Hong Kong Med J 2023 Aug;29(4):284–6 | Epub 10 Aug 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Rejuvenation of retinopathy of prematurity
Tracy HT Lai, MSc (Epidemiology) (Lond), FHKAM (Ophthalmology)1,2; Paul RV Chan, MD, FACS3; Kenneth KW Li, FRCOphth (UK), FHKAM (Ophthalmology)2
1 Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian Hospital and Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Department of Ophthalmology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Ophthalmology, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, United States
Corresponding author: Dr Kenneth KW Li (lkw856@ha.org.hk)
In 1942, TL Terry was the first to report a condition that he termed ‘retrolental fibroplasia’, which
developed in premature infants with low birth
weight (BW)—this condition is now known as
retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).1 Insufficient
retinal vasculature development can lead to
abnormal blood vessel growth, typically at the
junction of the peripheral vascular and avascular
retina. Subsequent fibrosis onset can result in retinal
detachment and fibrovascular mass formation
behind the crystalline lens (ie, retrolental fibroplasia).
Oxygen therapy contributes to ROP onset.2 In the
vasoconstrictive phase, oxygen can inhibit retinal
vascularisation and suppress the production of
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). During
the vasoproliferative phase, increased VEGF levels
can cause neovascularisation and retinal blood
vessel dilatation. Meticulous control of hyperoxia
(arterial oxygen saturation >92%-93%) and avoidance
of fluctuations in arterial oxygen saturation could
prevent severe ROP.3
Appropriate treatment can protect against
ROP-related blindness. Treatment largely depends on
the location (zone) and severity of neovascularisation
(stage), as well as a confirmed need for treatment.
Historically, ROP was initially managed by avascular
retina–targeted cryotherapy to reduce ischaemic
drive. In the Cryotherapy for ROP (CRYO-ROP)
study, adverse outcomes (retinal detachment, macula
fold or retrolental mass) were reduced by almost
50% in eyes that received cryotherapy.4 In the 2000s,
laser photocoagulation largely replaced cryotherapy
as conventional treatment. The Early Treatment for
ROP (ETROP) trial established standard treatment
recommendations for type 1 (treatment-warranted)
ROP: zone II ROP, stage 2 or 3 with plus disease, and
zone 1 ROP, stage 3 with or without plus disease.5
Since then, the intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF
drugs, including bevacizumab, ranibizumab, and
aflibercept, has gained broad acceptance in the
treatment of ROP; laser is still a popular option for
primary therapy as well as rescue therapy (eg, in
cases of disease reactivation and persistent avascular
retina). The Bevacizumab Eliminates the Angiogenic
Threat of ROP (BEAT-ROP) study showed promising
results when bevacizumab was used in the treatment of stage 3 ROP; the retreatment rate was 4%, compared
with 22% in the laser group.6 The ranibizumab
compared with laser therapy for the treatment of
infants born prematurely with ROP (RAINBOW)
study also revealed excellent treatment success in
80% of infants receiving ranibizumab, compared
with 66% of infants receiving laser therapy.7 Late
complications, such as high myopia (-5 dioptres or
worse), were less frequent after ranibizumab (5%) than
after laser therapy (16%).8 Systemic complications
did not differ between groups; the incidences of
motor and hearing problems were similar.8 However,
anti-VEGF therapy is not a panacea for ROP;
reactivation or delayed progression of peripheral
retina vascularisation may occur after injection.9
Therefore, recent ROP treatment guidelines from
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists recommend
close monitoring after anti-VEGF injection therapy.10
This new paradigm of ROP treatment
requires an update to the classification of ROP. The
International Classification of ROP, Third Edition
(ICROP3) refined classification metrics such as
posterior zone II, notch, and subcategorisation
of stage 5; it also recognised the existence of a
continuous spectrum of vascular abnormalities (ie,
from normal to plus disease).11 The term ‘aggressive
ROP’ replaced the term ‘aggressive-posterior ROP’
because of increasing awareness of aggressive ROP
onset in larger infants, which extends beyond the
posterior retina in regions of limited resources.
Modern advances in neonatal care have greatly
improved premature infant survival. However,
this improvement has led to an increase in ROP
incidence, especially in middle-income countries
(eg, India and China).12 In less developed countries or
remote areas, telemedicine is increasingly important
for ROP screening. Fundus photographs can be
taken by nurses or technicians; screening can then
be conducted remotely by ophthalmologists who
specialise in ROP. This approach avoids the physical
stress and financial cost involved in transporting
high-risk infants; it also minimises screening delays.
The Stanford University Network for Diagnosis of
ROP (SUNDROP), a telemedicine-based screening
initiative covering six satellite neonatal intensive
care units in northern California of the United States (US), has screened 608 infants over 6 years. Its
screening sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99.8%
are comparable with bedside clinical examination.13
Furthermore, the use of deep learning and federated
learning for automatic diagnosis of ROP is under
extensive investigation and may be important
in future clinical management.14 15 Technical,
medicolegal, regulatory, and financial aspects
require consideration.
Local investigators have provided valuable data
regarding the incidence and visual outcomes of ROP
in Hong Kong. From 2007 to 2012, the incidences
of ROP and type 1 ROP were 18.5% and 3.7%,
respectively, among 513 infants at Caritas Medical
Centre.16 Incidences were similar at Queen Mary
Hospital in 2013 (16.9% and 3.4%, respectively).17
However, incidences at Prince of Wales Hospital
were higher (31% and 4.5%, respectively) among 754
infants from 2007 to 2012.18 This discrepancy may be
related to an increase in premature infant survival.18
In a study of 14 infants with type 1 ROP, one (7%)
developed retinal detachment, nine (64%) developed
amblyopia, and nine (64%) developed strabismus.19
Because ROP is a leading preventable cause of
childhood blindness, screening protocol adherence
is essential. The 2022 United Kingdom (UK) ROP
screening protocol recommends examination of all
infants born at gestational age (GA) ≤31 weeks and
6 days or with BW <1501 g.20 These thresholds differ
from the US screening protocol (GA ≤30 weeks and
0 days or BW ≤1500 g).21 Because of the GA difference,
fewer infants would be screened using the US
protocol. This modified screening approach would
reduce stress on premature infants, limit systemic
absorption of dilating eye drops, and eventually
lower medical costs. Currently, most hospitals under
the Hospital Authority follow the UK protocol.
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical
Journal, Iu et al22 evaluated whether the use of the
US protocol could reduce the number of infants
screened without compromising the type 1 ROP
detection sensitivity. The authors reviewed the
clinical records of premature infants screened at
Prince of Wales Hospital from 2009 to 2018; they
found that if the US protocol had been followed,
the number of infants requiring screened would
have decreased by 21.1%. Using the US protocol, the
investigators found that only 1.7% of cases would
have been missed; all missed cases would have been
mild ROP that did not require treatment.
However, conventional screening protocols
have their own limitations, primarily because they
are solely based on GA and BW. Many potentially
unnecessary examinations are conducted to identify
the approximately 20% of infants requiring treatment.
To avoid unnecessary examinations, investigators are
developing new screening algorithms with multiple
clinical parameters (eg, postnatal weight gain and hydrocephalus status). Examples of these screening
algorithms include WINROP, PINT-ROP, CHOP
STEP-ROP, and DIGIROP.23 24 Various studies are
underway to validate these new algorithms. The
G-ROP criteria appear promising; they demonstrated
greater sensitivity and specificity than the US
protocol for US infants.25 Although there is emerging
evidence that up to 50% of eye examinations may be
avoidable, it remains challenging to utilise the new
screening algorithms in Hong Kong; postnatal weight
gain is required to calculate these scores, and such
data may not be readily available in our region. Until
these new screening algorithms are satisfactorily
validated, they are unlikely to replace conventional
screening criteria. However, now may be the best
time for neonatologists and ophthalmologists in
Hong Kong to begin preparing for the new era of
ROP by updating classification, screening, and
treatment protocols.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy
and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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