Multidisciplinary care with deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease patients
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj144426
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Multidisciplinary care with deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease patients
YF Cheung
Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong; Hong Kong Movement Disorder Society
Corresponding author: Dr YF Cheung (

Since Benabid et al’s introduction in 1987,1 deep
brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a standard
therapeutic option for various movement disorders
when they become refractory to pharmacological
treatment. The commonest clinical indications for
DBS include Parkinson’s disease (PD), dystonia, and
essential tremor.2 3 In Hong Kong, more than 200
patients have received DBS therapy since 1997 when
the procedure was first introduced to Hong Kong.
Apart from PD, which accounts for most patients,4 5
successful treatment has been reported locally in
patients with dystonia6 and Tourette’s syndrome.7
Deep brain stimulation devices are expensive. In
the Hospital Authority, these devices for advanced
PD and severe dystonia are covered under standard
services for improving the standard of care, provided
that certain selection criteria have been fulfilled. This
programme has facilitated provision of DBS services
to those patients in need, but who cannot afford the
devices themselves.
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal,
the Prince of Wales Hospital/Chinese University of
Hong Kong Movement Disorder Group5 report their
experience of 41 PD patients who received bilateral
subthalamic nucleus DBS over 12 years. The group
has demonstrated both efficacy and safety of the
procedure by improvement of Unified Parkinson’s
Disease Rating Scale part II and III scores of 32.5%
and 31.5%, respectively and improvement in PD diary
parameters, as well as its low surgical complication
rate and zero perioperative mortality.
The authors5 also compared the outcomes of
patients operated on before mid-2005 with those
operated on after that date, and showed significant
improvement in the latter group. They attributed
the difference to multiple factors, one of which is
the dedicated, multidisciplinary approach that they
adopted. Deep brain stimulation is a procedure that
emphasises multidisciplinary teamwork. Expertise
from various disciplines contributes to patient
management, including neurologists, neurosurgeons,
nurse specialists, clinical psychologists, radiologists,
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and
speech therapists. Each team member has a specific
role to play, yet coordination and communication
between disciplines is key to the best outcome.
From a patient journey perspective, PD
patients are first assessed by neurologists who
check for the indications and contra-indications for
DBS (eg does the patient really have advanced PD?
Are there any physical or psychiatric illnesses that
might increase the risks and adversely affect the
outcomes?). Neurosurgeons determine whether a
patient is a suitable surgical candidate and evaluate
the surgical risks. Nurse specialists act as case
managers to liaise with different parties and offer
education and counselling to patients and their
caregivers. Meticulous preoperative assessment
is then performed, which is protocol-driven and
includes detailed neuropsychological tests by
clinical psychologists, magnetic resonance imaging
of the brain by radiologists, and levodopa challenge
test and video recording by neurologists and nurse
On the day of DBS, both the neurosurgeons
and the radiologists are responsible for precise target
localisation and trajectory planning. After the burr hole
is created under local anaesthesia, microelectrode
recording is performed by neurologists, who verify
characteristic neuronal signals from the brain target.
Once the quadripolar DBS electrode has been
implanted, macrostimulation can be delivered and
neurologists can assess the therapeutic responses
and the thresholds for inducing side-effects. When
the electrodes are optimally placed, an impulse
generator is inserted under general anaesthesia
by neurosurgeons. During the operation, nurse
specialists play an important role in patient
reassurance and alleviation of their anxiety.
Postoperative stimulation and DBS
programming is usually delayed for a few weeks
to allow for the microlesioning effects to resolve.
Regular adjustment of pulse generator settings is
performed by neurologists and nurse specialists
to sustain clinical improvement, which can last
for years. Rehabilitation is contributed to by
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech
therapists. Ad-hoc troubleshooting is provided by
nurse specialists. Finally, multidisciplinary clinics
co-attended by clinicians, nurses, and allied health care
professionals can enhance communication, care
coordination, and patient accessibility.
The concept of multidisciplinary care in PD
has evolved over many years. Parkinson’s disease is a
heterogeneous condition, with both motor and non-motor
manifestations, which vary considerably from
one individual to another. As the disease progresses,
new symptoms emerge that are levodopa-resistant
and become the dominant causes of death and
disability.8 9 Modern health care also underscores
patient-centred care and patient empowerment,
which highlights patient preferences and their own
decision-making. Hence, it is generally accepted that
a multidisciplinary health care model is preferable
to a monodisciplinary model. In a recent review,
van der Marck and Bloem10 have pointed out the
challenges associated with the implementation of
multidisciplinary care in PD. Due to the lack of high-quality
conclusive evidence, the optimal composition
of the team and the relative contribution of specialists
remain unknown. The degree of collaboration
between team members (ie multidisciplinary care,
interdisciplinary care, or integrative care) that can
translate into the most robust benefits is still unclear.
It is also uncertain at what stage of the disease the
application of an organised team approach can yield
the best results. Finally, the setting of service delivery
varies from centre to centre (ie in-patient, specialised
out-patient centre, or regional community-based
Despite the challenges and the uncertainties
mentioned above, multidisciplinary care
will continue to be one of the pillars in the
management of DBS patients. According to a
survey in The Netherlands, barriers that impede
the implementation of multidisciplinary care for PD
include insufficient expertise, poor interdisciplinary
collaboration, inadequate communication, and
lack of financial support.11 We are probably facing
similar problems in Hong Kong. While we wait
for more evidence, efforts should be made in our
local centres to develop rehabilitation protocols,
provide training for movement disorder specialists,
functional neurosurgeons, nurse specialists and
allied health care professionals, and optimise delivery of
DBS service in a streamlined and well-coordinated
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