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Advantages of legislation for advance directives
in Hong Kong and areas of concern for clinicians
CY Tse, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Society of Palliative Medicine, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr CY Tse (tse_cy@hotmail.com)
Legislative proposal
After a public consultation from September to
December of 2019,1 the Government of Hong
Kong published a consultation report on legislative
proposals for advance directives (AD) and dying in
place in July 2020,2 aiming to finalise a draft bill for
introduction in the next Legislative Council term. In
the proposed legislation, a valid and applicable AD
has the same effect as a contemporaneous refusal
of treatment by a person with mental capacity,
and overrides treatment decisions based on best
interests. A non-statutory model AD form will be
used, on which a mentally competent adult can
refuse life-sustaining treatments (including artificial
nutrition and hydration) in pre-specified end-stage
conditions. There will not be a central registry. To
facilitate an AD being followed in emergencies
outside the hospital setting, a statutory prescribed
Do-Not-Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(DNACPR) form will be used, on which the doctor
certifies that the AD is valid and applicable and
recommends no CPR. The DNACPR form can also
be used for minors and incompetent adults without
an AD and having advanced irreversible illnesses,
if there is consensus that CPR is not in the best
interests of the patient.
Advantages of legislation
This is an important milestone in the development of end-of-life care in Hong Kong.
Firstly, legal uncertainties and legal obstacles
can be clarified. The Government will make specific
provisions in the Mental Health Ordinance such
that a valid and applicable AD shall prevail, and a
registered doctor or an appointed guardian cannot,
based on the best interests principle, override a
valid AD. The Fire Services Ordinance provisions
in respect of the duty to resuscitate will be changed,
enabling DNACPR forms to be accepted and
Secondly, there will be legal protection for
treatment providers. A treatment provider will not
incur any civil or criminal liability for providing
treatment if he/she reasonably believes that a valid
and applicable AD does not exist, or for withholding
or withdrawing treatment if he/she reasonably believes that a valid and applicable AD exists. The
same protection applies to DNACPR forms. Medical
professionals will also be exempted from disciplinary
proceedings for professional misconduct for a
decision made in good faith and with reasonable
Thirdly, with confidence provided by the
legislation and with public education that goes
with the process, there will be better acceptance
of AD among treatment providers, patients, family
members, and the public.
Special areas of concern for clinicians
However, there are areas of concern that clinicians and professional organisations should take note.
Assessing validity and applicability of
advance directives
Before respecting an AD, a clinician has to
decide whether the AD is valid and applicable.
Legislation for AD does not relieve a clinician
from this responsibility. On validity, under normal
circumstances, the clinician should see the original
copy of the AD, and note that the AD is sufficiently
clear, has not been withdrawn and is not being
challenged. In special situations, if the person has
done something that clearly goes against the AD
which suggests that he/she has changed his/her
mind, the AD is not valid. An example is a Jehovah’s
Witness with an AD refusing blood transfusion who
was recently noted to attend Buddhist gatherings.
On applicability, an AD is applicable only
when the person has the pre-specified conditions in
the AD form and is no longer mentally capable of
making healthcare decisions. It will not be applicable
if there are reasonable grounds for believing that the
current circumstances were not anticipated by the
patient and, if they had been anticipated by him/her,
would have affected his/her decision. An example
is a disseminated malignancy patient with an AD
refusing intubation and CPR, now requiring surgery
under general anaesthesia for an acute reversible
This prudent approach, adapted from the
practice in England and Wales,3 gives priority to saving life if there is doubt whether the refusal of
treatment is really what the patient intended in the
particular circumstance. However, a burden is put
on the clinician in difficult situations.4 Though the
legislation will provide protection for the clinician if
the decision is made in good faith and with reasonable
care, it is important for clinicians to understand the
complexities and nuances in such decisions, especially
when the AD is not made on a model form. It will be
useful for our professional organisations to prepare
reminders or case illustrations for the purpose.
Legal requirements for witnesses of advance
Under the common law framework, for an AD to be
legally binding, the patient should have been “offered
sufficient, accurate information to make an informed
decision.”5 Recently, the pendulum has swung, and
some overseas legislations do not require patients
to receive any information about the treatment they
are refusing in the AD.6 The proposed legislation
in Hong Kong adopts a more balanced approach:
“the medical practitioner (as a witness) should be
satisfied that the person has the capability to make an
AD and has been informed of the nature and effect
of the directive and the consequences of refusing
the treatments specified in the AD.” To address this
legal requirement, which is different from informed
consent, relevant professional organisations should
develop guidelines to assist clinicians to understand
their role.
Promoting advance directives in patients
with serious illnesses
Promoting AD in patients with serious illnesses,
clinicians have to understand the limitations of an
AD.7 Advance decisions refusing treatment may not
be adequate or appropriate to cover all scenarios
in end-of-life decision making. In-the-moment
decisions are important.8 Therefore, discussion
on AD should be made through an advance care
planning (ACP) process,9 which is more than just
for signing an AD. Through ACP, the patient can
express values, wishes and preferences for medical
and personal care. Although these values and
preferences are not legally binding, they can assist
clinicians and family members to make appropriate
in-the-moment decisions in the best interests of the
patient. Through ACP, the patient and family can also
be better prepared emotionally for future crises.10
The patient can also appoint a proxy decision maker
if necessary, when the law on continuing powers of
attorney is passed in Hong Kong.11
Witnessing advance directives for healthy
With the AD legislation, clinicians may be approached by healthy persons to witness an AD. Clinicians need
to note that it is debatable whether it is appropriate
for healthy persons to make an AD other than for
permanent severe neurological damage.12 Firstly,
many types of diseases can progress to a terminal
stage, and one needs a vast amount of complex
medical information before a meaningful directive
can be made. Secondly, a person’s acceptance of
symptoms or disability may change with his/her
bodily condition.13 However, discussing with the
family about one’s values, wishes and treatment
preferences regarding the dying process is helpful in
Way forward
Hong Kong ranked lower than Taiwan and Singapore
in the 2015 Quality of Death Index.14 A lack of
legislation for AD is a possible underlying factor for
this. Though the Government’s legislative proposal is
a welcome initiative, it needs to be accompanied by
professional training and guidelines, as well as public
education.15 We must also look beyond signing ADs.
Improvement in palliative care and end-of-life care
in Hong Kong will need a multi-pronged approach
and concerted effort from all relevant parties.16 17
Author contributions
The author contributed to the concept and design of the
study, acquisition and analysis of the data, drafting of the
manuscript, and critical revision of the manuscript for
important intellectual content. The author had full access to
the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version
for publication, and takes responsibility for its accuracy and
Conflicts of interest
The author has disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The main part of the paper was presented at the virtual Multi-Specialty Medical Mega Conference in Hong Kong on 13
September 2020.
This study received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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