DOI: 10.12809/hkmj176857
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
A case for osteoporosis screening and treatment in older people to prevent hip fracture
Timothy Kwok, MD, FHKAM (Medicine); Dicky Choy, MB, ChB, DCH
Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Timothy Kwok (
To the Editor—The hip fracture registry by Leung
et al1 re-affirmed the serious consequences of hip
fracture. There are drugs, including bisphosphonates,
that can lower hip fracture risk by 40% in those with
osteoporosis. Unfortunately, with concerns over rare
side-effects, the use of bisphosphonates has been
falling in recent years. Moreover, despite clinical
guidelines that recommend dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DXA) scan in all men and women
aged 70 years or more,2 few older people have
followed this advice. In our osteoporosis clinic, only
29.2% are aged 70 years or older, of whom only 11.8%
are men. Although men have a lower fracture risk
than women, they are more likely to die following hip
fracture.3 The Hospital Authority currently subsidises
osteoporosis drugs in patients with fracture history
in specialist out-patient clinics. According to
Leung et al’s study,1 however, very few hip fracture
patients received osteoporosis drugs before or after
fracture. Now that DXA and osteoporosis drugs
can be covered by elderly health care vouchers,
doctors should encourage our older patients to
have osteoporosis screening and treatment, both
shown to be cost-effective.4 With a rising incidence
of hip fractures, the Hong Kong SAR Government
should consider funding screening and treatment for
osteoporosis in older people as in Japan, South Korea, and
many western countries. In the United Kingdom, a
randomised trial of a screening questionnaire (The
Fracture Risk Assessment Tool) mailed to older
women lowered hip fracture incidence by 30% over 5 years.5 With the concerted efforts of the public and
private medical sectors, the incidence of hip fracture
can be controlled despite an ageing population.
1. Leung KS, Yuen WF, Ngai WK, et al. How well are we
managing fragility hip fractures? A narrative report on
the review with the attempt to set up a Fragility Fracture
Registry in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 2017;23:264-71. Crossref
2. Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, et al. Clinician’s guide to
prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int
2014;25:2359-81. Crossref
3. Man LP, Ho AW, Wong SH. Excess mortality for operated
geriatric hip fracture in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J
2016;22:6-10. Crossref
4. Schott AM, Ganne C, Hans D, et al. Which screening
strategy using BMD measurements would be most cost
effective for hip fracture prevention in elderly women? A
decision analysis based on a Markov model. Osteoporos
Int 2007;18:143-51. Crossref
5. McCloskey EV, Lenaghan E, Clarke S, et al. Screening based
on FRAX fracture risk assessment reduces the incidence of
hip fractures in older community-dwelling women—results
from the SCOOP study in the UK. Proceedings of the
ASBMR 2016 Annual Meeting; 2016 Sep 16-19; Atlanta,
Georgia, US; 2016.