The need for good practice guidelines for expert witnesses

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Dec;29(6):487–8 | Epub 7 Nov 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The need for good practice guidelines for expert witnesses
Albert Lee, FHKAM (Family Medicine), LLM1,2,3,4; Tracy Cheung, LLB, PCLL4,5,6
1 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Board Governor and Education Committee, World Association for Medical Law
3 Education Committee, Australasian College of Legal Medicine, Australia
4 Visiting Lecturer, The University of Law, United Kingdom
5 Consultant Solicitor, Wanda Tong & Company, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Lecturer, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Albert Lee (
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Disputes in the healthcare sector between patients, healthcare professionals, and providers involve technical medical issues. Therefore, expert witnesses are needed to assist legal representatives, judges, and tribunals with specialised knowledge to better understand patient care and management, the standard of care provided, and to determine the issues in dispute.1 Expert witnesses possess specialist knowledge, skills, experience, and training to provide expert opinions and testify in Court or before tribunals to assist in providing a better understanding of the factual and expert evidence and/or to determine the issues in dispute. Opinion evidence is generally not permitted to be given by factual witnesses. Expert witnesses assist the Court and tribunals by providing opinions to evaluate the factual and medical evidence and determine whether the standard of healthcare services was met or fell below the legal standard, leading to the alleged injuries and losses.
There have been a series of high-profile cases of gross negligence manslaughter in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom in recent years, which highlight the important role of expert witnesses in assisting in the administration of justice.2 If an expert witness provides an unsound or biased opinion to a party in a dispute, it could potentially lead to lengthy legal and disciplinary proceedings against a healthcare professional, which could otherwise be avoided.3 The purpose of a Medical Council Inquiry is to determine whether the conduct of the registered medical practitioner amounts to professional misconduct, rendering the registered medical practitioner unfit to practice and/or subject to disciplinary sanctions. Professional misconduct refers to misconduct in a professional respect and includes conduct which falls below the standards expected of members of the profession.4 5 The legal standard of care is set out in the English case of Bolam,6 where it held that a medical practitioner will not be negligent if s/he is acting in accordance with a practice accepted as proper by a responsible body of medical opinion, and the practice must be able to stand up to logical analysis.7 Who will qualify as a responsible body of medical opinion? It ought to be persons with knowledge, expertise, and training in the specific specialist area of practice as the subject medical practitioner.
A medical practitioner cannot rely on a so-called ‘reasonable doctor test’ for advice given to a patient in relation to informed consent issues. The Courts in some common law jurisdictions have increasingly adopted the principle of a ‘reasonable patient test’ as seen in the cases of Whitaker8 and Montgomery9. In this respect, an expert medical opinion is still necessary to determine standard of care issues. The Montgomery case requires a doctor to take “reasonable care to ensure that the patient is aware of any material risks involved in any recommended treatment, and of any reasonable alternative or variant treatments.”10 Expert opinion is still required to determine if there are and if so, what are the reasonable alternatives or variant treatments available to patient, and what a doctor should reasonably know and advise on the significant risk(s) for that patient. In the recent case of McCulloch,11 the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom unanimously agreed that the consideration of whether a treatment is a reasonable alternative should be an exercise of professional skill and judgement by a professional body of medical opinion.
Medico-legal reports by expert witnesses must meet the requirements of the legal process and are not merely medical reports prepared for clinical or treatment purposes. The integrity of expert witnesses is paramount and they should possess a unique skillset to provide an expert opinion with quality and substance, in addition to the specialist knowledge and skills in the relevant practice area. The primary role of the expert is to act independently and objectively in providing assistance to the court or tribunal in matters pertaining to the medical facts of the case. They are not a ‘hired gun’ for the instructing party. An expert report should include a clear articulation of all factual assumptions made and reasons for giving a particular opinion. These reasons must be supported by authoritative research.12
In Hong Kong, there is a demand for healthcare professionals to act as expert witnesses. However, there is a perceived reluctance to accept instructions to act in this capacity due to concerns over uncertainty of the contents and format of expert reports for legal and disciplinary proceedings, large volumes of documents to be considered, and time needed to attend to communications with instructing lawyers and preparation for appearance before the Medical Council and Court.13 The time-frame and lengthy legal proceedings, as well as fears over giving evidence in Court and before the Medical Council and being challenged during cross-examination by lawyers can be daunting.13 To address these issues, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (the Academy) provides an online training course for Fellows and practitioners who wish to become competent expert witnesses.14
In addition, the Academy has published the Best Practice Guidelines for Expert Witnesses in October 2023, which provides concise and comprehensive guidance to medical and dental practitioners who are partaking or considering to partake the role of an expert witness.15 The Guidelines provide a step-by-step approach to acting as an expert witness, beginning with practical guidance and a list of things to obtain upon receiving instructions. The Guidelines also include useful case studies illustrating how to assess suitability to act as an expert witness in specific clinical circumstances and address particular issues, for example, the difference between assessing the standard of care and causation of damage in law. Furthermore, the Guidelines provide practitioners with a better understanding of concepts such as standard of care, professional misconduct, and causation (the ‘but for’ test, the concept of the balance of probabilities, etc.) to formulate an expert medico-legal opinion. Since not all doctors and dentists are familiar with these concepts and required forms, a very useful appendix is included.15
The issues to be determined in various legal and disciplinary proceedings will differ, and so will the scope of expert reports. The Guidelines address disciplinary inquiry proceedings, Coroner’s Court proceedings, and civil litigation defence proceedings. Healthcare professionals can also be asked to act as expert witnesses in criminal proceedings, in civil claims where they are instructed by plaintiffs, or upon the instructions of the Director of Legal Aid. A table can be used to summarise different types of proceedings with guiding notes for the issues that expert witnesses need to pay attention to.
The Guidelines emphasise the duties of expert witnesses and stress the importance of being impartial and independent in formulating opinions. The potential liabilities are also highlighted. The Guidelines serve as a valuable resource for doctors and dentists, enabling them to act as competent expert witnesses and avoid potential pitfalls. Critical appraisal of fictitious expert reports can illustrate what constitutes a good or bad report and assist doctors and dentists in mastering the skills, style, and content of medico-legal opinion reporting.
Appearance in court or disciplinary inquiries can be stressful for expert witnesses. Observing actual proceedings, which are open to the public, can better prepare experts. Online demonstration videos can serve as useful resources.
There is a need for a larger pool of competent expert witnesses in Hong Kong, readily available to provide valuable input in different clinical disciplines and serve our community. The Guidelines are an invaluable resource that supports doctors and dentists in offering their services as expert witnesses.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflict of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Donovan DF, Re-examining the legal expert in international arbitration (eleventh Kaplan Lecture, 15 November 2017). In: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, editor. International Arbitration: Issues, Perspectives and Practices. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International; 2019: Chapter 11.
2. Leung GK. Medical manslaughter in Hong Kong: what now? Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:4-5. Crossref
3. Lee A. Key elements of gross negligence manslaughter in the clinical setting. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:99-101. Crossref
4. Chiu JS, Leung GK. Expert witnesses and areas of expertise. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:4-5. Crossref
5. The Medical Council of Hong Kong. Code of professional conduct. 2016. Available from: Accessed 24 Sep 2023.
6. Bolam v Friern Health Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582 [2015] UKSC 11
7. Bolitho v City and Hackney Healthy Authority [1996] 4 All ER 771
8. Roger v Whitaker [1992] 175 C.L.R. 479 [HC] Australia
9. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] AC 143 (Supreme Court (Scotland)), UK
10. Sokol DK. Update on the UK Law on consent. BMJ 2015;350:h1481. Crossref
11. McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26
12. Beran RG. Legal medicine: how to prepare a report. Aus Fam Physician 2011;40:246-8.
13. Lee A. An Expert’s Perspective: Preparing for Court and Professional Issues. Medical Protection Society and Hong Kong Medical Association Medical Experts Training Workshop, September 24, 2017, Hong Kong.
14. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. HKAM Training Course for Expert Witness. Available from: Accessed 24 Sep 2023.
15. Professionalism and Ethics Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Best Practice Guidelines for Expert Witnesses. Available from: Accessed 27 Oct 2023.

Data-driven service model to profile healthcare needs and optimise the operation of community-based care: A multi-source data analysis using predictive artificial intelligence

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Dec;29(6):484–6 | Epub 13 Dec 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Data-driven service model to profile healthcare needs and optimise the operation of community-based care: a multi-source data analysis using predictive artificial intelligence
Eman Leung, PhD1; Albert Lee, FHKAM (Family Medicine), MD1,2,3; Hector Tsang, PhD2; Martin CS Wong, FHKAM (Family Medicine), MD1,3
1 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Department of Rehabilitation Science, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Albert Lee (
 Full paper in PDF
As the needs of our ageing population grow in intensity and diversity, there is a need to achieve precision in public health via data-driven profiling of population-level preventive care, while optimising medical and social services to address those needs. These initiatives will maximise population health and minimise health care costs. Nevertheless, population-level precision public health research is rare; its application to drive service planning and deployment at the population level is even rarer.1 Thus, with support from the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme managed by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Hong Kong SAR Government, we initiated a research programme to fill the gap in precision public health research and practice by triangulating data that represent population-level socioecology,2 such as personal-level clinical and functional data, relational-level data for individual households, community-level data regarding socio-demographic characteristics and physical living environments, data describing organisations that meet population-level needs, and data reflecting the impacts of governmental policy. We sought to identify individuals who can receive the greatest benefit from primary, secondary, and tertiary preventive care. The resulting profiles could inform population-level planning and allocation of the three tiers of preventive care programmes.
Nevertheless, our research objectives were confronted with challenges related to the following contextual factors: (1) the inherent biases and quality of real-world data extracted from medical services’ Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and social services’ record systems; (2) the fragmentation among services (and their respective databases) which are required to address needs arising from specific aspects of population-level socioecology, including the distinct medical and social needs that our siloed medical and social services seek to address; and (3) the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the associated social and public health measures which emerged shortly after project initiation and have persisted throughout its life cycle. To overcome these challenges, we adopted a multi-source analytical approach,3 whereby parallel and iterative analyses were performed across databases representing different socioecology aspects at the resident level. Specifically, an analytical profile developed in one database was applied to other databases with the goal of identifying research questions and facilitating the selection of corresponding features and analytics. The findings from multiple siloed databases could be triangulated to coherently address individual research objectives. In addition, where applicable, parameters extracted from siloed databases were integrated to model particular outcomes using our artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm, for which the input architecture was anthropomorphised4 according to spheres described in the socioecological prevention framework of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This approach enabled structuring of the hierarchically interrelated input layers.
In the following text, we describe our multi-source analytical approach and emerging findings from our research programme. Although the academic outputs of our research programme are in various stages of peer review, this description of a data-driven process to formulate research questions and develop sampling frames for examination across siloed databases in the construction of a population-level coherent care profile may serve as an alternative approach for other researchers to consider when they face similar contextual challenges in population-level precision public health research.
For example, using the study populations’ EHRs (obtained via the Hospital Authority Data Collaboration Laboratory), we applied unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms in tandem to identify tertiary prevention needs and the service gaps that prevent those needs from being met in the study populations. Our analyses revealed that the highest rehospitalisation rates (>80%) and the shortest times between discharge and rehospitalisation occurred in sub-populations of patients who lacked specific ambulatory or postacute services. Nonetheless, these services were also available to patients who shared similar clinical and utilisation profiles but exhibited significantly lower rehospitalisation rates. Among the sub-populations with high rehospitalisation rates and low utilisation of rehospitalisation-mitigating post-discharge services, one had a typical profile (ie, population segment medoids) of patients aged 50 to 64 years with musculoskeletal pain–related disorders as primary diagnoses. These patients more frequently exhibited a history of multiple chronic illnesses and higher clinical complexity at index hospitalisation compared with other patients who had similar clinical and acute care utilisation profiles.
The profiling of sub-populations who fell through the service gaps and were rehospitalised at the highest rate enabled us to bring precision to tertiary prevention efforts and subsequently perform data-driven optimisation of population-level post-discharge service allocation, thereby minimising medical costs. Furthermore, the profile we constructed from EHRs could also be applied beyond medical settings to identify potential secondary prevention targets that may exacerbate the evolution of an underlying disease process, such that it interfered with quality of life among individuals who matched the EHR-based and machine-constructed profile, ultimately triggering health-seeking behaviour.
Thus, in a non-medical setting, we recruited residents of the study population aged 50 to 64 years who had musculoskeletal pain, according to community-based primary care clinicians. In addition to the residents’ socio-demographic characteristics, behavioural health, and co-morbid chronic illness statuses, clinicians also assessed anthropometric measures and biomarkers of metabolic dysfunction that are often direct or indirect precursors to the most common forms of chronic illnesses. These factors were included as predictive features in a random forest model for selection and risk-scoring of potential secondary prevention targets that could mitigate the exacerbation of pain symptoms. The model also included features representing various aspects of the residents’ living environments, which were separately parameterised and initially selected by our AI algorithm according to the following constraints: (1) they were sourced from multiple public domain datasets that belonged to governmental agencies such as the Census and Statistics Department, Housing Authority, Lands Department, Department of Health, and District Offices; (2) they were organised as layered input into a multi-headed hierarchical convolutional neural network, with an anthropomorphised architecture that captured the study population’s internal and external built environments and socio-demographic profiles; and (3) they were selected according to the statistical importances of their unique and combined contributions to residential building-level aggregates of general health based on census data and COVID-19 case counts from the Department of Health.
Finally, after parameterisation and selection in accordance with their degrees of importance to the population’s general health and COVID-19 susceptibility, features representing the built environments of the study district’s residential buildings were processed as follows: (1) they were entered into a random forest model together with the aforementioned individual-level measures to compare their respective importances in the onset of pain interference; and (2) they were scored according to their individual and combined adverse health effects, then assigned to individual residential buildings in the study district for optimised allocation of local primary prevention programmes.
Our analyses revealed that, although features representing residents’ socio-demographic characteristics and metabolic dysfunction had high importance with respect to the presence of pain interference in various residential quality of life domains, their feature importances were secondary to the importances of built-environment features, such as living area size, air quality, access to light, architecture conducive to social connectivity, and building age. In addition to scoring the risk of pain interference for individual residents, we scored the built environment of each building in public housing estates within the study district according to the likelihood that its residents would experience sufficient pain to interfere with their quality of life. This scoring approach can inform service planning in geospatially targeted secondary pain prevention programmes.
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who exhibited high clinical complexity and multiple co-morbidities were another sub-population who typically exhibited high rehospitalisation rates and low utilisation of rehospitalisation-mitigating post-discharge services. This patient profile was used to guide the recruitment of study district residents outside of medical settings, enabling examination of the evolution of disease processes and hospitalisation trends among asymptomatic and symptomatic community residents. Together with the findings regarding musculoskeletal pain and health-related effects of the built environment, our work has provided the basis for a predictive AI platform that was commissioned by the Sham Shui Po District Office to support its social health surveillance and policy decision needs. Additionally, our work has been incorporated into an algorithm deployed at community diagnosis events hosted by the Sham Shui Po District Office and at events co-hosted by the Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association and the Kwai Tsing District Office.
The work described in the current editorial is made possible with the support of the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (project No: S2019.A4.015.19S). The authors thank Dr Jingjing Guan's analytical leadership, Mr Sam Ching's data science management, Ms Olivia Lam's data analytics and visualisation, Ms Yilin He's data wrangling, and Ms Hilliary Yee's data collection. The authors are also deeply grateful for the partnertships of Health In Action and People Service Centre, who have granted us permission to analyse the data under their custodianship under strict confidentiality agreements that safeguard the anonymity of their clients while driving improvements in their respective services.
Author contributions
Concept or design: E Leung, A Lee, H Tsang.
Acquisition of data: E Leung.
Analysis or interpretation of data: E Leung, A Lee.
Drafting of the manuscript: E Leung, A Lee.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As editor and adviser of the journal, respectively, MCS Wong and E Leung were not involved in the peer review process. Other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This editorial is supported by the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (project No.: S2019.A4.015.19S). The funder had no role in study design, data collection/analysis/interpretation or manuscript preparation.
1. Talias MA, Lamnisos D, Heraclides A. Data science and health economics in precision public health. Front Public Health 2022;10:960282. Crossref
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Resources and Services Administration. 2022. The social-ecological model: a framework for prevention. Available from: Accessed 8 Dec 2023.
3. Noi E, Rudolph A, Dodge S. Assessing COVID-induced changes in spatiotemporal structure of mobility in the United States in 2020: a multi-source analytical framework. Int J Geogr Inf Sci 2022;36:585-616. Crossref
4. Glikson E, Woolley AW. Human trust in artificial intelligence: review of empirical research. Acad Manag Ann 2020;14:627-60. Crossref

Modernising postgraduate medical education: evolving roles of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine in the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Dec;29(6):480–3 | Epub 4 Dec 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Modernising postgraduate medical education: evolving roles of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine in the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
PP Chen, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology); HY So, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology); Johnson ST Lo, MPA, MEM; Benny CP Cheng, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Benny CP Cheng (
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The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine (HKJCILCM) was established by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) on 10 December 2013 as a state-of-the-art facility specifically focused on simulation-based learning (SBL). Since then, the HKJCILCM has evolved to become the education arm of the HKAM. Here, we review this evolution in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the HKJCILCM.
Establishment of the Centre
The publication of To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System by the Institute of Medicine set forth the agenda to build a safer health system.1 The report concluded that the high rates of preventable medical errors were caused by faulty systems, processes, and conditions, rather than individual ‘bad apples’.1 Improvements to patient safety would require the design of a safer healthcare system; the establishment of this system would involve a paradigm shift in medical education.1
Simulation-based learning offers many advantages. It provides a safe environment for learners to practise and learn from their mistakes. Simulated tasks can be repeated and standardised; their difficulties can be controlled to match various levels of expertise among learners. Moreover, rare events can be practised without the delays involved in real-world encounters.2 However, until the early 2000s, the adoption of SBL was slow among HKAM Colleges, medical schools, nursing schools, and the Hospital Authority.
By 2010, there was increasing evidence regarding the effectiveness of SBL in enhancing quality healthcare and patient safety3; various authorities supported a greater role for SBL in medical education.4 5 6 7 Consistent with this trend, the HKAM published a position paper on postgraduate medical education in 2010, which recommended greater adoption of simulation in postgraduate medical training, along with the establishment of SBL centres.8 Under the leadership of the then President Dr Donald Kwok-tung Li, the Council of the HKAM decided in 2012 to establish a centre of excellence for innovative learning in medicine on the seventh floor of the HKAM Building. Through collaborations with simulation centres at Hospital Authority hospitals and medical schools, the HKJCILCM was intended to facilitate trainee instruction at HKAM Colleges, provide continuing education opportunities to Fellows and other healthcare professionals, and support research. It was established in December 2013 with a generous donation of HK$53.5 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
To achieve the highest standards, the HKAM formed a partnership with the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) in Boston of the United States that was led by Professor Jeffrey Cooper. The CMS team provided advice regarding development of the HKJCILCM, including its agenda, the promotion of simulation in medical education, assessments and research, faculty development, continuing medical education programmes, and scientific research collaborations. The HKAM’s partnership with the CMS remains strong and robust to this day.
Early years
During its early years, the HKJCILCM faced several challenges. Although the original objectives of the Centre had been established, its role among simulation training centres in Hong Kong was unclear. At times, the HKJCILCM was engaged in competition to attract trainers, and some training programmes overlapped. Also, in those years, access to the Centre by public transportation was difficult, and it was not a popular location for training activities.
Various measures were undertaken to address these challenges. The Centre was equipped with an array of training equipment, including partial-task trainers, advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic simulators, high-fidelity human patient simulators, as well as interactive virtual reality platforms (eg, XVR and Igloo [with 360° visualisation]), to enhance training scope and experience. The HKJCILCM team also supported and collaborated with the Academy’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (a project concluded in October 2022), the Hospital Authority, The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, and our Colleges to develop and implement training courses at the Centre. Fellows and trainees were encouraged to use the training equipment to practise individual clinical skills. Furthermore, the HKJCILCM established an internship programme for students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The first intern was accepted into the programme in July 2017, further enhancing the Centre’s role in education and research.
Considering the shortage of qualified simulation trainers in Hong Kong, the HKJCILCM focused on faculty development from its inception. Initially, the Centre contracted with the CMS’s Institute of Medical Simulation to provide five ‘Simulation as a Teaching Tool’ Instructor Courses, and two Advanced Courses on Debriefing, over 5 years. However, high demand led to the completion of all seven courses within the first 2 years. In 2015, the HKJCILCM began to develop its own faculty development programme; the 4-day Comprehensive Simulation Educator Course (CSEC) was first conducted in June 2016. The CSEC was initially supervised and later endorsed by the CMS. In 2018, a 2-day Debriefing Skills for Simulation Instructors (DSSI) course was developed to provide debriefing skill training to simulation educators who may not be involved in the development of simulation curricula or design of simulated case scenarios. These faculty development initiatives have had a substantial impact, such that 542 trainers completed the CSEC and 354 trainers completed the DSSI course by September 2023. These alumni are now trainers in various healthcare professional education and training organisations in Hong Kong. Additionally, through an agreement with the Hospital Authority, the HKJCILCM established a 2-month full-time Visiting Scholar programme at the CMS. Ten scholars from the HKJCILCM have completed the programme since 2014.
Consolidation of early achievements
Since 2016, the HKJCILCM has provided access to its library collection of peer-reviewed journals and books. This resource was made available to all Fellows and trainees, allowing them to remain informed about SBL and medical education. Furthermore, arrangements were established whereby Colleges could borrow the HKJCILCM’s equipment for training and examination purposes outside of the HKJCILCM facility. The HKJCILCM also offered its medical simulation expertise to assist Colleges with the development of their own programmes. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of the HKJCILCM, Colleges were able to implement effective simulation-based programmes tailored to their particular specialty needs.
Over time, the role of the HKJCILCM became clearer. The main focus shifted to ensuring programme quality and standards, maintaining trainer competency, and providing guidance to our Colleges (and other institutions) regarding the use of SBL. A quality assurance structure was developed to ensure quality in all courses organised by the HKJCILCM; the structure was also intended to maintain trainer competency. In November 2017, the HKAM published its Position Statement on SBL, which provided guidance regarding the safe and effective use of SBL methods in postgraduate education and training for healthcare professionals.9
Subsequently, a certification programme for HKJCILCM’s Simulation Trainers was developed, along with a structured system for standards maintenance. After approval by the Council of the HKAM, the first cohort of HKJCILCM-Certified Simulation Trainers was approved in early 2019 for a 3-year cycle. By September 2023, 62 trainers were participating in the programme.
Evolution to greater heights
Since its inception, the HKJCILCM has been actively involved in medical education. In the early years, it regularly led organising efforts for the annual HKAM Medical Education Conference and other scientific meetings. Through a collaborative initiative with The University of Hong Kong–Shenzhen Hospital, the HKJCILCM organised a symposium and workshops regarding SBL in July 2019; these events were held in Shenzhen on the mainland and attracted considerable interest from participants across Guangdong Province. Subsequently, multiple doctors from Shenzhen joined the faculty development programme in Hong Kong to establish a group of local trainers.
Over the past decade, leaders at the HKAM have increasingly recognised the need to strengthen the Academy’s efforts to modernise postgraduate medical education. Considering its experience and success in promoting SBL, the HKJCILCM was regarded as the appropriate body to serve as the Academy’s educational arm. A strategic planning retreat was conducted in November 2020 to extensively discuss this vision. Based on a survey among the members of the HKAM Education Committee, three high-priority interrelated topics were identified as areas for development: competency-based medical education (CBME), workplace-based assessment (WBA), and e-learning.
The HKAM Position Paper on Postgraduate Medical Education, published in 2010, emphasised the need of transition from traditional process-oriented training to CBME.8 To accomplish this important transition, the following four strategies have been implemented10:
1. Engagement: Because CBME is a complex concept, conference speeches and presentations, as well as published articles, have been used to promote and clarify its importance, meaning, and implementation methods.
2. Redesign: It is important for Colleges to adjust their training and assessment standards and procedures to align with CBME principles. This process was streamlined at a strategic education and training workshop organised by the HKAM, which culminated in the publication of a position paper in 2023 that summarised recommendations from the discussion.11
3. Faculty development: Because the implementation of CBME requires trainers to learn modern teaching skills, faculty development is essential. The Workgroup on Faculty Development has been assembled with representatives from most Colleges, and resources have been provided to support this initiative. The Basic Medical Education Course, developed by the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine, has been evaluated and approved as a model training programme for faculty development. An intercollegiate curriculum for faculty development is currently in development.
4. Research: Because postgraduate medical education is a relatively new field with a limited academic footprint, there is a need to generate context-specific knowledge to guide the progress of the HKJCILCM. This research often involves qualitative methods with which our Fellows may have limited familiarity. Simulation approaches involving mentorship from experienced scholars are under consideration as initial steps towards project-based learning. An online course regarding qualitative research for medical education has been established as a learning resource.
Competency-based medical education requires fundamental changes in assessment methods, which highlight the need for various measures that include authentic tasks and direct observation in a clinical setting.12 As a component of the CBME approach, WBA has become crucial in efforts to evaluate performance and contribute to the education of trainee doctors. Our strategy at the HKJCILCM involves the development of a standard workshop, which could be tailored to the specific needs of our partner Colleges. We have already collaborated with several Colleges, including the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists, Hong Kong College of Physicians, and the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists, to provide workshops that focus on providing effective feedback to trainee doctors. However, Carless13 emphasised the requirement for feedback literacy to ensure effective feedback utilisation; we are addressing this aspect through a pilot workshop established in collaboration with the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists.
Because of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, members of the HKJCILCM have shifted towards e-learning as an alternative to traditional face-to-face teaching methods. Although our experience with e-learning has not been entirely satisfactory, we have identified unique benefits, including flexibility for learners and the ability to engage with topics at a self-selected pace. Moreover, the use of reusable e-learning materials has provided valuable time savings for trainers and trainee doctors, allowing them to focus on practical learning activities.
Members of the HKJCILCM have facilitated e-learning through three strategies. First, we established the eHKAM Learning Management System (LMS) Taskforce, consisting of representatives from all 15 Colleges, the HKJCILCM, and other relevant Departments of the HKAM, to conduct a systematic process of needs analysis, selection, vetting, and implementation of our LMS. The LMS of the HKAM has been operational since 2022. Second, we have developed and delivered the Learning Online Educator course, which is intended to equip our Fellows with the technological skills and educational expertise necessary to teach online. The educational framework is based on the community of inquiry model, whereby our participants are empowered to use e-learning as an instrument for adult learning through an inquiry process.14 Finally, our project team provides technical support to the Colleges’ programmes through mechanisms approved by the eHKAM LMS Taskforce.
Through its emphasis on the need to modernise medical education, the ground-breaking report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System initiated a major paradigm shift. To encourage this shift, the HKAM established the HKJCILCM, which initially focused on SBL development and more recently expanded to include CBME, WBA, and e-learning. This experience has provided a few important lessons. First, CBME is a constantly evolving approach intended to achieve better healthcare through effective medical education,15 and the role of the HKJCILCM will continue to adapt in response to new innovations. Second, we must focus on innovations in both technology and education. Although technologies such as simulation and e-learning are intriguing, we must remember that such technologies are intended to enhance education; their effective use requires a thorough understanding of educational theories. This principle has guided us in the development and implementation of the CSEC, the DSSI course, and the Learning Online Educator course.
Finally, efforts to transform educational practices can only be successful if all stakeholders participate. On behalf of the HKJCILCM, we would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following Fellows and partners for their generous contributions and unwavering support to the evolution and development of the HKJCILCM: Dr Donald KT Li, Prof CS Lau, Prof Gilberto KK Leung, Dr YF Chow, Prof Philip KT Li, Prof Paul BS Lai, Dr CC Lau, Dr HT Luk, Dr WK Tung, Dr Francis PT Mok, Prof NG Patil; Presidents of all HKAM Colleges; Convenors and Faculties of all HKJCILCM courses; members of all HKJCILCM Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups; the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust; Center for Medical Simulation in Boston of the United States; Hospital Authority; The University of Hong Kong; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; and The Hong Kong Society of Simulation for Healthcare. Your support, commitment, and invaluable insights have been crucial to our progress and success in the transformation of postgraduate medical education in Hong Kong.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, editors. To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington (DC): National Academy Press; 2000.
2. So HY, Chen PP, Wong GK, Chan TT. Simulation in medical education. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2019;49:52-7. Crossref
3. Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, et al. Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA 2011;306:978-88. Crossref
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7. Amin Z, Boulet JR, Cook DA, et al. Technology-enabled assessment of health professions education: consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference. Med Teach 2011;33:364-9. Crossref
8. Postgraduate Medical Education Working Group, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Position Paper on Postgraduate Medical Education. October 2010. Available from: Accessed 14 Sep 2023.
9. Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Position Statement on Simulation-based Learning. November 2017. Available from: Accessed 14 Sep 2023.
10. So HY. Postgraduate medical education: see one, do one, teach one…and what else? Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:104. Crossref
11. So HY, Li PK, Lai PB, et al. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine position paper on postgraduate medical education 2023. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:448-52. Crossref
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13. Carless D. From teacher transmission of information to student feedback literacy: activating the learner role in feedback processes. Act Learn High Educa 2022;23:143-53. Crossref
14. Garrison DR. E-learning in the 21st century: a framework for research and practice. New York: Taylor & Francis Group; 2011.
15. Holmboes ES, Sherbino J, Englander R, Snell L, Frank JR; ICBME Collaborators. A call to action: the controversy of and rationale for competency-based medical education. Med Teach 2017;39:574-81. Crossref

Advances and opportunities in the new digital era of telemedicine, e-health, artificial intelligence, and beyond

© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Advances and opportunities in the new digital era of telemedicine, e-health, artificial intelligence, and beyond
Harry HX Wang, PhD1,2,3 #; Yu-ting Li, MPH4 #; Junjie Huang, PhD5; Wenyong Huang, MD4; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH5,6,7,8,9
1 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
2 Department of General Practice, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China
3 Usher Institute, Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
4 State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
5 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
7 School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
8 The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
9 School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
# Equal contribution
Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (
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Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the development and use of digital technologies in health and health-related areas. In 2018, the 71st World Health Assembly Resolution on Digital Health demonstrated collective recognition of the contributions of digital technologies to improving health, reducing health inequalities, and enhancing healthcare services in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals laid down by the United Nations.1 The increasing popularity of digital tools, wearable devices, information systems, and electronic resources in clinical practices and health services has resulted in unique opportunities to reshape healthcare in response to diverse existing and emerging health system challenges. Furthermore, technological innovations have been evolving at an unprecedented scale, transforming the ways in which medicine is practised. This transformation has created a range of opportunities for telemedicine and mobile health to transform service delivery, and for advanced ‘big data’ and artificial intelligence approaches to enhance evidence-based decision support. At the global level, the World Health Organization established an e-health vision in its Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020-2025, with strategic objectives and an action framework to support countries in various development contexts when expanding the implementation of digital health technologies.2
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, two original articles report survey findings regarding the perception and acceptance of telemedicine, a service which is rapidly expanding to overcome distance barriers in healthcare delivery.3 4 Hung et al3 analysed the experiences of individuals who used telemedicine during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Hong Kong. They found a high level of satisfaction with telemedicine consultations; users felt that such consultations were useful in disease diagnosis and management. Choi et al4 explored the values, concerns, and expectations associated with telemedicine among Hong Kong adults aged ≥60 years in two hypothetical scenarios: during a severe outbreak while under government-imposed lockdown, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of both studies supported the use of high-quality telemedicine as a novel approach to enhance clinical consultations and patient education, while emphasising the need for government- and provider-level support to promote and expand services.
There has been global recognition of the power that digital health technologies (eg, telemedicine) have to exchange information for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. For example, the use of telemedicine technologies to educate patients and train community care providers is included in an innovative stepwise approach recommended by the World Kidney Day Steering Committee to improve service affordability and access for patients with kidney disease and their care partners in low-resource settings.5 The increasing access to digital resources and growing popularity of electronic health records have substantially supported patient self-education and public advocacy regarding kidney disease awareness and learning, thereby bridging gaps in kidney health education and literacy.6 Mobile messaging applications and social media platforms, characterised by multi-channel information dissemination and knowledge sharing, also play key roles in meeting the need for community empowerment and public engagement through digital health communications.7
In addition to the collaborative efforts of healthcare professionals and scientists to navigate challenges arising during the COVID-19 pandemic, digital health technologies have significantly contributed to the widespread adoption of the quick-response code–based contact tracing system in many countries. In particular, the LeaveHomeSafe mobile application in Hong Kong has enabled the public to more accurately record the date and time of entering and exiting various locations.8 There has been a remarkable increase in the use of artificial intelligence—a cutting-edge computing science innovation—to inform diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and triage decisions across clinical settings. As summarised in a recent scoping review, 66 artificial intelligence products and tools have been used in the healthcare response to COVID-19, including pulmonary evaluations, assessments of infection risk, personalised care recommendations, triage decisions, patient deterioration monitoring, and predictions of disease severity.9 Another scoping review specifically examined the cost savings, performance in improving health outcomes, workflow efficiency in treatment and diagnosis, local feasibility, user friendliness, and reliability and trust associated with the implementation of artificial intelligence in low- and middle-income countries.10 Innovations such as clinical decision support systems, treatment planning and triage assistants, and health chatbots have demonstrated the potential to strengthen healthcare systems.10
Regarding the management of arterial hypertension, which is the most important contributor to the global burden of disease, the 2023 European Society of Hypertension Guidelines recommend the use of internet-based, interactive digital interventions in home blood pressure monitoring to enhance the digital storage and transfer of home blood pressure data, and to facilitate evaluation of those data by healthcare professionals.11 Remote clinical management programmes based on standardised home blood pressure monitoring supported by automatic transmission via mobile applications, along with collaborations involving multiple healthcare providers in the context of team-based care, could help reduce nonadherence to antihypertensive treatment. Meta-analyses have shown that virtual care for hypertension, mediated by telemonitoring and smartphone applications, provides benefits such as better patient education, greater blood pressure reduction, and improved cardiovascular outcomes.11 A scientific statement from the American Heart Association has affirmed the utility of telehealth in risk factor modification, medication adherence, and symptom monitoring during the management of various cardiovascular diseases.12
Ophthalmology is another branch of medicine that has closely embraced new models of care to improve patient-physician interactions through digital health innovations, such as multipurpose mobile applications, community-based teleconsultation units, and medical chatbots for improved case triage.13 Additionally, the screening and management of diabetic retinopathy—a major complication of diabetes mellitus and leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide—has been augmented by advances in healthcare digitisation and increasing emphasis on telehealth initiatives. In primary care and community settings, deep learning–based artificial intelligence for automated image-recognition, combined with telemedicine programmes based on low-cost devices and remote interpretation, would enable greater population coverage and facilitate timely referral to ophthalmic specialists for the management of vision-threatening conditions.14
Digital infrastructure can also play a central role in efforts to support and expand research capacity. As accurate and reliable sources of research data, electronic patient record systems have been extensively used in epidemiological investigations of clinical manifestations, radiological characteristics, laboratory results, and biomarkers.15 16 17 18 The use of electronic clinical management systems for patient screening and data collection to identify socio-economic factors, as well as health-protective and health-damaging behaviours associated with quality of life and health outcomes, was demonstrated in a study of childhood cancer survivors in Hong Kong.19
Despite potential risks and challenges related to oversight, regulations, data protection, and privacy—the focus of stepwise capacity-building efforts and mitigation strategies—digital health innovations have been implemented worldwide. Considering the rapid growth and development of digital health technologies, the use of telemedicine, e-health, and artificial intelligence as integral components of routine health service delivery is revolutionising medicine and health; the greatest impacts involve management of the increasingly complex conditions and circumstances encountered in primary care.20 These innovations and advancements will benefit medical education, clinical practice, and healthcare delivery, thereby ensuring service quality, accessibility, and affordability. In terms of effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility, studies with rigorously designed methodologies in various contexts are needed to formulate evidence-based recommendations regarding the use of digital health technologies.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
1. World Health Organization. WHO guideline: recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019.
2. World Health Organization. Global strategy on digital health 2020-2025. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.
3. Hung KK, Chan EY, Lo ES, Huang Z, Wu JC, Graham CA. User perceptions of COVID-19 telemedicine testing services, disease risk, and pandemic preparedness: findings from a private clinic in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:404-11. Crossref
4. Choi MC, Chu SH, Siu LL, et al. Telemedicine acceptance by older adults in Hong Kong during a hypothetical severe outbreak and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional cohort survey. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:412-20. Crossref
5. Kalantar-Zadeh K, Li PK, Tantisattamo E, et al. Living well with kidney disease by patient and care partner empowerment: kidney health for everyone everywhere. Hong Kong Med J 2021;27:97-8. Crossref
6. Langham RG, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Bonner A, et al. Kidney health for all: bridging the gap in kidney health education and literacy. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:106.e1-8. Crossref
7. Wang HH, Li YT, Wong MC. Leveraging the power of health communication: messaging matters not only in clinical practice but also in public health. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:103-5. Crossref
8. Li VW, Wan TT. COVID-19 control and preventive measures: a medico-legal analysis. Hong Kong Med J 2021;27:224-5. Crossref
9. Mann S, Berdahl CT, Baker L, Girosi F. Artificial intelligence applications used in the clinical response to COVID-19: a scoping review. PLOS Digit Health 2022;1:e0000132. Crossref
10. Ciecierski-Holmes T, Singh R, Axt M, Brenner S, Barteit S. Artificial intelligence for strengthening healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review. NPJ Digit Med 2022;5:162. Crossref
11. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, et al. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA). J Hypertens 2023 Jun 21. Epub ahead of print.
12. Takahashi EA, Schwamm LH, Adeoye OM, et al. An overview of telehealth in the management of cardiovascular disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2022;146:e558-68. Crossref
13. Tham YC, Husain R, Teo KY, et al. New digital models of care in ophthalmology, during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Ophthalmol 2022;106:452-7. Crossref
14. Vujosevic S, Limoli C, Luzi L, Nucci P. Digital innovations for retinal care in diabetic retinopathy. Acta Diabetol 2022;59:1521-30. Crossref
15. Wang Y, Luo S, Zhou CS, et al. Clinical and radiological characteristics of COVID-19: a multicentre, retrospective, observational study. Hong Kong Med J 2021;27:7-17. Crossref
16. Baig NB, Chan JJ, Ho JC, et al. Paediatric glaucoma in Hong Kong: a multicentre retrospective analysis of epidemiology, presentation, clinical interventions, and outcomes. Hong Kong Med J 2021;27:18-26. Crossref
17. Tam EM, Kwan YK, Ng YY, Yam PW. Clinical course and mortality in older patients with COVID-19: a cluster-based study in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:215-22. Crossref
18. Kwok CC, Wong WH, Chan LL, et al. Effects of primary granulocyte-colony stimulating factor prophylaxis on neutropenic toxicity and chemotherapy dose delivery in Chinese patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: a retrospective cohort study. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:438-46. Crossref
19. Cheung YT, Yang LS, Ma JC, et al. Health behaviour practices and expectations for a local cancer survivorship programme: a cross-sectional study of survivors of childhood cancer in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:33-44. Crossref
20. Wang HH, Li YT, Wong MC. Strengthening attributes of primary care to improve patients’ experiences and population health: from rural village clinics to urban health centres. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:282-4. Crossref

Pancreatic cancer–associated thrombosis

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Oct;29(5):378–9 | Epub 10 Oct 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Pancreatic cancer–associated thrombosis
Tommy HC Tam, FRCP (Glasg), FHKAM (Medicine)1; Rashid N Lui, FRCP (Lond), FHKAM (Medicine)2,3
1 Division of Haematology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Clinical Oncology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Tommy HC Tam (
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Malignancy is a well-known cause of clinically significant vascular thrombosis, associated with a 7- to 28-fold increase in the risk of venous thromboembolism across all cancers.1 Pancreatic cancer is among several malignancies with the highest risk of cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT).2 Nevertheless, current knowledge of CAT is mostly extrapolated from studies involving Western populations. Data from the Chinese population in Hong Kong are limited; therefore, management strategies for such patients remain controversial. The recent study by Chan et al3 provides some insight regarding this important topic.
The pathogenesis of CAT is usually multifactorial, with contributions from tumour-derived factors and extrinsic factors. Different tumour subtypes have distinct tendencies to express procoagulation molecules such as tissue factors, microparticles, podoplanin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, thrombin, and adenosine diphosphate. The presence of these molecules leads to a hypercoagulable state, which is exacerbated by inflammation involving various cytokines and chemokines (eg, tissue necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor). In addition to the tumour-derived factors mentioned above, extrinsic factors including vascular obstruction, immobility, anti-cancer therapy, indwelling catheters, and superimposed infection can also contribute to CAT pathogenesis through diverse mechanisms.4 These factors may be particularly relevant in the setting of pancreatic cancer, considering the central abdominal location of the pancreas and its close proximity to major blood vessels.
Low-molecular-weight heparin has been regarded as the gold-standard pharmacological treatment for CAT, based on the findings of the 2003 CLOT study (Comparison of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin versus Oral Anticoagulant Therapy for the Prevention of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Cancer).5 However, the era of direct oral anticoagulants has arrived. These newer agents have demonstrated non-inferiority in CAT treatment, compared with the gold-standard low-molecular-weight heparin, during multiple pivotal trials such as the Caravaggio study (apixaban),6 SELECT-D (rivaroxaban),7 and Hokusai VTE Cancer trial (edoxaban).8 Multiple international guidelines have endorsed the use of these agents in CAT treatment, along with the conventional low-molecular-weight heparin and the less favourable warfarin.9 10 11
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Chan et al3 reveal that the overall incidence of CAT is approximately 15% in a predominantly Chinese population, which is lower than the reported incidences in Western populations (ie, 20%-40%).12 13 Multivariable analysis showed that stage IV disease was a significant risk factor for CAT, whereas the presence of CAT and its subsequent treatment did not significantly influence overall survival. The authors suggested that the absence of a survival benefit with CAT treatment was related to the underlying advanced malignancy status, which can lead to a guarded disease prognosis. Additionally, gastrointestinal bleeding (eg, from varices secondary to venous thrombosis, tumour invasion, or haemobilia) may have had a negative impact on survival.
Future studies will be useful in identifying subgroups of patients with pancreatic cancer who may benefit from therapeutic or even prophylactic anticoagulation, along with the characteristics of patients for whom anticoagulation is considered futile or carries an unacceptable risk of bleeding. Explorations of optimal pharmacological treatment approaches should focus on direct oral anticoagulants, considering that patients in the current study were treated between 2010 and 2015, prior to the era of CAT treatment via direct oral anticoagulants. Finally, meaningful insights could be gained by investigating the effects of various pharmacological treatments on patient-reported quality of life measures.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
1. Noble S, Pasi J. Epidemiology and pathophysiology of cancer-associated thrombosis. Br J Cancer 2010;102 Suppl 1:S2-9. Crossref
2. Epstein AS, Soff GA, Capanu M, et al. Analysis of incidence and clinical outcomes in patients with thromboembolic events and invasive exocrine pancreatic cancer. Cancer 2012;118:3053-61. Crossref
3. Chan LL, Lam KY, Lam DC, et al. Risks and impacts of thromboembolism in patients with pancreatic cancer. Hong Kong Med J 2023 Oct 4. Epub ahead of print. Crossref
4. Abdol Razak NB, Jones G, Bhandari M, Berndt MC, Metharom P. Cancer-associated thrombosis: an overview of mechanisms, risk factors, and treatment. Cancers (Basel) 2018;10:380. Crossref
5. Lee AY, Levine MN, Baker RI, et al. Low-molecular-weight heparin versus a coumarin for the prevention of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer. N Engl J Med 2003;349:146-53. Crossref
6. Agnelli G, Becattini C, Meyer G, et al. Apixaban for the treatment of venous thromboembolism associated with cancer. N Engl J Med 2020;382:1599-607. Crossref
7. Young AM, Marshall A, Thirlwall J, et al. Comparison of an oral factor Xa inhibitor with low molecular weight heparin in patients with cancer with venous thromboembolism: results of a randomized trial (SELECT-D). J Clin Oncol 2018;36:2017-23. Crossref
8. Raskob GE, van Es N, Verhamme P, et al. Edoxaban for the treatment of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med 2018;378:615-24. Crossref
9. Lyman GH, Kuderer NM. Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment and prevention of cancer-associated thrombosis. Thromb Res 2020;191 Suppl 1:S79-84. Crossref
10. Streiff MB, Holmstrom B, Angelini D, et al. Cancer-associated Venous Thromboembolic Disease, Version 2.2021, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2021;19:1181-201.
11. Lyman GH, Carrier M, Ay C, et al. American Society of Hematology 2021 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: prevention and treatment in patients with cancer. Blood Adv 2021;5:927-74. Crossref
12. Frere C. Burden of venous thromboembolism in patients with pancreatic cancer. World J Gastroenterol 2021;27:2325-40. Crossref
13. Campello E, Ilich A, Simioni P, Key NS. The relationship between pancreatic cancer and hypercoagulability: a comprehensive review on epidemiological and biological issues. Br J Cancer 2019;121:359-71. Crossref

Shaping the ‘Family Doctor for All’ system through the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Oct;29(5):375–7 | Epub 12 Sep 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Shaping the ‘Family Doctor for All’ system through the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme
Esther YT Yu, FHKAM (Family Medicine), FRACGP; Tony KH Ha, FHKAM (Community Medicine), FRACMA; FC Pang, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Primary Healthcare Office, Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Tony KH Ha (
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension combined were responsible for over 200 million DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) worldwide, representing the sum of years of life lost to premature mortality plus years lived with disability arising from these two highly prevalent conditions.1 2 Population-based preventive measures (eg, promotion of healthy lifestyles and targeted screening of at-risk individuals) followed by early team-based intervention have been effective strategies for reducing the associated morbidity, mortality, and healthcare burden.3 4 In countries with mature primary healthcare systems, these services are led by family doctors (ie, general practitioners) who partner with multidisciplinary healthcare teams to provide personalised, continuous, and comprehensive holistic care for all community residents.5 6 7
Hong Kong has a treatment-oriented healthcare system, in which 90% of hospital-based services are provided by the public sector8 and approximately 50% of public general outpatient services are used to manage DM and hypertension.9 Population-based preventive care initiatives, such as anti-smoking campaigns, the Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme (CRCSP) and the Vaccination Subsidy Scheme (VSS), have been successful but sporadic; they have limited potential to empower participants to pursue healthy living over life course. There is no structured cardiovascular disease screening programme in the public sector for most at-risk citizens without their own family doctors,10 except for older adults aged ≥65 years. Consequently, the public healthcare system has been heavily strained by the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as hypertension and DM, along with complications resulting from delayed diagnosis.
To improve healthcare system sustainability and overall population health, the Government recognises the urgent need to establish a prevention-oriented primary healthcare system. The Primary Healthcare Blueprint, issued in December 2022, highlighted key areas of development needed to address gaps in preventive care, continuity of care, and community participation. An important strategy is to implement the ‘Family Doctor for All’ concept by establishing a family doctor registration system: the Primary Care Register (PCR).11 The PCR is intended to build a recognition system for doctors who are committed to providing comprehensive, continuous, and holistic care to patients in the community; such care ranges from preventive services to chronic disease management.
Family doctors in the Primary Care Register
Private doctors have been providing approximately 70% of episodic outpatient care in the community.8 However, the health advocacy potential of family doctors was not fully recognised by the public until the expansion of family medicine training in 2004. Beginning in 2013, the Government established a Primary Care Directory (PCD) to recruit primary care doctors (ie, any doctor in the private sector who was committed to providing primary care) for participation in various prevention-based programmes, such as the VSS and the CRCSP. To promote the community participation necessary for desired health improvements, the Government subsidised participants for each consultation conducted within these programmes. Because PCD registration was a prerequisite for receipt of related subsidies, PCD doctors were often engaged by the programme-based funding model. However, this model does not promote continuity of care if participants choose to consult PCD doctors only for specific preventive care services, or if the PCD doctors choose to only provide the specific preventive care services to the scheme participants during consultation.
To encourage community-based management of stable chronic diseases and reduce the service burden within the public healthcare sector, the Hospital Authority (HA) implemented the General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership Programme as an outsourcing service, beginning in 2014.12 However, the working relationship was unilateral. As the funder, the HA would purchase doctors’ services for specific tasks at prices determined through a bidding process; as service providers, PCD doctors would charge fees based on the service agreement. Benefits to patients were not considered in this programme. Similarly, doctors’ efforts to deliver holistic care beyond the scope of the service agreement were not appreciated or supported. Both models regarded PCD doctors as Government agents for service delivery and contributed to the fragmentation of care. Thus, these models failed to encourage the establishment of long-term doctor-patient partnerships necessary to enhance overall population health through patientcentric care.
In contrast, the planned PCR recognises the robust potential of family doctors. Under the PCR, each citizen will be paired with their preferred family doctor; each paired family doctor will be the only doctor eligible to receive any subsidy allocated to the paired patient, including existing programme-based subsidies (eg, the VSS, the CRCSP, and the General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership Programme) and any future initiatives to support primary healthcare. In addition to subsidies, efforts to optimise holistic care require community-based multidisciplinary team support for family doctors. Community drug formularies will be established to ensure that family doctors have access to common medications at affordable prices, which will facilitate long-term patient management. Community nurses and allied health professionals at District Health Centres will empower patients in leading healthy lifestyles and managing their own health. To encourage best practices, family doctors who have fulfilled their preventive and chronic disease care obligations, such as the provision of seasonal influenza vaccination, will be rewarded through additional payments.
The Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme
The Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme (the Scheme) targeting DM and hypertension, which will be launched in November 2023, represents the prototype service model under the planned PCR. People aged ≥45 years without a known diagnosis of DM or hypertension will be eligible for enrolment in a subsidised screening programme consisting of laboratory tests and a medical consultation with a paired family doctor registered in the current PCD. Healthy participants will be offered education regarding a healthy lifestyle and the opportunity to undergo repeat screening every 3 years. Participants with prediabetes, DM, and/or hypertension will receive subsidised care, including laboratory investigations for chronic disease monitoring, from their paired family doctor and a multidisciplinary team in the community.
To support PCD doctors in this new role, the Scheme incorporates seven key components that will shape the future primary healthcare system when the Primary Healthcare Commission (PHC) is established in 2024. These components include: (1) pairing of family doctors with participants; (2) District Health Centres and their services; (3) subsidised multidisciplinary services in the community; (4) protocol-driven bi-directional referral with designated medical specialist clinics under the HA; (5) pay-for-performance incentives for both participants and family doctors; (6) community drug formularies to ensure that family doctors have access to common medications at affordable prices; and (7) uniform data sharing in the Electronic Health Record Sharing System platform with participant consent. An important objective of the Scheme is to attract and build a pool of future PCR family doctors who agree with our vision and are committed to delivering quality primary care for our fellow citizens. The ultimate goals of the Scheme are to shift population-level health-seeking behaviour from treatment-oriented to prevention-focused, to encourage shared responsibility for personal health at an affordable cost, to enable family doctors to maintain continuity of care, and to improve health for all.
The Scheme establishes a new framework for primary healthcare involving family doctors and community services. Upon establishment of the PHC, a quality assurance system will be constructed to guide clinical practice among healthcare professionals via service quality standards and reference frameworks. The PHC will also monitor the performance of subsidised services and drive continuous quality improvement through pay-forperformance incentives. Additional subsidy tiers will be established based on clinical complexity and doctors’ qualifications. Hopefully, the Scheme will encourage more doctors to enrol in the PCD, and work as Family Doctors to provide continuous, comprehensive, and patient-centric care to all citizens.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Safiri S, Karamzad N, Kaufman JS, et al. Prevalence, deaths and disability-adjusted-life-years (DALYs) due to type 2 diabetes and its attributable risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2022;13:838027. Crossref
2. World Health Organization. The Global Health Observatory: blood pressure/ hypertension. 2023. Available from: Accessed 18 Aug 2023.
3. ElSayed NA, Aleppo G, Aroda VR, et al. 3. Prevention or delay of type 2 diabetes and associated comorbidities: Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023. Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S41-8. Crossref
4. Carey RM, Muntner P, Bosworth HB, Whelton PK. Prevention and control of hypertension: JACC Health Promotion Series. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;72:1278-93. Crossref
5. Government of Canada. Primary health care. 2015. Available from: Accessed 18 Aug 2023.
6. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Primary health care in Australia. 2021. Available from: Accessed 18 Aug 2023.
7. National Health Service, the United Kingdom Government. Primary care. 2020. Available from: Accessed 18 Aug 2023.
8. Schooling CM, Hui LL, Ho LM, Lam TH, Leung GM. Cohort profile: ‘children of 1997’: a Hong Kong Chinese birth cohort. Int J Epidemiol 2012;41:611-20. Crossref
9. Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government. Legislative Council Brief. Primary Healthcare Blueprint. 2023. Available from: Accessed 18 Aug 2023.
10. Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong SAR Government. Thematic Household Survey Report No. 74. 2021. Available from: Accessed 18 Aug 2023.
11. Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government. Primary Healthcare Blueprint. 2022. Available from: Accessed 29 Aug 2023.
12. Electronic Health Record Sharing System, Hong Kong SAR Government. Public-Private Partnership Programmes (PPP). 2020. Available from: Accessed 1 Sep 2023.

Quality of primary healthcare in China: challenges and strategies

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Oct;29(5):372–4 | Epub 5 Oct 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Quality of primary healthcare in China: challenges and strategies
A Wang, PhD1; B Zhu, PhD2; J Huang, PhD3,4; Martin CS Wong, PhD3,4,5,6,7; H Xue, PhD8
1 School of Economics and Management, Xidian University, Xi’an, China
2 School of Public Health and Emergency Management, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
3 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
5 School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
6 The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
7 School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
8 Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, United States
Corresponding author: Dr B Zhu (
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China has experienced significant economic growth and social progress, leading to remarkable improvements in living standards and life expectancy.1 Because of substantial increases in financial investment and the implementation of new policies, the primary healthcare system in the country has made considerable progress in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. However, several challenges persist in the provision of high-quality primary healthcare in China.2 Considering the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and the arrival of the intelligence age, there is increasing awareness of the need for novel technologies and innovative strategies to advance the quality of primary healthcare.3 4 This awareness is particularly important in the context of ageing population and the growing burden of chronic illnesses.5 The quality of primary healthcare in China requires careful appraisal, with a specific focus on three key factors that contribute to suboptimal healthcare outcomes: insufficient knowledge among healthcare providers, a substantial knowledge and practice gap (ie, know-do gap), and disparities in health workforce distribution.6 This editorial explores potential mitigation strategies for the aforementioned issues, which could ultimately enhance the quality of primary healthcare in China.
Insufficient knowledge
Primary healthcare providers in China, especially in rural areas, often lack the necessary knowledge to achieve optimal health outcomes.7 A cross-sectional study showed that these knowledge deficiencies can be categorised into three main areas, namely, understanding of disease symptoms, process of diagnosis, and knowledge of medications.8 Importantly, these knowledge deficiencies may contribute to misdiagnosis, overtreatment, and poor healthcare outcomes. To ensure high-quality healthcare, healthcare providers must have a comprehensive understanding of prevalent diseases and their symptoms, such as diarrhoea, heart disease, tuberculous, dementia, and childhood epilepsy.9 10 11 Similarly, they must have knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic processes, including communication with patients, distinction among diseases, and making appropriate treatment decisions.12 13 Furthermore, primary healthcare providers often lack sufficient knowledge regarding medications, particularly antibiotics.8 14 This lack of knowledge can lead to overuse or misuse, thereby promoting antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria. The lack of knowledge can mainly be attributed to two factors: lack of appropriate training15 and inadequate collaboration and teamwork.16
To address these issues, the government should invest in appropriate medical training, including educational workshops or programmes to promote collaboration and teamwork among local healthcare providers. This investment could help bridge the knowledge gap, while ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care. Moreover, primary healthcare facilities would benefit from investments in computer-aided diagnostic systems (which are widely used in tertiary hospitals) to improve diagnostic accuracy, while promoting intelligent and appropriate use of medications.
Large know-do gap
The know-do gap, a key barrier to high-quality healthcare in China, amplifies the impact of insufficient knowledge among healthcare providers.7 17 18 19 This gap refers to the difference between practices that primary care providers know they should use and practices that they implement in the clinic. In resource-limited areas, the gap is often greater because of factors such as limited funding, staffing shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and low incentives.20 The substantial know-do gap hinders the implementation of evidence-based practices and delivery of high-quality care to the Chinese population.
Potential solutions to this challenge include changing incentive structures for primary care providers16 and adopting telemedicine.21 Current incentivisation practices in China prioritise patient volume over healthcare quality. If incentives are modified to prioritise healthcare quality, primary care providers may be more motivated to invest in continuous training and education with the goal of enhancing patient-centred care.1 Moreover, telemedicine can provide remote support and resources for primary care providers serving underprivileged populations, allowing them real-time access to expertise and guidance.22 Overall, elimination of the know-do gap in primary care in China will require a comprehensive and multifaceted approach that includes changing incentives and utilising technology to improve healthcare delivery.
Disparities in health workforce distribution
China has the highest numbers of health professionals worldwide, from the level of primary healthcare to the level of tertiary hospitals; it also has the most diverse health workforce.23 The continuity of care within tertiary hospitals is the greatest challenge that must be addressed by the primary healthcare system. In China, primary healthcare providers usually are not the first point of contact; this approach limits opportunities to integrate clinical care and public health services, leading to insufficient continuity of care throughout the healthcare system. Because hospitals and primary health institutions typically are administered and funded separately, the electronic medical record system and healthcare management are fragmented and isolated; thus, joint healthcare efforts are difficult. In some villages and communities, a pilot programme has been established to ensure that each resident is registered with a primary healthcare provider for access to high-quality healthcare; however, this programme requires further optimisation.2 A major obstacle to healthcare access in China is the uneven distribution of the health workforce; central and western regions of China struggle to attract health workers because of economic underdevelopment and unfavourable geographical conditions (eg, inconvenient transportation, poor living conditions, and limited opportunities for professional development).23 24 Furthermore, urban areas often receive greater healthcare resources, hindering the achievement of equitable healthcare access in rural and remote areas.25 Despite substantial effort by the government to improve the economic statuses of vulnerable regions and rural areas, fundamental economic limitations may impede future attempts to close the gap in regional healthcare access.
Critical issues here include the quantity, diversity, and combinations of skill sets. Effective institutional arrangements, deliberate policy design, and efficient human resource management initiatives should be implemented to educate, recruit, and retain health professionals, preventing the loss of this workforce from underprivileged regions. An important initiative is healthcare integration, which links/integrates three or four levels of healthcare, facilitating coordination via telehealth or collaborations that include healthcare professionals, financial services, patient demographic and medical information, public healthcare services, and logistics services. Another important initiative is the ongoing Rural Medical Education Scheme, which provides financial assistance and tuition waivers for medical graduates from rural regions who agree to serve in primary-level healthcare facilities in their home regions for a specific length of time after graduation.26 The Scheme is helping to promote a balanced health workforce by addressing the difficulties involved in recruiting health workers to rural areas, which are the regions with the most severe healthcare staffing shortages.
An organised and concerted effort to enhance the quality of primary healthcare in China is needed to improve the well-being at the population level, as stated in the Healthy China 2030 initiative. Although significant progress has been made towards this goal, some gaps require further attention. More detailed policy plans should be developed to address these gaps, including strategies to enhance knowledge through training and education involving computer-aided diagnostic systems, incentivise elimination of the know-do gap through initiatives such as telemedicine, and balance health workforce distribution through innovative approaches. Efforts to implement these strategies should consider current conditions within the Chinese healthcare system.
Author contributions
A Wang, B Zhu and H Xue contributed to the concept, design and drafting of the editorial. J Huang and MCS Wong contributed to critical revision of the editorial for important intellectual content. All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This editorial was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Ref No.: 71903149), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (Ref No.: 2022A1515011871), and Foundation of Humanities and Social Science of the Ministry of Education, China (Ref No.: 19YJCZH151). The funders had no role in study design, data collection/analysis/interpretation, or manuscript preparation.
Ethics approval
The requirement for ethical approval was waived by the institutional review board of the Southern University of Science and Technology due to the use of secondary data in the study.
1. Ma X, Wang H, Yang L, Shi L, Liu X. Realigning the incentive system for China’s primary healthcare providers. BMJ 2019;365:I2406. Crossref
2. Li X, Krumholz HM, Yip W, et al. Quality of primary health care in China: challenges and recommendations. Lancet 2020;395:1802-12. Crossref
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8. Xue H, Shi Y, Huang L, et al. Diagnostic ability and inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions: a quasiexperimental study of primary care providers in rural China. J Antimicrob Chemother 2019;74:256-63. Crossref
9. Du S, Cao Y, Zhou T, et al. The knowledge, ability, and skills of primary health care providers in SEANERN countries: a multi-national cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res 2019;19:602. Crossref
10. Xue H, Nie J, Shi Y. Crucial role of primary healthcare professionals in the assessment and diagnosis of dementia. Hong Kong Med J 2019;25:427-8. Crossref
11. Yi H, Liu H, Wang Z, et al. The competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and management of childhood epilepsy in Southwestern China and its determinants: a cross-sectional study. Lancet Reg Health West Pac 2020;3:100031. Crossref
12. Guo W, Sylvia S, Umble K, Chen Y, Zhang X, Yi H. The competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in rural China: a nationally representative assessment. Lancet Reg Health West Pac 2020;2:100026. Crossref
13. Zhou Q, An Q, Wang N, et al. Communication skills of providers at primary healthcare facilities in rural China. Hong Kong Med J 2020;26:208-15. Crossref
14. Bai Y, Wang S, Yin X, Bai J, Gong Y, Lu Z. Factors associated with doctors’ knowledge on antibiotic use in China. Sci Rep 2016;6:23429. Crossref
15. Yi H, Wu P, Zhang X, Teuwen DE, Sylvia S. Market competition and demand for skills in a credence goods market: evidence from face-to-face and web-based non-physician clinician training in rural China. PLoS One 2020;15:e0233955. Crossref
16. Li X, Lu J, Hu S, et al. The primary health-care system in China. Lancet 2017;390:2584-94. Crossref
17. Xue H, Hager J, An Q, et al. The quality of tuberculosis care in urban migrant clinics in China. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018;15:2037. Crossref
18. Sylvia S, Xue H, Zhou C, et al. Tuberculosis detection and the challenges of integrated care in rural China: a cross-sectional standardized patient study. PLoS Med 2017;14:e1002405. Crossref
19. Sylvia S, Shi Y, Xue H, et al. Survey using incognito standardized patients shows poor quality care in China’s rural clinics. Health Policy Plan 2015;30:322-33. Crossref
20. Wang HH, Li YT, Duan H, Wong MC. Physician motivation and satisfaction matter in healthcare. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:8-10. Crossref
21. Cheng TC, Fu H, Xu D, Yip W. Technology platforms are revolutionizing health care service delivery in China. NEJM Catalyst 2022. doi: 10.1056/CAT.21.0414. Crossref
22. Cui F, He X, Zhai Y, et al. Application of telemedicine services based on a regional telemedicine platform in China from 2014 to 2020: longitudinal trend analysis. J Med Internet Res 2021;23:e28009. Crossref
23. Zhu B, Hsieh C, Mao Y. Spatio-temporal variations of licensed doctor distribution in China: measuring and mapping disparities. BMC Health Serv Res 2020;20:159. Crossref
24. Shi Y, Song S, Peng L, et al. Utilisation of village clinics in Southwest China: evidence from Yunnan Province. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:306-14. Crossref
25. Chen L, Zeng H, Wu L, et al. Spatial accessibility evaluation and location optimization of primary healthcare in China: a case study of Shenzhen. Geohealth 2023;7:e2022GH000753. Crossref
26. Liu J, Zhang K, Mao Y. Attitude towards working in rural areas: a cross-sectional survey of rural-oriented tuition-waived medical students in Shaanxi, China. BMC Med Educ 2018;18:91. Crossref

Rejuvenation of retinopathy of prematurity

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Aug;29(4):284–6 | Epub 10 Aug 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Rejuvenation of retinopathy of prematurity
Tracy HT Lai, MSc (Epidemiology) (Lond), FHKAM (Ophthalmology)1,2; Paul RV Chan, MD, FACS3; Kenneth KW Li, FRCOphth (UK), FHKAM (Ophthalmology)2
1 Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian Hospital and Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Department of Ophthalmology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Ophthalmology, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, United States
Corresponding author: Dr Kenneth KW Li (
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In 1942, TL Terry was the first to report a condition that he termed ‘retrolental fibroplasia’, which developed in premature infants with low birth weight (BW)—this condition is now known as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).1 Insufficient retinal vasculature development can lead to abnormal blood vessel growth, typically at the junction of the peripheral vascular and avascular retina. Subsequent fibrosis onset can result in retinal detachment and fibrovascular mass formation behind the crystalline lens (ie, retrolental fibroplasia). Oxygen therapy contributes to ROP onset.2 In the vasoconstrictive phase, oxygen can inhibit retinal vascularisation and suppress the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). During the vasoproliferative phase, increased VEGF levels can cause neovascularisation and retinal blood vessel dilatation. Meticulous control of hyperoxia (arterial oxygen saturation >92%-93%) and avoidance of fluctuations in arterial oxygen saturation could prevent severe ROP.3
Appropriate treatment can protect against ROP-related blindness. Treatment largely depends on the location (zone) and severity of neovascularisation (stage), as well as a confirmed need for treatment. Historically, ROP was initially managed by avascular retina–targeted cryotherapy to reduce ischaemic drive. In the Cryotherapy for ROP (CRYO-ROP) study, adverse outcomes (retinal detachment, macula fold or retrolental mass) were reduced by almost 50% in eyes that received cryotherapy.4 In the 2000s, laser photocoagulation largely replaced cryotherapy as conventional treatment. The Early Treatment for ROP (ETROP) trial established standard treatment recommendations for type 1 (treatment-warranted) ROP: zone II ROP, stage 2 or 3 with plus disease, and zone 1 ROP, stage 3 with or without plus disease.5 Since then, the intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs, including bevacizumab, ranibizumab, and aflibercept, has gained broad acceptance in the treatment of ROP; laser is still a popular option for primary therapy as well as rescue therapy (eg, in cases of disease reactivation and persistent avascular retina). The Bevacizumab Eliminates the Angiogenic Threat of ROP (BEAT-ROP) study showed promising results when bevacizumab was used in the treatment of stage 3 ROP; the retreatment rate was 4%, compared with 22% in the laser group.6 The ranibizumab compared with laser therapy for the treatment of infants born prematurely with ROP (RAINBOW) study also revealed excellent treatment success in 80% of infants receiving ranibizumab, compared with 66% of infants receiving laser therapy.7 Late complications, such as high myopia (-5 dioptres or worse), were less frequent after ranibizumab (5%) than after laser therapy (16%).8 Systemic complications did not differ between groups; the incidences of motor and hearing problems were similar.8 However, anti-VEGF therapy is not a panacea for ROP; reactivation or delayed progression of peripheral retina vascularisation may occur after injection.9 Therefore, recent ROP treatment guidelines from The Royal College of Ophthalmologists recommend close monitoring after anti-VEGF injection therapy.10
This new paradigm of ROP treatment requires an update to the classification of ROP. The International Classification of ROP, Third Edition (ICROP3) refined classification metrics such as posterior zone II, notch, and subcategorisation of stage 5; it also recognised the existence of a continuous spectrum of vascular abnormalities (ie, from normal to plus disease).11 The term ‘aggressive ROP’ replaced the term ‘aggressive-posterior ROP’ because of increasing awareness of aggressive ROP onset in larger infants, which extends beyond the posterior retina in regions of limited resources.
Modern advances in neonatal care have greatly improved premature infant survival. However, this improvement has led to an increase in ROP incidence, especially in middle-income countries (eg, India and China).12 In less developed countries or remote areas, telemedicine is increasingly important for ROP screening. Fundus photographs can be taken by nurses or technicians; screening can then be conducted remotely by ophthalmologists who specialise in ROP. This approach avoids the physical stress and financial cost involved in transporting high-risk infants; it also minimises screening delays. The Stanford University Network for Diagnosis of ROP (SUNDROP), a telemedicine-based screening initiative covering six satellite neonatal intensive care units in northern California of the United States (US), has screened 608 infants over 6 years. Its screening sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99.8% are comparable with bedside clinical examination.13 Furthermore, the use of deep learning and federated learning for automatic diagnosis of ROP is under extensive investigation and may be important in future clinical management.14 15 Technical, medicolegal, regulatory, and financial aspects require consideration.
Local investigators have provided valuable data regarding the incidence and visual outcomes of ROP in Hong Kong. From 2007 to 2012, the incidences of ROP and type 1 ROP were 18.5% and 3.7%, respectively, among 513 infants at Caritas Medical Centre.16 Incidences were similar at Queen Mary Hospital in 2013 (16.9% and 3.4%, respectively).17 However, incidences at Prince of Wales Hospital were higher (31% and 4.5%, respectively) among 754 infants from 2007 to 2012.18 This discrepancy may be related to an increase in premature infant survival.18 In a study of 14 infants with type 1 ROP, one (7%) developed retinal detachment, nine (64%) developed amblyopia, and nine (64%) developed strabismus.19
Because ROP is a leading preventable cause of childhood blindness, screening protocol adherence is essential. The 2022 United Kingdom (UK) ROP screening protocol recommends examination of all infants born at gestational age (GA) ≤31 weeks and 6 days or with BW <1501 g.20 These thresholds differ from the US screening protocol (GA ≤30 weeks and 0 days or BW ≤1500 g).21 Because of the GA difference, fewer infants would be screened using the US protocol. This modified screening approach would reduce stress on premature infants, limit systemic absorption of dilating eye drops, and eventually lower medical costs. Currently, most hospitals under the Hospital Authority follow the UK protocol.
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Iu et al22 evaluated whether the use of the US protocol could reduce the number of infants screened without compromising the type 1 ROP detection sensitivity. The authors reviewed the clinical records of premature infants screened at Prince of Wales Hospital from 2009 to 2018; they found that if the US protocol had been followed, the number of infants requiring screened would have decreased by 21.1%. Using the US protocol, the investigators found that only 1.7% of cases would have been missed; all missed cases would have been mild ROP that did not require treatment.
However, conventional screening protocols have their own limitations, primarily because they are solely based on GA and BW. Many potentially unnecessary examinations are conducted to identify the approximately 20% of infants requiring treatment. To avoid unnecessary examinations, investigators are developing new screening algorithms with multiple clinical parameters (eg, postnatal weight gain and hydrocephalus status). Examples of these screening algorithms include WINROP, PINT-ROP, CHOP ROP, ROPScore, CO-ROP, OMA-ROP, G-ROP, STEP-ROP, and DIGIROP.23 24 Various studies are underway to validate these new algorithms. The G-ROP criteria appear promising; they demonstrated greater sensitivity and specificity than the US protocol for US infants.25 Although there is emerging evidence that up to 50% of eye examinations may be avoidable, it remains challenging to utilise the new screening algorithms in Hong Kong; postnatal weight gain is required to calculate these scores, and such data may not be readily available in our region. Until these new screening algorithms are satisfactorily validated, they are unlikely to replace conventional screening criteria. However, now may be the best time for neonatologists and ophthalmologists in Hong Kong to begin preparing for the new era of ROP by updating classification, screening, and treatment protocols.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
1. Terry TL. Fibroblastic overgrowth of persistent tunica vasculosa lentis in infants born prematurely: II. Report of cases—clinical aspects. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1942;40:262-84.Crossref
2. Shah PK, Prabhu V, Karandikar SS, Ranjan R, Narendran V, Kalpana N. Retinopathy of prematurity: past, present and future. World J Clin Pediatr 2016;5:35-46. Crossref
3. Saugstad OD. Oxygen and retinopathy of prematurity. J Perinatol 2006;26 Suppl 1:S46-50. Crossref
4. Palmer EA. Results of U.S. randomized clinical trial of cryotherapy for ROP (CRYO-ROP). Doc Ophthalmol 1990;74:245-51. Crossref
5. Munro M, Maidana DE, Chan RV. Raising the bar in retinopathy of prematurity treatment. Can J Ophthalmol 2021;56:149-50. Crossref
6. Mintz-Hittner HA, Kennedy KA, Chuang AZ; BEAT-ROP Cooperative Group. Efficacy of intravitreal bevacizumab for stage 3+ retinopathy of prematurity. N Engl J Med 2011;364:603-15. Crossref
7. Stahl A, Lepore D, Fielder A, et al. Ranibizumab versus laser therapy for the treatment of very low birthweight infants with retinopathy of prematurity (RAINBOW): an open-label randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2019;394:1551-9. Crossref
8. Marlow N, Stahl A, Lepore D, et al. 2-year outcomes of ranibizumab versus laser therapy for the treatment of very low birthweight infants with retinopathy of prematurity (RAINBOW extension study): prospective follow-up of an open label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2021;5:698-707. Crossref
9. Chan JJ, Lam CP, Kwok MK, et al. Risk of recurrence of retinopathy of prematurity after initial intravitreal ranibizumab therapy. Sci Rep 2016;6:27082. Crossref
10. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Clinical Guidelines. Treating Retinopathy of Prematurity in the UK. 2022. Available from: Accessed 3 Jul 2023.
11. Chiang MF, Quinn GE, Fielder AR, et al. International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity, Third Edition. Ophthalmology 2021;128:e51-68.
12. Shah PK, Ramya A, Narendran V. Telemedicine for ROP. Asia Pac J Ophthal (Phila) 2018;7:52-5.
13. Wang SK, Callaway NF, Wallenstein MB, Henderson MT, Leng T, Moshfeghi DM. SUNDROP: six years of screening for retinopathy of prematurity with telemedicine. Can J Ophthalmol 2015;50:101-6. Crossref
14. Gensure RH, Chiang MF, Campbell JP. Artificial intelligence for retinopathy of prematurity. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2020;31:312-7. Crossref
15. Lu C, Hanif A, Singh P, et al. Federated learning for multicenter collaboration in ophthalmology: improving classification performance in retinopathy of prematurity. Ophthalmol Retina 2022;6:657-63. Crossref
16. Yau GS, Lee JW, Tam VT, et al. Incidence and risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity from 2 neonatal intensive care units in a Hong Kong Chinese population. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila) 2016;5:185-91. Crossref
17. Iu LP, Lai CH, Fan MC, Wong IY, Lai JS. Screening for retinopathy of prematurity and treatment outcome in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2017;23:41-7. Crossref
18. Chow PP, Yip WW, Ho M, Lok JY, Lau HH, Young AL. Trends in the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity over a 10-year period. Int Ophthalmol 2019;39:903-9. Crossref
19. Lok JY, Yip WW, Luk AS, Chin JK, Lau HH, Young AL. Visual outcome and refractive status in first 3 years of age in preterm infants suffered from laser-treated type 1 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): a 6-year retrospective review in a tertiary centre in Hong Kong. Int Ophthalmol 2018;38:163-9. Crossref
20. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. UK Screening of Retinopathy of Prematurity Guideline. 2022. Available from: Accessed 3 Jul 2023.
21. Fierson WM; American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Ophthalmology; American Academy of Ophthalmology; American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; American Association of Certified Orthoptists. Screening examination of premature infants for retinopathy of prematurity. Pediatrics 2018;142:e20183061. Crossref
22. Iu LP, Yip WW, Lok JY, et al. Comparison of United Kingdom and United States screening criteria for detecting retinopathy of prematurity in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:330-6. Crossref
23. Iu LP, Yip WW, Lok JY, et al. Prediction model to predict type 1 retinopathy of prematurity using gestational age and birth weight (PW-ROP). Br J Ophthalmol 2023;107:1007-11. Crossref
24. Lundgren P, Stoltz Sjöström E, Domellöf M, et al. WINROP identifies severe retinopathy of prematurity at an early stage in a nation-based cohort of extremely preterm infants. PLoS One 2013;8:e73256. Crossref
25. Binenbaum G, Tomlinson LA, de Alba Campomanes AG, et al. Validation of the postnatal growth and retinopathy of prematurity screening criteria. JAMA Ophthalmol 2020;138:31-7. Crossref

‘Ten Years Down the Line’: a roundtable on the progress and advancement of medical education and training

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Jun;29(3):195–7 | Epub 8 Jun 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
‘Ten Years Down the Line’: a roundtable on the progress and advancement of medical education and training
Paul BS Lai, MB, ChB (CUHK), MD (CUHK); Gordon TC Wong, MB, BS (Sydney), MD (HKU); Samuel YS Wong, MD (U of Toronto), FHKAM (Family Medicine)
Co-Chairmen, Organising Committee, Tripartite Medical Education Conference 2023, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Prof Paul BS Lai (
This editorial provides a concise summary of the roundtable titled ‘Ten Years Down the Line’ at the Tripartite Medical Education Conference on 14 January 2023 co-organised by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
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In 2023, the first-ever Tripartite Medical Education Conference, with the theme ‘Actualising the Curriculum Continuum’, gathered medical experts from Hong Kong and other countries to share their experience and insights regarding medical education. The 2-day conference, held from 14 to 15 January 2023, comprised plenary sessions, symposia, debate sessions, and workshops; one of the main events was a roundtable discussion titled ‘Ten Years Down the Line’ held on 14 January 2023. In this roundtable discussion chaired by Prof Paul Bo-san Lai, four speakers—Prof Gilberto Ka-kit Leung, President of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine; Prof Francis Ka-leung Chan, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Dr Pamela Pui-wah Lee, Assistant Dean (Clinical Curriculum), Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong; and Dr Tony Pat-sing Ko, Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority—joined together to discuss medical education, specialty training, workforce planning, and other important topics.
Prof Chan highlighted the perceived threats to young doctors in Hong Kong, including a shortage of medical professionals, a potential influx of mainland doctors, and the impact of ‘medical negligence’ cases on morale. He then addressed challenges in medical education and training, including the impacts of population ageing, digital health, and genomic medicine on medical curriculum reform. To address these issues, there have been suggestions that young doctors could be encouraged to remain in the public sector by enhancing their knowledge of artificial intelligence, big data, and genomics; emphasising the clinical and societal impacts of ageing; establishing more exchange programmes; and providing better housing benefits and medicolegal protection. In contrast, Prof Chan stressed the importance of quality assurance to meet the public’s expectations in the future; he noted that, because patients have become better informed, medical knowledge is no longer possessed by healthcare professionals alone. He also stated that role modelling is essential for nurturing, maintaining, and restoring compassion in young doctors.
Dr Ko expressed concern about the demographic shift that will lead to a larger population of older adults in the next 10 to 20 years, with fewer young people to care for those older adults. On a more positive note, he observed that young doctors have a longer life expectancy, can easily adapt to new technologies and changes, and can develop innovative ideas; in contrast, senior doctors have more clinical practice experience. Therefore, senior doctors and young doctors can benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience. Furthermore, Dr Ko highlighted the need for confidence in the next generation of doctors, as well as the Hong Kong healthcare system, despite challenges such as population ageing and workforce shortages. For instance, it would have been difficult to predict that the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic would contribute to the adoption of new healthcare technologies such as telemedicine, which is increasingly convenient and accessible. He stated that it is time to reconsider the medical practice model, shifting its focus away from hospitals, inpatients, and subspecialisation, then reorienting towards primary and integrated care approaches. Although skills and technology are important, he noted that the well-being of young doctors is essential. Young doctors, who are expected to have longer careers because of increased life expectancy, require assistance with managing various risks and adverse events; they also need guidance that helps to build resilience. Concerns about work-life balance among young doctors (eg, gap years or part-time work) require further analysis. He favoured training focused on stress reduction, mindfulness, and research skills, which can facilitate career planning and job matching. He concluded by emphasising the importance of collaboration among senior doctors, trainers, and students, echoing Prof Chan’s view that young doctors should be nurtured by role models.
Dr Lee stated that connectivity and convergence are the main trends that will shape healthcare delivery and training in the next decade; the hyperconnected world of big data and artificial intelligence will have the greatest transformative influence on medicine and the patient experience by helping patients to access health data that allows them to become more informed and proactive. The convergence of data modalities (eg, genomics and electronic health records) could facilitate the hospital-at-home concept, thereby decentralising healthcare from hospitals to community locations. As family medicine evolves to focus on comprehensive health and preventive care, there may be a reduced need for subspecialists to manage advanced diseases; in the future, more medical students may pursue primary and preventive care avenues. Consistent with her focus on preparing graduates for postgraduate training and specialisation in the changing healthcare environment over the next 5 to 10 years, Dr Lee presented the redesigned and reformed curriculum of the medical school of The University of Hong Kong that reinforces core competencies for professional practice, thereby strengthening concepts of primary care, preventive medicine, and systems-based practice. A key aspect of the curriculum, the 140+ CORE programme (in combination with point-of-care gadgets and the Internet of Things) contextualises the curriculum into common situations, ordinary clinical settings, relevant knowledge, and appropriate skills and behaviour; it also covers essential considerations of competent and ethical professional practice, avoiding excessive subspecialisation in the early stages of medical training. The redesigned curriculum is informatics-driven and personalised, with support from tools such as Moodle and curriculum maps; learning opportunities are recorded in e-portfolios. Although the digital health revolution is transforming medical care and training, Dr Lee emphasised the continuing need for humanistic aspects of medicine, including empathy and connectedness, which require collaboration between medical schools and healthcare professionals.
Prof Leung called for improved communication and collaboration among medical schools, the Hospital Authority, and the Academy to support the ‘continuum’ of medical education and training in Hong Kong. Although specialisation can be beneficial, excessive subspecialisation in healthcare may lead to a shortage of generalists and fragmented care, where patients with multiple diseases are treated by multiple specialists. He argued that although the development of primary care is important, this approach may not resolve the problem of excessive specialisation in the public sector. The Government’s proposed solution of mandatory service can be incorporated before specialist training, but it is challenging to train generalists because medical knowledge is rapidly expanding. To address this challenge, Prof Leung advocated for combined efforts involving medical schools and the Academy to provide doctors with sufficient general knowledge. The Academy is organising a strategic workshop to address these issues, with the goal of establishing a pathway for development over the next 5 to 10 years. He concluded by asserting that future doctors must have greater versatility, a wider knowledge base, and multiple skill sets; these aspects can be facilitated by collaborative efforts among medical schools, the Academy, and the Hospital Authority to maintain institutions and improve communication in a timely manner.
Regarding medical student selection criteria, Dr Lee emphasised the importance of passion: the ability to connect with people and demonstrate empathy is a requirement for trainee doctors and medical students. Prof Chan agreed with Dr Lee’s view that strong academic ability is not necessarily an indicator of whether an individual will become a good doctor; teachers must help students to become the right doctors for their patients. With respect to clinical training, Dr Ko noted that medical students should receive early education to ensure an appropriate attitude towards the medical profession.
Although Prof Leung generally supported the notion of requiring trainee doctors to teach medical students, he stated that the implementation methods and teaching criteria should be carefully considered. Prof Chan observed that some doctors may be enthusiastic about teaching, whereas others may be reluctant. Prof Leung commented that teaching should be regarded as an opportunity for trainee doctors to practise and improve their clinical skills, rather than a job-related obligation. Dr Ko also emphasised the importance of service, teaching, and research in patient care because an individual’s knowledge comprehension can be improved when they teach others. Dr Lee stated that it is challenging for trainee doctors to accommodate additional time commitments. Instead of teaching, she recommended that—after they have gained sufficient background knowledge—students learn from teachers in an authentic clinical setting.
Prof Lai recognised efforts made by both medical schools, the Hospital Authority, and the Academy to address resilience and well-being among young doctors, despite the burnout reported by some of those doctors. Prof Leung stated that it remains challenging to measure resilience, but he agreed that well-being programmes should continue and timely progress monitoring should be explored. Dr Lee highlighted the importance of welcoming and including colleagues and students with diverse personalities, which can facilitate adaptation to various learning and personal needs upon entry into the medical profession. Dr Ko agreed that the demanding and stressful nature of modern clinical practice has increased the need for resilience; thus, young doctors should receive psychological support, crisis management training, and character building guidance throughout their careers. Prof Chan acknowledged that the next generation of doctors will experience substantial new challenges and difficult realities that require resilience. Prof Leung mentioned that there is a difference between helping someone to overcome adversity and allowing them to entirely avoid it; an avoidance approach does not encourage resilience.
At the conclusion of the roundtable discussion, Prof Lai stated that young and future doctors are fortunate because major stakeholders are proactively addressing the issues and challenges they are likely to encounter; thus, young and future doctors will be better prepared for their roles and able to provide more effective patient care.
Author contributions
The authors were responsible for drafting of the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.

Reforming education and pedagogy in medicine and health with digital innovations to enhance learning practices and outcomes

© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Reforming education and pedagogy in medicine and health with digital innovations to enhance learning practices and outcomes
Harry HX Wang, PhD1,2,3 #; Yu-ting Li, MPH4 #; Haifeng Zhang, MD5; Ji-bin Li, PhD6; Wenyong Huang, MD4; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH7,8,9
1 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
2 Department of General Practice, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China
3 School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
4 State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
5 Department of Cardiology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
6 Department of Clinical Research, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China
7 Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
8 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
9 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
# Equal contribution
Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (
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Countries around the world are experiencing widespread challenges in health workforce expansion to manage the health implications of dramatic changes in demographic, socio-economic, epidemiological, climatic, and technological factors. These changes require health providers to demonstrate increasing flexibility and creativity, along with a more proactive approach in terms of addressing the interactions among diverse factors associated with health and healthcare in an ever-changing environment.1 However, traditional didactic methodologies have been widely utilised to emphasise the central role of the teacher in knowledge transfer and learning practices mainly via planned lectures with large amounts of theoretical content in a fixed environment. This approach offers limited opportunities for students to practise and share their knowledge, hindering the development of adaptability to meet the growing demand for lifelong learning.
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Ng et al2 evaluated the effectiveness of online micromodule teaching in knowledge transfer within the urology subspecialty among medical students without prior exposure to urology practice. The ‘flipped classroom’ demonstrated similar efficacy in knowledge transfer, as measured by pre-intervention and post-intervention multiple-choice questions and objective structured clinical examinations, compared with the traditional didactic lecture model.2 The findings suggest that the adoption of micromodules as a ‘flipped classroom’ component can maximise time for practical training and experience sharing between clinicians and medical students. This approach incorporating the use of digital media echoes previous research which highlighted the need for urology training innovation because of the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic.3 Despite the non-inferiority trial design used in their study, the efforts by Ng et al2 to create a culture of autonomy and establish a self-paced learning environment have demonstrated the substantial potential of online digital learning for improving student engagement and sustaining knowledge development.
In healthcare and clinical practice, knowledge acquisition is particularly important for both health professionals and the general population. Recent studies have identified widening gaps in health knowledge, awareness, and practice in the fields of hepatology and nephrology.4 5 Additionally, diverse educational resources for health advocacy and self-learning have become available because of the growing popularity of electronic material, combined with increasing access to digital technologies and social media platforms.5 The expansion of internet-based channels has led to broader education outreach, as reflected in a large-scale survey among >3000 respondents who reported regular access to digital platforms for rapid communication of health-related information.6
The World Health Organization has identified five key domains for interventions to transform and enhance the education available to health professionals: education and training institutions, accreditation and regulation, financing, monitoring and evaluation, and governance.7 Online learning (e-learning) has been highlighted as an innovative teaching and learning strategy that can support the establishment of institutions with sufficient strength to produce the desired quantity and quality of health professionals in both high-income and resource-limited settings.7 The ‘flipped classroom’ model is gaining popularity as an innovative teaching technique. In contrast to the primarily passive listening approach involved in traditional direct-instruction classroom lectures, students in ‘flipped classrooms’ receive digital learning material (eg, pre-recorded video lectures, podcasts, narrated presentations, and other internet-based material) prior to the traditional in-class session. This approach permits ‘in-class’ time to be used for knowledge consolidation and application through student-centred learning activities such as group discussion, peer projects, problem-solving exercises, and individualised assessments of student understanding. A literature review identified the many opportunities presented by digital technologies, which include (but are not limited to) more effective use of traditional ‘class’ time, greater diversity of learning materials, and additional opportunities to revitalise the learning process.8 For example, the integration of virtual patients and clinical simulation scenarios offers students unique learning opportunities to consolidate practical skills via digitally enhanced clinical practice.8 9 This approach may be ideal for the reformation of medical school curricula to address social stigma associated with various diseases (eg, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,10 mental illness, and cancer11) by incorporating interventions that involve experiential and affective teaching components.
The inclusion of digital innovations in education and pedagogy reform enhances clinical competencies among students, while creating environments for resilience building. There is a need to manage physicians’ increasing clinical responsibilities that arise from rapid progress in health systems, in addition to the growing demand for medical and translational research conducted in clinical settings.12 Longer working hours can lead to significant work-life imbalance and greater risks of dissatisfaction and depression among physicians. A territory-wide survey revealed a high prevalence of burnout among training and practising physicians in Hong Kong.13 In the United States, the implementation of an innovative ‘flipped classroom’ mindfulness training programme significantly reduced physician burnout, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalisation among both residents and faculty.14 The design of online modules focused on mind-body skills training, combined with interactive discussion sessions, has demonstrated efficacy in terms of increasing resilience, thereby improving the provision of calm and compassionate care.14
Among the various innovative components of the ‘flipped classroom’ model, multimedia tools with digital elements contribute to greater improvements in visualisation and student engagement throughout the teaching and learning process.15 A combination of interactive text, graphics, sound, animation, and video delivered by electronic means may be appropriate for children with intellectual disabilities—such children have an increased risk of infection because their limited cognitive ability hinders absorption and retention of health knowledge.16 A study conducted in Hong Kong showed that the development of multimedia visualisation teaching strategies with visual prompts (eg, lyrics and posters) helped the target population to learn proper hand-washing procedures.16
From the perspective of health communication, health awareness among patients (who are enhanced through effective physician-patient education) and clinical skills among physicians have equal importance in terms of ensuring excellent care.17 With respect to eye health, a sustained school-family partnership is critical for achieving the desired goal of ‘Vision for Everyone’.18 Advances in digital communication to share, disseminate, and amplify health messages—to target audiences and the wider community—have key roles in promoting universal eye health and preventing avoidable blindness. Digital technologies are also expected to play major roles in out-of-class settings where the communication of health knowledge between school teachers and students’ parents via digital routes (eg, instant messengers) may have long-term effects on students’ abilities to learn and maintain healthy behaviours.19
In recent decades, dramatic advances in digital technologies (eg, mobile computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual reality, and augmented reality) have facilitated widespread exploration of digital innovations in clinical practice and public health.20 Digitally enhanced learning has become a key driver of health system changes that can empower patients, physicians, and students. Therefore, the expansion of digitally enhanced learning practices should be encouraged and supported, both within and across medical specialities, to generate evidence that can guide education and pedagogy reform in response to the changing environment and health profiles in the post–COVID-19 era.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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