Chest computed tomography analysis of lung sparing morphology: differentiation of COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia using the arched bridge and vacuole signs

© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Chest computed tomography analysis of lung sparing morphology: differentiation of COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia using the arched bridge and vacuole signs
Tiffany Y So, FRANZCR1; Simon CH Yu, FRCR1; WT Wong, FRCR2; Jeffrey KT Wong, FRCR1; Heather Lee, FRCR3; YX Wang, MMed, PhD1
1 Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2 Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof YX Wang (
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Introduction: This study evaluated the arched bridge and vacuole signs, which constitute morphological patterns of lung sparing in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), then examined whether these signs could be used to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia.
Methods: In total, 187 patients were included: 66 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, 50 patients with influenza pneumonia and positive computed tomography findings, and 71 patients with bacterial pneumonia and positive computed tomography findings. Images were independently reviewed by two radiologists. The incidences of the arched bridge sign and/or vacuole sign were compared among the COVID-19 pneumonia, influenza pneumonia, and bacterial pneumonia groups.
Results: The arched bridge sign was much more common among patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (42/66, 63.6%) than among patients with influenza pneumonia (4/50, 8.0%; P<0.001) or bacterial pneumonia (4/71, 5.6%; P<0.001). The vacuole sign was also much more common among patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (14/66, 21.2%) than among patients with influenza pneumonia (1/50, 2.0%; P=0.005) or bacterial pneumonia (1/71, 1.4%; P<0.001). The signs occurred together in 11 (16.7%) patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, but they did not occur together in patients with influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia. The arched bridge and vacuole signs predicted COVID-19 pneumonia with respective specificities of 93.4% and 98.4%.
Conclusion: The arched bridge and vacuole signs are much more common in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and can help differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza and bacterial pneumonia.
New knowledge added by this study
  • On computed tomography, the arched bridge sign is characterised by ground-glass opacities or consolidation with an arched margin outlining unaffected lung parenchyma. The vacuole sign refers to a focal oval or round lucent area (typically <5 mm) that is present within ground-glass opacities or sites of consolidation.
  • These signs were commonly observed in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hong Kong, consistent with data from other populations.
  • Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia are much more likely to exhibit the arched bridge sign and/or the vacuole sign, compared with patients who have influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The presence of the arched bridge sign and/or the vacuole sign on computed tomography may support a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia and assist in differentiation from other types of pneumonia.
  • The duration of total hospitalisation did not differ between patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who had and did not have these two signs, suggesting that they do not indicate a better or worse prognosis if appropriate treatments are administered.
A diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is made on the basis of epidemiological and clinical history, as well as the results of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing. Chest computed tomography (CT) has been proposed as a useful alternative investigation method for COVID-19 diagnosis or triage, particularly in healthcare settings with restricted access to RT-PCR testing and in the context of lower RT-PCR sensitivity during early stages of the disease; it may also be useful for imaging-mediated evaluation of disease severity and progression.1 2 The most common CT findings in early-stage COVID-19 pneumonia (illness days 0-5) are pure ground-glass opacities (GGOs); the second most common finding is consolidation.3 4 In the later stages (illness days 6-17), findings usually evolve to a combination of GGOs, consolidation, and reticular opacities with architectural distortion.4 These imaging features are not specific to COVID-19 pneumonia; they can overlap with other types of viral or bacterial pneumonia, particularly influenza pneumonia, as well as other non-infectious inflammatory lung diseases.5 6 Influenza, one of the most common causes of viral pneumonia,7 and bacterial pneumonia, historically the most common type of community-acquired pneumonia worldwide,8 maintained high incidences during the early COVID-19 pandemic when this study was conducted; thus, they had the potential to substantially contribute to hospitalisations in this period. However, COVID-19 pneumonia and other types of viral or bacterial pneumonia distinctly differ in terms of their disease course, temporal progression, and available therapeutics9 10 11; thus, there is a need for early and accurate differentiation among these entities.
Studies in 2020 revealed several CT imaging features that can aid in differential diagnosis. Compared with influenza pneumonia, patients with COVID-19 pneumonia are more likely to exhibit a peripheral distribution,12 13 14 patchy combination of GGOs and consolidation,15 fine reticular opacities,16 and vascular thickening or enlargement16 17; patients with influenza pneumonia are more likely to exhibit nodules,18 tree-in-bud sign,18 bronchial wall thickening,15 lymphadenopathy,16 and pleural effusions.12 In the past, diffuse airspace consolidation, centrilobular nodules, bronchial wall thickening, and mucous impaction19 have been identified as typical signs of bacterial pneumonia. Nevertheless, CT assessment of COVID-19 generally remains challenging, with reported accuracies for radiologists ranging from 60 to 83%16 in terms of differentiating patients with COVID-19 pneumonia from patients with influenza pneumonia; considering these rates, further studies of relevant imaging findings are needed.
A report by Wu et al20 highlighted the arched bridge sign, which may be a distinct CT feature of COVID-19 pneumonia. In their analysis of 11 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, the sign was present in 72.7%.20 The arched bridge sign refers to a specific pattern of GGOs or consolidation, commonly in a subpleural location, which forms an arched contour with a smooth concave margin towards the pleural side. The arched margin outlines the spared parenchyma between the GGOs or consolidation and the pleural surface. Another reported sign, regarded as the vacuole sign,21 22 23 24 is presumably based on the morphological pattern of parenchymal sparing in areas of affected lung. The vacuole sign refers to a focal oval or round lucent area (typically <5 mm) that is observed within GGOs or sites of consolidation. In clinical practice, we often observed these two novel signs on CT scans of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. We hypothesised that these two signs are common in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and thus could be used to differentiate such pneumonia from other types of infection-related pneumonia. However, considering the limited prior evidence (solely from small retrospective studies20 21 22 23 24) regarding the prevalence of the vacuole sign in COVID-19 pneumonia, and because the arched bridge sign has—to our knowledge—only been reported in a single previous publication,20 additional assessments of these signs are needed. The utilities of the arched bridge and vacuole signs in COVID-19 pneumonia have not been directly assessed in prior reports, nor have they been compared between COVID-19 pneumonia and other types of infection-related pneumonia. In this study, we evaluated the arched bridge and vacuole signs in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, then examined whether these signs could be used to differentiate such pneumonia from influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia.
This retrospective study included consecutive patients who were admitted to two hospitals in Hong Kong (Prince of Wales Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital) with RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19, along with positive CT findings, from 24 January 2020 to 16 April 2020. These patients represent most patients with COVID-19 in Hong Kong during the study period, when all patients with confirmed COVID-19 were hospitalised regardless of clinical status; moreover, Princess Margaret Hospital also served as a centralised treatment centre for patients with COVID-19. The study recruitment period reflects the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong, during which CT examinations were commonly performed during the diagnosis and treatment of patients with COVID-19. All patients with COVID-19 underwent complete PCR-based assessment of multiple respiratory pathogens on admission; patients with COVID-19 were excluded from the present study if they exhibited evidence of other concomitant viral or bacterial respiratory infections.
The influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia comparison groups comprised consecutive patients who were admitted to Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong, with pure influenza pneumonia or pure bacterial pneumonia and positive CT findings from 20 February 2018 to 13 January 2020. The diagnosis of pure influenza pneumonia was determined by RT-PCR–mediated detection of influenza A or B viral RNA, in the absence of evidence (eg, respiratory or blood cultures, PCR tests, or serological tests) suggesting concomitant infection with other viral or bacterial pathogens. The diagnosis of pure bacterial pneumonia was determined by positive bacterial culture on sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage, in the absence of evidence suggesting concomitant infection with other viral or bacterial pathogens. Patients with pre-existing lung parenchymal disease (eg, interstitial lung disease) or known lung malignancy were excluded from the study.
Image acquisition
Computed tomography scans were performed using 64-section multidetector scanners (LightSpeed VCT or LightSpeed Pro 32, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee [WI], United States). The following scan parameters were used: voltage, 120 kV; tube current, 50-502 mA; and slice thickness, 0.625 mm or 1.25 mm. Scans were performed with the patient in the supine position during end-inspiration.
Image evaluation
All CT images were reviewed in random order by two trained radiologists (TY So and YX Wang) with 7 and 5 years of experience in diagnostic chest imaging, respectively, using a dedicated picture archiving and communication system workstation. Each radiologist was blinded to demographic and clinical information for all patients. The images were independently reviewed by each radiologist, and the consensus findings for any discrepancies from discussion are reported.
Each CT image was initially subjected to broad assessment of abnormalities. Subsequently, the arched bridge and vacuole signs were specifically assessed; the presence or absence of each sign was recorded. The arched bridge sign was defined as the presence of GGOs or consolidation with an arched concave margin outlining a region of spared lung; the vacuole sign was defined as the presence of a vacuole-like region of normal lung (<5 mm) within GGOs or sites of consolidation.21
For patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and patients with influenza pneumonia, CT findings of GGOs (hazy areas of parenchymal opacities that did not conceal underlying vessels), consolidation (parenchymal opacities that concealed underlying vessels), reticular opacities (coarse linear or curvilinear opacities, interlobular septal thickening, or subpleural reticulation), and crazy paving pattern (GGOs with interlobular and intralobular septal thickening) were recorded. Other signs such as air bronchograms (air-filled bronchi on a background of opaque lung), nodules (small rounded focal opacities <3 cm), cavitation (gas-filled spaces within sites of pulmonary consolidation), bronchiectasis, pleural retraction or thickening, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, pneumothorax, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy (lymph nodes >1 cm in short-axis diameter) were also recorded. The distributions of pulmonary abnormalities were classified as unilateral or bilateral, and peripheral (involving mainly the peripheral one-third of the lung), central (involving mainly the central two-thirds of the lung), or diffuse (involving both peripheral and central regions). Lobar involvement was also recorded (right upper lobe, right middle lobe, right lower lobe, left upper lobe, and/or left lower lobe). For patients with bacterial pneumonia, only the arched bridge and vacuole signs were recorded. Other CT changes and their distributions were not individually recorded. This component of the analysis was determined based on reports that it is easier to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from bacterial pneumonia, whereas it is more difficult to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from other types of viral pneumonia.6 25 26 This manuscript was written in accordance with the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines for reporting observational studies.
Statistical analysis
Imaging findings were compared using the Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate, followed by Bonferroni correction. Comparisons of disease stage, severity, and clinical course among patients with COVID-19 who had the arched bridge and/or vacuole signs were performed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. P values <0.05 were considered indicative of statistical significance. For the arched bridge and vacuole signs, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were calculated, along with the respective 95% confidence intervals. All analyses were conducted using SPSS software (Windows version 25.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
Among 76 patients with bacterial pneumonia who were admitted for treatment during the study period, five patients with pre-existing lung parenchymal disease were excluded from the analysis: organising pneumonia (n=2), non-specific interstitial pneumonia (n=1), and idiopathic interstitial pneumonia of uncertain subtype (n=2). No patients with COVID-19 required exclusion because of concomitant viral or bacterial infections. The final study population comprised 187 patients: 66 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, 50 patients with influenza pneumonia, and 71 patients with bacterial pneumonia. The following organisms were detected in patients with bacterial pneumonia: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Enterococcus spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Stenotrophomonas spp., Serratia spp., Acinetobacter spp., and Moraxella catarrhalis. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1. Compared with patients in the influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia groups, patients with COVID-19 pneumonia tended to be younger and healthier.

Table 1. Comparison of demographic characteristics among patients with pneumonia in Hong Kong
Arched bridge and vacuole signs
The arched bridge and vacuole signs were present in 42 (63.6%) and 14 (21.2%) of 66 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, respectively (Table 2). The arched bridge sign was commonly in a subpleural location, and there was a smooth arched margin outlining the underside of the GGO or consolidation in all cases (Fig a and b). The vacuole sign was present with GGOs or sites of consolidation in various locations (Fig c and d). The arched bridge sign was much more common in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia than in patients with influenza pneumonia (63.6% vs 8.0%) or bacterial pneumonia (63.6% vs 5.6%, P<0.001). Similarly, the vacuole sign was much more common in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia than in patients with influenza pneumonia (21.2% vs 2.0%, P=0.005) or bacterial pneumonia (21.2% vs 1.4%, P<0.001).

Table 2. Comparison of patterns of lung sparing morphology among patients with pneumonia in Hong Kong

Figure. (a) The arched bridge sign. Axial computed tomography (CT) image (i) and magnified view of boxed area (ii) in a 56-year-old woman with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia showing an arched ground-glass opacity (GGO) with a sharp underside outlining a semicircular region of spared lung. The typical subpleural location for the sign is evident. (b) Axial CT image (i) and magnified view of boxed area (ii) in a 35-year-old man with COVID-19 pneumonia showing a subpleural GGO with a sharp arched margin outlining two adjacent regions of spared lung, demonstrating a double arched bridge appearance. Other GGOs are also evident involving both central and peripheral lung parenchyma. (c) Vacuole sign. Axial CT image (i) and magnified view of boxed area (ii) in a 55-year-old woman with COVID-19 pneumonia showing a subpleural GGO with a few very small vacuole-like regions of sparing in the affected region. (d) Axial CT image (i) and magnified view of boxed area (ii) in a 56-year-old man with COVID-19 pneumonia showing a subpleural GGO with multiple very small vacuoles
The arched bridge and vacuole signs occurred together in 11 (16.7%) of 66 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, but they did not occur together in any patients with influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia. Additionally, a review of the five excluded patients with bacterial pneumonia and concurrent pre-existing lung parenchymal disease revealed that none of those patients exhibited the arched bridge sign or the vacuole sign.
In this study, the arched bridge and vacuole signs exhibited high specificities (93.4% and 98.4%, respectively) in terms of identifying COVID-19 pneumonia (Table 3), with moderate or low sensitivities (63.6% and 21.2%, respectively). They also exhibited high positive predictive values (84.0% and 87.5%, respectively) and high or moderate negative predictive values (82.5% and 69.6%, respectively).

Table 3. Diagnostic performances of the arched bridge and vacuole signs for coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia
The relationships of the arched bridge and vacuole signs with disease course are shown in Table 4. Computed tomography was mainly performed during admission, at a mean of 5.3 days after admission, suggesting these two signs generally appeared at an early stage. Comparisons of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who had and did not have these two signs revealed that the arched bridge sign was associated with more extensive lung involvement (diseased lobes: 4.0 [present] vs 2.4 [absent], P<0.001). This trend was not evident for the vacuole sign (diseased lobes: 3.8 [present] vs 3.3 [absent]). There was no significant difference in the duration of total hospitalisation between patients with COVID-19 who had and did not have these two signs, suggesting they were not associated with a better or worse prognosis if appropriate treatment was administered.

Table 4. Comparison of disease stage, severity, and clinical course among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia according to arched bridge sign and vacuole sign statuses
Other computed tomography findings
Table 5 shows the comparison of other CT findings between COVID-19 pneumonia and influenza pneumonia. No significant differences were observed in the incidences of GGOs, consolidation, reticular opacities, or crazy paving between patients with COVID-19 and patients with influenza pneumonia (all P>0.05). Air bronchograms (P=0.003), nodules (P=0.009), cavitation (P=0.004), bronchiectasis (P<0.001), pleural effusion (P<0.001), pericardial effusion (P=0.032), and mediastinal lymphadenopathy (P<0.001) were significantly more common in patients with influenza pneumonia.

Table 5. Comparison of other computed tomography findings between patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia and patients with influenza pneumonia
Abnormalities were more commonly bilateral in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (77.3%) and patients with influenza pneumonia (96%). The distribution was more likely to be peripheral in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (51.5% vs 2.0%, P<0.001), and was more likely to be diffuse in patients with influenza pneumonia (98% vs 48.5%, P<0.001). The right upper lobe (P<0.001), right middle lobe (P<0.001), and left upper lobe (P<0.001) were less commonly involved in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia than in patients with influenza pneumonia.
Arched bridge and vacuole signs
This study evaluated the incidences and diagnostic values of the arched bridge and vacuole signs among patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in a Hong Kong Chinese population. Since the initial description of Wu et al20 in a series of 11 patients with COVID-19, our study is the first to validate the arched bridge sign in patients with COVID-19. To our knowledge, this is also the first study to evaluate the vacuole sign in non–COVID-19–related pneumonia. The arched bridge sign was significantly more common in COVID-19 pneumonia than in influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia. Additionally, the incidences of the vacuole sign and both signs observed in combination were higher (or tended to be higher) in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia than in patients with influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia. Our results imply that these two signs generally appeared at an early stage; the arched bridge sign is more likely to be observed in patients with more severe lung pathology. These results suggest that the arched bridge and vacuole signs can be used in CT-based identification of COVID-19 pneumonia, as well as efforts to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from other types of infection-related pneumonia. Currently, chest CT is not recommended for the screening or diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia when RT-PCR tests are available. In selected cases, CT can be used to monitor clinical progress and identify complications of the disease. In some scenarios, CT can be a useful alternative investigation method for COVID-19 diagnosis or triage, such as healthcare settings with restricted access to RT-PCR tests.27 28 When these two signs are observed on CTs performed for COVID-19 pneumonia or other indications during the COVID-19 pandemic, physicians should carefully consider a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia. However, our findings indicated there was no significant difference in the duration of total hospitalisation between patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who had and did not have these two signs, suggesting that they are not indicative of a better or worse prognosis if appropriate treatments are administered.
The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms behind these signs remain unclear. However, the morphological appearances of the arched bridge and vacuole signs may indicate different pathophysiological mechanisms of lung sparing that occur during infection-related pneumonia. Histopathological examinations of lung biopsy tissues from patients with COVID-19 pneumonia have provided evidence of variations in diffuse alveolar damage.29 30 The curved concave margin in the arched bridge sign may be the result of secondary pulmonary lobule sparing, with the interlobular septum of the secondary pulmonary nodule forming some resistance to the spread of infection among lobules.20 In contrast, the vacuole sign (ie, a very small focal lucent area) may reflect a spared alveolar cluster or dilated alveolar sac within an area of otherwise involved lung.21 23 Zhang et al23 reported that the vacuole sign was often present in patients with advanced COVID-19 pneumonia, where alveolar sac dilation could result from damage to the alveolar wall.
The incidence of the arched bridge sign in patients with COVID-19 (63.6%) was similar to the incidence reported by Wu et al20 (72.7%). The incidence of the vacuole sign (21.2%) in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia is also within the range reported in prior studies describing this sign (17-66%).21 22 23 24 Notably, three additional case series have revealed spared airspaces in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, comprising ‘round cystic changes’31, ‘cystic air spaces’32 and ‘cavity signs’,33 with prevalences of 10 to 30%; these phenomena may include the vacuole sign. However, these case series did not include formal definitions of the findings. The differences in definitions of the vacuole sign (and phenomena that include the sign) may also explain the disparate prevalences (17%-66%, as noted above) reported in the literature.
The arched bridge and vacuole signs differentiated COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia with high specificities and high positive predictive values, suggesting that these signs can help to provide a specific imaging diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia. When encountering inconclusive CT features of COVID-19 pneumonia, these signs can be identified with minimal additional effort; their presence may be sufficient to increase suspicion or add to the evidence confirming a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia. The respective sensitivities of the arched bridge and vacuole signs were moderate (63.6%) and low (21.2%); the arched bridge sign may be more useful in this context. Our findings suggest that the combined presence of the arched bridge and vacuole signs strongly supports a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia.
Consistent with previous studies, the presence of nodules, cavitations, bronchiectasis, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, and/or mediastinal lymphadenopathy was uncommon in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia; these features were more common in patients with influenza pneumonia.12 16 17 18 34 35 Our results indicated that COVID-19-related abnormalities on CT were generally bilateral and peripheral, compatible with the findings in prior studies.12 13 14
This study had several limitations. First, it used a retrospective design, and patients were imaged in a cross-sectional manner at various time intervals after symptom onset. Computed tomography was not regularly performed, which hindered the monitoring or analysis of imaging signs over time. Second, CT was not routinely performed for patients with influenza pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia; it was performed based on clinical judgement, generally because of patient deterioration or poor response to treatment. We did not assess differences in the clinical features of patients with influenza pneumonia and patients with bacterial pneumonia between patients who did and did not undergo CT. Third, we attempted to implement diversity in our analysis of COVID-19 pneumonia by comparisons with influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia, whereas prior studies have generally been limited to comparisons of COVID-19 pneumonia with influenza pneumonia. However, we did not examine other types of viral pneumonia; we also did not conduct subgroup analysis according to influenza subtype. Additionally, we did not systematically compare the prognoses of patients with non–COVID-19 pneumonia who had and did not have the arched bridge or vacuole signs. This comparison was hindered by the sample size, because these two signs were very uncommon in patients with non–COVID-19 pneumonia. However, additional analysis did not reveal a clear pattern whereby these two signs would be predictive for clinical prognosis in patients with non–COVID-19 pneumonia. Finally, the sample size in this study was moderate. Although the prevalences of the arched bridge and vacuole signs in our patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were consistent with findings in the literature, their diagnostic specificities should be validated in other types of pneumonia. Despite these limitations, the high diagnostic specificities of these CT signs provide insights that will be useful in future studies. Additional work is needed regarding the relationships of these CT signs with clinical status, and our findings require validation in larger and more diverse patient populations.
In conclusion, two morphological patterns of lung sparing, namely the arched bridge and vacuole signs, are much more common in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia; they have the potential to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from influenza pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia. In this study, these signs had high specificities and positive predictive values for COVID-19 pneumonia. The identification of these signs in clinical practice may be useful for increasing suspicion or providing confirmatory evidence to support a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia.
Author contributions
Concept and design: TY So, SCH Yu, JYX Wang.
Acquisition of data: All authors.
Analysis and interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: TY So, S Yu, JYX Wang.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
The authors thank Ms Apurva Sawhney, Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for assistance with data collection.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (REC Ref. No.: 2020.232), which waived the requirement for informed consent due to the retrospective nature of the study. The study was conducted in compliance with the established ethical standards and principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
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© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Fracture incidence and fracture-related mortality decreased with decreases in population mobility during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic: an epidemiological study
Janus SH Wong, MB, BS, MRCSEd1; Christian X Fang, FRCSEd, FHKCOS1; Alfred LH Lee, MB, BS, MRCP2; Dennis KH Yee, FRCSEd, FHKCOS3; Kenneth MC Cheung, FRCS (Eng), FHKCOS1; Frankie KL Leung, FRCSEd, FHKCOS1
1 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2 Department of Microbiology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
3 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Christian X Fang (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: We investigated the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) social distancing measures on fracture incidence and fracture-related mortality, as well as associations with population mobility.
Methods: In total, 47 186 fractures were analysed across 43 public hospitals from 22 November 2016 to 26 March 2020. Considering the smartphone penetration of 91.5% in the study population, population mobility was quantified using Apple Inc’s Mobility Trends Report, an index of internet location services usage volume. Fracture incidences were compared between the first 62 days of social distancing measures and corresponding preceding epochs. Primary outcomes were associations between fracture incidence and population mobility, quantified by incidence rate ratios (IRRs). Secondary outcomes included fracture-related mortality rate (death within 30 days of fracture) and associations between emergency orthopaedic healthcare demand and population mobility.
Results: Overall, 1748 fewer fractures than projected were observed during the first 62 days of COVID-19 social distancing (fracture incidence: 321.9 vs 459.1 per 100 000 person-years, P<0.001); the relative risk was 0.690, compared with mean incidences during the same period in the previous 3 years. Population mobility exhibited significant associations with fracture incidence (IRR=1.0055, P<0.001), fracture-related emergency department attendances (IRR=1.0076, P<0.001), hospital admissions (IRR=1.0054, P<0.001), and subsequent surgery (IRR=1.0041, P<0.001). Fracture-related mortality decreased from 4.70 (in prior years) to 3.22 deaths per 100 000 person-years during the COVID-19 social distancing period (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Fracture incidence and fracture-related mortality decreased during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic; they demonstrated significant temporal associations with daily population mobility, presumably as a collateral effect of social distancing measures.
New knowledge added by this study
  • A significant reduction in fracture incidence was observed during the early days of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
  • Daily fracture incidence was temporally associated with population mobility.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Data regarding population mobility could facilitate estimation of fracture incidence and be used (along with many other factors) to estimate clinical service demand for timely management of public health responses involving changes in population mobility.
  • As digital literacy increases, population digital usage patterns could support epidemiological investigations and address gaps in conventional data sources.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which began in early 2020, has resulted in unprecedented large-scale public health responses. Stringent regional social distancing measures (eg, quarantine, school closures, and restrictions at work and recreation destinations) were rapidly implemented during the early days of the pandemic as forms of non-pharmacological intervention.1 Although there is evidence that such measures can temporarily contain the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,2 collateral effects among non–COVID-19–related conditions have also been reported.3 Trauma is the leading cause of death and disability among young adults worldwide,4 but the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on injuries and fracture incidence within Hong Kong have not been fully elucidated. This uncertainty has hindered healthcare resource deployment and clinical service demand estimation in times of stringency. We sought to address this problem using ‘big data’ sources and regional clinical data repositories, which allow researchers to rapidly delineate epidemiological associations with potential applications in forecasting models, while avoiding resource-intensive collection of conventional epidemiological information and protecting patient anonymity.
We presumed that restrictions on citizen mobility, in concert with social distancing, were associated with reductions in musculoskeletal injuries during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we hypothesised that reduced population mobility was associated with reductions in fracture incidence and fracture-related healthcare needs during the early days of the pandemic. We investigated these relationships by analysing daily multicentre hospital data registries in Hong Kong, along with digital population mobility datasets published by a technology company. Our main outcome measurement was skeletal fractures, which served as a specific surrogate for musculoskeletal trauma.
Data collection
This study was conducted in Hong Kong, a highincome region (with gross domestic product per capita of HK$357 667 in 20205) that was among the first areas affected by COVID-19; social distancing measures were implemented during the early days of the pandemic.
Using the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System of the Hospital Authority, anonymised patient records were retrieved from all 43 public hospitals in Hong Kong for the period from 22 November 2016 to 20 May 2020. In Hong Kong, up to 90% of hospital bed-days occur in public hospitals, which manage nearly all critical emergencies in the region.6 Anonymised clinical data were retrieved, including time of initial injury presentation, emergency department triage, trauma category, hospital admission, diagnosis, and surgical procedures. Diagnoses and procedures were encoded in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) by treating physicians based on clinical and radiological investigations, intraoperative findings, and date of hospital discharge. The ICD-9-CM codes that met the inclusion criteria (which included fractures under the purview or commonly admitted under the care of orthopaedic and traumatology service) were all codes from 805 to 829 (inclusive). Duplicate records from fracture reassessment related to follow-up attendances, hospitalisation after emergency department attendance, and elective hospital re-admissions (ie, episodes assigned to the same patient unique identifier with identical diagnostic codes, which occurred within 30 days of the index episode) were regarded as a single event to avoid double counting. Pathological fractures and records with missing diagnosis codes or admission times were excluded from the analysis.
Time intervals
The ‘COVID-19 epoch’ was defined as 25 January 2020 (activation of the government’s ‘emergency’ response and commencement of social distancing policies7) to 26 March 2020; this arbitrarily chosen 62-day period included all patients with fractures who presented during that period. This epoch was compared with the 9 weeks preceding the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic (ie, 22 November 2019 to 24 January 2020), as well as the same period over the past 3 years to adjust for seasonality-related variations8 (ie, 25 January to 26 March in 2017, 2018, and 2019). Differences between actual and projected daily fracture incidences were calculated based on mean values at the same time of year over the past 3 years. Fracture-related mortality rates, defined as the numbers of deaths within 30 days after initial fracture presentation per 100 000 person-years, were compared. The Chi squared test was used to detect differences in fracture incidence and fracture-related mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic and pre-pandemic epochs.
Quantifying population mobility
Surrogate data concerning population mobility were retrieved from Mobility Trends Reports9—an aggregate daily measure of geographical direction requests on Apple Maps, a service established by Apple Inc, which holds the largest market share of electronic mobile devices (including smartphones and tablets) in Hong Kong.10 Walking index was regarded as an index of population mobility, considering the smartphone penetration of 91.5%11 among the 7.50 million residents of Hong Kong.12
Data analysis
Associations between daily fracture incidence and population mobility were determined by incidence rate ratios (IRRs) using quasi-Poisson regression. Secondary analysis involved associations between mobility index and fracture repair surgeries, all types of orthopaedic emergency department attendances, orthopaedic hospital admissions, and emergency orthopaedic surgeries.
Because medical records were timestamped in Hong Kong time (8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time), they were converted to Pacific Time to match the time intervals listed in Mobility Trends Reports; this conversion ensured that data were temporally matched for analysis.
To determine whether mobility associations simply reflected health-seeking behaviour, we included analyses of diseases which lacked a physiological basis and were not associated with population mobility—these ‘controls’ included appendicitis, cellulitis, and abscess (ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes 540 and 682). Statistical analysis was performed using R software, version 3.6.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Quasi-Poisson regression was used to model the relationship between the population mobility index and the daily incidences of fractures and fracture-related events; the population mobility index was the explanatory variable, whereas the
daily incidences of various events were response variables. A quasi-Poisson distribution was preferred over a Poisson distribution, considering the presence of significant overdispersion among some response variables (in the form of count data) when a dispersion parameter was included. In accordance with standard statistical methods, the natural logarithm was utilised as the link function. Incidence rate ratios were reported and represented by the following formula:
Estimated incidence = IRRPMI × BIR
where IRR represents the incidence rate ratio, PMI represents the population mobility index, and BIR represents the baseline incidence rate. The IRR, which quantifies the relationship between the mobility index and fracture incidence, is multiplicative in nature—for every unit increase in the mobility index, there is a corresponding multiplicative increase in the IRR. If the IRR is <1, it is expected to decrease in a multiplicative manner for every unit decrease in the mobility index. Multiple comparisons were adjusted by Bonferroni correction, and the threshold for statistical significance was regarded as P<0.00227 (0.05/22).
In total, 59 931 fracture-related medical records from orthopaedic emergency department attendances, hospital admissions, and surgeries were reviewed. After exclusion of 11 498 linked episodes, 284 pathological fractures, 786 follow-up attendances, 175 hospital re-admissions, and two episodes with missing admission times, 47 186 fractures were included in the analysis. Descriptive statistics regarding daily fracture incidences, controls, and fracture-related surgeries during COVID-19 social distancing are shown in Table 1. Intra-year and inter-year comparison cohorts are presented in Table 2.

Table 1. Incidences of fractures and surgeries during the early days of the coronavirus disease 2019 social distancing (25 January to 26 March 2020)

Table 2. Incidences of fractures before and during the early days of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Fracture incidence during COVID-19 social distancing
A reduction of 1748 fractures in the actual versus projected incidence (321.9 vs 459.1 per 100 000 person-years, P<0.001) was observed during the COVID-19 epoch; the relative risk was 0.690 (95% confidence interval [CI]=0.678-0.702), compared with mean incidences in the previous 3 years (ie, inter-year cohort) [Table 2]. Differences in fracture incidence between the pandemic and pre-pandemic epochs are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Daily fracture incidences (triangles) before (22 November 2019 to 24 January 2020) and during (25 January to 26 March 2020) the early days of coronavirus disease 2019 social distancing, with comparison to the same period in the previous 3 years (dots in different shades of grey). There were 1748 fewer fractures than projected
Fracture incidences, population mobilities, and controls are depicted in Figure 2. The first two COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong were reported on 23 January 202013; three additional cases were reported on 24 January 2020. Social distancing measures were implemented on 25 January 2020; these included suspension of schools, initiation of ‘work from home’ measures among civil servants, and suspension of hospital visitations. Mandatory border quarantine was enforced on 8 February 2020. The sharpest decrease in mobility was observed on 24 January 2020; population mobility subsequently remained at low levels, in conjunction with cancellations of large-scale social and sporting events, as well as the imposition of travel restrictions with quarantine measures for returning travellers.7

Figure 2. Fracture incidences, population mobilities (based on mobility index data from Apple Inc’s Mobility Trend Reports), and controls over time in the study population. The largest decrease in population mobility coincided with the first confirmed case of coronavirus disease 2019 in Hong Kong
Associations of fracture incidence with population mobility
Fracture incidence was positively associated with the population mobility index (IRR=1.0055, 95% CI=1.0044-1.0066, P<0.001). Analyses of fracture incidence according to anatomical location revealed associations of the population mobility index with upper limb fractures (IRR=1.0073, 95% CI=1.0057-1.0088, P<0.001) and lower limb fractures (IRR=1.0045, 95% CI=1.0030-1.0060, P<0.001) [Fig 3].

Figure 3. Associations of fracture incidence with population mobility. Fracture incidence was associated with mobility index according to quasi-Poisson regression, with incidence rate ratios of 1.0055 (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.0044-1.0066) for all fractures, 1.0073 (95% CI=1.0057-1.0088) for upper limb fractures, and 1.0045 (95% CI=1.0030-1.0060) for lower limb fractures (all P<0.001)
The population mobility index was associated with the incidences of fractures involving the radius and ulna (IRR=1.0079, 95% CI=1.0057-1.0101, P<0.001), hand and fingers (IRR=1.0069, 95% CI=1.0039-1.0098, P<0.001), femoral neck (IRR=1.0065, 95% CI=1.0035-1.0095, P<0.001), and tibia and fibula (IRR=1.0097, 95% CI=1.0044-1.0151, P<0.001) [Fig 4]. However, after Bonferroni correction, the population mobility index did not exhibit statistically significant associations with trochanteric hip fractures (IRR=1.0008, P=0.683), spine fractures (IRR=0.996, P=0.183), or pelvic fractures (IRR=1.0064, P=0.00799).

Figure 4. Incidence rate ratios indicating relationships between fracture incidence and population mobility index. Incidence rate ratios of fractures are grouped according to anatomical locations with 95% confidence intervals indicated on each bar. Bars in dark grey and asterisks in y-axis labels indicate statistically significant associations (P<0.00227). Note ‘control groups’ of diseases in grey, which were included to investigate possibility of confounding between mobility index and disease incidence by alterations in health-seeking behaviour; no statistically significant associations were present in these groups
Stronger associations were observed among fractures, such that some patients presented at a younger age (eg, patients with tibia, fibula, hand, and finger fractures), whereas other patients presented at an older age (eg, patients with femoral neck fractures). Digital literacy, manual dexterity and visual acuity, and higher internet and smartphone usage among younger residents11 are among the factors that cause the population mobility index to have increased sensitivity for analysis in such age-groups.
The incidences of cellulitis, abscesses, and appendicitis were not associated with the population mobility index (P>0.00227). These findings support the hypothesis that changes in associations between fracture incidence and population mobility were not solely caused by changes in health-seeking behaviour; if they had been caused by changes in such behaviour, corresponding reductions in those conditions would have been observed.
Secondary exploratory analysis of surgeries, emergency department attendances, and hospital admissions
The daily population mobility index was associated with the number of patients admitted on a particular day who subsequently underwent fracture repair surgeries (IRR=1.0041, 95% CI=1.0020-1.0062, P<0.001). The population mobility index was also associated with all types of emergency orthopaedic surgeries (IRR=1.0040, 95% CI=1.0021-1.0058, P<0.001), attendances at orthopaedic emergency departments (IRR=1.0076, 95% CI 1.0064-1.0087, P<0.001), and emergency orthopaedic hospital admissions (IRR=1.0054, 95% CI=1.0043-1.0064, P<0.001). Additionally, the numbers of orthopaedic patients triaged as critical, emergent, and urgent (ie, patients who require physician attention within 30 minutes of attendance) were also associated with the population mobility index (IRR=1.0063, 95% CI=1.0054-1.0073, P<0.001). Whereas the numbers of traffic-related and sports-related trauma cases were associated with the population mobility index (IRR=1.008, 95% CI=1.0063-1.0097 and IRR=1.013, 95% CI=1.0092-1.0158, respectively, both P<0.001), the number of assault-related trauma cases was not (P=0.238).
Fracture-related mortality rate
Forty-nine patients with fractures died within 30 days of presentation during the COVID-19 epoch. This constituted a mortality rate of 3.22 deaths per 100 000 person-years, which was lower than the rate of 4.70 deaths per 100 000 person-years during the period before the pandemic (P<0.001); thus, there were around 19 fewer fracture-related deaths in the Hong Kong population during the 62-day study period. Four patients with fractures had COVID-19 (ie, they had positive results in nasopharyngeal swab reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) and survived beyond 30 days after initial fracture presentation. The change in mortality was presumably explained by reduced fracture incidence: 30-day mortality among patients with fractures did not significantly differ between the COVID-19 epoch (1.2%, 49 deaths in 4101 patients) and the preceding period (1.0%, 175 deaths in 17 198 patients) [P=0.305].
This study analysed 47 186 fractures in Hong Kong, prior to and during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Population mobility was assessed through aggregate digital footprints using the volume of location service requests as a surrogate marker, considering the high smartphone and internet penetration in Hong Kong11; importantly, datasets of aggregate digital footprints have been published to facilitate efforts to control COVID-19.9 The findings support our hypothesis in terms of the relationship between fracture incidence and population mobility.
Fractures incur substantial healthcare costs; for example, fragility fracture-related costs incurred costs of 37.5 billion euros, along with the loss of 1.0 million quality-adjusted life years, among the six largest European countries in 2017.14 Some fractures (eg, hip fractures) warrant early surgical management to mitigate the morbidity and mortality associated with surgical delays.15 Guidance regarding early surgical management remained in effect, even during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.16 Despite the best available tools, fracture prediction remains difficult; there are additional challenges associated with epidemiological projections of specific time points when such fractures occur. Accordingly, hospitals and public health entities experience difficulties in terms of estimating emergency trauma service load and allocating limited healthcare resources. Our findings suggest that population mobility indices, which are freely and publicly accessible, can provide insights regarding fracture incidence. Population mobility may be useful in quantitative modelling of fracture-related inpatient and surgical theatre service demand, using the IRRs described in this study.
Although there is evidence to support the efficacy of social distancing measures with respect to COVID-19 transmission,2 our findings emphasise the collateral impacts of pandemic-related interventions on non-communicable diseases. We found that fracture incidence decreased when population mobility was hindered by social distancing measures; the relative reduction in overall fractures appeared to be similar to the effect of established pharmacological interventions on fragility fractures.17 Although this relationship appears to contradict the common notion that physical activity confers a protective effect against fractures in both young and old age-groups, 18 19 associations of increased fracture risk with specific types of exercises (eg, bicycling), or regular participation in other exercise and sports activities, have been described.20 Thus, long-term benefits (eg, increased bone mineral density) may be accrued at the expense of increased exposure to fracture risk when engaging in physical activity. Although the long-term impact of reduced population mobility on fracture incidence remains unclear, vitamin D deficiency caused by prolonged time indoors (ie, without sunlight exposure) is an established risk factor for future fractures.21
The strengths of our study include its inclusion of data from all public hospitals in Hong Kong, which allowed extensive analysis of rare events such as fractures. Our database has a high (>96%) positive predictive value for fractures,22 presumably because data entry is conducted by impartial registered medical practitioners. Furthermore, high internet and smartphone penetration increased the sensitivity of the population mobility analysis, such that the mobility index was geographically specific to the study population. Pedestrian and road traffic densities, which are indirectly represented by the population mobility index, could also precipitate accidents, falls, and subsequent fracture risk. Additionally, potential confounding based on health-seeking behaviour was partially mitigated by the inclusion of ‘control’ groups. Fortunately, all hospitals involved in the study maintained full emergency service during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic23; this maintenance of emergency service minimised potential confounding by hospitals that were unable to provide service to patients with fractures.
Limitations of the study involved deficiencies in the population mobility index. For example, travel between familiar places and travel where navigation guidance is unnecessary, as well as the usage of alternative electronic service providers, were not considered. Therefore, the population mobility index served as a more specific (rather than sensitive) tool for assessment of population mobility. Global positioning system (GPS)–based mobility tracking would theoretically allow more extensive data collection, thus providing greater detection sensitivity; however, such mobility tracking would cause substantial privacy issues, resulting in legal and ethical challenges.
Notably, older adults are less adept in smartphone usage (62.2% of residents aged ≥65 years reported internet usage in 202011), and the digital population mobility index does not adequately illustrate this division in the population. Furthermore, fractures in older adults are largely caused by osteoporosis, whereas high-energy injury mechanisms are observed in younger individuals.24 Therefore, social distancing may have a negligible effect on the incidences of osteoporotic fractures sustained indoors. We caution against using population mobility data as the sole source of estimates for health service planning because that approach could underestimate fragility fracture service demand.
Additionally, the use of fracture incidence data from a public healthcare database only included approximately 90% of the population health demand. During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, instances of diversion to the private sector, attendances in private clinics, and visits to alternative practitioners were not coded; the lack of these data may have led to underestimation of total fracture incidence. Finally, we caution against generalising these findings to regions with less internet and smartphone penetration.
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, fracture incidence and fracture-related mortality considerably decreased with the implementation of government social distancing measures that targeted population mobility. This unique opportunity enabled the identification of collateral associations and revealed that population mobility could be used (along with many other factors) to estimate clinical service demand.
Author contributions
Concept or design: JSH Wong, DKH Yee.
Acquisition of data: JSH Wong.
Analysis or interpretation of data: JSH Wong, ALH Lee, DKH Yee, CX Fang.
Drafting of the manuscript: JSH Wong, ALH Lee, CX Fang.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: CX Fang, DKH Yee, FKL Leung, KMC Cheung.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Ethics approval was granted by the Institutional Review Board of The University of Hong Kong/ Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (HKU/HA HKW IRB Ref No.: UW 20-275), and investigations were carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The requirement for patient informed consent was waived by the Board because the study used anonymised data and the risk of identification was low.
1. Leung K, Wu JT, Liu D, Leung GM. First-wave COVID-19 transmissibility and severity in China outside Hubei after control measures, and second-wave scenario planning: a modelling impact assessment. Lancet 2020;395:1382-93. Crossref
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6. Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government. Report of the Strategic Review on Healthcare Manpower Planning and Professional Development. 2017. Available from: Accessed 20 May 2020.
7. Leung GM, Cowling BJ, Wu JT. From a sprint to a marathon in Hong Kong. N Engl J Med 2020;382:e45. Crossref
8. Yee DK, Fang C, Lau TW, Pun T, Wong TM, Leung F. Seasonal variation in hip fracture mortality. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil 2017;8:49-53. Crossref
9. Apple Inc. COVID-19–mobility trends reports. Available from: Accessed 26 Apr 2020.
10. Statcounter GlobalStats. Mobile & tablet vendor market share Hong Kong. Jan – Mar 2020. Available from: Accessed 26 Apr 2020.
11. Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong SAR Government. Thematic Household Survey Report No. 69: Personal Computer and Internet Penetration. 2020. Available from: Accessed 5 May 2020.
12. Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong SAR Government. Population– Overview. 2020. Available from: Accessed 12 Apr 2020.
13. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Latest situation of novel coronavirus infection in Hong Kong. Available from: Accessed 12 Apr 2022.
14. Borgström F, Karlsson L, Ortsäter G, et al. Fragility fractures in Europe: burden, management and opportunities. Arch Osteoporos 2020;15:59. Crossref
15. Leung F, Lau TW, Kwan K, Chow SP, Kung AW. Does timing of surgery matter in fragility hip fractures? Osteoporos Int 2010;21 Suppl 4:S529-34. Crossref
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Ten-year refractive and visual outcomes of intraocular lens implantation in infants with congenital cataract

© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Ten-year refractive and visual outcomes of intraocular lens implantation in infants with congenital cataract
Joyce JT Chan, FRCOphth; Emily S Wong, FCOphthHK; Carol PS Lam, FCOphthHK; Jason C Yam, FRCSEd
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Eye Hospital, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr JC Yam (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: There is no consensus regarding optimal target refraction after intraocular lens implantation in infants. This study aimed to clarify relationships of initial postoperative refraction with long-term refractive and visual outcomes.
Methods: This retrospective review included 14 infants (22 eyes) who underwent unilateral or bilateral cataract extraction and primary intraocular lens implantation before the age of 1 year. All infants had ≥10 years of follow-up.
Results: All eyes exhibited myopic shift over a mean follow-up period of 15.9 ± 2.8 years. The greatest myopic shift occurred in the first postoperative year (mean=-5.39 ± +3.50 dioptres [D]), but smaller amounts continued beyond the tenth year (mean=-2.64 ± +2.02 D between 10 years postoperatively and last follow-up). Total myopic shift at 10 years ranged from -21.88 to -3.75 D (mean=-11.62 ± +5.14 D). Younger age at operation was correlated with larger myopic shifts at 1 year (P=0.025) and 10 years (P=0.006) postoperatively. Immediate postoperative refraction was a predictor of spherical equivalent refraction at 1 year (P=0.015) but not at 10 years (P=0.116). Immediate postoperative refraction was negatively correlated with final best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) (P=0.018). Immediate postoperative refraction of ≥+7.00 D was correlated with worse final BCVA (P=0.029).
Conclusion: Considerable variation in myopic shift hinders the prediction of long-term refractive outcomes in individual patients. When selecting target refraction in infants, low to moderate hyperopia (<+7.00 D) should be considered to balance the avoidance of high myopia in adulthood with the risk of worse long-term visual acuity related to high postoperative hyperopia.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The greatest myopic shift occurred in the first year after cataract surgery, but smaller shifts continued beyond the tenth year. Overall, 50% of eyes exhibited myopic shift >-2.00 dioptres between the tenth postoperative year and last follow-up.
  • Considerable variation in refractive change after intraocular lens implantation in infants aged <1 year hinders the prediction of long-term refractive outcomes in individual patients. Immediate postoperative refraction was not correlated with spherical equivalent refraction at 10 years postoperatively.
  • Immediate postoperative refraction of ≥+7.00 dioptres was correlated with worse final visual acuity.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • When selecting target refraction in infants, low to moderate hyperopia (<+7.00 dioptres) should be considered to balance the avoidance of high myopia in adulthood with the risk of worse long-term visual acuity related to high postoperative hyperopia.
Appropriate optical correction after cataract extraction in infants is important for efforts to avoid amblyopia. Primary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation allows constant in situ optical correction during the critical years of visual development, while avoiding the expenses and compliance issues associated with contact lenses.1 Disadvantages include increased rates of surgical complications and re-operations,2 as well as the inability to modify IOL power during ocular growth. A recent report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology suggested that IOL implantation can be safely conducted in children aged >6 months.3 However, because of the unpredictable nature of ocular growth, it remains challenging to select a target refraction in infants that allows achievement of optimal long-term visual and refractive outcomes.
Surgeons target various initial hyperopia values, ranging from +5.00 dioptres (D) to +10.50 D,4 5 6 7 8 9 to compensate for the rapid myopic shift that occurs during infancy. However, prediction of the myopic shift remains difficult; significant hyperopia in infants requires stringent optical correction to prevent amblyopia, and some studies have linked high initial hyperopia to worse visual acuity.10 11 This retrospective study aimed to clarify the relationships of initial postoperative refraction with 10-year spherical equivalent refraction (SER) and long-term best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after IOL implantation in infants.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
This retrospective study included patients who underwent unilateral or bilateral congenital cataract extraction and primary IOL implantation before the age of 1 year between 1997 and 2009 at a single secondary and tertiary referral eye centre. Only patients with ≥10 years of follow-up were included. Eyes with associated ocular co-morbidities (eg, persistent foetal vasculature and glaucoma) were excluded.
Surgical technique and follow-up
The patients’ baseline characteristics (eg, age, axial length [determined by applanation A-scan biometry], and keratometry) were recorded. Intraocular lens powers were calculated using the Sanders–Retzlaff–Kraff II formula. The operating surgeon selected the target refraction and IOL power, considering the patient’s age (all cases) and refractive error in the fellow eye (unilateral cases). All operations were performed using similar techniques, including the creation of a 3.0-mm scleral tunnel, anterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis, and lens removal by automated irrigation and aspiration. Heparin-surface-modified polymethyl methacrylate IOLs or acrylic foldable IOLs were implanted. The IOL was placed in the capsular bag or in the sulcus. All wounds were sutured. In some cases, primary posterior curvilinear capsulorhexis and anterior vitrectomy were performed. Because of reports that a significant number of eyes in young infants required secondary posterior capsule opening despite primary posterior capsulotomy,12 13 this procedure was omitted in some eyes to increase the likelihood of achieving capsular IOL implantation. Postoperatively, all eyes were treated with intensive topical steroid and antibiotic medication. Patients were assessed on postoperative day 1, week 1, week 2, and week 4; they were then assessed every 3 to 6 months. When clinically significant posterior capsular opacification developed, secondary posterior capsulotomy was performed promptly. Glasses were used for postoperative optical correction; in some cases, contact lenses were also used. Amblyopia treatment by patching was performed as necessary.
Outcome measures and statistical analysis
Spherical equivalent refraction at 2 weeks postoperatively was regarded as immediate postoperative refraction. Serial refractions at each year of postoperative follow-up were recorded, and SERs were calculated as the algebraic sum of the sphere and half the cylindrical power. Postoperative axial length was measured using non-contact optical biometry, which was less invasive than applanation biometry.
Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Windows version 21.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). Best-corrected visual acuities were converted to logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) values for statistical analysis. Correlations between continuous variables were assessed by Spearman correlation. Differences between groups were analysed by the Mann–Whitney U test. Preoperative axial length and keratometry were compared with values at the last follow-up using the paired-samples Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The independent-sample Kruskal–Wallis test was used to compare 10-year SER and BCVA values among groups with immediate postoperative refraction ≤+3.50 D, +3.50 to +7.00 D, and ≥+7.00 D. Partial correlation analysis was performed to detect correlations of immediate postoperative refraction with spherical refraction at 1 year and 10 years after adjustment for age at operation. Multiple linear regression was performed for multivariate analysis of statistically significant factors identified during univariate analysis. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Twenty-two eyes of 14 patients were included in this study. One eye in one patient with bilateral cataract was excluded because it was surgically treated after the patient reached 1 year of age. One eye in another patient with bilateral cataract was excluded because it exhibited secondary glaucoma. During surgery, heparin-surface-modified polymethyl methacrylate IOLs were implanted in three eyes, whereas acrylic foldable IOLs were implanted in 19 eyes. The IOL was placed in the capsular bag in 18 eyes and in the sulcus in four eyes. Additionally, primary posterior curvilinear capsulorhexis and anterior vitrectomy were performed in 13 eyes. For postoperative optical correction, all 14 patients wore glasses; four patients (including two with unilateral cataract) also wore contact lenses. Thirteen patients underwent amblyopia treatment by patching.
The Table summarises the baseline characteristics, refractive outcomes, and visual outcomes of eyes included in this study. All 22 eyes exhibited myopic shift, ranging from -21.88 to -3.75 D at 10 years. Figures 1 and 2 show the amounts of myopic shift and SER, respectively, at 1 to 10 years postoperatively and at last follow-up. The greatest myopic shift occurred in the first postoperative year, but smaller shifts continued beyond the tenth year. Ninety percent of eyes exhibited myopic shift >-2.00 D between the third postoperative year and last follow-up (mean myopic shift: -6.40 ± +3.29 D; range, -12.00 to -1.63 D). These proportions were 82% between the sixth postoperative year and last follow-up (mean myopic shift: -4.14 ± +2.35 D; range, -9.38 to -1.13 D), and 50% between the tenth postoperative year and last follow-up (mean myopic shift: -2.64 ± +2.02 D; range, -0.125 to -6.75 D).

Table. Baseline characteristics and follow-up results of patients who underwent unilateral or bilateral cataract extraction and primary intraocular lens implantation before the age of 1 year

Figure 1. Magnitude of myopic shift per year from 1 to 10 years postoperatively, and between 10 years postoperatively and last follow-up, after primary implantation of intraocular lens in infants aged <1 year. Boxes: quartile 1 to quartile 3 (interquartile range). Lines: medians. Whiskers: maximum and minimum values excluding potential outliers and extreme values. Circles: potential outliers, more than 1.5 interquartile ranges but at most 3 interquartile ranges below quartile 1 or above quartile 3. Asterisks: extreme values, more than 3 interquartile ranges below quartile 1 or above quartile 3

Figure 2. Spherical equivalent refraction immediately after operation, at 1 year to 10 years, and at last follow-up after primary intraocular lens implantation in infants aged <1 year. Boxes: quartile 1 to quartile 3 (interquartile range). Lines: medians. Whiskers: maximum and minimum values excluding potential outliers and extreme values. Circles: potential outliers, more than 1.5 interquartile ranges but at most 3 interquartile ranges below quartile 1 or above quartile 3
Factors affecting myopic shift at 1 year and at 10 years
In univariate analysis, a larger myopic shift at 1 year postoperatively was correlated with younger age at operation (R2=0.585, P=0.004), more hyperopic immediate postoperative refraction (R2=-0.533, P=0.011), and a need for secondary posterior capsulotomy (U=20, z=-2.066, P=0.04). One-year myopic shift was not correlated with initial axial length (R2=0.038, P=0.878), and it did not differ between unilateral (median=-5.81 D) and bilateral cases (median=-4.38 D) [U=41.5, z=0.469, P=0.652]. Multiple linear regression was performed for statistically significant factors identified during univariate analysis. Only age at operation remained statistically significant (P=0.025); immediate postoperative refraction (P=0.191) and a need for secondary posterior capsulotomy (P=0.781) were not significant in multivariate analysis.
The total amount of myopic shift at 10 years postoperatively was correlated with age at operation (R2=0.579, P=0.006), but it was not correlated with immediate postoperative refraction (R2=-0.339, P=0.133) or initial axial length (R2=0.291, P=0.241). There was no difference in the amount of myopic shift at 10 years between unilateral (median=-14.62 D) and bilateral cases (median=-10.50 D) [U=40.5, z=1.357, P=0.185] or between eyes that required secondary posterior capsulotomy (median=-11.25 D) and eyes that did not (median = -6.19 D) [U=24, z=-1.645, P=0.112].
Factors affecting spherical equivalent refraction at 1 year and at 10 years
Spherical equivalent refraction at 1 year did not significantly differ between unilateral (median=-2.69 D) and bilateral cases (median=+1.13 D) [U=59, z=1.959, P=0.053] or between eyes that required secondary capsulotomy (median=+0.31 D) and eyes that did not (median=+1.42 D) [U=32.5, z=-1.143, P=0.261]. Partial correlation analysis showed that after adjustment for age at operation, immediate postoperative refraction (R2=0.522, P=0.015) was a statistically significant predictor of SER at 1 year.
In contrast, SER at 10 years postoperatively was significantly more myopic in unilateral cases (median=-10.63 D) than in bilateral cases (median=-4.81 D) [U=49.5, z=2.264, P=0.017]. This finding may be related to surgeon preference for less hyperopic target refractions in unilateral cases, which can match the refraction of the fellow eye and potentially prevent significant postoperative anisometropia. Indeed, after adjustment for age, immediate postoperative SER was significantly less hyperopic in unilateral cases than in bilateral cases (P=0.025). A need for secondary posterior capsulotomy (U=28, z=-1.325, P=0.205) was not correlated with SER at 10 years. After adjustment for laterality, both age at operation (P=0.066) and immediate postoperative refraction (P=0.116) were not statistically significant predictors of SER at 10 years. There was no significant difference in 10-year SER among eyes with immediate postoperative refraction ≤+3.50 D, +3.50 to +7.00 D, and ≥+7.00 D (P=0.439), as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Ten-year spherical equivalent refraction in eyes with immediate postoperative refraction ≤+3.50 dioptres (D), +3.50 to +7.00 D, and ≥+7.00 D. Boxes: quartile 1 to quartile 3 (interquartile range). Lines: medians. Whiskers: maximum and minimum values excluding potential outliers and extreme values. Circles: potential outliers, more than 1.5 interquartile ranges but at most 3 interquartile ranges below quartile 1 or above quartile 3
Subgroup analysis was performed for bilateral cases only. Multiple regression analysis showed that at 1 year, both age at operation (P=0.014) and immediate postoperative refraction (P=0.024) remained significant predictors of SER after unilateral cases had been excluded. At 10 years postoperatively, age at operation was a significant predictor of SER (P=0.015), whereas immediate postoperative refraction was not (P=0.135).
Axial length and keratometry
Mean preoperative axial length was 19.12 mm, whereas mean axial length at 10 years was 24.82 mm. There were no differences in initial axial length (U=32, z=0.894, P=0.421) or total axial length change (U=22, z=-0.224, P=0.875) between unilateral and bilateral cases. Final axial length was significantly greater than preoperative axial length (z=3.823, P<0.0005). Total axial length change was strongly correlated with total myopic shift (R2=-0.791, P<0.0005). There was no difference between preoperative and final keratometry values (z=0.081, P=0.936). The total change in the mean keratometry value was not correlated with total myopic shift (R2=-0.168, P=0.490).
Final best-corrected visual acuity
At the last follow-up, 11 eyes (50%) had a final BCVA of 0.18 logMAR or better, six eyes (27%) had moderate amblyopia with BCVA of 0.3 to 0.6 logMAR, and five eyes (23%) had severe amblyopia with BCVA of 0.7 to 1.0 logMAR. There was a statistically significant correlation between immediate postoperative refraction and final BCVA (R2=0.440, P=0.041). Best-corrected visual acuity was worse in eyes that required secondary capsulotomy (U=74.5, z=1.995, P=0.049). Multiple regression revealed that a need for secondary capsulotomy was no longer a significant predictor for BCVA (P=0.299), whereas immediate postoperative refraction remained a significant predictor for BCVA (P=0.018). Best-corrected visual acuity was significantly worse in eyes with immediate postoperative refraction of +7.00 D or higher than in eyes with lower levels of immediate postoperative hyperopia (P=0.029) [Fig 4]. There were no significant correlations of final BCVA with age at operation (R2=-0.041, P=0.856), SER at 10 years (R2=0.011, P=0.963), SER at last follow-up (R2=-0.122, P=0.589), or laterality (U=48.5, z=-1.087, P=0.300).

Figure 4. Logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) best-corrected visual acuity in eyes with immediate postoperative refraction ≤+3.50 dioptres (D), +3.50 to +7.00 D, and ≥+7.00 D. Boxes: quartile 1 to quartile 3 (interquartile range). Lines: median. Whiskers: maximum and minimum values excluding potential outliers and extreme values. Circles: potential outliers, more than 1.5 interquartile ranges but at most 3 interquartile ranges below quartile 1 or above quartile 3. Asterisks: extreme values, more than 3 interquartile ranges below quartile 1 or above quartile 3
Complications and re-operations
Seventeen eyes underwent 21 re-operations in total, 17 of which were secondary posterior capsulotomies. All nine eyes that did not undergo primary posterior capsulorhexis and anterior vitrectomy required secondary capsulotomy; one of the nine eyes required secondary capsulotomy twice. Seven of 13 eyes with primary posterior capsulorhexis and anterior vitrectomy required secondary capsulotomy. Three eyes underwent injection of intracameral tissue plasminogen activator, one eye underwent dissection of fibrinous membrane, and one eye required removal of anterior capsular phimosis. Notably, anterior capsular phimosis did not develop in any other eyes. One eye developed secondary glaucoma and was excluded from this study.
Two important goals in the management of congenital cataract include achievement of good long-term visual acuity and minimisation of refractive error in adulthood. This study focused on long-term outcomes after primary IOL implantation in infants, all of whom had ≥10 years of follow-up. Myopic shift was present in all eyes, and its magnitude considerably varied. Immediate postoperative refraction was not a statistically significant predictor of SER at 10 years. Moreover, there was a statistically significant negative correlation between immediate postoperative refraction and final BCVA. Finally, immediate postoperative refraction of +7.00 D or higher was correlated with worse final BCVA.
Refractive change in a growing eye
Refractive change in a normal growing eye involves a complex interaction among axial length elongation, corneal curvature flattening, and the reduction of crystalline lens power.14 Additional effects on ocular growth (eg, related to the presence or laterality of congenital cataract, age at corrective surgery, initial axial length, postoperative visual input, and compliance with postoperative amblyopia therapy) remain uncertain.15 The presence of an intraocular lens magnifies myopic shift in a growing eye—the intraocular lens exhibits constant power and moves anteriorly away from the retina during ocular growth, hindering the extrapolation of data from phakic eyes.5 Figure 5 shows the mean SER during the first decade of life in pseudophakic eyes from patients in the present study, compared with normal eyes from the ongoing population-based Hong Kong Children Eye Study.16 At 10 years after corrective surgery, the mean SER was -6.48 D in pseudophakic eyes, whereas it was -0.72 D in normal eyes of age-matched children. The mean axial length at 10 years was 24.82 mm in pseudophakic eyes, whereas it was 23.79 mm in normal eyes of age-matched children.16 These data imply the presence of a greater myopic shift and greater increase in axial length among pseudophakic eyes which continues beyond the first 2 years of life; notably, these increases are relative to the mean growth of normal eyes in Hong Kong children, who exhibit a higher prevalence of myopia compared with other populations.16

Figure 5. Mean spherical equivalent refraction during the first decade of life in pseudophakic eyes from patients in the present study compared with normal eyes from the Hong Kong Children Eye Study
Refractive change after primary intraocular lens implantation in infants
Several other studies of myopic shift have revealed considerable refractive change after primary IOL implantation in infants aged <1 year. At 5 years postoperatively, the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study revealed a mean myopic shift of -8.97 D for infants surgically treated at the age of 1 month and -7.22 D for infants surgically treated at the age of 6 months,9 whereas Negalur et al17 found a median myopic shift of -8.43 D after the same duration of follow-up in infants operated before the age of 6 months. Fan et al18 reported a mean myopic shift of -7.11 D at 3 years postoperatively in infants operated before the age of 1 year; Lu et al19 reported a mean myopic shift of -6.46 D at 2 years in 22 eyes, as well as a mean myopic shift of -8.67 D at 6 years in three eyes, among infants operated between the age of 6 and 12 months. In our study, which had a longer follow-up period, the mean 10-year myopic shift was -11.62 ± 5.14 D and myopic progression continued beyond 10 years postoperatively. These findings highlight the importance of using long-term data to guide management decisions, including the selection of target refraction and the determination of appropriate timing for enhancement procedures (eg, IOL exchange).
Our results showed that myopic shift was greatest in the first postoperative year and was correlated with age at operation, which is consistent with findings in the literature.9 10 17 18 19 20 21 Because age at operation is most frequently associated with the magnitude of refractive change, many surgeons prefer to adjust initial hyperopia according to age. McClatchey et al22 recommended targets of +5.00 to +8.00 D in infants aged <1 year, whereas Valera Cornejo et al4 selected targets of +7.00 to +9.00 D in infants of the same age-group. The results of the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study suggested that, to achieve emmetropia at 5 years, immediate postoperative hyperopia should be +10.50 D from 4 to 6 weeks of age and +8.50 D from 7 weeks to 6 months of age.9 However, our results showed considerable variation in myopic shift at 10 years (range, -21.88 to -3.75 D); after adjustment for age, immediate postoperative refraction was not a statistically significant predictor of SER at 10 years. Other studies have shown that initial refraction and IOL undercorrection were not significantly associated with the magnitude or rate of myopic shift9 18 22 23; they also revealed large and unpredictable variations in refractive outcomes after IOL implantation in young infants.10 20 21 22 24 25 At the 3-year follow-up, refractive change ranged from +2.00 to -15.50 D in a study by Gouws et al26 and from -0.47 to -10.69 D in a study by Fan et al.18 Although we observed a trend towards more myopic 10-year refractions in groups with lower initial postoperative hyperopia, there were no significant differences because of substantial variability in the data (Fig 3). The Infant Aphakia Treatment Study showed that the actual and expected amounts of myopic shift differed in a large percentage of patients; 50% of patients exhibited differences of +3.00 to +14.00 D from expected values.9 Therefore, age-adjusted suggested targets only compensate for the mean expected myopic shift; large interpatient variability will often result in unanticipated long-term outcomes for individual patients. Correlation analysis in our study revealed that age at operation only explained 58% of the variance in myopic shift at 10 years. This correlation is presumably influenced by other factors that contribute to myopic progression, such as genetics, ethnicity, outdoor exposure, education level, and extent of near work.27
Long-term best-corrected visual acuity
The achievement of optimal long-term BCVA is another important goal of surgical treatment for congenital cataract. In our study, immediate postoperative refraction of ≥+7.00 D was correlated with worse BCVA. Similarly, in a study of infants who underwent surgery between the ages of 2 and 21 months, with ≥4 years of follow-up, Magli et al10 found that BCVA was higher in infants with initial spherical refraction between +1.00 and +3.00 D than in infants with initial spherical refraction >+3.00 D. In a study that included older children who underwent surgery at or before the age of 8.5 years, Lowery et al11 found that low early postoperative hyperopia (+1.75 to +5.00 D) yielded better longterm BCVA, compared with refractions <+1.75 or >+5.00 D in unilateral cases; no difference was observed in bilateral cases. Another study of older children (surgically treated between the ages of 2 and 6 years) revealed no difference in BCVA between initial postoperative refractive errors of near emmetropia versus undercorrection of +2.00 to +5.50 D23; no patients had initial refraction values >+5.50 D. High initial postoperative hyperopia requires good compliance with refractive correction; in infants, such hyperopia also requires amblyopia treatment because younger children are at higher risk of developing amblyopia. Hyperopia is more amblyogenic than myopia because young children have higher demands for near vision28; moreover, hyperopia causes defocusing in both distance and near vision, particularly among patients who exhibit pseudophakia related to accommodation loss. Studies have shown variable compliance with optical correction and amblyopia treatment after congenital cataract surgery19 29; the use of high-plus spectacles is associated with various optical aberrations. Additionally, contact lenses are suboptimal because one of the original aims of intraocular lens implantation is to avoid the need for contact lens. Myopia is comparatively less amblyogenic because it allows retention of near vision, particularly if the amount of myopia remains low until later in childhood when visual development is more mature.30 Therefore, parental motivation and the likelihood of compliance should be included in decisions regarding postoperative refraction. Ideally, high myopia in adulthood should be minimised. However, this goal should be balanced with the risks of amblyopia and long-term poor vision. Therefore, the selection of high hyperopia (>+7.00 D) as an initial postoperative target refraction should be avoided when possible.
Strengths and limitations
A major strength of our study was the long follow-up period. Additionally, it only included infants who underwent IOL implantation before the age of 1 year because the refractive change in this group exhibits the greatest variability and is most challenging to predict.5
There were some limitations in this study. First, it used a retrospective design and included a small number of patients. Second, there was no objective monitoring of compliance with optical correction or amblyopia treatment. Third, few unilateral cases were included, which may have hindered the detection of larger myopic shifts in post–IOL implantation in unilateral cases. Notably, some previous studies revealed larger myopic shifts after IOL implantation in such cases.4 17 21 22
In conclusion, the large and variable refractive change after IOL implantation in infants aged <1 year hinders the prediction of long-term refractive outcomes in individual patients. When selecting target refraction in infants, low to moderate hyperopia (<+7.00 D) should be considered to balance the avoidance of high myopia in adulthood with the risk of worse long-term visual acuity related to high postoperative hyperopia
Author contributions
Concept or design: All authors.
Acquisition of data: JJT Chan.
Analysis or interpretation of data: JJT Chan.
Drafting of the manuscript: JJT Chan.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, JC Yam was not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Ethics approval was granted by the Research Ethics Committee (Kowloon Central/Kowloon East), Hospital Authority (Ref No.: KC/KE-19-0059/ER-4). The requirement for patient consent was waived by the ethics board due to the retrospective nature of the study. The study is conducted in accordance with the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
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Assessment of healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China: the role of internal work motivation

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Feb;29(1):57-65 | Epub 9 Feb 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Assessment of healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China: the role of internal work motivation
Q Gao, PhD; L Peng, MSc; S Song, MSc; Y Zhang, MSc; Y Shi, PhD
Center for Experimental Economics in Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China
Corresponding author: Prof Y Shi (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The quality of primary care is important for health outcomes among residents in China. There is evidence that internal work motivation improves the quality of healthcare provided by clinicians. However, few empirical studies have examined the relationship between internal work motivation and clinical performance among village clinicians in rural China. This study was performed to evaluate healthcare quality among village clinicians, then explore its relationships with internal work motivation among those clinicians.
Methods: We collected survey data using a standardised patient method and a structured questionnaire. We observed 225 interactions between standardised patients and village clinicians from 21 counties in three provinces. We used logistic regression models to analyse the relationships between work motivation and healthcare quality, then conducted heterogeneity analysis.
Results: Healthcare quality among village clinicians was generally low. There was a significantly positive correlation between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among village clinicians (P<0.1). Additionally, the positive effect of internal work motivation on healthcare quality was strongest among clinicians who received financial incentives and had a lighter workload (fewer patients per month) [P<0.1].
Conclusion: Healthcare quality among village clinicians requires urgent improvement. We recommend implementing financial incentives to stimulate internal work motivation among village clinicians, thus improving their clinical performance.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Internal work motivation was positively correlated with healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China.
  • The positive correlation was strongest among clinicians who received financial incentives and had a lighter workload (fewer patients per month).
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China should be enhanced by improving their internal work motivation.
  • Interventions that include financial incentives should be implemented to strengthen the positive effect of internal work motivation on healthcare quality among clinicians.
Village clinics, the first tier of rural health systems in China, are responsible for preventing and treating common diseases among rural residents.1 2 However, the quality of healthcare provided by village clinicians may be unsatisfactory in rural China.3 4 Village clinicians generally have a low level of education and limited medical qualifications.4 There is some evidence that, among village clinicians, the first records of formal schooling are primarily vocational school degrees; most (84.3%) of these clinicians only have the basic medical certification necessary to practise medicine in rural areas.5 Moreover, despite limited empirical evaluation, available data indicate that rural primary clinicians have low diagnostic quality and provide poor management of chronic diseases.6 A 2012 study in Shaanxi Province revealed that 41% of diagnoses were incorrect; treatments were considered correct or partially correct in 53% of clinician-patient interactions.5 A systematic review of 24 studies between 2000 and 2012 showed the rate of antibiotic use in rural clinics was much higher than the rate recommended by the World Health Organization.7 8
The Chinese Government has recognised the need to strengthen primary healthcare in rural areas. To improve health among rural residents, the government has recently issued multiple policies that are intended to improve service capacity within primary medical systems.9 10 For example, to improve clinical knowledge among village clinicians, several government departments jointly implemented a plan in 2013, which focused on the provision of continuing education for clinicians.11 In 2019, the Basic Medical and Health Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China emphasised the need to support the development of primary medical institutions and implement various policies that would improve primary medical service capabilities.12
Although improvements in internal work motivation among village clinicians may help to enhance their medical performance, few empirical studies have examined the relationship between these two characteristics among village clinicians in rural China. Theory-focused researches indicate that internal work motivation is important for improvements to clinician performance.13 14 Other theory-based researches in China have suggested that clinicians with higher internal motivation are more likely to deliver higher-quality work.15 16 Quantitative analyses of clinician behaviour, primarily conducted in other countries, have also revealed positive effects of internal work motivation on healthcare quality and work performance of clinicians.17 18 19 To our knowledge, empirical studies of work motivation in China have primarily focused on individuals in business careers and similar occupations; few have considered groups of clinicians.20 21 22 Thus, there have been few empirical studies involving village clinicians in rural China.
This study explored the relationship between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China. First, using a standardised patient method and questionnaire interviews, we evaluated healthcare quality and internal work motivation among village clinicians. Second, we examined the relationships between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among village clinicians. Third, we conducted heterogeneity analysis with a focus on clinician workload and financial incentives.
Sampling and data collection
Our study sampling was conducted in the rural areas of three prefectures, each located in one of the following three provinces: Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Anhui. Representative samples were selected using a multi-level random method. First, 21 sample counties were randomly selected from the sample prefectures. Next, 10 townships from each sampled county were randomly chosen as sample townships; 209 sample townships were selected because one sample county contained only nine townships. Then, one village was randomly selected from each township. Finally, all village clinics in the sample village were included; one standardised patient interaction was completed in the sample village.
We conducted two sets of surveys to collect data regarding basic characteristics, internal work motivation, and healthcare quality among village clinicians in 2015. In the first set of surveys, we primarily gathered information regarding the characteristics of village clinics and village clinicians. Specifically, we used a facility structured questionnaire to enquire about the value of each sample clinic’s medical instruments and institutional net income in 2014 (both in Renminbi [RMB]), and length of daily lunch break (hours). We recorded the following characteristics of sample village clinicians: age, gender, level of education and clinical qualifications, duration of service, monthly salary (in RMB), number of training days in 2014, clinician workload (mean number of patients per month), mean duration of consultation per patient (minutes), and any financial incentives. Additionally, we asked village clinicians to respond to questions regarding internal work motivation.
In the second set of surveys, we used a standardised patient method to evaluate the quality of healthcare provided by sample village clinicians. This method avoids problems such as the Hawthorne effect and recall bias, accurately assesses healthcare quality among clinicians, and is widely used in other countries.23 24 We recruited 63 individuals (ie, standardised patients; 21 in each province) to present three predetermined disease cases of diarrhoea, tuberculosis, and unstable angina in a standardised manner. Generally, we randomly allocated one standardised patient to each sample clinic to report a case that had been randomly selected prior to allocation.
Measurement of healthcare quality
We evaluated the quality of healthcare provided by village clinicians using three indicators: process quality, diagnostic accuracy, and treatment accuracy. We assigned a process quality value of 1 to clinicians who completed more than the mean percentage of suggested items, indicating a high-quality enquiry process. Otherwise, the process quality value was 0. Regarding diagnostic and treatment accuracies, we assigned a value of 0 to an ‘incorrect’ result, based on predetermined criteria. Otherwise, ‘correct’ or ‘partly correct’ results were assigned an accuracy value of 1. The treatment was also considered correct if the clinician referred the patient to a higher-level hospital.
Measurement of internal work motivation
According to Amabile and Mueller,25 an individual’s work motivation is defined as internal work motivation if it originates from love and interest. The internal motivation instrument in our study included four items, such as ‘because I like what I do for a living'. The responses of four items were rated on a 7-point Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. In this study, we assigned a value of 0 to responses indicating disagreement or neutrality (with original score of 1-4) and a value of 1 to responses indicating agreement (with original score of 5-7). The total score of the four items on our instrument represented a clinician's level of internal work motivation. The total score ranges from 0 to 4; a higher score indicated a higher level of motivation.
The Cronbach’s α value of the internal work motivation questionnaire was 0.826, which indicated that the scale had good internal consistency. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin value of the questionnaire was 0.705, indicating that the scale had good structural validity. These results confirmed that the questionnaire was an acceptable measurement tool.
Statistical analysis
STATA15.0 software (Stata Corporation; College Station [TX], United States) was used to perform descriptive and regression analyses of the collected data. Logistic regression models with a significance threshold of P<0.1 were used to analyse relationships between internal work motivation and healthcare quality.26 27 28 Two items, clinician workload × internal motivation interaction and financial incentive × internal motivation interaction, were added to the model for analyses of heterogeneity. All regression analyses were adjusted for fixed effects of disease cases, standardised patients, and the coder.
Characteristics of sample village clinicians and clinics
In total, 225 village clinicians from 225 village clinics were included in this study. Table 1 describes the basic characteristics of sample village clinicians. The mean age of the clinicians was 49.20 years, and 196 clinicians (87.11%) were men. Among the 225 clinicians, 25 (11.11%) had attended college or above, whereas seven (3.11%) had a practising clinician qualification. Each clinician examined a mean of 171 patients per month. Mean salaries for village clinicians were particularly low (slightly >1900 RMB per month), and 103 clinicians (45.78%) had received financial incentives.

Table 1. Characteristics of sample village clinics and clinicians (n=225)
Table 1 also describes the characteristics of sample village clinics. The mean value of medical equipment was 920 RMB, and the mean institutional net income in 2014 was 25 500 RMB. However, only 86 clinics (38.22%) had a medical equipment value above the mean. This result indicates that the value of medical equipment considerably varied among sample clinics, and the value of medical equipment in most clinics was inadequate. Notably, clinics had a mean lunch break length of <1 hour.
Healthcare quality among village clinicians
The unannounced standardised patients completed 225 disease cases (57, 87, and 81 cases of diarrhoea, angina, and tuberculosis, respectively). Table 2 shows the healthcare quality among sample village clinicians determined via three disease cases. On average, the clinicians completed 17% of the recommended consultation and examination items. Furthermore, 129 clinicians (57.33%) completed fewer than the mean number of recommended consultation and examination items. Among all types of cases, 73 clinicians (32.44%) provided a completely or partially correct diagnosis. Furthermore, 94 clinicians (41.78%) provided correct or partly correct treatments across all types of cases. Although the results of these three indicators varied among diseases, the percentages of clinicians with number of recommended consultation and examination items above the mean, number of correct diagnoses, and number of treatments for each disease were generally low.

Table 2. Healthcare quality among sample village clinicians determined via three disease cases
Internal work motivation of village clinicians
Table 3 shows the levels of internal work motivation among sample village clinicians. Overall, 213 clinicians (94.67%) believed that ‘I like what I do for a living’ or ‘I enjoy my job’ motivated their work in clinics. Furthermore, 187 (83.11%) and 206 (91.56%) clinicians indicated that their respective main work motivations were ‘because my job is interesting’ and ‘because my job is fun’. Integration of the scores for the four items revealed that the mean overall score for internal work motivation was 3.64 ± 0.85 (range, 0-4).

Table 3. Internal work motivation of sample village clinics (n=225)
Relationships between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among village clinicians
Table 4 presents the results of logistic regression analysis of the relationship between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among village clinicians. Internal work motivation had a positive effect on clinical performance among sample clinicians. Specifically, for each one-unit increase in internal work motivation, village clinicians were 42.17% (P<0.1) and 45.61% (P<0.1) more likely to provide a correct or partially correct diagnosis and treatment, respectively.

Table 4. Logistic regression analysis of relationships between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among sample village clinicians
Table 5 shows the results of heterogeneity analysis from the perspective of clinician workload and financial incentives. The clinician workload × internal motivation interaction was significantly negatively correlated with diagnostic accuracy, whereas the financial incentive × internal motivation interaction was significantly positively correlated with treatment accuracy (P<0.1). These results indicate that a heavier workload could hinder the positive effect of internal motivation on diagnostic accuracy among village clinicians. Furthermore, among village clinicians who received financial incentives, the positive effect of their internal work motivation on their treatments was stronger than the corresponding effect among village clinicians who did not receive financial incentives.

Table 5. Heterogeneity analysis of the relationship between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among sample village clinicians
This study evaluated the healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China and its relationship with internal work motivation among these clinicians, through an analysis of 225 rural village clinicians from three provinces in 2015. There were three main findings. First, healthcare quality among village clinicians needed to be improved. Second, village clinicians with stronger internal work motivation were more likely to offer appropriate treatment. Third, village clinicians with a lighter workload (fewer patients per month) or financial incentives exhibited a stronger positive correlation between internal motivation and healthcare quality.
Generally, interactions between unannounced standardised patients and sample village clinicians showed that poor healthcare quality was provided by village clinics in rural China. On average, village clinicians completed only 17% of the recommended consultation and examination items. The rates of diagnostic accuracy and treatment accuracy (including correct or partly correct treatment) were 32.44% and 41.78%, respectively. Our findings of poor healthcare quality are comparable with the results of other studies performed at primary health centres in rural China. For example, a study based on the patient’s perspective, conducted in Guangdong Province, highlighted the difficulty in maintaining adequate coordination among primary medical services.29 A survey using a standardised patient method revealed that healthcare quality was worse in rural China than in primary care settings in Nairobi, Kenya.30 A systematic analysis of rural township health centres in Shandong Province also indicated a need for improved healthcare quality among primary care clinicians.16
We found that internal work motivation was generally high among village clinicians. The mean internal work motivation score was 3.64 ± 0.85, indicating that most village clinicians liked their jobs and were interested in their careers. Consistent with our findings, previous studies in other countries showed that most medical workers had high levels of internal work motivation.31 32 33 Although few empirical studies have evaluated internal work motivation among village clinicians, there is some evidence that rural primary care clinicians in China experience meaning and pleasure from engaging in medical work.13 Additionally, similar to results in other countries, we found that among the intrinsic factors, most village clinicians believed that a love for their career motivated them to work.33 34 35
Consistent with data from studies in other countries,17 19 our empirical analysis demonstrated significant positive correlations between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among village clinicians in rural China. According to affect heuristic theory, this relationship presumably arises because individuals rely on emotions to make behavioural decisions, and a positive attitude will lead to higher-quality behaviours.36 Empirical results from other countries support this assumption. A study in the United States demonstrated the importance of internal work motivation in medical behaviour decisions; clinicians with higher internal motivation were more willing to maintain higher quality in their work.17 The findings of studies in developing countries, such as Ghana and Indonesia, also indicated that work motivation can significantly improve the quality of medical services provided by clinicians.19 37 Thus, efforts to stimulate internal work motivation among village clinicians may help to improve their healthcare quality.
The results of heterogeneity analysis showed that the positive effect of internal work motivation on healthcare quality varied according to clinician workload and financial incentives. Specifically, internal work motivation had a stronger positive effect on clinical performance among village clinicians who had a lighter workload (fewer patients per month). This is presumably because clinicians with a heavier workload (more patients) are more likely to experience burnout38 and a decreased sense of autonomy,39 40 which could reduce internal motivation and ultimately lead to a decline in work performance.14 39 41 Additionally, compared with village clinicians who did not receive financial incentives, clinicians who received financial incentives experienced a stronger positive effect on healthcare quality because of their internal work motivation. Studies of clinicians, combined with the results of theoretical analyses in other fields (ie, motivational synergy theory and self-decision theory), suggest that the provision of financial incentives encourages a belief of greater competence among clinicians; this belief, in conjunction with internal work motivation, enables clinicians to maintain high quality in their work.13 14 41 42 Previous empirical studies have also demonstrated that performance-related financial incentives can improve internal work motivation among employees, leading to improvements in performance.43
The results of these heterogeneity analyses support efforts to enhance the positive effect of internal work motivation on healthcare quality by providing appropriate incentives for clinicians. Consistent with this perspective, the Chinese Government has been implementing incentive programmes during the past decade to improve healthcare quality among primary care clinicians in rural China.10 11 For example, the government is actively restructuring the salary and performance system, while asserting that healthcare systems at all levels should engage in combined efforts to provide additional financial incentives.44
To further promote internal work motivation among clinicians and improve their work performance, we recommend the revision of governmental incentives policies, based on existing policies. Specifically, medical institutions at all levels should establish performance accountability45; and emphasis should be placed on including physician performance in assessments to incentivise high-quality healthcare. Furthermore, medical institutions at all levels should provide additional financial incentives to clinicians based on assessments of patient experiences. These programmes could strengthen the positive effect of internal motivation on work performance among clinicians and improve their healthcare quality. Additionally, the workload of primary clinicians should be carefully managed to preserve the positive effect of their intrinsic motivation on job performance.
This study had a few limitations. First, it was a cross-sectional study, and the results represent correlations rather than causal relationships. Second, because we randomly selected samples from Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Anhui provinces, our results may not be fully representative of village clinicians and village clinics throughout rural China. Third, the reported level of internal work motivation may have been overestimated because this variable was self-reported by village clinicians.
Overall, healthcare quality was poor among village clinicians in rural China. Furthermore, there were positive correlations between internal work motivation and healthcare quality among rural village clinicians; these positive correlations were stronger among clinicians with financial incentives and lighter workload. Our findings suggest that the Chinese Government should implement policies to provide financial incentives for clinicians, with the goal of enhancing internal work motivation among village clinicians and improving their healthcare quality.
Author contributions
Concept or design: Q Gao, Y Shi, L Peng.
Acquisition of data: L Peng, S Song, Y Zhang.
Analysis or interpretation of data: L Peng, Q Gao, S Song.
Drafting of the manuscript: L Peng, Q Gao, Y Shi.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
Conflicts of interest
As an International Editorial Advisory Board member of the journal, Y Shi was not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
All authors thank the standardised patients and investigators for their contribution and hard work.
This work received funding from 111 Project (Grant No.: B16031), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 72203134) and Innovation Capability Support Program of Shaanxi, China (Grant No.: 2022KRM007).
Ethics approval
Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of Sichuan University, China (Protocol No.: K2015025). The board approved the verbal consent procedure. Participants in this study were informed of the survey procedure and consented to publication.
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Cost-minimisation analysis of intravenous versus subcutaneous trastuzumab regimen for breast cancer management in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Feb;29(1):16-21 | Epub 3 Feb 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Cost-minimisation analysis of intravenous versus subcutaneous trastuzumab regimen for breast cancer management in Hong Kong
Vivian WY Lee, PharmD1; Franco WT Cheng, MClinPharm2
1 Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2 Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof Vivian WY Lee (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: In 2017, breast cancer was the most common cancer and third leading cause of cancer death among women in Hong Kong. Approximately 20% of patients were human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2)-positive. This study was conducted to investigate cost differences between intravenous and subcutaneous trastuzumab regimens in Hong Kong using medical resources utilisation data from other countries.
Methods: A cost-minimisation model was developed to compare the cost of total care, including direct medical cost and full-time equivalent (FTE) hours. The drug acquisition cost was obtained from the manufacturer, whereas the costs for hospitalisation and clinic visits were acquired from the Hong Kong Gazette. Time (in FTE hours) was determined by literature review. All costs were expressed in US dollars (US$1 = HK$7.8). Costs were not discounted because of the short time horizon. One-way deterministic sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the effects of changes in drug acquisition cost, changes in FTE hours (based on confidence intervals reported), and changes in body weight (±20%).
Results: Literature review indicated that 0.18 FTE hour of nursing time (7.9 hours) and 0.14 FTE hour of pharmacist time (6.2 hours) could be saved each week if the subcutaneous formulation was used. Using data in 2017, after 18 cycles of treatment with subcutaneous trastuzumab, the drug acquisition and healthcare professional time costs were reduced by US$9451.28 and US$566.16, respectively, yielding an annual savings of over US$8 million.
Conclusion: The subcutaneous formulation of trastuzumab is a potential cost-saving therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong. The drug acquisition cost was the parameter with the greatest effect on the total cost of treatment.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The results of this study suggest that the subcutaneous formulation of trastuzumab would be a cost-saving therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong.
  • The drug acquisition cost was the parameter with the greatest effect on the total cost of treatment.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The high drug acquisition cost of trastuzumab may prevent patients from receiving effective treatment.
  • The subcutaneous formulation of trastuzumab is expected to remain more cost-effective, despite the potential emergence of biosimilar trastuzumab.
In 2017, breast cancer was the most common cancer and third leading cause of cancer death among women in Hong Kong.1 Additionally, an estimated 20% of breast cancers in Hong Kong were human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2)-positive.2 3
Intravenous (IV) trastuzumab, in combination with chemotherapy, is licensed for the treatment of HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer. It must be reconstituted into solution for loading dose infusion over a duration of 90 minutes, followed by maintenance dose infusion over a duration of 30 minutes.4 Additionally, IV trastuzumab is dosed according to each patient’s body weight, with a loading dose of 8 mg/kg followed by a maintenance dose of 6 mg/kg every 3 weeks.4 This regimen consumes considerable healthcare resources, including drug preparation and administration time, clinic and chair time, and physician time dedicated to patient interaction.5
A fixed-dose subcutaneous (SC) formulation of trastuzumab was developed to allow drug administration over approximately 5 minutes, which is much shorter than the duration of IV infusion. The 600-mg dose of SC trastuzumab every 3 weeks is non-dinferior to the IV formulation with respect to efficacy and tolerability.6 7 Furthermore, approximately 90% of patients preferred SC over IV administration of trastuzumab in the PrefHer (Preference for subcutaneous or intravenous administration of trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer) randomised crossover trials,8 9 which were designed to assess patient preference and healthcare professional satisfaction with both treatment options.
Data from other countries have demonstrated that for SC formulation of trastuzumab, less time is required for drug preparation and administration; moreover, fewer consumables are used.10 11 12 13 A cost-minimisation analysis (CMA) study in Greece demonstrated that the total cost of therapy per patient was 21 870 euros (€) when using the SC formulation of trastuzumab, whereas it was €23 118 when using the IV formation of trastuzumab. The investigators concluded that use of the SC formulation of trastuzumab would provide cost savings for the Greek healthcare system.10 A study in Spain revealed similar findings: the use of the SC formulation of trastuzumab led to a 19.4 to 28.8% cost savings in the hospital.11 Additionally, a time-and-motion study in New Zealand compared medical resource utilisation between the IV and SC formulations of trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer. The potential cost saving was NZ$96.94 per patient per cycle.12 Furthermore, a time-and-motion sub-study13 from the PrefHer trials involving eight countries (Canada, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, and Turkey) demonstrated time savings for patient chair, administration by healthcare professionals, and drug preparation.
The SC formulation of trastuzumab is expected to provide cost savings in other countries. However, healthcare systems and modes of clinical services differ between Hong Kong and other countries. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate cost differences between IV and SC trastuzumab regimens in Hong Kong medical settings, using medical resources utilisation data from other countries.
Cost methods and data sources
A CMA model was developed to compare the cost of total care. The CMA approach was used because the clinical efficacy and safety profiles of IV and SC trastuzumab regimens are similar, as demonstrated in the previous studies7 14 15; this fulfils the CMA requirement for two treatments to demonstrate similar efficacy. The following steps were followed in the CMA. We compared direct medical costs related to the IV and SC trastuzumab regimens that produced equivalent health outcomes. The CMA solely focuses on selection of the least costly option. In this study, the CMA was conducted from a hospital perspective. All direct medical costs and full-time equivalent (FTE) hours were included in this study. Drugs, clinic visits for drug administration, specialist out-patient clinic visits, and consumables were regarded as direct medical costs. The time horizon was 18 cycles of treatment, which mimics the duration of treatment for early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer. Drug acquisition cost data were obtained from the manufacturer, whereas costs for hospitalisation and clinic visits were acquired from the 2017 Hong Kong Gazette.16 The drug acquisition cost was based on the dose used in previous clinical trials: IV loading dose of 8 mg/kg and maintenance dose of 6 mg/kg every 3 weeks versus SC fixed dose of 600 mg every 3 weeks. A mean body weight of 57.3 kg was used, based on data from the 2016 Hong Kong Cancer Registry.3
Estimated FTE hour values were obtained from previous literature. These values were regarded as the time (in hours) required for drug preparation and administration, divided by 44 hours, the weekly average working hours for such tasks. The FTE hour values were then converted to monetary values, calculated as the median hourly rate received by individuals in each position. In Hong Kong, nurses and pharmacists are mainly involved in drug preparation and administration; thus, the salaries of these positions were used for estimation of FTE hour values.
All costs were expressed in US dollars (US$1 = HK$7.8), using 2016 as the fiscal year. Because of the short time horizon in the study, no costs were discounted.
Literature review
Medical resources and FTE hour values were determined by literature review in Embase and MEDLINE, using the key words ‘subcutaneous’, ‘trastuzumab’, ‘time’, ‘cost’, and ‘medical resources’.
Statistical analyses
The CMA was conducted from the healthcare payer perspective. All continuous variables were described as means ± standard deviations and medians with ranges.
A drug budget impact forecast analysis was performed to determine how changes in the total cost of treatment regimens, including direct medical costs and FTE hours, would impact healthcare expenditures in Hong Kong. Each individual parameter, namely drug acquisition cost for each formulation (±20%), patient body weight (±20%), and time and consumables reported in the literature (based on confidence intervals reported) were analysed independently within specified ranges, whereas other factors were fixed at base-case values. The analysis parameters were chosen based on the findings in previous cost-effectiveness studies.17 A simulation model was used to run 10 000 iterations of the forecast model; for each iteration, model parameters were input as shown in Table 1. We assumed that cost changes were consistent with the beta distribution around the mean. One-way deterministic sensitivity analysis was also performed to evaluate the extent to which the total cost would be affected by changes in the drug acquisition cost for each formulation (±20%), changes in times and consumables obtained from literature (based on confidence intervals reported), and changes in body weight (±20%); this approach is consistent with the methodology used in another cost-effectiveness analysis focused on trastuzumab.17 Figure 1 summarises the analysis process of this study.

Table 1. Parameters and costs of the drug budget impact forecast model

Figure 1. Flowchart of the analysis process
In total, 11 studies were identified, eight of which were eligible for analysis.12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Three studies were excluded because they did not report the time required for administration or preparation. There are a total of six studies with information on pharmacist time on preparation and nursing time on administration for IV and SC trastuzumab; the remaining two only reported time differences between the two formulations. Among the six studies that reported the time for preparation, four reported the total drug preparation time required for IV and SC trastuzumab, whereas the remaining two only reported time differences. If the SC formulation was used, 0.18 FTE hour of nursing time (7.9 hours) and 0.14 FTE hour of pharmacist time (6.2 hours) could be saved each week. Table 2 summarises the findings from these studies.

Table 2. Summary of findings on healthcare professional time
After 18 cycles of treatment with SC trastuzumab, the drug acquisition and healthcare professional time costs were reduced by US$9451.28 and US$566.16, respectively, compared with IV trastuzumab. Therefore, US$10 017.44 could be saved for each patient who completed 18 cycles of treatment. The cost of consumables was excluded because only two studies reported this information, and the contributions to overall costs were minimal (NZ$15.2712 and GBP0.6421, respectively). Table 3 summarises the direct medical costs of IV and SC formulations.

Table 3. Total cost of care for 18 cycles of treatment with intravenous trastuzumab versus subcutaneous trastuzumab
Sensitivity analysis
The drug budget impact forecast model was most affected by body weight and drug acquisition cost. Cost differences between the IV and SC formulations were reduced by decreases in body weight and IV trastuzumab cost, as well as an increase in SC trastuzumab cost. The effects of changes in nursing time and pharmacist time were smaller. Table 1 summarises the model parameters, and Figure 2 illustrates the effects of each variable on cost differences.

Figure 2. Tornado diagram of factors affecting total cost of treatment
Drug budget impact forecast
In 2017, 4373 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer,1 and approximately 20% of them were HER2-positive.2 3 Furthermore, trastuzumab was the most commonly used targeted therapy (95.3%).3 Assuming that the SC formulation was used (instead of the IV formulation) for all HER2-positive patients receiving trastuzumab and using the 2017 data stated here, an annual saving of over US$8.3 million could be achieved in Hong Kong.
The results of this study suggest that SC trastuzumab would be more cost-effective than its IV counterpart in Hong Kong. Even if lower-cost biosimilar trastuzumab becomes available, the SC formulation will remain less expensive unless there is a substantial reduction in the acquisition cost of IV trastuzumab.
As body weight decreases, the necessary dosage and corresponding expenditures are expected to decrease. Paradoxically, ≤20% increases in body weight had a neutral effect in the analysis. This result could be related to a substantial amount of drug wastage when using weight-based IV trastuzumab, which is consistent with previous findings.19 25 Therefore, further studies are needed to determine the optimal route of administration for patients who are underweight or do not require full doses of trastuzumab because of their clinical conditions.
Although the SC formulation is expected to save time for healthcare professionals,26 27 28 the present analysis suggests that its contribution to the total cost of care is minimal. The cost of drug acquisition has the greatest effect on financial burden.
The use of data from previous time-and-motion studies in other countries may not be appropriate for medical settings in Hong Kong. Further studies should be conducted in Hong Kong to estimate the actual cost savings with respect to healthcare professional time, although theoretical time savings may not accurately represent actual time savings because of clinical activities conducted during administration of trastuzumab.29 Furthermore, data from other countries exhibited wide distributions in terms of standard deviation and range. Nevertheless, the influence of the SC formulation on the total cost-saving effect may be limited, as demonstrated in the sensitivity analysis.
Although the costs of clinic visits and chemotherapy were assumed to be identical throughout 18 cycles of treatment between the two formulations, some patients can receive SC trastuzumab in ambulatory care settings. Thus, the mean savings may have been underestimated in our model.
There were several limitations in this study. First, because of the small number of studies identified in the literature review, consumables could not be included in the CMA. Second, societal cost and patient preferences were not considered because such information is unavailable in Hong Kong. A more patient-centred approach would provide greater insights. Third, time-and-motion analysis and waste handling in Hong Kong were not considered; these factors may have specific impact on drug preparation time and administration time and costs. Fourth, costs for adverse drug reactions were not included because these costs were assumed to be equal for IV and SC trastuzumab regimens. However, this assumption may be incorrect, particularly with regard to infusion-related reactions.
The results of this study suggest that the SC formulation of trastuzumab would be a cost-saving therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong. The drug acquisition cost was the parameter with the greatest effect on the total cost of treatment.
Author contributions
Concept or design: VWY Lee.
Acquisition of data: FWT Cheng.
Analysis or interpretation of data: Both authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: FWT Cheng.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: VWY Lee.
Both authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The datasets generated and/or analysed in this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Not applicable because this study did not involve human participants.
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Correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk in poor rural China

Hong Kong Med J 2022;28(6):457–65 | Epub 7 Dec 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk in poor rural China
N Wang, PhD; M Mu, MSc; Z Liu, MSc; Z Reheman, MSc; J Yang, PhD; W Nie, MSc; Y Shi, PhD; J Nie, PhD
Center for Experimental Economics in Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China
Corresponding author: Dr J Yang (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Prenatal and postpartum depression are important public health challenges because of their long-term adverse impacts on maternal and neonatal health. This study investigated the risk of maternal depression among pregnant and postpartum women in poor rural China, along with the correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk.
Methods: Pregnant women and new mothers were randomly selected from poor rural villages in the Qinba Mountains area in Shaanxi. Basic demographic information was collected regarding the women and their primary family caregivers. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was used to identify women at risk of depression, and the Perceived Social Support Scale was used to evaluate perceived family support.
Results: This study included 220 pregnant women and 473 new mothers. The mean proportions of women at risk of prenatal and postpartum depression were 19.5% and 18.6%, respectively. Regression analysis showed that identification of the baby’s grandmother as the primary family caregiver was negatively correlated with maternal depression risk (β=-0.979, 95% confidence interval [CI]=-1.946 to -0.012, P=0.047). However, the husband’s involvement in that role was not significantly correlated with maternal depression risk (β=-0.499, 95% CI=-1.579 to 0.581, P=0.363). Identification of the baby’s grandmother as the primary family caregiver was positively correlated with family support score (β=0.967, 95% CI=-0.062 to 1.996, P=0.065).
Conclusion: Prenatal and postpartum depression are prevalent in poor rural China. The involvement of the baby’s grandmother as the primary family caregiver may reduce maternal depression risk, but the husband’s involvement in that role has no effect.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Prenatal and postpartum depression are prevalent in poor rural areas of China. Despite evidence regarding the importance of family support during prenatal and postpartum periods, husbands in poor rural China did not provide effective support.
  • There was a persistent risk of maternal depression during both prenatal and postpartum periods.
  • Maternal depression persists in the absence of external interventions.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • High-quality family support is necessary to ensure that pregnant women maintain good mental health. Compared with husbands, grandmothers may be better primary caregivers because they are experienced in terms of parenting and housework.
  • Husbands in poor rural China should receive training that enables them to provide effective maternal care.
Maternal depression is a common mental health problem during the prenatal and postpartum periods. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 10% of pregnant women and 13% of postpartum women worldwide have mental health problems, mainly depression.1 In China, the prevalence of maternal depression ranges from 8.2% to 28.5%.2 3 4 5 6 7 Women in urban areas have access to specialised maternity care services and mental health services that can help manage these mental health problems and difficulties.8 However, these commercialised services are usually expensive and distant from poor rural areas of China. Therefore, it is particularly important for pregnant and postpartum women in poor rural areas to rely on family and social relationships for reasonable care and support.
There is evidence that the level of perceived social support, particularly family support, is associated with a woman’s mental health status during pregnancy.9 10 China’s rapid societal and economic development have resulted in substantial changes to family structure in both urban and rural areas. For example, modern couples are more likely to live with only their children, rather than with family members from multiple generations.11 When grandparents are absent from a family’s daily life, the role of the husband becomes more important because he must be more engaged in housework12 and provide greater support.
The changes in primary family caregiver identity during prenatal and postpartum periods reflect this transformation of family structure.13 The results of multiple studies in developed countries and the urban areas of China have suggested that husbands are able to care for their wives and children during pregnancy and after delivery; moreover, a husband’s companionship has a positive impact on the mental health status of his pregnant wife.2 10 14 However, in poor rural areas, no consensus has been reached concerning whether a husband can provide effective family support for his pregnant wife.15 For example, husbands usually have lower awareness of maternity care because of limited education and limited housework experience. However, in a traditional Chinese family with patrilocal features, the husband is the main worker and is responsible for the economic well-being of the family,16 whereas the wife stays at home and cares for the family. This stereotype of traditional household arrangement prevents some men from providing maternal care, regardless of their presence at home. Accordingly, grandmother, the mother of the baby’s mother, becomes a possible caregiver for the mother and baby,17 although this may lead to mother-in-law conflict.18
Here, using data from a large-scale survey of pregnant and postpartum women in poor rural areas, we analysed the status of maternal mental health in poor rural areas, with family support as an intermediate variable, to understand the correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk.
The data analysed in this study were collected during a survey of maternal and neonatal health and nutrition statuses among residents of poor rural villages in the Qinba Mountains area; the survey was conducted by Shaanxi Normal University from March 2019 to April 2019. The Qinba Mountains area spans six provinces including Gansu, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Henan, and Hubei. Its primary portion is situated in Shaanxi’s southern region. In 2019, the per capita annual disposable income in the Qinba Mountains area was RMB 11 443, similar to that of rural residents in poverty-stricken counties (RMB 11 567).19 In 2018, the mean poverty rate in this area was 3.6%; for comparison, the national mean was 1.7% and the rate in poverty-stricken counties was 4.5%.20 This study included women aged ≥18 years who were either pregnant (≥4 weeks of gestation) or in the postpartum period (0-6 months after delivery).
The following multilevel cluster-based random sampling method was used in this study. First, 13 national-level poor counties in two prefectures in the Qinba Mountains area were selected. Then, a list of villages was obtained for each county, and the total numbers of pregnant women and households with babies aged ≤6 months in each village were counted with assistance from local government officials. Considering the financial limitations and overall feasibility of the study, villages with a small sample size (<3) or large sample size (>15) were excluded. Finally, we used Stata 15.0 (Stata Corp, College Station [TX], United States) to analyse the data. The sample size was estimated to achieve, for an average incidence of independent variables of 0.15 in consideration of our pilot study, a sampling standard error (SE) of 0.03 with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The final 131 villages were randomly selected as sample villages, and all households in the sample villages that met the above criteria were considered eligible for the study.
Data collection
The data used in this study were collected through face-to-face interviews. To ensure accuracy and consistency during data collection, enumerators were selected from a group of interested university students in Xi’an. The enumerators underwent extensive training, then completed a pilot study with 20 participants prior to formal data collection. Each eligible participant received a consent form with information regarding programme objectives, procedures, potential risks, and benefits, as well as an explanation of privacy protection. Participants provided oral consent for inclusion in the study before engaging in a face-to-face interview with a single enumerator. Each interview only involved the participant, and interruptions from other family members were avoided.
Basic participant information
A questionnaire was used to collect basic participant information, including their age, education level, and self-rated health status, along with whether the baby had been born and whether it was the firstborn child. The women were also asked whether they had access to any support groups where mothers could seek help and exchange information concerning parenting experiences. Furthermore, they were asked nine yes/no questions regarding family assets (eg, possession of a computer, an air conditioner, and a car). The above questions were also included in our questionnaire to better understand maternal social interactions and household assets in order to control for them in the regression analysis and thus produce more accurate regression results. Each participant’s decision-making power was measured using a scale of eight items compiled by Peterman et al.21 A higher score on the decision-making power scale was presumed to indicate greater autonomy concerning childcare and the management of other family issues.
Primary family caregivers
A questionnaire was used to collect information about all family members living in the participant’s home for >3 months, who were more likely to be the primary caregivers and to have an impact on maternity. Each participant was asked to identify the family member who served as the primary family caregiver, providing the most care for the participant and her baby during the prenatal and postpartum periods. Considering the sample size and sample distribution, three primary family caregiver categories were used in this study: the husband, the baby’s grandmother (the mother of the baby's mother or the baby's father), and other family members or no caregivers.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a 10-item scale used to identify women at risk of maternal depression.22 23 The total EPDS score ranges from 0 to 30, where a higher score indicates a greater risk of depression. Although the original cut-off value was an EPDS score of ≥13 points, we used the standard cut-off value in China (≥9.5 points24 25) as an indicator of sufficient depression risk to merit psychiatric examination and possible treatment. Previous research has demonstrated that the EPDS has satisfactory reliability and validity. Specifically, Wang et al26 reported that the EPDS had a content validity ratio of 0.93 and good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.76). The correlation coefficients between the 10 individual item scores and the total score ranged from 0.37 to 0.67, with P values <0.01.
Perceived Social Support Scale
The Perceived Social Support Scale, developed by Zimet et al27 and translated into Chinese by Jiang,28 is a 12-item self-assessment questionnaire that measures three sources of social support (ie, three subscales): family support, friends’ support, and other people’s support. Responses to questionnaire items are recorded using a seven-point Likert scale that ranges from ‘completely negative’ to ‘completely positive’ (1-7 points), indicating the respondent’s level of agreement with each item. The total score is 84 points (28 points per subscale), and a higher score indicates the receipt of greater social support. The Cronbach’s α coefficient of the scale is 0.88; the Cronbach’s α coefficients for family support, friends’ support, and other people’s support subscales are 0.81, 0.85, and 0.91, respectively.27 Because this study focused on family support, only the family support subscale was used as an intermediate variable to analyse the correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk.
Statistical methods
STATA 15.1 software was used to clean the data and perform statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed and presented as mean ± standard deviation. F-test and t test were used to detect differences in depression scores among subgroups of women with different characteristics. Multiple linear regression was used to explore correlations between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk or family support score. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Additionally, we adjusted the SE at the village level and calculated coefficients with greater precision because individual values within the same village are correlated, which might result in biased SE in multiple linear regression.
In total, 715 women were interviewed, including 220 pregnant women and 495 new mothers. Twenty-two samples with missing values were excluded to ensure sample uniformity throughout the analysis procedure. Finally, analyses in this study were based on the data of 693 participants (220 pregnant women and 473 new mothers) and the questionnaire return efficiency was 96.9%, which is the percentage of survey responses that were valid.
Maternal depression risk in poor rural areas
Among the 220 pregnant women, 37 (16.8%), 66 (30.0%), and 117 (53.2%) were in the early, middle, and late stages of pregnancy, respectively (Table 1). In total, 226 of the 473 new mothers (47.8%) had babies aged 1 to 3 months, whereas 247 new mothers (52.2%) had babies aged 4 to 6 months.

Table 1. Maternal depression risk in poor rural areas
The mean maternal EPDS score was 5.85 and the proportion of women at risk of depression was 18.9% (131/693). The proportion of women at risk of depression was generally stable regardless of pregnancy stage. Specifically, the proportion of women at risk of depression during early pregnancy was 16.2% (6/37); during middle and late pregnancy, the proportions of women at risk were slightly increased. The proportions of women at risk of depression were 16.8% (38/226) and 20.2% (50/247) at 1-3 months and 4-6 months after delivery, respectively. However, the maternal EPDS scores and proportions of women at risk of depression did not significantly differ according to pregnancy stage or time since delivery.
Univariate analysis of maternal depression risk
Overall, the mean participant age was 28.13 ± 4.70 years. In total, 239 women (34.5%; mean age, 25.52 ± 3.95 years) reported that the current pregnancy or ≤6-month-old baby was their firstborn child. The remaining 454 women (65.5%; mean age, 29.50 ± 4.49 years) were experienced mothers who have already had children and are familiar with caring for them. Overall, 116 women (16.7%) had an education level above junior high school. The self-rated health status was good in 89 women (12.8%), and 102 women (14.7%) were involved in a parenting support group. Table 2 summarises the participant characteristics.

Table 2. Univariate analysis of maternal depression risk (n=693)
As shown in Table 2, the participants were clustered into three groups according to primary caregiver identity: the husband for 151 women (21.8%), the baby’s grandmother for 452 women (65.2%), and other family members or no caregiver for 90 women (13.0%). The mean EPDS scores of women in the three groups were 6.23 ± 4.34, 5.56 ± 4.01, and 6.63 ± 4.84, respectively (P=0.039). Additionally, univariate analysis revealed statistically significant differences in depression scores according to education level, self-rated health status, and parenting support group involvement. There were no statistically significant differences in other variables.
Correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk
As shown in Table 3, identification of the baby’s grandmother as the primary family caregiver was significantly negatively correlated with EPDS score (β=-0.979, 95% CI=-1.946 to -0.012, P=0.047). However, identification of the husband as the family caregiver was not significantly correlated with EPDS score (β=-0.499, 95% CI=-1.579 to 0.581, P=0.363).

Table 3. Multiple linear regression analysis of correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk
Correlation between primary family caregiver identity and family support score
As shown in Table 4, after adjustment for other variables, there was no significant correlation between identification of the husband as the primary family caregiver and the family support score (β=0.375, 95% CI=-0.704 to 1.455, P=0.493). However, identification of the baby’s grandmother as the primary family caregiver was significantly positively correlated with family support score (β=0.967, 95% CI=-0.062 to 1.996, P=0.065). Furthermore, identification of the baby’s grandmother as the primary family caregiver had the largest standardised regression coefficient among the three caregiver categories, indicating that pregnant and postpartum women felt the greatest family support when the baby’s grandmother was the primary family caregiver.

Table 4. Multiple linear regression analysis of correlation between primary family caregiver identity and family support score
Maternal depression risk in poor rural areas
In this study, the overall proportion of women at risk of maternal depression was 18.9%, including a mean proportion of 19.5% among pregnant women and a mean proportion of 18.6% among women ≤6 months postpartum. This overall proportion of women at risk of maternal depression is much higher than the proportion in a western urban area of China (12.4%)29 and comparable with the proportions in low- and middle-income countries such as Ethiopia (19.9%)30—both previous studies also used the EPDS to identify women at risk of maternal depression. The high proportion in the present study may be related to the location (poor rural areas): compared with women in urban areas, women in poor rural areas are more likely to have a lower socio-economic status.31 The lack of knowledge regarding mental health and its services in rural areas also makes women in such areas more likely to become depressed if they do not receive timely treatment for mental health problems.32 Therefore, the mental health of rural mothers should receive greater attention from their family members and the relevant health departments.
This study also revealed a persistent risk of depression during the prenatal and postpartum periods (Table 1). Notably, the proportion did not substantially decrease by 6 months after delivery. Yue et al33 investigated the mental health of caregivers for babies aged 6 to 36 months in a rural area in western China. Their results showed that the proportion of caregivers at risk of depression was similar to the proportion in the present study. These findings suggest that maternal depression persists in the absence of external intervention. Thus, there is an urgent need for timely external mental health interventions among pregnant women and mothers of young children. The present study also showed that the maternal depression risk in poor rural areas is influenced by factors such as a woman’s education level, self-rated health status, and parenting support group involvement. These results are consistent with the findings by Zhou et al,7 Lancaster et al,10 and Lee et al.18
Correlation between primary family caregiver identity and maternal depression risk
Our results showed that identification of the husband as the primary family caregiver was not significantly correlated with maternal depression risk in poor rural areas (Table 3). This finding was considerably different from the results of previous studies in urban areas. Xie et al34 found that insufficient or poor-quality emotional support from the husband was significantly associated with an increased risk of postpartum depression among mothers in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. In contrast, Wan et al2 found that the proportions of women at risk of maternal depression were 1.9- to 2.6-fold higher among women without support from the husband before and after delivery than among women with support from the husband, based on a study of mothers in Beijing, China. The results of these studies suggest that the husband’s involvement as the primary family caregiver can reduce the risk of maternal depression in urban areas, but this effect was not apparent in poor rural areas.
We also found that maternal depression risk was significantly lower when the baby’s grandmother was identified as the primary family caregiver (Table 3). Our results are consistent with the findings by Wan et al2 in a study of 342 pregnant women in Beijing, China: during the ‘confinement’ period, care and support from the baby’s grandmother(s) were important for relieving depression. However, Lee et al18 showed that mother-in-law conflict remains prominent in China, which may have negative emotional outcomes for grandmothers and new mothers. Although pregnant and postpartum women in poor rural areas may experience similar conflict, our findings suggest that support from the baby’s grandmother(s) remains predominantly positive.
Correlation between family support and maternal depression risk
We attempted to determine why support from the husband did not reduce maternal depression risk in poor rural areas through the analysis of an intermediary variable. Initially, we hypothesised that the positive effect of the husband acting as the primary family caregiver would be offset by the loss of income caused by the husband’s inability to seek work opportunities in other locations. However, data analysis revealed that the husband’s role as the primary caregiver had no impact on the family income and family asset index (online supplementary Table 1). Thus, we explored the effect of family support. Multiple previous studies demonstrated that family support influenced maternal depression risk14; consistent with those findings, our analysis showed that family support was significantly negatively correlated with maternal depression risk (online supplementary Table 2).
There may be two main reasons for this negative correlation. First, husbands in poor rural areas have insufficient knowledge and skills related to maternal care.16 Husbands do not have first-hand experience in childbirth and can only acquire it through education. However, compared with men in urban areas, men in poor rural areas have lower levels of education and may be less inclined to learn on their own, making it more difficult to acquire such knowledge and skills.35 In contrast, grandmothers are more experienced overall, which may enable them to provide more effective family support. For example, based on their own experience, grandmothers can help new mothers to prepare for and manage pain that sometimes occurs during breastfeeding, which can alleviate anxiety and provide a feeling of greater support.17 Second, in poor rural areas, husbands may lack sufficient time and energy to provide effective family care. Compared with families in urban areas, families in poor rural areas are more economically disadvantaged33; therefore, husbands in such families may prioritise financial stability and be unable to expend time or energy in support of maternal care, despite their physical presence in the home. In contrast, the baby’s grandmother(s) may have sufficient time and energy to provide effective maternal care (eg, by feeding the baby and changing its diapers), thus relieving the mother’s psychological stress.
The findings in this analysis of women in poor rural areas differ from the results of studies in urban areas, indicating important differences in family structure between urban and rural areas. There is evidence that a gradual transformation of the family is underway in urban areas, whereby husbands have begun to actively engage in caregiving. However, the transformation of family structure is much slower in poor rural areas,13 and husbands in those areas are not yet prepared for this new role. Because of constraints regarding their education level and skills, as well as family finances, husbands in poor rural areas continue to prioritise financial stability36; their support does not have a positive impact on the risk of maternal depression. Thus, women in poor rural areas must continue to rely on family members outside of the nuclear family, such as the baby’s grandmother(s), to assume some caregiving responsibilities.
Commercialised and specialised mental health counselling services in urban areas play important roles in improving maternal mental health.8 Xiao37 found that postnatal care through a menstrual club provided continuous physical, psychological, and emotional support that was sufficient to reduce the incidence of postpartum depression. However, such clubs are not available in poor rural areas. Therefore, it is important to promote better caregiving from family members, including husbands. For example, husbands could receive training that enables them to provide practical support, as well as guidance concerning the early identification of depressive tendencies and the development of communication skills for psychological adjustment.
This study had some limitations. First, its cross-sectional design prevented the assessment of maternal depression trends during pregnancy and after delivery, although such an assessment could have been conducted in a cohort study. Second, this study focused on primary family caregiver identity and did not explore the type or form of caregiving provided. Third, all participants were residents of rural northwest China, and thus the results may not be generalisable to other populations. These limitations should be addressed in future studies.
Conclusions and policy implications
The prevalence of maternal depression is high in poor rural areas of Shaanxi Province. Identification of the husband as the family caregiver was not significantly correlated with maternal depression risk, whereas the involvement of the baby’s grandmother in that role was significantly negatively correlated with maternal depression risk. Based on our findings, we make the following suggestions. In rural areas, high-quality family support is necessary to ensure that pregnant women maintain good mental health. Compared with husbands, grandmothers may be better primary caregivers because they are more experienced in terms of parenting and housework. Husbands in poor rural China should receive training that enables them to provide effective maternal care.
Author contributions
Concept or design: N Wang, M Mu, J Yang, Y Shi, J Nie.
Acquisition of data: N Wang, M Mu, Z Liu, R Zulihumaer, W Nie.
Analysis or interpretation of data: N Wang, M Mu, J Yang, J Nie.
Drafting of the manuscript: N Wang, M Mu, J Yang, Y Shi, J Nie.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As an International Editorial Advisory Board member of the journal, Y Shi was not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank the study participants and the enumerators who conducted data collection.
The authors are supported by the 111 Project (Grant No. B16031), Soft Science Research Project of Xi’an Science and Technology Plan (Grant No. 2021-0059), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2021CSWY024) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2021CSWY025) of China.
Ethics approval
The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Shaanxi Normal University and Xi’an Jiaotong University of China (No: 2020-1240). Each eligible participant received a consent form with information regarding programme objectives, procedures, potential risks, and benefits, as well as an explanation of privacy protection. Participants provided oral consent for inclusion in the study before engaging in a face-to-face interview with a single enumerator.
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Paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma and its prognostic factors: a 10-year retrospective study

Hong Kong Med J 2022;28(6):447-56 | Epub 25 Nov 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma and its prognostic factors: a 10-year retrospective study
Grace PY Tong, MB, BS1; WF Hui, MB, ChB, MSc2; KC Wong, MB, ChB, MD (CUHK)3; Benjamin ST Fong, MB, BS4; CW Luk, MB, BS2; CK Li, MB, BS, MD (CUHK)5
1 Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong
2 Department of Paediatrics, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, Hong Kong
3 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
4 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong
5 Department of Paediatrics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Grace PY Tong (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: This retrospective study was conducted to identify the characteristics of paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma and define its prognostic factors.
Methods: We identified paediatric patients (aged <19 years at diagnosis) diagnosed with high-grade osteosarcoma from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2018 in two hospitals in Hong Kong, then retrospectively evaluated their medical records to identify prognostic factors.
Results: In total, 52 patients were included in this study (22 girls, 42.3%). Femoral tumour was the most common form of osteosarcoma. Most patients (78.8%) had localised disease at diagnosis. The lung was the most common site of metastasis. Almost half (n=23, 46.9%) of the patients showed a good response to chemotherapy (ie, chemonecrosis >90%). Most patients (n=40, 80%) underwent limb-salvage surgery. The event-free survival and overall survival rates were 55.8% and 71.2%, respectively. Prognostic factors independently associated with poor event-free survival and poor overall survival were the presence of metastasis at diagnosis, poor tumour chemonecrosis, and the need for amputation.
Conclusion: This multicentre review of paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma showed that the baseline patient demographics, event-free survival, and overall survival in Hong Kong were similar to previous findings in other countries. Patients with metastatic disease at diagnosis and poor chemonecrosis had worse survival outcomes. Molecular analyses of genetic abnormalities may help to identify targeted therapies in future studies.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The need for amputation was a prognostic factor independently associated with poor event-free survival and poor overall survival.
  • Many conventional biochemical markers were not useful as prognostic factors for event-free survival or overall survival.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • An updated protocol is needed for the management of paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma. Factors that can be incorporated for early risk stratification include local tumour aggressiveness and the need for amputation; genetic mutations in the tumour may also be useful.
Osteosarcoma arises from primitive bone-forming mesenchymal cells.1 It is the most common primary malignant bone tumour worldwide,1 2 with an annual incidence of 4.8 per million population in the US.2 Moreover, it was one of the most common types of childhood malignancy in Hong Kong in 2017 to 2019.3
In Hong Kong, paediatric patients with high-grade osteosarcoma are treated in accordance with the Hong Kong Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Study Group Treatment Protocol for High-Grade Osteosarcoma (Fig 1), which consists of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by tumour resection and subsequent adjuvant chemotherapy. Histological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, defined as tumour chemonecrosis according to the Huvos system,4 is used to stratify patients into good responders (patients with ≥90% tumour chemonecrosis) and poor responders (patients with <90% tumour chemonecrosis). These two groups receive different chemotherapy regimens.

Figure 1. Roadmap of the Hong Kong Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Study Group treatment protocol for high-grade osteosarcoma
A few prognostic factors for survival have been recognised; these factors include the presence of metastasis at diagnosis5 6 7 and poor tumour chemonecrosis.5 6 7 8 9 However, no specific studies have examined the validity of these factors for patients with osteosarcoma in Hong Kong. Moreover, the presence of lung nodules in computed tomography (CT) scans is a common finding at diagnosis and reassessment. In this study, we reviewed paediatric patients with osteosarcoma at two of the largest paediatric oncology centres in Hong Kong. We sought prognostic factors for event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS), and we assessed lung nodules and metastasis in these patients.
This study included paediatric patients (aged <19 years at diagnosis) with biopsy-proven high-grade osteosarcoma, who were diagnosed from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2018 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital. The patients’ medical records were reviewed and the following information was collected: demographic data (sex, age at diagnosis, ethnicity, and time from symptom onset to presentation), clinical characteristics (location of tumour, largest dimension of tumour, staging, maximal alkaline phosphatase [ALP] level, calcium and phosphate levels before the start of treatment, and presence of pathological fracture), treatment-related characteristics (time from diagnosis to start of chemotherapy, surgical treatment approach, and histological results of the resected tumour [including tumour chemonecrosis and surgical margin]), and details of metastasis (timing, location, size, and treatment). Radiological reports for the primary tumour were reviewed to determine the presence of local anatomical aggressiveness, which was defined as intra-articular tumour involvement or neurovascular bundle involvement. These risk factors made surgical resection with a negative tumour margin difficult or impossible. Thus, amputation was expected to provide the best local control. There were three indications for limb-salvage surgery (ie, tumour resection and reconstruction). First, clinical and radiological responses were observed during neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Clinical responses were reduction or stabilisation of tumour size and a significant decrease in pain. Radiological responses were an increase in consolidated calcification of the tumour on plain radiographs, reduction or stabilisation of tumour size, and decreased peritumoral oedema on magnetic resonance images. Second, magnetic resonance images showed no neurovascular involvement. Third, there was no need for extensive muscle resection that would render the limb non-functional. Amputation was considered when patients did not meet the above criteria for limb-salvage surgery. It was also considered as a palliative treatment for patients who had large painful tumours with metastatic disease.
The characteristics of lung nodules identified in chest CT scans were recorded from CT reports. The initial and final sizes, laterality, timing of appearance, and mediastinal lymph node involvement were analysed to determine whether their characteristics were sufficiently different for clear distinction. Non-specific lung nodules were either small or remained stable in subsequent scans; they were not biopsied or surgically excised for histological diagnosis. Lung metastases were either large when first observed, had radiological features of metastasis, or demonstrated enlargement in subsequent follow-up scans.
Statistical analysis
Descriptive data were expressed as median (interquartile range) or frequency (percentage). The Pearson Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test was used for comparisons of categorical variables. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparisons of continuous variables.
The primary outcomes were OS and EFS. Overall survival was defined as the time from diagnosis to death. Event-free survival was defined as the time from diagnosis to the appearance of a new metastasis, progression of an existing metastasis, or death (whichever occurred first). The study end date was 31 December 2020. Patients who had no events were censored at the time of the last follow-up (if they had been lost to follow-up) or at the study end date. Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank tests were used for survival analysis. To identify prognostic factors for OS and EFS, unadjusted hazard ratios (with 95% confidence intervals) were determined for each potential factor by using Cox proportional hazards models. Significant factors in univariate analyses were included in subsequent multivariate analyses; adjusted hazard ratios (with 95% confidence intervals) were generated in the multivariate analyses.
The secondary outcome was the differentiation of lung nodules. Their initial and final sizes, initial and final lateralities, timing of appearance, and mediastinal lymph node involvement were compared to identify statistical differences.
The SPSS software (Windows version 23.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US) was used for statistical analysis. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Patient characteristics
In total, 52 paediatric patients (22 girls and 30 boys; age 5-18 years) with high-grade osteosarcoma were included in this study. Their baseline demographics are shown in Table 1. Two patients (3.8%) had a predisposing condition: one had Rothmund–Thomson syndrome and the other had osteofibrous dysplasia, from which the high-grade osteosarcoma developed.

Table 1. Baseline demographics (n=52)
For the histological diagnosis, 45 patients (86.5%) had conventional high-grade osteosarcomas. The other subtypes of osteosarcoma were: two giant cell-rich osteosarcomas, one telangiectatic osteosarcoma, one chondrosarcomatous-predominant osteosarcoma, one osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma, and one chondroblastic osteosarcoma. One patient had features suggestive of small round-cell sarcoma; the tumour was subsequently treated as a conventional high-grade osteosarcoma.
All patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin, cisplatin, and high-dose methotrexate (Fig 1). After two courses of chemotherapy, the patients underwent surgical resection of tumours. Almost all patients (n=50, 96.2%) underwent resections of primary tumours. Most patients (n=44, 84.6%) completed the whole course of treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy. Five patients (9.6%) experienced disease progression during treatment. They had terminated chemotherapy early, received palliative care, and eventually died. One patient (1.9%) had disease progression and left Hong Kong to seek a second opinion. In one patient (1.9%), the last course of chemotherapy was omitted because previous chemotherapy had induced clinically significant renal impairment. In one patient (1.9%), the last course of chemotherapy was omitted because of disease progression while receiving treatment.
Metastasis and lung nodules
The lung was the most common site of distant metastasis, both synchronous (n=10, 90.9%) and metachronous (n=12, 80.0%) [Table 2]. Lung nodules in chest CT scans were observed in 39 patients (75.0%). Seventeen nodules (43.6%) were non-specific, while 22 nodules (56.4%) were lung metastases. Factors that could potentially be used to differentiate lung metastases from non-specific lung nodules included laterality of nodules in serial follow-up scans (P=0.004), number of initial nodules (P=0.006), maximal number of nodules (P<0.001), size of initial nodule (P<0.001), and size of the largest nodule (P<0.001) [Table 3].

Table 2. Metastasis characteristics (n=25)

Table 3. Lung nodule characteristics (n=39)
For the 15 patients who had no lung nodules throughout the course of treatment, OS was very good (93%) [Fig 2]. Only one patient died of local recurrence. For the 17 patients with non-specific lung nodules (Figs 2 and 3), OS was excellent (100%), regardless of the timing of nodule appearance (ie, at diagnosis or later). Among these 17 patients, survival ranged from 2 years 4 months to 11 years 9 months from diagnosis. For the 10 patients with synchronous lung metastasis (Fig 3), OS was 60%, whereas for the 12 patients with metachronous lung metastasis (Fig 2), OS was 33.3%. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.666).

Figure 2. Lung nodules, nature, treatment, and outcomes for patients with no lung nodules at diagnosis

Figure 3. Lung nodules, nature, treatment, and outcomes for patients with lung nodules at diagnosis
Survival analysis
All patients were followed up until 31 December 2020; thus, the follow-up interval for the last recruited patient was 2 years from diagnosis. The median follow-up interval for all patients was 53 months from diagnosis (range, 4 months to 11 years 11 months). The EFS and OS were 55.8% and 71.2%, respectively. The EFS for patients with localised disease at diagnosis was significantly better than the EFS for patients with metastatic disease at diagnosis (65.9% vs 18.2%; P=0.007). The OS for patients with localised disease was better than the OS for patients with metastatic disease (75.6% vs 54.5%), but the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.26). Similarly, patients with good tumour chemonecrosis had better EFS and OS, compared with poor responders. These values were 78.3% versus 42.3% (P=0.019) and 82.6% versus 65.4% (P=0.209), respectively. Notably, patients with localised disease and good tumour chemonecrosis had very good outcomes, with EFS of 80% and OS of 86.7%. All deaths in this study were caused by disease progression. No patients died of treatment complications or other causes.
The prognostic factors identified for both EFS and OS included the presence of metastasis at diagnosis and throughout, as well as the need for amputation to manage the primary tumour. Local aggressiveness and a larger tumour dimension contributed to OS, while poor tumour chemonecrosis contributed to EFS (Table 4). The following factors did not have a statistically significant impact on EFS or OS: sex, age at diagnosis, primary tumour location in the femur, the presence of a pathological fracture, time from symptom onset to presentation, time from diagnosis to start of chemotherapy, and the histological subtype of the primary tumour.

Table 4. Factors associated with poor event-free survival and poor overall survival
Multivariate analysis (Table 5) revealed that the presence of metastasis at diagnosis, the need for amputation, and poor tumour chemonecrosis were prognostic factors independently associated with poor EFS, while the presence of metastasis at diagnosis and the need for amputation were prognostic factors independently associated with poor OS. Figure 4 shows the Kaplan-Meier analysis of the effects of the above three independent prognostic factors on EFS.

Table 5. Multivariate analysis of factors associated with poor event-free survival and poor overall survival

Figure 4. (a) Comparison of event-free survival between localised and metastatic disease groups. (b) Comparison of event-free survival between good and poor responder groups. (c) Comparison of event-free survival between limb-salvage surgery and amputation groups
Patient characteristics
To our knowledge, this is the first multicentre review of the demographic characteristics and prognostic factors of paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma in Hong Kong. The number of patients included in the study constituted 76.5% of children with osteosarcoma diagnosed in Hong Kong during the study period (unpublished data). Thus, our findings are likely to be representative of the courses of disease and treatment for children with osteosarcoma in Hong Kong. In this study, slightly more patients with high-grade osteosarcoma were boys, the median age at diagnosis was 13.5 years, and the femur was the most common site of involvement. All of these results are comparable to findings in western countries.1 10 Only one patient had a high-grade osteosarcoma in the humerus; no patients had a primary nodule in the axial skeleton, demonstrating the rarity of such nodules. Although our study was limited by a short follow-up interval in some patients, the EFS and OS were comparable to the findings of large studies conducted in other countries,6 8 10 11 as well as the results of a study performed in Hong Kong in 2009.12 The shortest follow-up interval was 2 years from diagnosis. Most events occurred in the first 2 to 3 years, but some poor responders experienced late relapse at 4 to 5 years after initial diagnosis. Thus, a longer follow-up interval is necessary to better determine patient outcomes and more comprehensively assess the incidence of late toxicity.
Prognostic factors
In terms of prognostic factors, our findings in a cohort of Hong Kong patients confirm the validity of some important prognostic factors recognised in studies performed elsewhere, including the largest dimension of the primary tumour,8 13 14 presence of metastasis at diagnosis,6 8 9 11 and poor tumour chemonecrosis.6 8 9 13 14 15 Additionally, our study identified the need for amputation as an independent prognostic factor for EFS and OS. With respect to mortality, the prognostic effect of the need for amputation has varied among studies.6 13 14 15 16 This variation is presumably because the decision to amputate depends on many factors, including the opinions of orthopaedic surgeons and parental acceptance. In our study, 10 patients underwent amputation; in two of these patients, the procedure was performed with palliative intent to achieve symptomatic control. Both of those patients had metastatic disease at diagnosis, which involved large and painful primary tumours. Thus, risk stratification of patients according to the need for amputation may enable the selection of patients with more advanced disease. Nonetheless, in our cohort, all surgical margins were negative in both limb-salvage surgery and amputation groups. Moreover, local recurrence was uncommon. Thus, our findings may provide insights that can be used to update risk stratification protocols for paediatric patients with osteosarcoma. In the current treatment protocol, there is a considerable delay between initial diagnosis and risk stratification (at week 16), which is performed after tumour resection and when tumour chemonecrosis data are available. However, the surgical approach is usually determined after approximately 4 to 5 weeks of treatment, when reassessment imaging is conducted. If aggressive features are observed at diagnosis (eg, a massive tumour, early intra-articular tumour involvement, or early neurovascular bundle involvement), the discussion of possible amputation may have already begun. Thus, the presence of such features, or the early recognition of the need for amputation, may be suitable for risk stratification after validation in larger-scale studies.
Surrogate markers of aggressiveness
In recent decades, there has been extensive research into surrogate markers for aggressiveness in osteosarcoma. In some studies, the levels of ALP8 9 14 15 17 and lactate dehydrogenase18 19 20 were identified as significant prognostic factors. Although the maximal ALP level was not associated with EFS or OS in our study, some studies have demonstrated a positive association between the serum ALP level and tumour volume.21 This association is presumably related to the increased rate of bone remodelling in the tumour. However, the serum ALP level is also elevated in teenagers because of increased bone remodelling during periods of rapid growth. Thus, a universal cut-off for all paediatric patients may not provide the greatest prognostic accuracy.22 Some studies23 have explored methods to increase the age specificity of serum ALP levels. However, more validation and larger-scale studies are required before these methods can be widely adopted. Whereas the serum lactate dehydrogenase level showed a weaker association with tumour volume,21 a change in this level is more likely to be associated with a non-specific increase in tumour metabolism. Currently, the serum lactate dehydrogenase level is not included in pretreatment staging and investigation protocols; thus, it is not routinely checked. For investigation purposes, it should also be included in baseline investigations.
Because most biochemical parameters are not accurate surrogate markers for the aggressiveness of osteosarcoma, technological advancements have enabled molecular and genetic profiling of osteosarcomas to become the focus of research in the past 10 to 15 years.22 24 25 These studies may provide insights concerning the ‘non-conforming’ behaviour of certain tumours in our patients; examples include locally aggressive primary tumours that warrant amputation but demonstrate good tumour chemonecrosis, or tumours that show disease progression despite good tumour chemonecrosis. The current literature suggests that paediatric osteosarcoma is a heterogeneous disease,21 26 although general knowledge of the disease remains incomplete. Despite advancements in surgical techniques for primary tumour resection,27 improvements in the accuracy of staging imaging, and enhancements of supportive care, further revisions are needed concerning the medical treatment of paediatric osteosarcoma. Thus, molecular and genetic studies are essential and may facilitate further stratification of patients with osteosarcoma into different risk groups, which may require tailored treatment regimens for better outcomes. Future studies may also enable the identification of molecular nodules for targeted therapy or immunotherapy, which lead to considerable advances in the treatment of osteosarcoma.
Lung nodule analysis
Lung nodules were common in the initial staging and serial follow-up CT scans of our patients. The small size of some nodules hindered characterisation. They might represent benign lung pathologies. However, they may also represent micro-metastases which were responsive to chemotherapy. Thus, they remained stable in size and number on subsequent scans, suggesting that they persisted as scars. Patients with non-specific lung nodules had an excellent prognosis, with an OS rate of 100% in our study. However, repeated scans are needed for the follow-up and characterisation of such lung nodules. Additionally, the appearance of any new lung nodules on CT scans creates a considerable psychological burden for patients and their families. Our study identified parameters that can help to differentiate true lung metastases from non-specific nodules, including the number of initial nodules, maximal number of nodules, initial nodule size, and largest nodule size. A study in Hong Kong in 201128 also identified number (≤5 vs >5), size, and laterality of lung nodules as important prognostic factors for survival, whereas a study in the US in 201129 found that survival was worse for central lung metastases than for peripherally located lung metastasis. Additional larger-scale risk stratification studies are needed to clearly delineate the cut-offs for size, number, laterality, and location of initial lung nodules. The establishment of a scoring system that considers parameters of lung nodules observed in chest CT scans may enable prediction of the risk of malignancy, thus improving early detection of lung metastasis and reducing unnecessary anxiety for patients and their families. Furthermore, standardised reviews of CT scans will help to ensure more uniform classification of lung nodules, particularly when the nodules are small.
With respect to confirmed lung metastasis, the situation becomes increasingly complicated. For a single synchronous or metachronous lung metastasis, metastasectomy was conducted whenever surgically feasible because it has been regarded as the primary treatment approach in multiple studies.30 31 32 However, given the diversity of treatments, there was no consensus regarding treatment strategies for multiple metastases or local recurrence. This is presumably because the effects of different chemotherapy regimens and targeted therapies remain under investigation.11 33 34 35 36 In our study, surgical resection of lung metastasis whenever possible, together with zoledronic acid, generally achieved durable clinical remission for >5 years. Long-term randomised controlled trials of different chemotherapy or targeted therapy regimens should be conducted to determine the most cost-effective regimens that improve survival for relapsed paediatric patients with high-grade osteosarcoma. Many centres in other nations are performing karyotyping and genetic analysis of osteosarcoma tumour cells to identify targetable mutations.11 24 37 However, these tests are not routinely conducted for standard care in Hong Kong. Collaborations with centres in other nations should be pursued to facilitate the implementation of international standards in Hong Kong.
To our knowledge, this represents the first multicentre review of paediatric high-grade osteosarcoma in Hong Kong. Important prognostic factors, including metastatic disease at diagnosis and poor tumour chemonecrosis, were validated. The need for amputation may reflect local aggressiveness, which influences OS. Larger-scale studies of high-grade osteosarcoma in paediatric patients should be conducted over a longer period of time to better understand the characteristics, patterns, and prognostic factors.
Author contributions
Concept or design: GPY Tong, CK Li.
Acquisition of data: GPY Tong.
Analysis or interpretation of data: GPY Tong, WF Hui, CK Li.
Drafting of the manuscript: GPY Tong, WF Hui, KC Wong, CK Li.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (Kowloon Central/Kowloon East Cluster and New Territories East Cluster), Hospital Authority Hong Kong (Ref: KC/KE-19-0301/ER-1, 2019.712). The requirement for patient informed consent was waived.
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Effects of primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis on neutropenic toxicity and chemotherapy dose delivery in Chinese patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: a retrospective cohort study

Hong Kong Med J 2022;28(6):438-46 | Epub 20 Oct 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Effects of primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis on neutropenic toxicity and chemotherapy dose delivery in Chinese patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: a retrospective cohort study
Carol CH Kwok, MB, ChB1; WH Wong, BSc, MSc1; Landon L Chan, MB, ChB1; Sabrina PY Wong, MB, BS, FCSHK2; F Wang, BMed, PhD3; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH3; Shelly LA Tse, BMed, PhD3
1 Department of Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong
2 Department of Surgery, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong
3 JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Carol CH Kwok (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: This study was performed to examine the effects of primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis on neutropenic toxicity, chemotherapy delivery, and hospitalisation among Chinese patients with breast cancer in Hong Kong.
Methods: This retrospective study included patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy from November 2007 to October 2013 at Princess Margaret Hospital. Data were collected regarding the usage of G-CSF prophylaxis; incidences of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, non-neutropenic fever, and infection; hospital admissions, and chemotherapy dose delivery. Patients who began to receive G-CSF prophylaxis during the first cycle of chemotherapy and continued such prophylaxis in subsequent cycles were regarded as the primary G-CSF prophylaxis group.
Results: In total, 231 female Chinese patients with breast cancer were included in the analysis. Overall, 193 (83.5%) patients received primary G-CSF prophylaxis. The demographics and tumour characteristics were comparable between patients with and without primary G-CSF prophylaxis. Primary G-CSF prophylaxis significantly reduced febrile neutropenia incidence from 31.6% to 14.5% (relative risk=0.45, 95% confidence interval=0.25-0.81). Primary G-CSF prophylaxis also significantly reduced the incidence of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia from 57.9% to 24.7% (relative risk=0.43, 95% confidence interval=0.30-0.62) and the incidence of febrile neutropenia–related hospital admission from 31.6% to 12.4% (P=0.025). Finally, it enabled more patients to receive adequate chemotherapy dose delivery.
Conclusion: Primary G-CSF prophylaxis effectively reduced the incidences of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and febrile neutropenia, while enabling adequate chemotherapy dose delivery and reducing hospital admissions among Chinese patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis was associated with reduced neutropenic toxicity from adjuvant docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC) chemotherapy.
  • Our 4-day G-CSF schedule helped to maintain the planned chemotherapy regimen and reduce the rate of hospital admission.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Routine use of primary G-CSF prophylaxis enabled successful chemotherapy treatment and adequate chemotherapy dose delivery for patients with early breast cancer who received adjuvant TC chemotherapy.
  • Primary G-CSF prophylaxis could reduce hospital admissions for the management of febrile neutropenia; it may reduce in-patient bed occupancy and offset hospitalisation costs.
  • G-CSF prophylaxis can be extended to patients on all docetaxel-containing regimens of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy.
Adjuvant chemotherapy significantly improves disease-free survival and overall survival in patients with early breast cancer.1 For intermediate-risk patients who have axillary lymph node-negative early breast cancer,2 a common regimen comprises four cycles of doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide. In 2009, Jones et al3 published a 7-year follow-up study of patients with stages I-III operable breast cancer in the United States; they reported that superior disease-free survival and overall survival could be achieved with four cycles of docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC), compared with four cycles of doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide. Since then, TC has been increasingly regarded as an alternative chemotherapy regimen to doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide for patients with early-stage breast cancer. However, docetaxel causes significant myelotoxicity, characterised by high incidences of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and febrile neutropenia (FN). Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is a major type of toxicity that limits the dose of cancer therapy; FN is associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and financial costs.4 Febrile neutropenia is considered a medical emergency, which often requires immediate hospitalisation and empirical administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Severe (grade 3 or 4) neutropenia or FN is the most common cause of dose reductions and/or cycle delays that lead to lower chemotherapy dose intensity; such changes may influence clinical outcomes, particularly when treatment is intended to be curative or to prolong survival.5 6
There is substantial evidence that granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis reduces the incidence of chemotherapy-associated FN in patients with diverse malignancies, including patients with breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapy and have moderately high/high FN risk; this prophylaxis can result in fewer chemotherapy dose reductions or delays.5 7 8 9 Current guidelines consistently recommend G-CSF prophylaxis during chemotherapy treatment for patients with cancer who have a high estimated risk of FN (ie, approximately 20%), as well as patients with cancer who have a history of FN.5 10 11 12 The administration of G-CSF should also be used to facilitate the maintenance of chemotherapy dose intensity for patients in whom reduced chemotherapy dose intensity or density is likely to cause a poor outcome (eg, patients receiving adjuvant or potentially curative treatment, or patients receiving treatment to prolong survival).5 10 12
We began using TC chemotherapy in 2007 at Princess Margaret Hospital, but we encountered a high incidence of FN. Our initial solution comprised dose reduction; after the first episode of FN, doses of chemotherapeutic agents were reduced by 10% to 25% in subsequent cycles. Then, G-CSF prophylaxis was administered if the second episode of FN occurred to avoid further dose reduction and to ensure delivery of planned chemotherapy; it was also intended to prevent the occurrence of further FN. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of primary G-CSF prophylaxis on neutropenic toxicity, chemotherapy delivery, and hospitalisation in patients with breast cancer if G-CSF was administrated from the first cycle of TC chemotherapy.
Patient selection
This retrospective cohort study was performed at Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong. We reviewed the medical records of female Chinese patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant TC chemotherapy from November 2007 to October 2013. Exclusion criteria were as follows: previous receipt of chemotherapy, mixed TC and doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide or other chemotherapy regimens; more than four cycles of TC; failure to complete four cycles of chemotherapy; and use of G-CSF after the occurrence of FN. Data were retrieved from the included patients’ out-patient and in-patient records, chemotherapy charts, and discharge summaries.
Tumour characteristics
Tumour staging, histological type, histological grade, lymphovascular invasion, oestrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status, and Ki67 status were extracted from each patient’s pathology report. Oestrogen and/or progesterone receptor statuses were considered positive if either percentage of immunohistochemical staining was ≥1% (ie, an H score of ≥50 or an Allred score of ≥3). The HER2 status was considered positive if the immunohistochemical score was 3, or if fluorescence in situ hybridisation showed HER2 gene amplification if immunohistochemical score was equivocal.
Docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide treatment protocol
Chemotherapy was initiated within 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. The chemotherapeutic regimen consisted of docetaxel 75 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2 administered by intravenous infusion over 60 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively, on day 1 at 3-week intervals for four cycles; dexamethasone premedication and standard anti-emetic were administered during each cycle. In accordance with standard protocol in the Department of Oncology at Princess Margaret Hospital, patients were required to have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0 or 1. At baseline and before each cycle of chemotherapy, complete blood counts were performed, along with tests of renal and hepatic function. To proceed with treatment, patients were required to have a white blood cell count of ≥3 × 109/L, an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of ≥1.5 × 109/L, and a platelet count of ≥100 × 109/L. For patients with insufficient blood counts, chemotherapy was deferred for ≥1 week until counts reached the required levels. For patients with an elevated alanine transaminase level (ie, ≥1.5-fold above the upper limit of normal), the dose of docetaxel was reduced by 15%, in accordance with prescribing information. Complete blood counts were also checked at nadir (ie, the lowest white blood cell count or ANC recorded within 21 days of the first cycle of chemotherapy, typically on day 10 after chemotherapy) to assess the severity of neutropenia; based on blood count findings, chemotherapy dosage was adjusted (if necessary) in subsequent cycles. The dosage reduction ranged from 10% to 25% according to the occurrence of grade 4 neutropenia or FN in prior cycles. Hepatitis status was checked at baseline. Prophylactic antiviral therapy was administered to patients who had a positive test result for hepatitis B surface antigen.
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor use
We suggested G-CSF prophylaxis (on a self-financed basis during the study period) to each patient who was scheduled to receive adjuvant TC, unless they had contra-indications mentioned in the prescribing information. The intent of G-CSF prophylaxis was to prevent the occurrence of FN, which would lead to cycle delay and chemotherapy dose reduction. We defined primary G-CSF prophylaxis as upfront use in the first chemotherapy cycle and continuation in subsequent cycles. The administration of G-CSF after an episode of FN during a previous chemotherapy cycle was considered secondary use; patients who received such treatment were excluded from the analysis, as indicated in the Patient selection subsection. Antibiotic treatment was administered to patients who showed grade 3 or 4 neutropenia at nadir.13 Neupogen (filgrastim) 30 MU was the form of G-CSF used during the study period; this treatment was administered subcutaneously from day 4 to day 7 of each chemotherapy cycle.
Febrile neutropenia and other adverse events
Febrile neutropenia was defined as a single reading of oral temperature ≥38.3°C or a sustained (≥1 h) oral temperature of ≥38.0°C, with either an ANC of <0.5 × 109 cells/L or an ANC of <1.0 × 109 cells/L and predicted decrease to <0.5 × 109 cells/L over the next 48 hours.14 Haematological and other non-haematological adverse events were categorised and graded in accordance with the National Cancer Institute’s Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 3.0); they were expressed as maximum toxicity per patient. Other adverse effects were reported as grade 3 or 4.
Hospital admission for chemotherapy-related toxicities
An admission was regarded as a single hospital admission that occurred between two consecutive chemotherapy cycles; admissions were recorded until 1 month after the final cycle of chemotherapy. If neutropenic fever was diagnosed or suspected, patients were admitted for isolation, sepsis tests, and antibiotic treatment; if patients refused admission, they were prescribed oral antibiotics. If indicated, patients were also admitted for treatment of chemotherapy-related adverse effects. Admissions were categorised according to the primary diagnosis at the time of admission.
Statistical analyses
Descriptive statistics were used to summarise baseline patient and tumour characteristics, chemotherapy delivery, and adverse events. The Chi squared test (or Fisher’s exact test) and Student’s t test (or Mann–Whitney U test) were used for comparisons of categorical and continuous variables, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to calculate the relative risk and 95% confidence interval for the occurrence of FN with primary G-CSF prophylaxis after adjustment for age.
The total percentage of planned doses received was calculated as the sum of the percentage of planned doses over four cycles divided by the number of cycles of chemotherapy administered. Dose intensity was calculated as the cumulative dose (mg/m2) divided by the total duration of chemotherapy (wk). Planned dose intensity was calculated as the planned cumulative dose (mg/m2) divided by the planned treatment duration (wk). Relative dose intensity was calculated as the ratio of delivered dose intensity to planned dose intensity. Chemotherapy dose delay was defined as a delay of ≥3 days from the planned treatment date. In all statistical analyses, P<0.05 was considered indicative of statistical significance. All data analyses were performed using SPSS software (Windows version 26.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
Baseline characteristics of patients according to primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis status
During the initial review, 261 patients were identified and eight of them presented with synchronous bilateral breast cancer. In total, 30 patients were excluded from analysis for the following reasons: previous receipt of chemotherapy (n=2), mixed TC and doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide or other chemotherapy regimens (eg, epirubicin plus cyclophosphamide, or cyclophosphamide plus methotrexate plus 5-fluorouracil) [n=14], or more than four cycles of TC (n=6); failure to complete four cycles of chemotherapy (n=3; 1 died of pneumonia, 1 discontinued chemotherapy after one cycle because of advanced age, and 1 discontinued chemotherapy after three cycles for unspecified reasons); and use of G-CSF after the occurrence of FN (n=5). Finally, 231 female Chinese patients with breast cancer were included in this study; 193 patients (83.5%) received primary G-CSF prophylaxis (Table 1). Age at diagnosis, body weight and height, body mass index, and menopausal and co-morbidity statuses were comparable between patients with and without primary G-CSF prophylaxis. The distributions of tumour stages, histological subtypes, histological grades, and molecular biomarker statuses were also similar between the two groups.

Table 1. Characteristics of patients with breast cancer, stratified according to primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis status
Development of febrile neutropenia and other chemotherapy-related toxicities
In total, 106 patients (45.9%) had ≥1 episode of neutropenia; 69 patients (65.1%) developed grade 3 or 4 neutropenia (Table 2). Among patients with neutropenia, the incidences of FN were 40.0% (12/30) in the non-G-CSF group and 36.8% (28/76) in the G-CSF group. Compared with patients who did not receive G-CSF prophylaxis, primary G-CSF prophylaxis was associated with a lower incidence of FN (31.6% vs 14.5%) and a lower incidence of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia (57.9% vs 24.7%) [Table 2]; the relative risks were 0.45 (95% confidence interval=0.25-0.81) and 0.43 (95% confidence interval=0.30-0.62), respectively. However, G-CSF prophylaxis was not associated with reduced incidences of non-neutropenic fever and infection. The incidences of grade 3 or 4 chemotherapy-related toxicities other than neutropenia were very low among our patients. Only four episodes of grade 3 or 4 chemotherapy-related adverse events were observed (one episode of anaemia, one episode of non-neutropenic leukopenia, and two episodes of diarrhoea).

Table 2. Incidences of chemotherapy-related toxicities during docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer, stratified according to primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis status
Delivery of chemotherapy
Primary G-CSF prophylaxis helped to maintain the planned regimen of TC chemotherapy (Table 3). When compared with the non-G-CSF group, the proportion of patients who received the standard dose of TC was higher among patients in the G-CSF group (63.2% vs 74.6%); moreover, the proportion of patients with an overall dose deduction of >10% for docetaxel or cyclophosphamide was lower among patients in the G-CSF group (18.4% vs 14.0% and 13.2% vs 7.3%, respectively), although the difference was not statistically significant. However, compared with the non-G-CSF group, more patients in the G-CSF group experienced chemotherapy cycle delays (26.3% vs 56.5%). There were no significant differences in dose intensity or relative dose intensity for both docetaxel and cyclophosphamide between the G-CSF and non-G-CSF group (online supplementary Table 1).

Table 3. Delivery of docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy to patients with breast cancer, stratified according to primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis status
Rate of hospital admission
Sixty patients had ≥1 hospital admission for a severe chemotherapy-related adverse event; 36 of these patients (60%) were diagnosed with FN. Compared with the non-G-CSF group, the hospital admission rate was lower in the primary G-CSF prophylaxis group, particularly in terms of admission for FN (31.6% vs 12.4%) [Table 4].

Table 4. Hospital admissions among patients with breast cancer, stratified according to primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis status
Primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis reduced febrile neutropenia and severe neutropenia
To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate an association between the use of a fixed schedule of G-CSF prophylaxis (days 4 to 7) and the reduction of neutropenia and FN incidences in patients with early-stage breast cancer who received adjuvant TC chemotherapy. Our study demonstrated that patients who received primary G-CSF prophylaxis were significantly more likely to maintain their planned regimen of chemotherapy and have a lower rate of hospital admission. These findings suggest that G-CSF prophylaxis can enhance treatment efficacy and conserve medical resources.
Chinese patients on docetaxel-based chemotherapy had higher incidences of neutropenia/febrile neutropenia
Our results are consistent with previous reports that the FN rate was higher among patients receiving TC chemotherapy in the absence of G-CSF.3 15 16 17 Rates of myelosuppression and neutropenia during docetaxel-based chemotherapy were higher in our Chinese patients compared with those in Caucasian patients in previous studies.18 19 20 In the original TC study, incidence of FN was only 5%.3 Inter-individual and inter-ethnic variations in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics may be linked to variations in docetaxel toxicity.21 22 23
Four-day course of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis was effective
With regard to the schedule of G-CSF prophylaxis, international guidelines recommend initiation between 24 and 72 hours after the last day of chemotherapy, with continuation until sufficient and stable ANC recovery has been achieved after nadir.5 10 11 The optimal clinical benefits of filgrastim have been achieved with approximately 11 daily injections; ANC recovery typically requires 10 to 11 days.5 Therefore, the median recommended duration of daily filgrastim injections is 10 to 11 days.5 11 Nevertheless, the chemotherapy schedule varies in clinical practice.5 24 25 In a previous study, von Minckwitz et al8 found that daily G-CSF was most frequently administered at five to seven doses per cycle. We initiated G-CSF on day 4 in accordance with the recommendation (mentioned above) that G-CSF should be initiated between 24 and 72 hours after chemotherapy. According to the docetaxel prescribing information, a median of 7 days is needed to reach nadir; the median duration to reach severe neutropenia (<500 cells/mL) is also 7 days. Based on our previous experience concerning nadir, we examined complete blood counts from day 7 to day 11; we observed that the duration of neutrophil nadir for docetaxel was short and the ANC rapidly rebounded after day 10. Because the median neutrophil nadir of docetaxel typically occurs on day 7, the administration of G-CSF until day 7 would constitute the shortest duration of G-CSF injection; the increased neutrophil count as a result of G-CSF injection (due to the effect of G-CSF) would presumably have a protective effect during the expected neutrophil nadir period.
In this study, FN occurred after the first cycle in 28 of 193 (14.5%) patients who received primary G-CSF prophylaxis; all of those patients received G-CSF on days 4 to 7. It is important to consider whether this finding suggests that our G-CSF schedule was insufficient for FN prevention. Notably, there have been reports that the initial episode of neutropenia most frequently occurred during the first cycle in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy.6 25 26 The lower apparent risk after the first cycle presumably results from subsequent dose reductions and delays, or from the secondary use of a white blood cell growth factor.6 27 The high frequency of first-cycle FN has been proposed to emphasise the need for early (during the first cycle) initiation of G-CSF to reduce the risk of FN. A longer duration of G-CSF prophylaxis may further reduce the incidence of first-cycle FN, but this hypothesis requires further investigation.
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis enabled adequate chemotherapy dose delivery
We found that primary G-CSF prophylaxis influenced the incidences of FN and FN-related hospitalisation and also enabled adequate chemotherapy dose delivery. Our findings were similar to the results reported by von Minckwitz et al8; however, their study involved a comparison of primary prophylaxis with long-acting pegfilgrastim to either no G-CSF treatment or any cycle of G-CSF/pegfilgrastim. In the group of patients who received G-CSF, the longer duration of chemotherapy might have offset the effect of the higher total percentage of scheduled chemotherapy doses on dose intensity and relative dose intensity. These findings were analogous to the findings in a Cochrane review, which showed CSF treatment did not help much in maintaining the planned chemotherapy schedules.9 Additionally, von Minckwitz et al8 reported that neutropenia prophylaxis influenced chemotherapy dose reductions (≥15%) but did not affect the incidence of chemotherapy dose delays (≥3 days). Similarly, in a study that evaluated the effect of pegfilgrastim during the first and subsequent cycles versus placebo, the proportion of patients who received their planned dose on time (defined as receiving ≥80% of the planned dose and no dose ≥3 days late) did not significantly differ between the two groups. The authors of the study concluded that no difference had been present because patients who developed FN were allowed to receive pegfilgrastim in subsequent cycles, which (because of study design) prevented the identification of a difference between the pegfilgrastim and placebo groups.26
Although the reduction of FN incidence is an important clinical outcome, G-CSF prophylaxis might facilitate the maintenance of chemotherapy dose intensity7; G-CSF has also been used as an adjunct to achieve moderate increases in dose intensity. Early clinical trials of patients with solid malignancies demonstrated a limited survival benefit for patients who received higher dose therapy.28 In clinical studies, dose-dense schedules (ie, with shortened treatment intervals) have shown increased survival, whereas the benefit in dose escalation studies has been less consistent.6 Notably, a meta-analysis showed that the receipt of primary G-CSF prophylaxis was associated with a modest reduction in all-cause mortality, compared with the absence of primary prophylaxis.29 Recently published meta-analyses confirm the survival benefit of dose-dense chemotherapy.29 30 These provide supporting evidence that ensuring chemotherapy dose intensity is an important consideration for treatment outcome which is particularly relevant in adjuvant chemotherapy settings. Further studies are awaited to assess the effects of chemotherapy dose delivery on survival outcomes in our patients with early breast cancer.
Our results showed that G-CSF prophylaxis reduced the rate of hospital admission for FN. Conventional management of FN involves hospital admission with intravenous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics for 5 to 7 days. The mean length of hospitalisation for FN may exceed 1 week; patients must be placed in isolation rooms to undergo numerous diagnostic procedures and receive intravenous antibiotic support, and there is a need to consider the potential complications of such therapy (American Society of Clinical Oncology guideline 1994, 2000).31 The benefit of reducing the rate of hospital admission is that it can reduce demands on the resources of a public healthcare system with a limited number of in-patient beds. Additionally, the reduced rate of hospital admission can help to minimise disruption for patients and their families, thereby avoiding negative impacts on quality of life.
Study implications
The patients in this study received treatment from November 2007 to October 2013. Among the patients, 14.7% had luminal A–like breast cancer subtypes according to histopathological criteria (online supplementary Table 2); thus far, patients with such breast cancer subtypes have experienced minimal benefits from chemotherapy. With the increasing use of gene expression profiling as a personalised medicine approach for adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with hormone receptor–positive, HER2-negative breast cancers, the use of adjuvant chemotherapy has become increasingly selective for such patients; nevertheless, it remains important for patients with HER2-positive and triple-negative breast cancers. The TC regimen is an important type of adjuvant chemotherapy; it is recommended within the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. Because it is an anthracycline-free regimen, TC chemotherapy has been compared with anthracycline-containing regimens in some large, randomised trials; it has demonstrated excellent results.32 33 The TC regimen is considered an efficacious and less-toxic option in lower-risk patients, as well as patients with known cardiac disease or pre-existing risk factors for cardiac toxicity.32 33 Routine G-CSF prophylaxis has made adjuvant TC chemotherapy safer and more successful. Currently, the 4-day G-CSF schedule is widely used for patients in our hospital who receive other docetaxel-containing regimens, such as TCH (ie, trastuzumab, carboplatin, and docetaxel) and docetaxel 100 mg/m2 regimens; the outcomes are generally positive.
Study limitations
First, this study used a retrospective cohort design and only included patients from a single centre. Thus, the overall sample size was moderate and the non-G-CSF group included a small number of patients. Moreover, because this was an observational study without randomisation, the number of patients who received G-CSF prophylaxis substantially differed from the number of patients who did not receive such prophylaxis. Our results require confirm in multicentre studies with diverse patient populations. Second, indication bias might have been present, such that patients who received G-CSF might constitute a distinct group, compared with patients who did not receive G-CSF. We suggested the use of primary G-CSF prophylaxis to each patient who was scheduled to receive adjuvant TC chemotherapy; most patients accepted this suggestion (193/231). Among 43 patients who did not receive G-CSF treatment at the first cycle of chemotherapy, only five received secondary administration of G-CSF, which indicated that cost was the main factor influencing receipt of primary G-CSF prophylaxis. Nevertheless, we used multivariate logistic regression models to adjust for potential confounding factors (eg, baseline differences between the two groups). Third, incomplete documentation of adverse effects might have influenced our findings because only significant adverse effects were recorded for most study participants. Febrile neutropenia and hospital admission were the major clinical outcomes recorded in medical records; therefore, medication-related adverse effects might have been neglected. Finally, because only short-term toxicity (ie, neutropenic toxicity) was examined in this study, the long-term effects of chemotherapy (eg, neurotoxicity) and G-CSF prophylaxis on quality of life should be addressed in future studies.
Our study demonstrated that the use of 4-day primary G-CSF prophylaxis can reduce neutropenic toxicity from adjuvant TC chemotherapy; it enables successful chemotherapy treatment and facilitates adequate chemotherapy dose delivery. Further studies are needed to assess the effects of primary G-CSF prophylaxis and chemotherapy dose delivery on survival outcomes in patients with breast cancer.
Author contributions
Concept or design: CCH Kwok, F Wang, SLA Tse.
Acquisition of data: CCH Kwok, SPY Wong.
Analysis or interpretation of data: WH Wong, CCH Kwok, SLA Tse, F Wang, LL Chan.
Drafting of the manuscript: CCH Kwok.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: CCH Kwok, F Wang, SLA Tse, MCS Wong.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As the Editor-in-Chief and adviser of the journal, respectively, MCS Wong and SLA Tse were not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Kowloon West Cluster Research Ethics Committee (Ref: KW/EX-12-068 [53-03]). The requirement for informed consent was waived.
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Neonatal mortality in singleton pregnancies: a 20-year retrospective study from a tertiary perinatal unit in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2022;28(6):430-7 | Epub 29 Nov 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Neonatal mortality in singleton pregnancies: a 20-year retrospective study from a tertiary perinatal unit in Hong Kong
Genevieve PG Fung, MB BChir, MRCPCH1; SL Lau, MB, ChB, MRCOG2; Annie SY Hui, MB, ChB, MRCOG2; Sani TK Wong, MB, ChB2; WT Tse, MB, ChB, MRCOG2; PC Ng, MD, FRCPCH1; DS Sahota, PhD2; HS Lam, MD, FRCPCH1; TY Leung, MD, FRCOG2
1 Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof TY Leung (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The global neonatal death (NND) rate has been declining in recent decades, but there are no comprehensive data concerning the characteristics of NNDs in Hong Kong. This study investigated the trends and aetiologies of NNDs among singleton pregnancies in Hong Kong.
Methods: This study included all cases of NND from singleton pregnancies in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong between 2000 and 2019. The rates, clinical characteristics, and aetiologies of NND were compared between the first (2000-2009) and the second (2010-2019) decades.
Results: The NND rate decreased from 1.66/1000 livebirths (97 cases) in the first decade to 1.32/1000 livebirths (87 cases) in the second decade. Congenital or genetic abnormalities (82 cases) caused 44.6% of all NNDs. There was a significant reduction from 0.82/1000 livebirths in the first decade to 0.52/1000 livebirths in the second decade (P=0.037). Other causes of NND were prematurity (69 cases; 37.5%), sepsis (16 cases; 8.7%), hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (15 cases; 8.2%), and sudden infant death syndrome (2 cases; 1.1%). Gestational age-specific neonatal mortality for moderately preterm neonates (31-33 weeks of gestation) significantly decreased from 34.73/1000 in 2000-2009 to 8.63/1000 in 2010-2019 (P=0.001), but there were no significant changes in neonatal mortality for other gestations.
Conclusions: The NND rate in Hong Kong is among the lowest worldwide. Neonatal deaths in our centre declined over the past two decades, mainly because of improvements in the prenatal diagnosis and treatment of congenital or genetic abnormalities, as well as an improved survival rate among moderately preterm neonates.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The rate of neonatal mortality among singleton pregnancies in Hong Kong decreased from 1.66/1000 livebirths in 2000-2009 to 1.32/1000 livebirths in 2010-2019.
  • The decline in the neonatal mortality rate mainly resulted from improvements in the prenatal diagnosis and treatment of congenital or genetic abnormalities, as well as an improved survival rate among moderately preterm neonates (31-33 weeks of gestation).
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Future improvements in the neonatal mortality rate should focus on in utero treatment, expanded carrier screening of genetic abnormalities, and the prevention of preterm birth and pre-eclampsia.
Perinatal and neonatal mortality rates are important measures of the quality of medical care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the neonatal period. Although the global neonatal death (NND) rate has demonstrated a decreasing trend over the past 30 years, from 37/1000 livebirths to 17/1000 livebirths between 1990 and 2020,1 NND rates considerably vary among regions. According to the 2020 report by the World Health Organization, the NND rates were the highest in Africa (27/1000 livebirths), Eastern Mediterranean (25/1000 livebirths) and South-East Asia (18/1000 livebirths); the NND rates were the lowest in Americas (7/1000 livebirths), Western Pacific (5/1000 livebirths) and Europe (4/1000 livebirths).1 In Hong Kong, territory-wide statistics indicated NND rates of 1.2/1000 and 1.0/1000 livebirths in 2004 and 2014, respectively2; these rates are lower than the rates in most regions, according to the above report by the World Health Organization. However, there have been few in-depth studies concerning the trends and underlying causes of NND in Hong Kong. Our group recently published two epidemiological studies regarding singleton pregnancies in Hong Kong, which revealed a decreasing trend in the rate of stillbirths among singleton pregnancies from 3.61/1000 in 2000-2009 to 3.09/1000 in 2010-2019.3 The rate of perinatal mortality in multiple pregnancies also decreased from 5.52/1000 to 4.59/1000 during the same period.4 These improvements in mortality rates have mainly occurred because of advances in the prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal malformations and genetic diseases, as well as improvements in the antenatal management of multiple pregnancies. The present study investigated the trends of NNDs among singleton pregnancies in the largest tertiary perinatal centre in Hong Kong, as well as changes in the characteristics and aetiologies of NND over the past two decades, with the goal of improving perinatal care in Hong Kong.
Study setting
This retrospective study included all singleton pregnancies that delivered at the Prince of Wales Hospital from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2019. The STROBE reporting guideline was followed when writing this manuscript. The Prince of Wales Hospital is affiliated with The Chinese University of Hong Kong and serves a large population of 1.7 million in the New Territories East region of Hong Kong; the hospital’s annual delivery rate is 6000 to 7000 (approximately one-sixth of the total births in all public hospitals in Hong Kong, and one-ninth of the total births in Hong Kong). Both the obstetric unit and the neonatal unit are the largest in Hong Kong. The neonatal unit is a Level III centre that consists of a 22-bed neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The staff of the neonatal unit worked closely with the staff of the obstetric unit to manage high-risk deliveries from complicated pregnancies, as well as pregnancies that required fetal intervention after referral from other hospitals.
Perinatal and neonatal management
Complicated pregnancies were discussed in weekly perinatal meetings attended by the staff of both the obstetric unit and the neonatal unit; discussions of these pregnancies focused on management plans and the optimal timing of delivery. Relevant disciplines (eg, paediatric surgery, cardiology, neurosurgery, radiology, or otolaryngology) were included as appropriate. In cases where a specialist service outside of Prince of Wales Hospital (eg, cardiothoracic surgery) was anticipated after delivery, specialists from other centres were invited to participate in management planning. Active resuscitation was provided for all viable neonates delivered at ≥24 weeks. For extremely premature neonates with borderline viability (ie, delivered at 22-23 weeks of gestation), considering the high risks of mortality and long-term morbidity, comprehensive counselling was provided to affected families, which allowed them to select active resuscitation or no resuscitation at birth. In accordance with the departmental protocol, the paediatric unit was requested to prepare for rapid management of deliveries that involved specific maternal or fetal conditions (eg, prematurity, fetal distress, instrumental deliveries, and antenatally diagnosed severe congenital abnormalities). Neonates were managed in the NICU in accordance with the standard unit protocols and guidelines. These protocols were updated regularly according to the latest evidence-based consensus guidelines and recommendations established by clinicians in Hong Kong and other nations. In accordance with departmental guidelines, comprehensive investigations were performed to determine the cause of death in all cases of NND. All NNDs were referred for autopsy unless the cause of death was clearly identified (eg, trisomy 13 or 18 confirmed by genetic tests). If the cause of NND could not be identified, the case was reported to the coroner. If NND was caused by multiple pathologies, the most clinically significant pathology that contributed to death was selected for analysis.
Data collection and analysis
All cases of NND in livebirths of singleton pregnancies during the study period were retrieved using the Hospital Authority’s Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System. Cases of NND in livebirths of multiple pregnancies were excluded. The included cases of NND were divided into two groups according to the decade of birth. The first group (ie, first decade) included cases of NND among singleton pregnancies that delivered between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2009. The second group (ie, second decade) included cases of NND among singleton pregnancies that delivered between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2019. Obstetric data including maternal demographics (maternal age, maternal illnesses, antenatal complications, and treatment) and birth history (gestation, mode of delivery, sex, birth weight, Apgar scores, and neonatal resuscitation) were collected from the Obstetric Specialty Clinical Information System. Neonatal data comprising neonatal diagnoses, interventions, and length of survival were retrieved from the Hospital Authority’s Clinical Management System. When further details were needed, individual case records were retrieved for analysis.
All NNDs were categorised as early NND (within 7 days after birth) or late NND (within 8-28 days after birth). Early, late, and total rates of NND, as well as baseline demographics, were compared between the two groups. Causes of death were divided into four main categories: prematurity, hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), congenital abnormalities, and sepsis. Congenital abnormalities were defined by characteristic features on physical examination, confirmed by either genetic tests, diagnostic investigations, or autopsy. Sepsis was defined on the basis of positive cultures established using samples of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, or tissue from the affected neonate. Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy was diagnosed in accordance with criteria derived from international guidelines.5
Statistical analysis
The analysis was performed using data that overlapped with a previous study.3 Categorical variables were compared by the Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test. The threshold of statistical significance was defined as a two-sided P value of <0.05. Data analysis was performed with the SPSS software (Windows version 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
Overall and gestational age-specific neonatal mortality
There were 124 281 livebirths from singleton pregnancies between 2000 and 2019 (Table 1). The number of livebirths increased by 12.7% from 58 442 in the first decade (2000-2009) to 65 839 in the second decade (2010-2019). There were 184 NNDs (1.48/1000 livebirths) between 2000 and 2019, including 97 in the first decade (1.66/1000 livebirths) and 87 in the second decade (1.32/1000 livebirths). Overall, there were 136 cases (73.9%) of early NND and 48 cases (26.1%) of late NND.

Table 1. Neonatal mortality in singleton pregnancies during 2000-2009 and 2010-2019
The maternal demographic characteristics of all singleton pregnancies during the study period were reported in our previous paper.3 The distribution of gestational age among all livebirths did not differ between the two decades (P=0.237) [Table 2]. The highest rate of NND (195.12/1000 livebirths) was observed in extremely preterm neonates (≤27 weeks of gestation) [Table 3]. The rate of NND decreased with increasing gestational age, such that NND rates were 48.42/1000, 20.13/1000, 4.98/1000, and 0.37/1000 for neonates delivered at gestational ages of 28-30 weeks, 31-33 weeks, 34-36 weeks, and ≥37 weeks, respectively. Compared with the first decade, there was a significant reduction (75.2%) in the rate of NND among neonates delivered at 31-33 weeks of gestation during the second decade (34.73/1000 vs 8.63/1000; P=0.001); however, there were no significant differences in the rates of NND among neonates in other gestational groups.

Table 2. Distribution of gestational age among all livebirths (including neonatal deaths) at time of delivery during 2000-2009 and 2010-2019

Table 3. Gestational age-specific neonatal mortality† during 2000-2009 and 2010-2019
Causes of neonatal death
The primary causes of NND in the two decades are shown in Table 4. Congenital or genetic abnormalities was the most common cause of NND (82 of 184; 44.6%) during the 20-year study period. Other common causes of NND were prematurity (69 cases; 37.5%), sepsis (16 cases; 8.7%), and HIE (15 cases; 8.2%) [Supplementary Fig].

Table 4. Causes of neonatal death in singleton pregnancies during 2000-2009 and 2010-2019
Chromosomal abnormalities caused 18.3% (15 of 82) of NNDs related to congenital or genetic abnormalities; all of these abnormalities were trisomy 13 or 18. Structural abnormalities caused 63.4% (52 of 82) of NNDs related to congenital or genetic abnormalities, and respiratory system abnormalities were the most common causes in both decades (22 cases). These respiratory system abnormalities included congenital diaphragmatic hernia (13 cases), pulmonary hypoplasia (5 cases), alveolar capillary dysplasia (2 cases), and tracheal stenosis or atresia (2 cases). The next most common causes were congenital cardiac abnormalities (8 cases), including transposition of the great arteries (2 cases), total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (2 cases), endocardial cushion defect (2 cases), hypoplastic left heart syndrome (1 case), and congenital heart block (1 case); central nervous system abnormalities (8 cases), including anencephaly (3 cases), central nervous system malformation (4 cases), and brain tumour (1 case); and musculoskeletal abnormalities (7 cases), including fetal akinesia syndrome with arthrogryposis (3 cases), spinal muscular atrophy (2 cases), and skeletal dysplasia (2 cases). There were two cases of gastrointestinal abnormalities (volvulus and bowel atresia with meconium peritonitis), two cases of sacrococcygeal teratoma, two cases of multiple abnormalities, and one case of bilateral renal agenesis (a urogenital abnormality). There were also nine cases of haemoglobin Barts disease and six cases of idiopathic hydrops. There was a statistically significant decline in the rate of NND caused by congenital or genetic abnormalities, from 0.82/1000 livebirths in the first decade to 0.52/1000 livebirths in the second decade (P=0.037).
There were no significant differences in the rates of NND caused by prematurity, sepsis, or HIE between the two decades. Cases of NND due to sepsis were mainly caused by Group B Streptococcus in the first decade and Escherichia coli in the second decade. The majority of HIE cases (67.7%) were related to acute intrapartum events, including placenta abruption (5 cases), uterine rupture (2 cases), vasa praevia (1 case), cord accident (1 case), and chorioamnionitis (1 case).
The NND rate in our tertiary centre is consistent with the rate of 1.2/1000 livebirths in the territory-wide report2 and lower than the rates in many developed countries (eg, the United States, Australia, and nations located in Europe; neonatal mortality rates of 2-3/1000 livebirths).1 2 The global NND rate has been decreasing over the past two decades because of advances in perinatal care.2 Our overall NND rate decreased by 20%, from 1.66/1000 in the first decade to 1.32/1000 in the second decade. This decrease is mainly the result of a decrease in NNDs related to congenital or genetic disorders, as well as a decrease in NNDs among neonates delivered at 31-33 weeks of gestation.
Neonatal death due to congenital abnormalities
Similar to our previous report, which showed a reduction in the rate of congenital or genetic abnormality-related stillbirths,3 the present study showed that the rate of congenital or genetic abnormality-related NNDs decreased from 0.82/1000 livebirths in the first decade to 0.52/1000 livebirths in the second decade. This decline was presumably because of improvements in antenatal screening and the early detection of lethal congenital abnormalities, which resulted in termination of pregnancy before 24 weeks of gestation. Universal first trimester combined screening for Down syndrome was implemented by the Hospital Authority in 2010.6 In 2011, non-invasive cell-free fetal DNA tests for common trisomies, as well as chromosomal microarrays for the diagnosis of chromosomal microdeletion syndromes, became available in the private sector.7 8 Expanded antenatal screening of inborn errors of metabolism was launched in the private sector in 2013; this expanded screening has gradually become available in the public sector since 2018.9 Although we expected a decline in the rate of trisomy-related NNDs after universal aneuploidy screening became available in 2011, there was an increase in the rate of trisomy 18–related NNDs (from 2 cases to 7 cases). A review of the individual cases revealed that the rate of trisomy 13–related NNDs decreased from six cases in the first decade to none in the second decade. Conversely, five of the seven cases of trisomy 18–related NND in the second decade were in pregnancies that had not received any screening; all of these five cases occurred during the period from 2010 to 2013. The other two cases of trisomy 18–related NND were diagnosed during prenatal screening, but the parents chose conservative management rather than termination of pregnancy. To further reduce mortality associated with hereditary genetic disorders such as spinal muscular atrophy and fetal akinesia syndrome (which caused NND in 5 cases), there is a need for expanded carrier screening of parents, particularly in families with a history of consanguineous marriage.10 11
The other main congenital abnormalities that caused NND in our cohort were cardiorespiratory and neuromusculoskeletal disorders, among which congenital diaphragmatic hernia was the most common. Although survival was common among neonates with mild to moderate congenital diaphragmatic hernia, neonates with severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia had a survival rate of 10% to 20% because of pulmonary hypoplasia. A recent large randomised controlled trial showed that fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion can improve the survival rate to 40% to 50%.12 In our unit, a baby survived after treatment with fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion in 2020.13 Pulmonary hypoplasia caused by hydrothorax or lung tumours can also be effectively and safely treated before birth with newly designed instruments such as the Somatex® shunt for pleuro-amniotic shunting, and radiofrequency ablation of the tumour feeding artery, respectively.14 15 Fetal tumours such as sacrococcygeal teratoma, placental chorioangioma, and lung tumours remain challenging to manage because the rapid growth of tumours in utero increases the risk of preterm birth and leads to impaired neonatal cardiac function. We have demonstrated improvements in survival after in utero embolisation of chorioangioma using cyanoacrylate, and after in utero radiofrequency ablation of lung sequestration.15 16 Although spinal muscular atrophy has no cure, it can be prevented by accurate parental carrier screening using genomic technology and prenatal diagnosis.10
Neonatal death due to hydrops fetalis
The rate of idiopathic hydrops fetalis–related NND decreased from 5.2% in the first decade to 1.1% in the second decade. Advances in antenatal diagnostic techniques in recent years have identified the underlying causes of many conditions which may have previously been regarded as ‘idiopathic hydrops fetalis’.17 The early diagnosis of treatable conditions in the antenatal period can prevent the development of severe hydrops fetalis and subsequent NND.17 18 Intrauterine blood transfusion for fetal anaemia and anti-arrhythmic treatment19 has significantly reduced the rate of hydrops fetalis, resulting in improved survival and long-term outcomes.
Neonatal death due to prematurity
Our study showed a significant (75.2%) decrease in the rate of NND among moderately preterm neonates (31-33 weeks of gestation) from 34.73/1000 in 2000-2009 to 8.63/1000 in 2010-2019; however, the rate of NND did not change in other gestational groups (Table 3). The decrease in mortality among moderately preterm neonates could be attributed to the implementation of multiple approaches for the management of such neonates since 2010, including improved ventilation strategies with early extubation to non-invasive ventilation, new methods for surfactant administration (eg, the ‘less invasive surfactant administration’ method), and improvements in NICU care through continuous quality improvement programmes. The rate of NND among extremely preterm neonates (24-27 weeks of gestation) was 175-211/1000, which is comparable with the rates in other developed countries (139-326/1000).20 It is difficult to reduce the rate of NND among extremely preterm neonates. Research is ongoing regarding artificial placenta and womb technology, and the results may improve the survival of extremely preterm neonates in the future.21
The rate of prematurity-related NND can be reduced by preventing preterm delivery; however, this prevention remains a challenging goal. Although our overall preterm delivery rate of 7% is lower than the rates in other developed countries,1 22 it has remained at this level for the past two decades, and there has been no variations in gestation age-specific neonatal mortality among preterm categories. In a previous study, we demonstrated that measurements of cervical length can help to identify pregnant women who are at higher risk of preterm delivery, although the risk prediction values for Chinese women in Hong Kong are lower than the corresponding values for women in non-Asian countries.23 Additional methods to predict the onset of labour (eg, cervical elastography, immune markers, and genetic markers) should be explored to improve accuracy.24 25 Prophylactic progesterone is effective in reducing the risk of preterm delivery among women who have a short cervix.26 Although the use of a cervical ring pessary reportedly had a similar effect in a Spanish study,27 this result was not confirmed by a randomised controlled trial in Hong Kong28 or by subsequent meta-analysis.29 Pre-eclampsia is a common complication that requires medically induced preterm delivery. First trimester screening of pre-eclampsia, followed by prophylactic aspirin treatment in high-risk cases, is a proven strategy to effectively delay the onset of pre-eclampsia and the associated preterm births.29 Our recent study confirmed the accuracy of a screening programme for pre-eclampsia.30 Reductions in pre-eclampsia–related preterm births and mortality may be achieved by the implementation of a universal screening programme in the future.
Neonatal death due to hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
Despite advances in NICU management of HIE and the use of therapeutic hypothermia since 2011, the rate of HIE-related NND did not improve during the study period. Approximately 67% of HIE-related NNDs were caused by acute and unpredictable perinatal events such as cord prolapse, uterine rupture, vasa praevia, or placental abruption. We previously reported an infant death secondary to severe cerebral palsy as a result of prolonged shoulder dystocia, which occurred during the first study decade.31 Therefore, team-based training for the above perinatal events is needed to ensure that the obstetric team can respond appropriately and efficiently so that the risk of HIE and associated perinatal mortality can be reduced. During these situations that involved irreversible peripartum hypoxia, we showed that umbilical cord arterial pH decreased as the length of the bradycardia-to-delivery interval increased.31 32 33 With appropriate training, we were able to achieve a median bradycardia-to-delivery interval of 10 minutes and a median decision-to-delivery interval of 11 minutes,32 which was effective in preventing peripartum mortality. Furthermore, we showed that during umbilical cord prolapse, the knee-chest position is the most effective approach for relieving fetal compression of the prolapsed cord34; we also formulated an algorithm for acute resolution of cord prolapse.35 Shoulder dystocia is associated with macrosomia, but the optimal fetal weight cut-off for prophylactic elective caesarean delivery has not been established. Our previous study suggested a cut-off of 4.2 kg may help to prevent shoulder dystocia.36 With effective training and correct use of manoeuvres such as posterior arm delivery, we recently showed that the head-to-delivery interval can be shortened and the Apgar scores can be improved.37 38 We also proposed a modified posterior axillary sling technique to relieve severe shoulder dystocia.39
Neonatal death due to sepsis
The rate of severe sepsis-related NND is low and has been decreasing over the past two decades. Since the implementation of universal Group B Streptococcus screening and peripartum antibiotic prophylaxis in 2012, the rate of early onset Group B Streptococcus infection has significantly decreased from 1/1000 to 0.24/1000 births.40 Despite the reduced risk of neonatal Group B Streptococcus infection, recent reports have shown an increase in Escherichia coli–related early-onset neonatal sepsis.41 Clinicians should remain vigilant concerning the presence of chorioamnionitis and risk factors for sepsis.
To our knowledge, this is the largest and most comprehensive analysis of neonatal mortality during a 20-year period in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, there were a few limitations in this study. First, it was performed in a single large centre, rather than in a large segment of the population. Because the Prince of Wales Hospital is the main centre for fetal intervention in Hong Kong, many high-risk pregnancies are referred from adjacent hospitals, which may have led to an over-representation of complex cases and a bias towards worse outcomes. Second, some case details were not available for analysis because of the retrospective nature of the study. Third, our study excluded cases of NND among neonates with borderline viability (gestational age: 22-23 weeks and 6 days) because such NNDs are regarded as miscarriages based on the legal definition in Hong Kong. Although some parents of neonates with borderline viability requested resuscitation, the survival rate in this small group was zero according to a recent study in our centre.42 Finally, because the rate of NND is very low in Hong Kong, this study could have been strengthened by including data regarding the rates of major morbidities (eg, cerebral palsy). Nonetheless, our findings provide a basis for future territory-wide reviews of perinatal outcomes.
Hong Kong has one of the lowest rates of NND worldwide. The neonatal mortality in our centre has decreased from 1.66/1000 livebirths to 1.32/1000 livebirths over the past two decades, mainly because of improvements in the prenatal diagnosis and treatment of congenital or genetic abnormalities, as well as an improved survival rate among moderately preterm neonates. Future improvements should focus on in utero treatment, expanded carrier screening for genetic abnormalities, and the prevention of preterm birth and pre-eclampsia.
Author contributions
Concept or design: GPG Fung, TY Leung.
Acquisition of data: All authors.
Analysis or interpretation of data: GPG Fung, TY Leung.
Drafting of the manuscript: GPG Fung, TY Leung.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Ethical approval was obtained from the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref No.: CRE 2017.442).
1. World Health Organization. Neonatal mortality rate (0 to 27 days per 1000 live births) (SDG 3.2.2). Available from: Accessed 5 Oct 2022.
2. Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. Territory-wide audit in obstetrics & gynaecology 2014. Available from: Accessed 15 Jun 2022.
3. Wong ST, Tse WT, Lau SL, Sahota DS, Leung TY. Stillbirth rate in singleton pregnancies: a 20-year retrospective study from a public obstetric unit in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:285-3. Crossref
4. Lau SL, Wong ST, Tse WT, et al. Perinatal mortality rate in multiple pregnancies: a 20-year retrospective study from a tertiary obstetric unit in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:347-56. Crossref
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THIRD bedside ultrasound protocol for rapid diagnosis of undifferentiated shock: a prospective observational study

Hong Kong Med J 2022 Oct;28(5):383-91 | Epub 29 Sep 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
THIRD bedside ultrasound protocol for rapid diagnosis of undifferentiated shock: a prospective observational study
P Geng, MD1 #; B Ling, MM1 #; Y Yang, MM1; Joseph Harold Walline, MD2; Y Song, MM1; M Lu, MD1; H Wang, MM1; Q Zhu, MM1; D Tan, MD1; J Xu, MD3
1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University, Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital, Yangzhou, China
2 Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3 Department of Emergency Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China
# The first two authors contributed equally to this work
Corresponding author: Dr D Tan (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: It is clinically challenging to differentiate the pathophysiological types of shock in emergency situations. Here, we evaluated the ability of a novel bedside ultrasound protocol (Tamponade/tension pneumothorax, Heart, Inferior vena cava, Respiratory system, Deep venous thrombosis/aorta dissection [THIRD]) to predict types of shock in the emergency department.
Methods: An emergency physician performed the THIRD protocol on all patients with shock who were admitted to the emergency department. All patients were closely followed to determine their final clinical diagnoses. The kappa index, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were calculated for the initial diagnostic impression provided by the THIRD protocol, compared with each patient’s final diagnosis.
Results: In total, 112 patients were enrolled in this study. The kappa index between initial impression and final diagnosis was 0.81 (95% confidence interval=0.73-0.89; P<0.001). For hypovolaemic, cardiogenic, distributive, and obstructive types of shock, the sensitivities of the THIRD protocol were 100%, 100%, 93%, and 100%, respectively; the sensitivity for a ‘mixed’ shock aetiology was 86%. The negative predictive value of the THIRD protocol for all five types of shock was ≥96%.
Conclusion: Initial diagnostic judgements determined using the THIRD protocol showed favourable agreement with the final diagnosis in patients who presented with undifferentiated shock. The THIRD protocol has great potential for use as a bedside approach that can guide the rapid management of undifferentiated shock in emergency settings, particularly for patients with obstructive, hypovolaemic, or cardiogenic shock.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Differentiating shock types in emergency situations is clinically challenging. We sought to assess the ability of a novel bedside ultrasound protocol (Tamponade/tension pneumothorax, Heart, Inferior vena cava, Respiratory system, Deep venous thrombosis/aorta dissection [THIRD]) in predicting shock aetiology. Shock aetiology determined using the THIRD protocol showed acceptable agreement with the final diagnosis of shock in critically ill emergency department patients.
  • The THIRD protocol demonstrated very high negative predictive values when it was used to evaluate patients with hypovolaemic, cardiogenic, distributive, and obstructive shock.
  • The THIRD protocol showed least sensitivity for evaluation of mixed aetiology shock.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Our findings support incorporation of the THIRD protocol into routine emergency department assessment of patients with undifferentiated shock to help guide early treatment.
  • Additional clinical assessments should be conducted to confirm a diagnosis of mixed shock made using the THIRD protocol.
Undifferentiated shock is a common presenting condition in the emergency department (ED) which requires timely and effective interventions. The rapid and accurate differentiation of possible shock aetiologies is essential for reducing morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients with shock.1 Patients with undifferentiated shock in the ED often have an acute onset of severe illness, unstable vital signs, a limited medical history, and sparse physical examination findings.2 Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has a crucial role in the management of undifferentiated shock because it is the only visual imaging tool that can provide real-time information concerning the key elements of haemodynamics.3 4 The use of POCUS in the ED has been rapidly increasing because it is safe, reliable, non-invasive, rapid, and repeatable at the bedside.5
The first ultrasound protocol for undifferentiated shock was published in 20046; since then, several additional protocols have been developed. The results of multiple studies have provided evidence that POCUS can help to differentiate the cause of hypotension, identify the most immediate life-threatening conditions, improve diagnostic certainty, and optimise treatment.7 8 The ‘Tamponade/tension pneumothorax, Heart, Inferior vena cava, Respiratory system, Deep venous thrombosis/aorta dissection’ (THIRD) bedside ultrasound protocol was published in 2017; it is the first POCUS protocol for undifferentiated shock in emergency medicine in mainland China.9 Compared with the ‘Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension’ (RUSH) protocol, the THIRD protocol has been reported to significantly increase physician trainee self-confidence when diagnosing undifferentiated shock.10
The THIRD protocol is now widely accepted and regularly used by emergency physicians in China; to our knowledge, the protocol has not been validated in any studies thus far. This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness and accuracy of the THIRD protocol as an early and rapid bedside approach for the investigation of undifferentiated shock in emergency settings. We hypothesised that THIRD early diagnostic predictions would not demonstrate significant inconsistency with the final clinical diagnosis.
This single-centre prospective observational study enrolled patients with shock who presented to the emergency intensive care unit (EICU) section of the ED at a large, urban, tertiary teaching hospital between October 2017 and May 2019. The ED of the hospital has approximately 240 000 visits per year, and >800 patients annually are admitted to the 15-bed EICU for extended management. Shock was defined as acute circulatory failure which led to inadequate cellular oxygen utilisation.11 We established the enrolment criteria for this study based on clinical feasibility and previous literature12 13: (1) age >18 years and <95 years; (2) systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg or shock index (pulse/systolic blood pressure) >1.0, confirmed after ≥3 measurements during the first assessment; and (3) at least one of the following symptoms or signs of hypoperfusion: altered mental status (eg, syncope, delirium, or unresponsiveness), respiratory distress, oliguria, severe fatigue or discomfort, skin mottling, elevated blood lactate, and severe chest pain or abdominal pain. Patients with the following conditions were excluded from the study: (1) a pre-existing ‘hypotensive’ state recorded in past medical history or reported by the patient; (2) transfer from another hospital with a known diagnosis of shock type; and (3) no definite diagnosis of shock established during hospitalisation, despite plenary discussion of their clinical data.
Point-of-care ultrasound technique
The POCUS is routinely performed in all hemodynamically unstable patients in our EICU. In this study, an independent emergency physician with specific competence in emergency ultrasound performed the THIRD protocol evaluation upon patient arrival (Fig 1). The physician had completed a 20-hour emergency ultrasound workshop including the THIRD protocol and had 3 years of experience with >300 ultrasound examinations per year. The physician was unaware of the history of present illness or any other diagnostic test results; the pathophysiological diagnosis of shock was made based on ultrasound findings (Table 1). Ultrasound evaluation was performed with a Philips® Sparq ultrasound device routinely used in the EICU. This ultrasound system contains a high-frequency 4-12 MHz linear probe, a 2-6 MHz curvilinear probe, and a 2-4 MHz cardiac probe.

Figure 1. THIRD protocol for bedside ultrasound evaluation of undifferentiated shock

Table 1. THIRD protocol: possible ultrasound findings in shock
The THIRD protocol is divided into the following five parts.
Tamponade or tension pneumothorax: First, the subcostal cardiac view is used to determine the presence of any pericardial effusion; then, evidence of right atrial or right ventricular diastolic collapse or cardiac oscillation is assessed to identify signs of pericardial tamponade-related shock. Second, the bilateral anterior thorax in the mid-clavicular lines is explored to identify pleural sliding, the ‘seashore’ sign, A lines, and B lines. If the above signs are not found and a ‘stratosphere’ sign or lung point is identified, tension pneumothorax–related obstructive shock is suspected.
Heart: The SMART (Size, Motivation, Aorta, Rhythm/rate, Tricuspid regurgitation) procedure is used to assess the heart size, shape, and wall motion; aortic diameter; presence of an aortic intimal flap; cardiac rhythm and rate; and presence of tricuspid regurgitation on the parasternal long-axis, parasternal short-axis, and apical four-chamber views. These assessments help to clarify the cause and type of shock with respect to cardiac function (Table 2).

Table 2. SMART procedure for focused cardiac ultrasound assessment
Inferior vena cava: The subcostal longitudinal acoustic window is used to localise the inferior vena cava. The diameter and respiratory variation rate of the inferior vena cava are measured to estimate central venous pressure, assess right heart function and overall blood volume, and evaluate indirect evidence of shock caused by hypovolaemia, right heart failure, pulmonary embolism, or pulmonary hypertension.
Respiratory system: Lung ultrasound assessment is performed using a symmetrical three-point technique to identify common lung ultrasound signs (eg, pleural fluid, pleural sliding, A lines, B lines, shred sign, and lung rockets). These signs are indicators of shock caused by lung consolidation, massive pleural effusion/haemorrhage, or other aetiologies such as pulmonary oedema.
Deep venous thrombosis or aortic dissection: The acoustic windows of the bilateral symmetrical inguinal areas and popliteal fossae are used to detect and assess the compressibility of the femoral veins and popliteal veins; these assessments facilitate the identification of deep vein thromboses. Because pulmonary emboli are commonly associated with deep venous thrombosis from the lower extremities, this ultrasound technique is an indirect test for shock caused by pulmonary emboli. Scans of the abdominal aorta in horizontal sections of the peritoneal trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and renal artery are then conducted to determine whether aortic dissection or aneurysm is present.
Clinical evaluation and final diagnosis
Upon admission to the EICU, the following information was recorded for all enrolled patients: demographic data, co-morbidities, APACHE II (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II) score, need for mechanical ventilation, and physiological data (eg, mean arterial pressure, shock index, lactate level, and central venous oxygen saturation). All patients were closely followed to confirm their final diagnosis of shock. A panel of three board-certified physicians (D Tan, emergency physician; J Ye, radiologist; and J Zhang, cardiologist) established the diagnosis of shock type based on all relevant clinical data including history of present illness, signs, auxiliary examination results. Disagreements concerning diagnosis were resolved using a majority vote approach. Patients were excluded if their diagnosis could not be agreed upon by at least two physicians.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Windows version 21; IBM Corp., Armonk [NY], United States). Sample size calculations were performed prior to enrolment; to detect a protocol accuracy of >90% using the kappa method and considering an anticipated 10% rate of exclusion or dropout,14 at least 100 patients were required. Thus, we planned a sample size of >110 patients in this study. We calculated the kappa index between the diagnosis of shock type according to the THIRD protocol and the final diagnosis of shock. Additionally, we separately assessed the kappa agreement and reliability indices (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value [PPV] and negative predictive value [NPV])of the THIRD protocol for each type of shock. For this analysis, we excluded patients without a definite final diagnosis of shock type.
Patient characteristics and final clinical diagnoses
In total, 120 patients were enrolled; eight patients were excluded prior to the analysis (two patients had a history of hypotension in their previous medical records, three patients were transferred from another hospital with a known diagnosis of shock type, and three patients did not have a definite final diagnosis of shock type) [Fig 2]. In the final sample size of 112 patients, 54% were men, with a mean age of 66.5 ± 13.5 years and a mean arterial pressure of 51.2 ± 10.9 mmHg at presentation to the EICU. The mean duration of a complete THIRD protocol evaluation was 9.1 ± 1.5 minutes. The baseline characteristics of enrolled patients are shown in Table 3. The final charted clinical diagnoses of the 112 patients are reported in Table 4.

Figure 2. Patient enrolment flowchart

Table 3. Baseline characteristics of enrolled patients (n=112)

Table 4. Final charted clinical diagnoses of 112 patients with symptomatic undifferentiated shock at presentation
The final clinical diagnoses of the 112 patients, based on chart assessment by the three auditors and the THIRD protocol evaluation results, are shown in Table 5. The most common type of shock in our study was distributive shock (36 patients, 32.1%). The kappa index for general agreement between final clinical diagnosis and the type of shock identified using the THIRD protocol was 0.81 (95% confidence interval=0.73-0.89; P<0.001) for all patients. Table 6 shows the kappa index, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of the THIRD protocol for determining each type of shock among patients with definite final diagnoses.

Table 5. Prevalences of types of shock based on final clinical diagnosis and THIRD protocol evaluation

Table 6. Reliability indices and kappa agreement values of the THIRD protocol for each individual shock subtype
Hypovolaemic shock
Using the THIRD protocol, 32 patients had a diagnosis of hypovolaemic shock. The causes of hypovolaemic shock were traumatic bleeding (n=23), sepsis (n=2), acute gastrointestinal bleeding (n=3), cachexia (n=1), and pancreatitis (n=1). The remaining two patients included in the 32 patients were misdiagnosed with hypovolaemic shock based on their ultrasound findings, but the final clinical diagnoses were mixed shock (n=1) and distributive shock secondary to sepsis (n=1) [97.3% specificity and 95% PPV].
Cardiogenic shock
Using the THIRD protocol, 21 patients had a diagnosis of cardiogenic shock. Of them, 19 patients had a final clinical diagnosis of cardiogenic shock due to decompensated heart failure (n=8), acute myocardial infarction (n=7), and intoxication (n=4). The final clinical diagnosis for the remaining two patients was mixed aetiology shock (97.83% specificity and 90.9% PPV). The agreement between ultrasound findings and the final diagnosis was 92% (P<0.001) for cardiogenic shock.
Distributive shock
Using the THIRD protocol, 33 patients were diagnosed with distributive shock. Of them, 30 patients had a final clinical diagnosis of sepsis (concurrent pneumonia [n=26], concurrent cholangitis [n=2], concurrent urinary tract infections [n=2]) and three patients had a final clinical diagnosis of neurogenic aetiologies. Three other patients had a final clinical diagnosis of distributive shock, who were initially misdiagnosed using the THIRD protocol with hypovolaemic (n=1) and mixed aetiology shock (n=2). The agreement between ultrasound findings and the final diagnosis was 89% (P<0.001) for distributive shock.
Obstructive shock
Using the THIRD protocol, five patients were diagnosed with obstructive shock, and all five of them had a final clinical diagnosis of obstructive shock (cardiac tamponade [n=3], large, acute pulmonary embolism [n=2]). The agreement between ultrasound findings and the final diagnosis was 100% (P<0.001) for obstructive shock.
Mixed aetiology shock
Using the THIRD protocol, 21 patients were diagnosed with mixed aetiology shock. Of them, 19 had a final clinical diagnosis of mixed aetiology shock (sensitivity of 90.4%). The remaining two patients were misdiagnosed with mixed aetiology shock; the final clinical diagnosis was distributive shock (n=2). Three other patients had a final clinical diagnosis of mixed aetiology shock, who were initially misdiagnosed using the THIRD protocol with hypovolaemic (n=1) or cardiogenic shock (n=2). The THIRD protocol had the lowest agreement (82%, P<0.001) with the final diagnosis for mixed aetiology shock.
In this prospective study, the primary diagnosis after implementation of the THIRD protocol in patients with undifferentiated shock was highly concordant with the final clinical diagnosis. The protocol was highly effective in guiding the rapid bedside management of undifferentiated shock in emergency settings, particularly for patients with obstructive, hypovolaemic, or cardiogenic shock.
Point-of-care ultrasound is the only tool available at the bedside that can rapidly reveal acute pathophysiology and establish key diagnoses to guide targeted interventions.15 As in other disciplines, POCUS has been commonly used in emergency medicine; it is an essential skill for emergency physicians. In mainland China, bedside ultrasound has been used in EDs since 2006, mainly for guidance during vascular puncture procedures and for the assessment of free intraperitoneal fluid.16 After a decade of rapid development, nearly half of EDs in China have dedicated bedside ultrasound equipment.17 The applications of POCUS have gradually expanded to undifferentiated hypotension, shortness of breath, chest pain, sepsis, and cardiac arrest, as well as other clinical manifestations.
To our knowledge, the THIRD protocol is the first ultrasound protocol for assessment of undifferentiated shock in mainland China, and this is the first study to validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the protocol. This study demonstrated favourable general agreement between the final clinical diagnosis of shock and the results of this early bedside ultrasound assessment (kappa=0.81). Similar to the RUSH protocol,13 the highest agreements were observed in patients with hypovolaemic, cardiogenic, and obstructive shock (kappa values of 0.92, 0.92, and 1.00, respectively). The NPVs for these shock types were all 100%, suggesting that the THIRD protocol can reliably exclude these types of shock. Clinically significant hypovolaemia, cardiac dysfunction, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, and tension pneumothorax are readily identifiable on ultrasound; the corresponding signs facilitate rapid diagnosis and ensure minimal delays in life-saving interventions for these conditions.4 18
The sensitivity, NPV, and kappa values of the THIRD protocol were lower for distributive or mixed shock than for the other three types of shock. Sepsis was the main cause of distributed shock in our study; high cardiac output with reduced vascular resistance is the main pathophysiological feature of this type of shock.19 A plausible explanation for this pathophysiological feature is that a hyperdynamic heart is not specific to distributive shock, and a decrease in vascular resistance lacks specific ultrasound signs. Our protocol had the least sensitivity and agreement for mixed aetiology shock. Considering this increased uncertainty, caution is advised when making a diagnosis of a ‘mixed’ type of shock.
Since its initial use in 2001 by Rose et al,20 POCUS has been increasingly used in the management of patients with undifferentiated shock in the ED. Furthermore, >15 ultrasound protocols for hypotension have been developed since 2001.7 These protocols consist of items such as echocardiography, transthoracic scanning, evaluation of the inferior vena cava and aorta, assessment of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, and detection of deep vein thrombosis. The overall goal of these protocols is to provide a comprehensive and practical approach for the classification of clinical syndromes that involve circulatory failure—syndromes which lack specificity and may have substantially different possible treatments—into four specific and manageable types of shock.
The RUSH protocol is one of the most frequently used POCUS protocols for undifferentiated shock.21 Multiple studies have shown that the kappa index of the RUSH protocol–based ultrasound diagnosis and the final clinical diagnosis is approximately 0.7.13 14 22 The RUSH protocol is used to find ultrasound abnormalities in three major aspects of a patient’s physiology, including ‘pump, tank, and pipe’.23 Unlike the RUSH protocol or other existing POCUS shock protocols (eg, ACES,24 UHP,20 or FATE25), each letter of the THIRD protocol represents a specific ultrasound assessment. The THIRD protocol is easy for clinicians to remember and can be used as a practical checklist for ultrasound examination during the management of patients with shock. This might explain why trainees had greater confidence and performance when using the THIRD protocol than when using the RUSH protocol in a training curriculum.10
There were some limitations in this study. First, we did not exclude certain patients, such as patients with traumatic injuries or gastrointestinal bleeding. However, trauma and gastrointestinal bleeding are common among patients who present to our ED, and the inclusion of these patients ensures that our shock assessment is consistent with real-world emergency settings. Second, we did not compare the THIRD protocol with other protocols, such as the RUSH protocol; thus, we cannot conclusively state whether the THIRD and RUSH protocols are equally effective. Third, we did not assess the impact of the THIRD protocol on subsequent treatment. In a previous study, 24.6% of patients had a statistically significant change in their management after a POCUS protocol examination.12
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the initial diagnostic judgements obtained using the THIRD protocol in the ED are consistent with the final diagnosis in patients who present with undifferentiated shock. The findings in this study encourage the incorporation of the THIRD protocol into routine ED assessment of patients with undifferentiated shock to help guide early interventions. The impact of the THIRD protocol on the outcomes of patients with shock, as well as comparisons of the effectiveness and accuracy of the THIRD protocol with other POCUS protocols, should be the focus of future studies.
Author contributions
Concept or design: P Geng, B Ling, J Xu, D Tan.
Acquisition of data: B Ling, Y Song, H Wang, Q Zhu, Y Yang, M Lu.
Analysis or interpretation of data: Y Song, H Wang, Q Zhu, Y Yang, M Lu.
Drafting of the manuscript: B Ling, JH Walline, D Tan, P Geng.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: D Tan, JH Walline, J Xu, P Geng.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
We are grateful to J Ye and J Zhang for their contributions to establish the diagnosis of shock type in this study.
This work was supported by the Rui E Special Fund for Emergency Medicine Research (R2017003), the Yangzhou Science and Technology Development Plan (YZ2018090), the Yangzhou Phase III ‘Talent Cultivation Program’ Support Project (2018034), the Hospital-Level Support Project of Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital (yzucms2018943), and the Hospital-Level Support Project of Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital (fcjs201708, fcjs201842).
Ethics approval
This study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital (Ref: fcjs2017008). Written informed consent was obtained from all patients (or next of kin, if the patient was unable to provide informed consent). The study was registered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (Ref: ChiCTR2000031072).
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