Implications of evidence-based understanding of benefits and risks for cancer prevention strategy
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Implications of evidence-based understanding of
benefits and risks for cancer prevention strategy
Harry HX Wang, PhD1,2; JJ Wang, MD, MPH3,4
1 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen
University, PR China
2 General Practice and Primary Care,
Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
3 School of Public Health, Guangzhou
Medical University, PR China
4 Guangdong-provincial Primary
Healthcare Association (GDPHA), PR China
Corresponding author: Dr Harry HX Wang (

As the second leading cause of death worldwide,
cancer has posed enormous burden to patients, their families, and the
society as a whole. The shift from cancer treatment to prevention, with an
emphasis on coordinated multisectoral actions, has become a global trend.
The Hong Kong Cancer Strategy 20191 recently released by the Hong Kong SAR Government is
the first holistic plan to upscale cancer prevention and control in Hong
Kong. Target outcomes of the seven aspects in the Strategy are expected to
be achieved by 2025. The key strategies set for cancer prevention include
reducing risk factors, providing population-based cancer screening based
on evidence, seeking early detection and diagnosis, and strengthening
primary healthcare services in Hong Kong. Globally, the UK has long been
featured by its expanding role of primary care in cancer prevention.2 Meanwhile, primary care is also being promoted
increasingly in mainland China,3
where a community-based longitudinal study is in progress. Patients’
adherence to healthy lifestyles is being followed up within the context of
family doctor team–led activities to prevent long-term conditions that
share common risk factors with cancer.
To date, a substantial body of research evidence in
primary prevention of cancer has confirmed that modifiable lifestyles such
as tobacco consumption, alcohol use, poor diet, physical inactivity, and
overweight and obesity are associated with cancers, such as colorectal,
lung, breast, prostate, and liver cancer, that are prevalent locally and
internationally. Infections, exposure to environmental and occupational
carcinogens, and exposure to radiation are also important in cancer
development. Public health education and health policies that encourage
healthy (or discourage unhealthy) behavioural practices can greatly
benefit the prevention of cancer. Evidence from the UK suggested that
approximately 4 in 10 cancer cases could be prevented through behavioural
changes alone.4 5 6 Furthermore,
a widespread adoption of vaccination administration approach, such as
universal vaccination against hepatitis B virus that has been part of the
Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme for 30 years, has shown to be
safe and most cost-effective in reducing the incidence of liver cancer.
Most recently, eligible female primary school students of suitable ages
will be provided with human papillomavirus vaccination, starting from the
2019/20 school year, as evidence supports this vaccination strategy as
effective in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer.
Of equal importance is the secondary prevention of
cancer that aims to detect cancer at an early stage when treatment is more
effective. Cancer screening and early detection is inevitably a
multi-determined field with complexity illustrated by the overriding
concern on whether screening does more good than harm to individuals and
to society. Recommendations and controversies on the benefits and
downsides of prevention and screening strategy have been brought to the
public’s attention with regard to cervical cancer,7 colorectal cancer,8
and breast cancer.9 10 11 12 At present, the cervical screening programme and the
colorectal cancer screening programme are the two territory-wide
strategies regularised in Hong Kong based on current evidence.1 It is recommended that Hong Kong individuals aged 50 to
75 years with average risk for colorectal cancer should consult their
physicians to consider either one of the three screening modalities
(faecal occult blood test, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy) at different
screening intervals. This is consistent with UK policy, where asymptomatic
individuals who are at average risk and aged ≥50 years are provided with
flexible sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood test.2 On certain types of cancers such as breast cancer, most
criticisms of the screening are related to unfavourable
cost-effectiveness, false-positive (or false-negative) results,
overdiagnosis, overtreatment, complications arising from subsequent
invasive procedures, and psychological distress.9
Therefore, population-based mammography screening still requires more
robust evidence to ascertain the screening appropriateness for asymptotic
women at average risk. For prostate cancer, recent evidence of its
incidence and mortality highlights the potential influence of cancer
screening and diagnostic ascertainment on geographic variations.13 A local study conducted among Chinese patients with
prostate cancer14 reported that
patients who presented with cancer-related symptoms had more metastatic
disease and poorer prognosis than asymptomatic individuals who were
diagnosed by an opportunistic case-finding preventive approach. This
implied the importance of screening methodology in secondary prevention of
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal,
Cheng et al15 examined incidence
and types of complications and associated predictive factors for
transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) biopsy in diagnosing suspected
prostate cancer. In their retrospective cohort study, the authors
demonstrated a satisfactorily low level of overall post-biopsy
complications that required subsequent visits to emergency departments or
hospital admissions. Their findings support the use of TRUS biopsy as a
safe procedure for diagnosing suspected prostate cancer. Although these
findings from Hong Kong may not be readily generalisable to Western
populations, they are compatible with guidelines released by the British
Association of Urological Surgeons and the British Association of
Urological Nurses that support the use of TRUS biopsy in early detection
given its widespread availability, affordability, and easy-to-learn
procedure.16 The UK National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends that physicians should
explain the risks and benefits to patients with adequate time for informed
consideration.17 As suggested by
Cheng et al,15 more evidence
generated from a multicentre study in the wider Asian population would be
valuable to offer a comprehensive picture of the magnitude of the
A methodological highlight of Cheng et al’s study15 is the investigation performed
on the basis of a territory-wide centralised electronic patient record
system in Hong Kong. In the UK, electronic clinical decision support has
been in use for adult cancer. Primary care clinical computers are
integrated with diagnostic software, which can automatically search the
records for relevant entries with an absolute cancer risk estimated.2 As advocated in The Hong Kong Cancer Strategy 2019, the
application of big data analytics should be given a priority to examine
clinical information for better management of cancer patients.
Improvements in cancer detection and patient
outcome, with reduced mortality, are the prime goal of cancer prevention.
Emphasis on the individuals’ continuous engagement in their care should be
placed across the cancer continuum with enhanced capacity and expertise
support. Primary prevention remains the single most effective and
efficient strategy in both clinical and community settings for many
decades. Secondary prevention, despite holding the potential for reduced
morbidity and mortality through concentrated efforts in screening and
early detection, requires more cutting-edge science and high-quality data
to ascertain the appropriateness at each risk stratum. The government
should be proactive in developing structured cancer screening programmes,
based on up-to-date and robust evidence confirming that the benefits
outweigh risks and harms, and ensure adequate coverage for the target
population. Cancer screening interventions that remain controversial
should be subject to individualised consideration and undergo rigorous
risk-benefit assessments before being recommended for implementation on a
wider scale. Meanwhile, emphasis should be made on individual preferences
and shared decision making with sufficient discussions that detail the
benefits, uncertainties, and possible complications to patients, their
families and carers.
The future of cancer prevention is challenging but
promising. We look forward to a growing body of scientific work that can
further advance the understanding of benefits and risks arising from
emerging strategies and novel technologies in cancer prevention. Knowledge
accumulated and transferred from evidence-based studies will ultimately
help achieve the vision and mission of The Hong Kong Cancer Strategy 2019.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the concept or design;
acquisition of data; analysis or interpretation of data; drafting of the
article; and critical revision for important intellectual content. All
authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved
the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its
accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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