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Paediatric fall deaths in Hong Kong
KL Hon, MB, BS, MD; Karen KY Leung, MB, BS, MRCPCH
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, The Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KL Hon (ehon@hotmail.com)
To the Editor—On 22 February 2020, news media reported an unattended 4-year-old girl who fell to
her death from a window in her 15th-floor flat.1 The
Hong Kong Medical Journal has reported childhood
deaths due to accidents and injuries.2 3 4 Injury is a
major health problem for Hong Kong children and
has surpassed infectious diseases as the leading
cause of childhood mortality in Hong Kong.2 5
Approximately 2.9% of children will be admitted
to hospital for an injury at least once before their
fourth birthday. In a city with many high-rise
residential buildings, the risk of falling from height
is relatively high, and invariably fatal. Nevertheless,
even small falls occurring indoors can lead to severe
head injuries or death.6 Preventive measures against
childhood injury in Hong Kong are reactive in
nature, piecemeal, and usually not subject to
evaluation.2 It is recommended that childhood
injury prevention be given prime consideration in
all policies involving children. Most accidents and
injuries may potentially be preventable. Primary
prevention by health promotion and public health
measures can save lives. Moreover, prompt and
effective on-scene cardiopulmonary resuscitation
may offer chances of survival and better outcomes
for patients after falls.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed to the drafting of the letter and critical revision for important intellectual content. Both authors approved the final version for publication and take
responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This letter received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Girl, 4, falls to death from 15th floor flat in Hong Kong,
father suspected to have left daughters unattended.
Available from: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3051828/girl-4-falls-death-15th-floor-flat-hong-kong-father. Accessed 22 Feb 2020.
2. Hong Kong Children Injury Prevention Research Group. Childhood injury prevention in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J 1998;4:400-4.
3. Hon KL, Ku AS. Tragic deaths by choking in healthy children. Hong Kong Med J 2019;25:413. Crossref
4. Hon KL, Chan J, Cheung KL. Head injuries after short falls: different outcomes despite similar causes. Hong Kong Med J 2010;16:497-8.
5. Hon KL, Leung TF, Chan SY, Cheung KL, Ng PC. Indoor
versus outdoor childhood submersion injury in a densely
populated city. Acta Paediatr 2008;97:1261-4. Crossref
6. Hon KL, Leung TF, Cheung KL, et al. Severe childhood
injuries and poisoning in a densely populated city: where do
they occur and what type? J Crit Care 2010;25:175.e7-12. Crossref