Hong Kong Med J 2024 Dec;30(6):488–97 | Epub 3 Dec 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
2024 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Guidelines for cervical cancer prevention and screening
Siew-fei Ngu, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)1; Annie NY Cheung, FRCPath, FHKAM (Pathology)2; Kwok-kwan Jong, FHKCPath, FHKAM (Pathology)3; Jessica YP Law, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)4; Andrea Ying Lee, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)3; Jacqueline HS Lee, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)5; Wai-hon Li, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)6; Vinci Ma, FHKCPaed, FHKAM (Paediatrics)3; Grace CY Wong, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)7; Richard WC Wong, FRCPA, FHKAM (Pathology)8; Karen KL Chan, FHKCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)1
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
6 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
7 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
8 Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Siew-fei Ngu (ngusiewf@hku.hk)
Primary prevention of cervical cancer is best
achieved by vaccinating girls with a prophylactic
human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Despite
the high efficacy of such vaccines, cervical cancer
screening remains necessary because current
vaccines do not offer full protection. Secondary
prevention via cervical screening should target all
women from age 25 years or at the onset of sexual
activity, whichever occurs later, until age 64 years.
Screening is recommended at 3-year intervals after
two consecutive normal annual cytology results, or
at 5-year intervals using HPV-based testing (either
HPV co-test with cytology or HPV stand-alone).
Women who have undergone hysterectomy with
cervix removal for benign disease and have no
prior history of cervical dysplasia can discontinue
screening. Women with HPV-positive, cytology-negative
co-test results should either undergo repeat
co-testing in 12 months or immediate HPV16/18
genotyping. Immediate referral of women with
positive stand-alone HPV test results for colposcopy
without further triage is not recommended. A second
triage test using cytology, genotyping for HPV16/18,
or p16/Ki-67 dual-stain should be conducted to
accurately identify women at high risk for high-grade
lesions who thus require colposcopy referral. Women
with HPV-positive, cytology-positive co-test results,
or high-grade abnormal cytology results should
be referred for colposcopy. Treatment with a loop
electrosurgical excision procedure is recommended
for women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial
lesions (HSILs). After HSIL treatment, long-term follow-up with HPV-based testing over 25 years
is preferred. When cytology results show atypical
glandular cells, colposcopy and sampling of the
endocervix and endometrium are recommended.
To achieve the goal of the World Health Organization
(WHO) of eliminating cervical cancer by 2030,1
strategies should include human papillomavirus
(HPV) vaccination for girls, high-performance
screening of eligible women, and treatment of pre-invasive
disease. The Guidelines for cervical cancer
prevention and screening was last updated in 2016.2
Since then, there have been several important new
developments. Thus, the authors were invited to
form a working group to revise the Guidelines. This
article summarises the guidelines (January 2024 revised version) available on the Hong Kong College
of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website.3
Primary prevention: prophylactic
Primary prevention of cervical cancer is best
achieved by vaccinating girls with a prophylactic
HPV vaccine before they become sexually active. All
HPV vaccines contain virus-like particles (VLPs) for
protection against high-risk HPV (hrHPV) types 16
and 18, which cause approximately 70% of cervical
cancer worldwide.4 The nonavalent vaccine contains additional VLPs for protection against hrHPV types
31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. These seven HPV types cause
approximately 90% of squamous cell carcinomas.5
The quadrivalent and nonavalent vaccines also
contain VLPs to protect against HPV types 6 and 11,
which are associated with anogenital warts. Human
papillomavirus vaccines are highly immunogenic,
generating stronger antibody responses than those
produced via natural infection. Real-world data
have demonstrated the vaccines’ effectiveness in
reducing HPV infections, anogenital warts, and
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2
or worse (CIN2+) among hrHPV-naive women.6 7
Despite the high efficacy of HPV vaccines, cervical
cancer screening remains necessary because current
vaccines do not offer full protection.
All HPV vaccines are indicated for use in
girls and women aged ≥9 years; they demonstrate
high efficacy and excellent safety profiles. Human
papillomavirus vaccines were initially licensed
with a three-dose vaccination schedule. The WHO
recommends primarily targeting girls aged 9 to 14
years with two-dose schedule administered at least
6 months apart, ideally within a 12-month period,
through national immunisation programmes.8 The
nonavalent HPV vaccine has been incorporated
into the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation
Programme, with a two-dose schedule and a coverage
rate exceeding 80%.9 Current HPV vaccines do not influence viral clearance in women with preexisting
infection.10 Meta-analyses have suggested that
adjuvant HPV vaccination might reduce the risk of
subsequent disease after an excisional procedure for
CIN, irrespective of causal HPV type.11 12 However,
higher-quality studies are needed to confirm this
Secondary prevention: screening
Target population
The target population encompasses all women
aged ≥25 years, or those beginning sexual activity
(whichever is later), and continues until age 64
years (Table). Considering the low incidence of
cervical carcinoma among women aged <25 years
in Hong Kong,13 along with the relatively high
rates of spontaneous regression for HPV infection
and cytological abnormalities in this age-group,
screening before age 25 years is less cost-effective
and could result in unnecessary interventions.
Nevertheless, women aged <25 years with a high-risk
profile may be screened after assessment by
doctor. The Table shows the recommended intervals
for routine screening.
Screening methods
Cervical cytology
Cervical cytology may be used as a screening test (either alone or as part of a co-test) or triage test
(for hrHPV-positive cases in stand-alone HPV
Human papillomavirus testing
Human papillomavirus testing can be used as a
screening test (either as part of a co-test or stand-alone
in primary HPV screening) [Figs 1 and 2, respectively], a triage test (in cytology-based
screening for cases reported as atypical squamous
cells of undetermined significance [ASCUS]) [Fig 3],
or a test of cure (after treatment for HPV-associated
lesions) [online supplementary Fig 1].
The main advantage of HPV testing is its high
sensitivity in detecting HPV-associated malignancies
and precursor lesions. Various studies have
shown that HPV-based screening exhibits greater
sensitivity than cytology in detecting high-grade
squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) and more
severe lesions.14 15 Considering the lower specificity
of a positive HPV test result, a triage test is generally
necessary. Similar to other laboratory tests, HPV
testing has limitations and may yield false negative
results due to various biological and technical
factors.16 Importantly, a negative HPV test result does
not definitively exclude cervical pathology because
multiple HPV-independent cervical neoplasms exist
and false negatives are possible.
Human papillomavirus testing should
exclusively target hrHPV types.17 There is a wide
range of commercially available HPV testing devices
with diverse technologies and detection targets.18 19
Although no local regulatory body governs which
HPV testing devices are suitable for screening
or non-screening purposes, regulatory approval
statuses in other countries can be considered when
selecting an HPV test.
The use of self-collected specimens for HPV
testing (also known as self-sampling) is emerging as
an alternative strategy to increase cervical screening
coverage and compliance. The WHO has suggested
using self-collected vaginal samples for screening20;
some countries (such as Australia21 and Malaysia22)
now offer this option. Specific considerations for self-collected
samples include the validation of sampling
devices for self-collected vaginal specimens as well
as the performance and regulatory approval of HPV
tests for these specimens.23 Other self-collected
specimens (eg, urine and menstrual blood) have been explored for HPV testing. Currently, the use
of these additional specimens is not recognised or
recommended as a standard primary screening
method, although this perspective may change when
data from more definitive studies become available.
Several cellular and molecular biomarkers have
been evaluated for potential applications in cervical
screening; some have been shown to improve the
identification and triage of women with positive
screening tests.24 Currently, most biomarkers have
not been specifically approved for clinical use in
primary screening. The p16/Ki-67 dual-stain is an
immunocytochemistry-based technique that detects
cells co-expressing p16 and Ki-67 on a cytology slide.
The presence of both markers is relatively specific to
HPV-associated dysplastic lesions. The p16/Ki-67
dual-stain was recently approved by the United
States Food and Drug Administration for the triage
of patients with hrHPV positivity.25
Use of human papillomavirus testing in
Testing for the triage of atypical squamous cells of
undetermined significance smears
Reflex HPV testing as a triage option for patients with
ASCUS constitutes an alternative to repeat cytology
at 6 months when making decisions regarding
colposcopy referral,26 except among women aged
<20 years (Fig 3).
Testing as primary screening
The implementation of HPV testing as a screening
strategy may enhance disease detection and extend
the screening interval. However, this increased
sensitivity must be balanced with the potential risks
of unnecessary testing and treatment. Considering
the high prevalence of HPV in young women and
the median age of cervical cancer patients in Hong
Kong, primary HPV screening is not recommended
for women aged <30 years. Among women who
previously underwent HPV vaccination, primary
HPV screening can be considered before the age of
30 years. In a population with high vaccine uptake
among women aged 25 to 33 years, primary HPV
screening was associated with significantly increased
detection of CIN2+ relative to cytology; there was
no significant difference in the colposcopy referral
Testing as a co-test with cytology
In many studies, the addition of HPV testing
to cytology resulted in greater CIN3 detection
sensitivity during the first round of screening, along
with a decrease in CIN3 or cancer detection during
subsequent rounds of screening.14 28 29 Women with negative co-test results have low risks of concurrent
CIN3+30 and cervical cancer.31 Immediate colposcopy
is not recommended for women with HPV positivity
and negative cytology results. Instead, either repeat
co-testing in 12 months or immediate HPV16/18
genotyping is acceptable (Fig 1).
Testing as a stand-alone test
Although HPV and cytology co-testing improves
detection sensitivity for high-grade lesions, this
approach requires each woman to undergo two
tests; thus, it carries substantial resource and cost
implications. Stand-alone HPV testing can be
considered for cervical screening (Fig 2). In several
studies in a systemic review,32 primary HPV screening
significantly increased CIN3+ detection during the
initial round of screening compared with cytology. A
negative HPV test result has high negative predictive
value. However, immediate colposcopy referral
is not recommended for HPV-positive women
without further triage tests. A second triage test
should be conducted to accurately identify women
at high risk for CIN2+ lesions who thus require
colposcopy referral. Various triage strategies can
be considered. Reflex cytology is recommended
for all women with positive stand-alone HPV test
results to guide colposcopy referral and subsequent
management. Alternatively, HPV16/18-positive
women should be referred for colposcopy, regardless
of cytology results. Another triage method for
HPV-positive women (particularly those with non–16/18 hrHPV types) involves the p16/Ki-67 dualstain.
Dual-stain cytology has significantly higher
detection sensitivity for CIN3+ relative to cytology,
with comparable specificity. After referring all
HPV16/18-positive women for colposcopy, the use
of dual-stain cytology as a triage test for women with
other hrHPV positivity resulted in higher CIN3+
sensitivity relative to cytology-based triage, with a
similar number of colposcopies.33
Management of normal and abnormal smears
Figures 1, 3 and 4 summarise the management of
normal and low-grade abnormal cytology. Patients
with high-grade abnormal cytology should be
referred for colposcopy. Suggested actions for other
cervical cytology results of normal and squamous
lesions, glandular lesions, and others are shown in
online supplementary Tables 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Colposcopy and treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
The colposcopist examines the transformation
zone, defines the extent of the lesion, and biopsies
the most abnormal area for tissue diagnosis.
Histological confirmation of the colposcopic
diagnosis is recommended before treatment. In patients with a colposcopic diagnosis of high-grade
lesion, a ‘see and treat’ approach (ie, loop excision
without biopsy) is adopted by some colposcopists.
Immediate treatment is an option for women aged
≥25 years with HSIL cytology who have rarely
or never undergone screening, especially if they
exhibit HPV16 positivity.34 Although this approach
decreases the need for additional visits, it risks over-treatment
of patients with low-grade lesions.
Most low-grade lesions spontaneously regress
within 2 years; thus, immediate treatment may be
unnecessary.35 36 Approximately 15% of patients show
progression to high-grade lesions and eventually
require treatment. If a low-grade lesion is confirmed
by colposcopy and biopsy, follow-up with HPV
testing or co-testing at 12 months is recommended,
irrespective of the patient’s age (Fig 5). Because a
negative cytology result is not associated with lower
subsequent risk of CIN3 relative to a negative HPV
test result,37 HPV testing is preferred for follow-up
after colposcopy. Cytology remains acceptable if
HPV testing is unavailable.
For non-pregnant women with CIN3, treatment
is recommended. For non-pregnant women with
CIN2, treatment is also recommended; however,
if the squamocolumnar junction is fully visualised,
observation can be considered for women with
concerns regarding the effect of treatment on future
pregnancies. Treatment should be performed if CIN2 persists for >24 months. The preferred treatment
method is loop electrosurgical excision procedure
(LEEP). Hysterectomy is not recommended unless
there are concomitant gynaecological issues that
justify the procedure; it should not be performed
solely for cytological abnormalities without proper
colposcopy examination and biopsy.
For women with high-grade abnormal cytology
but only low-grade lesions on colposcopy-directed
biopsy, a review of materials is recommended. If the
low-grade lesions are confirmed, HPV testing or co-testing
should be conducted at 12 and 24 months.
For women with HSIL cytology whose biopsy
results indicate histological low-grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) or not worse than LSIL,
an immediate diagnostic excisional procedure is
acceptable. An alternative option is observation
with HPV testing or co-testing and colposcopy at 1
year. This approach requires the squamocolumnar
junction and upper limit of any lesion to be fully
visualised at the initial colposcopic examination;
if collected, endocervical samples must show less
than CIN2. A diagnostic excisional procedure is
recommended for women with cytologic HSIL at
either the 1- or 2-year visit, as well as women with
persistent ASC cannot rule out high-grade squamous
lesion at the 2-year visit.
For patients with LSIL involving >2 quadrants
of the cervix and patients with LSIL who are unable
or unwilling to attend follow-up visits, treatment
should be considered. Treatment is also acceptable if
the lesion persists for >2 years. If the final histology
analysis after treatment confirms low-grade lesions,
the patient should be monitored in a manner similar
to other patients with low-grade lesions on cervical
biopsies. Positive treatment margins for CIN2/3 are
associated with a higher recurrence rate, but this
association is insufficient to justify routine repeat
Human papillomavirus testing or co-testing
is preferred over cytology for follow-up after
histological HSIL treatment because it provides the
most accurate prediction of treatment outcomes.15
Human papillomavirus testing or co-testing should
be performed at 6 months, then annually until
two consecutive normal results are obtained.
Cytology only is less preferred for surveillance after
histological HSIL treatment but remains acceptable
if HPV testing is unavailable (online supplementary Fig 1).
Among patients who underwent hysterectomy
for CIN with clear margins, HPV testing or co-testing
with a vaginal smear should be performed annually
for two consecutive years. If both results are normal,
further vaginal smears are unnecessary. If HPV
testing is unavailable, vaginal smear cytology should
be performed at 6, 12, and 24 months. No further
vaginal smears are needed after three consecutive normal cytology results. If excision was incomplete,
margin clearance is uncertain on hysterectomy,
or the patient exhibited vaginal intraepithelial
neoplasia, HPV testing or co-testing with a vaginal
smear should be performed at 12 and 24 months. If
both results are negative, HPV testing or co-testing
with a vaginal smear should be continued every 3
years for 25 years or until age 65 years, whichever
is later. If HPV testing is unavailable, vaginal smear
cytology should be performed at 6 and 12 months,
then annually for 10 years, then every 3 years for 15
years or until age 65 years, whichever is later.
Management of glandular lesions
For cytology results indicating adenocarcinoma in
situ (AIS) and all subcategories of atypical glandular
cells—except those specified as ‘atypical endometrial
cells’—colposcopy, endometrial sampling, and
endocervical sampling are recommended, regardless
of HPV test results (online supplementary Table 2 and online supplementary Fig 2). Reflex HPV testing is not recommended. For atypical glandular cells (favour neoplasia) and AIS, if no significant
pathology can explain the source of abnormal cells,
a diagnostic excisional procedure (preferably cold-knife
conisation) is recommended.
Management of adenocarcinoma in situ
A diagnostic excisional procedure is recommended
for all patients with a diagnosis of AIS on
cervical biopsy or cytology to rule out invasive
adenocarcinoma, even if a definitive hysterectomy
is planned. Excisional procedures should aim to
provide an intact specimen to facilitate accurate
interpretation of margin status. The excision
specimen length should be at least 10 mm, where
feasible. Endocervical sampling above the excision
site to assess residual disease is recommended. A
‘top hat’ endocervical excision to increase specimen
length is not recommended.
In cases of concomitant AIS and CIN,
management should follow recommendations for
AIS. Hysterectomy is the preferred option for all
patients with histologically confirmed AIS. For women with confirmed AIS and negative margins
on the excision specimen, simple hysterectomy is
preferred. For women with confirmed AIS and a
positive margin on the excision specimen, re-excision
to achieve a negative margin is preferred to rule
out malignancy, even if a hysterectomy is planned.
If a positive margin is present on the re-excision
specimen, or further excisional procedures are not
feasible, a simple or modified radical hysterectomy
is acceptable. Fertility-sparing management is not
recommended for these patients. However, fertility-sparing
treatment with an excisional procedure
alone may be considered for women with negative
margins on the excisional specimen who are willing
to adhere to surveillance recommendations.
Management for special categories
Young women, including adolescents
Considering the low prevalence of high-grade
cytological abnormalities and rarity of cervical cancer
in adolescents aged <21 years,39 cervical screening is
not recommended in this age-group. Unnecessary
screening could lead to avoidable procedures and
over-treatment.40 Most cytological abnormalities
in adolescents are minor and exhibit spontaneous
clearance within 2 years; thus, immediate colposcopy
is discouraged. For ASCUS or LSIL, cervical cytology
should be repeated annually; routine screening can
be resumed after two consecutive negative cytology
results. Colposcopy should be performed if high-grade
abnormal cytology is evident or abnormal
cytology persists for 2 years.
If CIN3 is confirmed on biopsy, LEEP is
indicated. If CIN2 is confirmed on biopsy, observation
via cytology and colposcopy every 6 months is
suggested due to the high regression rate in this
age-group.41 However, treatment is recommended
if CIN2 persists for 2 years. If no high-grade lesion
is detected on satisfactory colposcopic examination,
cytology should be repeated every 6 months. If HSIL
persists at 1 year, colposcopy should be repeated; if
HSIL persists at 2 years, LEEP should be considered.29
If colposcopy for HSIL yields unsatisfactory results,
cytology and colposcopy should be repeated at 6
months. If HSIL persists and colposcopy results
remain unsatisfactory at 1 year, LEEP should be
Pregnant women
The goal of colposcopy in pregnant women is
exclusion of invasive cancer. Cancer risk is relatively
low among pregnant women with ASCUS or LSIL;
thus, deferred colposcopy is acceptable (until at
least 6 weeks after delivery). Pregnant women
with high-grade abnormal cytology or HPV16/18
positivity should undergo colposcopic examination. Endocervical curettage is contraindicated, but
repeat colposcopy early in the third trimester may be
considered. Pregnancy does not appear to alter the
risk or rate of progression from cervical precancer to
cancer. The only indication for immediate treatment
is invasive cancer; otherwise, treatment for high-grade
disease can be postponed until the postpartum
period. A colposcopy-guided biopsy or diagnostic
excisional procedure is indicated only if malignancy
is suspected.
Chronically immunocompromised women
Women with chronic immunosuppression
have a higher risk of persistent HPV infection,
increasing the likelihood of progression to CIN
and cervical cancer. They should be informed of
the increased risk associated with HPV infection
and encouraged to undergo regular screening.
Given the limited literature regarding cervical
screening for immunocompromised women
without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
screening and management guidelines generally
follow recommendations for women with HIV.42
Cervical cancer rates among women with HIV
are elevated across all age-groups from 25 to 54
years; zero cases were reported among women
aged <25 years.43 Although there is limited and
inconsistent evidence concerning the benefit of
cervical screening for younger age-groups, it may be
helpful to screen women aged 21 to 24 years; this
would provide an early detection window prior to
age 25 years, when the cervical cancer risk in women
with HIV exceeds that of the general population.43
Recent data suggest that screening intervals may
be extended for these women.44 A 3-year interval
can be considered after two consecutive normal
annual cytology results45 or a negative HPV-based
screening test result. Subsequent management
for any abnormal screening results and treatment
of high-grade cytological abnormalities should
follow guidelines for non-immunocompromised
individuals. Low-grade lesions should be regularly
monitored for progression because they respond
poorly to treatment.
Author contributions
Concept or design: All authors.
Acquisition of data: SF Ngu, ANY Cheung, JYP Law, AY Lee, JHS Lee, W Li, GCY Wong, RWC Wong.
Analysis or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: SF Ngu, ANY Cheung, JYP Law, AY Lee, JHS Lee, W Li, GCY Wong, RWC Wong.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
Acquisition of data: SF Ngu, ANY Cheung, JYP Law, AY Lee, JHS Lee, W Li, GCY Wong, RWC Wong.
Analysis or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: SF Ngu, ANY Cheung, JYP Law, AY Lee, JHS Lee, W Li, GCY Wong, RWC Wong.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This guideline was produced by the Hong Kong College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists as an educational aid and
reference for obstetricians and gynaecologists practising in
Hong Kong. The guideline does not define a standard of care,
nor is it intended to dictate an exclusive course of management.
It presents recognised clinical methods and techniques for
consideration by practitioners for incorporation into their
practice. It is acknowledged that clinical management may
vary and must always be responsive to the needs of individual
patients, resources, and limitations unique to the institution
or type of practice. Particular attention is drawn to areas
of clinical uncertainty in which further research may be
The content of this guideline has been published in the Hong
Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Guidelines
Number 4, revised January 2024,3 which is a revised version
of the 2016 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Prevention
and Screening.2
This study received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material was provided by the authors and
some information may not have been peer reviewed. Accepted
supplementary material will be published as submitted by the
authors, without any editing or formatting. Any opinions
or recommendations discussed are solely those of the
author(s) and are not endorsed by the Hong Kong Academy
of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association.
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong
Medical Association disclaim all liability and responsibility
arising from any reliance placed on the content.
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