Can we eliminate mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus in Hong Kong by 2030?

© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Can we eliminate mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus in Hong Kong by 2030?
WC Leung, MD, FHKAM (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)1; Martin CS Wong, MD, FHKAM (Family Medicine)2,3
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
Corresponding author: Dr WC Leung (
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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is an important public health issue. Hong Kong’s universal HBV immunisation programme for newborns began in 1988.1 This programme consists of administering hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIg) to infants born to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)–positive mothers, along with the first dose of the HBV vaccine at birth. The second and third doses of the vaccine are typically given in Maternal and Child Health Centres at 1 and 6 months, respectively. Notably, the proportion of HBsAg-positive pregnant women has steadily decreased in recent years, from 5.2% in 20162 to 2.4% in 2023 (unpublished data). Despite a 99.8% HBsAg screening rate among antenatal women, together with 99.5% coverage for both HBIg and HBV vaccinations in newborns of HBsAg-positive mothers,2 a local study3 of 641 HBsAg-positive pregnant women showed that the overall mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rate remained 1.1%, indicating immunoprophylaxis failure. To align with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) goal of eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030,4 and specifically to achieve the WHO target of <0.1% HBsAg prevalence among 5-year-old children by that year, further reduction of MTCT of HBV has been targeted by the multidisciplinary Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis, established in 2018 and chaired by the Director of Health and the Chief Executive of Hospital Authority.5 As an obstetrics representative on the Steering Committee, the first author had the opportunity to present a literature review for use in formulating the action plan. Three strategies were considered: (1) maintaining the current approach of administering HBIg and HBV vaccinations to newborns of HBsAg-positive mothers, (2) conducting another randomised controlled trial on the use of tenofovir in further prevention of MTCT of HBV, and (3) implementing a universal programme to use tenofovir for this purpose. Although two major randomised controlled trials,6 7 both published in The New England Journal of Medicine, appeared to reach conflicting conclusions, the MTCT of HBV rates were zero in both the Mainland China study6 (n=92, per-protocol) and the Thailand study7 (n=147). The safety of tenofovir in pregnancy has also been established. Rebound increases in alanine aminotransferase after tenofovir discontinuation were mild in most cases (acute hepatic exacerbation, defined as alanine aminotransferase elevation of >300 IU/L, occurred in 6% of the tenofovir group vs 3% of the control group7). The administration of antivirals to HBsAg-positive pregnant women with high HBV DNA levels has been recommended by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, European Association for the Study of the Liver, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.5 Despite these recommendations, the WHO had not made any recommendations by 2018. The Steering Committee ultimately decided to proceed with option 3.5
All HBsAg-positive pregnant women with an HBV viral load >200 000 IU/mL will receive an early referral to the corresponding hepatology clinic under Hospital Authority to discuss starting tenofovir (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; United States Food and Drug Administration pregnancy category B8) by 28 weeks of gestation to further reduce the risk of MTCT of HBV. This programme began as a pilot at Queen Mary Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital in the first quarter of 2020; it was expanded to Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, United Christian Hospital, and Tuen Mun Hospital in the third quarter of 2020.5 In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Cheung et al9 published the 2024 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guideline on antenatal screening and management of hepatitis B to prevent MTCT, summarising current clinical practices in Hong Kong. This evidence-based guideline aligns with the core strategy of reducing MTCT risk in the Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020-2024.10 Additionally, the guideline addresses important issues such as immunoprophylaxis failure, antenatal management, and the indications for and duration of continued antiviral treatment after delivery. We strongly encourage our readers to incorporate the recommendations of the Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists into their clinical practice.
Between September 2020 and December 2022, a total of 2151 HBsAg-positive pregnant women attended Hospital Authority antenatal clinics.11 Among them, 328 (15.2%) had a high viral load (HBV DNA >200 000 IU/mL) and were referred to hepatologists, and 314 (95.7%) of these pregnant women attended hepatology clinics. After consultation with hepatologists, most women (n=292, 93.0%) accepted tenofovir prophylaxis.11 Among those who refused tenofovir after consultation, common reasons included concerns about potential side-effects on the fetus and fears of hepatitis flare-ups after postpartum discontinuation of tenofovir.11
A key aspect of outcome assessment is post-vaccination serology testing, which will be performed in infants after they complete the full course of vaccination. Infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers will be recruited from Maternal and Child Health Centres and referred to the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital for blood tests. We anticipate favourable results, confirming the elimination of MTCT of HBV in Hong Kong by 2030!
Author contributions
Both authors contributed equally to the development of the manuscript. Both authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Wong VC, Ip HM, Reesink HW, et al. Prevention of the HBsAg carrier state in newborn infants of mothers who are chronic carriers of HBsAg and HBeAg by administration of hepatitis-B vaccine and hepatitis-B immunoglobulin. Double-blind randomised placebo-controlled study. Lancet 1984;1:921-6. Crossref
2. Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Surveillance of Viral Hepatitis in Hong Kong: 2022 Report. 2023. Available from: Accessed 8 Oct 2024.
3. Cheung KW, Seto MT, Kan AS, et al. Immunoprophylaxis failure of infants born to hepatitis B carrier mothers following routine vaccination. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16:144-5. Crossref
4. World Health Organization. Global Hepatitis Report 2017. Geneva: Global Hepatitis Programme; 2017. Available from: Accessed 27 Sep 2024.
5. Leung WC. Use of tenofovir in further prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of hepatitis B virus. Hong Kong Med Diary 2020;25:11-5.
6. Pan CQ, Duan Z, Dai E, et al. Tenofovir to prevent hepatitis B transmission in mothers with high viral load. N Engl J Med 2016;374:2324-34. Crossref
7. Jourdain G, Ngo-Giang-Huong N, Harrison L, et al. Tenofovir versus placebo to prevent perinatal transmission of hepatitis B. N Engl J Med 2018;378:911-23. Crossref
8. United States Food and Drug Administration. Prescribing information: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablets, for oral use. Revised 2017. Available from: Accessed 9 Oct 2024.
9. Cheung KW, So PL, Mak LL, et al. 2024 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guideline on antenatal screening and management of hepatitis B for prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Hong Kong Med J 2024;30:400-8. Crossref
10. Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020-2024. 2020. Available from: Accessed 8 Oct 2024.
11. Tsui WM, Leung WC, Kung KN, Lai CH. Antiviral prophylaxis for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus. Hospital Authority Convention 2024 poster presentation F3_3.34. Available from: Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

The use of paracetamol in clinical consultations: are current prescribing practices safe?

© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The use of paracetamol in clinical consultations: are current prescribing practices safe?
Bosco HM Ma, MD, FHKAM (Medicine)1; Martin CS Wong, MD, FHKAM (Family Medicine)2,3
1 Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Bosco HM Ma (
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Chronic pain is a very common ailment. An early local survey of 1051 adults revealed that 113 (10.8%) had chronic pain lasting >3 months within the previous year.1 Of these individuals, 30.1% had attempted self-treatment with analgesics.1 Female gender (odds ratio [OR]=1.5) and advanced age (≥60 years) [OR=2.2] were independent risk factors for chronic pain.1 Another local study assessed the prevalence of pain in older people attending a geriatric outpatient specialist clinic at a regional hospital.2 Among 749 participants, 461 (61.5%) had experienced pain in the previous 2 weeks.2 Over half (51.3%) of the individuals with pain had taken analgesics.2
Paracetamol is an effective and easily accessible first-choice analgesic. It is available alone as a non-prescription medication or in combination with other medications.3 This drug is considered safe when the daily dose does not exceed 4 g in adults. It is usually preferred over non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are associated with renal, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular side-effects, especially in older people with multiple co-morbidities.4 Paracetamol is one of the most commonly prescribed analgesics worldwide.5
Paracetamol reduces the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxanes by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase,6 which is considered a key mechanism for inducing analgesia. It is extensively metabolised by hepatic glucuronidation and sulphation (85%-90%). The remaining drug is either oxidised by cytochrome P450 isoenzymes to form a toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone-imine (5%-10%), or excreted unchanged in urine (5%). N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone-imine is further neutralised by glutathione and excreted in urine. In cases of paracetamol overdose, the accumulation of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone-imine may lead to acute liver failure. Additionally, paracetamol toxicity is more common in patients with chronic liver diseases or malnutrition. Pharmacokinetic studies have indicated that paracetamol absorption is not altered in older people compared with younger individuals. Nonetheless, both the volume of distribution and clearance of paracetamol metabolites decline with age, especially in frail older people.7 Thus, older people also have a greater risk of paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity.
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Tsang et al8 present a territory-wide study of paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity based on data from 3873 cases of drug-induced poisoning. After the exclusion of ineligible patients, 76 cases were included in the analysis. The findings showed that age >80 years, low body weight (<50 kg), prolonged exposure (>2 days), daily dose >3 g, and malnutrition (documented insufficient energy intake for >1 week) were risk factors for death or acute liver failure.8 Among these risk factors, prolonged paracetamol use (OR=16.9), older age (OR=7.2), and higher paracetamol dosage (OR=7.2) displayed the strongest effects.8 The findings are consistent with the STOPP/START criteria (Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Prescriptions and Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treatment), which recommend that the daily dose of paracetamol should not exceed 3 g in older people (aged ≥65 years) with malnutrition (body mass index ≤18 kg/m2 or chronic liver diseases9 due to the risk of hepatotoxicity. Furthermore, Tsang et al8 reported other remarkable findings. First, the majority (60.5%) of paracetamol users had pain or fever. Second, over one-third (34.2%) of paracetamol overdose cases were related to cognitive impairment. However, the study had limitations of retrospective design and a modest number of included patients.8
Hong Kong is a rapidly ageing society. Cognitive impairment affects one in 10 people aged ≥70 years and one in three people aged ≥85 years.10 11 Many older people attend multiple medical appointments in public healthcare clinics. Concomitant care in both private and public clinics is also common. Furthermore, they have easy access to paracetamol or paracetamol-containing combination products from community pharmacies. Thus, these individuals have a risk of paracetamol overdose through the use of multiple sources.12 Family physicians and community pharmacists play important roles in ensuring medication reconciliation for frail older people with multiple co-morbidities and medical appointments.
In summary, Tsang et al’s study offers a timely reminder of the need for cautious use of paracetamol when treating frail older people.8 Future prospective studies involving a broader population may help enhance the generalisability of these findings.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed equally to the development of the manuscript. Both authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Ng KF, Tsui SL, Chan WS. Prevalence of common chronic pain in Hong Kong adults. Clin J Pain 2002;18:275-81. Crossref
2. Miu DK, Chan TY, Chan MH. Pain and disability in a group of Chinese elderly out-patients in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2004;10:160-5.
3. Chan TY. Safety packaging of acetaminophen combination preparations and severity of adult poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1996;34:747-9. Crossref
4. Alchin J, Dhar A, Siddiqui K, Christo PJ. Why paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a suitable first choice for treating mild to moderate acute pain in adults with liver, kidney or cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, or who are older. Curr Med Res Opin 2022;38:811-25. Crossref
5. Caparrotta TM, Carduff E, Dear JW. Paracetamol use in adults. BMJ 2023:383:e070753. Crossref
6. Sharma CV, Mehta V. Paracetamol: mechanisms and updates. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain 2014;14:153-8. Crossref
7. Mian P, Allegaert K, Spriet I, Tibboel D, Petrovic M. Paracetamol in older people: towards evidence-based dosing? Drugs Aging 2018;35:603-24. Crossref
8. Tsang WH, Chan CK, Tse ML. Paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity after normal therapeutic doses in the Hong Kong Chinese population. Hong Kong Med J 2024;30:355-61. Crossref
9. O’Mahony D, Cherubini A, Guiteras AR, et al. STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people: version 3. Eur Geriatr Med 2023;14:625-32. Crossref
10. Hong Kong Population Projections 2015-2064. Hong Kong: Census and Statistics Department; 2015.
11. Yu R, Chau PH, McGhee SM, et al. Dementia Trends: Impact of the Ageing Population and Societal Implications for Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Jockey Club; 2010.
12. Wolf MS, King J, Jacobson K, et al. Risk of unintentional overdose with non-prescription acetaminophen products. J Gen Intern Med 2012;27:1587-93. Crossref

Integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine: some food of thought on clinical liability

Hong Kong Med J 2024 Aug;30(4):268–70 | Epub 28 Jun 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine: some food of thought on clinical liability
Albert Lee, MD, LLM1,2,3; KW Tong, JSD, PhD4; Billy CF Chiu, MPH, FHKAM (Family Medicine)1,5,6; Wendy Wong, PhD, RCMP5,7
1 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Board of Governors and Education Committee, World Association for Medical Law
4 City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
7 Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Albert Lee (
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In Hong Kong, 50% to 60% of the population consulted traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners at least once in their lives notwithstanding the wide availability of services from Western medicine (WM).1 A study has shown the concomitant use of TCM and WM by 25.9% of patients in Hong Kong.2 There is a need for better integration clinically and legally, especially when both WM and TCM practitioners are uncertain of their liabilities if any medico-legal incidents arise during co-care. Application of various common-law elements of negligence (duty of care, standard of care, causation and foreseeability) would help to develop deeper insights into how liabilities would fall on different parties.
When a patient comes to consult a practitioner, WM or TCM, a doctor-patient relationship is arguably already established. If a patient is under the co-care with prescriptions of both TCM and WM, who owes the duty of care to the patient? A three-pronged test can be used to determine the duty of care3:
  • the proximity (sufficient close) in the relationship between the claimant (patient) and the defendant (practitioner);
  • damage being reasonably foreseeable; and
  • whether the court considers it fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of the given scope upon the defendant practitioner.
    Who has the closest relationship with the patient claimant for a particular management? For instance, a patient consulted a WM doctor for back pain with no significant abnormalities detected, and the patient was advised bed rest, with sick leave certification and analgesia if needed. The patient then consulted a TCM practitioner and was prescribed some herbal medicine to take regularly. The patient also took analgesia, and s/he developed an allergic reaction. Who should owe a greater duty of care? Likewise, a patient consulted TCM for health maintenance with a prescription of TCM supplements. The patient then had a bad cough and was diagnosed with bronchitis by a WM doctor, who prescribed a course of antibiotics. The patient developed severe diarrhoea. Which practitioner owed a greater duty of care?
    It is the submission of the authors that in the back pain case, the TCM practitioner may have had a closer relationship with the patient claimant upon initiation of regular treatments. The TCM practitioner should ask firstly whether the patient has been prescribed any medication. In the bronchitis case, the WM doctor may have had a closer relationship and should enquire about any concurrent medication including supplements. The patient claimant then bears the burden of proof with respect to whether the medication is likely to cause damage (causation). The defendant practitioner could defend against the claimant’s allegations with scientific evidence. If the best available evidence has not revealed any significant adverse drug interaction, the court may not see it “fair, just and reasonable” to impose a duty on the defendant practitioner (reasonable standard of care).
    In WM, the Bolam test is applied, where a doctor is “not guilty of negligence if he has acted in accordance with a practice accepted as proper by a responsible body of medical men skilled in that particular art”.4 Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners hold themselves as practitioners specialised in treatment of certain health conditions, and they might use methods not in perfect line with WM practices, and patients look for TCM because they prefer not to receive WM, should the Bolam test also apply, or should TCM follow its own specific standard of care?5 Let us consider three cases to provide some insights.
    In the United Kingdom, Abdur Shakoor was treated by Situ, an herbalist (TCM practitioner) with 5 years’ experience in China possessing both a traditional “medicine” and “modern” medical qualifications, but no British professional medical qualifications. Situ prescribed a course of Chinese herbal remedies for Shakoor’s lipoma.6 Shakoor got very ill and died of liver failure. Post-mortem examination found that his liver contained Bai Xian Pi (白蘚皮), or Dictamnus dasycarpus, which could be hepatotoxic as published in western journals. The judge concluded that as long as the herbalist has complied with the United Kingdom’s laws, not prescribing substances prohibited or regulated by statutes, and taking steps to keep abreast of pertinent information in TCM textbooks and periodicals, this would fulfil the standard of care of a reasonable herbalist.6
    In Singapore, Lim Poh Eng,7 a TCM practitioner, was charged criminally negligence in having caused grievous harm to a patient by prescribing colonic washouts without proper training in the procedure and use of equipment, and without any understanding of the risks and complications involved. Lim was convicted after trial and failed on appeal to argue that the standard of negligence in criminal cases should be higher than the civil standard. The High Court ruled that a TCM practitioner embanking on management without prior knowledge and training can be found negligent.
    Practitioners providing TCM or complementary and alternative medicine for management should provide evidence to create a hypothetical standard of care, otherwise the same standard will apply as WM. A United States case, Gonzalez,8 provides a legal reference. Dr Gonzalez (defendant doctor) initiated a cancer treatment including pancreatic enzymes, specific diets, vitamin and mineral supplements, animal organs extracts, and coffee enemas. Such departure from good and accepted medical practice was a proximate cause of the claimant’s injuries. If the treatment risks and the alternatives had been appropriately given, a reasonably prudent person in the claimant’s position would not have agreed.
    The Bolam4 test can still be applied to TCM/complementary and alternative medicine, in accordance with the standard of care provided by responsible TCM practitioners skilled in that particular field. This is particularly important for the ‘but for’ test to prove causation: “but for the defendant’s negligence, would the claimant suffer injuries?” In a claim, the claimant bears the burden of proof, and the defendant doctor can adduce expert opinions to rebut. In the United Kingdom case Wilsher v Essex,9 a junior doctor mistakenly inserted a catheter into a vein instead of an artery in a preterm baby for oxygen monitoring and excess oxygen was given, which may be a possible cause of blindness but not a definite cause. So, the claim failed in causation. The damage must not be too remote or unforeseeable as in Goodwill,10 where a doctor did not owe a duty of care for contraceptive advice to the person having sexual relationship in future after vasectomy.
    Healthcare practitioners can refer to the basic doctrine of bio-medical ethics to avoid medical mishaps.11 Identification of the ‘material risk’ in adopting ‘patient-centred’ care, particularly after the leading judgement of Montgomery12 in the United Kingdom Supreme Court, would enable both WM and TCM practitioners to understand why patients seek alternative treatments in line with the principles of autonomy and also justice and fidelity,13 acting for the best interests for patients. However, patients should understand the limitations that practitioners of TCM and WM might not fully comprehend the practices on other side. They can only advise on the benefits of treatment of their own specialities as well as the potential harmful effects (beneficence and non-malfeasance). It is the authors’ submission that it is not fair, just and reasonable to ask WM doctors to be liable for any harmful effects of treatment under TCM and vice versa.
    There is also concern of liability of referring patients from each side. The basic principle is whether the alternative therapeutic options are generally accepted within the medical community and a referral to a medical specialist usually does not attract malpractice liability, so referring doctors ought to know, through reasonable inquiry, the credentials of the practitioner to whom they refer.14 Another concern is vicarious liability if the TCM practitioners are employed by or affiliated with an institution. A key factor is the degree of control that Chief Medical Executives, usually WM doctors, have over TCM practitioners. United Kingdom court cases provide good references. In Barclays Bank, the Supreme Court held that the bank was not vicariously liable by having referred its employees to doctors for pre-employment check if an employee was subsequently sexually harassed by a doctor referred.15 In Christian Brothers, the Supreme Court discussed the test of control that “[m]any employees apply a skill or expertise that is not susceptible to direction by anyone else in the company that employs them. Thus, the significance of control today is that the employer can direct what the employee does, not how he does it.” (para 36).16 Chief Medical Executives can only control that their TCM practitioners comply with law and regulations, but not how those practitioners consult with patients. This is particularly important when a complaint is filed against a Chief Medical Executive regarding the performance of a TCM practitioner.
    When patient is under co-care of a TCM practitioner and a WM doctor, there should be clear delineation of the duties and standard of care in those particular circumstances. Regulatory bodies should examine causation under co-care to determine issues of liability. If a WM/TCM practitioner embanks on management under other’s domain, the standard of care required is that of an ordinary skilled person exercising and professing to have the special skill as in Lim7 and Wilsher9 (the House of Lords held that a junior doctor owes the same duty of care and standard of care as a qualified doctor). Structured inter-professional education and research can drive integration with better understanding of the clinical science of each other.17 18 With the integrated Chinese-Western Medicine Programme executed by the Hospital Authority for cancer care, stroke, and low back pain since 2014, an integrated healthcare framework should be shared among the key stakeholders to ensure patient safety for definition of clear professional boundaries and roles.
    Author contributions
    All authors have contributed to the concept, review and analysis of literature and critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. A Lee is responsible for the first draft. All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
    Content in this presentation is intended solely to provide general discussion concerning medico-legal perspective of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. It is not intended as legal or medical advice. Legal or medical advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel or other professionals to address specific facts and circumstances and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and standards. This paper is written in personal capacity of the authors and the opinions expressed therein do not represent the organisations which they work for or affiliated with.
    This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
    1. Wong W, Lam CL, Bian XZ, Zhang ZJ, Ng ST, Tung S. Morbidity pattern of traditional Chinese medicine primary care in the Hong Kong population. Sci Rep 2017;7:7513. Crossref
    2. Leung GK, Wong SW, Ng GK, Hung KN. Concomitant use of Western and Chinese medicine treatments in neurosurgical patients in Hong Kong. Chin J Integr Med 2011 Jul 30. Crossref
    3. Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] UKHL 2 (House of Lords).
    4. Bolam v Friern Health Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582 (Queen’s Bench).
    5. Raposo VL. Complementary and alternative medicine, medical liability and the proper standard of care. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2019;35:183-8. Crossref
    6. Estate of Shakoor (deceased) v Situ (t/a Eternal Health Co) [2001] 1 WLR 410; All ER 181 (Queen’s Bench).
    7. Lim Poh Eng v Public Prosecutor [1999] 1 SLR(R) 428 (High Court).
    8. Charell v Gonzalez [1997] 173 Misc.2d 227; 660 N.Y.S. 2d 665 (N.Y. Sup.Ct.1997) (Supreme Court of New York).
    9. Wilsher v Essex [1988]. AC 1074 (House of Lords).
    10. Goodwill v British Pregnancy Advice Service [1996] 7 Med LR 129 (Court of Appeal).
    11. Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. Principles of biomedical ethics. Oxford (Great Britain): Oxford University Press; 1989.
    12. Lee A. ‘Bolam’ to ‘Montgomery’ is result of evolutionary change of medical practice towards ‘patient-centered care’. Postgrad Med J 2017;93:46-50. Crossref
    13. Tarvydas VM, Cottone RR. The Code of Ethics for Professional Rehabilitation Counselors: what we have and what we need. Rehabil Couns Bull 2000;43:188-96. Crossref
    14. Cohen MH. Legal and ethical issues in complimentary medicine: a United States perspective. Med J Aust 2004;181:168-9. Crossref
    15. Barclays Bank plc v Various Claimants [2020] UKSC 13 (Supreme Court).
    16. The Catholic Child Welfare Society and others v Various Claimants (FC) and The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and others [2012] UKSC 56 (Supreme Court), UK (“Christian Brothers”).
    17. Chiu SW, Sze TO. Revival or innovation? Chinese medicine at the crossroads of professionalization in Hong Kong. SSM–Qualitative Research in Health 2021;1:100004. Crossref
    18. Perharic-Walton L, Murray V. Toxicity of Chinese herbal remedies. Lancet 1992;340:674. Crossref

    Maternal vaccination: a promising preventive strategy to protect infants from respiratory syncytial virus

    Hong Kong Med J 2024 Aug;30(4):264–7 | Epub 8 Jul 2024
    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Maternal vaccination: a promising preventive strategy to protect infants from respiratory syncytial virus
    Mike YW Kwan, MSc, MRCPCH1,2; Patrick CY Chong, MRCPCH, FHKAM (Paediatrics)3; Gilbert T Chua, MB, BS, MRCPCH2,4; Marco HK Ho, MD, FRCPCH5; Liona C Poon, MD, FRCOG6
    1 Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
    2 Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    3 Virtus Medical Group, Hong Kong SAR, China
    4 Allergy Centre, Union Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
    5 Lee Tak Hong Allergy Centre, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
    6 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    Corresponding author: Dr Mike YW Kwan (
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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRTI) in early childhood.1 2 In most patients, RSV infection is self-limiting and manifests as an upper respiratory illness.1 However, in high-risk infants and young children, RSV infection can manifest as bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and acute respiratory failure; it may require hospitalisation or mechanical ventilation and potentially result in death.1 Risk factors for severe illness in early childhood include prematurity, young age, and underlying conditions (ie, congenital heart disease, chronic lung disease, and neurodevelopmental conditions).1 3
    Respiratory syncytial virus circulates year-round globally but peaks during the winter months in temperate regions and the rainy season in tropical climates.4 In Hong Kong, RSV activity peaks from March to August, when relative humidity is elevated and wind speed is low.5 6 An understanding of RSV seasonality facilitates effective public health planning and resource allocation.
    Whereas the implementation of infection control measures during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic effectively flattened the infection curve, the subsequent relaxation of such measures had severe impacts on RSV epidemiology and its seasonal patterns.7 Studies in multiple countries revealed an off-season RSV epidemic among children aged <5 years after the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic,8 9 10 indicating a major shift in seasonality and the need for continuous RSV surveillance.
    Although RSV is a well-recognised threat in early childhood,2 local data concerning RSV epidemiology and disease burden remain scarce due to the lack of systematic collection methods.5 6 The under-recognition of RSV as a substantial contributor to morbidity and mortality among children might also explain the scarcity of local prevalence data. In Hong Kong, RSV currently is not considered a notifiable communicable disease. Most patients with clinical features of acute respiratory infection are offered laboratory testing, particularly in clinics with access to point-of-care testing facilities. Because respiratory viruses cause nonspecific symptoms, laboratory testing to identify the infectious agent is essential for guided management strategies.1 11 Both rapid antigen diagnostic tests and nucleic acid assays are common laboratory tests for RSV detection, although nucleic acid assays have higher diagnostic accuracy than rapid antigen diagnostic tests.12 The development of multiplex nucleic acid assays and rapid antigen diagnostic tests has allowed for the simultaneous detection of various respiratory pathogens13; however, the lack of access to subsidised diagnostic tests often limits their clinical utility.
    In the absence of sufficient local prevalence data, it is important to prioritise the implementation of territory-wide RSV surveillance and promote the use of laboratory testing for patients with suspected acute respiratory infection. Surveillance data can help understand local RSV epidemiology and disease burden (particularly among infants aged ≤6 months); it can also inform local vaccination policy.
    Globally, there were approximately 33.0 million cases of RSV-related ALRTI among children aged <5 years in 2019, including 3.6 million hospitalisations.2 Notably, there were 101 400 RSV-attributable deaths; of these, 97% occurred in low- and middle-income countries, and 45% occurred in children aged <6 months.2 In 1999, the estimated annual incidence of RSV-related hospitalisation in Hong Kong was 2.5 cases per 1000 children aged <5 years, with a mortality rate of 0.15% among hospitalised children.5
    The economic burden of RSV infection is substantial. The estimated global medical cost of RSV infection in young children was EUR€4.82 billion in 2017; hospitalisation costs constituted 55% of the global RSV economic burden, and high-income countries carried 35% of the burden.14 In Hong Kong, the estimated annual healthcare expenditure for RSV-related ALRTI was HK$6.67 million.5
    Multiple studies have shown that severe RSV infection in early childhood is associated with long-term respiratory sequelae (ie, decreased pulmonary function,15 wheezing,16 17 and the development of atopic asthma and clinical allergy18 19), emphasising the high actual disease burden.
    Given the absence of specific treatment for RSV infection, the current approach to managing RSV infection focuses on supportive care.1 11 Moreover, although monoclonal antibody remains a promising approach for RSV prevention in high-risk paediatric patients,20 a safe and effective RSV vaccine remains necessary. Considering the naïve immune system and challenges associated with neonatal vaccination, active immunisation of pregnant women during the third trimester is a viable approach to protect neonates from vaccine-preventable diseases.21
    Previous efforts to develop various types of RSV vaccines have yielded no positive outcomes.22 Efforts to understand structural differences in the fusion (F) glycoprotein between its pre-F and pro-F conformations have led to the development of an effective RSV vaccine.22 The RSV pre-F protein (RSVpreF) is the target for vaccine development because it is an immunologically important antigen with high conservation across all known RSV subgroups.22
    In August 2023, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the RSVpreF bivalent vaccine as the first and only vaccine for use in pregnant women to protect infants (birth until 6 months of age) from developing RSV-related ALRTI and severe ALRTI. The decision was based on results from the phase III MATISSE study (Maternal Immunization Study for Safety and Efficacy), which showed that the RSVpreF vaccine had efficacies of 81.8% and 69.4% in preventing medically attended severe RSV-related ALRTI among newborns within 3 and 6 months after birth, respectively.23 No safety signals were detected in maternal participants or their infants up to 24 months of age.23 Moreover, concurrent administration of RSVpreF with either tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis or inactivated influenza vaccine was immunogenic and well-tolerated by non-pregnant women and older adults, respectively.24 25
    In October 2023, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an official recommendation regarding the administration of a single dose of RSVpreF bivalent vaccine to pregnant women at 32 to 36 weeks of gestation for the prevention of RSV-related ALRTI in infants.26
    Similar to the maternal tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccination programme, strong government support for including the RSV vaccine in the Vaccination Subsidy Scheme is needed to encourage its uptake. Importantly, RSV vaccination and counselling should be offered by obstetricians during routine prenatal care visits to reduce additional appointments, waiting, and travelling time.27 28 29 Strong collaborations between obstetricians and paediatricians allow for effective dissemination of public messaging; obstetricians can counsel expectant mothers about vaccine safety and benefits, while paediatricians can reinforce the messaging to the general public.
    Clinicians should be equipped with evidence-based information to effectively advocate for maternal RSV vaccination. Public health agencies and professional bodies should collaborate to develop educational materials for the medical community, such as clinical practice guidelines, consensus recommendations, and continuing medical education materials. Clinical guidelines for simplified immunisation schedules, achieved by combining the administration of two or more vaccines, could address concerns related to vaccine hesitancy.
    Government-led public education campaigns should address knowledge gaps concerning the RSV disease burden in the paediatric population to promote vaccine confidence and encourage vaccination uptake. All campaign materials should be developed in multiple languages, made available in various formats, and disseminated through various platforms to maximise the reach of vaccination campaigns.
    Additional data are needed to achieve full support for maternal RSV vaccination. Data regarding the duration of protection conferred by maternal vaccination could provide insights into herd immunity and the timing of booster vaccination for children aged ≤2 years. Investigations of whether maternal RSV-specific antibodies are present in the breast milk of RSV-vaccinated mothers could raise the possibility of postnatal RSV vaccination for cases in which the vaccine is not administered during pregnancy.
    Author contributions
    All authors contributed to the development of the manuscript. All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    LC Poon has received speaker fees and consultancy payments from Roche Diagnostics and Ferring Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, she has received in-kind contributions from Roche Diagnostics, Revvity Inc (formerly PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ningbo Aucheer Biological Technology Co Ltd, and GE HealthCare. Other authors declare no conflicts of interest.
    Funding for this study was provided by Pfizer Hong Kong. Editorial and medical writing support was provided by Dr Analyn Lizaso from Weber Shandwick Health HK, funded by Pfizer Hong Kong. The funders had no role in study design, data collection/analysis/interpretation or manuscript preparation.
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    Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do

    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do
    Valerie A Luyckx, MD1,2,3 #; Katherine R Tuttle, MD4,5 #; Dina Abdellatif, MD6 †; Ricardo Correa-Rotter, MD7 †; Winston WS Fung, MBBChir (Cantab), FRCP (Lond)8; Agnès Haris, MD, PhD9 †; LL Hsiao, MD2 †; Makram Khalife, BA10 ‡; Latha A Kumaraswami, BA11 †; Fiona Loud, BA10 ‡; Vasundhara Raghavan, BA10 ‡; Stefanos Roumeliotis, MD12; Marianella Sierra, BA10 ‡; Ifeoma Ulasi, MD13 †; Bill Wang, BA10 ‡; SF Lui, MD14 †; Vassilios Liakopoulos, MD, PhD12 †; Alessandro Balducci, MD15 †; for the World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
    1 Department of Public and Global Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
    2 Renal Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States
    3 Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
    4 Providence Medical Research Center, Providence Inland Northwest Health, Spokane, United States
    5 Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, United States
    6 Department of Nephrology, Cairo University Hospital, Cairo, Egypt
    7 Department of Nephrology and Mineral Metabolism, National Medical Science and Nutrition Institute Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico
    8 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    9 Nephrology Department, Péterfy Hospital, Budapest, Hungary
    10 International Society of Nephrology Patient Liaison Advisory Group
    11 Tamilnad Kidney Research Foundation, Chennai, India
    12 2nd Department of Nephrology, AHEPA University Hospital Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
    13 Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria
    14 Division of Health System, Policy and Management, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    15 Italian Kidney Foundation, Rome, Italy
    # Equal contribution
    Members of the World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
    Patient representatives of the Patient Liaison Advisory Group of the International Society of Nephrology
    Corresponding author: Dr Valerie A Luyckx (
     Full paper in PDF
    Historically, it takes an average of 17 years to move new treatments from clinical evidence to daily practice. Given the highly effective treatments now available to prevent or delay kidney disease onset and progression, this is far too long. The time is now to narrow the gap between what we know and what we do. Clear guidelines exist for the prevention and management of common risk factors for kidney disease, such as hypertension and diabetes, but only a fraction of people worldwide with these conditions are diagnosed, and even fewer receive appropriate treatment. Similarly, the vast majority of people living with kidney disease are unaware of their condition, because in the early stages it is often silent. Even among diagnosed patients, many do not receive appropriate treatment for kidney disease. Considering the serious consequences of kidney disease progression, kidney failure, or death, it is imperative to initiate treatments early and appropriately. Opportunities to diagnose and treat kidney disease early must be maximised, starting at the primary care level. Many systematic barriers exist, encompassing patient, clinician, health system, and societal factors. To preserve and improve kidney health for everyone everywhere, each of these barriers must be acknowledged so that sustainable solutions are developed and implemented without further delay.
    At least 1 in 10 people worldwide is living with a kidney disease.1 According to the Global Burden of Disease study, >3.1 million deaths were attributed to kidney dysfunction in 2019, making it the seventh leading risk factor for mortality worldwide (Fig 1 and online supplementary Fig).2 However, global mortality from all kidney diseases may actually range from 5 to 11 million per year if the mortality rate also includes estimated lives lost from acute kidney injury and lack of access to renal replacement therapy for kidney failure (KF), especially in lower-resource settings.3 These high global mortality rates reflect disparities in prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD).4 Mortality rates from CKD are especially high in some regions, particularly Central Latin America and Oceania (islands of the South Pacific Ocean), highlighting the need for urgent action.5

    Figure 1. Top 10 global risk factors for mortality, all ages, 2019. Kidney dysfunction (defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or albumin-to-creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/g) was the seventh-highest global level 3 risk factor for death in 2019 (red). The three leading global risk factors for kidney diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, and overweight/obesity, are also leading global risk factors for mortality (green); therefore, holistic strategies are required to simultaneously address all risk factors. Rankings are based on millions of deaths attributed to each risk factor. Error bars depict confidence intervals. Global rankings of kidney dysfunction stratified by World Bank income category and sex are presented in online supplementary Figure. Data in this figure were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease Study2
    Chronic kidney disease also represents a substantial global economic burden, with exponentially increasing costs as CKD progresses, due to the costs of dialysis and transplantation, as well as multiple co-morbidities and complications that accumulate over time.6 7 In the United States, Medicare fee-for-service spending for all beneficiaries with CKD was US$86.1 billion in 2021 (22.6% of total expenditures).8 Data from many lower-resource settings, where most healthcare spending comprises out-of-pocket costs, are absent. A recent study in Vietnam showed that the perpatient cost of CKD was higher than the gross domestic product per capita.7 In Australia, it has been estimated that early diagnosis and prevention of CKD could save the health system AU$10.2 billion over 20 years.9
    Although there is regional variation in the causes of CKD, the risk factors with the highest population-attributable factors for age-standardised CKD-related disease-adjusted life years are hypertension (51.4%), a high fasting plasma glucose level (30.9%), and a high body mass index (26.5%).10 These risk factors are also leading risk factors for mortality worldwide (Fig 1). Only 40% and 60% of people with hypertension and diabetes, respectively, are aware of their diagnosis; considerably smaller proportions of these individuals are receiving treatment and reaching therapeutic targets.11 12 Moreover, at least 1 in 5 people with hypertension and 1 in 3 people with diabetes also have CKD.13
    Most cases of CKD can be prevented through healthy lifestyles, prevention and management of risk factors, avoidance of acute kidney injury, optimisation of maternal and child health, mitigation of climate change, and efforts to address social and structural determinants of health.3 Nevertheless, the benefits of some of these measures may only be evident in future generations. Until then, early diagnosis and risk stratification create opportunities to introduce therapies that can slow, halt, or even reverse CKD.14 It is concerning that CKD awareness is particularly low among individuals with kidney dysfunction, such that approximately 80% to 95% of such patients worldwide are unaware of their diagnosis (Fig 2).15 16 17 18 19 20 Therefore, people are dying because of missed opportunities to detect CKD early and deliver optimal care.

    Figure 2. Proportion of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who are aware of their diagnosis and receiving guideline-recommended care. The proportion of people with CKD who are aware of their diagnosis varies from 7% to 20% worldwide. Knowledge of CKD increases as CKD stage worsens. Among those with a diagnosis of CKD, the average proportion of patients receiving appropriate medication to delay CKD progression (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system [RAS] inhibitors and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 [SGLT2] inhibitors) is suboptimal, as are the average proportions of patients achieving target blood pressure, maintaining diabetes control, and receiving nutrition advice. Treatment targets depicted in the figure follow the 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines.15 Most data are from higher-resource settings; the corresponding proportions are likely to be lower in lower-resource settings. Data represent the proportions of patients reaching blood pressure <130/80 mm Hg. Data compiled from previous studies15 16 17 18 19 20
    Furthermore, CKD is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease; during kidney disease progression, cardiovascular death and KF become competing risks.21 Indeed, data from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study showed that more deaths were caused by kidney dysfunction–related cardiovascular disease (1.7 million deaths) than by CKD itself (1.4 million deaths).2 Therefore, cardiovascular disease management should also be prioritised for people with CKD.
    Gaps between knowledge and implementation in kidney care
    Strategies to prevent and treat CKD have been established on the basis of strong evidence collected over the past three decades (Fig 3).19 22 Clinical practice guidelines for CKD are clear; however, adherence to these guidelines is suboptimal (Fig 2).15 19 20

    Figure 3. Recommended optimal lifestyle and therapeutic management for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with diabetes. Illustration of a comprehensive and holistic approach to optimising kidney health in people with CKD. In addition to key lifestyle adjustments, attention to diabetes, blood pressure (BP), and cardiovascular risk factors is important for kidney care
    Regardless of aetiology, management of major risk factors, particularly diabetes and hypertension, forms the basis of optimal care for people with CKD.19 23 In addition to lifestyle changes and risk factor control, the earliest pharmacological agents to demonstrate kidney protection were renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors in the form of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers.14 19 Despite decades of knowledge that these medications have substantial protective effects on renal and cardiovascular function in people with CKD, real-world data from electronic health records show that their use remains low (Fig 2). For example, in the United States, ACEI and angiotensin receptor blocker utilisation rates ranging from 20% to 40% were reported ≥15 years after the most recent approval of these agents for patients with CKD and/or type 2 diabetes.24 Although more recent data show that prescribing rates in this population have improved to 70%, only 40% of such patients continue taking an ACEI or angiotensin receptor blocker for at least 90 days.20 These data indicate gaps in prescribing nephroprotective medication and continuity of care over time, potentially related to cost, lack of patient education, polypharmacy, and adverse effects.25
    Although the initial enthusiasm for sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors focused on their benefits for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, unprecedented therapeutic benefits have also been observed regarding CKD. Relative risk reduction levels with SGLT2 inhibitors approach 40% for substantial decreases in estimated glomerular filtration rate, KF, and mortality among populations with several types of CKD, heart failure, or elevated cardiovascular disease risk.26 27 These decreases were observed in addition to benefits from standard-of-care risk factor management and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors. The risks of heart failure, cardiovascular death, and all-cause mortality were also reduced in patients with CKD during SGLT2 inhibitor treatment.26 The addition of SGLT2 inhibitors to renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor–based treatment was able to delay the need for renal replacement therapy by several years, depending on the initial timing of combined treatment.28 Moreover, for every 1000 patients with CKD who received an SGLT2 inhibitor in addition to standard therapy, 83 deaths, 19 heart failure–related hospitalisations, 51 instances of dialysis initiation, and 39 episodes of acute renal function worsening were prevented.29
    The persistent underuse of these and other guideline-recommended therapies involving SGLT2 inhibitors is concerning (Fig 2).20 24 In the CURE-CKD (Center for Kidney Disease Research, Education and Hope–CKD) Registry, only 5% and 6.3% of eligible patients with CKD and diabetes, respectively, continued to receive SGLT2 inhibitor and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist therapy at 90 days.18 Notably, a lack of commercial health insurance and the receipt of treatment in community-based (versus academic) institutions were associated with lower likelihoods of SGLT2 inhibitor, ACEI, or angiotensin receptor blocker prescriptions among patients with CKD and diabetes.20 In low- or middle-income countries (LMICs), the gap between evidence and implementation is even wider, considering the high cost and inconsistent availability of these medications, although generics are available.30 Such gaps in delivering optimal care for CKD are unacceptable.
    In addition to SGLT2 inhibitors, nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists have been demonstrated to reduce the risks of CKD progression, KF, cardiovascular events, and mortality, when used in addition to standard-of-care treatment involving renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors, among people with type 2 diabetes.31 There is a growing portfolio of promising therapeutic options, including glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (NCT03819153, NCT04865770), aldosterone synthase inhibitors (NCT05182840), and dual-to-triple incretins (online supplementary Table 1).26 32 Furthermore, there is clear evidence that in patients with CKD and/or type 2 diabetes, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists reduce cardiovascular events, constitute safe and effective glucose-lowering therapies, and aid in weight loss.32
    Historically, it has taken an average of 17 years for new treatments to move from clinical evidence to routine practice.33 Considering that millions of people with CKD die each year, this waiting period is far too long.
    Closing the ‘gap’ between what we know and what we do
    Lack of policy and presence of global inequity
    Health policy
    Since the launch of the World Health Organization Global Action Plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in 2013, there has been global progress in the proportion of countries with a national NCD action plan and dedicated NCD units.34 However, CKD is incorporated into NCD strategies in approximately one-half of countries.4 Policies are required to integrate kidney care within essential health packages under universal health coverage (Fig 4).30 Multisectoral policies must also address social determinants of health, which are major amplifiers of CKD risk and severity that limit people’s opportunities to improve their health.3 A lack of investment in kidney health promotion, along with primary and secondary prevention of kidney diseases, hinders progress.14

    Figure 4. Depiction of factors impacting the implementation of timely, high-quality kidney care
    Health systems
    Two major goals of universal health coverage are to achieve coverage for essential health services and to reduce financial hardship imposed by healthcare. However, universal health coverage alone is insufficient to ensure adequate access to kidney care.3 Health systems must be strengthened, and quality of care must be prioritised, because poor quality care contributes to more deaths than lack of access in low-resource settings.35 Quality care requires a well-trained healthcare workforce, sustainable availability of accurate diagnostics, reliable infrastructure, and medication supplies; it should be monitored through a continuous quality improvement process (Fig 4). Medication quality, especially in LMICs, may be an additional barrier to successful management of CKD.36 Regulation and monitoring of drug manufacturing and quality standards are important to ensure safe and effective therapies. Strategies to support regulation and quality assurance should be developed according to local circumstances and guidelines, as outlined elsewhere.37
    The establishment of a credible case for CKD detection and management based on real-world data regarding risks, interventions, outcomes, and costs will help translate theoretical cost-effectiveness (currently established primarily in high-income countries with minimal data from other countries) into economic reality.30 38 Screening should include evaluation of risk factors for CKD; identification of family history; recognition of potential symptoms (usually advanced, such as fatigue, poor appetite, oedema, and itching); and measurements of blood pressure, serum creatinine, urine components (ie, urinalysis), and urine albumin/protein to creatinine ratio, as outlined in established guidelines.19 39 Early identification of CKD in primary care is expected to lower costs over time by reducing CKD complications and KF. Medications required for kidney care are already included in the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines (Table 1). These medications should be provided at the national level under universal health coverage.40 Additionally, pharmaceutical companies should provide these medications at affordable prices.

    Table 1. Essential medicines for patients with kidney disease
    Challenges in primary care and clinical inertia
    Healthcare professionals
    The shortage of primary care professionals is exacerbated by inconsistent access to specialists and allied health professionals in both high-income countries and LMICs. It is essential to define roles and responsibilities for kidney care. Solutions may include multidisciplinary team care (primary care physicians, pharmacists, specialists, nurses, therapists, educators, nutritionists, and mental health professionals), well-established mechanisms for collaboration among all elements, and rapid communication technologies (both within health systems and among health professionals) to support care and decision-making.41 42 Brain drain in low-resource settings is a complex issue that must be addressed.
    The mobilisation of community health workers yields cost-savings in infectious disease programmes within LMICs; it may facilitate early detection, diagnosis, and management of NCDs.43 Protocolised CKD management, possibly assisted by electronic decision-support systems, may be appropriate for interventions at the community level, with the integration of primary care physicians and aid from nephrologists and other professionals.44 45 For example, in some settings, pharmacists could identify people with diabetes or hypertension exhibiting CKD risk, based on their prescriptions, then offer on-site testing and referral as needed.46 Pharmacists could also provide medication reconciliation and advice regarding safety, effectiveness, and adherence. Social workers and pharmacists can help patients with medications to access suitable programmes.46
    Clinical inertia
    Clinical ‘inertia’, commonly regarded as a causative factor in low prescribing rates, has many facets (Fig 4).47 Many knowledge gaps regarding CKD exist among primary care physicians.48 Such gaps can be remedied with focused public and professional education. Additional factors include fear of adverse effects from medication, misaligned incentives within the health system, excessive workload, formulary restrictions, and clinician burnout.47 Furthermore, inconsistent recommendations in guidelines from different professional organisations may enhance confusion. A major barrier to optimal care is the time constraints imposed on individual clinicians. A typical primary care physician in the United States would require approximately 26.7 hours per day to implement guideline-recommended care for a panel of 2500 patients.49 Innovation is required to support guideline implementation, especially for primary care physicians who must follow multiple guidelines to meet the diverse needs of their patients. Electronic health records, reminders, team-based nudges, and decision-support tools offer potentially valuable assistance for quality kidney care in busy clinical practices.50 However, the additional time and effort involved in negotiating pre-authorisations or completing medication assistance programme requests, as well as the need for frequent monitoring of multiple medications, also hinder appropriate prescribing.25 Many primary care physicians only have a few minutes allocated for each patient because of institutional pressure or patient volume. The term ‘inertia’ can hardly be applied to clinicians working at this pace. The number of health professionals worldwide must increase.
    Visits for patients with CKD are complex because multimorbidity is common. Such patients are often managed by multiple specialists, leading to fragmentation of care, lack of holistic oversight, and diffusion of responsibility for treatment. Single and combined outcomes analyses have shown that multidisciplinary care improves transition to renal replacement therapy and reduces mortality.51 Novel ‘combined clinic’ models with on-site collaboration and joint participation (eg, with nephrologists, cardiologists, and endocrinologists) may provide substantial benefits for patients in terms of reduced fragmentation of care, logistics, and cost savings.
    Patient centeredness
    Health literacy
    Self-management is the most important aspect of kidney care. A patient’s ability to understand his/her health needs, make healthy choices, feel safe and respected in the health system, and obtain psychosocial support are important for promoting health decision-making (Fig 4). Good communication should begin with quality information and confirmation of ‘understanding’ by the patient (and family members, as applicable). Electronic apps and reminders can serve as useful tools that support patients by improving disease knowledge, promoting patient empowerment, and improving self-efficacy; however, a one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to be successful.52 Important barriers include a lack of patient health information, poor communication, and mistrust, especially in the marginalised and minoritised communities where CKD is common.30 Patients may also be confused by contradictory recommendations among healthcare professionals, as well as conflicting messages in mainstream media. Innovative platforms that improve CKD-related communication between patients and clinicians represent a promising approach to promote optimal prescribing and adherence.53 54
    Patient perspectives are essential when designing and testing health strategies to overcome barriers and promote equity. Collaborative care models must include patients, families, and community groups, as well as various types of healthcare professionals, health systems, government agencies, and payers.38 Advocacy organisations, local community groups, and peer navigators with trusted voices and relationships can serve as conduits for education while providing input regarding the development of patient tools and outreach programmes.55 Most importantly, patients must be the focus of their own care.
    Medication cost and availability
    In high-income countries, people without health insurance and people with high copays paradoxically pay the highest amounts for essential and non-essential nonessential medications.38 Across LMICs, kidney diseases represent the leading cause of catastrophic health expenditures due to reliance on out-of-pocket payments.56 In 18 countries, four cardiovascular disease medications frequently indicated in CKD (statins, ACEIs, aspirin, and β-blockers) had greater availability in private settings than in public settings; they were mostly unavailable in rural communities, and they were unaffordable for 25% of people in upper middle-income countries and 60% of people in low-income countries.57 Newer therapies may be prohibitively expensive worldwide, especially where generics are not yet available. In the United States, the retail price for a 1-month supply of an SGLT2 inhibitor or finerenone is approximately US$500 to $700; for glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, the retail price is approximately US$800 to $1200 per month.38 This reliance on out-of-pocket payments for vital, life-saving essential medications is unacceptable (Fig 4).
    Special considerations
    Not all kidney diseases are equal. Much of what has been discussed here applies to the most common forms of CKD (eg, diabetes-related and hypertension-related). Some incompletely understood forms of CKD have different risk profiles, including environmental exposures, genetic predisposition, and autoimmune or other systemic disorders. Highly specialised therapies may be required. Pharmaceutical companies should be responsible for ensuring that research studies include disease-representative participants with appropriate representation (eg, race, ethnicity, sex, and gender), that effective drugs are made available after studies, and that the balance between profits and prices is fair and transparent. Many novel therapies are offering new hope for various kidney diseases; once these therapies are approved, there must be no delay in extending benefits to all affected patients (online supplementary Table 1).
    An important but often overlooked group consists of children with kidney diseases. This group is especially vulnerable in LMICs, where nephrology services and resources are limited; families must often decide whether to pay for one child’s treatment or support the rest of the family.58 Children with CKD also have a high risk of cardiovascular disease, even in high-income settings, and they require more attention to control risk factors and achieve treatment targets.59
    Fostering innovation
    Implementation science and knowledge translation
    Considering that rigorous evidence-based treatments for CKD have been established, implementation must be optimised.60 Implementation research aims to identify effective solutions by understanding how evidence-based practices, often developed in high-income countries, can be integrated into care pathways in lower-resource settings. The management of CKD is suitable for implementation research: optimal therapeutic strategies are known, outcomes are easily measurable, and essential diagnostics and medications already are in place. Crucial components of such research are the identification of local patient preferences and elucidation of challenges. Ministries of health should commit to overcoming identified barriers and scaling up successful and sustainable programmes.
    Polypills as an example of simple innovation
    Polypills are attractive on multiple levels: fixed doses of several guideline-recommended medications are present within a single tablet (Table 1), the price is low, the pill burden is reduced, and the regimen is simple.61 Polypills can prevent cardiovascular disease and are cost-effective for patients with CKD.62 More studies are needed, but considering the alternatives of costly renal replacement therapy or premature death, it is likely that polypills will be a cost-effective approach for reducing CKD progression.
    Harnessing digital technologies
    The integration of telehealth and other types of remotely delivered care can improve efficiency and reduce costs.63 Electronic health records and registries can support monitoring of quality of care and identify gaps to guide implementation and improve outcomes within an evolving health system that is capable of learning. Artificial intelligence may also be harnessed to stratify risk, personalise medication prescribing, and facilitate adherence.64 The use of telenephrology for communication between primary care physicians and specialists may also be beneficial for patient care.65
    Patient perspectives
    Multiple methods can support the identification of patient preferences for CKD care, including interviews, focus groups, surveys, discrete choice experiments, structured tools, and simple conversations.66 67 Many of these methods are currently in the research phase. Clinical translation will require contextualisation and assessments of local and individual acceptability.
    The journey of each person living with CKD is unique; however, common challenges and barriers exist. As examples of lived experiences, comments collected from patients about their medications and care are detailed in online supplementary Table 2. These voices must be heard and acknowledged to close gaps and improve the quality of kidney care worldwide.
    Call to action
    The current lack of progress in kidney care has been tolerated for far too long. New therapeutic advances offer real hope that many people with CKD can survive without developing KF. The evidence for clinical benefit is overwhelming and unequivocal. These patients cannot wait another 17 years for this evidence to be translated into clinical practice.33 It is time to ensure that all who are eligible for CKD treatment receive this care in an equitable manner.
    Known barriers and global disparities in access to diagnosis and treatment must be urgently addressed (Fig 4). To achieve health equity for people with kidney diseases and those at risk of developing kidney diseases, we must raise awareness among policy makers, patients, and the general population; harness innovative strategies to support all cadres of healthcare workers; and balance profits with reasonable prices (Table 2). If we narrow the gap between what we know and what we do, kidney health will become a reality worldwide.

    Table 2. Examples of strategies to improve implementation of appropriate chronic kidney disease care
    Author contributions
    All authors contributed equally to the conception, preparation, and drafting of the manuscript.
    Conflicts of interest
    VA Luyckx is chair of the Advocacy Working Group of the International Society of Nephrology and has no financial disclosures. KR Tuttle has received research grants from the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, director’s office), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Travere Therapeutics; and consultancy fees from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and Novo Nordisk. She is also chair of the Diabetic Kidney Disease Collaborative for the American Society of Nephrology. R Correa-Rotter is a member of the Steering Committee for World Kidney Day, a member of the Diabetes Committee of the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension, and a member of the Latin American Regional Board of the International Society of Nephrology. He is also a member of the Steering Committees for the Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (DAPA-CKD) trial (AstraZeneca), the Study Of diabetic Nephropathy with AtRasentan (SONAR) [AbbVie], A Non-interventional Study Providing Insights Into the Use of Finerenone in a Routine Clinical Setting (FINE-REAL) [Bayer], and CKD-ASI (Boehringer Ingelheim). He has received research grants from AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Novo Nordisk, as well as speaker honoraria from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Amgen. All other authors have declared no competing interests.
    This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
    This article was published in Kidney International (Luyckx VA, Tuttle KR, Abdellatif D, et al. Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do. Kidney Int 2024;105:406-17., and was reprinted concurrently in several journals. The articles cover identical concepts and wording, but vary in minor stylistic and spelling changes, detail, and length of manuscript in keeping with each journal’s style. Any of these versions may be used in citing this article.
    Supplementary material
    The supplementary material was provided by the authors and some information may not have been peer-reviewed. Accepted supplementary material will be published as submitted by the authors, without any editing or formatting. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content.
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    Bridging the gap in the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection among older adults in Hong Kong

    Hong Kong Med J 2024 Jun;30(3):196–9 | Epub 29 May 2024
    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Bridging the gap in the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection among older adults in Hong Kong
    Ivan FN Hung, MD (HK), FRCP (Lond)1,2 Ada WC Lin, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCCM3; Jane CK Chan, MD, PDipID4; Tony NH Chan, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP (Edin)5; Philip Eng, MMed, FRCP (Lond)6,7; Angus HY Lo, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP (Edin)8; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH9,10; William KK Wong, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP (Edin)5
    1 Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
    2 Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    3 HKSH Medical Group, Hong Kong SAR, China
    4 Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association, Hong Kong SAR, China
    5 The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society, Hong Kong SAR, China
    6 Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore
    7 National University of Singapore, Singapore
    8 Premier Medical Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China
    9 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    10 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
    Corresponding author: Dr Ivan FN Hung (
     Full paper in PDF
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important pathogen that causes acute respiratory tract illness and exacerbations of chronic cardiopulmonary disease among adults.1 2 3 Although most RSV infections in adults are mild, advanced age, chronic cardiopulmonary disease, and immunocompromising conditions can predispose individuals to higher risks of morbidity and mortality.1 3 4 Respiratory syncytial virus will become an increasingly important threat to countries/regions with an ageing population, such as Hong Kong. In 2046, older persons are projected to constitute 36% of Hong Kong’s total population,5 underscoring the need to better understand the RSV disease burden to protect this vulnerable population.
    Respiratory syncytial virus disease burden in older adults is substantial but often underestimated
    Respiratory syncytial virus is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in older adults. In 2019, adults aged >70 years had the highest worldwide mortality rate of 34.5 per 100 000 individuals.5 Recent studies have shown that, in older adults, RSV causes more severe infections than influenza.6 7 Older patients hospitalised for RSV have longer hospital stays, higher risks of pneumonia and bacterial superinfection, a higher risk of intensive care unit admission, a greater likelihood of repeat hospitalisation, and higher in-hospital and 1-year mortality rates than older patients hospitalised for influenza.6 7
    Respiratory syncytial virus infection imposes a substantial economic burden on older adults. In the United States, the national direct cost of RSV-related hospitalisations among adults aged ≥60 years was estimated to be US$1.5 to 4.0 billion in 2005.8 Furthermore, severe RSV can cause functional decline and insidious deterioration of respiratory health, along with high mortality, in frail older adults.9 10 11 12 Exacerbations of congestive heart failure and other chronic conditions can substantially contribute to disease burden among older adults.3 13
    Changes in respiratory syncytial virus seasonality can hinder reduction of its disease burden
    Respiratory syncytial virus circulation is seasonal, typically peaking between April and November in Hong Kong.14 An understanding of RSV seasonality can facilitate effective public health planning and resource allocation. However, disruptions in RSV seasonality could lead to off-season outbreaks that affect health system performance.14 For example, the implementation of infection control measures during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and their subsequent relaxation has led to an atypical surge in RSV activity across many countries in the post–coronavirus disease 2019 era,15 16 17 highlighting the need for year-long disease surveillance.
    Existing challenges that lead to the underestimation of respiratory syncytial virus burden in older adults
    Respiratory syncytial virus infection is challenging to diagnose because of its non-specific clinical symptoms.14 18 Although rapid antigen diagnostic tests and nucleic acid amplification tests are important tools for RSV detection, their diagnostic accuracy in adults is generally poor due to the lower viral load in such patients, especially when upper respiratory tract specimens are used for testing.9 18 19 Therefore, clinicians must be aware of the limitations of current assays while supporting the development of more sensitive assays for adults.
    Additionally, the testing rate among adult patients remains suboptimal,14 resulting in underdiagnosis of RSV infection. The absence of disease surveillance protocols and lack of systemic data collection mechanisms lead to further underestimation of the RSV disease burden in Hong Kong.14 Currently, RSV is not one of the statutory notifiable infectious diseases according to the Centre for Health Protection.14 A surveillance system that allows clinicians to submit data regarding positive RSV cases would be helpful in terms of monitoring its incidence and disease burden.
    A safe and effective vaccine is needed to reduce respiratory syncytial virus disease burden
    The current approach to managing RSV infection in adults focuses on supportive care.3 Whereas immunoprophylaxis with monoclonal antibodies is recommended for infants and young children, there are no clinical data supporting these treatments for high-risk adults.3 In the absence of guideline-directed management, some clinicians do not recommend RSV testing for adults with suspected acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRTI). Considering the high RSV disease burden and lack of RSV-specific treatment, a safe and effective vaccine is urgently needed to prevent RSV-related severe illness among high-risk adults.
    The quest for an effective RSV vaccine began in the 1960s and encountered multiple obstacles. The discovery of the RSV fusion (F) glycoprotein in its pre-F conformation has renewed interest in vaccine development. The RSV pre-F protein (RSVpreF) has emerged as an attractive candidate vaccine target because of its conserved neutralising epitope.20 21
    The multinational phase III RENOIR trial (RSV Vaccine Efficacy Study in Older Adults Immunized against RSV Disease) showed that the bivalent RSVpreF vaccine had respective efficacy rates of 84.4% and 81.0% for preventing ALRTI and medically attended RSV-associated acute respiratory tract illness over two RSV seasons among immunocompetent adults aged ≥60 years.22 Importantly, the RSVpreF vaccine also demonstrated a favourable safety profile. A recent study showed that concomitant administration of RSVpreF and seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine elicited robust RSV serum-neutralising responses and appeared to have a favourable safety profile among adults aged 50 to 85 years,23 thereby supporting annual concomitant immunisation with seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine.
    Based on the RENOIR trial, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved bivalent RSVpreF vaccine for use in adults aged ≥60 years.24 Subsequently (in June 2023), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices voted to recommend that adults aged ≥60 years receive a single dose of RSV vaccine through a shared clinical decision-making process.24
    Driving the successful implementation of respiratory syncytial virus vaccination in older adults
    It is important to conduct a public awareness campaign that educates the general public about the risks of RSV infections among high-risk individuals, especially older adults. This campaign should address vaccine hesitancy by highlighting the safety and efficacy of vaccines against severe RSV while dispelling misconceptions about the safety of the vaccine.
    Additionally, it is imperative to establish a continuous medical education programme focused on respiratory care for primary care physicians and other specialists who manage high-risk patients. This programme should cover the role of diagnostic testing in patients with suspected ALRTI to guide disease management (despite the absence of effective treatment) and vaccination against severe RSV in high-risk populations. Ideally, the programme should emphasise the public health benefits of RSV vaccination beyond reducing disease severity. Moreover, the programme should discuss strategies to encourage vaccination uptake among older adults with cognitive impairment and/or their family members.
    Additional research to improve confidence in respiratory syncytial virus vaccination
    Local epidemiological studies could help to define RSV prevalence in general and high-risk populations, quantify the RSV disease burden, and identify its impacts on public health and healthcare services. These data could also aid in defining target populations that would experience the greatest benefit from RSV vaccination. Furthermore, a local cost-effectiveness analysis based on local epidemiological data could help demonstrate the value of RSV vaccination in target populations. Research concerning the durability of protection conferred by an RSV vaccine in high-risk adults could guide appropriate dosing intervals and vaccination schedules. Additional efficacy and safety data concerning the co-administration of an RSV vaccine with other respiratory virus vaccines could support simplified immunisation schedules for adults.
    Post-marketing studies could provide additional information regarding the real-world effectiveness and safety of an RSV vaccine in target populations, especially individuals with multimorbidity and immunocompromised conditions. Future real-world studies could also include assessments of vaccine effectiveness in reducing other clinical outcomes, such as the rates of RSV infection, hospitalisation, intensive care unit admission, ventilator use, and mortality.
    Author contributions
    All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    IFN Hung is an advisory board member for Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, MSD, and Moderna. P Eng served as an advisory board member for Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, and Boehringer Ingelheim. MCS Wong is an honorary medical advisor for GenieBiome Ltd, BGI Health (HK) Company Limited, and Sunrise; an advisory committee member for Pfizer; an external expert for GlaxoSmithKline; and a member of the advisory board for AstraZeneca; he has also been paid consultancy fees for providing research advice. Other authors declare no conflicts of interest.
    Funding for this study was provided by Pfizer Hong Kong. Editorial and medical writing support was provided by Weber Shandwick Health HK, funded by Pfizer Hong Kong. The funders had no role in study design, data collection/analysis/interpretation or manuscript preparation.
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    4. Branche AR, Saiman L, Walsh EE, et al. Incidence of respiratory syncytial virus infection among hospitalised adults, 2017-2020. Clin Infect Dis 2022;74:1004-11. Crossref
    5. Du Y, Yan R, Wu X, et al. Global burden and trends of respiratory syncytial virus infection across different age groups from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study. Int J Infect Dis 2023;135:70-6. Crossref
    6. Ambrosch A, Luber D, Klawonn F, Kabesch M. Focusing on severe infections with the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in adults: risk factors, symptomatology and clinical course compared to influenza A/B and the original SARS-CoV-2 strain. J Clin Virol 2023;161:105399. Crossref
    7. Ackerson B, Tseng HF, Sy LS, et al. Severe morbidity and mortality associated with respiratory syncytial virus versus influenza infection in hospitalised older adults. Clin Infect Dis 2019;69:197-203. Crossref
    8. Grace M, Colosia A, Wolowacz S, Panozzo C, Ghaswalla P. Economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults: a systematic literature review. J Med Econ 2023;26:742-59. Crossref
    9. Coultas JA, Smyth R, Openshaw PJ. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): a scourge from infancy to old age. Thorax 2019;74:986-93. Crossref
    10. Branche AR, Saiman L, Walsh EE, et al. Change in functional status associated with respiratory syncytial virus infection in hospitalized older adults. Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2022;16:1151-60. Crossref
    11. Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Takahashi PY, et al. Incidence of respiratory syncytial virus infection in older adults before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA Netw Open 2023;6:e2250634. Crossref
    12. Begley KM, Monto AS, Lamerato LE, et al. Prevalence and clinical outcomes of respiratory syncytial virus vs influenza in adults hospitalised with acute respiratory illness from a prospective multicentre study. Clin Infect Dis 2023;76:1980-8. Crossref
    13. Kujawski SA, Whitaker M, Ritchey MD, et al. Rates of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-associated hospitalization among adults with congestive heart failure—United States, 2015-2017. PLoS One 2022;17:e0264890. Crossref
    14. Chan WS, Yau SK, To MY, et al. The seasonality of respiratory viruses in a Hong Kong Hospital, 2014–2023. Viruses 2023;15:1820. Crossref
    15. Eden JS, Sikazwe C, Xie R, et al. Off-season RSV epidemics in Australia after easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Nat Commun 2022;13:2884. Crossref
    16. Bardsley M, Morbey RA, Hughes HE, et al. Epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus in children younger than 5 years in England during the COVID-19 pandemic, measured by laboratory, clinical, and syndromic surveillance: a retrospective observational study. Lancet Infect Dis 2023;23:56-66. Crossref
    17. Zheng Z, Warren JL, Artin I, Pitzer VE, Weinberger DM. Relative timing of respiratory syncytial virus epidemics in summer 2021 across the United States was similar to a typical winter season. Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2022;16:617-20. Crossref
    18. Talbot HK, Falsey AR. The diagnosis of viral respiratory disease in older adults. Clin Infect Dis 2010;50:747-51. Crossref
    19. Chartrand C, Tremblay N, Renaud C, Papenburg J. Diagnostic accuracy of rapid antigen detection tests for respiratory syncytial virus infection: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Microbiol 2015;53:3738-49. Crossref
    20. Mazur NI, Higgins D, Nunes MC, et al. The respiratory syncytial virus vaccine landscape: lessons from the graveyard and promising candidates. Lancet Infect Dis 2018;18:e295-311.
    21. Melero JA, Mas V, McLellan JS. Structural, antigenic and immunogenic features of respiratory syncytial virus glycoproteins relevant for vaccine development. Vaccine 2017;35:461-8. Crossref
    22. Walsh EE, Pérez Marc G, Zareba AM, et al. Efficacy and safety of a bivalent RSV prefusion F vaccine in older adults. N Engl J Med 2023;388:1465-77. Crossref
    23. Falsey AR, Walsh EE, Scott DA, et al. Phase 1/2 randomised study of the immunogenicity, safety, and tolerability of a respiratory syncytial virus prefusion F vaccine in adults with concomitant inactivated influenza vaccine. J Infect Dis 2022;225:2056-66. Crossref
    24. Melgar M, Britton A, Roper LE, et al. Use of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in older adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices– United States, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:793-801. Crossref

    Informed consent: clarifying the post-Montgomery duty of care to discuss 'reasonable alternative treatment'

    Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):88–9 | Epub 28 Mar 2024
    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Informed consent: clarifying the post-Montgomery duty of care to discuss 'reasonable alternative treatment'
    Gilberto KK Leung, FHKAM (Surgery), LLM
    Department of Surgery, School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    Corresponding author: Prof Gilberto KK Leung (
     Full paper in PDF
    Many doctors have become concerned and unsure about the standard of care required of them in obtaining informed consent following the United Kingdom Supreme Court decision in Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board ('Montgomery').1 This article aims to provide an update on the relevant common law positions, clarified helpfully by the same court in McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board ('McCulloch') in July 2023.2
    The case of Montgomery established that a doctor must 'take reasonable care to ensure that the patient is aware of any material risks involved in any recommended treatment, and of any reasonable alternative or variant treatments.' It rejected the previous paternalistic approach to medical consent and introduced a legal standard that emphasises respect for a patient’s right to self-determination. The decision also gave rise to uncertainties about the meaning of 'reasonable alternative treatment' and the role of professional clinical judgement in determining it.3
    Must a doctor discuss all possible treatment options with the patient, including those which the doctor considers to be inappropriate? Does it matter if the doctor’s decision not to discuss certain treatment options is, in fact, supported by expert witness opinion?
    In McCulloch, a 39-year-old man was hospitalised with chest pain and suspected pericarditis. Echocardiogram findings were inconclusive. A cardiologist who subsequently saw the patient decided not to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) because the patient was by then pain-free, and she did not discuss that treatment option with the patient. The patient died of cardiac tamponade secondary to idiopathic pericarditis and pericardial effusion a few days later.
    The patient’s widow brought a claim, alleging that had the patient been informed of the option of NSAID, he would have taken it and would not have died. The cardiologist explained that she did not, in her professional judgement, regard NSAIDs as necessary or appropriate treatment when she assessed him; had he been in pain, she would have prescribed the medication. Expert witnesses agreed that NSAID could reduce pericardial effusion, but opinions were divided regarding its use in the absence of chest pain. The case eventually went to the Supreme Court, which found for the defendant cardiologist based on expert opinions in support of her practice, and took the opportunity to clarify that:
  • whether a treatment is a reasonable alternative is determined by applying the 'professional practice test', ie, whether the doctor has acted in accordance with a practice accepted as proper by a responsible body of medical opinion4;
  • a doctor is not negligent in failing to discuss a treatment option if the doctor’s opinion that the treatment is not reasonable is supported by a reasonable body of medical opinion;
  • the doctor is also not negligent in this regard even if the doctor is aware (or ought to be aware) that another reasonable body of opinion would consider that treatment option to be reasonable (and therefore warranting discussion with the patient);
  • once the doctor has applied the professional practice test and decided on a range of reasonable treatment options, the patient should be informed of all of those options; the doctor cannot simply discuss only the option(s) that the doctor prefers; and
  • the doctor must inform the patient of the respective advantages, disadvantages, and material risks associated with the treatment option(s) which the doctor considers reasonable.
    McCulloch thus affirmed the pre-eminent role of professional clinical judgement in determining the reasonable treatment options for each patient, as well as the principle that the role of the court is not to substitute clinical expertise but to impose a duty of care to inform. The decision is consistent with Montgomery in that patients remain entitled to be adequately advised, albeit not on all possible alternative treatments, but on all reasonable ones in accordance with reasonable and responsible medical practice. This narrowing-down approach has the merits of reducing the risk of doctors bombarding patients with information and reducing the risk of putting doctors in a position of conflict by requiring them to discuss treatments which they do not find clinically appropriate. It is a significant clarification of the laws which should bring some relief to our professional peers.
    The adoption of the 'professional practice test' means that a doctor can defend an omission to discuss certain treatment options only if his or her practice is supported by expert witness opinion (it will be recalled that the doctor’s omission to discuss the option of caesarean section in Montgomery was not supported by any reasonable body of medical opinion). Where expert opinions are divided, the court cannot prefer one opinion to another (and hence the ruling in McCulloch).4 However, the court may on rare occasions reject an opinion if it does not have a logical basis.5 The importance of quality expert witness opinion and proper training for expert witnesses cannot be overemphasised.
    Another caveat is the continued and resolute requirement for doctors to discuss the material risks of medical treatment, defined in Montgomery as 'risks to which a reasonable person in the patient’s position would be likely to attach significance, or risks to which the doctor is or should reasonably be aware that the particular patient would be likely to attach significance.' Factors pointing to materiality may include: the odds and nature of the risk, the effect of its occurrence on the life of the patient, the importance to the patient of the benefits sought through the treatment, and the alternatives available and the risks associated with those alternatives.1
    The broad definition of material risks can pose challenges to the doctor concerned as it necessitates an appreciation of the particular patient’s subjective values, beliefs, occupational needs, or even lifestyle and hobbies. It arguably opens up unforeseeable possibilities to support a claim, as suggested by a four-fold increase in consent-based claims in the United Kingdom during the post-Montgomery era.6 Doctors should therefore be mindful that obtaining informed consent is not a mere tick-box exercise, but a shared decision-making process involving personalised and bi-directional discussions.
    Lastly, it is important to mention that McCulloch and Montgomery, both post-1997 Supreme Court decisions, are persuasive or highly persuasive, but not binding, in Hong Kong. Although Montgomery had already been applied in a local dental case, it is unclear whether McCulloch will receive the same judicial response.7 Similarly, the Medical Council of Hong Kong has incorporated the principles espoused in Montgomery into its professional guidance on medical consent.8 Whether McCulloch will be so treated remains to be seen; there is little doubt that it be welcome.
    Author contributions
    The author is solely responsible for drafting of the manuscript, approved the final version for publication, and takes responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    The author has declared no conflict of interest.
    This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
    1. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11
    2. McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26
    3. Devaney S, Purshouse C, Cave E, Heywood R, Miola J, Reinach N. The far-reaching implications of Montgomery for risk disclosure in practice. J Patient Saf Risk Manag 2019;24:25-9. Crossref
    4. Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957) 1 WLR 582
    5. Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority [1998] AC 232
    6. Wald DS, Bestwick JP, Kelly P. The effect of the Montgomery judgment on settled claims against the National Health Service due to failure to inform before giving consent to treatment. QJM 2020;113:721-5. Crossref
    7. Chan Siu Yim v Dr Cheung Sheung Kin [2017] DCPI 2358/2013
    8. The Medical Council of Hong Kong. Newsletter: Implications of “Montgomery (Appellant) v Lanarkshire Health Board (Respondent)(Scotland)”. 2015;22. Available from: Accessed 8 Mar 2024.

    Call to action: bridging gaps in lipid management in Hong Kong

    Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):90–3 | Epub 10 Apr 2024
    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Call to action: bridging gaps in lipid management in Hong Kong
    Bryan PY Yan, MD, FRCP1; Kui Kai Lau, DPhil, FRCP2; Andrea OY Luk, MD, FRCP3; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH4,5
    1 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    2 Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    3 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    4 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    5 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
    Corresponding author: Dr Bryan PY Yan (
     Full paper in PDF
    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Hong Kong
    Cardiovascular disease is the third leading cause of death in Hong Kong, contributing to 13% of all deaths in 2020.1 According to the Hong Kong Population Health Survey conducted between 2020 and 2022, the prevalence of high blood cholesterol among individuals aged 15 to 84 years in the Hong Kong general population increased from 8.4% in 2003/20042 to 51.9% in 2022.3 Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) has been recognised as one of the most important modifiable risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).4 Accordingly, optimal LDL-C management is essential for reducing the incidence of and mortality from ASCVD. Despite the availability of effective and safe lipid-lowering therapies (LLTs) and guidelines for managing elevated LDL-C and other lipids, implementation remains a key challenge in clinical practice.
    Advancements in lipid-lowering therapies
    A lower LDL-C level is highly beneficial because of the direct correlation between the absolute reduction in LDL-C level and reduced cardiovascular risk, such that an incremental reduction in LDL-C level leads to a proportional reduction in the number of cardiovascular events.5 Statins are well-established as effective LLTs; this recognition has been extended to other non-statin therapies, including proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors (PCSK9is), ezetimibe, bempedoic acid, evinacumab, and inclisiran.6 7 Clinical trials have demonstrated that PCSK9is effectively lower LDL-C levels, thereby surpassing previous recommendations (high risk: <2.6 mmol/dL; very high risk: <1.8 mmol/dL) to offer additional cardiovascular benefits to patients (particularly those with high or very high ASCVD risk) who failed to meet their target LDL-C goal despite maximally tolerated high-intensity statin therapy.6 8
    Adapting the latest evidence into current guidelines
    The European Society of Cardiology and European Atherosclerosis Society (ESC/EAS) revised their guidelines in 2019 to integrate recent evidence concerning ASCVD prevention.5 These updates include a more aggressive approach with new LDL-C targets across all cardiovascular risk categories, as well as recommendations for lipid-lowering strategies. Since these updates, other cardiology societies (Table)1 5 10 11 and medical associations12 13 have also begun to recommend achieving the lowest possible LDL-C levels, especially for patients with very high ASCVD risk.

    Table. Target LDL-C goals established by various regional guidelines
    The 2019 ESC/EAS guidelines recommend the following LDL-C targets for the prevention of ASCVD in very high- and high-risk patients: <1.4 mmol/L and <1.8 mmol/L (and 50% reduction from baseline), respectively.5 Consistent with these recommendations, the 2024 American Diabetes Association guidelines recommend that patients with diabetes aged 40 to 70 years receive moderate-intensity statins, and such patients with one or more ASCVD risk factors receive high-intensity statins, to achieve LDL-C level <1.8 mmol/L and ≥50% reduction from baseline.12 Statin therapy should also be considered for young adults aged 20 to 39 years, depending on their existing risk factors.12 The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines recommend a target LDL-C level of <1.8 mmol/L for patients who have experienced transient ischaemic attack/ischaemic stroke with atherosclerotic disease.13
    If there is inadequate LDL-C reduction with maximally tolerated statins, the addition of non-statin options (eg, PCSK9is or ezetimibe) can be considered according to the extent of reduction required to reach the LDL-C goal.5 7 9 10 11 12 13
    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol target achievement remains challenging in Hong Kong
    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol management in Hong Kong has gradually improved, but considerable gaps in care persist. A territory-wide study conducted between 2016 and 2021 revealed poor achievement of LDL-C target goals among patients hospitalised for acute coronary syndrome.14 The study showed low rates of prescription for high-intensity statins (53%) and combination LLTs (1.3%-3.8%) at discharge; LLT and statin treatments were rarely intensified after discharge.14 Notably, approximately 22% of patients did not undergo follow-up lipid profile assessment after discharge.14 This lack of follow-up has been identified as an independent risk factor for all-cause death and cardiovascular-related death.14
    A separate study involving over 700 000 patients revealed gross underutilisation of statins among patients with diabetes in Hong Kong, such that most of this population failed to meet LDL-C targets.15 Importantly, women and younger individuals were particularly undertreated, highlighting the need to address these age and sex disparities in lipid management.15 Consistent with current evidence,5 a large cohort of local patients with ischaemic stroke (with or without significant large artery atherosclerosis) demonstrated that the achievement of a target LDL level <1.8 mmol/L was associated with a reduced risk of subsequent major adverse cardiovascular events.16
    Outdated recommendations in local settings can hinder optimal lipid management. As a result, physicians may fail to initiate appropriate LLT, prioritise regular monitoring, or provide appropriate follow-up care to assess treatment efficacy. Patients may not recognise the dangers of elevated LDL-C levels or understand the importance of lifestyle modification and medication adherence, leading to suboptimal outcomes.
    Call to action: bridging gaps in lipid management
    The International Atherosclerosis Society issued a call to action for improvements in lipid management, based on a multinational survey that involved 1758 physicians comprising cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists/stroke specialists, nephrologists, and general medicine practitioners from Japan, Germany, Colombia and the Philippines; the survey was designed to identify knowledge gaps in clinical practice.17 The results highlighted three major gaps in beliefs and behaviour across the four countries: (1) physicians lacked clear guidance concerning the management of higher-risk patients who may benefit from aggressive LLT; (2) although most physicians believed that they followed guideline recommendations, only half knew the LDL-C target for high-risk patients, and more than one-third had no opinion concerning the safety of low LDL-C levels; and (3) physicians were unsure of the potential effects of statins on cognitive, renal, and hepatic functions, as well as the increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke associated with low LDL-C levels.17 Taken together, these findings highlighted key areas for enhanced education and research efforts to bridge gaps in lipid management.17 Physicians’ limited familiarity with the rapidly changing guidelines hinders optimal LDL-C management.
    The Hong Kong Cardiovascular Task Force published a consensus statement regarding ASCVD prevention in 2016, based on the 2011 ESC/EAS guidelines and the 2013 American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology guidelines.18 Although the consensus is valuable, it primarily constitutes expert opinion and lacks endorsement from any medical societies. Additionally, although various international societies have established guidelines for optimal lipid management, differences among these recommendations (eg, pharmacological treatment, lifestyle modification, and therapeutic targets) may lead to confusion and uncertainty among primary care physicians regarding the best approach.19
    Efforts to bridge current gaps in lipid management in Hong Kong will require identifying local therapeutic limitations and barriers to optimising lipid management among physicians and patients. Based on knowledge of these issues, a consensus among local experts (ie, cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, nephrologists, internists, general practitioners, nutritionists, and other healthcare specialists) can be achieved to provide practical recommendations that are consistent with international guidelines and adapted to local clinical practice.11 Considering the complexities and time involved in developing local guidelines, a practical course of action would involve local medical societies across various specialties collaborating to issue a joint statement that recommends the adoption of appropriate guidelines, thereby ensuring a more cohesive and unified approach to lipid management in Hong Kong.
    Local recommendations should also address pertinent issues, such as greater adherence to established guidelines—specifically, by encouraging the prompt initiation and intensification of statin therapy in eligible patients. Because the overall ASCVD risk assessment is the basis for treatment decisions in patients with dyslipidaemia,5 7 9 appropriate tools—adapted to the local population—should be used in routine clinical practice to ensure that patients are adequately assessed and managed. Additionally, the benefits of long-term adherence to LLT should be consistently and effectively communicated to patients.
    Author contributions
    All authors contributed to the development of the manuscript, approved the final version for publication, and take full responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    KK Lau has received grants from the Croucher Foundation, Research Fund Secretariat of the Food and Health Bureau, Innovation and Technology Bureau, Research Grants Council, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eisai, and Pfizer, as well as consultation fees from Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Daiichi Sankyo, and Sanofi, all unrelated to the submitted work. AOY Luk has served as a member of advisory panels for Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Sanofi and has received research support from Amgen, Asia Diabetes Foundation, Bayer, Biogen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lee’s Pharmaceutical, MSD, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Sugardown Ltd., and Takeda, unrelated to the submitted work. As editors of the journal, BPY Yan, KK Lau and MCS Wong were not involved in the peer review process.
    Medical writing support was provided by Veronica Yap and Analyn Lizaso of Weber Shandwick Health HK.
    This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
    1. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Heart diseases. Available from: Accessed 23 Jan 2024.
    2. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government and Department of Community Medicine, University of Hong Kong. Population Health Survey 2003/2004. Available from: Accessed 23 Jan 2024.
    3. Non-Communicable Disease Branch, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government. Population Health Survey 2020-22 (Part II). Published April 2023. Available from: Accessed 23 Jan 2024.
    4. Borén J, Chapman MJ, Krauss RM, et al. Low-density lipoproteins cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: pathophysiological, genetic, and therapeutic insights: a consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel. Eur Heart J 2020;41:2313-30. Crossref
    5. Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, et al. 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk. Eur Heart J 2020;41:111-88. Crossref
    6. Furtado RH, Giugliano RP. What lessons have we learned and what remains to be clarified for PCSK9 inhibitors? A review of FOURIER and ODYSSEY outcomes trials. Cardiol Ther 2020;9:59-73. Crossref
    7. Lloyd-Jones DM, Morris PB, Ballantyne CM, et al. 2022 ACC Expert consensus decision pathway on the role of nonstatin therapies for LDL-cholesterol lowering in the management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk: a report of the American College of Cardiology Solution Set Oversight Committee. J Am Coll Cardiol 2022;80:1366-418. Crossref
    8. Catapano AL, Graham I, De Backer G, et al. 2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias. Eur Heart J 2016;37:2999-3058. Crossref
    9. Koh N, Ference BA, Nicholls SJ, et al. Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology consensus recommendations on dyslipidaemia. Eur Cardiol 2021;16:e54. Crossref
    10. Li JJ, Zhao SP, Zhao D, et al. 2023 Chinese guideline for lipid management. Front Pharmacol 2023;14:1190934. Crossref
    11. Grundy SM, Stone NJ, Bailey AL, et al. 2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNA guideline on the management of blood cholesterol: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:e285-350. Crossref
    12. American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. 10. Cardiovascular disease and risk management: standards of care in diabetes—2024. Diabetes Care 2024;47(Suppl 1):S179-218. Crossref
    13. Kleindorfer DO, Towfighi A, Chaturvedi S, et al. 2021 Guideline for the prevention of stroke in patients with stroke and transient ischemic attack: a guideline from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 2021;52:e364-467. Crossref
    14. Sun H, Lai A, Tan GM, Yan B. Therapeutic gaps in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol management have narrowed over time but remain wide: a Hong Kong–wide study of 40,141 acute coronary syndrome patients from 2016 to 2021. Presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2023; 2023 Aug 25-28; Amsterdam: Netherlands. Crossref
    15. Wu H, Lau ES, Yang A, et al. Trends in diabetes-related complications in Hong Kong, 2001-2016: a retrospective cohort study. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2020;19:60. Crossref
    16. Lau KK, Chua BJ, Ng A, et al. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of recurrent vascular events in Chinese patients with ischemic stroke with and without significant atherosclerosis. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021;10:e021855. Crossref
    17. Barter PJ, Yamashita S, Laufs U, et al. Gaps in beliefs and practice in dyslipidaemia management in Japan, Germany, Colombia and the Philippines: insights from a web-based physician survey. Lipids Health Dis 2020;19:131. Crossref
    18. Cheung BM, Cheng CH, Lau CP, et al. 2016 consensus statement on prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the Hong Kong population. Hong Kong Med J 2017;23:191-201. Crossref
    19. Singh M, McEvoy JW, Khan SU, et al. Comparison of transatlantic approaches to lipid management: the AHA/ACC/Multisociety Guidelines vs the ESC/EAS Guidelines. Mayo Clin Proc 2020;95:998-1014. Crossref

    COVID-19: emerging trends, healthcare practice, artificial intelligence–assisted decision support, and implications for service innovation

    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    COVID-19: emerging trends, healthcare practice, artificial intelligence–assisted decision support, and implications for service innovation
    Harry HX Wang, PhD1,2,3 #; Yu-ting Li, MPH4 #; Junjie Huang, PhD1,5; Haifeng Zhang, MD6; Wenyong Huang, MD4; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH5,7,8,9,10
    1 Editors, Hong Kong Medical Journal
    2 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
    3 Young Cadre Branch, Guangdong Primary Healthcare Association, Guangzhou, China
    4 State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
    5 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    6 Department of Cardiology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
    7 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
    8 School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
    9 The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
    10 School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
    # Equal contribution
    Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (
     Full paper in PDF
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO) global statistics as of early January 2024, >774 million confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and >7 million deaths have been reported worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic.1 At a global level, the COVID-19 pandemic has now evolved into a steady state of low-level transmission, with low numbers of reported COVID-19 cases and deaths. The trend has been maintained over the past 12 months, despite a slight increase in the number of reported cases during the most recent available 28-day period.1 Since the declaration of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the WHO in January 2020, the global pandemic has caused widespread and devastating economic and social turmoil, along with extensive disruptions and backlogs affecting health services in overburdened healthcare systems. In the early months of the pandemic, global attention focused on COVID-19 emergency response and control efforts, such as case identification, contact tracing, rapid diagnostic tests, and acute treatment. As understanding has improved regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects, including post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (ie, long COVID), on all aspects of healthcare,2 3 many countries have shifted their focus to the establishment of longer-term, dynamic, and sustained frameworks for health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience at national, regional, and global levels.
    In the WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan for 2023-2025,4 a new strategy consisting of five core components—(a) emergency coordination; (b) collaborative surveillance; (c) community protection; (d) safe and scalable care; and (e) access to countermeasures—has been proposed with a strong emphasis on the mobilisation of multisectoral partnerships for coordination, planning, financing, monitoring, and evaluation. Considering the potential for surges of new variants with greater severity or transmissibility,5 the updated WHO framework has been designed and positioned to maintain sufficient capacity, operational readiness, and system flexibility to scale up clinical care services and multidisciplinary team support. This approach builds on the response-driven pillars outlined between 2020 and 2022 to address the complex interactions of COVID-19 with an expanding range of emerging long-term conditions and circumstances.
    Extensive research has been conducted regarding the effects of public health measures intended to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.6 The COVID-19–driven changes and innovations in health practice have also been captured in past issues of the Hong Kong Medical Journal.7 In the Greater Bay Area, collaborative efforts between mainland medical staff and their Hospital Authority counterparts in a community treatment facility and large makeshift hospital to combat the fifth wave of the pandemic have highlighted the potential for cross-border connectivity and healthcare integration to benefit residents of Hong Kong and Macau.7 In addition to government- and provider-level support for the expansion of community-oriented and patient-centred healthcare services, there have been dramatic increases in the use and application of digital health technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such innovations have also substantially impacted the manners in which clinical competencies are enhanced, patient education is delivered, performance parameters are evaluated, resilience-building environments are created, and health practices are strengthened. Studies have shown satisfactory perception and acceptance of telemedicine consultations among adults in Hong Kong; telemedicine users reported positive experiences regarding physician diagnosis, disease management, and resolution of barriers to healthcare delivery.8 9 Transformative health practices empowered by digital technologies, including (but not limited to) computerised decision support tools and clinical management systems, may help to address clinical inertia and workload-related factors, thereby facilitating efforts to improve physician motivation and satisfaction in the post-pandemic era.
    The digital technology innovations also contributed to the understanding of the dynamic associations between regions with low average number of daily COVID-19 cases and early public awareness of WHO-recommended multiple preventive measures. This has been shown in an infodemiology study based on Google Trends data.10
    The use of publicly available and aggregated data retrieved from internet searches could offer valuable insights into population-level behaviours and their links to the spread of COVID-19 across different time periods; these insights may support risk communications, community engagement, and response coordination.11 Post-pandemic cancer care delivery should be tailored to accommodate the diverse unmet needs of patient groups with different psychological phenotypes, as suggested by Hong Kong researchers who reported the use of psychometric analysis as a tool to identify patients with high risks of decline in physical, psychological, and dietary wellness.12
    In parallel with the explosive spread of COVID-19 and the persistence of long COVID symptoms over the past 4 years, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has advanced at an unprecedented pace worldwide. In preventive ophthalmology, there is evidence that community-based diabetic retinopathy screening via teleophthalmology, based on imaging examinations with low-cost devices and remote interpretation, can serve as an accurate and cost-effective alternative to conventional face-to-face examinations; it achieves similar clinical outcomes, broader population coverage, and timely referral to ophthalmologists, while maintaining high satisfaction rates.13 This approach could substantially enhance workflow efficiency across clinical settings and support clinical decision-making by determining triage thresholds and tailoring interventions using predictive analytics.
    The use of telemedicine and AI has also received increasing attention; in particular, the integration of clinical, biological, and genetic data with long-term health outcomes will help to elucidate the bi-directional relationship between COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system.14 The 2023 updated position paper from the Italian Society of Cardiology and Working Group on Telecardiology and Informatics has highlighted the considerable potential of AI-assisted clinical prediction models in terms of enhancing cardiovascular illness screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and adverse event prevention.15 In both ambulatory and inpatient settings, health practice innovations such as telemedical care, mobile health applications, and personalised wearable biosensors play key roles in efforts to improve clinical decision-making, avoid unnecessary hospital admission, reduce time to treatment during cardiac emergencies, rationalise healthcare services, and promote home care.15
    The evolution of COVID-19 demands sustained global commitment to building a well-prepared, responsive, and resilient future. This evolution also highlights the urgent need for research that addresses the legal, regulatory, ethical, and reliability challenges involved in transforming ‘big data’ and AI into innovative services that can be implemented in clinical and real-world settings. Important and open questions concerning the management of COVID-19—particularly in relation to its complex pathophysiology, risk factors, and effective treatments, as well as long-term vaccine safety and efficacy (and related issues)—continue to require multi-channel collection of standardised data supported by diverse, coordinated, and collaborative efforts from biomedical and research communities to inform practice and policy in the new digital era.
    Author contributions
    All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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    Forging a distinctive Chinese identity and pursuing global excellence: introducing the Chinese Medical Journal

    Hong Kong Med J 2024 Feb;30(1):4–6 | Epub 28 Dec 2023
    © Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Forging a distinctive Chinese identity and pursuing global excellence: introducing the Chinese Medical Journal
    Yuanyuan Ji, MMed1; Xiuyuan Hao, MD2
    1 Deputy Managing Director, Chinese Medical Journal, Beijing, China
    2 Managing Director, Chinese Medical Journal, Beijing, China
    Corresponding author: Dr Xiuyuan Hao (
     Full paper in PDF
    Brief introduction
    As a leading journal in the China Scientific Journal Excellence Action Plan, the Chinese Medical Journal (CMJ) has a 136-year publishing history. This journal was established in 1887 and is regarded as the official journal of the Chinese Medical Association. The CMJ covers all areas of medicine and is recognised as the most influential and authoritative journal in the field of medicine in China. Thus, it serves as an important window for medical exchanges between China and the world.
    The CMJ is an international peer-reviewed and fully open access journal published semi-monthly in English. It has been indexed in many world-renowned databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, PubMed Central, MEDLINE, Directory of Open Access Journals, and Embase. As an English-language medical journal, the CMJ has the largest circulation in China, as well as exchange relationships with more than 100 countries and regions around the world. Academician Wang Chen, the Editor-in-Chief of the CMJ, is also the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the president of both the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College.
    History of the journal
    Considering the CMJ’s profound historical legacy, its editorial ambitions and roles have evolved alongside the sweeping changes of the times. From its inception in 1887 to the present day, developments in the CMJ have paralleled numerous monumental events that have shaped China and the wider world. The CMJ’s journey mirrors the ebbs and flows of history across four distinct eras: its founding by foreign missionaries (1887-1931), a period of Sino-foreign collaborations (1932-1941), the tumultuous years of World War II and its aftermath (1941-1949), and the transformative era following the birth of the People’s Republic of China (1949-present day).
    In 1886, a group of missionary doctors in Shanghai came together to form the China Medical Missionary Association. By March of the following year, the Association had published the inaugural issue of The China Medical Missionary Journal, which is now considered the foundational volume of the CMJ, with John G Kerr as its first Editor-in-Chief. In 1907, the journal was rebranded to become The China Medical Journal. By January 1932, the journal had been amalgamated with the English-language section of the National Medical Journal of China and officially received the title of Chinese Medical Journal. In 1941, the outbreak of World War II led to the division of China into occupied zones and areas behind the front lines of its conflict with Japan. During this turbulent era, the CMJ was produced in three separate editions: Shanghai, Chengdu, and Washington, D.C. By December 1945, however, only the Shanghai edition remained and would continue until 1951. In that year, the CMJ’s editorial operations followed the Chinese Medical Association’s move to Beijing. With contributions from across the nation, the CMJ featured diverse content which attracted subscribers from 37 countries and regions.
    Achievements in recent years
    Since its inception 136 years ago, the CMJ has chronicled the progression of medical science in modern-day China and bore witness to dramatic changes in Chinese health care. The journal has emphasised the significant roles of contemporary medical techniques in fostering better health, reducing sickness, and extending the lifespan of Chinese people. Significant studies have been published during this time, including the ground-breaking 1957 study by Feifan Tang and colleagues concerning the pathogens responsible for trachoma, which represented a crucial contribution from China’s medical experts to the field of pathogenic microorganisms. The 1960s were particularly fertile years for medical research in China, with some studies recognised as world-leading. This status was highlighted in 1965 when the CMJ published Zhongwei Chen’s report of the first-ever successful reattachment of a severed finger, which asserted China’s position in the forefront of microsurgery globally. In addition, the esteemed Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Professor Youyou Tu, published two of her seminal papers in this respected journal in 1979 and 1999.
    Promoting scientism
    One of the CMJ’s critical roles is to foster scientism and facilitate scholarly studies. In 1915, Lien-teh Wu penned his aspirations for collaborative efforts between the Chinese Medical Association and the China Medical Missionary Association, with the aim of advancing national health through medical science. Fast forwarding to 1953, Naiquan Gong’s writings captured the strides made in health endeavours shortly after the emergence of a new China. Entering the new millennium, Linhua Tang’s 2000 retrospective highlighted half a century of triumphs in combating malaria. A notable development in 2020 was the journal’s publication of the pivotal 7th rendition of the guidelines for diagnosing and managing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which supported scientific efforts to battle the worldwide health crisis. The following year marked an enlightening contribution from Longde Wang, a distinguished member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who detailed the substantial progress made since 2011 in the field of stroke prevention and control within China.1 This article received widespread recognition and was cited in various esteemed publications, such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation, and Lancet Neurology.
    Global perspective
    During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the CMJ swiftly and proactively orchestrated the compilation of studies from various prominent bodies, including the Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tongji Hospital at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. This initiative was aimed at global dissemination of China’s insights and strategies for combating the pandemic. On 25 January 2020, the CMJ accepted its first research paper on COVID-19, entitled “Identification of a novel coronavirus causing severe pneumonia in human: A descriptive study.”2 This paper was expedited for online preview by 29 January, enhanced with informative graphics and videos, and concurrently distributed via social media platforms and EurekAlert! This publication played a pivotal role in delivering essential scientific evidence that helped to uncover the origin of the virus, understand its modes of transmission, and devise effective countermeasures for the pandemic.2
    Embodying cultural confidence
    The CMJ is committed to conveying China’s medical narratives by spotlighting key Chinese data, clinical trials of homegrown innovative medications, and innovative research at the forefront of international science. In the past 3 years, for instance, the CMJ has published six studies related to the world-leading China Kadoorie Biobank project, a cutting-edge, large-scale cohort involving the largest biobank within China, which contains over 500 000 samples. This extensive population cohort has significant implications for precision disease management, diagnostics, therapy, and pharmaceutical innovation. In 2023, the CMJ unveiled the findings of Phase III trials of anaprazole, the first proton pump inhibitor developed entirely in China. After its feature report in the CMJ, this ground-breaking treatment for duodenal ulcers received the green light for market entry in June 2023.3 In a report that made waves in 2020, the CMJ covered the first case worldwide of a patient with COVID-19 who received a lung transplant. This bold move highlighted China’s learning, resolve, and bravery in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.4
    Official journal of the Chinese Medical Association
    As the official journal of the Chinese Medical Association, the CMJ is responsible for expressing the Association’s stance on various issues to medical societies worldwide. In March 2020, the CMJ featured an article authored by the Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association, “Development of the organ donation and transplantation system in China,”5 which informed an international audience about the development of organ donation and transplantation in China, dispelled misconceptions, and highlighted progress China has made in the field of organ transplantation.
    Emphasising win-win cooperation
    The CMJ has established a strong partnership for scholarly exchange with Archivos de Bronconeumología. In the 2022 edition of Archivos de Bronconeumología, a CMJ editorial board member, Professor Yongchang Sun, detailed the measures currently in place for managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China, and Professor Luzhao Feng described China’s revised tactics for responding to the evolving COVID-19 crisis. As part of the exchange, the Editor-in-Chief of Archivos de Bronconeumología, Professor Miguel Angel Martinez-Garcia, contributed to the 2022 edition of the CMJ with his perspective on the complex relationship between bronchiectasis and COVID-19, titled “Bronchiectasis and COVID-19 infection: A two-way street.”6 This collaborative approach has significantly broadened the readership of the two entities and enhanced their cultural and intellectual interactions.
    To the readers of Hong Kong Medical Journal
    The CMJ focuses on publishing epidemiological data, review articles on hot topics, clinical studies with high levels of evidence, and translational medical research with the potential for clinical transformation. As the CMJ’s international influence continues to grow, its impact factor also steadily increases. According to the latest Journal Citation Report, the impact factor of the CMJ in 2022 was 6.1, which ranks the journal within the first quantile in the fields of General and Internal Medicine. As an international English-language medical journal, we look forward to establishing academic and journal exchange relationships with the Hong Kong Medical Journal to jointly promote the development of medicine and benefit the public.
    Author contributions
    Concept or design: Both authors.
    Acquisition of data: Y Ji.
    Analysis or interpretation of data: Both authors.
    Drafting of the manuscript: Both authors.
    Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Both authors.
    All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
    Conflicts of interest
    All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
    1. Chao BH, Tu WJ, Wang LD; Stroke Prevention Project Committee, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China. Initial establishment of a stroke management model in China: 10 years (2011-2020) of Stroke Prevention Project Committee, National Health Commission. Chin Med J (Engl) 2021;134:2418-20. Crossref
    2. Ren LL, Wang YM, Wu ZQ, et al. Identification of a novel coronavirus causing severe pneumonia in human: a descriptive study. Chin Med J (Engl) 2020;133:1015-24. Crossref
    3. Zhu H, Pan X, Zhang L, et al. Effect and safety of anaprazole in the treatment of duodenal ulcers: a randomized, rabeprazole-controlled, phase III non-inferiority study. Chin Med J (Engl) 2022;135:2941-9. Crossref
    4. Chen JY, Qiao K, Liu F, et al. Lung transplantation as therapeutic option in acute respiratory distress syndrome for coronavirus disease 2019-related pulmonary fibrosis. Chin Med J (Engl) 2020;133:1390-6. Crossref
    5. Shi BY, Liu ZJ, Yu T. Development of the organ donation and transplantation system in China. Chin Med J (Engl) 2020;133:760-5. Crossref
    6. Oscullo G, Gómez-Olivas JD, Beauperthuy T, et al. Bronchiectasis and COVID-19 infection: a two-way street. Chin Med J (Engl) 2022;135:2398-404. Crossref
