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Patient blood management: the solution to a
double-edged sword?
YE Chee, MB, BS, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)1,2,3,4; CS Lau, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Medicine)5,6
1 Chief of Service, Department of Anaesthesia, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
2 Vice President, Society of Anaesthetists in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3 Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
4 Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
5 Chair and Daniel CK Yu Professor in Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong
6 President, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr YE Chee (cye254@ha.org.hk)
In 1818, British obstetrician James Blundell
successfully treated a patient diagnosed with
postpartum haemorrhage with allogeneic blood
transfusion. Transfusion medicine has since come
a long way. The discovery of ABO blood groups
in 1900 and Rh factor in 1939 by the Austrian
immunologist Karl Landsteiner,1 the use of
anticoagulants to preserve donor blood, and the
implementation of donor blood screening tests for
HBV (1970), HIV (1984), and HCV (1990), were all
important milestones that helped to mitigate risks
and enhance safety in blood transfusion practice.
Today, allogeneic blood transfusion has become
a mainstay in the treatment of anaemia2 and is
among the most frequently prescribed life-saving
therapies.3 4 Paradoxically, growing evidence shows
that blood transfusion is associated with adverse
patient outcomes.5 Blood transfusion is linked to
increased infections and sepsis, length of hospital
stay, and all-cause mortality.5 6
The sustainability of the donor blood supply is
also at stake. Globally, the population aged ≥65 years
is growing faster than all other age-groups, and the
ratio is expected to increase from the current 1 in
11 (9%) to 1 in 6 (16%) by 2050.7 8 Because patients
aged ≥65 years receive at least 50% of all blood
transfusions,9 10 this ‘inverted pyramid’ in population
growth means an imminent threat to the long-term
blood supply. Critical shortages of allogeneic blood
supply will soon ensue should the donation pattern
and transfusion practices remain unchanged.9 The
outcome impact and scarcity of supply call for
a comprehensive approach in blood transfusion
The term ‘patient blood management’ (PBM)
was first coined by an Australian haematologist,
Professor James Isbister, in 2005 to advocate a shift
in transfusion practice from a blood product focus
to a patient-centred one.11 An observational study
conducted by the Austrian group on perioperative
blood use showed high predictability of preoperative anaemia, volume of perioperative blood loss,
and transfusion threshold for allogeneic blood
transfusion,12 which laid the groundwork for PBM
to be built on. Goodnough et al took the initiative
further by rationalising PBM interventions into
three main pillars13 14:
1. detect and manage anaemia sufficiently early before major elective surgery;
2. exhaust all means to minimise iatrogenic blood loss; and
3. optimise anaemia tolerance to accommodate restrictive transfusion trigger.
1. detect and manage anaemia sufficiently early before major elective surgery;
2. exhaust all means to minimise iatrogenic blood loss; and
3. optimise anaemia tolerance to accommodate restrictive transfusion trigger.
Thus, PBM emerged as a multimodal,
multi-disciplinary approach using evidence-based
interventions to preserve or optimise patients’ red
cell mass and to avoid allogeneic blood transfusion.
It aims to ensure patient safety and improve clinical
outcomes. The originally intended use of PBM was
to target perioperative blood use in surgical patients.
Over the past few years, PBM has been extended to
include nonsurgical indications.15 The initiative was
formally endorsed at the World Health Assembly in
In the past decade, support for PBM has grown
in the practice of transfusion medicine, and much
effort has been invested clinically to implement
PBM. While PBM is most effective as an integrated
part of a multidisciplinary clinical pathway,17 often
only a single intervention or a pillar of PBM is
implemented by an individual department in a
piecemeal manner. Few institutions run PBM as
a comprehensive hospital-wide programme that
encompasses all measures guided by a transfusion
algorithm.18 Barriers to wider implementation of
PBM include clinicians’ resistance to change, lack of
engagement of health authorities and policy makers,
lack of resources, difficulties in translating evidence-based
guidelines into feasible clinical practice, and
an effective outcome audit.17 18 19 In 2008, the Western
Australia Department of Health initiated a 5-year
project to implement a health system–wide PBM programme that involved re-engineering of clinical
processes and change management at all levels of the
healthcare organisation. The successful initiative led
to significant reductions in blood transfusion, hospital
acquired infections, in-hospital mortality, hospital
length of stay, and readmission rate. The reduction
in transfusion alone was translated into a saving of
over AU$18 million from product procurement and
AU$80 million from activity-based savings.17 18 The
initiative showcased the successful implementation
of a PBM programme that required engagement
and participation of regulatory bodies and health
authorities in addition to clinical leadership, fund
allocation, and technology support.18 20 21 Of course,
the economic burden of blood transfusion and
hence the cost savings resulted give added value to a
well-run PBM programme.18 20 21 22
The 2018 Frankfurt Consensus Conference
made 10 clinical and 12 research recommendations
on preoperative anaemia management, transfusion
thresholds in adults, and implementation of PBM
programmes.23 The panel found a paucity of strong
evidence to answer many questions related to the
three pillars in PBM and these deficiencies in the
literature support the need for further research. The
panel also highlighted the lack of agreement on the
haemoglobin level for the diagnosis of preoperative
anaemia, challenged the long-standing definition
by the World Health Organization that was derived
in the 1960s from small and low-quality trials, and
emphasised the importance of an evidence-based,
internationally accepted haemoglobin value for
preoperative anaemia diagnosis in order to make
future studies comparable.
The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion
Service is the only public institution providing
blood to all public and private hospitals in Hong
Kong, with >90% used within HA hospitals. Local
non-remunerated voluntary donors are the sole
suppliers of blood in Hong Kong. Procurement of
blood from overseas is not a standard practice except
for patients of non-Chinese ethnic background with
unusual red cell antibodies receiving treatment in
Hong Kong. The cost of collecting a unit of whole
blood was previously estimated to be approximately
HK$1000, but this has increased to around HK$1200
in the past 2 years owing to increased overhead costs.
An ageing population together with the threats
from emerging infectious diseases have prompted
clinicians and hospital administrators in Hong Kong
to adopt a full range of PBM interventions.
This themed issue of Hong Kong Medical
Journal features the Recommendations on
Implementation of Patient Blood Management by a
group of local experts from the Hong Kong Society
of Clinical Blood Management,24 highlighting the
challenges in the broader implementation of PBM in
Hong Kong and ways to overcome these. We offer this special edition to our readers as evidence of our
commitment to PBM and its value to the patients
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final
version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy
and integrity.
We thank Dr Cheuk-kwong Lee and Dr Rock Leung for their
valuable inputs to this editorial.
Conflict of interest
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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