DOI: 10.12809/hkmj175077
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Recent advances in breast cancer treatment
Polly SY Cheung, FRCS (Glasg), FRACS
Specialist in General Surgery, private practice,
Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Polly SY Cheung (
Breast cancer is an important health hazard in Hong
Kong women. It has been the number one cancer to affect women in Hong Kong
for two decades and the number of new cases diagnosed each year is
increasing.1 Today, one in 16 women
will have breast cancer in their lifetime.1
The local pattern of breast cancer is similar to that in the West,
suggesting that a westernised lifestyle and diet may be the underlying
driving force.
Owing to advances in a multidisciplinary approach
to treatment, breast cancer is no longer solely a surgical disease. An
understanding of the tumour biology has led to the development of targeted
medical therapy and hence improved outcome for breast cancer treatment.
Less radical surgery in appropriate patients and new techniques in
radiotherapy have reduced treatment morbidity and improved quality of life
for breast cancer survivors.
Molecular subtype of breast cancer
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. An
understanding of the tumour biology has been made possible from gene
expression array analysis, leading to the identification of different
intrinsic subtypes that exhibit different tumour behaviour with different
prognoses, and that may require specific targeted therapies to maximise
treatment effectiveness.2 The assay
of hormone receptor (oestrogen/progesterone receptor)–related genes, human
epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)–related genes, basal-like genes,
and proliferation genes has led to the distinction of at least five
intrinsic subtypes, namely luminal A and B, HER2-overexpressed,
basal-like, and claudin-low, with the latter two being grouped as
triple-negative subtypes. Clinical assays using immunohistochemistry
measure surrogates that are used to differentiate the different biological
subtypes and guide treatment.
Targeted therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer
Approximately 20% to 25% of all breast cancers
exhibit HER2 overexpression. The development of the first
anti-HER2–targeted therapy with trastuzumab more than 15 years ago has
significantly improved the survival of breast cancer patients in both
neoadjuvant, adjuvant, and metastatic settings.3
Newer agents such as lapatinib, pertuzumab, and an antibody-drug conjugate
trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1), have shown prolongation of disease-free
survival.4 Dual blockade using
trastuzumab and pertuzumab has shown prolonged survival in patients with
advanced HER2-positive cancer when compared with trastuzumab alone.5 Different clinical studies have also confirmed the
value of T-DM1 as second- or third-line therapy for advanced breast
cancer.6 The paper by Yeo et al7 in this issue reports the results of a multicentre
retrospective study of the use of T-DM1 in advanced HER2-positive breast
cancer in Hong Kong. It showed that T-DM1 was well tolerated and, despite
heavy pretreatment with anti-HER2 agents and cytotoxic chemotherapy, a
meaningful achievement of progression-free survival of 6 months was
Neratinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, given after
trastuzumab has been shown to reduce the risk of recurrence or death when
compared with placebo, leading to a promising future for advanced
HER2-positive breast cancer.8
Endocrine therapy for hormone receptor–positive breast
Approximately 75% of breast cancers express hormone
receptors for oestrogen and progesterone. Tamoxifen, a selective oestrogen
receptor modulator, was the first targeted therapy and has been used for
more than 30 years to treat these hormone receptor–positive breast
cancers.9 Recent treatment options
have expanded to include agents such as aromatase inhibitors that reduce
oestrogen synthesis, and selective oestrogen down-regulators such as
fulvestrant. The use of these new agents has improved disease-free and
overall survival.
Extended use of endocrine therapy using 10 years of
tamoxifen10 or 5 years of
tamoxifen followed by 5 years of aromatase inhibitors11 has been reported to reduce recurrence and mortality.
For breast cancer with high risk of recurrence, continuation of endocrine
therapy beyond 5 years should be considered, provided the side-effects of
treatment are tolerable.
Some 20% to 30% of hormone-sensitive breast cancers
may develop resistance with consequent recurrence or metastasis. Newer
agents such as mTOR inhibitors, or CDK4/6 inhibitors, which target the
altered pathways that produce endocrine resistance, have shown promising
results when used in combination with anti-oestrogen agents.12 13
Genomic testing of breast cancer
Early-stage luminal cancers that are responsive to
endocrine therapy may not require adjuvant chemotherapy. Genomic profile
assays—such as the 21-gene assay (Oncotype DX; Genomic Health, Redwood
City [CA], United States [US]), 70-gene assay (MammaPrint; Agendia,
Amsterdam, Netherlands), PAM50 (Prosigna; NanoString Technologies Inc,
Seattle [WA], US), and EndoPredict (Myriad Genetics Inc, Salt Lake City
[UT], US)—provide additional genomic information about the breast cancer,
either by estimating the prognosis or predicting the additional benefit of
chemotherapy in early-stage breast cancers.14
15 Studies using some of these
assays have shown a reduced need for chemotherapy in about one third of
patients who may otherwise be referred for chemotherapy on the basis of
clinical and pathological parameters alone.
The promising results of immunotherapy in treating
non–small-cell lung cancer and other cancers have led to clinical trials
in breast cancer. An improved clinical activity has been observed in
treating triple-negative breast cancer and those expressing PD-L1.16 We await further results of clinical trials using
Less-extensive surgery for appropriate cancer
Regular breast screening introduced in the 1970s
has allowed detection of early breast cancer that may not require total
mastectomy or complete axillary dissection, thereby reducing long-term
morbidity. Long-term follow-up in studies started in the 1980s showed that
breast-conserving surgery coupled with radiation has an equivalent outcome
to total mastectomy in terms of survival.17
Today, one third of patients can receive breast-conserving treatment,
which reduces the psychosocial impact of breast cancer on long-term
The development of sentinel node biopsy in the
mid-1990s has led to its use in clinically node-negative tumours, thereby
reducing the occurrence of lymphoedema that can cause long-term
complications in breast cancer survivors.18
The randomised ACOSOG Z11 trial19 that compared sentinel node biopsy alone versus the
addition of complete axillary dissection for sentinel node-positive
patients has shown no difference in survival outcomes, leading to the
recommendation that axillary dissection is no longer valid in patients who
undergo breast-conserving treatment and postoperative systemic therapy.
This approach has become increasingly adopted in many medical centres
despite the criticism of under-recruitment of study cases.
For patients who still require total mastectomy for
multicentric early disease, total skin-sparing mastectomy with
preservation of the nipple areolar complex has shown no difference in
local recurrence. It allows immediate breast reconstruction and maximises
the aesthetic outcome of treatment.20
It has therefore gained increasing acceptance in treating carefully
selected patients.
New approach in radiotherapy
Short-course radiotherapy using hypofractionation
has been found to result in a similar outcome to standard radiotherapy in
terms of local recurrence and survival, without increasing long-term
toxicities.21 It is therefore now
accepted as a standard of care for early-stage breast cancer.
Whole-breast radiation following breast-conserving
surgery aims to create a uniform dose distribution to target tissues with
minimal toxicity to normal tissue. Clinical assessment and computed
tomography–based treatment planning, together with techniques using
compensators such as wedges, forward planning using segments,
intensity-modulated radiotherapy, respiratory gating, or prone
positioning, have all helped to achieve an optimal outcome.
Post-mastectomy radiotherapy is conventionally
given to patients with involvement of four or more nodes to reduce
locoregional failure and breast cancer mortality. For patients with one to
three nodes, factors such as adverse tumour biology or tumour size of more
than 5 cm may shift the decision to recommend radiotherapy after
considering the benefits and toxicities.22
An improved understanding of the tumour biology of
breast cancer has led to the identification of different intrinsic
subtypes. Breast cancer care is now tailored to use the appropriate
therapy to target the tumour characteristics of individual cancers, to
achieve an improved survival outcome for breast cancer patients. Targeted
cancer treatment is proliferating. More scientific work is required to
further our understanding of the unknown subtypes, especially in
triple-negative cancers, and elucidate the mechanisms that underlie the
development of tumour resistance to drug therapy.
The author has disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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