Outcomes of elderly patients categorised as "do not resuscitate"


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:146-52 | Number 2, June 1996
Outcomes of elderly patients categorised as "do not resuscitate"
PS Ip, CM Lum, E Hui, KH Or, J Woo
Medical & Geriatric Unit, Shatin Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
In this clinical audit, we compared the guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in our hospital with those from the Royal College of Physicians (London). Forty-six of 72 cases designated as "do not resuscitate" at the Prince of Wales Hospital and transferred to Shatin Hospital were re-categorised to receive active resuscitation. Documentation and the reasons for the "do not resuscitate" order were not made in fewer than 7% of patients. The decision was made with patients/carers in 61% of patients designated "do not resuscitate" at Shatin Hospital. Of those 72 patients, 68% were eventually discharged and only 16% died in the subsequent nine months. Among those discharged, functional levels were not worse compared with their premorbid state. Hence, our policy has not led to undue prolongation of life and disability with poor quality of life. We recommend more training in patient communication skills and studies on attitudes of patients towards the decision not to resuscitate.
Key words: Aged; Resuscitation orders; Disabled; Quality of life
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Features of head injury at Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, from 1989 to 1993


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:141-5 | Number 2, June 1996
Features of head injury at Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, from 1989 to 1993
JNK Hsiang, TKW Cheung, KYC Goh, JMK Lam, X-L Zhu, WS Poon
Neurosugical Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
The features of head injury at Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, were determined by reviewing the medical records of head-injured patients admitted to its neurosurgical service during the period commencing January 1989 to December 1993. During this time, there was a decline in the total number of head injury admissions. This reduction was secondary to a decrease in admissions for minor head injuries. The number of severe head injuries remained constant during these years. Falls represented the leading cause of head injury and accounted for more than 50% of all head injury admissions. Fall from a height was mainly a paediatric problem and falling at ground level was most common in the elderly. In teenagers and young adults, the most common causes of head injury were bicycle- and traffic-related accidents. Traffic-related accidents accounted for more than 50% of all head injury fatalities. There was a direct relationship between age and the mortality rate.
Key words: Epidemiology, head injury; Head injuries; Mortality, head injury
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Immune response to hepatitis B vaccine in health care workers in Hong Kong


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:138-40 | Number 2, June 1996
Immune response to hepatitis B vaccine in health care workers in Hong Kong
WL Lim, DA Wong, KC Cheng
Government Virus Unit, Department of Health, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
The hepatitis B virus is hyperendemic in Hong Kong. Health care workers are at increased risk of acquiring hepatitis B because of frequent exposure and are therefore advised to receive hepatitis B vaccination. Immune response rates among 1102 female and 567 male health care workers in Hong Kongwere examined and analysed. There was a good overall response rate of 93.8%, with women responding better than men. Among female health care workers, the proportion with an inadequate antibody response increased from 3.5% in those younger than 35 years old to 6.5% in those aged 35 years and older. Post-vaccination testing should be recommended to identify non-responders and to guide post-exposure management.
Key words: Hepatitis B virus; Hepatitis B vaccines; Immunity, active
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The pathology of bone marrow transplantation in Hong Kong Chinese


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:133-7 | Number 2, June 1996
The pathology of bone marrow transplantation in Hong Kong Chinese
TWH Shek, IOL Ng, EKW Chiu, KW Chan
Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
The pathological lesions found in 68 successfully engrafted patients with human leucocyte antigen-matched sibling-related bone marrow transplants werereviewed retrospectively. Twenty-six (38%) patients had acute graft-versus-host disease, which was slightly less than that reported in Caucasians. Skin was a constant site of involvement (100%), followed by the gastrointestinal tract (74%) and liver (59%). There was a 74% correlation between the clinical and histological grading of cutaneous graft-versus-host disease, while that of the gastrointestinal tract was lower at 60%. Cytomegalovirus colitis was found on histological examination of two patients clinically thought to have graft-versus-host disease. Histological evidence of infection, which included viral hepatitis (n=5), disseminated cytomegalovirus infection (n=3), disseminated aspergillosis (n=2), systemic candidiasis (n=2), Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (n=1), and bacterial pneumonia (n=1), was present in 14 patients. In addition to graft-versus-host disease and infections, there was a case of veno-occlusive disease of the liver. Histological examination is important in distinguishing graft-versus-host disease from infection and other complications in bone marrow transplantation.
Key words: Bone marrow transplantation; Pathology; Graft vs host disease; Opportunistic infections; Immunosuppression
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Kaposi's sarcoma in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: the Hong Kong experience


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:127-31 | Number 2, June 1996
Kaposi's sarcoma in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: the Hong Kong experience
LY Chan, SS Lee, KH Wong, KK Ng, PCK Li
Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Wylie Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related Kaposi's sarcoma has become an important disease entity, both in the field of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome as well as neoplastic disorders. In the 10-year period from February 1984 to December 1994, 17 (13%) of the 130 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients who reported to the Department of Health, Hong Kong, had Kaposi's sarcoma as primary (11) or subsequent (6) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining illnesses. All of these patients had acquired the virus through sexual transmission, with 88% via homo- orbi-sexual contacts. Nine patients were Chinese, and seven were diagnosed in or after 1992. Solitary or multifocal cutaneous lesions were the commonest presentations. Only one patient had visceral involvement. The median CD4+ T-lymphocyte count at diagnosis was 91 cells/microL (normal range, >290 cells/microL). Eleven patients had died, but no deaths were directly related to the Kaposi's sarcoma. The mean survival after diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma was 14.4 months.
Key words: Sarcoma, Kaposi's; AIDS, serodiagnosis; Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Hong Kong; Chinese
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Antimyeloperoxidase antibody in Chinese patients in Hong Kong: a five year review


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:40-6 | Number 1, March 1996
Antimyeloperoxidase antibody in Chinese patients in Hong Kong: a five year review
SS Lee, JWM Lawton
Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
An analysis was made of 51 Chinese patients who tested positive for antimyeloperoxidase antibody (anti-MPO) in the five-year period from 1989 to 1993 in Hong Kong. Nineteen could be clearly classified as having an identifiable vasculitic illness, while the features of the remainder were suggestive of vasculitic syndromes in most cases. Renal disease was present in 84% of all cases and was the commonest manifestation, followed by pulmonary diseases. Acute or acute-on-chronic renal failure developed in 20 patients (39%). Of those who had renal biopsy performed, over half had histologic evidence of crescentic glomerulonephritis. Anti-MPO associated disease carried a grave prognosis with significant morbidity and mortality. Steroid and immunosuppressive therapy was given to most of the patients and in those who responded to immunosuppressive therapy, anti-MPO was a useful marker for monitoring disease activity. Twenty patients died, either of complications or as a result of disease activity.
Key words: ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, antimyeloperoxidase antibody, vasculitis
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Sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:34-9 | Number 1, March 1996
Sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome
JKW Chan, A Ho, RCC Leung, CKW Lai
Department of Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
Forty patients were evaluated using sleep studies for assessment of possible sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome. Twenty-six patients had significant sleep apnoea based on polysomnography. Most of the patients with this syndrome had at least two of the three major symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea-witnessed apnoeas, heavy snoring, and excessive daytime somnolence. The most common associated medical illnesses were hypertension (47%), chronic obstructive airways disease (16%), respiratory failure (15%), and allergic rhinitis (12%). All 26 patients with sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome were treated with either continuous positive airways pressure or bilevel positive airways pressure with significant improvement. Minimum percentage arterial oxygen saturation increased significantly, with a median difference of 25.5 (interquartile range, 10 to 36; P<0.01) and the apnoea/hypopnoea index decreased significantly with a median difference of 23.0 (interquartile range, 15 to 44; P<0.01). The clinical features of this syndrome in Hong Kong are similar to those reported in the West.
Key words: Sleep apnea syndromes; Snoring; Positive-pressure respiration
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The prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its effect in elderly subjects in Hong Kong


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:26-33 | Number 1, March 1996
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its effect in elderly subjects in Hong Kong
AWC Kung, ED Janus, CP Lau
Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
The prevalence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in 1467 ambulatory elderly subjects aged from 60 to 90 years was determined using fasting plasma glucose as a screening test. A questionnaire survey on the history of diabetes and related complications was performed. The results showed that 10.7% had already been diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus. Screening revealed a further 5% who had diabetes mellitus but were asymptomatic. The prevalence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was 15% (95% confidence interval 9-21) among the 60- to 80-year-old age group and 17% confidence interval (3 to 30) in those older than 80 years. Obesity and advancing age were adverse risk factors associated with diabetes. The diabetic subjects had significantly more coronary and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis, hypertension, and adverse lipid profiles. Even in the non-diabetic elderly subjects, fasting blood glucose was positively correlated with body weight and body mass index, confirming the importance in the aetiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This is a common disease in the elderly and is associated with significant cardiovascular morbidity.
Key words: Prevalence, Hong Kong; Diabetes mellitus; Aged
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Second Trimester Pregnancy Termination using 16,16-Dimethyl-trans-delta 2 Prostaglandin E1 Methyl Ester


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:19-24 | Number 1, March 1996
Second trimester pregnancy termination using 16,16-Dimethyl-trans-delta 2 Prostaglandin E1 Methyl Ester
KS Wong, AYK Wong, LCH Tang
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, 25 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
A retrospective study of 72 second trimester pregnancy terminations using 16,16-dimethyl-trans-delta 2 prostaglandin E1 methyl ester (Gemeprost, CervagemTM) vaginal pessary is reported. The success rate with this method of induced abortion was 93%. The mean induction-abortion interval was 12.6 hours. Minor side-effects such as fever, vomiting and diarrhoea occurred in 46%, 10% and 18% of patients respectively. Major complications were uncommon. Only one patient had blood loss of more than 500 mls and one patient had genital tract trauma. It is our experience that gemeprost is a safe and efficient method for second trimester termination.
Key words: Abortion, second trimester pregnancy, prostaglandin
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Community attitudes to institutional care of the aged in Hong Kong


Hong Kong Med J 1996;2:10-7 | Number 1, March 1996
Community attitudes to institutional care of the aged in Hong Kong
TP Lam, I Chi, L Piterman, CLK Lam, I Lauder
General Practice Unit, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
The objective of the study was to assess community attitudes to institutional care of the aged in Hong Kong. A random sample of 1,023 adult residents were telephone-interviewed. 22.7% and 57.5% of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that non-disabled and disabled elderly be accommodated in institutions respectively. Social factors of the respondents and physical and behavioural factors of the elderly had significant effects on these attitudes. Furthermore, age, gender, educational level and experience in living or looking after elderly also had significant effects. This study provides important information on the community attitudes to institutionalization of the elderly in Hong Kong. These attitudes will have significant effects on the demand for institutional care for the elderly in the next decade. The findings should also help health care workers identify elderly at-risk of institutionalization. Hence, early intervention may help reduce some of these placements.
Key words: Elderly, institutionalization, Chinese, Hong Kong
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