DOI: 10.12809/hkmj154680
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Management of acute paracetamol poisoning
Matthew SH Tsui, FRCP (Edin), FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)
Department of Accident and Emergency, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Matthew SH Tsui (
Since 2010, paracetamol has been the most common
agent used in Hong Kong for deliberate self-harm
by overdose and poisoning.1 It is readily available
over-the-counter and is commonly prescribed
by doctors. There are more than 900 registered
pharmaceuticals that contain paracetamol in Hong
Kong. Paracetamol overdose can result in delayed,
sometimes life-threatening, liver injury and dose-dependent
damage. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is well
known to be an effective antidote that can prevent
liver injury if administered in time. The decision to
give NAC can be facilitated by plotting the serum
paracetamol concentration against time since
ingestion on the Rumack-Matthew nomogram.2
Serum concentration above the treatment line on
the nomogram indicates the need for NAC therapy.
There are three treatment lines on the
Rumack-Matthew nomogram: 100-treatment
line, 150-treatment line, and 200-treatment line.
Currently, the 150-treatment line is commonly used
in most parts of the world including the US, Australia,
and New Zealand. The 150-treatment line is parallel
to the original 200-treatment line but has been
arbitrarily lowered by 25% to improve sensitivity.
The Hong Kong Poison Information Centre also
recommends the 150-treatment line and most
clinicians in Hong Kong follow this recommendation.
In the UK, the original 200-treatment line was used
for normal-risk patients and the 100-treatment line
reserved for high-risk patients. Over the years, cases
of liver failure accumulated when patients were
treated according to the 200-treatment line. Thus
in 2012 the health department in the UK decided
to abandon the two-level approach and apply one
treatment line of 100 mg/L for all patients.3
In the article written by Chan et al,4 the
150-treatment line has been evaluated and
identified a failure rate of 0.45%. All four index
patients developed chemical hepatitis that
responded to supportive treatment. The incidence
of 150-treatment line failures in the US has been
reported as 1% to 3% and thought to be predominantly
due to inaccurate ingestion history.5 Looking closely
at the four cases presented in Chan et al’s study,4 two of
them presented late, and in most cases there was an
apparent discrepancy between the dose taken and
the achieved paracetamol level. Similar to the US
experience, an inaccurate ingestion history might
explain treatment-line failure for some of these
cases. Further evidence from more robust studies
is needed before a recommendation can be made to
lower the treatment threshold to the UK standard.
Obtaining an accurate history from patients
who deliberately self-harm is known to be difficult.
Patients may be unwilling or unable to provide
accurate information to the clinician. According
to the author’s own experience in managing such
patients, history taking must be done tactfully and
sometimes repeatedly from different sources of
information. An astute physician should make the
decision to give NAC after analysing all the available
evidence including the best-gathered history, the
clinical presentation, and the remaining treatment-time
window, together with the serum paracetamol
level. Laboratory tests may help but can never replace
clinical skill, clinical judgement, and experience in
patient management.
Previously, the responsibility for managing
such time-critical overdosed patients was often
borne by interns and junior residents. The quality
of care provided may not have been optimal. Over
the past 10 years emergency physicians and trainees
have received intensive training in the management
of toxicology cases based on updated evidence
and standards. In addition, groups of interested
emergency physicians have formed toxicology teams
to oversee and support the management of poisoning
patients in individual hospitals. This model of care
improves patient outcome and shortens the length
of stay for medical treatment.6 7 Such improvements might explain the observed good outcome for Chan
et al’s cohort4 of patients with paracetamol overdose.
1. Chan YC, Tse ML, Lau FL. Hong Kong Poison Information
Centre: Annual Report 2013. Hong Kong J Emerg Med
2. Rumack BH, Matthew H. Acetaminophen poisoning and
toxicity. Pediatrics 1975;55:871-6.
3. Paracetamol overdose: new guidance on use of intravenous
acetylcysteine. Commission of Human Medicine, United
Kingdom. Available from: Accessed Aug 2015.
4. Chan ST, Chan CK, Tse ML. Paracetamol overdose in
Hong Kong: is the 150-treatment line good enough to
cover patients with paracetamol-induced liver injury?
Hong Kong Med J 2015;21:389-93. Crossref
5. Rumack BH. Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity: the first 35
years. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 2002;40:3-20. Crossref
6. Chung AH, Tsui SH, Tong HK. The impact of an emergency
department toxicology team in the management of acute
intoxication. Hong Kong J Emerg Med 2007;14:134-43.
7. Ko S, Chan HY, Ng F. The impact of Emergency Medicine
Ward in acute intoxication management. Hong Kong J
Emerg Med 2010;17:323-31.