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Strengthening attributes of primary care to improve patients’ experiences and population health: from rural village clinics to urban health centres
Harry HX Wang, PhD1,2,3 #; Yu Ting Li, MPH4 #; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH5,6
1 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
2 Department of General Practice, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China
3 Usher Institute, Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
4 State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
5 JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
6 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
# The first two authors contributed equally to this work
Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (wong_martin@cuhk.edu.hk)
Primary care is an integrated model of care
underpinned by the discipline of general practice
(GP), aiming to optimise population health and
reduce disparities across the population. The key
attributes of primary care—first contact, continuity,
coordination, comprehensiveness, and community
orientation and family centeredness—enable a
high-value service delivery to address the wider
determinants of health.1 In recent years, primary
care transformation has taken place across the globe.
In Scotland, for example, ‘GP clusters’ have been
introduced to provide a more holistic, values-based
approach to health and social care integration. It
aims to provide a mechanism for a focus on quality
improvement to encourage primary care to adjust
clinical foci to local aims and needs, alongside the
expansion of multidisciplinary teams to address
workload and population health inequalities.2 In
Hong Kong, strategies to foster continuity of care
have been developed, such as the Elderly Health
Care Voucher Scheme to encourage a regular
source of care best suited to people’s needs, the
integration of the medical workforce in Community
Health Centres, which is particularly important for
patients with multiple healthcare needs, and the
expansion of the Electronic Health Records Sharing
System to enable smooth information transfer of
patient records to achieve coordinated care.3 In
mainland China, the ‘family doctor teams’ which
are built on the national basic public health service
package have been gradually translated into routine
primary care practice.4 A typical team consists of
one GP clinician and healthcare personnel including
public health doctors, nurses, and if available and
suitable, pharmacists and social workers. The
teams are featured by a continuous relationship
between service providers and service users, thereby enhancing the provision of a core set of preventive
care including health assessment, health-promoting
interventions, health advice, and when necessary,
home visits. Health issues related to the efficiency
of care, control of chronic diseases, and quality
of services from users’ perspectives have gained
increasing attention.5
In this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Shi et al6 explore the utilisation pattern of village
clinics in rural areas and investigate the clinical
competence of rural primary care providers through
a survey study conducted in Southwestern China.
Significant gaps were identified in service provision
between ethnic groups, which may be explained
by the suboptimal clinical competence of ethnic
minority providers. The study carries implications for
upscaling system-level inputs to enhance the clinical
capacity of rural primary care personnel through
government-level actions to ensure adequate in-service
training and professional development in
remote and deprived areas. It also provides impetus
for developing integrated competency-based GP
training systems for village clinicians, which could
then be translated into improved accessibility to
and process of primary care, thereby leading to
sustainable health promotion and disease prevention.
Nevertheless, multisectoral efforts to
strengthen capacity building in rural primary care
would also require attention paid to address barriers
to strong motivation and active commitment to the
provision of care in rural practice given the possible
existence of clinical inertia and workload-related
factors. A recent multicentre study conducted
among rural primary care physicians across four
provinces in China demonstrated physician-level
challenges to the attainment of the target frequency
of follow-up care for hypertension and diabetes—the two most common long-term conditions in the
community.7 Ethnic minorities, or those who live
in rural areas of high socio-economic deprivation,
tend to encounter greater physician-level barriers to
optimal care such as inadequate healthcare capacity
and limited availability of qualified professionals.
This may be due to insufficient clinical resources
and the physician’s inherent pursuit of advanced
medical technology, higher remuneration, and
better career prospect in more affluent areas.
Meanwhile, individual-level barriers such as
financial burden, lack of social support, fearful
emotions, negative health beliefs, underestimation
of concomitant risks, and unfavourable cultural
preferences may also inhibit the routine utilisation
of healthcare services in low-income areas. In real-world
settings, longitudinal observations manifest
difficulties in maintaining long-term improvement
of clinical parameters in chronically ill patients in
the absence of actively provided and continuous
health education support.8 Previous investigations
conducted in eastern, central, and western rural
China have highlighted the importance of effective
provider-patient communication, which is, however,
relatively poor during clinical encounters in rural
primary care practice.9 These barriers may act
together, rather than in isolation, to hinder the
personalisation and prioritisation of care, resulting
in exacerbated health and social disparities in areas
of high socio-economic deprivation.10
From the perspective of health services
research, the physician-patient encounter is a
reflection of the care process, which takes into
account patient needs and health expectations.
A recent multi-centre primary care assessment
demonstrated significant associations between
improvement in patients’ experiences and reduced
treatment burden.4 Structural efforts to improve the
process of care emphasise the need to strengthen
capacity building within, with and around primary
care multidisciplinary teams in joint decision-making
and problem-solving.11 Such approaches carry the
potential to enable a combination of care regimes
based on effective health education to ensure patient
engagement across the care continuum, leading
to improved patient experiences and population
International consensus has been reached on
the contribution of high-quality primary care to
better population health outcomes in a cost-effective
manner. This offers improvements in health equity,
greater efficiency in chronic disease management,
avoidance of preventable hospitalisation and
emergency room visits, and better quality of life.
Nowadays, primary care plays a central role in
delivering both patient-centred and population-oriented
services for long-term conditions, for
instance, the screening for diabetes.13 Of equal importance is eye health for those diagnosed with
diabetes to prevent vision loss. Similarly, promoting
and improving eye health also requires systematic
actions to address a wide range of protective and
risk factors at all stages of life, starting from as early
as the preconception and prenatal stage, through
infancy and early childhood to adolescence, and into
adulthood and older age. To further this objective,
the World Health Organization is calling for
increased emphasis on reorienting the model of care
towards an integrated, people-centred approach for
eye health based on strong primary care.14
Local experiences have demonstrated the
crucial role of well-trained primary care physicians
in infectious disease control, performance
measurement, and emergency response as an
integral part of the surveillance system in dealing
with outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS), H1N1 influenza, and coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19).15 16 So-called ‘long covid’ poses
additional challenges for delivering tailored health
and educational services to children and families.17
In response to the ever-increasing healthcare need
due to complex conditions and circumstances, more
work is needed in the study of digital technologies
for health, lifestyle management strategies from
the perspective of complementary and alternative
medicine,18 and research instruments that capture
key attributes of primary care to monitor the
extent to which equitable care is achieved.19
Meanwhile, endeavours to promote workforce
wellbeing and prevent primary care practitioners
from stress, burnout, and depression are of vital
importance.20 Empirical evidence from studies on
innovative models of service delivery in real-world
settings would better inform policy decisions and
prioritisations to meet the health aims and move
the health system towards a more people-centred
approach of service delivery over time in areas of
different socio-economic status.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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