Strengthening lung cancer screening in Hong Kong: policy, innovation, and collaborative approaches for early detection and improved outcomes
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Strengthening lung cancer screening in Hong Kong: policy, innovation, and collaborative approaches for early detection and improved outcomes
Herbert HF Loong, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)1,2; Alan DL Sihoe, MB, BChir, FHKAM (Surgery)3; Derek YT Cheung, MPhil, PhD4; YT Cheung, BSc, PhD5; David CL Lam, MD, PhD6; Joseph SK Au, MB, BS, FHKAM (Radiology)7; Molly SC Li, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)1; Ariel JY Lim, BSc8; Judy YT Li, BSc, MPH8; William Thomas Brown, MEng8; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH9,10
1 Department of Clinical Oncology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Editor, Hong Kong Medical Journal
3 CUHK Medical Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
7 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Oncology Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China
8 Asia Pacific Policy Review and Engagement for Lung Cancer
9 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
10 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (

On 24 September 2024, the Lung Cancer Care
Continuum Policy Forum Series convened in Hong
Kong, bringing together leading experts from the
health system to assess the current state of lung
cancer management, enhance collaboration across
specialities, and formulate policy recommendations
specific to Hong Kong.1 This inaugural event was the
first in a series aimed at evaluating existing research
and advancing local lung cancer care practices,
with a particular emphasis on improving screening
Despite the diversity of specialisations
represented, the experts unanimously emphasised
a shared goal of reducing lung cancer mortality
and alleviating the overall burden of the disease.
They highlighted the importance of collaboration,
data sharing, and open dialogue for aligning efforts
towards this common objective. Reflecting the group’s
collective perspective, insights and contributions
from the presentations and discussions have been
consolidated into this editorial.
Lung cancer burden in Hong Kong
Lung cancer remains one of the most common and
fatal cancers in Hong Kong; the 5978 new cases
reported in 2021 constituted 15.5% of all cancer
diagnoses.2 The age-standardised mortality rates for
lung cancer were 29.7 and 14.0 per 100 000 standard
population among men and women, respectively.2 Hong Kong’s current strategy mainly targets tobacco
use as the primary cause of lung cancer but lacks
a comprehensive framework for screening and
Tobacco control progress is evident in Hong
Kong, where the smoking rate was substantially lower
than the global average of 22.3%.3 Through sustained
efforts, Hong Kong has achieved a steady decline
in smoking rates, from 12.4% in 2000 to 9.1% in
2023.4 This progress is attributed to the enforcement
of comprehensive smoking control measures,
including taxation, implementation of pictorial
health warnings, expansion of non-smoking areas,
and prohibition of alternative smoking products.
However, the unique epidemiology of lung cancer in
the region, where the majority of cases occur in non-smokers,
underscores the need for broader focus
beyond smoking cessation.5
The experts identified several key challenges,
including the absence of centralised guidelines,
limited access to screening and precision
diagnostics, and gaps in public awareness and
healthcare integration. Currently, the Cancer
Expert Working Group on Cancer Prevention
and Screening of the Centre for Health Protection
does not recommend routine screening for lung
cancer among asymptomatic individuals with
moderate risk.6 An important barrier remains the
lack of a comprehensive lung cancer control plan,
resulting in late-stage diagnoses and worse patient outcomes. Additionally, care is primarily managed
by specialists, with minimal involvement from
primary care physicians. The experts called for the
establishment of a dedicated control plan focusing
on prevention, screening, treatment, and enhanced
care coordination to improve accessibility and
Importance of screening for early
Lung cancer screening is recognised as a critical
intervention for early detection, particularly in
high-risk populations. Authorities in the United
Kingdom, Australia, Taiwan, the United States,
China, Singapore, Canada, Korea, and Japan have
recommended lung cancer screening for individuals
aged 50 to 55 years, with cessation at 70 to 74
years.6 However, Hong Kong has yet to establish a
government-funded, population-based screening
programme targeting high-risk groups. The Chief
Executive’s 2024 Policy Address highlighted the need
to explore an artificial intelligence (AI)–assisted lung
cancer screening programme.7 The experts strongly
supported this initiative, citing the success of the
colorectal cancer screening programme for high-risk
individuals,8 which demonstrated the feasibility
of translating clinical evidence into real-world
practice through a multidisciplinary approach. This
model could serve as a framework for developing an
effective lung cancer screening programme in Hong
Economic implications
The economic implications of lung cancer care were
also discussed. The experts emphasised the cost-effectiveness
of low-dose computed tomography
(LDCT) screening for high-risk smokers and non-smokers.
Evidence was presented indicating that,
over a lifetime, the incremental cost-effectiveness
ratios of LDCT screening are well within the
affordability range for Hong Kong’s healthcare
expenditures, based on prior experiences with
willingness-to-pay thresholds.9 10 Consequently,
there is robust justification for the initiation of
LDCT-based lung cancer screening among all high-risk
individuals.11 This approach has the potential to
greatly reduce the lung cancer burden and improve
population-level outcomes. A report from regions
that have adopted lung cancer screening, including
Taiwan12—where the lung cancer epidemiology
closely resembles that of Hong Kong—demonstrated
a substantial shift towards earlier-stage diagnoses.
The ability to detect lung cancer at an earlier stage,
combined with timely and appropriate management,
can lead to reduced mortality and improved
treatment outcomes.
Artificial intelligence and
Innovative approaches to lung cancer screening
were also presented. The ongoing LC-SHIELD study
(Lung Cancer Screening in High-risk Non-smokers
by Artificial Intelligence Device) utilises AI to screen
high-risk non-smokers, a critical subpopulation
considering that >50% of lung cancer cases in East
Asia occur in non-smokers.13 The application of
AI may enhance the sensitivity and specificity of
screening, particularly for individuals with unique
risk profiles, such as those with a family history of
lung cancer or genetic predisposition. The experts
noted the limitations of conventional tools (eg,
chest X-rays), which lack the sensitivity of LDCT
for detecting early-stage lung cancer.14 There was
support for the adoption of innovative methods,
including liquid biopsy and AI-enhanced LDCT
interpretation, which improve early detection rates
but reduce costs by minimising false positives and
optimising the screening process. Such innovations
offer promising opportunities to enhance lung
cancer care in Hong Kong, making screening more
efficient and accessible.
Expansion and integration of
screening into routine care
Lung cancer care in Hong Kong is primarily
managed by tertiary care specialists, with limited
integration across different levels of the healthcare
system. The experts highlighted the success of a
community-based charity programme designed to
increase public awareness of lung cancer screening.
This programme provided a single round of LDCT
screening of the thorax to 99 asymptomatic adults
with a family history of lung cancer and/or a
history of smoking. Positive LDCT results were
observed in 47 participants (47%), and lung cancer
(all adenocarcinomas) was ultimately diagnosed
in six participants (6%).12 This detection rate in
Hong Kong appears higher than those reported in
recent international trials of LDCT for lung cancer
screening,15 16 17 indicating a need to revise eligibility
criteria for greater emphasis on family history and to
leverage local clinical expertise for lesion assessment.
The findings from the programme were subsequently
published in an international peer-reviewed medical
journal and presented at the 2024 World Conference
on Lung Cancer.18
The published results underscore the potential
for adoption of similar programmes and highlight
the benefits of incorporating LDCT screening into
routine health checks for high-risk individuals. These
findings strengthen the case for enhancing access to
screening, supporting early detection efforts, and
improving lung cancer outcomes in Hong Kong.
Management of incidental findings
during low-dose computed tomography screening
Although LDCT is a promising tool, its effectiveness
depends on collaboration among multidisciplinary
healthcare teams.19 The experts noted the challenge
posed by incidental pulmonary nodules, which are
frequently detected during LDCT screening but are
often benign. These findings can increase patient
anxiety and place additional strain on healthcare
systems due to unnecessary invasive procedures.20
The experts also emphasised adherence to updated
guidelines, such as those from the Fleischner Society,
for appropriate management of incidental pulmonary
nodules.21 Shared decision-making between patients
and healthcare providers was considered essential
to ensure that individuals understand the risks and
benefits of screening.
Resolution of psychosocial barriers
The implementation of lung cancer screening presents
challenges related to the psychosocial impact,
particularly ‘scanxiety’—the anticipatory anxiety
associated with screening preparation, procedures,
and results.22 23 The experts highlighted the importance
of incorporating psychological support into screening
programmes to enhance patient participation and
adherence, especially among younger individuals who
may avoid screening due to fear.
Key recommendations for lung
cancer screening in Hong Kong
Based on insights shared during the session, the
experts formulated five key recommendations to
address critical challenges in lung cancer screening
and care in Hong Kong. These recommendations
reflect collective expertise and propose a holistic
approach to advancing early detection, improving
healthcare integration, and enhancing accessibility
and outcomes for patients.
- Develop a comprehensive lung cancer control plan: Establish a detailed, government-funded plan covering the entire patient care continuum to standardise clinical practices throughout the health system.
- Implement system-wide screening programmes: Introduce lung cancer screening initiatives targeting high-risk populations, such as smokers and individuals with genetic predisposition, ensuring that these programmes are accessible and tailored to local needs.
- Improve healthcare integration: Strengthen collaboration between primary care providers and specialists to streamline the patient care continuum, particularly in the management of follow-up care for individuals with incidental findings.
- Address psychosocial barriers: Incorporate psychological support and patient education into lung cancer screening and management programmes to reduce anxiety and improve participation.
- Expand screening programmes using AI technology: Promote research and application of AI-enhanced LDCT screening programmes to enhance early detection and cost-effectiveness.
The first session of the Lung Cancer Care
Continuum Policy Forum Series concluded with
an emphasis on adopting a multipronged approach
that involves research, policy advocacy, and patient
education. During future sessions that more fully
explore the patient care continuum for lung cancer
care, the aim will be to achieve consensus regarding
a unified strategy that aligns local clinical and
policy efforts for lung cancer management. The
outcomes of these discussions will play a central role
in shaping the future of lung cancer care in Hong
Kong, ensuring timely detection, equitable access
to care, and improved survival outcomes for future
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the concept or design, acquisition
of data, analysis or interpretation of data, drafting of the
manuscript, and critical revision of the manuscript for
important intellectual content. All authors had full access to
the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version
for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and
Conflicts of interest
ADL Sihoe has acted as a consultant for AstraZeneca, Medela,
and Roche, while receiving support from Medtronic and Nestlé.
MSC Li has received grants or contracts from AstraZeneca,
Gilead, MSD, Takeda, and Johnson & Johnson. He has received
honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus,
manuscript writing, or educational events from entities
including AstraZeneca, Novartis, Amgen, Pfizer, Takeda,
ACE Oncology, Gilead, Guardant Health, Janssen, Merck,
MSD, and BMS. He has also received support for attending
meetings and/or travel from AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Daiichi
Sankyo, MSD, Roche, Janssen, and Amgen. Additionally,
he has served on advisory boards for AstraZeneca, Pfizer,
Takeda, Amgen, AnHeart Therapeutics, Yuhan, BlossomHill
Therapeutics, and Janssen. MCS Wong is an honorary medical
advisor of GenieBiome Ltd. He is an advisory committee
member of Pfizer; an external expert of GlaxoSmithKline; a
member of the advisory board of AstraZeneca and has been
paid consultancy fees for providing advice on research. Other
authors declared no conflicts of interest.
This editorial was funded by Roche Diagnostics and MSD.
The funders had no involvement in the design of the Forum
Series, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or manuscript
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