Expert witnesses and areas of expertise
Hong Kong Med J 2022 Feb;28(1):4–5 | Epub 14 Feb 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Expert witnesses and areas of expertise
James SP Chiu, FHKAM (Surgery), LLB (Hons) Lond; Gilberto KK Leung, FHKAM (Surgery), LLM
Professionalism and Ethics Committee, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Corresponding author: Dr James SP Chiu (

Expert witnesses play important roles in medicolegal
and disciplinary proceedings through the provision
of opinions that are within their respective areas
of expertise. Contentions may occasionally arise
concerning the expertise of an individual witness
and whether the scope of his expertise has been
exceeded in certain situations.
Defining specialists and experts
The terms “specialist” and “expert” are often used
interchangeably but they may carry different
meanings in the case of professionals. In 1998,
the Medical Council of Hong Kong established
a Specialist Register to provide for specialist
registration of medical practitioners who have
been awarded Fellowships of the Hong Kong
Academy of Medicine or who have achieved a
comparable professional standard and have applied
to the Medical Council of Hong Kong for specialist
registration.1 By contrast, there is no official list of
medical experts in Hong Kong and the term “expert”
is not defined in Cap. 1 Interpretation and General
Clauses Ordinance or Cap. 4A The Rules of the
High Court. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
maintains a list of Academy Fellows who are willing
to serve as expert witnesses in their respective
specialties. However, disputing parties and their legal advisers
may freely engage any registered doctor or dentist of
their choice to be their expert witness, whether the
individual is on the Academy’s list or not.
Duties and responsibilities of
expert witnesses in relation to their expertise
In the landmark case of The Ikarian Reefer,2 the
court set out the duties and responsibilities of
expert witnesses in civil cases, two of which are
related to expertise. First, an expert witness should
provide independent assistance to the Court by way
of objective unbiased opinion in relation to matters
within his expertise. Second, an expert witness
should make it clear when a particular question or
issue falls outside his expertise. Similarly, the Code
of Conduct for Expert Witnesses3 provides that an
expert witness has an overriding duty to help the
Court impartially and independently on matters
relevant to the expert’s area of expertise. A report by an expert witness must (in the body of the report or
in an annexure) specify, if applicable, that a particular
question or issue falls outside his field of expertise. In
Zahid Anwar v Graceful Sound Limited,4 Bharwaney
J stated that, “Experts are instructed to assist the
court by offering their expert opinion on areas which
are within their specialist experience and which are
not matters of common knowledge”.
Matters relating to an expert
witness’ areas of expertise
Medicine has evolved to include many specialties
under which there are multiple subspecialties.
Professional expertise is accumulated from years
of studying, training, and personal experience
in a specific area of medicine. It follows that not
all specialists are competent expert witnesses. A
specialist in Gastroenterology and Hepatology may
not act as an expert witness for a case concerning
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,
sphincterotomy, and extraction of common bile duct
stones if he does not have substantial knowledge and
practical experience in these procedures.
In a recent Hong Kong case, the expert witness
for the defendants was a specialist in paediatrics, and
that for the plaintiffs was a specialist in paediatric
surgery. The court acknowledged that the relevant
standard to be applied under the Bolam test on the
issue of liability for medical negligence was whether
the defendant (who was a paediatrician) had acted
in accordance with the practice accepted as proper
by a responsible body of “medical men skilled in
that particular art”, which particular art was that
of paediatric specialists and not that of paediatric
surgery specialists.5 The boundary becomes less
clear when a specialist in general surgery is asked
to comment on an orthopaedic case. It may be
proper for him to comment on general principles
of postoperative care but not detailed surgical
techniques in orthopaedics. The situation is even
more challenging when the case involves several body
systems and multidisciplinary care. Medical and
dental practitioners invited to be expert witnesses
should be mindful of any limitations of their areas of
expertise in relation to the medicolegal issue at hand
and to act within those boundaries as a matter of duty
to the court and professional respect towards their
peers who possess the relevant specialised skills and knowledge. In cases involving matters of multiple
areas of expertise, the practitioner may suggest the
parties to invite suitable experts of other specialties
or subspecialties to be witnesses, if necessary.
Medical and dental practitioners appointed
to give evidence in courts, tribunals, or inquests are
advised to: consider seeking legal advice; provide
answers truthfully based on their personal knowledge
and beliefs; avoid making up answers; avoid
answering questions that are beyond their scope of
practice; and exercise the right to refuse to answer
questions that could result in self-incrimination.6
Potential consequences of giving
mistaken evidence
Misleading or “manifestly wrong” expert evidence
can have untoward and far-reaching consequences.
The professional or academic status of an expert
witness by itself offers no excuses. In the United
Kingdom case of R v Sally Clark,7 a prosecution
expert witness was Professor Sir Roy Meadow, an
Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Evidence relating to statistics were given by the
professor, who did not disclose his lack of expertise in statistics.
Mrs Clark was convicted of the murder of her two sons and received two life sentences in 1999.
Her appeal was dismissed. It later transpired that
Professor Meadow made one mistake, which was to misunderstand and misinterpret the statistics. Mrs Clark made a second appeal and was set free in 2003. Her
father then made a complaint to the General Medical
Council (GMC) alleging serious professional
misconduct on the part of Professor Meadow. In
2005, the GMC found him guilty, and his name was
erased from the register. He appealed to the High
Court and the order of the GMC was quashed. The
GMC appealed to the Court of Appeal in 2006.8
There were two distinct parts of the appeal. The first
was whether an expert witness should be entitled to
immunity from disciplinary, regulatory or fitness to
practise proceedings in relation to statements made
or evidence given by him in or for the purpose of legal
proceedings. The second entailed a consideration of the GMC’s challenge to the High Court judge’s
decision that Professor Meadow was not guilty
of serious professional misconduct. The Court of
Appeal allowed the first part of the appeal and held
that the Fitness to Practice Panel of the GMC had
jurisdiction to entertain the allegations against
Professor Meadow. However, the second part of GMC's appeal on the issue of 'serious professional misconduct' was rejected.
Training for expert witnesses
Specialists do not automatically make good expert
witnesses. It is advisable for anyone interested to
take up this job to undergo formal training first. Start
with simple cases and work closely with instructing
lawyers to gain experience and accumulate the
necessary skills. Otherwise, it can result in unpleasant
experience if he has to appear in courts or tribunals
and may even become a defendant himself or cause
irreversible harm to the parties.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy
and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
1. The Medical Council of Hong Kong. Available from: Accessed 25 Nov 2021.
2. The Ikarian Reefer [1993] Lloyd’s Rep 68, pp 81-82.
3. Cap. 4A, The Rules of the High Court, Appendix D.
4. Zahid Anwar v Graceful Sound Limited & Ors HCPI 410/2008 & HCPI 370/2009
5. Sun Ming Lok v Choy Wing Ho & St Teresa’s Hospital HCPI 200/2017
6. Tsang C, Lee V. Coroner’s inquest—What do you need to know? Hong Kong Medical Association News, October
2021: 23.
7. R v Sally Clark [2003] EWCA Crim 1020
8. GMC v Professor Sir Roy Meadow [2006] EWCA Civ 1390