DOI: 10.12809/hkmj154727
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Intensive care unit outcome in the elderly
Karl Young, FHKCA (Intensive Care), MPH (HK)
Department of Intensive Care Unit (Adult), Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Karl Young (
Worldwide, intensive care units (ICUs) are
experiencing a burgeoning crisis: not enough beds
for apparently endless needs.1 2 Every day intensivists
must make hard choices. This triage task is truly
daunting; how does one choose which patient to
admit or reject from a dizzying melange of elective
and emergency cases, all manner of medical and
surgical diseases, the gamut of clinical severity from
stable to near death, and an age spectrum from
teenager to centenarian?
In making these choices, age must be one of
the implicit or explicit factors. On the one hand,
increasing elderly ICU demand reflects many factors:
changing demographics, increased expectations
of patients and their family, more aggressive and
successful medical and surgical procedures in the
elderly, and strong ethical and political advocacies
against age discrimination. On the other hand,
the elderly may have less capacity to benefit from
intensive care, often suffer poor quality of life and
infirmity, may be demented or otherwise cognitively
impaired, and strain the health-acare budget to a point
where other age-groups are compromised.
Many publications have recently focused on
the elderly and ICU: what proportion of patients are
elderly, what resources they consume, and what their
outcome is.3 4 5 6 The retrospective study by Shum et al7
published in this issue is the first Hong Kong study
to analyse the outcomes of elderly ICU patients.
A reader would not be surprised that findings are
broadly consistent with those of other studies:
the elderly constitute an increasing proportion of
patients, they have a greater disease severity and
burden of co-morbidity, and they have significant
in-hospital and post-discharge mortality rates. On
the flip side, the hospital/180-day survival rates for
the 60-79 years’ age-group were 82.8%/74.5% and for
the ≥80-years’ age-group they were 71.7%/62.2%...
perhaps better than expected! Resource utilisation
was considerable, however. The overall ventilation
rate was 50.6% and the use of renal replacement
therapy was 15.0%. Although the ICU length of stay
(LOS) for survivors was only 3.7 (standard deviation,
5.5) days, the hospital LOS was 22.1 (62.9) days.
Convalescent hospital care was required for 23.6% of
As a single-centre study, the question arises
whether these findings are representative of Hong
Kong ICUs in general. An examination of the data
reveals a unit that has good standardised mortality
outcomes, a broad mix of sources of admission
and attending specialties, and a range of admission
diagnoses. What is not so clear is the reason why
even though 39.6% were postoperative admissions,
83.8% of all elderly admissions were emergencies.
There is no information on what triage guidelines
may have been used, and there are no demographic
or outcome data on those patients that were refused
admission. Also missing are any data from age-groups
other than these two elderly cohorts. The
extent of withdrawal or limitation of therapy is
unknown. Importantly, the quality of life of survivors
is also unknown.
This study7 helps to fill a gap in the available
information about ICU care of the elderly in Hong
Kong. The authors acknowledge that missing
information limits the ability to draw inferences, and
conclude that further investigation is indicated.7 So
what further questions could guide research?
First, what is the attitude of Hong Kong
intensivists regarding their imposed role as agents
to ration limited resources? Triage is only avoidable
if one strictly adopts a ‘first come, first served’
decision-making rule. Is it fair to expect doctors to
trade off their duty to individual patients against
their duty to society?8 The ethical dilemmas and
practical problems posed by triage for intensive care
are well described.9 10 11
Second, what do they understand and believe
about the ethics of health-care rationing, in particular
whether the ‘women and children first’ moral code of
the lifeboat dilemma applies to ICU. If one believes
younger lives are more valuable, one would also
adhere to the principles behind the ‘complete lives
system’ or economic rationalism.12 13 14 On the other
hand, these beliefs have been rejected.15 16
Third, the quality of life of patients both before
and after hospitalisation is important. Formerly, it
may have been an important predictor of both life
expectancy and the likelihood of benefit of care.17 18 More recently the results of studies on the quality of
life after ICU admission have been conflicting and
there are no data for Hong Kong.19 20
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