Hong Kong Med J 2024 Apr;30(2):176–8 | Epub 16 Apr 2024
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Basic or detailed morphology scan in mid-trimester?
Private Practice, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr KY Leung (ky@kyleung.org)
The mid-trimester morphology scan (MTMS)
has been the standard of care for several decades,
allowing prenatal detection of fetal abnormalities
and opportunities for further genetic testing and
management.1 2 Despite the increasing use of cell-free
DNA testing and advances in first-trimester anomaly
detection, the MTMS still has a role in screening for
fetal abnormalities, the incidence of which is 2%
to 3%.2 3 About 54% of fetal abnormalities can be
detected on an MTMS but not on the first-trimester
scan4; examples include absent corpus callosum, cerebellar hypoplasia, congenital diaphragmatic
hernia, and heart defects.5
Around 20% to 40% of major anomalies may
be missed in the MTMS,5 with the result being
potential medico-legal consequences. To maximise
the detection rate, a standard anatomic survey
protocol, among other measures, should be used.1 2
The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists included both minimal and optimal
standards of MTMS in the guidelines on antenatal
care published in 2008.6 In 2011, the International
Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
(ISUOG) published its guidelines on the minimal
requirements for MTMS,1 which have been widely
adopted. In recent years, updated guidelines have
been published by the ISUOG and other societies due
to increasing clinical need, expertise of operators,
expectations of pregnant patients, and advances in
ultrasound technology.2 5 7 8 9
New elements in the updated guidelines on
the basic mid-trimester morphology scan
In the updated 2022 ISUOG guidelines, eight and
three fetal structures/elements were added to the basic
and optional (if technically feasible) examinations,
respectively (online supplementary Table).1 2 The
total elements recommended in this updated version
exceed two of three other international guidelines
(online supplementary Table).1 2 7 8 9 For the basic
examination, falx, thalami, orbits/eyes, left and right
outflow tracts, three vessel/three vessel trachea view,
left cardiac chamber, and lung should be checked.2
For the optional examination, the appearance of
the external genitalia can be checked, though sex determination is not routine.2 The gallbladder can
be assessed,2 as non-visualisation can be a feature of
biliary atresia. The nasal bone, as part of the median
facial profile, can also be checked.2 Additional time,
effort, and skills are required to complete these
additional examinations either by sliding along
the common standard scanning planes or using
additional planes.1 2
The MTMS can be performed up to 23 weeks
and 6 days in the updated guidelines, compared
with 22 weeks in the 2011 guidelines.1 2 Delaying the
MTMS until 22 to 23 weeks may improve the success
rate, especially in obese patients, but could also delay
the diagnosis of major fetal abnormalities, thereby
limiting management options.5 The legal gestational
limit for termination of pregnancy in Hong Kong is
24 weeks.
Ultrasound operators should have undergone
specialised training for performing the MTMS.
The updated guidelines further specify that local
regulations should be followed for training,
maintenance of skills, and certification.1 2 In the
opinion of the author, these quality assurance
activities should be strengthened at the local level.
Transabdominal transducers should have
suitable resolution and penetration in the 2- to
9-MHz range, according to the updated ISUOG
guidelines, compared with a range of 3 to 5 MHz in
the 2011 guidelines.1 2 Colour and pulsed Doppler
are added as desirable features in the updated
guidelines to facilitate detection of pulmonary or
aortic stenosis with abnormal blood flow patterns,
especially in obese patients.2 10 11 12
Differences between basic and detailed mid-trimester
morphology scans
A basic MTMS is used in pregnant patients who
do not have any maternal, fetal, or obstetric risk
factors.1 2 A detailed MTMS provides a comprehensive
examination in those with known risk factors,
including a known or suspected fetal anatomic
abnormality, known fetal growth disorder, genetic
abnormality, or increased risk for a fetal anatomic or
genetic abnormality.9 Common examples leading to
high risk include maternal age ≥35 years, gestational
diabetes, conception via assisted reproductive technology, body mass index ≥30 kg/m2, fetal exposure to teratogens, and nuchal translucency ≥3 mm.9
Compared with the basic MTMS, a detailed
MTMS (as recommended in the American Institute
of Ultrasound in Medicine guidelines) includes
examination of 28 fetal structures/elements (online supplementary Table).1 2 9 Whether some or all of
these elements need to be examined depends on
the indication for the examination and the findings
during the examination9; for example, examination
of the palate is required when a cleft lip is found. The
majority of these fetal structures can be evaluated
by two-dimensional ultrasound, though three-dimensional
ultrasound may provide additional
findings in the evaluation of palate, ear, and ribs.5 13 14
Basic mid-trimester morphology scan and
During routine antenatal care, any risk factors
should be carefully assessed and documented on an
ultrasound request form (if applicable). However,
some risk factors may be missed or undisclosed.
Although a routine MTMS can be performed in
pregnant patients without these risk factors, a more
comprehensive evaluation is encouraged if time,
equipment, and skills allow.2 If an MTMS cannot
be performed completely and in accordance with
adopted guidelines, the reasons for this should
be documented. A prompt re-scan or referral to
another examiner is required, as abnormalities are
subsequently found in 0.5% to 5% of such cases.2
A detailed MTMS should be offered to
those with relevant risk factors.2 Alternatively, it is
appropriate to perform a routine MTMS first and then
arrange for a more detailed scan to be conducted by
an experienced specialist.2 For example, if the patient
already has a child with a brain or heart anomaly,
fetal neurosonography or echocardiography should
be performed as appropriate.15 16 17
Fetal neurosonography involves a systematic
evaluation of the brain by a continuum of sagittal
and coronal planes, preferably using a transvaginal
approach.15 16 The fetal echocardiogram is a detailed
evaluation of cardiac structure and function that
involves sequential segmental analysis of the situs,
atria, ventricles, and the great arteries and their
connections.17 The evaluation of the brain and heart
in these targeted examinations is more systematic
and comprehensive than the elements examined in
a detailed MTMS.9 15 16 17
When there are abnormal or suspicious
findings, a comprehensive evaluation of fetal
morphology, not limited to the elements listed in a
detailed MTMS, is recommended.5 9 For example, if
an abnormality is suspected or found in the umbilical
portion of the left portal vein and portal sinus while
the abdominal circumference is being measured, a targeted examination of the precordial venous system
is required.18 Even when a detailed MTMS shows
normal findings, an additional scan may be required
in the third trimester of some complex pregnancies
to detect late-onset fetal abnormalities, such as
microcephaly, ventriculomegaly, or coarctation
of aorta.19 False-positive results, including subtle
features, can cause maternal anxiety.5 When
the diagnosis is uncertain, reassessment by an
experienced specialist is required before making
a definitive diagnosis and discussing management
options. The limitations of a basic or a detailed
MTMS in the detection of fetal abnormalities should
be explained to the patient.
In conclusion, adoption of the updated
guidelines on MTMS should be considered to
improve the prenatal detection of fetal abnormalities,
though it should be noted that extra time, effort,
and skills are required. While a basic MTMS can be
performed in pregnant patients without risk factors,
a more detailed examination should be performed
when risk factors or abnormal or suspicious scan
findings are identified.
Author contributions
The author contributed to the concept or design, acquisition
of data, analysis or interpretation of data, drafting of the
commentary, and critical revision of the commentary for
important intellectual content. The author had full access to
the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version
for publication, and takes responsibility for its accuracy and
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, the author was not involved in the peer review process.
This commentary received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material was provided by the author and
some information may not have been peer reviewed. Any
opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of
the author and are not endorsed by the Hong Kong Academy
of Medicine and the Hong Kong Medical Association.
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Hong Kong
Medical Association disclaim all liability and responsibility
arising from any reliance placed on the content.
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