The need for good practice guidelines for expert witnesses
Hong Kong Med J 2023 Dec;29(6):487–8 | Epub 7 Nov 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The need for good practice guidelines for expert witnesses
Albert Lee, FHKAM (Family Medicine), LLM1,2,3,4; Tracy Cheung, LLB, PCLL4,5,6
1 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Board Governor and Education Committee, World Association for Medical Law
3 Education Committee, Australasian College of Legal Medicine, Australia
4 Visiting Lecturer, The University of Law, United Kingdom
5 Consultant Solicitor, Wanda Tong & Company, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Lecturer, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Albert Lee (

Disputes in the healthcare sector between patients,
healthcare professionals, and providers involve
technical medical issues. Therefore, expert witnesses
are needed to assist legal representatives, judges,
and tribunals with specialised knowledge to
better understand patient care and management,
the standard of care provided, and to determine
the issues in dispute.1 Expert witnesses possess
specialist knowledge, skills, experience, and training
to provide expert opinions and testify in Court
or before tribunals to assist in providing a better
understanding of the factual and expert evidence
and/or to determine the issues in dispute. Opinion
evidence is generally not permitted to be given by
factual witnesses. Expert witnesses assist the Court
and tribunals by providing opinions to evaluate
the factual and medical evidence and determine
whether the standard of healthcare services was met
or fell below the legal standard, leading to the alleged
injuries and losses.
There have been a series of high-profile cases
of gross negligence manslaughter in Hong Kong and
the United Kingdom in recent years, which highlight
the important role of expert witnesses in assisting in
the administration of justice.2 If an expert witness
provides an unsound or biased opinion to a party in
a dispute, it could potentially lead to lengthy legal
and disciplinary proceedings against a healthcare
professional, which could otherwise be avoided.3 The
purpose of a Medical Council Inquiry is to determine
whether the conduct of the registered medical
practitioner amounts to professional misconduct,
rendering the registered medical practitioner unfit
to practice and/or subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Professional misconduct refers to misconduct in
a professional respect and includes conduct which
falls below the standards expected of members of
the profession.4 5 The legal standard of care is set
out in the English case of Bolam,6 where it held that
a medical practitioner will not be negligent if s/he
is acting in accordance with a practice accepted as
proper by a responsible body of medical opinion, and the practice must be able to stand up to logical
analysis.7 Who will qualify as a responsible body
of medical opinion? It ought to be persons with
knowledge, expertise, and training in the specific
specialist area of practice as the subject medical
A medical practitioner cannot rely on a so-called
‘reasonable doctor test’ for advice given to a
patient in relation to informed consent issues. The
Courts in some common law jurisdictions have
increasingly adopted the principle of a ‘reasonable
patient test’ as seen in the cases of Whitaker8 and Montgomery9. In this respect, an expert medical
opinion is still necessary to determine standard
of care issues. The Montgomery case requires a
doctor to take “reasonable care to ensure that the
patient is aware of any material risks involved in
any recommended treatment, and of any reasonable
alternative or variant treatments.”10 Expert opinion is
still required to determine if there are and if so, what
are the reasonable alternatives or variant treatments
available to patient, and what a doctor should
reasonably know and advise on the significant risk(s)
for that patient. In the recent case of McCulloch,11
the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
unanimously agreed that the consideration of whether
a treatment is a reasonable alternative should be an
exercise of professional skill and judgement by a
professional body of medical opinion.
Medico-legal reports by expert witnesses must
meet the requirements of the legal process and are
not merely medical reports prepared for clinical or
treatment purposes. The integrity of expert witnesses
is paramount and they should possess a unique
skillset to provide an expert opinion with quality and
substance, in addition to the specialist knowledge and
skills in the relevant practice area. The primary role
of the expert is to act independently and objectively
in providing assistance to the court or tribunal in
matters pertaining to the medical facts of the case.
They are not a ‘hired gun’ for the instructing party.
An expert report should include a clear articulation of all factual assumptions made and reasons for
giving a particular opinion. These reasons must be
supported by authoritative research.12
In Hong Kong, there is a demand for
healthcare professionals to act as expert witnesses.
However, there is a perceived reluctance to accept
instructions to act in this capacity due to concerns
over uncertainty of the contents and format of expert
reports for legal and disciplinary proceedings, large
volumes of documents to be considered, and time
needed to attend to communications with instructing
lawyers and preparation for appearance before the
Medical Council and Court.13 The time-frame and
lengthy legal proceedings, as well as fears over giving
evidence in Court and before the Medical Council
and being challenged during cross-examination by
lawyers can be daunting.13 To address these issues,
the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (the Academy)
provides an online training course for Fellows and
practitioners who wish to become competent expert
In addition, the Academy has published the
Best Practice Guidelines for Expert Witnesses in October 2023, which
provides concise and comprehensive guidance to
medical and dental practitioners who are partaking or
considering to partake the role of an expert witness.15
The Guidelines provide a step-by-step approach to
acting as an expert witness, beginning with practical
guidance and a list of things to obtain upon receiving
instructions. The Guidelines also include useful case
studies illustrating how to assess suitability to act as
an expert witness in specific clinical circumstances
and address particular issues, for example, the
difference between assessing the standard of care
and causation of damage in law. Furthermore,
the Guidelines provide practitioners with a better
understanding of concepts such as standard of care,
professional misconduct, and causation (the ‘but for’
test, the concept of the balance of probabilities, etc.)
to formulate an expert medico-legal opinion. Since
not all doctors and dentists are familiar with these
concepts and required forms, a very useful appendix
is included.15
The issues to be determined in various legal
and disciplinary proceedings will differ, and so will
the scope of expert reports. The Guidelines address
disciplinary inquiry proceedings, Coroner’s Court proceedings,
and civil litigation defence proceedings. Healthcare
professionals can also be asked to act as expert
witnesses in criminal proceedings, in civil claims
where they are instructed by plaintiffs, or upon the
instructions of the Director of Legal Aid. A table can
be used to summarise different types of proceedings
with guiding notes for the issues that expert witnesses
need to pay attention to.
The Guidelines emphasise the duties of
expert witnesses and stress the importance of being
impartial and independent in formulating opinions. The potential liabilities are also highlighted. The
Guidelines serve as a valuable resource for doctors
and dentists, enabling them to act as competent
expert witnesses and avoid potential pitfalls. Critical
appraisal of fictitious expert reports can illustrate
what constitutes a good or bad report and assist
doctors and dentists in mastering the skills, style,
and content of medico-legal opinion reporting.
Appearance in court or disciplinary inquiries
can be stressful for expert witnesses. Observing
actual proceedings, which are open to the public,
can better prepare experts. Online demonstration
videos can serve as useful resources.
There is a need for a larger pool of competent
expert witnesses in Hong Kong, readily available to
provide valuable input in different clinical disciplines
and serve our community. The Guidelines are an
invaluable resource that supports doctors and
dentists in offering their services as expert witnesses.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflict of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Donovan DF, Re-examining the legal expert in international arbitration (eleventh Kaplan Lecture, 15 November 2017). In: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, editor. International Arbitration: Issues, Perspectives and Practices. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International; 2019: Chapter 11.
2. Leung GK. Medical manslaughter in Hong Kong: what
now? Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:4-5. Crossref
3. Lee A. Key elements of gross negligence manslaughter in the clinical setting. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29:99-101. Crossref
4. Chiu JS, Leung GK. Expert witnesses and areas of expertise. Hong Kong Med J 2022;28:4-5. Crossref
5. The Medical Council of Hong Kong. Code of professional conduct. 2016. Available from: Accessed 24 Sep 2023.
6. Bolam v Friern Health Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582 [2015] UKSC 11
7. Bolitho v City and Hackney Healthy Authority [1996] 4 All ER 771
8. Roger v Whitaker [1992] 175 C.L.R. 479 [HC] Australia
9. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] AC 143 (Supreme Court (Scotland)), UK
10. Sokol DK. Update on the UK Law on consent. BMJ 2015;350:h1481. Crossref
11. McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26
12. Beran RG. Legal medicine: how to prepare a report. Aus Fam Physician 2011;40:246-8.
13. Lee A. An Expert’s Perspective: Preparing for Court and
Professional Issues. Medical Protection Society and Hong
Kong Medical Association Medical Experts Training
Workshop, September 24, 2017, Hong Kong.
14. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. HKAM Training
Course for Expert Witness. Available from: Accessed 24 Sep 2023.
15. Professionalism and Ethics Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Best Practice Guidelines for Expert Witnesses. Available from: Accessed 27 Oct 2023.