Hong Kong Med J 2022 Aug;28(4):280–1 | Epub 15 Jul 2022
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Credentialling—myths, challenges and spirit
Gilberto KK Leung, FHKAM (Surgery)1; LLM, Paul BS Lai, FHKAM (Surgery), LLM2
1 President, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
2 Vice-President (Education & Examinations), Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Corresponding author: Prof Gilberto KK Leung (gilberto@hku.hk)
In early 2022, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (the Academy) promulgated a credentialling
mechanism for endovascular neurointervantional
procedures.1 The aim of credentialling is to provide
formal accreditation of attainment of clinical
competencies as a means to protect patients
and maintain trust.2 Taking into account the
transdisciplinary nature of neuroendovascular
treatment, the exercise is a joint effort by three
Academy Colleges—the Hong Kong College of
Physicians, the Hong Kong College of Radiologists,
and The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong—and
represents a key development in our collective effort
to uphold professional standards.
The issue of credentialling was raised at the
Academy in 2014 by Past President Prof CS Lau,
who was Vice President (Education & Examinations)
at that time. It was agreed that credentialling should
focus on high-risk and complex procedures involving
special skills and technologies that fall outside the
curricula of specialist training. Neuroendovascular
intervention meets these criteria, given the ongoing
advancement in endovascular technologies, its
potential impact on patient well-being, and the fact
that specialist training focuses mainly on theoretical
knowledge but not technical proficiency in this area.
Post-fellowship credentialling thus serves to assure
that an individual doctor is fit for providing such
treatment through attaining and maintaining the
requisite practical expertise and clinical experience.
Under the established mechanism, Fellows
with recognised competencies in neuroendovascular
intervention were vetted, and those meeting the
required standard were exempted from the initial
credentialling process in June 2022. After this
so-called ‘grandfathering’ process, credentialled
doctors would then be subject to 3-year cycles of
continuous credentialling, alongside those who fulfil
the requirement of initial credentialling in future.
Failure to maintain continuous credentialling will
lead to the removal of the credential, although the
doctor concerned may apply for revalidation. The
spirit of credentialling therefore moves away from
the assumptions that all specialists in Neurology,
Neurosurgery, or Radiology are competent at
performing neuroendovascular interventions, or that
previous attainment of competency automatically
implies perpetual fitness-to-practice. It is a necessary and well-established approach to addressing an area
of practice characterised by rapid development and
a close correlation between practical experience and
Credentialling is indicative rather than
restrictive, in that it only indicates who possesses
the required level of competency without restricting
those who are not credentialled from practising in
the designated area. Credentialing by and of itself
does not guarantee or imply that the treatment given
by the doctor in a particular instance is compliant
with professional standards. The label carries no
legal or regulatory mandate, and it is up to service
providers, regulatory bodies, or the courts to make
reference to an individual doctor’s credentialling
status, or the lack thereof, in granting privileges,
licencing, or assessing standards of care. As the list
of credentialled doctors is publicly accessible, it will
empower patients, ever vulnerable to information
asymmetry within the complex world of medical
subspecialisation, to make the right decision.3
Ultimately, the responsibility is on the doctor, and on
those contracting or engaging the doctor’s services,
to ensure that they are indeed fit for providing the
Credentialling is supposed to add value to
patient care and not to be undertaken for its own
sake. A major challenge in devising the above
mechanism concerns setting the appropriate
case volume required for a doctor to obtain and
maintain the credential. The disparate arrangement
of endovascular services in Hong Kong is such
that each centre cares for only a small number of
patients, which limits the number of doctors eligible
for credentialling. However, each centre will need
an adequate number of credentialled specialists for
optimal service provision. So, although a higher case
volume requirement is better for quality, a balance
must be struck against quantity. There might also be
the tendency for some doctors, acting in good faith
or otherwise, to stretch indications for intervention
beyond what would be in patients’ best interests so as
to attain the required case volume. These two issues
are necessarily evolving and will require regular
review. Cross-college recognition of training and
collaborations in rotational attachment, crucial for
sustainability and quality assurrance, are currently
under consideration.
Looking forward, there are other areas
of practice that will conceivably benefit from
credentialling, especially those that fall outside of or
across recognised medical or dental specialties where
oversight and regulation are weak or non-existent,
and where patients are particularly vulnerable due
to lack of information. To reach into these areas will
entail a rethink of our framework of postgraduate
training as well as extensive consultation with and
considerable support from various stakeholders.
It will not be a light challenge but is certainly one
worth taking by the Academy and our Fellows for
patients’ benefits.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflict of interest.
1. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Credentialling for
endovascular interventional procedures. Available from: https://www.hkam.org.hk/en/news/credentialling-endovascular-
neurointerventional-procedures. Accessed 24 Jun 2022.
2. General Medical Council. Report of the GMC Credentialing
Working Group. Available from: https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/documents/03___Annex_A___Final_Report_of_the_Credentialing_Working_Group.pdf_61528614.pdf.
Accessed 24 Jun 2022.
3. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. List of specialists
exempted from initial credentialling for endovascular
neurointerventional procedures. Available from: https://www.hkam.org.hk/en/news/2022-07-04-Specialists-Exempted. Accessed 7 Jul 2022.