of the prosthesis were collected.
The acetabular component was the Bicon-Plus cup (Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG), a biconical threaded cup made of hot-forged pure titanium (Fig 1). The Bicon-Plus cup has a microroughness of 4-6 µm and no coating on the microporous outer surface. The polyethylene inlay of the Bicon-Plus cup is made of conventional ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene that has been sterilised by gamma irradiation.
The femoral component was the SL-Plus stem, a cementless, rectangular, dual-tapered straight stem made of a wrought Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy with a microporous surface roughness of 4-6 µm (Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG; Rotkreuz, Switzerland; Fig 1). The femoral head with a diameter of 28 mm was made of high-grade alumina ceramics (the third-generation alumina ceramics). The edges of the SL-Plus stem were rounded to reduce the occurrence of distal femoral cortical thickening. The combination of polyethylene inlay with the 28-mm diameter ceramic femoral head constituted the ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing surface.

Figure 1. The Bicon-Plus cup with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearings and the SL-Plus stem
Reproduced with permission from Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG
Perioperative care
All THAs were performed by the senior surgeon (BL Kou) through a modified Hardinge direct lateral approach. The mean (± standard deviation) desired acetabular position was 45° ± 10° of abduction and 15° ± 10° of anteversion, the femoral position was 5°-10° of anteversion: both were evaluated by postoperative X-ray. In order to facilitate optimal insertion of the bone, the bone had to be shaped to the Bicon-Plus cup by matched directional devices. All patients received prophylactic antibiotics prior to surgery and subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin calcium for prophylaxis against thrombosis for 2 weeks postoperatively. Patients were discharged after a mean of 5 days after surgery. Mobilisation with full weight-bearing was encouraged the day after surgery. At postoperative 6 weeks, rehabilitation exercises were commenced and the hip joint mobilised.
Clinical and radiological assessment
The Harris Hip score (HHS),10 which is a disease-specific health-related quality-of-life instrument and widely used to evaluate physical function and pain relief in patients with various hip diseases, was used to clinically evaluate patients preoperatively, postoperatively, and at the most recent follow-up. Anteroposterior and lateral supine radiographs of the hip and femur were analysed for radiolucencies, osteolysis, and migration of the components, and compared with radiographs taken 2 weeks after surgery. Osteolytic areas and radiolucencies adjacent to the SL-Plus and Bicon-Plus were evaluated using the zones described by Gruen et al11 and DeLee and Charnley,12 respectively. Osteolysis was described as a sharply demarcated radiolucent space with rounded or scalloped appearance that was >2 mm wide.13 The migration of the cup was defined as movement of ≥3 mm in a horizontal or vertical direction and stem migration was defined as a change in position of >4 mm relative to the mid-lesser trochanter. Femoral implant stability was assessed by the radiographs according to the criteria of Engh et al,14 as stable with osseointegration or fibrous tissue ingrowth, or as unstable. Heterotopic ossification was evaluated using the criteria described by Brooker et al.15 Liner wear was determined by subtracting the thickness of the polyethylene on the first radiograph of the hip postoperatively in the standing position from the last available control radiograph corrected for enlargement and determined in relation to the diameter of the head component.15 We only included cases of annual liner wear of >0.1 mm/year due to the lack of precision of these measurements.
Statistical analysis
Demographic and X-ray variables were assessed with descriptive statistics. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses16 with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to determine the survival rate with the use of several end-points: revision for any reason or revision for aseptic loosening for each component of the THA system. All patients were included in the Kaplan-Meier analysis. Patients who died were censored at their date of death and patients who were lost to follow-up were censored at the date of last assessment. Continuous variables of HHS were compared using a two-sided Student’s t test. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Windows version 19.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) was used to analyse the collected data. A P value of <0.05 was considered significant.
Demographic data of patients and indications for implantation of the prosthesis are listed in Table 1. There were 95 women and 90 men, and the mean age (± standard deviation) at the time of the index surgery was 57.8 ± 13.8 years (range, 16-72 years). Overall, 161 patients (183 hips) underwent primary THA only and the most common indication was ischaemic femoral head necrosis (58 hips). Other indications included ankylosing spondylitis and femoral neck fracture (Table 1). Another 24 hips underwent surgery for revision (15 for aseptic loosening, 6 for migration of the acetabular component, and 3 for deep infection) and the mean time between the primary THA and this revision was 3.2 years.

Table 1. Patient demographics and distribution of hips
As shown in Figure 2, two patients (two hips) died without a revision prior to death for reasons unrelated to the surgery; the time between operation and death were 4.2 years and 5.1 years, respectively. Twenty-five patients (28 hips) were lost to follow-up. The main cause for patients lost to follow-up was change of residence and/or phone number. Revision was performed in two patients (two hips). A total of 156 patients (175 hips) were available for clinical and radiological evaluation, with a mean time between operation and final evaluation of 14.1 years (range, 12.4-16.5 years).

Figure 2. Schematic presentation of patient status at the most recent follow-up
There were two (0.97%) revisions in the whole series of 207 hips. An example of good results at 16.5 years of follow-up is shown in Figure 3. The stem alone had not been revised in any hip. The Bicon-Plus cup alone had been revised in two hips, both for aseptic loosening. Radiographs of aseptic loosening of acetabular components before and after revision at 10.7 years until the latest follow-up are shown in Figure 4. Both revision surgeries were performed on men after 10.7 and 16.5 years postoperatively. No perioperative complications were observed after revision and the HHS were 92 and 96 post-revision, respectively.

Figure 3. An example of good outcome with Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty
Radiographs were taken from a 59-year-old female who underwent Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty at 16.5 years of follow-up in April 2012: (a) preoperative, (b) at 2 years of follow-up, (c) at 16.5 years of follow-up

Figure 4. An example of aseptic loosening of acetabular components
Radiographs were taken from a 56-year-old female who underwent Zweymüller-Plus total hip arthroplasty at 10.7 years of follow-up in July 2012: (a) before revision and (b) at 10 years of follow-up after revision
There were no other re-operations at the time of most recent follow-up. Two hips (two patients), however, showed excessive polyethylene wear of the liner although both were asymptomatic. Liner exchange was recommended but both patients refused. They were closely monitored for observation of wear progression and osteolysis development.
Radiological evaluation of surviving hips
Non-progressive radiolucent lines around the femoral component (<1 mm) were found in seven (4.0%) of 175 stems, all limited to the proximal femur (Gruen zone 7). Comparison of early and late postoperative radiographs revealed no signs of osteolysis in the distal femoral zones or subsidence of femoral prosthesis of >1 mm. Intramedullary ossification was found in five (2.9%) of 175 stems. There was no excessive liner wear in the remaining 173 hips.
Non-progressive radiolucent lines of <2 mm were found around the Bicon-Plus cup in three (1.7%) of 175 hips in DeLee-Charnley zone III. No extensive peri-acetabular osteolysis radiographically of >2 mm was observed in any hip. Heterotopic ossification was found in 23 (13.1%) of 175 hips with various degrees according to the criteria by Brooker et al.15 Among the 23 hips, 11 hips were considered Brooker grade I, eight hips were Brooker grade II, and the remaining four were Brooker grade III.
Clinical evaluation of surviving hips
A total of 156 patients (175 hips) were available for clinical and radiological evaluation. The mean HHS for the 175 hips increased significantly from 39.3 ± 3.8 preoperatively to 94.1 ± 2.5 postoperatively at a mean follow-up of 14.1 years (P<0.05).
Intra-operative complications including pulmonary and deep vein thrombosis were not observed in any patient. Surgical complications including calcar cracks, femoral fracture, deep infection, and dislocation did not occur in any patient. In addition, no medical complications were observed in cardiac, urinary, or psychiatric aspects.
Survival analysis
The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, with the end-point being revision of any component for any reason, estimated the 14.1-year (minimum follow-up of 12.4 years) survival rate at 99.03% (95% CI, 95%-100%). Since the reason for both revisions was aseptic loosening of the Bicon-cup, the survival rate at a minimum of 12.4 years of follow-up with removal of any component for aseptic loosening and the probability of survival of acetabular components with revision for any reason were both 99.03% (95% CI, 95%-100%). In addition, the survival rate of the SL-Plus stem with revision for any reason was 100%. The worst case survival of this ceramic-on-polyethylene THA, when taking the two pending revision cases into account, with removal of any component for any cause as the end-point was 98.07% (95% CI, 84%-100%).
Medium- to long-term follow-up studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of orthopaedic implants in patients with various hip diseases. The present study was conducted in a group of 207 hips after a mean follow-up of 14.1 years to evaluate the medium-term effectiveness of the Zweymüller-Plus THA with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearings.
The main finding of this study was the relatively high survival rate of both implant components (100% for the femoral component and 99.0% for the acetabular component). The worst survival when taking the pending revisions into account was still 98.1%. Although methodological differences and dissimilar implant designs can limit comparison of different THAs, the survival rate of the stem and cup in our series is comparable or even higher than previous descriptions for other THAs, especially the Alloclassic system (Zimmer, Winterthur, Switzerland). Bonnomet et al17 reported that the 10-year survival with stem revision for any reason as the end-point of the Alloclassic-SL grit-blasted titanium stem in primary THA was 99.2%. For Alloclassic THAs with/without hydroxyapatite coating on the fixation of a cementless femoral stem, the 15-year survival of the stem for the event (revision for any reason) was 98.1%.18 For another cementless Zweymüller-Alloclassic system, a survival rate of 98% for the stem and 85% for the cup at 15 years with revision for any reason as the end-point has been reported.19 Femoral survival and acetabular survival with the Alloclassic system are shown in Table 2.17 18 19 20 Consistent with our results, long survival of Zweymüller-Plus components with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearings has been reported previously. A retrospective analysis of results after a mean follow-up of 11 years by Korovessis et al21 showed that the rate of survival was 100% for the Bicon-Plus and 98% for the SL-Plus. As a successor of the Alloclassic system, there are several improvements in the Zweymüller-Plus system. The sharp edges of the Alloclassic stem have been rounded in the SL-Plus stem and this may avoid distal stress concentration, cortical thickening, and subsequent thigh pain.22 23 Moreover the Bicon-Plus cup has inherent advantages over the Alloclassic cup when implanted in hips with deficient or deformed acetabulum since positioning of the biconical threaded cup does not require removal of so much spherical acetabular bone.21 All these features make the Zweymüller-Plus system hypothetically practical and stable.

Table 2. Comparison of survival studies
The type of bearing couple may be the major limitation for longevity of well-fixed hip implants.24 A previous comparison of four bearings revealed that ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing couple achieved the best results for revision for any reason (98.1%).9 Similar to a previous description, the survival of the ceramic-on-polyethylene bearings in the Zweymüller-Plus system was relatively high in our study (99.0%). Ceramic bearings have several advantages over other bearings such as a low coefficient of friction, low wear rates, and less biologically reactive debris.25 26 27 They also have several drawbacks such as susceptibility to fracture,28 although they avoid the adverse qualities associated with polyethylene.9 In our study, there were no revisions due to ceramic fracture.
The problems with polyethylene wear and osteolysis are often considered to compromise the long-term survival of implants. In an analysis based on the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register, Hallan et al29 showed that high revision rates for polyethylene wear and osteolysis lead to an obvious decline in survival after 10 years. There is an improvement in osteolysis of the Alloclassic cup compared with cemented polyethylene cups with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing surfaces, since radiolucent lines and osteolysis in the Alloclassic cup were evident in 0% to 6% of cases after 9.3 to 12 years19 30 while osteolysis around cemented cups was present in 11% at 11.2 years.31 In our study, radiolucent lines and osteolysis in the Bicon-Plus cups was 1.7% at 14.1 years, which is lower than that in previous reports.19 30 Additionally, the osteolysis and radiolucent lines were all located proximally and did not extend around the distal part of the stem. The osteolysis rate (4%) of the SL-Plus stem at 14.1 years was also lower.
Our findings were tempered by the limitations inherent in our study design. The retrospective design and the high number of patients lost to follow-up might lead to excessively optimistic results. In addition, patients who died or who were lost to follow-up were not included in the clinical analysis although their data were included in the survival calculation to minimise the bias. Despite these limitations, our study with a relatively long follow-up and a large number of patients provides evidence of the clinical durability of the ceramic-on-polyethylene Zweymüller-Plus THA.
Our results indicate that the Zweymüller-Plus system with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing showed a long survival and durability at a mean follow-up of 14.1 years, along with an improvement in osteolysis of both the SL-Plus stem and Bicon-Plus cup. Longer follow-up is still necessary to monitor the long-term outcomes for the Zweymüller-Plus system with ceramic-on-polyethylene.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Triplet pregnancy with fetal reduction: experience in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Aug;23(4):326–32 | Epub 23 Jun 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj176267
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Triplet pregnancy with fetal reduction: experience in Hong Kong
WT Tse, MB, ChB, MRCOG; LW Law, MB, ChB, MRCOG; Daljit S Sahota, PhD; TY Leung, MD, FRCOG; Yvonne KY Cheng, MB, ChB, MRCOG
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Yvonne KY Cheng (
  A video clip showing triplet pregnancy with fetal reduction skills
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Introduction: Triplet and higher-order multiple pregnancies are well known to be associated with increased adverse outcomes. This study reviewed the perinatal outcomes in women with a triplet pregnancy who underwent fetal reduction versus expectant management at a university hospital in Hong Kong.
Methods: This was a retrospective review of triplet pregnancies at Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong from 1 January 2008 to 30 September 2014. Women carrying a triplet pregnancy were classified as having had expectant management, fetal reduction to twins, or fetal reduction to a singleton. Maternal and pregnancy characteristics were compared. Outcome measures included fetal loss, gestational age at delivery, birth weight, neonatal survival rate, neonatal death, neonatal complications, and need for and length of neonatal intensive care unit stay.
Results: A total of 52 triplet pregnancies were identified. One pregnancy that was lost to follow-up and one that was terminated were excluded. The majority of pregnancies (84%) were the result of assisted reproductive technology. Fetal reduction was performed in 26 (52%) pregnancies, of which 22 were reduced to twins and four to a singleton. The mean gestations at delivery were 32.6, 35.2, and 39.6 weeks in the expectant management, fetal reduction to twins, and fetal reduction to a singleton groups, respectively. Significantly more pregnancies with expectant management resulted in a preterm birth. All pregnancies with fetal reduction to a singleton resulted in a term birth. A higher mean birth weight, lower neonatal death rate, and reduced need for admission to and length of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit were observed in the fetal reduction groups.
Conclusions: Approximately 50% of women with a triplet pregnancy in Hong Kong elected to undergo fetal reduction. This was associated with a significant reduction in extreme preterm delivery and associated morbidity and mortality.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This is the first study of fetal reduction in triplet pregnancy in Hong Kong.
  • About half of women with a triplet pregnancy in Hong Kong would elect to undergo fetal reduction.
  • Fetal reduction can significantly prolong the gestation at delivery and significantly reduce preterm delivery to <32 weeks.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Women with a triplet pregnancy should be adequately counselled on the benefits and risks of fetal reduction to allow them to make an informed decision.
The recent increasing availability and popularity of assisted reproductive technology (ART) has resulted in an increase in the incidence of multiple pregnancies.1 In the United States, the incidence of triplet pregnancies has increased two- to three-fold since the early 1980s.2 In Hong Kong, there was a 2.3-fold increase in ART procedures from 2009 to 2015, reaching over 11 000 procedures per year.3 The Council on Human Reproductive Technology of Hong Kong issued the Code of Practice on Reproductive Technology & Embryo Research in 2013 and limited the number of embryos transferred per cycle to three. Despite this recommendation, there has been no drop in the number of multiple pregnancies following ART, and the rate has remained at 6% since 2010.3 Thus multiple pregnancy is still a major obstetric concern in Hong Kong.
Triplet and higher-order multiple pregnancies are well known to be associated with increased adverse outcomes including maternal medical complications, pregnancy loss, intrauterine growth restriction, and preterm delivery. Triplet pregnancies have a four-fold increased risk of birth of <29 weeks compared with twin pregnancies.4 This is of particular concern as it significantly increases the perinatal morbidity and mortality due to prematurity. The risk of infant death in triplets is 3 times higher than that in twins.4
Reduction of triplets or higher-order multiple pregnancies has been performed since the 1980s. A meta-analysis of the early prospective non-randomised studies suggested that reduction of triplet pregnancies was associated with a reduction in maternal and fetal adverse outcomes.5 More importantly, the rate of early premature delivery (<32 weeks) can significantly be reduced following fetal reduction (FR), from 26%-33% to 5.5% for FR to a singleton and 10%-17% for FR to twins.6 7 8 Nonetheless, it is associated with procedure-related pregnancy loss in 4.5%-9.6% of cases when performed by fetal intracardiac injection of potassium chloride (KCl), and 8.8%-15% for cord coagulation.8 9 10 11
The objective of this study was to compare the perinatal outcomes for triplet pregnancy with and without FR at a university hospital in Hong Kong.
This was a retrospective cohort study conducted at Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. Triplet pregnancies with an expected date of confinement from 1 January 2008 to 30 September 2014 were retrieved from the prenatal diagnostic unit database and the Specialty Clinical Information System database. Demographics, and pregnancy and perinatal outcomes were reviewed. The data retrieval and review were performed by the first author, a medical officer from the department, who was not blinded to the study hypothesis. Women who carried a triplet pregnancy were classified into three groups: expectant management, FR to twins, or FR to a singleton.
Chorionicity and amnionicity were assessed during the first trimester by ultrasound. Women with a triplet pregnancy were offered counselling about the benefits and risks of expectant management versus FR to twins or a singleton. Specifically, women were counselled that approximately one third of triplet pregnancies resulted in preterm birth before 32 weeks of gestation. The aim of FR was primarily to reduce the risk of early preterm birth. Such risk can be reduced to 10%-18% following FR to twins and to 5%-8% if reduced to a singleton, although the procedure associated with a miscarriage rate of 5%-15%, depending on the method used.6 7 8 9 10 11 Ultimately, the decision for FR to twins or a singleton was dictated first by the mother’s wishes and second by whether FR was technically feasible. All procedures were performed in accordance with the Offences Against the Person Ordinance. The FR procedures carried out at the Prince of Wales Hospital were performed under real-time ultrasound guidance by Maternal and Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialists or supervised trainees. Some procedures were performed in the private sector. Choice of fetus(es) to be reduced depended on the presence of fetal abnormalities, placental location, and technical feasibility. Fetal gender was not revealed to the parents to avoid gender selection. Fetal intracardiac KCl injection was performed in fetuses with a separate placenta, that is, in trichorionic triamniotic (TCTA) triplets or when feticide was performed in both monochorionic fetuses of a dichorionic triamniotic (DCTA) pregnancy. A 20G needle was inserted transabdominally into the fetal heart and 1-5 mL of 14.9% KCl injected until fetal asystole was observed. Bipolar cord coagulation (BPC) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the umbilical cord was performed in monochorionic fetuses in DCTA or monochorionic triamniotic (MCTA) triplets. In BPC, a 2-mm or 3-mm bipolar forceps was inserted transabdominally through a 3.9-mm trocar (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) and the umbilical cord was grasped. Electrocautery was performed at a power setting of 20-60 W for a duration of 30-60 seconds. Two to three adjacent sites on the cord were cauterised. Cessation of blood flow through the umbilical cord was confirmed by colour and/or pulsed wave Doppler. In RFA, the radiofrequency needle (LaVeen SuperSlim Needle Electrode radiofrequency probe, 17G, 15 cm long; Massachusetts, United States) was inserted percutaneously into the fetal abdomen at the site of cord insertion. The prongs of the device were deployed and radiofrequency energy was applied in a stepwise fashion starting from 30 W and progressing to a maximum of 100 W; each energy level lasted no more than 2 minutes. Energy was applied until no blood flow was observed in the umbilical cord by colour and pulsed wave Doppler and a terminal fetal bradycardia was detected.
Women were discharged within 24 hours of the procedure, and were followed up 1 week later to confirm viability of the remaining fetus(es). Women who carried triplets and elected expectant management underwent elective caesarean delivery at 34 weeks. Monochorionic twins were delivered at 37 weeks and dichorionic twins at 38 weeks. Earlier delivery was indicated if there were maternal or fetal complications. The pregnancy outcomes studied included any pregnancy loss, gestational age at delivery, birth weight, neonatal survival rate, neonatal death, and neonatal complications: respiratory distress syndrome, chronic lung disease, intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotising enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity, neonatal sepsis, need for neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) care, and median length of NICU stay.
Ethics approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board (CREC Ref No: 2016.697) with informed consent waived. The SPSS (Windows version 21.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US) was used for statistical analysis. Fisher’s exact test was used for categorical data, and Student’s t test for comparing the means between the expectant management and FR groups. A P value of <0.05 was taken as statistically significant.
There were 52 triplet pregnancies during the study period. Two cases were excluded from analysis as one was lost to follow-up after 13 weeks of gestation, and the other had a termination of pregnancy (TOP) at 8 weeks for social reasons. Of the included pregnancies, 84% (42/50) were the result of an ART procedure, of which 14 resulted from ovulation induction and 28 from in-vitro fertilisation. Among those conceived by ovulation induction, seven also included intrauterine insemination. In these 42 pregnancies conceived by ART, 33 (78.6%) were TCTA, eight (19.0%) were DCTA, and one (2.4%) was MCTA.
In the 50 cases included in the analysis, 26 (52.0%) pregnancies underwent FR and the remaining 24 (48.0%) had expectant management. Of the 26 cases of FR, 22 (84.6%) were reduced from triplets to twins and four (15.4%) from triplets to a singleton. Two of the pregnant women in the expectant management group elected FR, however, this could not be done due to technical difficulties and so they were managed conservatively. All except three FR procedures were performed at the Prince of Wales Hospital between 10 and 13 weeks of gestation. The three cases of FR performed in the private sector had fetal intracardiac KCl injection between 7 and 9 weeks of gestation.
Maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes are shown in Table 1. Women who underwent FR were 1 to 2 years older than those who elected expectant management. Parity, method of conception, chorionicity, and method of feticide between the three groups were similar. There was no miscarriage of the whole pregnancy in any of the three groups although five pregnancies that were managed expectantly had spontaneous fetal loss of one of the fetuses, and one pregnancy with FR to twins miscarried one twin following FR. The numbers of spontaneous fetal losses before 24 weeks (ie miscarriage rate) were 6.9% (5/72) and 2.1% (1/48) in the expectant management group and FR group, respectively, and there was no statistical significance between the two groups. There were three cases of preterm rupture of membranes (ROM) following FR and in all three cases the parents elected TOP. One woman had fetal intracardiac KCl injection to reduce a TCTA triplet pregnancy to twins at 11 weeks, but ROM occurred at 15 weeks of gestation. In the other two cases where feticide was performed to reduce the triplets to a singleton, one was a case of MCTA triplets reduced to a singleton with BPC of two fetuses at 13 weeks, and the other was TCTA triplets reduced to a singleton by fetal intracardiac KCl injection in two fetuses at 11 weeks of gestation. For these two cases, ROM occurred at 1 day and 11 weeks after FR, respectively. There were only two cases of cord coagulation in this study. Apart from the case of BPC in MCTA triplets that resulted in ROM, the other case was also MCTA triplets with RFA performed at 12 weeks for FR to twin pregnancy. The procedure was uncomplicated and the twins were subsequently delivered at 35 weeks of gestation. The gestational age at delivery was significantly higher in the FR groups. The mean gestation at delivery was 32.6 weeks in the expectant management group versus 35.2 and 39.6 weeks in the FR to two fetuses and one fetus, respectively. The risk of extreme preterm delivery was also significantly lower in those with FR (P=0.001). In women with expectant management, 16.7% had extreme preterm delivery of <28 weeks, and 29.2% delivered before 32 weeks. In women with FR to two fetuses, there was no case of extreme preterm delivery of <28 weeks, and 23.8% delivered before 32 weeks. All pregnancies with FR to a singleton had term birth. None of the pregnancies was complicated by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and intrauterine growth restriction occurred in only two and one pregnancies in the expectant management and FR to twins groups, respectively.

Table 1. Maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of triplet pregnancies
The neonatal outcome of the fetuses who survived beyond 24 weeks are reported in Table 2. There were two intrauterine fetal deaths, one in the expectant management group and one in the FR to twins group. All seven neonatal and post-neonatal deaths occurred in the expectant management group. These infants were all delivered <25 weeks and died of complications of prematurity. The mean birth weights in the FR groups to twins and a singleton were 553 g and 1073 g higher than that in the expectant management group, respectively. The need for NICU care (P=0.003) and length of NICU stay (P=0.040) were significantly higher in the expectant management group with no FR. Neonatal morbidities including respiratory distress syndrome, chronic lung disease, intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotising enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity, and neonatal sepsis were not statistically significant between the groups.

Table 2. Neonatal outcome in fetuses surviving beyond 24 weeks
Multiple pregnancy is an increasingly important problem in obstetric practice as a result of the success of fertility procedures. Their incidence is expected to continue to rise as fertility services both in Hong Kong and in other nearby countries such as Taiwan, Thailand, and Mainland China become more accessible and affordable. As shown in our cohort, over 80% of triplet pregnancies were conceived by ART. This is the first study of the outcomes of triplet pregnancies following FR in Hong Kong. Of note, FR may not be acceptable to all parents, and parental choice has a strong influence on decisions about intervention. To make the best informed choice, parents should be counselled adequately on the benefits and risks of expectant management versus FR. The provision of local data on perinatal outcomes following FR is an essential part of that counselling.
The primary aim of FR is to reduce neonatal morbidity consequent to prematurity. Our results show that FR in a triplet pregnancy has the benefit of increasing the gestation at delivery and reducing the risk of extreme preterm delivery earlier than 32 and 28 weeks. The mean gestation at delivery was 32.6 weeks in the expectant management group versus 35.2 and 39.6 weeks in the FR to two fetuses and one fetus, respectively. This indicates that the performance of FR in Hong Kong is comparable with that reported in the literature and our results reaffirm previously reported data in which FR in triplet pregnancies to twins can prolong the pregnancy by approximately 3 weeks.12 In women with expectant management, 16.7% and 29.2% had extreme preterm delivery before 28 weeks and 32 weeks, respectively. In women with FR to two fetuses, there was no extreme preterm delivery of <28 weeks, and 23.8% delivered before 32 weeks. The risk of preterm delivery earlier than 32-33 weeks following FR has been reported to be between 24% and 37%,7 13 14 15 which are comparable to our results. All women with FR to one fetus had term deliveries. Despite the prolongation of pregnancy, however, the overall survival following FR was not significantly different to that following expectant management (Table 1). In fact, studies of FR in triplet pregnancies have not shown an increase in perinatal survival.12 13
Prolongation of pregnancy in the FR group leads to improvement in a number of outcomes. The FR group had a significantly higher birth weight. The need for NICU care and length of NICU stay were significantly lower. The seven neonatal deaths in our cohort were all of neonates from the expectant management group who were delivered <25 weeks and died of complications of prematurity. We were, however, unable to show a difference in neonatal morbidity due to the small numbers in each group.
The rates of spontaneous loss of the whole pregnancy in reduced versus non-reduced triplets have previously been reported to be 8.1% and 4.4%, respectively,7 although such loss rate can be reduced with increasing experience so that it is comparable with that in non-reduced triplets.6 10 11 In our study, there was no spontaneous total pregnancy loss. This may be because all procedures were carried out by MFM specialists or trainees with expertise in invasive fetal procedures. There were fetal losses in both the expectant management and FR groups, but it was not statistically significant. Three cases had prelabour ROM after FR, and these parents elected TOP due to poor prognosis. Most studies of FR report a procedure-related pregnancy loss or miscarriage rate,6 7 8 10 11 but there are no data for the rate of prelabour ROM after FR in triplet pregnancies. In complicated monochorionic pregnancies, the rate of prelabour ROM following cord coagulation has been reported to be 20% to 30%.9 16 17 On the contrary, the prelabour ROM rate was 12% after fetal intracardiac KCl injection in multichorionic pregnancies.18
This study found that only maternal age influenced a decision to undergo FR but this is contrary to the findings of other studies.7 13 19 A possible explanation is that in women with advanced age, multiple pregnancy will add additional maternal risks during the pregnancy and may influence a decision to undergo FR. When choosing FR to twins or a singleton, our results showed that the chorionicity of the triplet pregnancies most likely affected their choice: 64% (21/33) of those with TCTA triplets chose to have FR although 95% (20/21) opted for reduction to twins. In DCTA and MCTA triplets, only 27% and 33% proceeded to FR, respectively. As our study only had two cases of RFA or BPC performed in MCTA triplets, we cannot conclude any reason for a low rate of FR by cord coagulation. It is, however, possible that women believed there was a higher risk of miscarriage associated with RFA or BPC.
It must be emphasised that in women who choose to reduce one fetus in a DCTA pregnancy, the best option is to reduce one fetus in the monochorionic pair, not the fetus with a separate placenta, by fetal intracardiac KCl injection. Although the latter is technically easier, there would be continued risks of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome or twin anaemia polycythaemia sequence when the singleton fetus is reduced to keep the monochorionic twins, and this poses significant risks to the pregnancy. The miscarriage risk before 24 weeks following FR of the fetus with a separate placenta has been reported to be as high as 23.5%.8 Therefore, women who elect to have FR of DCTA triplets to twins should be referred to a tertiary unit with expertise in FR and where more advanced techniques are readily available. Nevertheless, the best perinatal outcome in any type of triplets will be achieved by reducing two fetuses resulting in a singleton pregnancy.8 Women along with their partner should be aware of this and be adequately counselled so that they may make an informed decision.
This is the first study of FR in triplet pregnancy in Hong Kong. It provides valuable data on the local experience in FR that is useful in parental counselling. The strength of this study is that comprehensive perinatal outcomes were obtained in all pregnancies except two.
This study has limitations. First, the number of cases included was small, although we believe this is the largest cohort possible to be reported in Hong Kong as our hospital has the highest number of deliveries and receives referrals for FR from private obstetricians and other obstetric units in Hong Kong. Second, the number of cord coagulation procedures was limited, and no further analysis was possible to determine which cord coagulation procedure is superior.
Approximately 50% of women with a triplet pregnancy in Hong Kong elected to undergo FR, which can significantly prolong the gestation at delivery and significantly reduce preterm delivery of <32 weeks, although it is associated with risk of miscarriage and complications such as ROM. Women carrying a triplet pregnancy should be adequately counselled about the benefits and risks of FR so that they can make an informed decision.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
1. Pison G, Monden C, Smits J. Twinning rates in developed countries: trends and explanations. Popul Dev Rev 2015;41:629-49. Crossref
2. Martin JA, Osterman MJ, Thoma ME. Declines in triplet and higher-order multiple births in the United States, 1998-2014. NCHS Data Brief 2016;(243):1-8.
3. Council on Human Reproductive Technology, Hong Kong. Code of practice on reproductive technology & embryo research. Available from: Accessed 26 Jan 2017.
4. Luke B, Brown MB. Maternal morbidity and infant death in twin vs triplet and quadruplet pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;198:401.e1-10. Crossref
5. Dodd J, Crowther C. Multifetal pregnancy reduction of triplet and higher-order multiple pregnancies to twins. Fertil Steril 2004;81:1420-2. Crossref
6. Evans MI, Berkowitz RL, Wapner RJ, et al. Improvement in outcomes of multifetal pregnancy reduction with increased experience. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:97-103. Crossref
7. Papageorghiou AT, Avgidou K, Bakoulas V, Sebire NJ, Nicolaides KH. Risks of miscarriage and early preterm birth in trichorionic triplet pregnancies with embryo reduction versus expectant management: new data and systematic review. Hum Reprod 2006;21:1912-7. Crossref
8. Morlando M, Ferrara L, D’Antonio F, et al. Dichorionic triplet pregnancies: risk of miscarriage and severe preterm delivery with fetal reduction versus expectant management. Outcomes of a cohort study and systematic review. BJOG 2015;122:1053-60. Crossref
9. Rossi AC, D’Addario V. Umbilical cord occlusion for selective feticide in complicated monochorionic twins: a systematic review of literature. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009;200:123-9. Crossref
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11. Stone J, Ferrara L, Kamrath J, et al. Contemporary outcomes with the latest 1000 cases of multifetal pregnancy reduction (MPR). Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199:406.e1-4. Crossref
12. van de Mheen L, Everwijn SM, Knapen MF, et al. The effectiveness of multifetal pregnancy reduction in trichorionic triplet gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014;211:536.e1-6. Crossref
13. Chaveeva P, Kosinski P, Puglia D, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH. Trichorionic and dichorionic triplet pregnancies at 10-14 weeks: outcome after embryo reduction compared to expectant management. Fetal Diagn Ther 2013;34:199-205. Crossref
14. Wimalasundera RC. Selective reduction and termination of multiple pregnancies. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;15:327-35. Crossref
15. Antsaklis A, Souka AP, Daskalakis G, et al. Embryo reduction versus expectant management in triplet pregnancies. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2004;16:219-22. Crossref
16. Bebbington MW, Danzer E, Moldenhauer J, Khalek N, Johnson MP. Radiofrequency ablation vs bipolar umbilical cord coagulation in the management of complicated monochorionic pregnancies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2012;40:319-24. Crossref
17. van den Bos EM, van Klink JM, Middeldorp JM, Klumper FJ, Oepkes D, Lopriore E. Perinatal outcome after selective feticide in monochorionic twin pregnancies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013;41:653-8. Crossref
18. Mohammed AB, Farid I, Ahmed B, Ghany EA. Obstetric and neonatal outcome of multifetal pregnancy reduction. Middle East Fertil Soc J 2015;20:176-81. Crossref
19. Boulot P, Vignal J, Vergnes C, Dechaud H, Faure JM, Hedon B. Multifetal reduction of triplets to twins: a prospective comparison of pregnancy outcome. Hum Reprod 2000;15:1619-23. Crossref

How well are we managing fragility hip fractures? A narrative report on the review with the attempt to set up a Fragility Fracture Registry in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Jun;23(3):264–71 | Epub 5 May 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj166124
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
How well are we managing fragility hip fractures? A narrative report on the review with the attempt to set up a Fragility Fracture Registry in Hong Kong
KS Leung, MD, FHKCOS1; WF Yuen, BNurs, MSc1; WK Ngai, MB, BS, FHKCOS2; CY Lam, MB, BS, FHKCOS3; TW Lau, MB, BS, FHKCOS4; KB Lee, MB, ChB, FHKCOS5; KM Siu, MB, ChB, FHKCOS6; N Tang, MB, ChB, FHKCOS7; SH Wong, MB, BS, FHKCOS8; WH Cheung, BSc, PhD1
1 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, North District Hospital, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong
3 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Tuen Mun Hospital, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
4 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
5 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan, Hong Kong
6 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
7 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
8 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Caritas Medical Centre, Shamshuipo, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KS Leung (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: In setting up a disease registry for fragility fractures in Hong Kong, we conducted a retrospective systematic study on the management of fragility hip fractures. Patient outcomes were compared with the standards from our orthopaedic working group and those from the British Orthopaedic Association that runs a mature fracture registry in the United Kingdom.
Methods: Clinical data on fragility hip fracture patients admitted to six acute major hospitals in Hong Kong in 2012 were captured. These included demographics, pre- and post-operative assessments, discharge details, complications, and 1-year follow-up information. Analysis was performed according to the local standards with reference to those from the British Orthopaedic Association.
Results: Overall, 91.0% of patients received orthopaedic care within 4 hours of admission and 60.5% received surgery within 48 hours. Preoperative geri-orthopaedic co-management was received by 3.5% of patients and was one of the reasons for the delayed surgery in 22% of patients. Only 22.9% were discharged with medication that would promote bone health. Institutionalisation on discharge significantly increased by 16.2% (P<0.001). Only 35.1% of patients attended out-patient follow-up 1 year following fracture, and mobility had deteriorated in 69.9% compared with the premorbid state. Death occurred in 17.3% of patients within a year of surgery compared with 1.6% mortality rate in a Hong Kong age-matched population.
Conclusions: The efficiency and quality of acute care for fragility hip fracture patients was documented. Regular geri-orthopaedic co-management can enhance acute care. Much effort is needed to improve functional recovery, prescription of bone health medications, attendance for follow-up, and to decrease institutionalisation. A Fracture Liaison Service is vital to improve long-term care and prevent secondary fractures.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This was the first study to review the standards and clinical outcomes of 2914 patients from six major hospitals in Hong Kong with fragility hip fracture.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Strengths and weaknesses of current fragility hip fracture management were identified. Recommendations are made to improve care.
  • This study was the first phase in the process of setting up a Fragility Fracture Registry and reveals the usefulness of a disease registry for improving patient care.
Fragility hip fracture is one of the most common fragility fractures and is becoming one of the major health care burdens on a society with an ageing population. Statistics of the Hospital Authority (HA) of Hong Kong (HK) reveal that the incidence of fragility fractures in 2014 (14 000 cases) was much higher than that for acute myocardial infarction (6383 cases) or acute cerebrovascular accident (11 187 cases). Number of patients admitted for hip fracture surgery increased from 3678 in 2000 to 4579 in 2011, ie 24.5% in 11 years.1 Although the annual age-specific risk of hip fracture slightly decreased, it is estimated that with the projected ageing population, fragility hip fractures in HK will number more than 6300 cases in 2020 and 14 500 cases in 2040, a 3-fold increase from 2011.1 Approximately 30% of patients under the age of 80 years were unable to walk independently 1 year after hip fracture and became home-bound; 20% to 40% of patients were admitted to an elderly care home; and all patients suffered both physically and psychologically with re-fracture and fear of falls.2 Hip fracture patients with poor functional recovery are unable to resume their pre-fracture function with a consequent deterioration in quality of life. Mortality at 1 year after hip fracture was as high as 27% in males and 15% in females.1
To monitor the outcomes of management and formulate standards of care in HK for fragility hip fracture, the Coordinating Committee in Orthopaedics & Traumatology of the HA proposed a Fragility Fracture Registry ( in 2013. It is hoped that the registry will ultimately help set the standards of care with respect to local demands, monitor patient care and implement preventive measures, thus improving the cost-effectiveness of fragility fracture care.
In the first phase of setting up the Fragility Fracture Registry, a retrospective study was conducted of fragility hip fractures treated at six acute public hospitals under the management of the HA. This study aimed to review the current fragility hip fracture management in HK, and compare the outcomes with the standards set by our working group with reference to the six evidence-based standards set by the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) for the care of patients with fragility hip fracture.3
All patients with fragility hip fracture and admitted in the calendar year 2012 to the six hospitals in HK—Caritas Medical Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Mary Hospital, and Tuen Mun Hospital—which are located in different clusters were included. Residents of HK aged 50 years and above with hip fracture sustained by a fall from a standing height were recruited. The number of fragility hip fractures from the six hospitals was approximately 60% of the total fragility hip fractures treated in Hong Kong during 2012. Those with atypical or pathological fracture were excluded. As 98% of patients with fragility hip fracture were managed in public hospitals, eligible patients were identified using the HA Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System with disease coding of acute hip fracture (ICD-9-CM 820.X).4 Ethical approvals were obtained from all the six hospitals and the study was done in accordance with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.
With reference to the National Hip Fracture Database of the United Kingdom (UK NHFD) and Scottish Hip Fracture Audit, the dataset was designed according to the acute, rehabilitation, and post-discharge practices in HK. Information was derived from the HA Clinical Management System and hospital records for the following: demographics, preoperative and postoperative assessments, surgical and discharge details, rehabilitation details, out-patient follow-up consultations and complications up to 1 year after fracture (Table 1). All data were input and managed using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool hosted at the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.5

Table 1. Data included in this study (a total of 103 data entry items; 70 to 80 items in a typical case)
Data were input by research assistants who understood medical terms and abbreviations. Data were validated for one in five cases selected randomly by six liaison teams located in the participating hospitals and composed of orthopaedic surgeons and nurses. Each liaison member was trained by the central research team in data validation and REDCap manipulation.
The data were analysed and compared with the standards set by our working group with reference to the six standards set by the BOA: Care of Patients with Fragility Fractures (known as the Blue Book; Box).3

Box. Standards for fragility hip fracture care set by working group and the Blue Book3
Descriptive statistics were used to describe the current hip fracture conditions in HK and outcomes compared with standards of care from HK orthopaedic working group with reference to BOA. The percentage was calculated based on the number of follow-up patients available at different time-points. Chi squared test was used to compare categorical data. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Windows version 20.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US) was used to perform statistical analysis. Significance was set at P<0.05.
A total of 2914 fragility hip fractures were captured in the calendar year 2012 and the mean (± standard deviation) patient age was 82.1 ± 8.6 years (range, 50-104 years). Of the patients, 1979 (67.9%) were female; 2017 (73.7%) came from home and 719 (26.3%) from an elderly care home; 1119 (40.9%), 1541 (56.3%), and 20 (0.7%) patients had an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of grade 2, 3, and 4, respectively (Table 2).

Table 2. Comparison of demographics, surgery details, and length of stay in acute hospitals between Hong Kong (HK) and the National Hip Fracture Database of the United Kingdom (UK NHFD)
Acute management
The mean time from presentation to the accident and emergency department to orthopaedic care was 2.3 hours (median time, 1.7 hours) with 91.0% patients receiving orthopaedic care within 4 hours. Geriatric or internal medicine review was performed in 764 (27.8%) patients although only 95 (3.5%) were routinely managed by a geriatrician preoperatively.
Surgery was performed in 2774 (96.8%) patients. The mean time to surgery was 62.7 hours (median time, 42.1 hours) with 1678 (60.5%) undergoing surgery in exactly 48 hours and 2172 (78.3%) within 2 calendar working days.
Intracapsular fracture occurred in 1358 (46.6%) patients of whom 277 (9.5%) underwent cannulated screw fixation, 829 (28.4%) uncemented unipolar hemiarthroplasty, and 109 (3.7%) cemented unipolar hemiarthroplasty. Intertrochanteric fracture occurred in 1446 (49.6%) patients of whom 571 (19.6%) underwent compression hip screw fixation and 983 (33.7%) intramedullary fixation (Tables 2 and 3).

Table 3. Summary of hip fracture outcomes in Hong Kong
During stay in acute hospitals, some of the patients developed acute complications, with nearly one fourth experienced urine retention. A small number of patients developed other complications like pressure sore, delirium, wound infection, and deep vein thrombosis (Table 3).
The mean length of stay in acute hospitals was 12.1 days. With regard to the discharge destination from the acute unit, a majority of patients (2284, 78.4%) were transferred to a rehabilitation unit, 290 (10.0%) to an old-age home, 236 (8.1%) to their previous home, and 77 (2.6%) died during the acute admission (Table 3).
Rehabilitation phase
Allied health professionals provided preoperative multidisciplinary care to 1759 (64.0%) patients and postoperative care to 2886 (99.4%). Bone health medication was prescribed to 424 (15.3%) patients preoperatively and 666 (22.9%) postoperatively. Just over half of all patients (n=1573, 57.5%) were discharged to their home and 1163 (42.5%) to an old-age home. Old-age home admission at discharge significantly increased (P<0.001) [Table 4].

Table 4. Change in residential status and mobility in Hong Kong
Post-discharge management
There was a declining trend over time for attendance at follow-up; 2179 (74.8%) attended follow-up at 90 days after fracture, 2508 (86.1%) at 180 days, and only 1023 (35.1%) at 1 year. Postoperative mobility compared with premorbid had deteriorated at 90-day, 180-day, and 1-year follow-up in 1689 (77.5%), 2062 (82.2%), and 715 (69.9%) patients, respectively. With those 669 patients available for assessments at both 90-day and 1-year time-points, 511 patients had deterioration at 90 days and 426 patients deteriorated at 1 year. The deterioration was significant at 1-year follow-up (P<0.001) [Table 4]. Pressure sores were evident or developed in 58 (2.0%) patients preoperatively and 150 (5.3%) at 1 year. Presence of pressure sore significantly increased at 1 year (P<0.001) [Table 4].
Fracture complications occurred in 175 (6.0%) patients within a year (Table 3) with 90 (3.1%) requiring revision surgery. A secondary fracture occurred in 117 (4.0%) patients and 505 (17.3%) patients died in 1 year compared with the 1.6% mortality rate for a HK age-matched population.6 7
This report reviewed the management of fragility hip fractures in HK based on the standards of care by our orthopaedic community and compared the outcomes with the standards set by our working group and by BOA in the UK.
The demographics were comparable to previous studies in HK. The mean age of patients with fragility hip fracture in our 2012 data was 82.1 years, unchanged compared with local data from 2000 to 2011.1 The female-to-male ratio was around 2:1 indicating an increase in male fragility hip fractures compared with 2.5:1 from 2001 to 2010.4 8 This may be due to increasing life expectancy of the HK male population9 and bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip in men that decreases with age.10 There were 1257 (46.6%) femoral neck fractures, 1445 (49.6%) intertrochanteric fractures, and 110 (3.8%) subtrochanteric fractures, comparable with a previous local study of 1342 hip fracture patients from 2007 to 2010.8 The majority of patients had an ASA score of 2 and 3, comprising 40.9% and 56.3%, respectively and in line with Lau et al’s study.8 There was a marked increase in hemiarthroplasties and intramedullary fixations with 977 (33.5%) and 983 (3.7%) cases respectively in our study, compared with Lau et al’s study that reported 362 (27%) hemiarthroplasties and 218 (16%) cephalomedullary nail fixations.8 This reflects a change in the surgical treatment, possibly due to a lower re-operation rate,11 better functional outcomes,12 and higher cost-effectiveness13 in patients treated with hemiarthroplasty; and minimal rate of fixation failure, less blood loss, and shorter length of hospital stay in patients treated with intramedullary fixation.14
A low complication rate (6.0%) and revision rate (3.1%) are testimony to the improved standard of routine acute care, which includes early orthopaedic care and early surgeries.
Consequences of fragility hip fracture
Poor functional recovery was evident in the large proportion of patients (77.5%) with deteriorated mobility at 90-day out-patient clinic follow-up, not improved 1 year after fracture (69.9%). This compares with less than half of treated patients who regained their pre-fracture mobility in another study.15 According to an internal survey conducted at Prince of Wales Hospital, only 22% of patients received out-patient physiotherapy; the major reason (71%) was “not referred”. Inadequate rehabilitation after discharge may explain poor functional recovery after hip fracture. On discharge, HK patients discharged to an old-age home significantly increased from 26.3% to 42.5%, ie a 16.2% increase in institutionalisation compared with only 10.5% in a Spanish study.16 Poor functional recovery after hip fracture may contribute to this high institutionalisation rate, as fractures are significantly associated with mild-to-severe functional limitations.17 Lack of support in the community may mean a lack of sustained rehabilitation after discharge. Family support may also be suboptimal as many elderly are alone at home during the day.
Low follow-up attendance and high mortality
The attendance rate for out-patient clinic follow-up was only 35.1% at 1 year. A high proportion of elderly living alone (12.7% in 2011)18 and a high institutionalisation rate (5.7% in 2014)19 may explain the low follow-up rate due to lack of support. The mortality at 1 year after fracture was 17.3%, comparable with other local studies: 18.6% from 2000 to 20061 and 18.0% from 2001 to 2009,4 which are much higher than that for an age-matched population (1.6%).6 7
Comparison with standards in the United Kingdom
Data from this review were also compared with those of the UK NHFD 201220 collected from 180 hospitals across the UK with patients managed according to the UK Blue Book standards.3
Tables 2 and 5 summarise the demographics, surgery details, length of stay in acute hospitals, and comparison of six standards for hip fracture care between HK and UK NHFD, respectively. Major differences in hip fracture management between HK and UK NHFD are identified.

Table 5. Comparison of six standards for hip fracture care between Hong Kong (HK) and the National Hip Fracture Database of the United Kingdom (UK NHFD)3 in 2012
When comparing the demographics, our review showed a larger male hip fracture population (32%) than the UK (26%) while age and ASA grade distribution were similar. Patients treated surgically were similar in both databases; more HK patients had intertrochanteric fracture (49.6% vs 34.3%) and more UK patients had displaced intracapsular fracture (46.8% vs 36.5%). The length of stay in acute hospitals in HK was shorter than in UK (12.1 days vs 15.8 days). The mean length of post-acute stay in the UK was only 4.4 days, however, which is shorter than that in HK (around 3-4 weeks). This may be due to the differences in acute and post-discharge care between HK and the UK. Care by a general practitioner after being discharged from hospital is the usual practice in the UK; in HK, most patients will be cared for by an orthopaedic team in post-acute rehabilitation with follow-up in orthopaedic specialist clinics until discharge.
In HK, 98% of patients underwent a falls assessment on admission, similar to the UK (92%). In HK, a Morse Fall Scale27 will be calculated by orthopaedic nurses on admission; in the UK, a systematic assessment is performed by a geriatrician or a specialist nurse to prevent further falls.8
Quick surgery under Key Performance Indicator
With regard to the six standards for hip fracture care set by the BOA Blue Book (Box and Table 5), 61% of HK patients had surgery within exactly 48 hours, compared with 35% in Spain21 and less than 10% in China22; in the UK, 83% of patients received surgery within 48 hours and during working hours. The percentage of HK patients who underwent surgery within 2 calendar working days was 30% before 2007 and improved to 62% in 2008 after the establishment of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) by the HA and 78.3% in 2012.23 The aim of KPI is to ensure 70% of hip fracture patients receive surgery within 2 calendar working days.24 25 This may explain why a large proportion of patients had quick hip fracture surgery in HK. The delay in surgery for 22% of patients may have been due to time spent awaiting medical optimisation by physicians or geriatricians.
Importance of geri-orthopaedic co-management
Very few patients in HK (3.5%) received preoperative assessment by geriatricians in contrast to 43% of patients in the UK. In this review, only one of the six studied hospitals had a geriatrician who routinely assessed hip fracture patients pre- and post-operatively, indicating a lack of geri-orthopaedic co-management in HK. Studies have shown better outcomes after hip fracture when patients receive geri-orthopaedic treatment, with a lower 1-year mortality rate,26 27 reduced acute hospital stay, and less need for further rehabilitation.27 A local study reviewed the effectiveness of geri-orthopaedic co-management and found that in the geri-orthopaedic group, time to surgery was shorter, 1-year mortality rate was lower, and more remained independent in daily living activities.28 Therefore, geri-orthopaedic care should be implemented in all hospitals in HK to achieve better patient care. This will further improve the KPI for fragility hip fractures in all hospitals in HK.
Low prescription rate of bone protection medication
Only 23% of HK patients were discharged with bone protection medication compared with almost 70% in the UK (Table 5) and nearly 40% in Korea (excluding calcium and vitamin D).29 A local study showed that 33% were prescribed medications for osteoporosis in the 6 months after discharge.30 Osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment were driven by BMD measurement, not fracture history.30 This may explain the low prescription rate of bone protection medication when the fracture patient did not undergo BMD measurement for a variety of reasons such as unavailability of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), long queuing time, or lack of referral from orthopaedic doctors. Although the need for DXA measurement prior to prescription of bone health medication to patients with fragility fracture remains controversial, it is clear that DXA measurement is not the only single indication for such medication.31
Importance of Fracture Liaison Services
In view of the low follow-up rate, poor functional recovery, increased institutionalisation, and high mortality after fragility hip fracture, better post-discharge rehabilitation and secondary fracture prevention should be implemented to restore patients’ physical and psychological status.
Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) is a coordinator-based service for sustained rehabilitation in the community and secondary fracture prevention in patients with fragility fractures. It has been implemented in many countries—eg the UK,32 Australia,33 Canada34—and studies reveal that FLS is cost-effective. Implementation of FLS in HK may improve current post-discharge care. Such services include osteoporosis identification and treatment (eg DXA scan and prescription of bone protection medication), education about secondary fracture prevention (exercise, dietary guidelines, and an education programme), and sustainable multidisciplinary services (follow-up by FLS coordinator regularly). With FLS, fragility hip fracture patients with osteoporosis can be identified and treated promptly with good compliance with medications. Patients will be instructed to exercise to improve functional status with a potential consequent decrease in old-age home admission. They will also be taught about falls prevention and sustained rehabilitation, and hence lower the chance of secondary fracture.
Limitations of this study
This study included approximately 60% of all HK fragility hip fractures. It would be better to include all HK hospitals in future studies to reflect the full situation across the territory. This study retrospectively reviewed medical records from 2012 with data retrieved from electronic and handwritten records so a small percentage of data may have been missing due to illegible records. A standardised electronic format from the Clinical Management System will improve data capture and analysis. A disease registry is important to enable better documentation.
This study reviewed the current fragility hip fracture care in HK. Although acute surgical treatment complies with international standards, standardised geri-orthopaedic co-management will further improve the acute care. Recognising fragility hip fracture as a chronic disease model, the increased rate in old-age home admission, poor functional recovery, low prescription rate of bone health medications, and low attendance rate for follow-up were identified as problems in subsequent management. These may explain the higher 1-year mortality rate, high secondary fracture rate, and deterioration in the quality of life after fracture among these elderly. With an ageing population and increasing longevity, the hip fracture rate is expected to increase continuously. A comprehensive multidisciplinary chronic disease management model that includes geri-orthopaedic co-management and FLS programmes should be implemented to improve patient outcomes, prevent secondary fractures, and reduce the economic burden on HK. The setting up and maintenance of a registry of all fragility fractures is imminent and will help health care professionals monitor and continuously improve the standards of patient care as well as prevent fractures.
This study was partially supported by grant support of Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis (Ref: AADO-RF2012-001-2Y) and Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The authors would like to thank the liaison teams that comprised doctors and nurses of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology from the six participating hospitals for their help in data validation.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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Factors that influence recurrent lumbar disc herniation

Hong Kong Med J 2017 Jun;23(3):258–63 | Epub 3 Mar 2017
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj164852
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Factors that influence recurrent lumbar disc herniation
Mesut E Yaman, MD1; Atilla Kazancı, MD2; Nur D Yaman, MD3; Ferhat Baş4; Gıyas Ayberk, MD2
1 Department of Neurosurgery, Memorial Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
2 Department of Neurosurgery, Ataturk Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
3 Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
4 Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
An earlier version of this paper was presented orally at the 15th World Congress of Neurosurgery held in Seoul, South Korea on 8-13 September 2013.
Corresponding author: Dr Mesut E Yaman (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The most common cause of poor outcome following lumbar disc surgery is recurrent herniation. Recurrence has been noted in 5% to 15% of patients with surgically treated primary lumbar disc herniation. There have been many studies designed to determine the risk factors for recurrent lumbar disc herniation. In this study, we retrospectively analysed the influence of disc degeneration, endplate changes, surgical technique, and patient’s clinical characteristics on recurrent lumbar disc herniation.
Methods: Patients who underwent primary single-level L4-L5 lumbar discectomy and who were reoperated on for recurrent L4-L5 disc herniation were retrospectively reviewed. All these operations were performed between August 2004 and September 2009 at the Neurosurgery Department of Ataturk Education and Research Hospital in Ankara, Turkey.
Results: During the study period, 126 patients were reviewed, with 101 patients underwent primary single-level L4-L5 lumbar discectomy and 25 patients were reoperated on for recurrent L4-L5 disc herniation. Preoperative higher intervertebral disc height (P<0.001) and higher body mass index (P=0.042) might be risk factors for recurrence. Modic endplate changes were statistically significantly greater in the recurrent group than in the non-recurrent group (P=0.032).
Conclusion: Our study suggests that patients who had recurrent lumbar disc herniation had preoperative higher disc height and higher body mass index. Modic endplate changes had a higher tendency for recurrence of lumbar disc herniation. Well-planned and well-conducted large-scale prospective cohort studies are needed to confirm this and enable convenient treatment modalities to prevent recurrent disc pathology.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Preoperative higher disc height, higher body mass index, and greater Modic endplate changes are important factors in recurrent lumbar disc herniation.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • This study revealed that patients who had lumbar disc herniation with preoperative higher disc height and Modic changes have a higher tendency to recurrence of lumbar disc herniation.
  • It is important to bear these factors in mind preoperatively and ensure discussion of expectations of surgery with the patient.
Single-level lumbar discectomy is a very common surgical procedure and has been proven to be beneficial for patients with lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Recurrent lumbar disc herniation (rLDH) is defined as disc herniation at the same level, regardless of ipsilateral or contralateral herniation, in a patient who has experienced a pain-free interval of at least 6 months after surgery.1 2 The true incidence of same-level rLDH after lumbar discectomy is unclear. The recurrence rate of LDH has been reported to be 5% to 15%.1 2 3 4 5 There have been many studies designed to determine the recurrence of LDH, and various risk factors suggested including disc degeneration, trauma, age, smoking, gender, and obesity.1 3 6 Radiologically identifiable factors, such as disc degeneration, disc height, and sagittal range of motion have been shown to be related to spinal instability and consequently to rLDH.7 8 9 In this retrospective study, we analysed the influence of disc degeneration, endplate changes, surgical technique, and patient’s clinical characteristics on rLDH.
We examined factors that could influence the recurrence of LDH, especially in those with the highest recurrence rate, and to minimise the biomechanical changes at every level. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients with L4-L5 LDH who underwent lumbar discectomy between August 2004 and September 2009 at the Neurosurgery Department of Ataturk Education and Research Hospital in Ankara, Turkey. This hospital is a tertiary referral hospital and a centre for education and scientific research. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Ankara Ataturk Education and Research Hospital, Turkey. The principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki have also been followed.
Patients were excluded if they had any of the following: prior lumbar surgery at another institution, segmental instability, vertebral fractures and spinal infections, other types of degenerative disc disease, tumours, pregnancy, and age over 75 years. Patients were included if they had radicular pain for at least 3 months that was refractory to 6 weeks of conservative treatment with or without neurological deficit, numbness in the lumbar spine, buttock, and/or lower extremity, age between 21 and 75 years, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or computed tomography demonstrating anatomical unilateral LDH correlating with symptoms. In the rLDH group, patients were additionally required to have had a pain-free interval of at least 6 months following the first surgery. We compared the patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics (age, sex, body mass index [BMI], diabetes mellitus, smoking, herniation type), preoperative radiological parameters (Pfirrmann disc degeneration grade, Modic endplate changes, disc height), surgical technique (microdiscectomy, open discectomy), and duration of symptoms. All surgeries were performed by the same group of surgeons via microdiscectomy or open discectomy technique as previously reported and standardised by Williams10 and Mixter.11 The type of herniation was classified as protrusion, extrusion, or sequestration after retrospective review of surgical records and MRI studies. The staff in the radiological department were blinded to the outcome of the study. Lumbar MRI and simple radiographic examinations were performed in all patients before surgery. Intervertebral disc height measurements were calculated using the lateral radiographs. The degree of disc degeneration was assessed on T2-weighted sagittal MRI sequences. Disc degeneration was classified by our radiological department in a retrospective and blinded manner according to modified Pfirrmann criteria as shown in Table 1.12 Modic endplate changes were also classified with the help of our radiological department on T1/T2-weighted sagittal MRI sequences, again blinded to the outcome.13 14

Table 1. Pfirrmann disc degeneration grade12
Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Windows version 11.5; SPSS Inc, Chicago [IL], United States). Test of normality was applied to parametric data. Parametric numerical data were compared with Student’s t test and non-parametric data with Mann-Whitney U test. Chi squared test was used with Fisher’s exact test to compare categorical and nominal variables as appropriate. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare differences between paired data. To identify the associations between recurrence and diabetes mellitus and smoking, logistic regression analysis was used. In detail, recurrence was included in the regression model as a dependent variable; smoking status and existence of diabetes mellitus were included as covariants and the enter mode was used. P value was used to determine whether the differences were statistically significant. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
A retrospective analysis of 600 patients who underwent surgery between August 2004 and September 2009 for only a single-level LDH was performed. The level of disc herniation was L1-L2 in four (0.7%), L2-L3 in 17 (2.8%), L3-L4 in 39 (6.5%), L4-L5 in 289 (48.2%), and L5-S1 in 251 (41.8%) patients. Of the 600 patients, 44 had rLDH; their respective distributions of disc levels were 0, 1, 3, 25, and 15. The total recurrence rate was 7.3%. Recurrence rate for L4-L5 level was the highest at 8.6%. The mean follow-up time of all patients was 323 days. The mean symptom duration was 78 days for the non-recurrent group and 77 days for the recurrent group. Patients in the recurrent group were pain-free for at least 6 months after the first operation with a median of 240 days (range, 188-1260 days).
After applying the exclusion/inclusion criteria, we retrospectively analysed 126 patients who underwent primary single-level L4-L5 lumbar discectomy and who were reoperated on for rLDH. The patients were divided into recurrent (n=25) and non-recurrent (n=101) group (Fig).

Figure. Flowchart of the study
Univariate analysis for demographics, and clinical and radiological characteristics of the recurrent and non-recurrent groups is shown in Table 2. There were no significant differences in the age, sex, type of disc herniation, type of surgery, and duration of symptoms between the two groups. Of the patients, 13 (52.0%) in the recurrent group and 42 (41.6%) in the non-recurrent group were smokers. In comparison with non-smokers, smokers had a 50% higher recurrence rate (odds ratio [OR]=1.52; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.63-3.66). Five (20.0%) patients in the recurrent group and 10 (9.9%) in the non-recurrent group had diabetes mellitus. Patients with diabetes mellitus had twice the recurrence rate of those without (OR=2.27; 95% CI, 0.70-7.38). Preoperative mean intervertebral disc heights were significantly different between the recurrent (19.1 mm) and non-recurrent (15.0 mm) groups (P<0.001). A higher preoperative intervertebral disc space might be a risk factor for recurrence. A higher BMI was a statistically significant factor in the recurrent group (P=0.042). Modic endplate changes were statistically higher in the recurrent group than in the non-recurrent group (P=0.032). In the non-recurrent group, 13 (12.9%) patients showed grade II, 51 (50.5%) showed grade III, 24 (23.8%) showed grade IVA, and 13 (12.9%) showed grade IVB Pfirrmann disc degeneration. Although Pfirrmann disc degeneration was not statistically significant between the two groups (P=0.079), it might still be a moderate marker for a potential risk of recurrence.

Table 2. Univariate analysis of demographics, and clinical and radiological characteristics in the non-recurrent group and the recurrent group before the first surgery
The comparative analysis of preoperative clinical and radiological characteristics of the recurrent group is shown in Table 3. Before the first surgery, one (4%) patient showed grade II, 10 (40%) showed grade III, eight (32%) showed grade IVA, and six (24%) showed grade IVB Pfirrmann disc degeneration. In one patient, grade II Pfirrmann degeneration progressed to IVA before the second surgery. Six of 10 patients with grade III changed to IVB, three changed to IVA, and one remained unchanged with a Pfirrmann degeneration grade III after recurrence.

Table 3. Comparison of preoperative clinical and radiological characteristics of the recurrent patients (n=25)
These results led us to consider the relationship between grade of degenerated disc and herniation type. Herniation type was compared with Pfirrmann disc degeneration degree and Modic endplate changes. Patients with extrusion-sequestration herniation had a statistically significant higher Pfirrmann disc degeneration in contrast to patients with protrusions (P=0.016). Nonetheless, there was no correlation between Modic changes and herniation type (P=0.279).
Degenerative disc disease remains a poorly understood phenomenon because of the lack of precise definitions for healthy and degenerated discs. Decreased nutrition is the final common pathway for degenerative disc disease and the status of the endplate plays a crucial role in controlling the extent of diffusion and is the only source of nutrition.15 A recurrence rate of 5% to 15% for LDH has been reported.1 2 3 4 5 Differentiation of recurrent disc herniation from scar formation will allow for improved treatment choices and selection of patients who may benefit from a second surgery. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI is thought to be the best modality to differentiate between these two diagnoses. There is much debate about the risk factors for rLDH and it is very difficult to define them because many clinical and complicated biomechanical parameters are involved.
In this study, we analysed the influence of disc degeneration, endplate changes, surgical technique, and patient’s clinical characteristics (age, gender, BMI, symptom duration, herniation type, smoking status, and diabetes). Kim et al6 reported old age, high BMI, protrusion type of disc herniation, and positive Modic changes as risk factors after percutaneous endoscopic discectomy. Swartz and Trost,2 however, found that age, gender, smoking status, level of herniation, and duration of symptoms were not associated with rLDH. We showed that disc height, BMI, and Modic endplate changes were significantly correlated with a higher incidence of rLDH. Although diabetes and smoking were not statistically significant in our study, patients with diabetes had twice the recurrence rate of those without. Furthermore, patients who were a smoker had a 50% higher recurrence rate in contrast to non-smokers. The exact mechanism by which smoking contributes to disc degeneration is incompletely understood, but may be related to disc annulus nutrition and oxygenation, as well as increases in intradiscal pressure due to excessive coughing. Vascular insufficiency as a result of atheromas should also be considered.16 17 18 19 20 Analogous with our results, these presumptions may account for smoking as a cause of rLDH. In contrast with these findings, however, some studies found no relationship between smoking and rLDH.21 22 23
Clinical studies of disc height and recurrence have shown that degenerative segments with preserved disc height have a latent instability compared with segments with collapsed discs.8 Other studies have shown that the restabilisation stage begins when disc height is reduced by 50%.7 Similar to these studies, our study showed that preoperative higher intervertebral disc space measurements were significantly more important in recurrence (P<0.001).
Pfirrmann disc degeneration grade was not statistically significant in the recurrent group in contrast to non-recurrent group (P=0.079), but patients with extrusion and sequestration had a statistically significant higher Pfirrmann disc degeneration than patients with protrusions (P=0.016). These findings provide evidence that the healing processes that occur in the outer lamellas after annular injury may not be sufficient for effective reconstitution of the external annulus in degenerated discs.24 25 Increases in disc degeneration cause larger volumes of herniation type. Studies of Modic endplate changes after lumbar discectomy have shown incremental changes in disc degeneration grade.18 26 It is accepted that Modic type 1 changes are dynamically unstable and inflammatory lesions, whereas type 2 lesions are much more stable and unchangeable.26 Therefore, posterior lumbar interbody fusion combined with pedicle screw fixation is suggested for degenerative lumbar disc disease with Modic changes.27 Another study suggested treatment of Modic type 1 and 2 lesions with degenerative disc disease with posterior dynamic stabilisation.28 Our study showed that Modic changes were statistically higher in the recurrent group than the non-recurrent group (P=0.032). These findings suggest that patients with LDH and higher preoperative disc heights and Modic changes have a higher risk and tendency to recurrence of LDH. Although our study does not include different modalities to include lumbar disc diseases with Modic changes, the results might suggest a supplemental approach such as posterior stabilisation and fusion, or newly proposed treatment options with dynamic posterior stabilisation.
This study has several limitations. It would have a greater impact if we had included a larger subgroup population, especially for rLDH. To investigate factors that influence recurrence of L4-L5 disc herniation, however, several clinical and radiological parameters such as canal diameter, facet angle, annular defect size, location of the herniation type etc would need to be considered. The aim of this study was to focus on the effect of disc height, endplate changes, and disc degeneration in rLDH at L4-L5 level. As only univariate analyses were performed, we have no adjustment for potential confounding, hence the independent effects of the risk factors could not be documented. A prospective study would obtain more precise results, especially due to standardised sampling and classification of data.
This study suggests that patients who had LDH with higher preoperative disc height, higher BMI, and Modic endplate changes have a higher tendency for rLDH. Well-planned and well-conducted large-scale prospective cohort studies are essential to firmly evaluate and determine factors involved in rLDH.
We thank Ms Fatma Kubra Erbay from Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey for her great effort in revising the statistical results of this study.
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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