Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):88–9 | Epub 28 Mar 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Informed consent: clarifying the post-Montgomery duty of care to discuss 'reasonable alternative treatment'
Gilberto KK Leung, FHKAM (Surgery), LLM
Department of Surgery, School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Prof Gilberto KK Leung (gilberto@hku.hk)
Many doctors have become concerned and unsure
about the standard of care required of them in
obtaining informed consent following the United
Kingdom Supreme Court decision in Montgomery
v Lanarkshire Health Board ('Montgomery').1 This
article aims to provide an update on the relevant
common law positions, clarified helpfully by the
same court in McCulloch v Forth Valley Health
Board ('McCulloch') in July 2023.2
The case of Montgomery established that a
doctor must 'take reasonable care to ensure that
the patient is aware of any material risks involved in
any recommended treatment, and of any reasonable
alternative or variant treatments.' It rejected the
previous paternalistic approach to medical consent
and introduced a legal standard that emphasises
respect for a patient’s right to self-determination.
The decision also gave rise to uncertainties about
the meaning of 'reasonable alternative treatment'
and the role of professional clinical judgement in
determining it.3
Must a doctor discuss all possible treatment
options with the patient, including those which
the doctor considers to be inappropriate? Does it
matter if the doctor’s decision not to discuss certain
treatment options is, in fact, supported by expert
witness opinion?
In McCulloch, a 39-year-old man was
hospitalised with chest pain and suspected
pericarditis. Echocardiogram findings were
inconclusive. A cardiologist who subsequently saw
the patient decided not to prescribe non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) because the
patient was by then pain-free, and she did not discuss
that treatment option with the patient. The patient
died of cardiac tamponade secondary to idiopathic
pericarditis and pericardial effusion a few days later.
The patient’s widow brought a claim, alleging
that had the patient been informed of the option
of NSAID, he would have taken it and would not
have died. The cardiologist explained that she did
not, in her professional judgement, regard NSAIDs
as necessary or appropriate treatment when she
assessed him; had he been in pain, she would have
prescribed the medication. Expert witnesses agreed
that NSAID could reduce pericardial effusion, but opinions were divided regarding its use in the
absence of chest pain. The case eventually went to
the Supreme Court, which found for the defendant
cardiologist based on expert opinions in support of
her practice, and took the opportunity to clarify that:
McCulloch thus affirmed the pre-eminent role
of professional clinical judgement in determining
the reasonable treatment options for each patient,
as well as the principle that the role of the court is
not to substitute clinical expertise but to impose a
duty of care to inform. The decision is consistent
with Montgomery in that patients remain entitled
to be adequately advised, albeit not on all possible
alternative treatments, but on all reasonable ones in
accordance with reasonable and responsible medical
practice. This narrowing-down approach has the
merits of reducing the risk of doctors bombarding
patients with information and reducing the risk of
putting doctors in a position of conflict by requiring
them to discuss treatments which they do not find
clinically appropriate. It is a significant clarification of the laws which should bring some relief to our
professional peers.
The adoption of the 'professional practice
test' means that a doctor can defend an omission to
discuss certain treatment options only if his or her
practice is supported by expert witness opinion (it
will be recalled that the doctor’s omission to discuss
the option of caesarean section in Montgomery was
not supported by any reasonable body of medical
opinion). Where expert opinions are divided, the
court cannot prefer one opinion to another (and
hence the ruling in McCulloch).4 However, the court
may on rare occasions reject an opinion if it does
not have a logical basis.5 The importance of quality
expert witness opinion and proper training for
expert witnesses cannot be overemphasised.
Another caveat is the continued and resolute
requirement for doctors to discuss the material risks
of medical treatment, defined in Montgomery as
'risks to which a reasonable person in the patient’s
position would be likely to attach significance, or
risks to which the doctor is or should reasonably be
aware that the particular patient would be likely to
attach significance.' Factors pointing to materiality
may include: the odds and nature of the risk, the
effect of its occurrence on the life of the patient,
the importance to the patient of the benefits sought
through the treatment, and the alternatives available
and the risks associated with those alternatives.1
The broad definition of material risks can pose
challenges to the doctor concerned as it necessitates
an appreciation of the particular patient’s subjective
values, beliefs, occupational needs, or even lifestyle
and hobbies. It arguably opens up unforeseeable
possibilities to support a claim, as suggested by a
four-fold increase in consent-based claims in the United
Kingdom during the post-Montgomery era.6 Doctors
should therefore be mindful that obtaining informed
consent is not a mere tick-box exercise, but a shared
decision-making process involving personalised and
bi-directional discussions.
Lastly, it is important to mention that
McCulloch and Montgomery, both post-1997 Supreme Court decisions, are persuasive or
highly persuasive, but not binding, in Hong Kong.
Although Montgomery had already been applied in
a local dental case, it is unclear whether McCulloch
will receive the same judicial response.7 Similarly,
the Medical Council of Hong Kong has incorporated
the principles espoused in Montgomery into its
professional guidance on medical consent.8 Whether
McCulloch will be so treated remains to be seen;
there is little doubt that it be welcome.
Author contributions
The author is solely responsible for drafting of the manuscript, approved the final version for publication, and takes responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The author has declared no conflict of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11
2. McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26
3. Devaney S, Purshouse C, Cave E, Heywood R, Miola J, Reinach N. The far-reaching implications of Montgomery for risk disclosure in practice. J Patient Saf Risk Manag 2019;24:25-9. Crossref
4. Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957) 1 WLR 582
5. Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority [1998] AC 232
6. Wald DS, Bestwick JP, Kelly P. The effect of the Montgomery
judgment on settled claims against the National Health
Service due to failure to inform before giving consent to
treatment. QJM 2020;113:721-5. Crossref
7. Chan Siu Yim v Dr Cheung Sheung Kin [2017] DCPI 2358/2013
8. The Medical Council of Hong Kong. Newsletter:
Implications of “Montgomery (Appellant) v Lanarkshire
Health Board (Respondent)(Scotland)”. 2015;22. Available
from: https://www.mchk.org.hk/files/newsletter22.pdf.
Accessed 8 Mar 2024.