Detection of significant liver fibrosis in Chinese psoriasis patients receiving methotrexate: a comparison between transient elastography and liver histology

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Detection of significant liver fibrosis in Chinese psoriasis patients receiving methotrexate: a comparison between transient elastography and liver histology
Christina SM Wong, FRCP (Edin), FHKAM (Medicine)# 1; Loey LY Mak, MD, FRCP (Glasg)# 2; Victor KH Lee, FRCR, FHKAM (Radiology)3; Regina CL Lo, MD, FHKAM (Pathology)4; Martin MH Chung, MRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)1; Ferdinand Chu, FRCR, FACLM5,6; CK Yeung, MD, FRCP1; MF Yuen, PhD, FRCP2; Henry HL Chan, MD, PhD1
1 Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Imaging and Interventional Radiology Centre, CUHK Medical Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Department of Pathology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Department of Radiology, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia
# Equal contribution
Corresponding author: Prof Henry HL Chan (
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Introduction: Methotrexate (MTX) is effective for treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, but its potential hepatoxicity remains a concern. Liver biopsy, the gold standard for detecting MTX-induced liver injury, is invasive and carries considerable risk. Transient elastography (TE) offers a non-invasive alternative for detecting advanced liver fibrosis. This study investigated the performance of TE in detecting MTX-induced liver fibrosis among Chinese psoriasis patients, compared with liver biopsy.
Methods: This study included adult patients with clinical psoriasis. Liver stiffness measurement using TE was performed in patients receiving MTX. Exclusion criteria were known liver cirrhosis, positive viral hepatitis carrier status, or conditions influencing TE performance. Liver biopsy was performed when liver stiffness was ≥7.1 kilopascals (kPa) or when the total cumulative dose (TCD) of MTX was ≥3.5 g.
Results: A total of 228 patients were screened; among 34 patients who met the inclusion criteria, nine (26.5%) had significant liver fibrosis (Roenigk grade ≥3a). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.76 (95% confidence interval=0.59-0.93; P=0.021), indicating that TE had satisfactory performance in detecting liver fibrosis. A cut-off value of 7.1 kPa of liver stiffness yielded 100% sensitivity and 68% specificity. Liver fibrosis was not correlated with the TCD of MTX or the duration of MTX use; it was significantly correlated with obesity and diabetes status (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2, waist circumference ≥138 cm, and glycated haemoglobin level ≥7.8%).
Conclusions: Transient elastography is reliable and superior to the TCD for detecting liver fibrosis in Chinese psoriasis patients receiving MTX. Liver biopsy should be reserved for high-risk patients or patients with liver stiffness ≥11.7 kPa on TE.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Transient elastography (TE) exhibits satisfactory performance in the detection of methotrexate (MTX)-induced liver fibrosis among Chinese psoriasis patients receiving MTX.
  • Although current guidelines state that liver biopsy should be considered if the total cumulative dose of MTX is ≥3.5 g, it is shown that the dose was not correlated with the degree of liver fibrosis in Chinese psoriasis patients. Importantly, liver stiffness (LS) measurement by TE is a more appropriate method for monitoring MTXinduced liver fibrosis.
  • Chinese patients with obesity who exhibit a high body mass index and large abdominal circumference have a higher risk of liver fibrosis and should be closely monitored when receiving MTX.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Transient elastography can be used to monitor MTX-induced liver fibrosis, whereas liver biopsy should be reserved for high-risk psoriasis patients.
  • Yearly TE monitoring is recommended for patients with LS ≥7.1 kilopascals (kPa), while liver biopsy should be considered for patients with LS ≥11.7 kPa.
Methotrexate (MTX) is an effective immunosuppressive drug for moderate to severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.1 2 It is considered relatively safe and cost-effective for long-term use. However, prolonged used of MTX can potentially cause liver fibrosis and fatty changes without alterations in liver enzymes. The mechanism of MTX-induced liver fibrosis is suspected to involve the production of extracellular adenosine, a pro-fibrotic agent.3
Although liver fibrosis can be evaluated by imaging or biochemical parameters, liver biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosing liver fibrosis.4 However, it has limitations such as sampling error and poor feasibility for serial assessments. The rates of liver biopsy–associated morbidity and mortality are approximately 1% and 0.01% to 0.1%, respectively.5 6 The Roenigk scale is generally used to grade MTX-induced liver fibrosis,7 but other systems (eg, Ishak and METAVIR) have also been used for fibrosis assessment.8 9
The measurement of serum level of specific biomarkers such as the amino terminal of type III procollagen peptide can be used as alternative methods to assess liver fibrosis.10 11 12 13 However, these measurements are not widely available in many regions. Therefore, a sensitive and specific non-invasive technique is required to detect MTX-induced liver injury.
Transient elastography (TE) is a non-invasive method for assessing liver ‘hardness’ or stiffness that involves measuring the velocity of a vibration wave (ie, a shear wave) when travelling to a particular depth inside the liver, based on the principle that the wave velocity is greater in fibrotic tissue than in normal liver tissue. This technique has been used as a screening tool for liver cirrhosis in various conditions.14 15 16 17 In contrast to liver biopsy, TE allows the simultaneous assessment of a larger sampling area, is easily reproducible, and has low inter-observer variability and a low failure rate (<5%).15 Generally, a liver stiffness (LS) of ≤5 kilopascals (kPa) suggests a low probability of fibrosis, whereas a value of ≥7 kPa suggests a high likelihood of advanced fibrosis in patients with various chronic liver disorders.14 15 16 17 18 Thus far, there are limited data regarding TE accuracy and cut-off threshold in terms of detecting MTX-induced liver injury among Chinese psoriasis patients.
This study aimed to evaluate the performance (reliability) of TE in detecting significant liver fibrosis among psoriasis patients in the Chinese population, compared with gold-standard liver biopsy assessment using the Roenigk classification.
This cross-sectional single-centre study was conducted from 1 December 2019 to 31 March 2021. Patients with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis undergoing regular follow-up in the dermatological clinic at a major tertiary hospital in Hong Kong were consecutively screened for inclusion (Fig 1). The inclusion criteria were as follows: age ≥18 years, clinical diagnosis of psoriasis with or without arthritis, and current use of MTX with a cumulative dosage of ≥150 mg or minimum duration of 6 months. Patients were excluded if they had known liver cirrhosis or concomitant chronic liver disease (including chronic hepatitis B or C infection, alcohol use disorder, Wilson’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and a history of hepatocellular carcinoma), had a condition that could influence TE accuracy (eg, ascites, severe renal disease, peritoneal dialysis, or severe cardiovascular insufficiency),14 15 16 17 18 refused to give consent, were pregnant, or had not been receiving MTX. After the acquisition of informed consent, all participants provided a thorough history and underwent a comprehensive examination.

Fig 1. Participant recruitment
Clinical and laboratory data
Upon recruitment, clinical and metabolic measurements, including body weight, body mass index (BMI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and waist circumference, were recorded. The duration and cumulative dosage of MTX treatment, disease severity (measured by the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index), and body surface area (BSA) were documented. Laboratory parameters assessed included hepatitis B/C infection status, complete blood count, serum fasting glucose level, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level, triglyceride level, low- and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, liver enzyme levels (eg, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase), and renal function. Patient demographic data, co-morbidities (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic liver/renal disease, and alcoholic liver disease), and concomitant medications were collected from electronic medical records.
Liver stiffness measurement by transient elastography
Transient elastography assessments were conducted within 1 month after recruitment. Liver stiffness was evaluated using the FibroScan ultrasonic imaging device (Echosens, Paris, France) and expressed as the median value (in kPa) after at least 10 successful acquisitions. Measurements were considered reliable if the success rate was ≥60%, combined with an interquartile range (IQR) of ≤30%.15 16 For patients with a BMI of <30 kg/m2, an M probe was used; for those with a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2, an XL probe was used. The controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) was also recorded to estimate liver steatosis, expressed in decibels per metre (dB/m).16 The investigators (senior research assistants trained to perform TE) were blinded to the patients’ clinical characteristics, MTX dosage, and previous liver ultrasound or biopsy results. Patients were instructed to fast for 4 hours prior to LS measurements. In previous studies involving Asian populations, significant liver fibrosis or cirrhosis was indicated by LS values of ≥7.1 kPa19 and >14.0 kPa,20 respectively. Therefore, in our study, significant liver fibrosis on TE was defined as LS ≥7.1 kPa.
Liver biopsy
A liver biopsy (to assess the degree of liver fibrosis by histology) was performed within 3 months after TE in patients who had significant liver fibrosis (ie, LS ≥7.1 kPa on TE) or a total cumulative dose (TCD) of MTX ≥3.5 g, with or without additional risk factors. This protocol was adopted based on international guidelines1 2 18 19 20 21 22 and previous studies in Asian populations.21 22 Ultrasound-guided core-needle liver biopsy procedures were performed by an experienced radiologist using a percutaneous approach.5 6
Histological assessments were conducted by a pathologist with expertise in hepatobiliary disorders, who was blinded to the TE results. The Roenigk scale was used to grade liver fibrosis/cirrhosis, defined as grade 1 (no fibrosis, no or mild fatty infiltration, no or mild nuclear variability, and no or mild portal inflammation), grade 2 (no fibrosis, but moderate to severe fatty infiltration, nuclear pleomorphism, and portal inflammation), grade 3a (mild fibrosis, moderate to severe fatty infiltration, portal tract enlargement, and lobular necrosis), grade 3b (moderate to severe fibrosis), and grade 4 (cirrhosis).7 For patients with MTX-induced liver injury (Roenigk grade 3a), MTX could be continued, with follow-up liver biopsy repeated in 6 months. For those with significant liver fibrosis or cirrhosis (Roenigk grades 3b or 4), MTX was discontinued and alternative treatment was initiated.2
Data analysis and statistics
For statistical analysis, continuous variables were expressed as median (range or IQR, as specified) or mean (± standard deviation) values, as appropriate. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to determine the predictive ability of TE-based LS relative to histopathology (Roenigk grade ≥3a), with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Correlations between two variables were calculated using Pearson or Spearman rank correlation coefficients. The Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test was used for comparisons of categorical variables, as appropriate. Quantitative variables were subjected to normality assessment via the Shapiro–Wilk test; non–normally distributed variables were compared between groups using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS software (Windows version 26.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Baseline characteristics
In total, 785 psoriasis patients were recruited into the study; 234 fulfilled the screening criteria and were included in the analysis. Six patients subsequently withdrew their consent (Fig 1).
Among 228 patients who underwent TE evaluation, 140 were diagnosed with psoriasis and 88 were diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis (Table 1). Fifty-eight patients, who either had LS ≥7.1 kPa or received a TCD of MTX ≥3.5 g, were advised to undergo liver biopsy; 24 patients who refused or had contraindications to liver biopsy were excluded from the study (Fig 1). Thus, 34 patients (24 fulfilling the TE criteria and 15 fulfilling the TCD criteria of MTX) who had undergone both TE and liver biopsies were included in further analyses. The clinical and demographic details of the study participants are summarised in Table 1.
Among the 34 patients, the median values of LS and CAP were 8.80 kPa (IQR, 7.1-12.4; range, 3.5-30.4) and 321.0 dB/m (IQR, 262-357; range, 200-400), respectively. Furthermore, 24 patients (70.6%) had a high LS value (ie, ≥7.1 kPa, indicative of significant fibrosis); 24 patients (70.6%) had a CAP value of ≥268 dB/m, indicative of moderate to severe steatosis.

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who underwent transient elastography and those who underwent liver biopsy assessments
Histology evaluation revealed liver fibrosis in nine of 34 (26.5%) patients: six had Roenigk grade 3a, three had Roenigk grade 3b, and none had Roenigk grade 4 (cirrhosis).
Correlations of liver stiffness with clinical and laboratory parameters
Liver stiffness measurements via TE showed moderate correlations with BMI (r=0.441; P=0.009), waist circumference (r=0.437; P=0.01), and body weight (r=0.456; P=0.007); there were no correlations with the TCD of MTX or duration of MTX use (Table 2).

Table 2. Correlation of liver stiffness values with clinical and laboratory parameters (n=34)
Patients with LS ≥7.1 kPa had a higher BMI (P=0.01), body weight (P=0.01), and waist circumference (P=0.03). They also exhibited greater disease severity with a higher Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score (P=0.02) and more extensive BSA involvement (P=0.03). Furthermore, patients with LS ≥7.1 kPa had higher fasting glucose (P=0.03) and HbA1c levels (P=0.02), but they did not show significant differences in serum lipid levels (Table 3).

Table 3. Comparison of psoriasis patients with and without liver fibrosis according to transient elastography and liver histology (n=34)
In terms of histology findings, patients with a Roenigk grade ≥3a had significantly greater BMI (P=0.01), waist circumference (P=0.04), BSA (P=0.04), and HbA1c values (P=0.03), compared with those who exhibited lower stages of histological fibrosis. Notably, there were no significant differences in the TCD of MTX, lipid profiles, or liver and renal biochemistries between the two groups. Patients with Roenigk grade ≥3a (LS: 11.7 kPa; range, 7.8-15.7) had higher LS values than those with Roenigk grade <3a (LS: 8.6 kPa; range, 5.9-11) [P=0.018] (Table 3).
Performance characteristics of transient elastography for diagnosing significant/advanced liver fibrosis
Comparison of TE-based LS values (in kPa) with histopathology revealed an area under the ROC curve of 0.76 (95% CI=0.59-0.93; P=0.021) [Fig 2], which demonstrated the satisfactory performance of TE in detecting significant liver fibrosis. An LS cut-off value of 7.1 kPa yielded 100% sensitivity and 68% specificity for diagnosing Roenigk grade ≥3a.

Fig 2. Performance of transient elastography as reflected by area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve comparing liver fibrosis detection between liver stiffness measurement (in kilopascals) and liver biopsy (Roenigk grade ≥3a)
In a subgroup analysis of patients with LS ≥7.1 kPa, excluding patients who only met the TCD criteria of MTX (n=24), the area under the ROC curve with reference to Roenigk grade ≥3a was 0.702 (95% CI=0.47-0.94); an LS cut-off value of 10.7 kPa yielded 86% sensitivity and 59% specificity. In contrast, when ROC analysis was focused on the subgroup of patients with a TCD of MTX ≥3.5 g (n=14, excluding patients who only met the TE criteria), the area under the ROC curve was 0.622 (95% CI=0.31-0.94); an LS cut-off value of 8.2 g yielded 60% sensitivity and 67% specificity.
Use of transient elastography to monitor liver fibrosis in psoriasis patients receiving methotrexate
International guidelines recommend using TE for routine monitoring of MTX therapy.2 4 According to the Australasian position statement, TE monitoring is recommended every 3 years if initial LS is <7.5 kPa and yearly if LS is ≥7.5 kPa; liver biopsy is recommended if LS is >9.5 kPa.23
Currently, there is no guideline for monitoring MTX-induced liver fibrosis among Chinese psoriasis patients in Hong Kong. On the basis of previous studies,2 4 23 the present study utilised a modified approach that reflects our department’s routine practice of conducting liver biopsy for patients who have TE-based LS ≥7.1 kPa or a TCD of MTX ≥3.5 g, with or without abnormal liver biochemistry.
Our study confirmed the robust performance of TE in detecting significant liver fibrosis among Chinese psoriasis patients receiving MTX; the LS cut-off value of 7.1 kPa yielded 100% sensitivity and 68% specificity. These findings are consistent with a recent review and studies in other countries (Table 4).7 19 20 According to these published data, TE demonstrated fair to good performance in detecting liver fibrosis, with high negative predictive values (NPVs) [83% to 96%] but generally low positive predictive values (PPVs),19 20 21 22 23 24 which might be explained by the overall low prevalence of significant liver fibrosis in this population and the higher rate of TE failure among patients with obesity. Obesity might also influence diagnostic performance; a recent review noted that obesity could substantially reduce TE accuracy.19 Lee et al25 showed that, compared with control participants, independent risk factors for liver fibrosis included diabetes mellitus (odds ratio [OR]=30.4), obesity with high BMI (OR=8.3), and overweight (OR=6.3). Our results supported previous observations that TE-based LS measurements were not correlated with the TCD of MTX, although they were associated with BMI, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.19 24 Rongngern et al19 analysed 41 Asian psoriasis patients receiving MTX; they demonstrated that TE had good performance in detecting MTX-induced liver injury, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.78.19

Table 4. Comparison of studies about the diagnostic performance of transient elastography in detecting methotrexate-induced liver fibrosis among psoriasis patients, compared with liver histology
In this same study,19 using an LS cut-off value of 7.1 kPa, for detecting MTX-induced liver injury, defined as Roenigk grade ≥3a, TE provided a sensitivity and specificity of 50% and 83.9%, respectively, and a PPV of 50% and a NPV of 84%; in addition, the use of TE values ≥7.1 yielded 50% sensitivity and 76.9% specificity for detecting significant liver fibrosis, defined as METAVIR stage ≥F2; and giving a PPV of 10% and a NPV of 96.8%. Similarly, our study showed a PPV of 26.7% and a NPV of 100%. In the study of 53 psoriasis patients receiving MTX, Khandpur et al20 identified median LS values of 5.3 kPA (range, 2.7-17.8); TE could only detect 4 (21%) of 19 patients with liver fibrosis (Ishak stage ≥F1).20
Because the median LS for our patients with significant liver fibrosis (Roenigk grade ≥3a) was 11.7 kPa (IQR, 7.8-15.7), we recommend yearly TE monitoring for patients with LS ≥7.1 kPa. Liver biopsy should be considered for patients with LS ≥11.7 kPa, instead of a TCD ≥3.5 g or LS ≥7.1 kPa; earlier biopsy is suggested for high-risk patients (eg, patients with high BMI, abdominal obesity, or diabetes mellitus).
Associations of body mass index, abdominal obesity, and glycated haemoglobin level with liver fibrosis
The median LS in this study (n=228) was 6.91 kPa (IQR, 4.5-7.1). Among the 34 patients who underwent liver biopsy, the median LS was 8.80 kPa (IQR, 7.1-12.4). Overall, 9 of 34 patients (26.5%) had Roenigk grade 3a (mild)/3b (moderate to severe) liver fibrosis, whereas 14 (41.2%) patients had moderate to severe fatty infiltration (Roenigk grade 2) [Table 1]. The prevalences of liver fibrosis and steatotic changes in our study were higher than the rates reported in a 2015 review, where histology showed that only 5% of patients (range, 0%-33%) receiving MTX had developed significant liver fibrosis.14
Impacts of body mass index and coexisting non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or fatty liver disease on liver stiffness measurement
The aetiology of liver fibrosis can be multifactorial. Previous studies have shown that obesity, combined with other metabolic risk factors, is associated with liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients and psoriasis patients.26 27 28 The potential contributions of coexisting non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NAFLD and metabolic syndrome to liver fibrosis have been suggested. In our cohort, >40% of psoriasis patients had a CAP of ≥268 dB/m, indicative of moderate to severe steatosis. The liver fibrosis could be attributed to coexisting non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NAFLD, in addition to MTX-induced changes. The work of Wong et al26 demonstrated that NAFLD patients with BMI ≥30 kg/m2 had higher LS compared with normal healthy individuals. Our findings corroborate these observations; we found that BMI, body weight, and waist circumference were moderately correlated with TE-based LS measurements (all r>0.40; all P<0.05) [Table 2]. Intriguingly, although 70.6% of our biopsy cohort had moderate to severe hepatic steatosis (Table 1), CAP values were not significantly associated with LS >7.1 kPa or Roenigk grade ≥3a (Table 3). Therefore, the adverse effect of BMI on LS cannot be explained by concomitant hepatic steatosis alone.
In our study, patients with clinically significant liver fibrosis more frequently displayed characteristics of metabolic syndrome compared with patients lacking histologically confirmed liver fibrosis, as evidenced by significantly greater BMI (33.5 ± 0.68 kg/m2 vs 29.4 ± 6.18 kg/m2; P=0.01), waist circumference (138.0 ± 52.0 cm vs 101.2 ± 14.9 cm; P=0.04), and HbA1c values (7.86 ± 2.02% vs 6.15 ± 1.16%; P=0.03) [Table 3]. Sub-analysis showed that all patients with histologically confirmed liver fibrosis had a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (Table 5), suggesting that psoriasis patients should maintain a normal BMI to decrease the risk of liver fibrosis.

Table 5. Liver stiffness values according to body mass index, psoriasis severity, and liver histology among psoriasis patients receiving methotrexate
Role of transient elastography: liver stiffness measurements to guide liver biopsy considerations
Despite the recommendation to perform a screening liver biopsy for exclusion of possible liver cirrhosis among patients receiving long-term MTX therapy (with a TCD >3.5 g),1 2 our study did not identify a positive correlation between significant liver fibrosis and the TCD of MTX. Similarly, a study involving 420 patients with inflammatory arthritis receiving MTX revealed no significant correlation between cumulative MTX dosage and TE-based LS measurements.24 In the present study, although the TCD of MTX was higher in patients with liver fibrosis (5.23 g vs 4.79 g in those without), the difference was not statistically significant. In this context, LS measurements may be superior to the TCD of MTX when considering the need for liver biopsy to rule out advanced liver fibrosis.
Contrary to concerns about hepatotoxicity during long-term MTX therapy, we did not find a correlation between LS values and the duration of MTX use. The duration of MTX use in patients without liver fibrosis was nearly 10 years, indicating that the drug is generally well-tolerated in psoriasis patients. Patients who tended to continue MTX treatment belonged to an MTX-responsive group without significant adverse events, such as liver derangement identified via blood tests. In contrast, patients experiencing liver derangement or other adverse events might have discontinued MTX treatment earlier and were thus excluded from the study. Although we excluded patients with chronic hepatitis B, TE-based LS measurement is a widely validated non-invasive tool for real-world assessments of liver fibrosis in such patients; it allows the prediction of advanced fibrosis and disease progression.29 Therefore, TE should also be considered a valuable tool in guiding treatment for psoriasis patients with chronic hepatitis B who are receiving MTX.
In addition to LS measurement, TE can assess the degree of steatosis through CAP. This assessment was beneficial among patients with psoriasis in the present study; 26.5% (9 of 34) of the patients had metabolic syndrome and were predisposed to concomitant hepatic steatosis, regardless of MTX use. The median CAP value in our study was 321 ± 95 dB/m (range, 200-400). The area under the ROC curve of TE was 0.783 (95% CI=0.61-0.95; P<0.01); the cut-off of 254 dB/m for detecting steatosis yielded 91% sensitivity and 60% specificity. However, the presence of simple hepatic steatosis alone does not warrant liver biopsy, and management decisions should follow appropriate clinical guidelines.30 31 32
This study had some limitations. Notably, its sample size was small. Although liver fibrosis is generally uncommon in patients with psoriasis receiving MTX therapy, a larger sample size may be required for more definitive conclusions. Additionally, sampling error and inter- and intra-observer variabilities in histological assessment of liver tissue may have influenced the findings.
Transient elastography is a reliable screening tool for detecting significant liver fibrosis in Chinese psoriasis patients receiving MTX. When considering liver biopsy to rule out the possibility of clinically significant liver fibrosis, TE-based LS measurements provide superior reference information, compared with the TCD of MTX. Patients with high BMI, body weight, and abdominal obesity have a higher risk of liver fibrosis. Therefore, these factors should be considered when monitoring MTX-related liver fibrosis in psoriasis patients.
Author contributions
Concept or design: CSM Wong, LLY Mak, CK Yeung, HHL Chan, MF Yuen.
Acquisition of data: CSM Wong, MMH Chung, LLY Mak.
Analysis or interpretation of data: CSM Wong, MMH Chung, LLY Mak.
Drafting of the manuscript: CSM Wong, LLY Mak, F Chu, VKH Lee, RCL Lo.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: CK Yeung, HHL Chan, MF Yuen.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank Ms Rachael Yu, Ms Davis Wong, and Ms Ivy Cheng from Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong for their assistance with patient recruitment, data acquisition, and analysis.
The preliminary data of this research were presented as ePoster presentation in the 31st European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Congress 2022 (7-10 September 2022, Milan, Italy and online).
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of The University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong West Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong (Ref No.: UW19-390) and was conducted in full compliance with the International Council for Harmonisation E6 guideline for Good Clinical Practice and the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Patient consent has been obtained for all clinical information and images reported in this article. All participant information has been deidentified and remains anonymous.
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Comparison of clinical characteristics between ACOSOG Z0011–eligible cohort and sentinel lymph node–positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):139–46 | Epub 25 Mar 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Comparison of clinical characteristics between ACOSOG Z0011–eligible cohort and sentinel lymph node–positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong
Vivian Man, FCSHK, FRCSEd; Ava Kwong, FCSHK, FRCS
Department of Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Prof A Kwong (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z0011 trial resulted in de-escalation of axillary surgery among early-stage breast cancer patients with low-volume sentinel lymph node (SLN) disease undergoing breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy. Nevertheless, the mastectomy rate in the Chinese population remains high. This study compared the clinical characteristics of the ACOSOG Z0011–eligible cohort with SLN-positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong.
Methods: This retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database at a university-affiliated breast cancer centre in Hong Kong was performed from June 2014 to May 2019. The database included all patients with clinical tumour (T) stage T1 or T2 invasive breast carcinoma, no palpable adenopathy, one or two positive SLNs on histological examination, and no prior neoadjuvant systemic treatment. Comparisons were made between the mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups in our cohort, along with the sentinel-alone arm in the ACOSOG Z0011 trial.
Results: One hundred and seventy-one patients met the inclusion criteria: 112 underwent mastectomy and 59 underwent breast-conserving treatment. Our mastectomy group had higher prevalences of T2 tumours (P<0.001), lymphovascular invasion (P<0.001), and SLN macrometastases (P=0.004) compared with the ACOSOG Z0011 cohort. However, in our patient population, mean pathological size slightly differed between the mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups (2.2 cm vs 1.8 cm; P=0.005). Other histopathological features were similar.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that clinicopathological features were comparable between SLN-positive breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy and those undergoing breast-conserving treatment. Low-risk SLN-positive mastectomy patients may safely avoid completion axillary lymph node dissection.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Despite the high rate of mastectomy in Hong Kong, a small proportion of node-positive breast cancer patients met the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z0011 eligibility criteria to forgo axillary lymph node dissection.
  • Sentinel lymph node–positive breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy displayed clinicopathological features similar to those undergoing breast-conserving treatment in Hong Kong.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • By expanding the AMAROS trial (After Mapping of the Axilla: Radiotherapy Or Surgery?) eligibility to include ACOSOG Z0011–ineligible mastectomy patients, more patients could avoid axillary lymph node dissection with adjuvant radiotherapy, potentially reducing morbidity.
  • Further studies are necessary to explore when adjuvant axillary radiotherapy is indicated among mastectomy patients with low axillary nodal burden.
The evolution of optimal axillary management for breast cancer patients has led to emphasis on the de-escalation of axillary surgery and minimisation of surgical morbidity. Favourable results from the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z0011 phase 3 randomised clinical trials have redefined the indications for completion axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in patients with positive sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs). Early-stage breast cancer patients who undergo upfront breast-conserving surgery and have one or two positive SLNs can safely forgo ALND while maintaining good overall survival and disease-free survival.1 2 Consequently, the ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology)3 and the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network)4 have revised their clinical practice guidelines to recommend against completion ALND in this subset of patients. Although this guidance has led to a significant decline in the rate of completion ALND among ACOSOG Z0011–eligible patients,5 6 7 a similar reduction was observed among patients undergoing mastectomy.8 9 This reduction was particularly pronounced among patients with SLN micrometastases.8 Further evidence was obtained in the phase 3 IBCSG (International Breast Cancer Study Group) 23-01 randomised controlled trials, where approximately 10% of patients with SLN micrometastases underwent mastectomy; subgroup analysis demonstrated that disease-free survival among patients without axillary dissection was non-inferior to those with axillary dissection after 10 years of follow-up.10 11 Similarly, in the AMAROS trial (After Mapping of the Axilla: Radiotherapy Or Surgery?), 17% of patients with tumour (T) staging T1 to T2 primary breast cancer underwent mastectomy.12 Axillary radiotherapy led to an oncological outcome comparable to completion ALND but was associated with a lower rate of lymphoedema.
In Hong Kong, factors such as the relatively small breast sizes among Chinese women13 and more conservative cultural attitudes13 14 have contributed to a higher rate of mastectomy. The decision to perform mastectomy has prevented a substantial number of breast cancer patients from meeting the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria. Our previous study evaluated the applicability of ACOSOG Z0011 criteria in Hong Kong.15 Patients with clinical nodal (N) staging N0 breast cancer and one or more positive SLNs were stratified into eligible and ineligible groups according to the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria, with 93% of patients in the ineligible group underwent mastectomy.15 Importantly, only 24% of patients in that study met the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria and could potentially avoid ALND.15 Therefore, it is important to identify a low-risk subset of SLN-positive mastectomy patients who could benefit from this non-ALND approach. This retrospective study was conducted to compare the clinical characteristics of SLN-positive breast cancer patients in Hong Kong with the ACOSOG Z0011–eligible cohort.
Patient recruitment
This retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database was conducted at Queen Mary Hospital, a university-affiliated tertiary breast cancer centre in Hong Kong, from June 2014 to May 2019. Potentially eligible patients in the database were identified by an independent research assistant according to whether they met the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria, irrespective of breast surgery type. Patients were excluded if they had positive non-SLNs or positive SLNs only detected by immunohistochemical staining. Relevant data were extracted in July 2020 and missing information was verified using the Clinical Management System, a central computer system for medical records across public hospitals in Hong Kong. Recruited patients were divided into two groups, namely, the mastectomy group and the breast-conserving treatment (ie, ACOSOG Z0011–eligible) group.
Clinical management and pathological assessment
All breast cancer patients underwent mammography and ultrasound of the breasts and axillae for clinical tumour and nodal staging. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), offered to patients with clinically node-negative disease, was performed with a dual tracer of radioisotope and patent blue dye. Sentinel lymph nodes were defined as lymph nodes with ex vivo gamma probe counts exceeding 10% of the highest ex vivo reading or lymph nodes that displayed blue staining. Non-SLNs were defined as suspicious nodes that were neither hot (high gamma probe counts) nor blue-stained during SLNB, or nodes that were removed during completion ALND. During the study period, intraoperative frozen sections of SLNs or suspicious non-SLNs were routinely collected; these were analysed by standard haematoxylin and eosin staining. Immunohistochemistry was performed in cases of suspected nodal metastasis. Completion ALND was conducted if frozen or paraffin sections showed evidence of nodal metastasis. All final pathological results were reviewed in multidisciplinary meetings. The pathologies of SLNs were considered normal or containing one of the following: macrometastases (>2 mm), micrometastases (>0.2 to ≤2 mm), or isolated tumour cells (≤0.2 mm). For patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery, ‘no ink on tumour’ was regarded as an adequate resection margin16; alternatively, a second operation was performed to ensure a clear resection margin. Adjuvant treatment was administered by breast oncology specialists according to decisions made in multidisciplinary meetings.
Statistical analysis
Patient demographic characteristics and tumour characteristics were retrieved from database records; percentages were calculated. Missing information was evaluated and managed by pairwise deletion. Comparisons were made between the mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups in our cohort, along with the sentinel-alone arm in the ACOSOG Z0011 trial (n=436, in intention to treat).1 2 Analyses followed the per-protocol approach and calculations were performed with SPSS software (Windows version 24.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States). Comparisons between cohorts were conducted with Student’s t test or the Chi squared test, as appropriate. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status was not assessed in the ACOSOG Z0011 study; therefore, HER2 statuses were only compared within our cohort. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) breast cancer nomogram,17 a well-validated prediction tool to assess the likelihood of non–sentinel node metastases18 19 20 (including external validation in the Chinese population19 20), was used to calculate probability through an online calculator that considered nine variables; comparisons were made between the breast-conserving treatment and mastectomy groups. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
In our centre, the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria have been used to manage patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery since June 2019. From June 2014 to May 2019, 1249 breast cancer patients underwent SLNB in our institution; 171 patients (13.7%) met the study inclusion criteria of clinical T1 or T2 invasive breast cancer and one or two positive SLNs. One hundred and twelve patients (65.5%) underwent mastectomy and 59 patients (34.5%) underwent breast-conserving treatment. The median follow-up period was 58 months (range, 25-84).
Our mastectomy group versus the sentinel-alone arm in the ACOSOG Z0011 trial
Patient demographic characteristics and tumour characteristics of our mastectomy group and the sentinel-alone arm in the ACOSOG Z0011 trial are presented in Table 1. Invasive ductal carcinoma was more common in our patient population than in the ACOSOG Z0011 group. A higher prevalence of clinical T2 breast cancers (~50%) was observed in our mastectomy group (P<0.001). There were also significantly more patients with lymphovascular invasion in our cohort than in the sentinel-alone arm in the ACOSOG Z0011 trial (P<0.001). Although nearly half of the original ACOSOG Z0011 cohort had micrometastatic SLNs, approximately 70% of mastectomy patients had macrometastatic SLNs (P=0.004). These findings suggested that the clinicopathological profile was more aggressive in patients requiring mastectomy.

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of patients with mastectomy in this study and the sentinel-alone arm in the ACOSOG (American College of Surgeons Oncology Group) Z0011 trial
Our mastectomy group versus our breast-conserving treatment group
In our patient cohort, the mastectomy group exhibited many clinicopathological characteristics similar to the breast-conserving treatment group (Table 2). There were no statistically significant differences in terms of age, tumour grade, lymphovascular invasion status, oestrogen receptor/progesterone receptor status, or HER2 status. The mastectomy group had relatively larger tumours than the breast-conserving treatment group (mean: 2.2 cm vs 1.8 cm; P=0.005). Although the difference was not statistically significant, the mastectomy group tended to have larger proportions of patients with two metastatic SLNs (24.1% vs 13.6%; P=0.1) and SLN macrometastases (70.5% vs 57.6%; P=0.11) than the breast-conserving treatment group. Furthermore, the MSKCC probability for additional metastatic non-SLNs was slightly higher in the mastectomy group than in the breast-conserving treatment group (37.1% vs 31.4%; P=0.03) [Table 2].

Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients with mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment in this study
Ninety-seven patients (86.6%) in the mastectomy group and 45 patients (76.3%) in the breast-conserving treatment group underwent completion ALND. Among patients who underwent mastectomy and completion ALND, 26 patients (26.8%) had additional non-SLN metastases (range, 1-18). In contrast, eight patients (17.8%) in the breast-conserving treatment group had additional non-SLN metastases (range, 1-8). There was no statistically significant difference in the rate of non-SLN metastases between the two treatment arms (P=0.24). Twenty-nine patients (17.9%) underwent SLNB alone; 15 of these patients were in the mastectomy group. Most patients with SLNB alone had micrometastatic SLNs (89.7%) and one patient had isolated tumour cells. None of the patients with SLNB alone experienced recurrence.
Adjuvant treatment
In the mastectomy group, 97 patients (86.6%) underwent post-mastectomy irradiation targeting the chest wall and third field regional nodes. Third field regional nodes refer to level III axillary and supraclavicular lymph node regions. None of these patients developed chest wall or axillary recurrence during the follow-up period. Among the 15 patients who did not undergo post-mastectomy irradiation, eight (53.3%) had micrometastatic SLNs and six (40.0%) had macrometastatic SLNs. There were two recurrences (13.3%). First, a 38-year-old patient with one macrometastatic SLN developed ipsilateral chest wall recurrence 4 years after the index operation; this recurrence was managed by a second operation. Second, a patient with two macrometastatic SLNs refused adjuvant systemic treatment and died of breast cancer&dash;related distant metastases. One hundred and ten patients in the mastectomy group (98.2%) received adjuvant systemic treatment: 10 patients (8.9%) required chemotherapy only, 22 patients (19.6%) required hormonal treatment only, and 78 patients (69.6%) required both of these treatments. Seven patients (6.3%) in the mastectomy group developed distant recurrence, and there were three (2.7%) breast cancer–related deaths.
In the breast-conserving treatment group, 58 of the 59 patients underwent adjuvant whole-breast irradiation; 61.0% of these patients underwent additional third field nodal irradiation. Fifty-eight patients (98.3%) in the breast-conserving treatment group received adjuvant systemic treatment involving hormonal therapy and/or chemotherapy. Three patients (5.1%) had distant recurrence; among them, one (1.7%) died at 39 months after the initial diagnosis. One patient experienced ipsilateral breast recurrence at 30 months and underwent completion mastectomy.
The favourable oncological results of the ACOSOG Z0011 trial1 2 have challenged the conventional approach of performing completion ALND in patients with SLN metastases. Patients with one or two SLN metastases who underwent breast-conserving surgery, whole-breast irradiation, and adjuvant systemic treatment could safely forgo completion ALND. This paradigm shift has led to substantial de-escalation of axillary surgery worldwide.5 A meta-analysis by Schmidt-Hansen et al,21 which involved 2020 patients and findings from the IBCSG 23-0110 11 and the AATRM (Agència d’Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mèdiques) 048/13/200022 trials, concluded that SLNB alone was sufficient for locoregional control in early breast cancer, without adverse effects on survival.
Limitations of the ACOSOG Z0011 study
Despite widespread adoption of the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria, the study has been criticised in several ways. The low locoregional relapse rate of 1.5% indicates that the study was underpowered.23 Furthermore, significant deviation in the radiotherapy protocol, such that 18.9% of patients received ‘high tangents’ radiotherapy, has raised questions concerning the oncological safety of SLNB alone in patients without third field nodal irradiation.24 Combined with the insufficient numbers of mastectomy patients in the IBCSG 23-01,10 11 AMAROS,12 and AATRM 048/13/200022 trials, it has been unclear whether this non-ALND approach can be extrapolated to SLN-positive breast cancer patients who undergo mastectomy with or without radiotherapy.
Aggressive tumour characteristics among mastectomy patients and local or regional failure rate
In this study, we compared the clinicopathological characteristics among our mastectomy group, our breast-conserving treatment group, and the sentinel-alone arm in the original ACOSOG Z0011 study. Unsurprisingly, our mastectomy group exhibited more aggressive tumour characteristics than the sentinel-alone arm in the Western population; specifically, it had a larger tumour size, more frequent lymphovascular invasion, and a greater proportion of patients with SLN macrometastases. These differences in clinicopathological features have also been reported in Western populations. For example, Hennigs et al8 analysed a large German cohort that included 4093 SLN-positive mastectomy patients. Compared with the entire study cohort of 166 074 patients, T2 tumour and lymphovascular invasion were more commonly found in patients requiring mastectomy. Additionally, the study by Milgrom et al25 included 535 early-stage breast cancer patients with a positive SLNB and no ALND. In their mastectomy group, patients had significantly larger tumours and more frequently displayed multifocal/multicentric disease. However, these adverse pathological features among mastectomy patients did not justify a more aggressive axillary approach. Similarly, the low rates of local and regional failure observed in our cohort were consistent with previous reports, suggesting that axillary-specific treatment can be considered in this group of patients with low-volume SLN disease.25 26 27 28 Debate persists regarding the comparatively large proportions of patients with micrometastatic disease in the original ACOSOG Z0011 trial1 2 and other studies.25 26 Cowher et al29 published a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent mastectomy and conservative axillary regional excision (ie, removal of SLNs and other palpable nodes). Among 144 patients with pathological N1 disease, a small proportion (24%) had micrometastatic disease; only three axillary recurrences (2.1%) were reported.29 Notably, the low locoregional failure rate was not attributed to post-mastectomy irradiation25 26 27 28 29 or increased use of chemotherapy.26 27 28
Intrinsic differences in tumour characteristics between different patient populations
In our previous study, we demonstrated differences in clinical characteristics between Asian and Western populations.15 In the present study, our breast-conserving treatment group had a higher rate of clinical T2 tumours and more frequent lymphovascular invasion compared with the Western population. Similar findings were observed in Korean30 and Japanese31 studies, which revealed larger and higher-grade tumours, increased lymphovascular permeation, and more frequent SLN macrometastases. Despite these disparities, the Korean30 and Japanese31 studies both demonstrated safe application of ACOSOG Z0011 criteria in Asia, with low incidences of disease recurrence. These intrinsic differences in tumour characteristics between Eastern and Western populations have presumably reduced the gap in clinicopathological features between patients undergoing mastectomy and those undergoing breast-conserving surgery. In the head-to-head comparison between our mastectomy cohort and our breast-conserving treatment group, the only notable difference involved the mean pathological size of the invasive focus (2.2 cm vs 1.8 cm; P=0.005); the clinical tumour stage distribution did not differ (P=0.69) [Table 2]. The small difference in mean MSKCC breast cancer nomogram probability (37.1% vs 31.4%; P=0.03) could also be related to the difference in pathological size, which is one of the nine variables considered in the nomogram. Therefore, we believe that a non-ALND approach in this low-risk subset of SLN-positive mastectomy patients is acceptable.
Residual non–sentinel lymph node metastasis in non–axillary lymph node dissection approach
The primary concern regarding extrapolation of this non-ALND approach is the risk of undertreatment for patients with an extensive nodal burden. The original ACOSOG Z0011 trial revealed a non-SLN macrometastasis rate of 27.3% in the ALND group.1 2 The AMAROS trial also showed that 33% of patients in the ALND group had additional positive lymph nodes.12 Importantly, the axillary recurrence rate remained low in both of these studies. In our SLN-positive mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups, the proportions of patients with additional non-SLN metastases were 26.8% and 17.8%, respectively. Among patients undergoing adjuvant irradiation and adjuvant systemic treatment, it is likely that some non-SLN metastases do not progress to clinically detectable disease.
Limitations of this study
This study had several limitations. First, its retrospective design could result in recall bias and the potential for missing clinical information. Although data from the ACOSOG Z0011 trial were limited with respect to HER2 status, extracapsular extension, and multifocality, we attempted to mitigate this issue by including some of the affected variables in the comparison of our mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups. Second, we could not address the need for post-mastectomy irradiation among patients in this study. The value of such irradiation for breast cancer patients with <4 positive lymph nodes remains controversial. The meta-analysis by the Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group,32 which included 1314 breast cancer patients with one to three positive nodes after mastectomy and ALND, suggested that radiotherapy provided oncological benefit in terms of locoregional recurrence, overall recurrence, and breast cancer mortality. However, this meta-analysis has been criticised for including some very early studies from the 1970s, in which the reported recurrence rates were much higher than rates in later studies. In 2016, a focused update by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society for Radiation Oncology, and Society of Surgical Oncology acknowledged the use of post-mastectomy radiotherapy for this group of patients but recommended clinical judgement for patients with a low risk of locoregional recurrence.33 In our centre, post-mastectomy irradiation was generally administered to patients with pathological N1 disease during the study period; 86.6% of patients in the present study underwent adjuvant radiotherapy. Considering the similarities in clinicopathological features and adjuvant systemic treatment use between our SLN-positive mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups, we suspect that it is safe for selected low-risk SLN-positive mastectomy patients to forgo ALND through the expansion of AMAROS eligibility12 to ACOSOG Z0011–ineligible patients. Several ongoing randomised studies, such as the English POSNOC (POsitive Sentinel NOde: adjuvant therapy alone versus adjuvant therapy plus Clearance or axillary radiotherapy)34 and the Dutch BOOG 2013-07,35 are recruiting breast cancer patients who undergo mastectomy and have a maximum of two to three positive SLNs; these studies aim to compare completion axillary treatment (ALND or axillary radiotherapy) and the lack of completion axillary treatment. Additionally, the SINODAR-ONE trial36 recently published their subgroup analysis and found non-inferior overall survival and recurrence-free survival among mastectomy patients receiving SLNB and ALND. The ongoing studies are expected to provide more robust evidence concerning the optimal treatment for SLN-positive mastectomy patients.
This study demonstrated the clinicopathological similarities between SLN-positive mastectomy and breast-conserving treatment groups among breast cancer patients in Hong Kong. Cautious application of the non-ALND approach in mastectomy patients with low-volume SLN disease is reasonable, considering the low locoregional recurrence rate. However, additional research is needed to standardise the adjuvant post-mastectomy radiotherapy protocol, especially among patients who forego ALND.
Author contributions
Concept or design: V Man.
Acquisition of data: V Man.
Analysis or interpretation of data: V Man.
Drafting of the manuscript: Both authors.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: A Kwong.
Both authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This study has been presented and awarded the Young Investigator Award Best Scientific Paper in the Hong Kong Society of Breast Surgeons 5th Annual Scientific Meeting (19 September 2021, Hong Kong).
This study received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of The University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster, Hong Kong (Ref No.: HKU/HA HKW UW 09-045). Written informed consent was obtained from patients for all treatments, procedures, and publication.
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Exploration of clinical and ethical issues in an expanded newborn metabolic screening programme: a qualitative interview study of healthcare professionals in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):120–9 | Epub 9 Apr 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Exploration of clinical and ethical issues in an expanded newborn metabolic screening programme: a qualitative interview study of healthcare professionals in Hong Kong
Olivia MY Ngan, PhD1,2; Ching Janice Tam, MSc (Medical Genetics), BNurs3; CK Li, MD, FRCPCH4,5
1 Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Olivia MY Ngan (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The Newborn Screening Programme for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (NBSIEM) enables early intervention and prevents premature mortality. Residual dried bloodspots (rDBS) from the heel prick test are a valuable resource for research. However, there is minimal data regarding how stakeholders in Hong Kong view the retention and secondary use of rDBS. This study aimed to explore views of the NBSIEM and the factors associated with retention and secondary use of rDBS among healthcare professionals in Hong Kong.
Methods: Between August 2021 and January 2022, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 healthcare professionals in obstetrics, paediatrics, and chemical pathology. Key themes were identified through thematic analysis, including views towards the current NBSIEM and the retention and secondary use of rDBS.
Results: After implementation of the NBSIEM, participants observed fewer patients with acute decompensation due to undiagnosed inborn errors of metabolism. The most frequently cited clinical utilities were early detection and improved health outcomes. Barriers to rDBS storage and its secondary use included uncertain value and benefits, trust concerns, and consent issues.
Conclusion: This study highlighted healthcare professionals’ concerns about the NBSIEM and uncertainties regarding the handling or utilisation of rDBS. Policymakers should consider these concerns when establishing new guidelines.
New knowledge added by this study
  • After implementation of the Newborn Screening Programme for Inborn Errors of Metabolism, participants observed fewer patients with acute decompensation due to undiagnosed inborn errors of metabolism.
  • The obligation to know more about a child’s health and the drive for an altruistic contribution to science were factors supporting the retention of residual dried bloodspots (rDBS) for secondary research use.
  • Uncertain value and benefits of rDBS, along with concerns regarding trust, privacy, and consent, were cited as barriers to the retention of rDBS for secondary research use.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • The retention of rDBS requires inherent trust based on public support, with strict clinical and ethical parameters.
  • Concerns about privacy and consent issues related to genomic information should be addressed before next-generation sequencing is integrated into clinical care for newborns.
Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are rare genetic diseases arising from congenital deficiencies of certain enzymes or cofactors. The accumulation of excessive toxic substances and the absence of essential metabolites may damage vital organs, impair normal metabolism, or increase risks of morbidity and mortality. A small proportion of IEM cases can be diagnosed and treated early through dietary interventions. Patients substantially benefit from early diagnosis and appropriate disease monitoring.
The incidence of IEM in Hong Kong is 1 in 1682 newborns.1 In response to public health concerns, a territory-wide free voluntary Newborn Screening Programme for IEM (NBSIEM) was implemented for all newborns born in public birthing units, beginning in 2017.2 This programme covers 27 conditions, including severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).3 Spots of blood are collected from newborns within 24 to 72 hours after birth, preferably following 24 hours of milk feeding, using a heel prick test; these samples are discarded after hospital laboratories perform quality control and assurance monitoring (online supplementary Table 1).
The materials on dried bloodspots provide clinical benefits and lifelong healthcare research opportunities that are advantageous to individuals and the population. However, the retention and use of residual DBS (rDBS) has led to controversies regarding privacy, transparency, consent, misuse of, and unauthorised access to information, unclear research purposes, and the absence of data management and governance protocols.4 Despite these concerns, it is common for rDBS to be routinely stored and used for research purposes in some regions. For example, in Denmark, a nationwide newborn screening programme was implemented in 1975; it currently screens for 17 diseases.5 Samples are stored indefinitely with consent in the Danish Newborn Screening Biobank at the State Serum Institute.6 Similarly, a programme in the Netherlands screens for 31 conditions.7 Although participation is voluntary, the participation rate has reached 99.3%.8 In the Netherlands, rDBS samples are stored for 1 year to facilitate quality control. Most samples are stored for an additional 4 years for secondary uses, such as disease-specific biomedical research and patient-specific diagnostic purposes, after the acquisition of parental consent.9 The International Society for Neonatal Screening compared national newborn screening policies, revealing great variation in programme acceptance, consent procedure, storage, and length of storage.8 The Society’s findings highlight the importance of incorporating local views during policy development.
Two empirical studies in Hong Kong revealed that parents were unaware of the expanded newborn screening programme and the potential value of rDBS.10 11 The secondary use of rDBS in medical and health research is well-supported, mainly on the basis of altruism. However, participation does not provide direct individual benefits. Factors contributing to parental support towards retention and secondary use of rDBS include parental consent and trust in the relevant authority. If explicit permission is obtained, parents are more willing to contribute their child’s rDBS card. An opt-out approach and broad consent for unspecified use were considered unfavourable options.11 Although multiple rDBS-focused studies in Hong Kong have included public stakeholders, few have assessed the attitudes of healthcare professionals (HCPs)12; none have been conducted since implementation of the territory-wide screening programme. To address this gap, the present study explored views of the NBSIEM and the factors associated with retention and secondary use of rDBS cards among HCPs in Hong Kong.
Sampling and recruitment
Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 30 HCPs in obstetrics, paediatrics, and chemical pathology practising in eight public and two private institutions in Hong Kong between August 2021 and January 2022. Purposeful sampling was used to select key stakeholders involved in the NBSIEM according to disciplines and responsibilities. Initial invitations were sent through the two local medical universities (ie, The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and associated hospitals. Referrals via snowballing were also performed to recruit additional participants.
The study inclusion criteria were academics and HCPs (eg, medical, nursing, and laboratory staff) involved in IEM-related research or clinical work. Individuals who did not meet the criteria were excluded. Overall, this study recruited participants who were involved in recruitment and counselling within the NBSIEM, laboratory data analysis and interpretation, or academic research related to IEM.
Each participant received a detailed description of the research. All participants gave written informed consent before taking part in the study. The second author conducted the interviews at locations convenient for participants, such as meeting rooms, offices, and coffee shops. The interview length ranged from 37 to 71 minutes. Upon completion of the interview, each participant received a supermarket voucher for HK$200.
Interview guide
A semi-structured topic guide was developed based on existing literature concerning newborn screening and ethical considerations (Table).4 11 12 13 14 15 Prior to data collection, the guide was reviewed by a senior paediatrician to ensure its content validity, relevance, clarity, and cultural sensitivity.

Table. Sample interview questions4 11 12 13 14 15
Data analysis
Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim in the original language (Cantonese), and then translated into English. Transcripts were anonymised and assigned an identification code. The interviewer and another member of the research team reviewed the transcription accuracy. Two independent researchers read and coded the transcripts and audio recordings via thematic analysis, in which textual data were coded and labelled in an inductive manner. New thematic codes that did not fit into predetermined categories were created and refined, as necessary. Codes were compared and discussed among research members until a consensus was reached. Reflexivity was maintained during the discussion and data analysis process. The entire research team identified emerging themes from the early and intermediate stages of interviews, then recruited HCPs to represent each new theme until theoretical saturation was achieved (ie, no new themes emerged in the discussions and existing themes were consistently observed).
Interviewee characteristics
Thirty HCPs were recruited and interviewed. The study sample was diverse. Among the interviewees, 15 (50.0%) were doctors and 13 (43.3%) were nurses or midwives; 13 (43.3%) worked in obstetrics and gynaecology and 13 (43.3%) worked in paediatrics; 28 worked in the public sector (93.3%); and 14 (46.7%) had >10 years of clinical experience (online supplementary Table 2). Two major thematic themes were identified, namely, views towards the current NBSIEM and views towards the retention and secondary use of rDBS. Illustrative quotations are used to support the themes.
Theme 1: views towards the current newborn screening programme
Perceived clinical utility
The implementation of the NBSIEM was a public health achievement, and interviewees showed a positive attitude towards the programme. Early detection and improved health outcomes were the most commonly reported clinical utility outcomes (n=21, 70.0%). Some interviewees, primarily paediatric HCPs, noted a difference between the periods before and after territory-wide test implementation. Before NBSIEM, it was not uncommon for doctors working in intensive care units to encounter cases of acute decompensation due to undiagnosed IEM. Considering the broad phenotypes involved in IEM, such conditions may not be recognised in early stages.
‘I have been working in the ward for ages and observed that many patients with IEM deteriorated to an irreversible stage. With this NBSIEM, we can screen out IEM cases and offer treatment. The patients achieve normal development like others. In other words, the screening helped many people.’ (Interview 25, paediatric nurse)
Affected families previously endured a long wait for diagnosis before the NBSIEM; there was a substantial psychological burden involved. Parental distress was observed.
‘From hospital admission to disease diagnosis, it takes 2 weeks. The whole process involved hospital transfer from the (suspected IEM clinic) to the specialised team at (Hong Kong) Children’s Hospital, conducting blood investigation, and making a diagnosis.’ (Interview 20, paediatric doctor)
Some limitations were noted, including false-positive and false-negative results, as well as call-back rates. Interviewees cited the reduction of recall caseloads as an advantage associated with implementation of second-tier tests.
‘It is best if we can eliminate the false-positives. To achieve this purpose, we implement aggressive second-tier testing. Our pathologists also make stringent interpretations. Without pathologists working in laboratories, clinicians can only draw reference from the pre-set levels.’ (Interview 30, pathology doctor)
Screening panel
The programme covers 27 conditions, including SCID.3 Interviewees generally agreed that the benefits of screening for lethal IEM conditions outweigh the costs of screening, despite the very low incidence of IEMs. When asked about their views on the current panel, interviewees emphasised that disease selection must be based on public health principles, supported by Wilson and Jungner’s screening criteria.16 Diseases in the panel should be treatable and have a high prevalence in Hong Kong.
‘I support the NBSIEM. I believe (the experts) came up with the 27 conditions based on robust considerations, including incidence and prevalence, availability of treatment, mortality prevention, cost-effectiveness, etc. It is beneficial to patients.’ (Interview 13, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
Healthcare professionals have encountered parents who have completed the publicly funded IEM test and selected an additional private IEM test solely based on the number of conditions. For such parents, the underlying motivation is that ‘screening more conditions is perceived to be more definitive’.
If I were a mother with a child, I would like to know whether my child was affected by these diseases. The more conditions the panel includes, the better. One can prevent the onset of disease. Parents are helpless when diseases occur suddenly.’ (Interview 24, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
‘Some mothers compared the list of conditions between the public and private sectors. I am talking about the difference between 26 and 30 conditions, respectively. They would rather pay out of pocket and send the baby to retake the test in the private sector.’ (Interview 16, obstetrics and gynaecology academic)
One paediatrician questioned whether a genetic test with a larger number of conditions contributes to enhanced parental control and confidence regarding the newborn’s health. She was aware of some urine tests available in the direct-to-consumer market that screen for so-called ‘non-diseases’—short-/branched-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase and 3-methylcrotonyl-coenzyme A carboxylase deficiency—although such conditions do not require follow-up. She highlighted the importance of periodically reviewing conditions on the panel according to locality-specific factors, including disease prevalence, clinical sensitivity and specificity, treatment, and cost-effectiveness.
‘Running an analysis on a rDBS card is not difficult. What is more challenging is the post-analysis follow-up. Compared with other NBSIEMs, the United States screens for the greatest number of conditions, maybe 40, while the United Kingdom screens for five conditions. Instead of adding conditions, should we also consider taking out some (non-disease) conditions from the list?’ (Interview 27, paediatric doctor)
Source of information
Three HCPs (10.0%) reported that most Hospital Authority staff received NBSIEM information through departmental seminars and training sessions, which prepared them to complete the consent procedure with parents. When asked about their understanding of IEMs, knowledge levels varied among frontline staff involved in the NBSIEM. Some were uncertain what the test evaluated.
‘What is it (NBSIEM) testing for…? Is it checking for chromosomal defects? Or is it checking for lack of (metabolites)?’ (Interview 15, obstetrics and gynaecology nurse)
Some also mistakenly thought that the NBSIEM analysed genes.
‘It is a filter paper with some dried bloodspots, testing IEM genes.’ (Interview 29, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
Some frontline staff wanted additional information beyond the procedure. They felt unprepared for questions about the diseases, symptoms, test procedures, and care for patients with IEMs. They felt anxious or uncomfortable explaining these aspects to parents with some level of understanding.
‘After implementing this programme, what the patients will undergo, where they will be referred to, what to do with a confirmed diagnosis… to be honest, I learned everything from the protocol. In actual settings, parents asked many practical questions, such as “what to be cautious about during daily care”—I do not know how to answer them. These are not common diseases observed in the ward, but we are asked to counsel parents.’ (Interview 24, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
A senior doctor responsible for providing educational seminars noted that training should not be an isolated event; periodic refresher training should be provided.
‘We provide intensive training for nurses, all of them. (In the training), we give clear explanations, conduct videotaping (for review), and address inquiries and questions. In addition, we also plan to host refresher courses every few years. Hong Kong requires more observation before moving forward.’ (Interview 27, paediatric doctor)
Experience with parental counselling and consent procedure
Interviewees felt that the educational pamphlet and consent material are easy to read. During parental counselling, HCPs were prepared to answer parents’ enquiries. Most parents supported the NBSIEM. Parents wanted to identify IEM conditions in their newborns because they felt that early detection could facilitate autonomous decision-making related to their child and other family members.
‘I observed that most parents enrol in the NBSIEM as they would like to know sooner if their babies are affected. If a diagnosis is confirmed, we run a genetic test to predict the risk of recurrence. Only a few refuse to take part in the programme.’ (Interview 23, paediatric doctor)
Midwives played an important role in obtaining parental consent in antenatal clinics. Refusals of the current NBSIEM are infrequent. Five frontline staff (16.7%) involved in the recruitment process observed that only a small number of parents, who were sceptical about medical interventions or had religious affiliation–based reservations, declined to join the programme.
‘Some people who advocate minimal medicalisation do not consent to procedures in our hospital. For example, they refuse vaccinations and vitamin K injections.’ (Interview 10, obstetrics and gynaecology nurse)
Participants involved in recruitment recognised that informed consent procedures were intended to enable parents to make informed choices. The current opt-in consent approach allows HCPs to obtain explicit permission from parents. The participants observed that parents, especially Hong Kong Chinese individuals, were vocal about the patient’s right to know.
‘Nowadays, patients put a strong emphasis on patient’s rights, thinking that “you need my consent before carrying out a procedure".’ (Interview 5, obstetrics and gynaecology nurse)
In particular, six HCPs (20.0%) speculated that opt-in consent was more accepted by parents and thus easier to obtain. It provided parents with a sense of personal control by allowing them to give explicit permission. Opt-in consent has been used in many medical settings. It is more familiar to and accepted by community members with respect to studies of genetic material.
‘Must I choose a consent model for handling genetic materials? It would be an opt-in approach.’ (Interview 6, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
Seven HCPs (23%) felt that consent was needed because of the invasiveness of the procedure, but some HCPs felt that the procedure involved minimal harm.
‘(The phlebotomists) perform an invasive procedure on the infant, which may cause discomfort or pain. Opt-in is preferable to an opt-out approach. (Interview 27, paediatric doctor)
‘It is just a heel prick test and will not affect the baby. I cannot see the downsides (of the screening).’ (Interview 16, obstetrics and gynaecology academic)
Opt-in consent was perceived to be more efficient. There may be opposition to an opt-out approach. Some HCPs (n=6, 20.0%) felt that an opt-out approach would increase sample sizes and contribute to advances in medical research.
‘Inborn errors of metabolism would be a prevalent issue, and therefore, opt-out is better than the opt-in approach. Like an human immunodeficiency virus test with an opt-out approach, one can refuse to take the test for a valid reason. There are treatments for IEMs; opt-out is a desirable consent model.’ (Interview 24, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
One doctor pondered the adoption of different methods in obtaining informed consent because opt-in and opt-out approaches are ‘like two sides of the same coin’. He stated that the key aspect of selecting an appropriate consent approach is the parental counselling process. He also emphasised that the consent procedure is not absent from the opt-out approach and that effective communication remains important.
Disclosure of confirmed results of inborn errors of metabolism to affected families
When a confirmed IEM diagnosis was disclosed to an affected family, parents often felt shocked, stressed, and guilty about having an ‘abnormal’ baby. They then began to explore the financial implications; for example, some worried about treatment costs and uncertainties. Counselling is limited to discussing the diagnosis; it also includes psychological support through follow-up care involving a multidisciplinary team.
‘Many families were worried when they heard about the IEM diagnosis, as they knew it was a life-long condition. It is tough to handle (bad news). Their child will be different from other peers, and finances will be affected. They must self-finance the drugs.’ (Interview 28, paediatric nurse)
On some occasions, the NBSIEM is beneficial to the newborn and has implications for the entire family. Some interviewees reported disclosing an IEM result relevant to the mother, rather than the infant. In one case, the HCP informed the involved family members and provided follow-up care for the newborn’s siblings.
‘Sometimes, a secondary finding is related to the mother instead of the child. When maternal blood contamination is present (the baby is not affected), the mother is referred to relevant specialists for medical follow-up.’ (Interview 23, paediatric doctor)
‘We had a positive result for citrullinemia deficiency. The newborn had three brothers and a sister with the same disease. Now we are following them.’ (Interview 27, paediatric doctor)
Theme 2: acceptance of retention and secondary use of residual dried bloodspots
Motivations for storage
Interviewees were asked about their views of rDBS storage. Healthcare professionals supported the long-term storage of rDBS through the NBSIEM to facilitate advances in public health epidemiology, forensic purposes, familial disease analysis, and development of other screening tests. Some HCPs highlighted the importance of rDBS in supporting scientific advances. Stored rDBS could be used to enhance healthcare management and clinical testing, such as establishment of local reference standards.
‘We did not know how to define the cut-off values at first. Within the United States, the cut-off values differ by state. The initial cut-off values we chose may not reflect local needs. Residual dried bloodspots (storage) is essential to develop a large data pool that supports a control pool when technology advances.’ (Interview 19, pathology doctor)
Healthcare professionals observed that most parents demonstrated substantial interest in knowledge about their children. They thought that parents would like to have the right to obtain medical information regarding their children.
‘I believe that most parents would agree to save (their) genetic material...perhaps... they would not mind if the laboratory preserved the DNA material and let them know the findings of future screening tests.’ (Interview 17, paediatric doctor)
Barriers to storage
Uncertain value of retention
Four HCPs (13.3%) were worried that the public lacked an understanding of how rDBS could generate knowledge. This lack of awareness may be linked to an unwillingness among parents to permit the use of their children’s rDBS samples.
‘Many laypeople may not understand why they should engage in research studies. They may be reluctant to take part in research studies due to their own beliefs.’ (Interview 3, obstetrics and gynaecology nurse)
Two-fifths of HCPs (n=12) questioned the need for the long-term storage programme.
‘Several ongoing studies on population genetics use a wide-consent approach, supported by government funding. Does every newborn have to provide data (to support this research)? I doubt it.’ (Interview 18, paediatric doctor)
‘With strong opposition, I dissent to the storage (of rDBS) as I see no value at all. Perhaps it offers convenience for research, but it provides no personal benefits.’ (Interview 30, pathology doctor)
Interviewees believed that genetic material is very stable and does not easily degrade, despite long storage periods. Although storage is possible, some concerns were raised about its cost-effectiveness.
‘I heard researchers (scientists) mention that proper sample storage incurs a considerable cost.’ (Interview 13, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
No direct benefit to patients or parents
Around one-fourth of HCPs (n=7, 23.3%) would only support clinical research if the findings could be used to help their children and patients. Parents were not expected to be interested in research, especially if it did not provide direct clinical benefit to their children.
‘Parents care about whether the disease can be treated or not. Knowledge of disease aetiology is only relevant to public health or research institutes.’ (Interview 2, obstetrics and gynaecology nurse)
‘Would I receive the data if I donated a sample? I would donate a sample if the researcher would return the data. I must know every single conclusion or diagnosis from data generated using the rDBS. I would refuse if no data were returned.’ (Interview 13, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
Trust and privacy concerns regarding responsible authorities
Another recurring theme was trust in the context of primary privacy concerns, such as data leakage and misuse of private information generated from sensitive genetic materials.
‘It may not be desirable to store (genetic materials) for a long time. The longer it is stored, the more concerns arise. Immediate disposal would be more reassuring in terms of the protection of privacy.’ (Interview 12, paediatric nurse)
‘Some people may steal genetic information (rDBS cards) for illegal (or unauthorised) purposes.’ (Interview 12, paediatric nurse)
Obligation to return research findings
Generally, around 30% of the interviewed doctors and researchers (n=9) believed they have a duty to warn research participants upon finding abnormalities, enabling parents to take appropriate action after receiving relevant test results, including secondary findings.
There is an obligation to inform the patients (of medically actionable findings) because we work in this profession. First, we do no harm. If a significant finding warrants medical attention, we should be responsive and responsible.’ (Interview 24, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
Issues with obtaining consent for storage purposes
The importance of consent was acknowledged, but there was disagreement concerning the need for broad or specific consent. Interviewees frequently noted that broad consent is convenient for researchers.
‘Our understanding of IEMs or diagnostic tests increases as time goes by. The advantage of broad consent is that we do not need to obtain consent when new technology evolves. Like the recently added SCID, we do not need to redesign or implement a new consent procedure again when adding new conditions to the panel.’ (Interview 9, paediatric doctor)
Despite the view that broad consent may permit more efficient use of biospecimens and relevant data, there were concerns about public acceptance. Some interviewees stated that it would be challenging to obtain consent for all future research and explain the need for a change in consent approach.
‘Broad consent implies uncertainty in the research scope, which leads to parental concern. Parents are uncertain how the rDBS will be used or handled. I feel uneasy during counselling. I am not sure how their blood will be used in a research project, but in short, it will be helpful.’ (Interview 7, paediatric doctor)
‘Broad consent entails an unknown. As such, parents might be unwilling to sign the consent form (and contribute the rDBS).’ (Interview 27, paediatric doctor)
For HCPs, the legitimacy and scope of consent are key considerations. Specific consent is commonly exercised in clinical or research procedures in Hong Kong. It is recognised as the most appropriate procedure because it ensures patients receive information about the study. A few interviewees mentioned that no existing framework recommends the use of broad consent; thus, they favoured the use of specific consent.
‘Specific consent may not provide sufficient coverage of all possible research. If there is a breach in the protocol, it may bring about ethical and legal issues.’ (Interview 26, obstetrics and gynaecology doctor)
‘I found that specific consents were more protective for HCPs.’ (Interview 15, obstetrics and gynaecology nurse)
‘I have never sought ethical approval for broad consent from institutional research boards.’ (Interview 28, paediatric nurse)
The level of public knowledge regarding the NBSIEM requires further analysis. Education and counselling might be intended to address problems that arise from long-term storage. One doctor emphasised that proper counselling on tests involving genetic material should be considered best practice. Some interviewees expressed a desire to prepare themselves to address parents’ concerns.
‘The drawbacks of the NBSIEM should be discussed, apart from privacy and personal genetic information. Parents should be aware that there are many unknowns in genetics. (As medical professionals) we have, of course, fewer concerns. Suppose I have to conduct genetic counselling for an IEM test. In that case, I will cover all the aspects, including the basic understanding of genetics, even if it is a selected target gene panel. I do not see much difference in terms of counselling across all forms of genetic tests.’ (Interview 9, paediatric doctor)
This study explored the voices of HCPs from various backgrounds and discussed clinical and ethical issues during the early implementation phase of the NBSIEM. Similar to professionals in the United Kingdom,13 HCPs in Hong Kong did not exhibit extensive knowledge and awareness of IEM conditions, which may have detrimental effects on patient-centred care. First, parental autonomy might be undermined because parents are not adequately informed about the test procedure and conditions. Second, a lack of understanding regarding IEMs can lead to suboptimal clinical care. Children with IEMs attend multiple specialist clinics to manage multiple co-morbidities. Caregivers encounter difficulties, such as miscommunication or inconsistent information about medications or dietary restrictions, when attending non–IEM-specific clinics.14 They face numerous psychosocial challenges in caring for their children,15 17 and increased awareness of these stressors among healthcare providers could improve communication for the entire family. More than four-fifths of individuals in Hong Kong attend medical services at public hospitals,18 and many parents are expected to participate in the NBSIEM. The establishment of training or educational interventions and a centralised pipeline to coordinate care are essential considerations for patient-centred care that focuses on caregivers of children with IEMs. Because hospitals are expanding screening for other uncommon disorders, such as SCID,19 the results of the present study may inform the development of a family-oriented framework for IEM management.
Development of the current NBSIEM was based on a stringent infrastructure and second-tier testing pipeline.20 Samples with borderline or ambiguous results were sent for further genetic tests to confirm the diagnosis and carrier status. Carnitine deficiency, citrin deficiency, methylmalonic acidaemia, and glutaric aciduria type I are examples of diseases with relatively high incidences of false-positives or false-negatives.1 21 After the implementation of stringent second-tier tests, the recall rate has declined to 0.3% to 0.4%, similar to the standards of international IEM programmes.22 This work has been successful, and the retention of rDBS to create a large-scale genetic biobank will be the next focus of public health dialogue.
It is important to note that territory-wide biobanks are not common; biobank platforms in Hong Kong currently are operated by individual hospitals or institutions. A notable example is Children of 1997, a population-based birth cohort study of local infants.23 Other existing platforms include disease-oriented biobanks,24 which support quality assurance and conduct epidemiology studies; they also identify risk factors, novel molecular markers, and genetic variants associated with diabetes and related complications. The establishment of biobanks at separate institutions has led to non-standardised informed consent practices. Many ethical and legal issues remain unresolved in efforts to harmonise all regional biobanks. Public awareness of the value of rDBS has been low11; improvements in public acceptance and engagement are needed for broad support of rDBS storage or biobanks.
The present study highlighted common ethical, legal, and social concerns as barriers to the storage of rDBS. Trust and low awareness of the potential value of rDBS were cited as primary barriers. In contrast to the assumptions of HCPs, parents generally agree with academic researchers and doctors accessing their children’s rDBS and health data after explicit consent has been provided.11 The optimal consent model for the use of rDBS outside of screening purposes depends on cultural and social characteristics that vary among regions. In the past three decades, some countries have stored rDBS without consent, leading to public controversy and lawsuits.25 Considering these situations, the retention of rDBS requires inherent trust based on public support, with strict clinical and ethical parameters. Essential factors in establishing trust are consent to participate in the NBSIEM, as well as consent for rDBS retention and secondary uses; questions remain regarding the optimal approach to obtaining consent.25 Other factors involved in decision-making concerning rDBS retention and secondary uses include timing of consent, adequate communication and discussion of potential uses, protection of privacy, and responsible governance.9 11 26 These factors should be considered in public policy initiatives.
Concerns about privacy issues and discrimination related to genomic information will be amplified as next-generation sequencing is integrated into clinical care for newborns.27 28 In South Korea, next-generation DNA sequencing has been evaluated for use in primary newborn screening.29 In the United Kingdom, Genomics England plans to offer whole-genome sequencing to newborns, identifying actionable genetic conditions that may impact infants in early childhood.30 There is evidence that sequencing data provides information about conditions not currently assessed in newborns, as well as information with unclear clinical significance.29 The previous regime agreed that it was appropriate to disclose incidental research findings if they would directly benefit the child after considering risk and benefit. However, this approach may differ in cultural and social settings when considering the child’s future and non-therapeutic genomic information.
Limitations and strengths of the study
Most participants in this study were HCPs working in the public sector; they may have different views regarding clinical utility, value, and perceived cost-benefit, compared with stakeholders from other healthcare settings. However, this study used various sampling strategies to recruit a heterogeneous group of HCPs with diverse specialities, roles, and responsibilities in the screening programme, as well as years of experience. A longitudinal study would provide long-term insights concerning the NBSIEM. Knowledge of heterogeneous IEMs and perception of rDBS storage among HCPs could be analysed via quantitative methods.
This study highlighted HCPs’ concerns about the NBSIEM and uncertainties regarding the handling or utilisation of rDBS. Policymakers should consider these concerns when establishing new guidelines. Future investigations should explore parents’ experiences with screening for rare metabolic conditions and communication of positive results.
Author contributions
Concept or design: OMY Ngan.
Acquisition of data: CJ Tam.
Analysis or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: OMY Ngan, CJ Tam.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: CK Li.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank all healthcare professionals who participated in the study.
This research was supported by the Direct Grant for Research from the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2020/2021) [Ref No.: 2020.081]. The funder had no role in study design, data collection/analysis/interpretation or manuscript preparation.
Ethics approval
The research was approved by the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref No.: SBRE-20-846). All participants provided written consent for interview and publication of the study.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material was provided by the authors and some information may not have been peer reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content.
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Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):102–9 | Epub 26 Mar 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Hong Kong
Christina MT Cheung, MB, ChB, MRCP1; Mimi M Chang, MB, ChB, FRCP1; Joshua JX Li, MB, ChB, FHKCPath2; Agnes WS Chan, MB, ChB, MRCP1
1 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Agnes WS Chan (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) [hereafter, SJS/TEN] are uncommon but severe mucocutaneous reactions. Although they have been described in many populations worldwide, data from Hong Kong are limited. Here, we explored the epidemiology, disease characteristics, aetiology, morbidity, and mortality of SJS/TEN in Hong Kong.
Methods: This retrospective cohort study included all hospitalised patients who had been diagnosed with SJS/TEN in Prince of Wales Hospital from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2020.
Results: There were 125 cases of SJS/TEN during the 17-year study period. The annual incidence was 5.07 cases per million. The mean age at onset was 51.4 years. The mean maximal body surface area of epidermal detachment was 23%. Overall, patients in 32% of cases required burns unit or intensive care unit admission. Half of the cases involved concomitant sepsis, and 23.2% of cases resulted in multiorgan failure or disseminated intravascular coagulation. The mean length of stay was 23.9 days. The cause of SJS/TEN was attributed to a drug in 91.9% of cases, including 84.2% that involved anticonvulsants, allopurinol, antibiotics, or analgesics. In most cases, patients received treatment comprising either best supportive care alone (35.2%) or combined with intravenous immunoglobulin (43.2%). The in-hospital mortality rate was 21.6%. Major causes of death were multiorgan failure and/or fulminant sepsis (81.5%).
Conclusion: This study showed that SJS/TEN are uncommon in Hong Kong but can cause substantial morbidity and mortality. Early recognition, prompt withdrawal of offending agents, and multidisciplinary supportive management are essential for improving clinical outcomes.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare severe cutaneous adverse reactions in Hong Kong, with a combined annual incidence of 5.07 cases per million.
  • Stevens–Johnson syndrome and TEN cause considerable burdens on the Hong Kong healthcare system due to their prolonged length of stay, high demand for intensive care, and substantial mortality.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Clinicians should be aware of the early signs and symptoms of SJS and TEN to enable rapid recognition of the disease and prompt withdrawal of culprit drugs.
  • Dedicated multidisciplinary teams should be established in tertiary centres to optimise patient outcomes.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are uncommon but potentially life-threatening severe mucocutaneous reactions characterised by extensive epidermal necrosis and detachment. Both entities are considered variants of a single disease continuum and are classified according to the percentage of body surface area (BSA) with epidermal detachment.1 2 Although SJS and TEN (hereafter, SJS/TEN) have been described in all ethnicities worldwide,3 studies of these reactions in Hong Kong have been limited.4 5 The incidence, clinical characteristics, aetiology, treatment regimen, morbidity, and mortality in the territory are largely unknown. This pilot study aimed to review cases of SJS/TEN over a 17-year period at a tertiary referral centre in Hong Kong, and to aid future research in Hong Kong focused on severe cutaneous adverse reactions.
This retrospective cohort study included all hospitalised patients who had been diagnosed with SJS/TEN and were treated in Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH), a major regional hospital under the New Territories East Cluster (NTEC), from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2020.
Patient identification
Patients with clinical and histological diagnoses of SJS/TEN were identified from the Hospital Authority database using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis codes and the database of the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology of PWH, respectively.
Inclusion criteria
Diagnoses of SJS/TEN were based on consensus guidelines.1 Patients were diagnosed with SJS, SJS/TEN overlap, and TEN when they exhibited epidermal detachment levels of <10%, 10% to 30%, and >30%, respectively, with consistent histological features (if skin biopsy was performed). Consistent histological features were regarded as partial- to full-thickness epidermal necrosis.
Exclusion criteria
Patients were excluded if they had an alternative diagnosis, such as severe cutaneous adverse reactions other than SJS/TEN (eg, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome/acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis/generalised bullous fixed drug eruption), erythema multiforme major, autoimmune blistering disease, acute graft-versus-host disease, and infections such as staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.
Data collection and statistical analysis
Clinical characteristics were collected from electronic records and, when available, hospital case notes. The following clinical characteristics were recorded and analysed: age at onset, sex, ethnicity, maximal BSA of detached or detachable skin, SCORTEN (Severity-of-Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) prognostic score,6 mucosa involved, histology results if available, causative drugs, time from exposure to onset, time from onset to admission and treatment, treatment regimen, disease complications, mortality and its cause, and length of stay. Efforts to identify causative drugs were guided by the ALDEN (algorithm of drug causality for epidermal necrolysis) score,7 which was retrospectively calculated by two independent investigators. All clinical data were expressed as percentages or means ± standard deviations unless otherwise specified.
This article was written in compliance with the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) reporting guidelines.
Using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis codes for SJS/TEN, 164 potential patients with 166 cases of SJS/TEN during the period from January 2004 to December 2020 were initially identified. Six additional patients with SJS/TEN were identified from the database of the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology of PWH. Forty-seven patients were excluded due to alternative diagnoses. In total, 123 patients with 125 cases of SJS/TEN were included in the study (Fig).

Figure. Flowchart of patient identification and exclusion
Demographic characteristics and disease classification
Among the 123 patients with SJS/TEN, 53 were men and 70 were women; the female-to-male ratio was 1.32:1 (Table 1). The mean age at onset was 51.4 years, and most patients were Chinese. Of the 125 cases, 59 were SJS, 27 were SJS-TEN overlap, and 39 were TEN. A small number of patients (n=18, 14.4%) were admitted for other medical issues but developed SJS/TEN after hospitalisation.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of patients (n=123) and disease classification in each case (n=125)
Clinical characteristics and clinical course
The mean time from disease onset to hospitalisation was 4.9 days (Table 2). Fever was present on admission in 88 cases (70.4%). The mean maximal BSA of epidermal detachment was 23%. Mucosal involvement was common; only five cases (4.0%) lacked mucosal involvement. Skin biopsy was performed in 87 cases (69.6%) and the mean SCORTEN prognostic score was 2.17.

Table 2. Clinical characteristics and clinical course (n=125)
Burns unit or intensive care unit admission was required in 40 cases (32.0%) and half of these cases required invasive mechanical ventilation. In total, 63 cases (50.4%) involved concomitant infection from various sources. Multiorgan failure or disseminated intravascular coagulation occurred in 29 cases (23.2%). The mean length of stay in the hospital was 23.9 days (Table 2).
Stevens–Johnson syndrome and TEN onset was attributed to a drug in 114 of 124 cases (91.9%); one patient developed a second case of SJS/TEN upon accidental re-exposure to the same culprit drug (paracetamol). Four cases (3.2%) were caused by infection, and no cause was identified in six cases (4.8%). The identified culprit drugs are shown in Table 3. The mean time from initiation of the culprit drug to onset of SJS/TEN was 20.5 ± 16.7 days (range, 1-87; median, 15.5).

Table 3. Culprit drugs for Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis identified (n=114)
All patients received the best supportive medical care available. In some cases, patients received additional treatment. The numbers and proportions of cases treated with different regimens are shown in Table 4. The mean time between disease onset and active treatment initiation was 7.4 ± 6.1 days (range, 1-34; median, 6).

Table 4. Treatment regimens (n=125)
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was administered in 54 cases. The mean total dose of IVIG was 3.2 g/kg (range, 1.5-6; administered over 2-6 days). High-dose IVIG, defined as ≥3 g/kg, was administered in 40 cases. Systemic steroid regimens considerably varied, with daily doses of prednisolone ranging from 20 to 120 mg (or an equivalent dose). The cyclosporine regimen was 3 mg/kg/day, tapered over 20 to 30 days.
There were 27 deaths in the study cohort, and the overall mortality rate was 21.6%. The mean time from SJS/TEN onset to death was 23.6 ± 19.0 days (range, 5-76). Most patients died from multiorgan failure and/or fulminant sepsis (n=22, 81.5%); other causes of death were acute coronary syndrome (n=2), liver failure (n=1), and sudden cardiac arrest (n=2).
The observed mortality rates were 16.9%, 22.2%, and 28.2% for SJS, SJS-TEN overlap, and TEN, respectively. The SCORTEN-based predicted mortality rates were 14.1%, 28.5%, and 36.9% for SJS, SJS-TEN overlap, and TEN, respectively. Inpatient-onset SJS/TEN had a high mortality rate of 77.8%: 14 deaths among 18 patients who developed SJS/TEN after admission.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome and TEN are recognised worldwide, with several epidemiological studies conducted in Europe and the US. In the 1990s, Roujeau et al8 reported that the annual incidence of TEN in France was 1.2 cases per million; during the same period, the estimated overall annual incidences of SJS/TEN were 1.89 cases per million in Germany9 and 4.2 cases per million in the US.10 In the past decade, two large epidemiological studies in the US11 and United Kingdom12 revealed that the overall annual incidences of SJS/TEN were 12.7 and 5.76 cases per million, respectively. In contrast, the epidemiology of SJS/TEN in Asia is not well-documented.13 In Singapore, based on a small retrospective hospital-based study of 20 patients with TEN, the estimated annual incidence of TEN was 1.4 cases per million14; in Korea, a large population-based study indicated that the overall annual incidence of SJS/TEN was 4.9 to 6.5 cases per million.15 In the present study, there were 125 cases of SJS/TEN during the 17-year study period. Notably, 13 of these cases were transferred from hospitals outside of the NTEC: one was SJS, three were SJS/TEN overlap, and nine were TEN. The NTEC serves a population of 1.3 million.16 The estimated annual incidence of TEN alone and combined annual incidence of SJS, SJS-TEN overlap, and TEN were 1.36 and 5.07 cases per million, respectively; these incidences are comparable with findings from studies in other countries.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome is approximately threefold more common than TEN.15 17 However, in the current study, fewer than half of the cases (47.2%) were SJS, whereas 31.2% were TEN. This may be related to referral bias, whereby more severe cases were transferred to the study hospitals, whereas ‘milder’ cases were managed in regional hospitals where the patients were initially admitted. Prince of Wales Hospital is a tertiary referral centre and one of the few hospitals in Hong Kong with both on-site dermatologists and burns unit support. In our cohort, 31 cases (24.8%) were transferred from peripheral hospitals: 18 (14.4%) arrived from hospitals within the NTEC, whereas 13 (10.4%) arrived from hospitals outside of the NTEC.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome and TEN are most often drug-induced, and a culprit drug is identified in approximately 85% of cases.7 18 The reactions usually occur between 7 days and 8 weeks after drug ingestion.19 However, upon rechallenge with the culprit drug, SJS/TEN can develop within hours.17 19 Efforts to identify causative drugs were guided by the ALDEN score.7 In cases of SJS/TEN, the most commonly implicated high-risk medications are anticonvulsants, allopurinol, antimicrobials, and oxicam non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.19 20 In the present study, SJS/TEN onset was attributed to a drug in 114 of 124 cases (91.9%). The mean time between drug initiation and SJS/TEN onset was 20.5 days. Among these 114 cases, 81.6% were caused by the high-risk medications listed above. These findings are comparable with previous reports.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome and TEN are associated with high mortality rates, with 1% to 5% in cases of SJS and 25% to 30% in cases of TEN. Survival analyses in multinational European studies (EuroSCAR [European Study of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions] and RegiSCAR [Registry of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions]) have indicated that the overall mortality rate in cases of SJS/TEN is approximately 22% to 23%.18 20 21 22 23 In Asia, reported overall mortality rates vary from 12.3% to 25%.24 25 26 27 Sepsis leading to multiorgan failure is the most common cause of death.21 Despite the substantial mortality, there currently is no therapeutic regimen with a clear benefit for patients with SJS/TEN.18 21 Considering the rarity of these diseases, it is difficult to conduct randomised trials. Early recognition, rapid withdrawal of offending agents, and best supportive care remain the primary components of clinical management.
In the current study, the overall mortality rate was 21.6%; in 81.5% of these cases, the patient died of fulminant sepsis or multiorgan failure. These findings are consistent with existing literature. However, the mortality rate in cases of SJS was much higher in the present study than in previous studies. In the 59 cases of SJS, there were 10 deaths; the mortality rate was 16.9%. Among the 10 patients who died, six experienced complete skin re-epithelisation before death from other medical conditions, which include massive duodenal ulcer bleeding, acute coronary syndrome, metastatic lung cancer, acute liver and renal failure due to herbs, aspiration pneumonia, and sudden cardiac arrest. The remaining four patients had inpatient-onset SJS; they were initially admitted for traumatic intracranial haemorrhage, post-hepatectomy liver failure, convulsions caused by metastatic lung cancer, and post-stroke seizure, respectively. These patients exhibited skin-specific improvements but soon died of aspiration pneumonia and acute renal failure, liver failure, metastatic lung cancer with respiratory failure and liver failure, and sudden cardiac arrest, respectively. The high mortality rate among patients with SJS in the present study could be related to referral bias (as noted in the Epidemiology subsection above); specifically, more severe cases of SJS with co-morbidities and/or complications may have been transferred to our tertiary centre for medical care, whereas less severe cases of SJS might have been managed in regional hospitals where the patients were initially admitted. Indeed, the predicted mortality rate (based on the SCORTEN prognostic score) among cases of SJS in our cohort was 14%; this rate was similar to the observed mortality rate.
In the present study, inpatient-onset SJS/TEN had a high mortality rate (77.8%). Although high mortality of inpatient-onset SJS/TEN was not previously described in the literature, we speculate that this high mortality was related to the underlying medical conditions for which patients were initially admitted. The clinical characteristics of the 14 patients who died are presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Subgroup analysis of patients with inpatient-onset Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis
In addition to high mortality, SJS/TEN were associated with high rates of burns unit/intensive care unit admission (32%) and prolonged length of stay (mean=23.9 days) [Table 2], placing a considerable burden on the public healthcare system.
Limitations and strengths
As a retrospective cohort study, the present study had some intrinsic limitations. Some hospital case notes (ie, from earlier in the study period) were no longer retrievable. Clinical characteristics such as the exact date of disease onset, precise total BSA involved, and detailed drug history (including over-the-counter medications/medications prescribed by private doctors) might not have been available for some of these older cases. Skin biopsies were performed in 70% of cases and might have been omitted in cases of terminal illness. Many patients with milder cases were lost to follow-up after discharge; thus, long-term sequelae were not well-documented.
Additionally, referral bias may have been present because PWH is a tertiary referral centre. Such bias could have led to underestimation of the true incidence of SJS and overestimation of the incidence of TEN; milder cases of SJS might have been managed in regional hospitals, whereas more severe cases of TEN were transferred to our centre for better care. Similarly, there may have been overestimation of various outcome measures including length of stay, complications, and mortality.
Nonetheless, this study had several strengths. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest single-centre studies regarding SJS/TEN in Asia; it included a homogenous group of predominantly Chinese patients. The patients were managed by the same dermatology team with a consistent diagnostic and therapeutic approach throughout the study period. Data collection was adequate, and exhaustive evaluation of drug history was feasible for cases with access to both electronic records and hospital case notes. To ensure accurate identification of causative drugs, the ALDEN score was retrospectively evaluated by two independent dermatology doctors during the study.
This is the first large study in Hong Kong to provide data regarding the epidemiology, disease characteristics and clinical course, aetiology, treatment regimen, and mortality of SJS/TEN. Although uncommon, SJS/TEN is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Therefore, in addition to increasing awareness of SJS/TEN among patients and clinicians, efforts should be made to optimise inpatient care among public hospitals in Hong Kong by establishing dedicated multidisciplinary teams that are experienced in the management of SJS/TEN.
Author contributions
Concept or design: CMT Cheung, MM Chang.
Acquisition of data: All authors.
Analysis or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: CMT Cheung, AWS Chan.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This research was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref No.: 2017.424). The requirement for informed consent was waived by the Committee due to the retrospective nature of the research.
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Impact of a novel pre-hospital stroke notification programme on acute stroke care key performance indicators in Hong Kong: a multicentre prospective cohort study with historical controls

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):94-101 | Epub 5 Apr 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Impact of a novel pre-hospital stroke notification programme on acute stroke care key performance indicators in Hong Kong: a multicentre prospective cohort study with historical controls
KY Cheng, FHKCEM, FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)1; Ellen LM Yu, BSc, MSc (Epi/Biostat)2; Tafu Yamamoto, MB, ChB1; Julie CL Kwong, BHS, MBA3; YK Ho, MB, BS, FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)4; HK Ngan, MB, BS, FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)1; WH Lin, MB, BS1; Jessica MT Lau, FHKCEM, FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)5; CH Cheung, MB, ChB, MRCP (UK)6; Gordon PC Lee, FHKCEM, FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)4; LH Siu, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP3; Bun Sheng, MSc, MB, ChB6; Winnie WY Wong, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP3; WY Man, BNurs, MSc6; Cathy CC Cheung, BNurs, MSc5; CT Tse, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)6
1 Department of Accident and Emergency, Yan Chai Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Clinical Research Centre, Kowloon West Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Caritas Medical Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Department of Accident and Emergency, Caritas Medical Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Department of Accident and Emergency, North Lantau Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr KY Cheng (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Early identification and initiation of reperfusion therapy is essential for suspected acute ischaemic stroke. A pre-hospital stroke notification (PSN) protocol using FASE (facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, and eye palsy) was implemented to improve key performance indicators (KPIs) in acute stroke care delivery. We assessed KPIs and clinical outcomes before and after PSN implementation in Hong Kong.
Methods: This prospective cohort study with historical controls was conducted in the Accident and Emergency Departments of four public hospitals in Hong Kong. Patients were screened using the PSN protocol between August 2021 and February 2022. Suspected stroke patients between August 2020 and February 2021 were included as historical controls. Door-to-needle (DTN) and door-to–computed tomography (DTC) times before and after PSN implementation were compared. Clinical outcomes including National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score at 24 hours and modified Rankin Scale score at 3 months after intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (IV-rtPA) were also assessed.
Results: Among the 715 patients (266 PSN and 449 non-PSN) included, 50.8% of PSN patients and 37.7% of non-PSN patients had a DTC time within 25 minutes (P<0.001). For the 58 PSN and 134 non-PSN patients given IV-rtPA, median DTN times were 67 and 75.5 minutes, respectively (P=0.007). The percentage of patients with a DTN time within 60 minutes was higher in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (37.9% vs 21.6%; P=0.019). No statistically significant differences in clinical outcomes were observed.
Conclusion: Although the PSN protocol shortened DTC and DTN times, clinical outcomes did not significantly differ.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This study validates findings from a previous study that pre-hospital stroke notification (PSN) improves key performance indicators among stroke patients in Hong Kong.
  • It is unclear whether PSN improves overall clinical outcomes among stroke patients.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Further research is warranted to assess whether PSN improves patient outcomes and other acute care parameters.
  • Considering the resource-intensive nature of PSN, its cost-effectiveness requires additional investigation.
In Hong Kong, approximately 3000 stroke-related deaths occur annually; stroke is among the top three reasons for hospital admission.1 Strokes lead to prolonged hospital stays, and affected patients are likely to require long-term residential care.2 Early accurate identification of acute ischaemic stroke and initiation of reperfusion therapy have been associated with significant improvements in functional outcomes and a lower likelihood of hospital mortality.3 4 Therefore, efforts to shorten any steps within the stroke onset-to-treatment cascade can enhance outcomes for these patients.
The 2019 update to the American Stroke Association (ASA) 2018 guidelines for the management of acute ischaemic stroke recommends early stroke recognition and notification during initial medical contact using validated screening tools in suspected stroke patients.5 Pre-hospital notification to the receiving hospital allows early resource mobilisation prior to arrival of the suspected stroke patient, ensuring timely management. In Hong Kong, a recent study demonstrated improvements in several major benchmarks for acute stroke care.6 In August 2021, a pre-hospital stroke notification (PSN) protocol using the FASE protocol (facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, and eye palsy) was implemented across the Kowloon West Cluster, the largest service cluster in Hong Kong, which serves nearly 2 million residents.7 The inclusion of eye palsy in FASE aims to detect often-missed cases of posterior stroke8 9 and aid the identification of large vessel occlusion (LVO).10 In this study, we aimed to assess key performance indicators (KPIs) and clinical outcomes before and after the implementation of PSN.
Study design
This multicentre prospective cohort study with historical controls involved four Accident and Emergency Departments (AEDs) in the Kowloon West Cluster, namely, Princess Margaret Hospital, North Lantau Hospital, Caritas Medical Centre and Yan Chai Hospital, and their respective neurology divisions. Prior to implementation of the PSN FASE protocol, there was no established emergency medical services (EMS) ambulance protocol for pre-hospital notification of suspected stroke patients. The non-PSN FAST protocol (facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty, and time) was used at the AED to screen suspected stroke patients. In this study, all suspected stroke patients between August 2021 and February 2022 were screened using the PSN FASE protocol and included in the PSN group; similar patients between August 2020 and February 2021 served as historical controls in the non-PSN group. Data were collected from each hospital’s neurology division and clinical data system; accuracy was confirmed by two independent authors. Suspected LVO was defined as the presence of clinical signs and symptoms compatible with internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery, or basilar artery infarcts, along with radiological evidence from computed tomography (CT) brain scans, as reviewed by a neurologist. Confirmed LVO was defined as the presence of LVO on computed tomography angiography (CTA).
The PSN FASE protocol was implemented during initial contact by EMS personnel during ambulance transfer. This protocol specifies that the patient must be aged ≥18 years and exhibits acute stroke symptoms of facial weakness, unilateral arm and/or leg weakness, speech disturbance, or eye palsy within 4 hours. Protocol exclusion criteria included symptoms with suspected trauma aetiology, Glasgow Coma Scale score ≤8, systolic blood pressure <100 mm Hg, previous medical history of seizure/epilepsy, or long-term chairbound or bedbound status. If a patient meets inclusion criteria with no exclusion criteria, EMS personnel activate the PSN protocol by informing the closest AED to prepare for the incoming stroke patient. In the present study, patients transported with this protocol constituted suspected stroke patients in the PSN group.
In contrast, the non-PSN FAST protocol is activated by a physician in the AED. This protocol requires the patient to display acute stroke symptoms of facial asymmetry, limb weakness, or speech disturbance, while meeting all of the following criteria: (1) age ≥18 years; (2) onset of stroke symptoms within 3.5 hours before the request for intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (IV-rtPA) administration; (3) signs and symptoms compatible with acute stroke; and (4) reasonable premorbid functional status (at least not bedbound). Protocol exclusion criteria included active internal bleeding, recent severe head trauma or intracranial/spinal surgery within the preceding 3 months, clinical presentation suggestive of subarachnoid haemorrhage or aortic dissection, acute stroke symptoms in the context of infective endocarditis, intra-axial intracranial neoplasm, coagulopathy (platelet count <100 × 109/L or international normalised ratio >1.7), or ongoing use of anticoagulant medication.
FASE protocol of pre-hospital stroke notification
In the PSN FASE protocol, EMS personnel are trained to screen potentially IV-rtPA–eligible stroke patients and to notify the receiving AED about patients with thrombolytic eligibility. An AED physician and a nursing team are prepared for immediate assessment upon patient arrival; an experienced on-duty stroke nurse is notified prior to arrival. The AED physician immediately determines whether the patient should be considered for thrombolytic therapy. If the thrombolytic therapy criteria are met, the patient undergoes a plain CT brain scan and assessment by an on-call neurologist for intravenous thrombolytic therapy. If IV-rtPA treatment is approved by the on-call neurologist, IV-rtPA is administered to the patient; this administration was similar for both historical and prospective groups.
Outcomes measurement
The primary outcome in this study was door-to-needle (DTN) time, which the ASA recommends to be within 60 minutes. The secondary outcomes were onset-to-door (OTD) and door-to-CT (DTC) times. The recommended DTC time is within 25 minutes, but no specific recommendation exists for OTD time.11 The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score at 24 hours post-rtPA and modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score at 3 months post-rtPA were also recorded. A good clinical outcome was defined as a reduction of ≥4 in NIHSS score at 24 hours post-rtPA or an mRS score of 0 to 1 at 3 months post-rtPA.
Statistical analysis
Baseline characteristics, KPIs, and clinical outcomes were presented as count (%), mean ± standard deviation, or median (interquartile range). The Pearson Chi squared test, Fisher’s exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, and independent t test were used to compare the PSN and non-PSN groups. Further comparisons between the two groups were performed after one-to-one matching based on hospital, sex, age-group (≤80 years and >80 years), and NIHSS score at onset. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), along with 95% confidence intervals, were computed for the PSN group using the FAS protocol (facial drooping, arm weakness, and speech difficulties) with or without eye palsy, as well as eye palsy alone. The PPVs of the protocols were compared using relative predictive values in a paired study design, as proposed by Moskowitz and Pepe.12 Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (Windows version 26.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) and the DTComPair package in R software (version 3.6.1). P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
In total, 715 suspected stroke patients were included, with 449 in the non-PSN group and 266 in the PSN group. Intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator was administered to 134 (29.8%) patients and 58 (21.8%) patients in the non-PSN and PSN groups, respectively (P=0.019) [Table 1]. Among the remaining 208 patients (78.2%) not given IV-rtPA in the PSN group, 43 patients were beyond the IV-rtPA window, and 46 patients had alternative unknown diagnoses at AED attendance. Twenty-one patients had symptoms that resolved or improved by the time of AED attendance (Fig).

Table 1. Comparison of baseline characteristics and key performance indicators of suspected stroke patients between pre-hospital stroke notification (PSN) and non-PSN groups

Figure. Summary of stroke patients screened using the pre-hospital stroke notification protocol
Comparison in all suspected stroke patients
Demographic characteristics were compared between the non-PSN and PSN groups, as shown in Table 1. Age and hyperlipidaemia significantly differed between the two groups. The median ages were 69.7 years in the non-PSN group and 72.4 years in the PSN group (P=0.022). The percentages of patients with hyperlipidaemia were 53.9% in the non-PSN group and 43.9% in the PSN group (P=0.010). Door-to-CT time was significantly shorter in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (24.5 vs 31 minutes; P<0.001). The percentage of patients achieving the DCT time goal of 25 minutes was greater in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (50.8% vs 37.7%; P<0.001). However, the median OTD time was longer in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (97 vs 85.5 minutes; P=0.003).
Comparison in patients given intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator
Among stroke patients given IV-rtPA, sex, hypertension, and hyperlipidaemia significantly differed between the two groups, as illustrated in Table 2. In the non-PSN group, 53.7% of patients were men, compared with 69.0% in the PSN group (P=0.049). Regarding key risk factors for ischaemic stroke, the respective prevalences of hypertension and hyperlipidaemia were 74.6% and 61.9% in the non-PSN group, whereas they were 53.4% and 44.8% in the PSN group. The NIHSS scores at symptom onset were similar between the non-PSN and PSN groups. The percentages of patients with suspected LVO were also similar between the PSN and non-PSN groups (40.4% vs 37.3%; P=0.759), as were the percentages of patients with CTA-confirmed LVO (52.6% vs 60.0%; P=1.000).

Table 2. Comparison of baseline characteristics and key performance indicators of stroke patients given intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator between pre-hospital stroke notification (PSN) and non-PSN groups
The DTN time was shorter in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (67 vs 75.5 minutes; P=0.007). Additionally, the percentage of patients achieving the DTN time goal of 60 minutes was greater in the PSN group (37.9% vs 21.6%; P=0.019). However, there were no differences in median DTC time and percentage of patients achieving the DTC time goal of 25 minutes (Table 2). As shown in Table 3, the percentages of patients with good clinical outcomes after IV-rtPA were similar between non-PSN and PSN groups, as indicated by a reduction of ≥4 in NIHSS score at 24 hours (50.8% vs 49.0%; P=0.829) and an mRS score of 0 to 1 at 90 days (43.3% vs 35.4%; P=0.342).

Table 3. Comparison of short-term and long-term clinical outcomes of stroke patients given intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator between pre-hospital stroke notification (PSN) and non-PSN group
Matched comparison of patients given intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator
The non-PSN and PSN groups were matched based on hospital, sex, age-group, and NIHSS score at onset. After matching, the percentage of patients achieving the DTC time goal of 25 minutes was greater in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (64.0% vs 44.0%; P=0.045). The median DTN time was also shorter in the PSN group (65.5 vs 76.5 minutes; P=0.003). Moreover, the percentage of patients achieving the DTN time goal of 60 minutes was greater in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (42.0% vs 18.0%; P=0.009) [Table 2]. Finally, the percentages of patients with good clinical outcomes after IV-rtPA were similar between non-PSN and PSN groups, as evidenced by a reduction of ≥4 in NIHSS score at 24 hours (47.7% vs 48.9%; P=0.913) and an mRS score of 0 to 1 at 90 days (36.0% vs 33.3%; P=0.789) [Table 3].
Predictive value of eye palsy assessment in the pre-hospital stroke notification protocol
Among the 22 patients with eye palsy in the PSN group, 18 patients had either facial drooping, arm weakness or speech difficulties; seven patients were administered IV-rtPA. In the PSN group, the PPVs for using FAS, eye palsy alone, and FAS with eye palsy to identify stroke patients eligible for IV-rtPA were 22.14%, 31.82%, and 38.89%, respectively (Table 4). Compared with the PPV of FAS, the PPV of FAS with eye palsy was significantly higher (P=0.046), whereas the PPV of eye palsy alone did not significantly differ (P=0.223).

Table 4. Eye palsy as a predictive factor for intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator among suspected stroke patients in pre-hospital stroke notification group only (n=266)
The AHA and ASA recommend specific time goals for KPIs in stroke patients, such as OTD, DTC, and DTN times. Early recognition of stroke and utilisation of PSN for these patients are emphasised in the recent ASA guidelines as recommendations that can facilitate achievement of these goals. The recent adoption of a PSN protocol by the public hospital system in Hong Kong is intended to improve these KPIs and, ultimately, clinical outcomes among stroke patients.
In the present study, the PSN FASE protocol resulted in shorter DTC and DTN times, compared with the non-PSN protocol. A shorter DTN is associated with improved patient outcomes3 4 and enables more patients to receive IV-rtPA within the therapeutic window.13 However, the onset-to-needle time did not differ between the two groups (144.5 vs 159 minutes; P=0.525) [Table 2], which may be explained by the longer OTD time in the PSN group than in the non-PSN group (97 vs 85.5 minutes; P=0.003) [Table 1]. To control for potential confounding factors, we matched the non-PSN and PSN stroke patients based on multiple variables; the results confirmed that DTC and DTN times were shorter in the PSN group.
However, these improvements in KPIs did not lead to statistically significant improvements in clinical outcomes, as evidenced by a reduction of ≥4 in NIHSS score at 24 hours post-rtPA (50.8% vs 49.0%; P=0.829) and an mRS score of 0 to 1 at 90 days (43.3% vs 35.4%; P=0.342) [Table 3]. The results of previous studies have suggested favourable mRS score outcomes in 33% to 41% of stroke patients given IV-rtPA12 14; the absence of favourable neurological outcomes in the present study may be attributed to the higher baseline level of neurological improvement in the non-PSN group. Moreover, the relatively small sample sizes in the PSN and non-PSN groups (58 vs 134; P=0.019) [Table 1] may explain the lack of statistically significant clinical benefit in this study; future studies with larger sample sizes may provide further insights. The longer OTD time in the PSN group compared with the non-PSN group suggests that patients in the PSN group were administered IV-rtPA later than patients in the non-PSN group, potentially resulting in worse clinical outcomes. Finally, the lack of statistically significant improvements in clinical outcomes may be explained by the higher NIHSS score at onset in the PSN group (15 vs 11; P=0.573) [Table 2]; regardless of matching to control for potential confounding factors, we did not observe any statistically significant improvement in clinical outcomes.
A higher percentage of stroke patients received IV-rtPA in the non-PSN group compared with the PSN group, which may differ from the findings in some recent studies.6 15 This discrepancy may be attributed to the learning curve associated with the new FASE protocol in the PSN group; EMS personnel may have engaged in ‘over-activation’ for borderline suspected stroke patients during early implementation. Additionally, because screening in the PSN group was performed by EMS personnel, it may have been less accurate than screening by physicians (ie, in the non-PSN group). The longer OTD time in the PSN group suggested that patients in the PSN group presented to the AED later than patients in the non-PSN group, increasing the likelihood that they would miss the 4-hour window for IV-rtPA administration.
The inclusion of eye palsy in the FASE protocol is intended to identify potential cases of posterior stroke8 9 and aid the identification of LVO.10 Although we found that the FASE protocol had a higher PPV (compared with the FAST protocol) for identifying stroke patients eligible for IV-rtPA, we did not assess whether the FASE protocol reliably identified patients with posterior strokes. Future studies validating the FASE protocol would provide additional insights. Considering the role of conjugate eye deviation in identifying LVO strokes,16 17 research exploring the ability of the FASE protocol to identify these patients would be valuable. Investigations of EMS personnel accuracy in eye palsy recognition may also be useful.
Possible limitations of this study include the potential for experimenter bias, considering that most investigators were also clinicians involved in patient management. However, it may be difficult to address this bias due to staffing constraints in peripheral acute hospitals, where researchers also serve as clinicians. Furthermore, the findings in this study are consistent with the results of other studies regarding pre-hospital notification protocols for suspected stroke patients.
We also included the percentage of stroke patients with CTA-confirmed LVO to provide a more comprehensive analysis, considering that LVO strokes have been linked to worse clinical outcomes compared with non-LVO strokes.18 We observed no statistically significant differences in the percentages of suspected LVO and CTA-confirmed LVO strokes between the two study groups. However, because logistical considerations and resource limitations hindered our ability to perform diagnostic CTA for all patients, the true number of CTA-confirmed LVO strokes may be underestimated. Finally, the relatively small sample size may restrict our capacity to draw definitive conclusions.
This study validated the previous finding that a PSN protocol improves multiple stroke KPIs in Hong Kong. It also improves the understanding of whether a PSN protocol directly improves overall clinical outcomes among stroke patients, an area with limited evidence in current literature.19 The implementation of a PSN protocol using the new FASE assessment guideline shortened DTN and DTC times compared with a non-PSN protocol. However, this study did not reveal any statistically significant improvement in overall clinical neurological outcomes between these two protocols. Further research may be warranted to assess whether PSN improves patient outcomes and other acute care parameters.
Author contributions
Concept or design: KY Cheng, ELM Yu.
Acquisition of data: KY Cheng, T Yamamoto.
Analysis or interpretation of data: KY Cheng, ELM Yu.
Drafting of the manuscript: KY Cheng, ELM Yu.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank Mr Kin-wah Tam from North Lantau Hospital for data retrieval at the Hospital.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This research was approved by the Kowloon West Cluster Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Authority, Hong Kong [Ref No.: KW/EX-21-134(163-12)]. A waiver of patient consent was granted by the Committee since the data had been collected prior to this research and the risk of identification is minimal, and no new additional data was required for the research.
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Prediction of hospital mortality among critically ill patients in a single centre in Asia: comparison of artificial neural networks and logistic regression–based model

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):130-8 | Epub 28 Mar 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Prediction of hospital mortality among critically ill patients in a single centre in Asia: comparison of artificial neural networks and logistic regression–based model
Swan Lau, BSc, MB, BS1; HP Shum, MD, FRCP2; Carol CY Chan, FHKCA, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)2; MY Man, MRCP (UK), FHKAM (Medicine)2; KB Tang, FHKCA, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)2; Kenny KC Chan, MStat, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)3; Anne KH Leung, FHKCA (IC), FCICM4; WW Yan, FRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)2
1 Department of Anaesthesia, Pain and Perioperative Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Department of Intensive Care, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Department of Intensive Care, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr S Lau (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: This study compared the performance of the artificial neural network (ANN) model with the Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II and IV models for predicting hospital mortality among critically ill patients in Hong Kong.
Methods: This retrospective analysis included all patients admitted to the intensive care unit of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital from January 2010 to December 2019. The ANN model was constructed using parameters identical to the APACHE IV model. Discrimination performance was assessed using area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC); calibration performance was evaluated using the Brier score and Hosmer–Lemeshow statistic.
Results: In total, 14 503 patients were included, with 10% in the validation set and 90% in the ANN model development set. The ANN model (AUROC=0.88, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.86-0.90, Brier score=0.10; P in Hosmer–Lemeshow test=0.37) outperformed the APACHE II model (AUROC=0.85, 95% CI=0.80-0.85, Brier score=0.14; P<0.001 for both comparisons of AUROCs and Brier scores) but showed performance similar to the APACHE IV model (AUROC=0.87, 95% CI=0.85-0.89, Brier score=0.11; P=0.34 for comparison of AUROCs, and P=0.05 for comparison of Brier scores). The ANN model demonstrated better calibration than the APACHE II and APACHE IV models.
Conclusion: Our ANN model outperformed the APACHE II model but was similar to the APACHE IV model in terms of predicting hospital mortality in Hong Kong. Artificial neural networks are valuable tools that can enhance real-time prognostic prediction.
New knowledge added by this study
  • An artificial neural network model outperformed the Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II model but was similar to the APACHE IV model in terms of predicting hospital mortality.
  • The three most important predictor variables were the highest sodium level, highest bilirubin level, and lowest white cell count within 24 hours of intensive care unit admission.
  • External validation studies using data from other hospitals are recommended to confirm these findings.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Prediction of mortality among critically patients is challenging.
  • Artificial neural networks, along with other machine learning techniques, are valuable tools that can enhance real-time prognostic prediction.
Intensive care treatments are primarily intended to improve patient outcomes. Considering the high operating costs of intensive care units (ICUs), a reliable, decision-supporting, risk stratification system is needed to predict patient outcomes and facilitate cost-effective use of ICU beds. Several disease severity scoring systems, such as the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) system and the Simplified Acute Physiology Score system, are currently used to objectively assess outcomes and recovery potential in this complex and diverse group of patients.1 2
The APACHE system, one of the most commonly used benchmark severity scoring systems worldwide, can measure disease severity and predict hospital mortality among ICU patients. In the 40 years since its initial development, the APACHE system has undergone multiple revisions to improve statistical power and discrimination performance by modifying the numbers and weights of included variables.3 4 5 6 The underlying statistical principle is multivariable logistic regression based on data from an American population. The results are easy to interpret and allow robust outcome prediction for individuals with characteristics similar to the original population. However, the APACHE system has limited capacity to manage non-linear relationships between predictor and outcome variables, interactions between variables, and missing data. Although the value of the APACHE system for mortality prediction has been established, especially in Western countries, its discrimination performance and calibration are inconsistent when applied outside of the US.7 8 9 10 Since 2008, the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong has utilised the APACHE IV model to assess outcomes in critically ill patients. Nevertheless, the APACHE II model remains the most extensively validated version; it is widely used for research and reference purposes.11
In the early 1990s, artificial neural networks (ANNs), a type of machine learning algorithm, were proposed as alternative statistical techniques to logistic regression–based method. Similar to the organisation and data processing configurations in human brains, these networks consist of input and output layers with at least one or more intermediate (hidden) layers for pattern recognition. Each layer contains several ‘artificial neurons’, known as nodes, for data extraction; these nodes are connected with each other through variable ‘weights’.12 Artificial neural networks identify representative patterns from input data and observed output data within a training set, then fine-tune the variable weights; thus, they can predict outcomes when provided novel information. This method has considerable advantages in terms of managing non-linear relationships and multivariable interactions.13
A review of 28 studies comparing ANN and regression-based models showed that ANN outperformed regression-based models in 10 studies (36%), was outperformed by regression-based models in four studies (14%), and had similar performance in the remaining 14 studies (50%).14 Multiple recent studies also demonstrated that the integration of machine learning with electronic health records provided more accurate and reliable predictive performance compared with conventional prognostic models.15 16
This study was conducted to compare ANN performance with the performances of extensively validated and benchmark scoring systems—APACHE II and APACHE IV—in terms of predicting hospital mortality among critically ill patients in Hong Kong.
This retrospective analysis included all patients aged ≥18 years with first-time admissions to the ICU of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2019. The hospital is a 2000-bed tertiary care regional hospital that provides comprehensive services except for cardiothoracic surgery, transplant surgery, and burn management. The ICU is a 24-bed, closed, mixed medical-surgical unit with an average of 1600 patients admitted annually.
Demographic characteristics and hospital mortality data were retrospectively recorded. The worst value of each physiological parameter during the first 24 hours after ICU admission was used to generate an APACHE score. The predicted mortality risk was calculated based on published methods.3 5 Included parameters were age, sex, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, glucose level, blood urea nitrogen level, serum sodium level, creatinine level, haematocrit level, white cell count, albumin level, bilirubin level, pH, fraction of inspired oxygen, partial pressures of carbon dioxide and oxygen, bicarbonate, and urine output during the first 24 hours after ICU admission. For patients who had multiple ICU admissions during a single hospital stay, only the first admission was included. Patients were excluded if they died or were discharged from the ICU within 4 hours after admission.
Instances of incomplete data were resolved by multiple imputation using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (ie, fully conditional specification). This method fits a univariate (single dependent variable) model using all other available variables in the model as predictors, then imputes missing values for the dependent variable. The method continues until the maximum number of iterations is reached; the resulting imputed values are saved to the imputed dataset.
Neural network models were constructed with SPSS software (Windows version 25.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], US) using the same parameters as in the APACHE IV model (online supplementary Fig); SPSS software was also used to examine model precision. The multilayer perceptron procedure, a class of feed-forward learning model, consists of ≥3 layers of nodes: input, hidden, and output.17 Automatic architecture building, which computes the best number of units in a hidden layer, was performed with SPSS software. Each hidden unit is an activation function of the weighted sum of the inputs; the values of the weights are determined by an estimation algorithm. In this study, the hidden layer consisted of 12 units (nodes). A hyperbolic tangent activation function was also employed for the hidden layers. Softmax activation and cross-entropy error functions were used for the output layer. The multilayer perceptron procedure utilised a backpropagation technique for supervised training. Learning occurred in the recognition phase for each piece of data via changes to connection weights based on the amount of error in the output compared with the expected result (gradient descent method).18
The training process was terminated when no further decreases in calculated error were observed. Subsequently, network weights were identified and used to compute test values. The importance of an independent variable was regarded as a measure of the extent to which network model–predicted values differed from observed values. Normalised importance, expressed as a percentage, constituted the ratio between the importance of each predictor variable and the largest importance value. Model stability was assessed by tenfold cross-validation. Oversampling of minority classes was performed via duplication to manage imbalances in outcome data.
Categorical and continuous variables were expressed as numbers (percentages) and medians (interquartile ranges). The Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test was used for comparisons of categorical data; the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparisons of continuous data. The performances of ANN, APACHE II, and APACHE IV models were evaluated in terms of discrimination and calibration power. Discrimination, which constitutes the ability of a predictive model to separate data into classes (eg, death or survival), was evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). The AUROCs of the models were compared using the DeLong test. Calibration, which represents the closeness of model probability to the underlying probability of the study population, was evaluated using the Brier score, Hosmer–Lemeshow statistic, and calibration curves.19 All P values were two-sided, and values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. All analyses were performed with SPSS software and MedCalc statistical software (version 19.6.1).
In total, 14 503 patients were included. The demographic characteristics and hospital mortality data of the study cohort were shown in Table 1, while the physiological and laboratory parameters required to generate an APACHE score were presented in Table 2. Among the recruited patients, 4.93% had at least one missing data point, and the overall rate of missing data was 0.48%. Furthermore, 1400 (9.7%) of the recruited patients were randomly assigned to the validation set; the remaining patients (n=13 103, 90.3%) were assigned to the model development set. With respect to the ANN model, 70% and 30% of the development set were used for training and testing purposes, respectively. The median age was 67 years (interquartile range [IQR]=54-78), median APACHE II score was 18 (IQR=13-25), and median APACHE IV score was 66 (IQR=46-91). The overall hospital and ICU mortality rates were 19.3% (n=2799) and 9.6% (n=1392), respectively.

Table 1. Patient characteristics and outcome parameters

Table 2. Physiological and laboratory parameters during the first 24 hours after admission to the intensive care unit
The baseline co-morbidities, source of admission, disease category, APACHE II score, and APACHE IV score were similar in the test and validation sets (Table 1). More patients in the validation set received continuous renal replacement therapy (18.3% vs 16.1%; P=0.04). Concerning the worst physiological and laboratory parameters within the first 24 hours (Table 2), there were almost no significant differences between the development and validation sets; notably, the haemoglobin level was lower in the validation set (11.3 g/dL vs 11.5 g/dL; P=0.02).
In the development set, the ANN model (AUROC=0.89, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.88-0.92, Brier score=0.10; P in Hosmer–Lemeshow test=0.34) outperformed the APACHE II model (AUROC=0.80, 95% CI=0.79-0.81, Brier score=0.15; P<0.001) and APACHE IV model (AUROC=0.84, 95% CI=0.83-0.85, Brier score=0.12; P<0.001) for prediction of hospital mortality. The cross-validation accuracy ranged from 0.98 to 1 (mean=0.99), indicating that our ANN model had good stability. There was no statistically significant difference between our ANN model and an ANN model created by oversampling of minority classes (AUROC=0.89, 95% CI=0.89-0.90; P=0.103).
In the validation set, the ANN model (AUROC=0.88, 95% CI=0.86-0.90, Brier score=0.10, P in Hosmer–Lemeshow test=0.37) was superior to the APACHE II model (AUROC=0.85, 95% CI=0.80-0.85, Brier score=0.14; P<0.001 for both comparisons of AUROCs and Brier scores) but similar to the APACHE IV model (AUROC=0.87, 95% CI=0.85-0.89, Brier score=0.11; P=0.34 for comparison of AUROCs, and P=0.05 for comparison of Brier scores) [Fig 1].

Figure 1. Receiver operating characteristic curves for different models (validation set)
The calibration curve for the validation set showed that the ANN model (Fig 2a) outperformed the APACHE IV model (Fig 2b) and the APACHE II model (Fig 2c).

Figure 2. Calibration curves for different models (validation set). (a) Artificial neural network model. (b) Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV model. (c) APACHE II model
The importances of the predictor variables in predictions of hospital mortality using the ANN model were evaluated. Within 24 hours of ICU admission, the highest sodium level was the most important variable, followed by the highest bilirubin level and the lowest white cell count. Details regarding the normalised importance of each covariate are presented in online supplementary Tables 1 and 2.
To our knowledge, this is the first study in Asia to assess the performance of ANN and compare it with the performances of two extensively validated and benchmark scoring systems—APACHE II and APACHE IV—in terms of predicting hospital mortality among critically ill patients. We found that the ANN model provided better discrimination and calibration compared with the APACHE II model. However, the difference between the ANN and APACHE IV models was less prominent. Calibration was slightly better with the ANN model, but discrimination was similar between the ANN and APACHE IV models.
Conventional logistic regression–based APACHE systems often lose calibration over time and require regular updates to maintain performance.6 11 20 21 22 The original APACHE II model was developed over 30 years ago using data from 13 different hospitals in the US; it was validated in the country before clinical application.2 Studies in Hong Kong7 and Singapore23 have shown that the APACHE II model has good discrimination but poor calibration for ICU patients in Asia. Calibration remained suboptimal regardless of customisation as demonstrated by Lew et al,23 indicating the need for a new prognostic prediction model. Wong and Young24 showed that the APACHE II model had equivalent performance status compared with an ANN model that had been trained and validated using the original APACHE II data. In a medicalneurological ICU in India, an ANN model trained on an Indian population (with or without redundant variables) demonstrated better calibration compared with the APACHE II model.25 The authors speculated that this finding was partly related to differences in standards of care and resources between American and Indian ICUs.25 Overall, differences in case mix, advances in medical technology, and the use of more recent data may explain the superiority of our ANN model compared with the APACHE II model.
Compared with ICU patients in the US, it is fivefold more common for Hong Kong ICU patients to begin renal replacement therapy.26 More than 50% of critically ill patients in Hong Kong require mechanical ventilation, compared with 28% in the US.26 27 A recent population-based study of all patients admitted to adult ICUs in Hong Kong between 2008 and 2018 showed that the APACHE IV standardised mortality ratio decreased from 0.81 to 0.65 during the study period, implying a gradual decline in the performance of the APACHE IV model.26 This model, which was established using data derived from >100 000 ICU patients in 45 US hospitals between 2002 and 2003,5 also tends to overestimate hospital mortality among ICU patients in Hong Kong. In contrast to our study population, where Asian ethnicities were most common, 70% of the patients in APACHE IV reference population were Caucasian.5 The subtle differences in performance between our ANN model and the APACHE IV model could be related to differences in timing during the development of the models. Nevertheless, our ANN model trained on a Hong Kong population was better calibrated for prediction in such a population, compared with the APACHE IV model. This improved calibration could be related to differences in target population (Asian vs Caucasian), epidemiology, and disease profile.
The selection of appropriate variables is a key aspect of model development. The inclusion of additional predictor variables does not necessarily improve a model’s overall performance. Redundant variables may result in overfitting and produce a complicated predictive model without additional benefits. A recently published large national cohort study from Sweden showed that a simplified ANN model with eight parameters outperformed the Simplified Acute Physiology Score III model in terms of discrimination and calibration.28 Among the eight parameters, age and leukocyte count were the most and least important variables, respectively. Notably, leukocyte count was the most important variable in terms of predicting mortality among patients on continuous renal replacement therapy.29 Similar to the present study, Kang et al29 found that age was the 12th most important variable. The overall performance of an ANN model trained with APACHE II parameters in an Indian population could be maintained with the 15 highest information gain variables, including serum sodium level and leukocyte count.25
Among the 53 parameters in our ANN model, the highest sodium level, highest bilirubin level, and lowest white cell count within 24 hours of ICU admission were the top three most important predictor variables (online supplementary Table 1). The association between acquired hypernatraemia and increased hospital mortality among critically patients has consistently been demonstrated in multiple studies.30 31 Hyperbilirubinaemia, another complication in patients with sepsis, was associated with the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome.32 Sepsis and gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary diseases caused ICU admission in approximately 40% of our patients, possibly explaining the importance of hyperbilirubinaemia in our ANN model. Although the importance of leukocyte count has been demonstrated in other mortality prediction models, the previous models did not specify whether the count was high or low.25 28 29 In the present study, the lowest white cell count was more important than the highest white cell count. Another intriguing observation was that age constituted the 11th most important predictor in our ANN model (online supplementary Table 1). Age is a predictor of survival in many prognostic models.3 5 28 Increasing biological age is often associated with multiple co-morbidities and a progressive decline in physiological reserve, leading to increased mortality. However, a recently published systematic review of 129 studies showed large variations in ICU and hospital mortality rates among older ICU patients, ranging from 1% to 51% in single-centre retrospective studies and 6% to 28% in multicentre retrospective studies.33 These results could be related to differences in admission policies, premorbid functional status, and the intensity of provided to older critically ill patients.
Our ANN model was trained and internally validated on a large number of representative data samples that included most patients admitted to a tertiary ICU in Hong Kong over the past decade. This approach addressed the small sample size limitation that was common in previous studies.24 25 34 All data were automatically collected by a computer system, eliminating the risk of human error during data extraction. Healthcare system digitalisation and advances in information technology have enabled effortless generation of abundant clinical data (eg, physiological parameters, laboratory results, and radiological findings), which can facilitate data collection and development of a new risk prediction model via machine learning.35 36 We hope that generalisability to other ICUs in Asia can be achieved through external validation studies.
This study had some limitations. Although the sample size was large, all data were collected from a single centre; in contrast, data for the APACHE scoring system were derived from multiple large centres. Because the primary objective of the present study was comparison of performance between our ANN model and the APACHE II and APACHE IV models using identical parameters, we did not attempt to determine the optimal subset of parameters that would maintain high ANN performance.25 28 Furthermore, our ANN model may not be applicable to other centres with different case mixes and medical approaches. The lack of external validation may lead to concerns about overfitting, which is a common challenge in ANN model development. Because mortality prediction among ICU patients is a dynamic process, other limitations include the use of static data and the lack of a fixed time point for mortality assessment.
Mortality prediction among critically patients is a challenging endeavour. Our ANN model, which was trained with representative data from a Hong Kong population, outperformed the internationally validated APACHE II model with respect to critically ill patients in Hong Kong. In contrast to the APACHE IV model, our ANN model demonstrated better calibration but similar discrimination performance. External validation studies using data from other hospitals are recommended to confirm our findings. Future studies should explore the feasibility of reducing the number of variables while preserving the discrimination and calibration power of the ANN model. The widespread use of computerised information systems, rather than paper records, in ICU and general ward settings has led to increased data availability. Artificial neural networks, along with other machine learning techniques, are valuable tools that can enhance real-time prognostic prediction.
Author contributions
Concept or design: S Lau, HP Shum, CCY Chan.
Acquisition of data: S Lau, HP Shum, CCY Chan.
Analysis or interpretation of data: S Lau, HP Shum, CCY Chan.
Drafting of the manuscript: S Lau.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: MY Man, KB Tang, KKC Chan, AKH Leung, WW Yan.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interests.
Part of the research was presented at the 34th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (3-6 October 2021, virtual) and the Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 of Hong Kong Society of Critical Care Medicine (12 December 2021, virtual).
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
The study protocol complies with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Hong Kong East Cluster Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Authority, Hong Kong (Ref No.: HKECREC-2021-024). The requirement for patient consent was waived by the Committee due to the retrospective nature of the study.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material was provided by the authors and some information may not have been peer reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content.
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The Omicron variant of COVID-19 and its association with croup in children: a single-centre study in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Feb;30(1):44–55 | Epub 8 Feb 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The Omicron variant of COVID-19 and its association with croup in children: a single-centre study in Hong Kong
Michelle CY Lam, MB, ChB, MRCPCH; David SY Lam, MB, BS, FHKAM (Paediatrics)
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Michelle CY Lam (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The fifth wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Hong Kong was dominated by the Omicron variant, which may cause more upper airway involvement in children. This study was performed to identify any associations between the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and croup in children.
Methods: This retrospective study reviewed the electronic medical records of patients admitted to Tuen Mun Hospital in Hong Kong from 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2022 under the diagnostic code for croup (J05.0 in the International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition). Patients were categorised into three groups according to their admission periods, namely, non–COVID-19, COVID-19–pre-Omicron, and COVID-19–Omicron groups. Disease associations and severity were compared according to incidence, Westley Croup Score, length of hospital stay, medication use, respiratory support, and intensive care unit admissions.
Results: The COVID-19 incidence among patients with croup was significantly higher in the COVID-19–Omicron group than in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group (90.0% vs 2.0%; P<0.001). Compared with patients in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron and non–COVID-19 groups, patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group also had a higher Westley score (moderate and severe disease in the COVID-19–Omicron group: 56.7%; COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 22.0%, P=0.004; non–COVID-19 group: 24.8%, P<0.001), longer median hospital stay (COVID-19–Omicron group: 3.00 days; COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 2.00 days, P<0.001; non–COVID-19 group: 2.00 days, P=0.034), and higher mean dexamethasone requirement (COVID-19–Omicron group: 0.78 mg/kg; COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 0.49 mg/kg, P<0.001; non–COVID-19 group: 0.58 mg/kg, P=0.001).
Conclusion: The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is associated with croup and can cause more severe disease in Hong Kong children.
New knowledge added by this study
  • The Omicron variant is associated with higher risk of croup than previously circulating variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
  • The presence of croup in a patient infected with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 could lead to a more prolonged and severe disease course.
  • Omicron-associated croup may require more doses and a larger total amount of dexamethasone, as well as a longer hospital stay.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Paediatricians should be aware of the potential for prolonged courses of croup during the Omicron era of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
  • More healthcare resources may be needed for paediatric patients with croup in the Omicron era of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Further research and policies promoting COVID-19 vaccination may be warranted to prevent COVID-19 and associated complications in children.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first detected in Wuhan, China on 31 December 2019.1 Since then, COVID-19 has affected adults and children worldwide. On 31 December 2021, the Centre for Health Protection of Hong Kong announced that the fifth wave of the pandemic, also known as the ‘Omicron surge’, had begun.2 There was evidence that the Omicron variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replicated more rapidly and effectively than other strains in bronchial and nasal epithelial cells, resulting in higher infectivity and transmissibility, along with more severe upper respiratory tract manifestations.3 4
Croup, or laryngotracheitis, is an upper airway disease that primarily affects children aged 6 months to 3 years. Causative viruses infect the nasopharyngeal epithelium and spread along the respiratory tract up to the laryngotracheal region, leading to upper airway narrowing, inspiratory stridor, barking cough, and hoarseness.5 6 Thus far, parainfluenza viruses have been the most common causative agents of croup.7
Compared with other SARS-CoV-2 variants and other respiratory viruses, the new Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 may have a stronger association with croup.3 4 Case reports and case series have been published regarding COVID-19–associated croup8 9 10 11 12; however, few studies in Hong Kong or other countries have focused on possible causative relationships between the Omicron variant and croup.8 12 Analyses of epidemiological data from Hong Kong are needed to guide further management of croup in children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
By exploring the incidence, clinical characteristics, treatment options, and outcomes of croup before and after the emergence of COVID-19, as well as after the emergence of the Omicron variant, this study aimed to identify differences among these three groups of patients and provide insights concerning COVID-19&dash;associated croup in Hong Kong.
Study design
This retrospective observational study was conducted in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at Tuen Mun Hospital, a large public hospital serving a population of >1.1 million (15% of the total Hong Kong population),13 among which >15% are children.14 15 Clinical data and medical records were retrieved from the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System of the Hospital Authority.
Inclusion and grouping criteria
All hospital admissions with a diagnostic code of ‘Croup’ (J05.0 in the International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition) from 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2022 were included in this study. Patients were grouped into the following three admission periods: (1) non&dash;COVID-19 (1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019); (2) COVID-19&dash;pre-Omicron (1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021); and (3) COVID-19&dash;Omicron (1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022). This grouping approach coincided with the World Health Organization’s announcement of the discovery of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China on 31 December 20191 and the Centre for Health Protection’s announcement that the fifth wave of the pandemic (also known as the ‘Omicron surge’) had begun in Hong Kong on 31 December 2021.2 The 2-year cohort from 2018 to 2019 (before the World Health Organization’s announcement) was included for comparisons of characteristics before and after the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.
Exclusion criteria
The study population was limited to inpatients at Tuen Mun Hospital, excluding individuals solely managed in the Emergency Department. The study also excluded patients with a final diagnosis (eg, foreign body inhalation) that could mimic the clinical presentation of croup.
Clinical data and outcome measurements
Baseline clinical characteristics including age, sex, ethnicity, and significant medical history were retrieved from the medical records of the included patients. Diagnoses of COVID-19 were made by laboratory confirmation of viral infection through real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays of nasopharyngeal specimens. Diagnoses of specific respiratory viruses were also confirmed by RT-PCR assays of patients’ nasopharyngeal specimens. The incidences of all viruses were analysed.
The total numbers of admitted patients with confirmed COVID-19 in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron and COVID-19–Omicron groups were retrieved from the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System. Among these patients, individuals with a diagnosis of croup were identified to determine the incidence rate of croup in each group.
The Westley Croup Score was calculated on the basis of physical findings documented in the retrieved medical records. It evaluates croup severity using five clinical parameters16: (1) level of consciousness (normal=0, disoriented=5); (2) cyanosis (none=0, with agitation=4, at rest=5); (3) stridor (none=0, with agitation=1, at rest=2); (4) air entry (normal=0, mildly decreased=1, substantially decreased=2); and (5) retraction (none=0, mild=1, moderate=2, severe=3). The raw score ranges from 0 to 17; croup can be categorised as mild (score 0-2), moderate (score 3-5), severe (score 6-11), or impending respiratory failure (score ≥12).
The following outcome measurements were also assessed:
  1. Length of hospital stay (days);
  2. Dexamethasone use (number of doses and total amount used);
  3. Use of nebulised adrenaline;
  4. Respiratory support (oxygen therapy and high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy);
  5. Paediatric intensive care unit admission;
  6. Other associated medical co-morbidities during the same admission (febrile convulsion, wheezing attacks/acute bronchiolitis, gastrointestinal symptoms, pneumonia, poor feeding/dehydration requiring intravenous fluid therapy, or readmission/abnormal blood test results).
Multivariate analysis was performed to examine a range of risk factors. Age, sex, ethnicity, history of croup, history of respiratory diseases, and timing of croup diagnosis were included as possible factors affecting croup severity. The Westley score and number of doses of dexamethasone used were selected as outcome measurements for croup severity.
History of croup and history of respiratory diseases were included in multivariate analyses because they are known risk factors for severe or recurrent croup.17 18 Patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group were younger; thus, we regarded age as a possible confounding factor. Considering that croup had a male predominance in previous studies, sex was included as a potential risk factor. Ethnicity was included to determine whether the predominately Chinese population in Hong Kong would influence the outcomes compared with findings in previous studies primarily involving Caucasians or Asians.
Statistical analysis
The statistical significance of categorical variables was determined using the Pearson Chi squared test or Fisher’s exact test. The Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal–Wallis test were utilised to identify any statistically significant differences among groups regarding continuous variables (eg, age and length of stay). Multivariate analysis was performed by logistic regression. SPSS software (Windows version 28.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) was used for statistical analysis.
The STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) checklist was followed when preparing this article.
In total, 423 inpatients were diagnosed with croup during the study periods: 343 were diagnosed in the non–COVID-19 period, 50 were diagnosed in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron period, and 30 were diagnosed in the COVID-19–Omicron period.
Baseline characteristics
The baseline characteristics for patients in each time period are shown in Table 1. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) across the three groups in terms of sex ratio, ethnicity, history of prematurity, or significant medical history (including histories of croup and/or respiratory, neurodevelopmental, and cardiac diseases). Male sex predominance was observed across all groups (male-to-female ratio in the non–COVID-19 group=1.77; COVID-19–pre-Omicron group=2.33; COVID-19–Omicron group=5; P=0.079). Most patients were Chinese (non–COVID-19 group: 92.4%, COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 92.0%, COVID-19–Omicron group: 93.3%; P=0.725), born at term (non–COVID-19 group: 90.1%, COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 94.4%, COVID-19–Omicron group: 100.0%; P=0.223), and had previous good health (non–COVID-19 group: 66.5%, COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 72.0%, COVID-19–Omicron group: 70.0%; P=0.143).

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients with croup in the three time periods in the current study
Patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group had a median age of 11.0 months (interquartile range [IQR]=11), which was significantly younger than the median ages of patients in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group (19.5 months, IQR=22) and the non–COVID-19 group (17.0 months, IQR=13) [P=0.008].
Among patients diagnosed with croup, one (infection rate=2.6%) and 27 (infection rate=90.0%) were SARS-CoV-2–positive in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron and COVID-19–Omicron groups, respectively (Table 2). Patients diagnosed with croup in the COVID-19–Omicron group were more likely to be SARS-CoV-2–positive than patients with such a diagnosis in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group (P<0.001) [Table 2].

Table 2. Incidences of respiratory viruses in patients with croup across the three time periods in the current study
Additionally, 386 and 170 paediatric patients (aged 0-18 years) admitted to Tuen Mun Hospital were SARS-CoV-2–positive in the COVID-19–Omicron and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups, respectively. Among these patients, 27 were diagnosed with croup in the COVID-19–Omicron group and one was diagnosed with croup in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group; these values indicated that the incidence of croup among patients with COVID-19 was much higher in the COVID-19–Omicron group (rate=7.0%, 95% confidence interval [CI]=4.61%-10.17%; P=0.0019) than in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group (rate=0.59%, 95% CI=0.015%-3.28%; P=0.0019). Compared with other SARS-CoV-2 variants, the Omicron variant may be more strongly associated with croup.
Respiratory virus infection
Before the emergence of Omicron, among patients with croup, there were no differences in the rates of infection by respiratory viruses such as influenza (non–COVID-19 group: n=50, 19.9% vs COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: n=4, 10.3%; P=0.149), respiratory syncytial virus (non–COVID-19 group: n=27, 10.8% vs COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: n=1, 2.6%; P=0.146), and enterovirus/rhinovirus (non–COVID-19 group: n=40, 15.9% vs COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: n=11, 28.2%; P=0.061). Parainfluenza virus was the main respiratory virus detected in both groups (non–COVID-19 group: n=104, 41.4% vs COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: n=19, 48.7%; P=0.392). There was also no difference in the co-infection rate in the two groups (≥2 other respiratory viruses detected) [non–COVID-19 group: n=32, 12.7% vs COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: n=2, 5.1%; P=0.281] (Table 2).
However, after the emergence of Omicron, the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant became the main respiratory virus among patients with croup (co-infection in the COVID-19–Omicron group: n=0, vs non–COVID-19 group: n=32, rate=12.7%; P=0.033).
Because the respiratory viruses infecting patients with croup were similar between the COVID-19–pre-Omicron and non–COVID-19 groups, a pooled analysis was performed by grouping patients with croup in the two groups and compared with patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group. The results revealed that patients with croup in the COVID-19–Omicron group had significantly lower rates of infection with parainfluenza (COVID-19–Omicron group: n=2, 6.7% vs pre-Omicron group [non–COVID-19 group and COVID-19–pre-Omicron group]: n=123, 42.4%; P<0.001), influenza (COVID-19–Omicron group: n=0 vs pre-Omicron group: n=54, 18.6%; P=0.011), and enterovirus/rhinovirus (COVID-19–Omicron group: n=0 vs pre-Omicron group: n=51, 17.6%; P=0.007). There was no difference in the rate of infection with respiratory syncytial virus (COVID-19–Omicron group: n=1, 3.3% vs pre-Omicron group: n=28, 9.7%; P=0.499) between the time before and after the emergence of Omicron. The rates of infection with individual viruses are shown in Table 2.
Westley Croup Score
In the COVID-19–Omicron group, significantly more patients with croup had moderate disease (50.0%) or severe disease (6.7%) according to the Westley score, compared with the non–COVID-19 (moderate disease: 23.9%; severe disease: 0.9%; P<0.001) and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups (moderate disease: 22.0%; severe disease: 0%; P=0.004). The distribution of severity, according to the Westley score, was similar between the non–COVID-19 and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups (P=0.780) [Table 3].

Table 3. Westley Croup Score in patients with croup across the three time periods in the current study
Length of hospital stay
Because causative agents were similar between the non–COVID-19 and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups, they were grouped together for analysis again and compared with the COVID-19–Omicron group. Patients with croup had a significantly longer hospital stay in the COVID-19–Omicron group (mean=3.63 days, median=3.00, IQR=2) than the pre-Omicron group (mean=2.67 days, median=2.00, IQR=3; P=0.016). This finding indicated that patients with croup who were infected with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 required longer hospitalisation, implying that such patients had more severe disease than patients infected with other viruses in the pre-Omicron period.
Management strategies and outcomes
Table 4 illustrates treatments and management outcomes during the study periods.

Table 4. Management strategies in patients with croup across the three time periods in the current study
Dexamethasone use
Most patients required zero to one dose of dexamethasone (COVID-19–Omicron group: 66.7%; non–COVID-19 group: 87.5%; COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 90.0%; P=0.020). Significantly more patients required ≥2 doses in the COVID-19–Omicron group than in the non–COVID-19 (33.3% vs 12.5%; P=0.005) and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups (33.3% vs 10.0%; P=0.010). A need for repeated doses of dexamethasone indicated more severe disease, considering that guidelines recommend ≥2 doses of dexamethasone for patients with croup who display suboptimal clinical improvement.5 6 19 20 The difference remained statistically significant when the total amount of dexamethasone given was normalised according to the body weight of the patient; patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group required a larger total amount of dexamethasone (mean=0.78 mg/kg) compared with patients in the other two groups (mean of the non–COVID-19 group=0.58 mg/kg, P=0.001; mean of the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 0.49 mg/kg, P<0.001).
Nebulised adrenaline use
Nebulised adrenaline is often administered to patients with severe croup.5 6 19 20 Most patients in the study did not require nebulised adrenaline. During the non–COVID-19 period, 1.5% of patients (n=5) were given one dose, 0.9% (n=3) were given two doses, and 0.3% (n=1) were given three doses; in the COVID-19–Omicron and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups, only 6.7% (n=2) and 2.0% (n=1) of the patients, respectively, were given a single dose. No patients in the COVID-19–Omicron and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups required more than one dose. Overall, there was no significant difference in the need for nebulised adrenaline (P=0.551).
Respiratory support
Overall, 6.4% (n=22) of patients admitted in the non–COVID-19 period required oxygen therapy, whereas 2.0% (n=1) required oxygen in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron period and 13.3% (n=4) required oxygen in the COVID-19–Omicron period. Although the oxygen requirement tended to be higher in the COVID-19–Omicron group than in the other two groups, this difference was not statistically significant (P=0.134).
Respiratory support also included the use of humidified high-flow oxygen. No patients required intubation or other forms of mechanical ventilation. Humidified high-flow oxygen was required by 1.2% (n=4) of patients in the non–COVID-19 period, 6.7% (n=2) in the COVID-19–Omicron period, and 0% in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron period. There were no differences among the groups concerning humidified high-flow oxygen use (Table 4).
Paediatric intensive care unit admissions
In total, 2.9% (n=10), 2.0% (n=1), and 6.7% (n=2) of patients required paediatric intensive care unit admission while hospitalised among the non–COVID-19, COVID-19–pre-Omicron, and COVID-19–Omicron groups, respectively; there was no significant difference across the three groups (P=0.467) [Table 4].
Other co-morbidities
Patients with croup had a higher overall incidence of co-morbidities in the COVID-19–Omicron group (46.7%, n=14) than in the non–COVID-19 (25.4%, n=87) and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups (30.0%, n=15) [Table 5]. Patients with croup had a significantly higher incidence of new co-morbidities in the COVID-19–Omicron group than in the non–COVID-19 group, with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.575 (95% CI=1.207-5.491; P=0.012); this incidence did not differ between the COVID-19–pre-Omicron and non–COVID-19 groups (OR=1.427, 95% CI=0.749-2.718; P=0.278).

Table 5. Specific co-morbidities in patients with croup across the three time periods in the current study
With respect to specific co-morbidities (Table 5), there were no significant differences in the rates of febrile convulsion, pneumonia, intravenous fluid therapy requirement, readmission, or abnormal blood test results. However, significantly more patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group had gastrointestinal symptoms compared with patients in the other groups. Thus, the Omicron variant was associated with more concomitant gastrointestinal manifestations among patients with croup compared with such patients in the non–COVID-19 (OR=9.250, 95% CI=3.039-28.151; P<0.001) and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups (OR=3.086, 95% CI=2.217-4.292; P=0.002).
Importantly, no patients with croup in the COVID-19–Omicron group had concomitant wheezing attacks or bronchiolitis (n=0), compared with a rate of approximately 1 in 10 during the other two groups (non–COVID-19: n=42, 12.2%; COVID-19–pre-Omicron: n=5, 10.0%). However, the overall difference was not statistically significant (P=0.119) [Table 5].
Risk factors
The results in Table 6 indicate that differences in age (P=0.619), sex (P=0.588), ethnicity (P=0.090), history of croup (P=0.501), and history of respiratory diseases (P=0.253) did not affect the risk of greater croup severity. The timing of croup diagnosis was a significant risk factor for greater croup severity. After adjustment for the other factors, the OR for greater croup severity in the COVID-19–Omicron group was 3.94 (95% CI=1.79-8.62; P<0.001) compared with the non–COVID-19 group. Comparison of the COVID-19–Omicron and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups revealed an OR of 4.46 (95% CI=1.63-12.20; P=0.004) [Table 5].

Table 6. Multivariate analysis of factors affecting croup severity by logistic regression
The results were consistent when the number of doses of dexamethasone was regarded as the analysis outcome. Patients diagnosed with croup in the COVID-19–Omicron group had an increased risk of greater croup severity. The OR for requiring ≥2 doses of dexamethasone in the COVID-19–Omicron group, compared with the non-COVID group, was 3.02 (95% CI=1.26-7.25; P=0.013). Comparison of the COVID-19–Omicron and COVID-19–pre-Omicron groups showed an OR of 3.66 (95% CI=1.07-12.50; P=0.039) [Table 5].
Link between the Omicron variant and croup
Our results showed that SARS-CoV-2 became the predominant virus in patients with croup after emergence of the Omicron variant, surpassing parainfluenza virus, which was previously considered the most common viral cause of croup.7 This contrasts with the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group, during which there were no differences in the rates of detected respiratory viruses compared with the non–COVID-19 group. Thus, the Omicron variant was associated with a higher risk of croup, compared with other SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Additionally, among patients admitted for treatment of COVID-19, the incidence of croup was significantly higher in the COVID-19–Omicron group than in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group, indicating that the Omicron variant was associated with a higher risk of croup, compared with other SARS-CoV-2 variants. This finding is consistent with previous reports that the Omicron variant preferentially replicates in the upper respiratory tract,3 4 which differs from observations concerning other variants.
The lower co-infection rate during the COVID-19–Omicron period (0%), compared with the non–COVID-19 period (12.7%), could be attributed to the greater replication capacity and infectivity of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Another possible explanation for the lower co-infection rate and the shift in predominant respiratory virus from parainfluenza to the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 could have been the implementation of social distancing policies outlined in the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance [Cap 599 (F, G, I) of the Laws of Hong Kong]21 22 23 and school suspension24 25 26 27 28 29 in Hong Kong, which may have effectively reduced the transmission of upper respiratory tract infections. These effects were revealed through the reduction in the total number of patients with croup admitted during the 2-year interval since the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020. In the COVID-19–pre-Omicron period, only 50 patients were admitted for croup, compared with 343 during the non–COVID-19 period.
Increased croup severity in patients with the Omicron variant
The present study revealed the Omicron variant is causing greater croup severity compared with other variants and respiratory viruses, in terms of a significantly higher Westley score, longer hospitalisation, greater requirement for dexamethasone, and more concomitant gastrointestinal manifestations. Multivariate analysis also showed that patients in the COVID-19–Omicron group, when the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 was the predominant virus, were more likely to develop severe disease.
The decrease in the number of patients with concomitant wheezing attacks or bronchiolitis could be attributed to a lower viral load in the lower respiratory tract (relative to the upper respiratory tract), as observed in hamsters,19 30 along with the greater infectivity of the Omicron variant in nasal epithelial cells.3 4 Considering that wheezing attacks and bronchiolitis mainly affect small airways in the lower tract, these findings may explain the lower risks of such co-morbidities in patients with croup who exhibit the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
Regarding the length of stay, confounding factors such as quarantine policies, parental anxiety about hospitalisation, and various discharge criteria based on physician preferences could affect the observed correlation with disease severity.
During the ‘Omicron surge’, hospital discharge criteria were revised to allow early discharge for clinically stable patients without repeated RT-PCR testing; conversely, in the COVID-19–pre-Omicron group, negative RT-PCR results (or RT-PCR results with certain cycle threshold values) were required prior to discharge.31 32 33 A longer length of stay in patients with croup during the COVID-19–Omicron period despite these relaxed discharge criteria indicates that croup severity was greater in the COVID-19–Omicron period, although other co-morbidities in patients with COVID-19 may also have contributed to the increased length of hospital stay.
The potentially greater severity of croup in patients with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and the diverse range of co-morbidities in such patients had considerable impacts on patient health, caregiver stress, and the public health burden. More healthcare resources, such as in-hospital backup nebulising facilities, may be required during the Omicron-dominant era. The results of the present study will enable paediatricians to be more vigilant and predict a possibly longer disease course, along with the need for repeated dexamethasone administration or enhanced treatment, in patients with COVID-19&dash;Omicron–associated croup.
There were several limitations in this study. First, it was a single-centre study, limiting its ability to represent the overall population; thus, a more extensive study should be performed in the future.
Second, there was no unified treatment protocol for croup in our hospital. Exact medication dosing and timing (eg, concerning addition or repetition) were largely based on clinical decisions by multiple physicians, which may have considerably varied although all administered oral dexamethasone as first-line medication; repeated doses were given as needed, and nebulised adrenaline was reserved for patients with more severe disease.5 6 19 20 These factors could have affected the assessments of severity across study periods by modifying the doses of medication administered.
Third, measurement of the Westley score could have been under- or overestimated because it was based on clinical records, where data may have been omitted by attending physicians. These missing data could affect measurements of croup severity across study periods.
Finally, patients with croup admitted during the Omicron period (median age=11.0 months) were younger than such patients in previous periods (COVID-19–pre-Omicron group: 19.5 months; non–COVID-19 group: 17.0 months). Possible explanations include the greater transmissibility of the Omicron variant in younger populations compared with other variants34 and the lack of eligibility for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination among patients aged <3 years.35 Thus, overall protection could be compromised in the younger age-group. Other possible confounding factors, such as family history of croup and parental smoking habits, could not be assessed in this study because the data were not available in clinical records.
Future directions
This study focusing on croup and its associations with COVID-19 among Hong Kong children provides important insights that can help guide management of the Omicron variant. However, additional population-based studies involving patients from various centres in Hong Kong are needed to achieve a sample size that can facilitate the development of management protocols specifically targeting Omicron-associated croup. In the future, prospective studies could be performed to analyse the long-term outcomes of such patients, thereby facilitating the planning and allocation of healthcare resources in Hong Kong.
This retrospective study demonstrated that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is associated with croup in children; on admission, croup severity was greater compared with past observations of disease.
Author contributions
Concept or design: MCY Lam.
Acquisition of data: MCY Lam.
Analysis or interpretation of data: Both authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: MCY Lam.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: DSY Lam.
Both authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank Mr Jaden Lam, Statistical Officer, Quality and Safety Division, New Territories West Cluster for statistical analysis support.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This research was approved by the New Territories West Cluster Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Authority, Hong Kong (Ref No.: NTWC/REC/22030). Informed patient consent waiver was granted by the Committee due to the retrospective nature of the study.
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Dietary habits and physical activity during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: associated factors, composite outcomes in a cross-sectional telephone survey of a Chinese population, and trend analysis

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Feb;30(1):33–43 | Epub 19 Feb 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Dietary habits and physical activity during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: associated factors, composite outcomes in a cross-sectional telephone survey of a Chinese population, and trend analysis
Winnie YY Lin, MS, RDN1,2; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH3; Junjie Huang, MD, MSc3; Yijun Bai, MPH3; Siew C Ng, MB, BS, PhD1,2,4; Francis KL Chan, DSc, MD2,5
1 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Microbiota Innovation Center, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease and Institute of Digestive Disease, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Centre for Gut Microbiota Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Ms Winnie YY Lin (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic created many challenges for Hong Kong residents attempting to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. This study aimed to measure the prevalences of unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity levels in Hong Kong Chinese, identify associated factors, and conduct a time trend analysis during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted in Hong Kong by simple random sampling. The survey comprised socio-demographic characteristics, clinical information, the Hong Kong Diet Score (HKDS), smoking and alcohol consumption, and a Chinese version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form. The composite outcome was low HKDS, physical inactivity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. We used 14 Health Behaviour Survey reports from 2003 to 2019 to establish a trend analysis regarding fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity level, smoking, and alcohol consumption.
Results: We performed 1500 complete telephone surveys with a response rate of 58.8%. Most participants were older adults (≥65 years, 66.7%), women (65.6%), and married (77.9%). The HKDS was significantly lower in men, single individuals, low-income participants, alcohol drinkers, and patients with diabetes mellitus or renal disease. Participants who were single, undergoing long-term management of medical diseases, or had diabetes or renal diseases exhibited greater likelihood of physical inactivity.
Conclusion: Prevalences of unhealthy lifestyle habits were high among men, single individuals, and chronic disease patients during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. The adoption of physical activity habits tended to decrease in the past two decades.
New knowledge added by this study
  • This population-based survey indicated that a larger proportion of Hong Kong residents, compared with pre-pandemic years, had a non-healthy lifestyle during the third wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
  • Majority of participants had a low Hong Kond Diet Score, suggesting minimal adherence to the traditional Chinese eating pattern; these participants were mainly younger individuals and men.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • There is an urgent need to formulate and implement effective public health strategies at both individual and organisational levels. The encouragement of healthy lifestyles through evidence-based health promotion programmes is essential, which could be conveyed to communities through organised and concerted efforts by the government and relevant stakeholders.
  • Future studies should evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions and approaches to achieve these important goals.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected >770 million people worldwide, causing >7 million deaths as of 31 December 2023.1 The period between July and September 2020 constituted the third wave of the pandemic in Hong Kong, resulted in >1.2 million reported cases between 23 January 2020 and 29 January 2023.2 The containment strategies implemented during the third wave included mandatory mask wear in public places, even when exercising in public outdoor areas; suspensions of public leisure facilities and private gyms; and the initiation of work-from-home arrangements.3 These strategies led to reductions in physical activity and daily movement, with the goal of viral containment. Furthermore, compulsory social distancing and suspension of dine-in services were included among the policies that could affect various dietary and lifestyle habits, although these methods were less stringent than approaches in cities under lockdown. Overall, the unprecedented public health crisis created many challenges for Hong Kong residents attempting to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. Nevertheless, few studies have examined dietary and physical activity habits in the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic.4 5 6
Considering that individuals with chronic diseases are more likely to develop severe cases of COVID-19, this study aimed to measure the prevalences of unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity levels in an adult Chinese population, to identify factors associated with their adoption of these dietary and physical activity habits, and to perform a time trend analysis comparing the proportions of the population that adopted healthy dietary habits, physical activity levels, and avoidance of smoking and alcohol consumption during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We utilised a methodology similar to a previous population-based, random telephone survey conducted in Hong Kong.7 Two-stage sampling was performed, in which participants were recruited by trained interviewers through a telephone interview system based on telephone calls to landlines identified by random digit dialling. The sample population was randomly selected by the Centre for Health Behaviours Research at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Calls were made during typical office hours, 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Saturday between 7 and 31 October 2020. Three attempts were made if the call initially was not answered. Territory-wide, any Chinese adults aged ≥18 years who could communicate in Chinese via telephone were eligible to participate. Assuming an outcome variable rate of 35%, at least 1456 participants were required to achieve a precision level of 2.5% from the following formula:
where ‘p’ stands for proportion and ‘N’ stands for sample size.
The interviews were performed using a fieldwork manual highlighting standard operating procedures by a team of trained interviewers and supervised by an experienced project coordinator throughout the study. The characteristics of survey participants are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Participant characteristics (n=1500)
Survey instrument
The survey consisted of five sections: (1) socio-demographic details (age, sex, marital status, education level, job status, household income, and receipt of comprehensive social security assistance); (2) clinical information (eg, presence of chronic diseases); (3) smoking (current daily amount/ex-/non-smoker) and alcohol consumption habits (daily amount in the preceding 7 days); (4) dietary screening via the Hong Kong Diet Score (HKDS), using a validated scale that contained nine items assessing the participant’s daily consumption of nine food groups in the preceding 7 days; and (5) level of physical activity in the preceding 7 days, as determined by a Chinese version of the 7-item International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-C).
Scoring of the Hong Kong Diet Score, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and unhealthy lifestyle score
The traditional Mediterranean diet is well-defined and has been positively associated with favourable health outcomes.8 9 10 The Mediterranean diet score is used to measure compliance with a traditional Mediterranean diet. This scoring system has been widely utilised in studies that measure Mediterranean diet adherence or adaptation as an indicator of healthy dietary choices. In this study, we developed the HKDS, a dietary screener that contained nine items assessing dietary intake of nine food groups (alcohol, legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, red/orange vegetables, and fatty fish) in the preceding 7 days. The screener incorporated key traditional Greek diet characteristics, known as the Mediterranean diet score of de Groot et al,8 which were also used in a study of Hong Kong Chinese by Woo et al (Table 2).11 The original 8-item survey was modified by removing the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids and replacing ethanol with alcohol. Dietary fatty acids and ethanol are widely distributed among various food groups; they are typically assessed through weighted foods, which are unlikely to be accurately determined using a single question in a telephone interview. Two additional items were included regarding carotenoid-rich and omega-3–rich food intake based on the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety Recommended Nutrient Intake for vitamin A12 and the World Health Organization recommendation for omega-3. Both nutrients are inversely associated with incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). For each item, consumption at or above the recommended amount was scored as 1 point and 0 points otherwise; however, for ethanol, consumption below the specified amount was scored as 1 point and 0 points otherwise. Each participant received a total score of 0 to 9; a score of ≥5 was considered high. A pilot survey was conducted with a convenience sample of 23 participants. Intraclass correlation coefficient estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were determined using a two-way mixed-effects model to assess internal consistency regarding the number of serves (ie, serving sizes of the food group consumed) reported. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.87, indicating good reliability. Cohen’s κ was calculated to evaluate agreement between test and retest scores. Agreement between the two tests was fair (κ=0.24, 95% CI=-0.15 to 0.63; P=0.239).

Table 2. Prevalence of low dietary scores according to participant characteristics
The IPAQ-C score was regarded as a categorical variable indicating exercise level based on the frequency and intensity of physical activity: (1) low (total activity <600 metabolic equivalent of task [MET]–minutes/week), (2) moderate (total activity ≥600 MET-minutes/week), or (3) high (total activity >3000 MET-minutes/week).
Finally, an unhealthy lifestyle score (0 to 4) was assigned to each participant based on a composite outcome involving low HKDS, physical inactivity, current smoking habit, and alcohol consumption; each unhealthy habit contributed 1 point to the score.
Data analysis
We used SPSS software (Windows version 26.0; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States) for data analysis. Descriptive analyses were performed regarding the participants’ socio-demographic details, clinical information (eg, presence of chronic diseases), and the HKDS. The primary outcome variables included: (1) unhealthy dietary habits (low HKDS score); (2) suboptimal physical activity (low IPAQ-C score, indicating low exercise level); and (3) unhealthy lifestyle score (≥2). Univariable logistic regression was performed to examine associations between socio-demographic variables and each of the first two outcome variables. Multivariable logistic regression was modelled by controlling for covariates with P values <0.20 in univariable regression analysis, a cut-off level commonly used in public health research. For example, Torenfält and Dimberg13 utilised this approach when evaluating stroke and death in middle-aged Swedish men. The approach was also used in a French study14 concerning medical features of patients with COVID-19 and influenza. Additionally, linear regression analysis was conducted in the present study to examine associations between socio-demographic variables and the unhealthy lifestyle score. Time trends for various food intake, physical inactivity, current smoking, and alcohol consumption statuses were evaluated; the prevalences of these lifestyle habits were compared with population-wide figures from governmental reports over the past two decades using the Chi squared test for heterogeneity. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Data sources for time trend comparisons
The Centre for Health Protection has been conducting health surveys periodically since 2003 to collect information about health and lifestyle-related behaviours, as well as practices related to the prevention of NCDs among residents aged ≥15 years.15 The resulting reports have presented key findings concerning physical activity, dietary habits, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits, as well as other self-care practices. We gathered relevant findings from 14 governmental reports covering the period from 2003-2004 to 2018-2019 (calendar years with the most updated figures)15 to perform trend analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity level, smoking, and alcohol consumption status among Hong Kong residents. These results were compared with the findings of the present study; adjustments were solely performed for sex because the age distribution was limited in all but the most recent reports.
In total, 2551 individuals were contacted for a telephone interview and 1500 participated; the response rate was 58.8%. Most interviewed individuals were older adults (≥65 years, 66.7%), women (65.6%), and married (77.9%). Of the participants, 40.1% were engaged in professional and office work; only 16.3% had attained a tertiary education or higher. About 16% of participants reported a household income ≥HK$30 000, whereas 41.1% reported a household income <HK$10 000. Health status was predominately self-reported as average (42.5%) or above average (51.6%). More than half of the participants (54.5%) were undergoing long-term medical management or were taking medications for chronic diseases; the most common chronic conditions were diabetes mellitus (21.0%) and hypertension (42.7%) [Table 1].
Prevalence of low dietary score among Hong Kong Chinese
Dietary habits, as measured by the HKDS (score range, 2-9), were classified as high scoring (5-9) or low scoring (0-4). Approximately 51% of participants had a low score (Table 1), suggesting minimal adherence to the traditional Chinese eating pattern; these participants were mainly younger individuals (aged ≤34 years, 66%) and men (58%) [Table 2]. Greater proportions of participants with lower income, current smokers, and current drinkers had low scores according to the HKDS (54%, 69%, and 67%, respectively) [Table 2]. Participants with chronic diseases had various HKDS results; <50% of patients with renal diseases and diabetes had a high score, and this result indicated that they had a poor dietary habits.
Dietary habits and physical activity
A greater risk of practising unhealthy dietary habits (low HKDS) was associated with male sex (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]=1.31, 95% CI=1.03-1.67), non-married status (ie, single/divorced/widowed) [aOR=1.56, 95% CI=1.20-2.03], a diagnosis of diabetes (aOR=1.53, 95% CI=1.15-2.03), and alcohol consumption (aOR=1.76, 95% CI=1.17-2.64) [Table 3].

Table 3. Factors associated with unhealthy dietary habits (HKDS <5) among telephone-surveyed participants (n=766)
Among all participants, 35.5%, 54.0% and 10.5% had low, moderate, and high levels of physical activity, respectively (Table 1). Participants who were non-married (aOR=1.66, 95% CI=1.23-2.22), undergoing long-term management of medical diseases (aOR=1.65, 95% CI=1.08-2.54), had diabetes (aOR=1.39, 95% CI=1.02 to 1.89), and had renal diseases (aOR=9.32, 95% CI=2.06-42.25) exhibited greater likelihood of physical inactivity (Table 4).

Table 4. Factors associated with physical inactivity among telephone-surveyed participants (n=532)
Other lifestyle habits: smoking and alcohol
Few participants were current daily smokers (2.8%) and alcohol drinkers (8.5%) [Table 1].
Factors associated with higher risk of an unhealthy lifestyle score
Factors associated with an unhealthy lifestyle score are presented in Table 5. Male sex (beta coefficient [β]=0.25, 95% CI=0.16-0.34), non-married status (β=0.19, 95% CI=0.08-0.29), manual work (β=0.17, 95% CI=0.07-0.27), self-reported poor or very poor health status (β=0.26, 95% CI=0.07-0.45), a diagnosis of diabetes (β=0.31, 95% CI=0.20-0.41), and a diagnosis of renal disease (β=0.92, 95% CI=0.53-1.31) increased the likelihood of poor lifestyle habits. Housewife or retired status (β=-0.15, 95% CI=-0.25 to -0.04) and a higher household income (≥HK$30 000; β=-0.20, 95% CI=-0.33 to -0.08) decreased the likelihood of poor lifestyle habits.

Table 5. Factors associated with higher risk of unhealthy lifestyle score
Time trend analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption
The Health Behaviour Survey, with a response rate of 70.8% in the 2018/2019 report, is a population-based fieldwork study conducted by the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health.16 In that survey, female participants comprised 52.7% of the sample, compared with 65.6% in the present telephone survey. The age-group with the largest proportion of participants in the Survey was 65 to 74 years (36.7% vs 11.0%), which might have influenced the sex ratio.
Time trend analysis showed that the proportion of surveyed Hong Kong residents eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables declined for both sexes in general (Fig a). Similarly, a significantly smaller proportion of participants reported walking >10 minutes for ≥5 days per week, and this proportion has continued to decline since 2016 (Fig b). There was a gradual decrease in the number of participants with a moderate or high level of physical activity. Despite a notable peak in 2019, there was a decline in 2020 with <60% of participants reportedly engaging in these physical activities. Finally, significantly smaller proportion of the study participants reported not currently smoking or consuming alcohol, compared with the proportions in previous population-based surveys (2010-2019) [Fig c and d].

Figure. (a) Fruit and vegetable consumption, (b) physical activity, (c) smoking status, and (d) alcohol consumption status of surveyed Hong Kong residents from 2004 to 2020. The proportions of participants surveyed by the Department of Health since 2004 who reportedly engaged in healthy dietary habits (ie, consumed recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy), had a moderate to high level of physical activity, did not smoke, and did not drink, were compared with surveyed participants in 2020
In this population-based study of 1500 Hong Kong residents during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we found that the proportion of people with healthy food intake (ie, daily consumption of five servings of fruits and vegetables) has decreased since 2003; although a slight increased was observed in 2020, it was still below the overall average. Additionally, we found that the prevalence of low physical activity has gradually increased. In contrast, the rates of smoking and alcohol consumption were below the rates observed in pre-pandemic population-based surveys. Men and women in various age-groups had dietary habits less adherent to the traditional Chinese eating pattern, as measured by the HKDS, than 20 years prior. Adherence to the traditional eating pattern was significantly lower among male participants, single individuals, low-income participants, alcohol drinkers, individuals with low physical activity, and patients with diabetes mellitus or renal disease. We also found that men, individuals with non-married status, manual workers, individuals with self-perceived poor or very poor health status, and patients with diabetes and renal disease had a greater likelihood of poor lifestyle habits.
Worldwide, insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables and inadequate physical activity have been attributed to 34% and ≥20% of NCDs, respectively.17 18 The incidence of chronic diseases (eg, cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) in Hong Kong has increased by 60% in the past two decades.19 Although processed food intake was not assessed in this study, the HKDS results indicated very low intakes of legumes and red/orange vegetables among Hong Kong residents; a previous study showed that fruit intake in Hong Kong is among the lowest levels worldwide.20 The report of Health Behaviour Survey 2018/2019 revealed that 95.6% of surveyed participants had inadequate daily fruit and vegetable intake, based on World Health Organization recommendations.16 The present study showed further reduction, such that the proportion of Hong Kong residents consuming the recommended (≥5) daily servings of fruits and vegetables declined by 3.9% in the past two decades. Additionally, 10% of the population reported consuming more than one daily serving of processed meat, and the frequency of processed meat consumption increased by 3.1%.16 Another known risk factor for NCDs, overweight or obesity, affected approximately half of the Hong Kong population aged 15 to 84 years in 2015; this value was slightly (2%) below the global average.21
Disruptions to usual routines can lead to new dietary behaviours. For example, dine-in restrictions at restaurants and bars during the pandemic led to greater use of food delivery services, and take-away food is often less healthy.22 However, we observed increased fruit and vegetable consumption after the third wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. This finding is supported by the work of Wang et al,23 which showed that fruit and vegetable consumption increased. Collectively, the disease prevention and control policies that prohibited group gatherings and shortened the operating hours of bars and clubs (if such facilities were not entirely closed) could have significantly reduced smoking and alcohol consumption in Hong Kong during the pandemic. Additionally, the lower level of physical activity could be related to the closure of public sports avenues and restricted access to sports facilities.
The dietary habits of Hong Kong residents have changed from the traditional Chinese diet to a fast-paced dining experience involving convenient, processed foods with limited diversity. Hong Kong has a population of >7.5 million people, and 90% of its food supply is imported from other countries.24 Woo et al11 concluded that, despite geographical and cultural differences, traditional Chinese dietary habits were conceptually similar to the health-promoting Mediterranean diet. In 2001, high overall adherence to the Mediterranean diet was observed across all age-groups in Hong Kong, except for younger populations and men.11 In contrast, the present study showed that a smaller proportion of participants in all age and sex groups had high overall adherence to the Mediterranean diet. In this study, intriguingly, women consistently exhibited higher Mediterranean diet score (71%) and HKDS (53%; P<0.005) results, compared with their male counterparts. Moreover, the present study revealed lower prevalences of some chronic diseases among women: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and renal disease. The contemporary diets in modern Hong Kong and many developed regions have low fibre content and high processed food content; they also include food additives, refined sugar, and hydrogenated fats.25 The subtle but consistent westernisation of dietary habits appears to be detrimental for residents who consistently consume these food items.
A lack of colourful vegetables and fruits may reduce the diversity of beneficial gut microbiota,26 although leafy greens such as pak choy (Chinese cabbage), choy sum (Chinese flowering cabbage), and Chinese kale are staple foods in the Hong Kong diet throughout the year. Moreover, in a review of literature concerning exercise and gut microbial composition, Mitchell et al27 found that exercise alters gut microbiota; however, the direction of apparent change has varied among studies. Increases in butyrate-producing bacteria and faecal butyrate concentrations, with protective anti-inflammatory effects and the potential to enhance anti-infection immunity, have been observed among physically active adults.28 The mechanisms are unclear but the benefits of adopting a lifestyle with a diverse diet and physical activity consistently create an optimal environment for gut microbiota.
The large sample size and random sampling design of this territory-wide survey were strengths that enhanced the validity of the findings. However, this study had several limitations that should be addressed. First, cause-and-effect relationships between the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in lifestyle habits could not be established because of the cross-sectional approach. Individuals in home quarantine during the third wave of the pandemic might have experienced temporary changes in lifestyle habits; a prospective observational study and longer trend analysis are needed to facilitate long-term comparisons. Factors other than the pandemic (eg, mental wellness) could also have affected lifestyles among the study population. Although the present study utilised a random sampling strategy, non-response and selection biases were possible because younger segments of the Hong Kong population did not use landlines during the study period. Furthermore, response and social desirability biases may have been present in this telephone survey. Nevertheless, the high response rate and anonymous nature of this survey may have minimised these potential biases. Additionally, generalisation of the study findings should be performed with caution because the survey only included a single Chinese population. Considering that the participants’ characteristics differed from the general population, the findings might not be directly applicable to the general public. Moreover, the survey was conducted in 2020, and lifestyle habits in the general population might have changed throughout the pandemic. Finally, the low case numbers of some self-reported diseases, such as renal disease and cancer, may have resulted in type II error.
This representative population-based survey revealed that larger proportions of the general population had unhealthy lifestyles, including dietary habits and physical inactivity, during the COVID-19 pandemic than during pre-pandemic years. There is an urgent need to formulate and implement effective public health strategies at both individual and organisational levels. The encouragement of healthy lifestyles through evidence-based health promotion programmes is essential. This encouragement could be conveyed to communities through organised and concerted efforts by the government and relevant stakeholders. Future studies should evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions and approaches to achieve these important goals.
Author contributions
Concept or design: WYY Lin, MCS Wong.
Acquisition of data: WYY Lin, J Huang, Y Bai.
Analysis or interpretation of data: WYY Lin, J Huang, Y Bai.
Drafting of the manuscript: WYY Lin, MCS Wong.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As editors of the journal, MCS Wong and J Huang were not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
This research was approved by the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref No.: SBRE-20-099). The interviewees provided informed consent after they were briefed on the study purpose and being assured of the confidentiality measures in place.
1. World Health Organization. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. Available from: Accessed 19 Jan 2024.
2. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Situation of COVID-19 (23 January 2020 to 29 January 2023). 2023 July 27. Available from: Accessed 2 Feb 2024.
3. Chief Executive’s Office, Hong Kong SAR Government. Fighting the virus for six months battling another wave of the epidemic together. 2020 Jul 25. Available from: Accessed 6 Apr 2022.
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15. Center for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Non-communicable Disease Branch. Publications. Available from: Accessed 31 Jan 2024.
16. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Report of Health Behaviour Survey 2018/19. Available from: Accessed 29 Jan 2021.
17. World Health Organization. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. 2009. Available from: Accessed 29 Jan 2021.
18. World Health Organization. Physical activity. 2022. Available from: Accessed 22 Jan 2024.
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23. Wang J, Yeoh EK, Yung TK, et al. Change in eating habits and physical activities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional study via random telephone survey. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2021;18:33. Crossref
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26. Garcia-Mantrana I, Selma-Royo M, Alcantara C, Collado MC. Shifts on gut microbiota associated to Mediterranean diet adherence and specific dietary intakes on general adult population. Front Microbiol 2018;9:890. Crossref
27. Mitchell CM, Davy BM, Hulver MW, Neilson AP, Bennett BJ, Davy KP. Does exercise alter gut microbial composition? a systematic review. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2019;51:160-7. Crossref
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Genetic association of COVID-19 severe versus non-severe cases by RNA sequencing in patients hospitalised in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Feb;30(1):25–31 | Epub 8 Feb 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Genetic association of COVID-19 severe versus non-severe cases by RNA sequencing in patients hospitalised in Hong Kong
Qi Li, PhD1,2 #; Zigui Chen, PhD3 #; Yexian Zhang, PhD2 #; Renee WY Chan, PhD4,5,6,7; Marc KC Chong, PhD1,2; Benny CY Zee, PhD1,2; Lowell Ling, MD8; Grace Lui, MD8; Paul KS Chan, MD3; Maggie H Wang, PhD1,2
1 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, China
3 Department of Microbiology, Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Laboratory for Paediatric Respiratory Research, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 CUHK-UMCU Joint Research Laboratory of Respiratory Virus and Immunobiology, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
7 Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
8 Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
# Equal contribution
Corresponding author: Prof MH Wang (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused extensive disruption of public health worldwide. There were reports of COVID-19 patients having multiple complications. This study investigated COVID-19 from a genetic perspective.
Methods: We conducted RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis of respiratory tract samples from 24 patients with COVID-19. Eight patients receiving mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation were regarded as severe cases; the remaining 16 patients were regarded as non-severe cases. After quality control, statistical analyses were performed by logistic regression and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to identify genes associated with disease severity.
Results: Six genes were associated with COVID-19 severity in both statistical tests, namely RPL15, BACE1-AS, CEPT1, EIF4G1, TMEM91, and TBCK. Among these genes, RPL15 and EIF4G1 played roles in the regulation of mRNA translation. Gene ontology analysis showed that the differentially expressed genes were mainly involved in nervous system diseases.
Conclusion: RNA sequencing analysis showed that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection is associated with the overexpression of genes involved in nervous system disorders.
New knowledge added by this study
  • Differentially expressed genes between patients with severe and non-severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were reported.
  • Overexpression of genes involved in cell proliferation, viral binding and replication, and neurological and lung diseases was observed, suggesting a pathophysiological mechanism by which severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 induces lung inflammation and neurological complications.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Future studies that involve gene expression profiling with larger sample sizes, in vitro infection experiments, and animal models can help to elucidate the mechanisms and corresponding therapeutic approaches for neurological complications of COVID-19.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread to >500 million people and caused 6.2 million deaths worldwide as of 22 April 2022.1 Approximately 20% of patients with COVID-19 develop severe symptoms and 5% of patients require intensive care.2 A wide range of complications were reported with COVID-19 infection, including nervous system diseases,3 4 circulatory system diseases,5 6 7 8 9 urinary system diseases,10 and digestive system diseases.11
Various genetic associations with COVID-19 outcomes have been explored.12 13 14 15 A whole-genome sequencing study of germline mutations revealed a cluster of six genes (SLC6A20, CCR9, FYCO1, CXCR6, XCR1, and LZTFL1) that increased susceptibility to severe COVID-19 with respiratory failure.16 In a Chinese population, a whole-genome sequencing study of 332 patients with COVID-19 identified loci in the genes TMEM189 and UBE2V1 with potential genome-wide implications through the IL-1 signalling pathway.17 In an intensive care unit cohort of 15 patients with severe COVID-19, analysis of RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data from blood samples showed that the immune-modulating genes PD-L1 and PD-L2 were differentially expressed among patients with fatal outcomes.18
Thus far, studies of gene expression at initial sites of infection in patients with severe and non-severe COVID-19 remain limited. To investigate COVID-19 from a genetic perspective, we conducted RNA-Seq analysis of respiratory tract samples from patients with COVID-19; we sought to identify genes associated with disease severity.
Twenty-four patients were recruited from Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong between 7 February and 10 April 2020. All patients had severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, confirmed by two independent real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction assays targeting the N gene.19 Symptoms on admission were recorded, and medical histories were collected from clinical health records. Among the recruited patients, eight who received mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation were regarded as severe cases; the remaining 16 patients showed asymptomatic or mild (no pneumonia) to moderate (pneumonia but not requiring oxygen supplementation) disease and were regarded as non-severe cases. RNA sequencing was performed on upper and lower respiratory swab samples collected within 3 days after hospitalisation.
RNA sequencing data
Total RNA was extracted from respiratory swab samples using the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), pre-treated with DNase I and depleted of human rRNA and globin genes using the QIAseq FastSelect ribosomal RNA and globin mRNA Removal Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Illumina libraries for RNA-Seq next-generation sequencing were prepared using the KAPA HyperPrep Kit (Roche, Pleasanton [CA], US) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, then sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 500 system (Illumina, San Diego [CA], US) using 150 bp paired-end reads. The raw data consisted of 58 735 Ensembl-annotated20 genes. Quality control was performed to remove patients with low numbers of RNA-Seq reads (three samples) and genes with zero reads in >20% of samples (55 571 genes). Thus, 3164 genes remained available for differential expression analysis. Raw read count data were summarised as fragments per million reads mapped21 and then log2-transformed.
Statistical analysis
Logistic regression was utilised to identify genes associated with severity outcomes. Subsequent evaluations by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test were performed to test for differences in gene expression between groups. The Bonferroni corrected significance threshold was 1.58 × 10-5.
Functional analysis of genes
According to their disease relevance in the GeneCards21 22 and MalaCards23 24 databases, genes were categorised into the following 10 disease groups: nervous system, integumentary system, circulatory system, urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, reproductive system, and infectious diseases.
Demographics and baseline characteristics
The patients’ demographics and baseline characteristics are summarised in Table 1. The mean age of patients in the severe group was 62.13 years (95% confidence interval [CI]=53.34-70.91), which was significantly higher than that in the non-severe group (29.73 years; 95% CI=22.11-37.36). Compared with the non-severe group, the severe group had higher prevalences of complications including cardiovascular, liver, endocrine, and metabolic disorders, as well as higher rates of respiratory, fever, and diarrhoea symptoms. The COVID-19 World Health Organization score25 was significantly higher in the severe group than in the non-severe group. Lopinavir, antibiotics, conventional oxygen therapy, and mechanical ventilation were more commonly used for treatment in the severe group than in the non-severe group (Table 1).

Table 1. Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics of patients with severe and non-severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Differentially expressed genes according to RNA sequencing
Six genes, namely RPL15, BACE1-AS, CEPT1, EIF4G1, TMEM91, and TBCK, were differentially expressed between the severe and non-severe groups (all P values <0.05 in both logistic regression and the KS test) [Table 2]. Fold-change and odds ratio results indicated that these genes were consistently highly expressed in the severe group. The complete list of genes with P values <0.05 in KS test is provided in online supplementary Table 1.

Table 2. Differentially expressed genes between patients with severe and non-severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 according to RNA sequencing analysis
Gene ontology and enrichment analysis
The functions of the identified genes were summarised through database and literature searches. Two genes, 60S ribosomal protein L15 (RPL15) and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1 (EIF4G1), play roles in host translation of viral mRNA.26 27 28 Furthermore, the top genes were mainly involved in neurological disorders. RPL15 is involved in the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus,29 30 and baculovirus infection reportedly disrupts the expression of this gene.31 32 EIF4G1 plays a role in viral binding and affects the pathogenicity and virulence of H5N1 influenza A virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, and vaccinia virus33 34 35; it also contains multiple mutations among patients with familial Parkinson’s disease.36 TBCK encodes a conserved protein kinase that regulates cell size and proliferation.37 CEPT1 encodes choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase, which is used in the synthesis of choline- or ethanolamine-containing phospholipids. The function of TMEM91, a transmembrane protein, is unclear; however, the results of genome-wide association studies suggest that loci containing this gene are involved in lung diseases.
The non-coding gene BACE1-AS regulates the stability of the BACE1 protein and directly increases the abundance of amyloid beta-peptide (Aβ1-42) in Alzheimer’s disease.38 The implications of this gene in severe COVID-19 are unclear. For the top 15 overexpressed genes (P values in KS test <0.05), disease relevance data were retrieved from GeneCards22; 14 of the 15 genes (93.3%) have been linked to neurological diseases, followed by eye (80.0%) and psychiatric (73.3%) diseases. Thus, all of the top genes were involved in nervous system disorders (Fig).

Figure. Frequency of diseases related to the top identified genes (n=15)
Nervous system disorders such as encephalopathy, impaired consciousness, seizure, ataxia, neuropathies, neurodegenerative diseases, and anosmia have been extensively documented in patients with COVID-19.39 40 41 The two major potential pathogenesis pathways are direct viral invasion and immune-mediated injury. Direct viral entry to the central nervous system can travel through hematogenous or olfactory routes, or by transneuronal spread from the lungs.42 Post-mortem analysis of brain tissue from patients with COVID-19 encephalitis reportedly contained SARS-CoV-2 viral particles.43 44 Furthermore, a series of autopsy studies showed that localised inflammation of the brainstem nuclei, as well as the cytokine storm associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, could disrupt the blood–brain barrier and cause necrosis in the brains of patients with severe COVID-19.45 46 In patients with COVID-19, anosmia may be caused by an inflammation-mediated decrease in odorant receptor expression.47 Several studies have utilised RNA-Seq to characterise the transcriptomic profiles of patients with COVID-19.48 49 Significant downregulation of genes related to the hypoxia-inducible factor system was observed during periods of infection and oxygen deprivation.50 Additionally, transcriptomic profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells revealed that patients with COVID-19 shared several dysregulated genes with individuals who had bipolar illness, post-traumatic stress disorder, or schizophrenia.51 The present findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with differential expression of genes involved in nervous system disorders. Future studies that involve gene expression profiling with larger sample sizes, in vitro infection experiments, and animal models can help to elucidate the mechanisms and corresponding therapeutic approaches for neurological complications of COVID-19.
A major limitation of this study was its small sample size. Patient age distributions considerably differed between groups. However, age-stratified analysis showed effects consistent with the directions reported in Table 2, although the statistical significance was hindered by the small sample size (online supplementary Table 2 and online supplementary Fig). Further sequencing of samples collected from respiratory tract sites may provide stronger evidence of protein expression abnormalities at the initial site of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
In this study, we conducted RNA-Seq analysis to identify differentially expressed genes between patients with severe and non-severe cases of COVID-19. We observed overexpression of genes involved in cell proliferation, viral binding and replication, and neurological and lung diseases, suggesting a pathophysiological mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 induces lung inflammation and neurological complications.
Author contributions
Concept or design: BCY Zee, PKS Chan, MH Wang.
Acquisition of data: Z Chen, PKS Chan.
Analysis or interpretation of data: Q Li, Z Chen, Y Zhang, RWY Chan, MKC Chong, PKS Chan, G Lui, L Ling.
Drafting of the manuscript: Q Li, MH Wang.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Q Li, Y Zhang, MH Wang.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
BCY Zee is a shareholder of Health View Bioanalytic Limited. As a statistical adviser of the journal, MKC Chong was not involved in the peer review process. MH Wang is a shareholder of Beth Bioinformatics Co, Ltd. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This research was partially supported by the Health and Medical Research Fund of the former Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government (Ref Nos.: COVID190103, COVID190112 and INF-CUHK-1), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Project Impact Enhancement Fund (Ref No.: CUPIEF/Ph2/COVID/06) and CUHK Direct Grant (Ref No.: 2020.025). The funders had no role in study design, data collection/analysis/interpretation, or manuscript preparation.
Ethics approval
The study protocol of this research was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ref No.: 2020.076). All patients provided written informed consent for participation in this research.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material was provided by the authors and some information may not have been peer reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content.
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COVID-19 vaccination and transmission patterns among pregnant and postnatal women during the fifth wave of COVID-19 in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Feb;30(1):16–24 | Epub 16 Jan 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
COVID-19 vaccination and transmission patterns among pregnant and postnatal women during the fifth wave of COVID-19 in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong
PW Hui, MD, FRCOG; LM Yeung, BNur, MPH; Jennifer KY Ko, MB, BS, MRCOG; Theodora HT Lai, MB, BS, MRCOG; Diana MK Chan, MB, BS, MRCOG; Dorothy TY Chan, MB, BS; Sophia YK Mok, MB, BS, MRCOG; Kitty KW Ma, MB, BS; Pamela SY Kwok, BNur, MSM, Polly WC Pang, BN; Mimi TY Seto, MB, BS, MRCOG
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr PW Hui (
 Full paper in PDF
Introduction: Vaccination is a key strategy to control the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Safety concerns strongly influence vaccine hesitancy. Disease transmission during pregnancy could exacerbate risks of preterm birth and perinatal mortality. This study examined patterns of vaccination and transmission among pregnant and postnatal women during the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong.
Methods: The Antenatal Record System and Clinical Management System of the Hospital Authority was used to retrieve information concerning the demographic characteristics, vaccination history, COVID-19 status, and obstetric outcomes of women who were booked for delivery at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong and had attended the booking antenatal visit from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
Results: Among 2396 women in the cohort, 2006 (83.7%), 1843 (76.9%), and 831 (34.7%) had received the first, second, and third doses of COVID-19 vaccine, respectively. Among 1012 women who had received the second dose, 684 (67.6%) women were overdue for their third dose. There were 265 (11.1%) reported COVID-19 cases. Women aged 20 to 29 years had a low vaccination rate but the highest disease rate (19.1%). The disease rate was more than tenfold higher in women who had no (20.3%) or incomplete (18.8%) vaccination, compared with women who had complete vaccination (2.1%; P<0.001).
Conclusion: Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination was low in pregnant women. Urgent measures are needed to promote vaccination among pregnant women before the next wave of COVID-19.
New knowledge added by this study
  • As of 30 June 2022, only 34.7% of women in Hong Kong had received three doses of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine.
  • Two-thirds women scheduled for a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine did not receive the booster dose during pregnancy.
  • The disease rate was almost ten times higher in women who had no or incomplete vaccination, compared with women who had complete vaccination.
  • Women aged 20 to 29 years had a low vaccination rate but the highest disease rate.
Implications for clinical practice or policy
  • Pregnant women should receive education concerning the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Delayed receipt of booster doses increase susceptibility to COVID-19 during future waves.
  • A comprehensive programme incorporating pertussis and COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women should be considered.
Vaccination is an effective tool to combat the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Two types of COVID-19 vaccines are used in Hong Kong: the Sinovac-CoronaVac inactivated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine (Sinovac Biotech Ltd, Beijing, China) and Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b2 (Pfizer Inc, Philadelphia [PA], United States) messenger RNA vaccine began distribution on 26 February 2021 and 10 March 2021, respectively.
According to the World Health Organization, vaccine hesitancy is defined as delaying or refusing vaccination despite the availability of vaccination services.1 In a study conducted during the third wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the overall vaccine acceptance rate was approximately 37%.2 Although the subsequent acceptance rate has varied with pandemic progression, confidence in COVID-19 vaccines has remained a key factor in reducing vaccine hesitancy.3
Pregnant women were generally excluded from clinical trials focusing on the development, safety, and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.4 When COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in Hong Kong, routine vaccination was not recommended for women who were pregnant or breastfeeding, except when there was a high risk of exposure or complications.5 The relative lack of data may have contributed to vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women.6 7 8 Based on data concerning the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccination in preventing serious illness,9 COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, planning to become pregnant, or may become pregnant in the future.10 11
On 23 April 2021, the Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG) issued an interim recommendation that pregnant women receive the BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the general population.12 On 18 February 2022, the Sinovac vaccine was also recommended for use in pregnant women.12 Furthermore, the recommended interval between the second and third doses of COVID-19 vaccine was shortened from 180 days to 90 days, beginning on 4 March 2022. The vaccine pass policy for entry to specific premises was tightened on 31 May 2022.13 For persons who were over 18 years old and had no history of infection, a minimal of two doses of vaccination was required. A third dose was required if the second dose was taken over 6 months ago. Starting from 13 June 2022, women attending obstetric clinics were required to provide a negative result proof of a polymerase chain reaction–based nucleic acid test conducted with specimen collected within 48 hours before the visit if they did not fulfil the vaccine pass requirement.14
The fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong has resulted in an overwhelming number of COVID-19 cases. Pregnant women are not automatically protected from COVID-19; indeed, their vaccine hesitancy and low vaccination rate may lead to greater susceptibility. Information concerning the patterns of COVID-19 vaccination and disease transmission among pregnant women in Hong Kong is unavailable. This study examined patterns of vaccination and transmission among pregnant women who were booked for delivery at a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong, with the goal of providing insights into maternal disease characteristics.
This retrospective review included women who were booked for delivery at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong and had attended the booking antenatal visit from 1 July 2021 to 31 March 2022. Information concerning COVID-19 vaccination history was retrieved from the Clinical Management System of the Hospital Authority, which captured COVID-19 vaccination data from the Department of Health.
Pregnant women were diagnosed with COVID-19 because of symptoms or (in the absence of symptoms) during admission screening. Women diagnosed with COVID-19 through other channels were able to reschedule their appointments. Phone consultations were provided by the obstetric team at Queen Mary Hospital. The clinical details of COVID-19 cases were documented in the computerised Antenatal Record System. Additionally, antenatal progress notes were updated if a pregnant woman reported a history of COVID-19 during a follow-up visit. Data regarding demographic characteristics, COVID-19 status, and obstetric outcomes were retrieved from the Antenatal Record System.
The vaccinated group comprised women who received at least one dose of any type of COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination periods were classified as pre-pregnancy, antenatal, and postnatal for women with a known date of delivery, miscarriage, or termination of pregnancy as of 30 June 2022. For women with ongoing pregnancies and unknown obstetric outcomes, the vaccination period was estimated according to the expected date of delivery. Antenatal status was regarded as known ongoing pregnancy before 42 weeks of gestation. A vaccination episode was defined as any episode of COVID-19 vaccination including the first, second, and third doses. The number of days elapsed since vaccination was defined as the interval between the last dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 30 June 2022 for women who had received one or two doses of vaccine. Complete vaccination was regarded as the period between 15 and 90 days after the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, or 14 days after the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for women who had never been diagnosed with COVID-19. For women with COVID-19, the date of diagnosis was regarded as the reference point when determining vaccination status.
Descriptive statistics were reported. Vaccination rates were calculated according to age-group. Background demographic characteristics were compared between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. Student’s t test, analysis of variance, and the Chi squared test were used as appropriate. Regression analyses were conducted to identify factors affecting vaccine acceptance. P values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (Windows version 26; IBM Corp, Armonk [NY], United States).
Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of 2396 pregnant women who had attended the booking antenatal visit between 1 July 2021 and 31 March 2022. As of 30 June 2022, 2006 (83.7%), 1843 (76.9%), and 831 (34.7%) women had received the first, second, and third doses of COVID-19 vaccine, respectively. Among the 1843 women who had received two doses of vaccine, 1056 (57.3%) underwent vaccination before pregnancy (Fig 1). Of these 1843 women, 831 received a third dose; the median interval between the second and third doses was 280 days (interquartile range, 239-308). Of the remaining 1012 women who had received only two doses of vaccine, 684 (67.6%) and 504 (49.8%) had already passed the 90-day and 180-day intervals, respectively. Their median number of days elapsed since the last vaccine was 315 (interquartile range, 145-368), which considerably exceeded the recommended 90-day interval.

Table 1. Background characteristics of women who received antenatal care between 1 July 2021 and 31 March 2022

Figure 1. Pattern of coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination episodes according to timing of vaccination
Only 26.6% (1243/4680) of vaccination episodes occurred during pregnancy. Among women who underwent antenatal vaccination, 65.7% (817/1243) had it during the fifth wave of COVID-19 between January 2022 and June 2022; 65.7% (537/817) of these women received the third dose. The two peaks of vaccination for third dose were observed in early March 2022 and late May 2022 (Fig 2).

Figure 2. Vaccination episodes during the fifth wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The vaccination rate was the lowest among Chinese women (81.4%), but the highest among Caucasian women (96.4%) [Fig 3]. Multivariate analysis showed that active working status (odds ratio [OR]=1.94; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.47-2.56) was significantly associated with a higher COVID-19 vaccination rate, whereas Chinese ethnicity (OR=0.21; 95% CI=0.13-0.33) and women with obstetric complications (OR=0.72; 95% CI=0.55-0.94) were significantly associated with a lower COVID-19 vaccination rate.

Figure 3. Percentages of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination and disease transmission among pregnant women by ethnicity
In total, there were 265 (11.1%) COVID-19 cases in this cohort; the earliest diagnosis was made on 1 January 2022 during the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong (Table 2). The disease rate was more than tenfold higher in women who had no (20.3%) or incomplete (18.8%) vaccination, compared with women who had complete vaccination (2.1%; P<0.001). After exclusion of pregnancies among women aged ≤19 years, there was an insignificant trend of lower vaccination among young women (ie, aged 20-29 years), but their disease rate was the highest (19.1%) [Fig 4].

Table 2. Vaccination background and pregnancy outcome among pregnant women with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Figure 4. Percentages of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination and disease transmission among pregnant women by age
Among 237 (89.4%) women who had an antenatal diagnosis of COVID-19, 42 (17.7%) required admission for monitoring and 26 (11.0%) delivered in an isolation facility. No women required intensive care or oxygen support. There were no adverse maternal outcomes or cases of vertical transmission.
Coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination
To our knowledge, this is the first report of the low COVID-19 vaccination rate (83.7%) among pregnant women in Hong Kong. This rate is considerably lower than the single-dose rate among the general public (92.7%) that was reported on the government’s vaccination dashboard on the final day of the study period (ie, 30 June 2022).15 Furthermore, the disease rate was more than threefold higher in women who had no or incomplete vaccination, compared with women who had complete vaccination.
Pregnant women are considered a vulnerable group. The substantial increase in the disease rate, combined with a lower vaccination rate, among women aged 20 to 29 years is particularly concerning. A case of COVID-19 during pregnancy can lead to adverse obstetric outcomes, including increased risks of preterm delivery, growth restriction, and stillbirth.16 In addition to the effectiveness of vaccination in terms of reducing severe complications, the transplacental transfer of immunoglobulins after maternal vaccination might provide infants with protection against COVID-19.10 16 17 18
Vaccine hesitancy
Vaccine hesitancy is a potential public health problem.19 The five psychological antecedents of vaccination are confidence, complacency, constraints, calculation, and collective responsibility.20 21 Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination has varied among countries, with the highest rates reported in India, the Philippines, and Latin America.22 In the present study, Chinese women had a lower vaccination rate, compared with their non-Chinese counterparts.
The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to a decrease in vaccine hesitancy.23 In May 2021, a systemic review showed that an estimated 47% of pregnant women worldwide intended to undergo COVID-19 vaccination.24
Communities generally become more complacent when the number of disease cases is low, suggesting that the perceived risk of disease transmission is minimal. This phenomenon was evident in Hong Kong across several waves of COVID-19 transmission.15 The vaccination rate increased during the fifth wave of COVID-19 when there was an exponential surge in the number of disease cases. A similar pattern was observed in the present study, such that two-thirds of the antenatal vaccination episodes occurred during the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong.
Despite this relative surge in vaccination, around two-thirds of women eligible for the third dose did not receive it during pregnancy. This delay poses a major threat because the protective effect of the previous two doses may have dissipated. Importantly, although the rate of vaccination was higher in the antenatal group than the postnatal group, most women in the antenatal group had undergone vaccination before pregnancy. Thus, they may have a higher risk of serious adverse effects from COVID-19 if they become ill in the peripartum period. After exclusion of the small number of pregnant women aged ≤19 years, vaccination rates were consistently low among pregnant women of all ages. Pregnant women may have a higher risk of disease transmission in future waves of COVID-19; at the end of the present study, only one-third of pregnant women in this cohort had received three doses of vaccine.
Lack of confidence has been identified as the main factor consistently associated with lower COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.3 The implementation of the stringent vaccine pass policy had driven another peak of vaccination in late May 2022. However, nearly half of the women who had received two doses of vaccine were indeed overdue for the third dose, and hence did not fulfil the vaccine pass for entrance to specific premises or could not attend obstetric clinics without undergoing nucleic acid testing. This group of vaccine had received COVID-19 vaccine before but had it mostly before pregnancy. Pregnancy could represent the key hindrance for their vaccination in the antenatal period. Government policy might not be adequate enough for promoting vaccination in pregnant women. Concern about possible harmful side-effects was the top reason for reluctance; confidence in COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy was the main predictor of acceptance, particularly in the pregnant population.8 22 In a Japanese cohort, concerns about potential effects on the fetus and breastfeeding were the main reasons for low COVID-19 vaccination acceptance.25 These findings highlight the need to distribute correct information and provide sufficient education to address concerns among women of reproductive age. In particular, antenatal women should receive additional information concerning vaccine safety during pregnancy.
Vaccination promotion
A study in Hong Kong showed that recommendations from the government constituted the strongest factor driving COVID-19 vaccine acceptance.2 Education about the safety and benefit of vaccination is also important.7 Webinars would be useful in efforts to educate the general public. Within the hospital setting, vaccination teams comprising obstetricians and midwives could allay concerns and dispel myths about vaccination among working staff at all levels; this approach could provide useful information for pregnant and breastfeeding women. There is also a need to combat physician hesitancy in recommending COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women.26 To address this need, the HKCOG revised its recommendations on 3 March 2022 to indicate that women who are planning to become pregnant, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding should undergo COVID-19 vaccination along with the general population.12 A corresponding educational video to promote COVID-19 vaccination was made available on 5 March 2022.12
Possible interventions to promote vaccination in Hong Kong include the provision of vaccines at convenient venues and the involvement of healthcare professionals in information dissemination.27 During the fifth wave of COVID-19, pregnant women were proactively asked to consider COVID-19 vaccination when they attended obstetric clinics. Leaflets were distributed with information about the HKCOG recommendations, as well as community vaccination sites. The establishment of a pathway specifically for pregnant women, which reduced their waiting time in vaccine clinics, also helped to increase the vaccination rate. Moreover, vaccination was provided to women in the maternity wards of some hospitals and women attending antenatal clinics in Maternal and Child Health Centres. All of these measures helped reduce vaccine hesitancy in pregnant women.28
In Hong Kong, a pertussis vaccination programme for pregnant women was launched on 2 July 2020.29 The programme was incorporated into antenatal care, such that all pregnant women received counselling concerning the rationale for vaccination; the vaccine was administered during obstetric follow-up. To facilitate vaccine availability in our hospital, all women were asked to indicate their preference concerning pertussis vaccination during the first antenatal visit. It may be useful to incorporate COVID-19 vaccination into the maternal immunisation programme.
This study had some notable strengths. The results of the present large cohort study provide clinicians and policymakers with key insights concerning the COVID-19 vaccination rate among pregnant women in Hong Kong. The study period was designed to include both antenatal and postnatal periods for a better understanding of vaccination behaviour among women in each period. A real-time collection method was adopted to capture COVID-19 vaccination records from the Clinical Management System, thereby ensuring data reliability.
Nevertheless, this study had some limitations. A small number of women who underwent COVID-19 vaccination outside Hong Kong were not automatically identified in the system; however, they were included in the cohort if their vaccination history had been documented in antenatal records. Because rapid antigen self-tests were acceptable for diagnosis in Hong Kong beginning on 26 February 2022, the number of recorded COVID-19 cases in our cohort might have been lower than the actual number of cases if patients did not report positive COVID-19 test results to our department. Finally, this study did not explore whether the generally more cautious approach of pregnant women, in terms of avoiding all types of diseases, might contribute to a lower disease rate compared with the general public.
The rate of COVID-19 vaccination was low among pregnant and postnatal women in Hong Kong in early 2022. Pregnant women had a high risk of disease transmission because many of them had not received the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Urgent measures are needed to promote vaccination among pregnant women before future waves of COVID-19. In particular, women should receive information concerning vaccine safety to avoid unnecessary delays related to pregnancy.
Author contributions
Concept or design: PW Hui, DTY Chan.
Acquisition of data: All authors.
Analysis or interpretation of data: PW Hui.
Drafting of the manuscript: PW Hui, LM Yeung, JKY Ko, THT Lai, MTY Seto.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank Dr TW Chay, Dr YF Chiu, Ms WK Choi, Dr TY Hui, Dr KH Lam, Dr KS Lee, Dr YH Luk, Dr SK Ma, Dr HS Wang, Dr CCY Wong, Dr CL Wong, Dr LC Wong, and Dr CWK Yan of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Mary Hospital for their contributions to research data retrieval and entry.
The abstract has been presented online in the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists World Congress 2023 (14 June 2013, London, United Kingdom).
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Ethics approval
Ethics approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of The University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (Ref No.: UW 22-205). Informed patient consent has been waived by the Board due to the retrospective nature of the research.
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