DOI: 10.12809/hkmj175068
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Clinical practice of caesarean section revisited: present and future
Noel WM Shek, MRCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Noel WM Shek (
Historically, the introduction of caesarean section
(CS) was associated with an improvement in
maternal and perinatal health outcomes. In 1985, the
World Health Organization (WHO) recommended
that CS should not account for more than 10% to
15% of all births.1 The WHO has recently revised
their position and stated that “every effort should
be made to provide a CS to women in need, rather
than striving to achieve a specific rate.”2 The effect
of CS rates on other outcomes—such as maternal
and perinatal morbidity, paediatric outcomes, and
psychological or social well-being—are still unclear.2 Of note, CS carries its own risks for maternal and
infant morbidity and for subsequent pregnancies. At
some point, these risks will outweigh the potential
benefits associated with lowering the threshold at
which the procedure becomes indicated.
In recent decades, there has been a rising tide in
CS worldwide with a wide variation in CS rate among
various countries from approximately 16% to more
than 60%.3 The reasons for the increase in CS rates
are multiple and complex, but have been attributed
to the increasing prevalence of older mothers, rising
rates of maternal obesity and medical co-morbidities,
and changing medical practice including a relative
increased safety of CS itself.4 5 6 7 In addition, there
is substantial evidence that this increase is more
prevalent among women with privately funded
deliveries.8 9 Nevertheless, the dramatic rise in CS
rate has not been shown to be accompanied by
any substantial decrease in maternal or perinatal
morbidity or mortality.10 Malpractice litigation
pressure has been suggested as one of the attributes
for the rise because associations have been demonstrated
between CS rates and malpractice premiums.11
In Hong Kong, the annual CS rate rose steadily
from 16.6% to 27.4% from 1987 to 1999, with the
rate in private institutions of 27.4% higher than the
public sector.9 Published in this issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, a retrospective review of CS
rates from 1995 to 2014 at a local public hospital by
Chung et al12 shows that the overall rate increased
modestly from 15.4% to 24.6%. Nonetheless, it is well
known by women in Hong Kong that government-funded
units under the Hospital Authority do not
perform elective CS for non-clinical indications.
Those with a strong preference for elective CS might
seek private maternity care. The territory-wide audit
conducted by the Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has documented an increase in
overall CS rates in Hong Kong from 27.1% in 1999
to 30.4% in 2004 and 42.1% in 2009.13 The latest
annual obstetric report of the Hospital Authority in
2015 showed CS rates in the eight public hospitals in
Hong Kong varying from 21.7% to 30.4%.14
The WHO recently adopted the Robson’s
classification system as a global standard for
assessing, monitoring, and comparing CS rates.2
Robson’s system classifies women into 10 groups
based on five obstetric characteristics that are
routinely documented: parity, onset of labour,
gestational age, fetal presentation, and number of
fetuses. The actual indication for CS is not needed
for categorisation. The categories in Robson’s system
are mutually exclusive, totally inclusive, and can
be applied prospectively.15
It allows comparison of clinically meaningful maternity population
subgroups and their associated CS rates across
institutions, country development groups, and time.
The Robson’s classification has been used to analyse
trends and determinants of CS rates in high- and
low-income countries, such as the data analysis
of 21 countries included in the WHO survey.16
The retrospective review by Chung et al12 used
the Robson’s classification system to categorise a
20-year database up to 2014. It showed dramatic and
statistically significant increases (P<0.001) in CS rate
in those with previous CS (rising from 29% to 61%),
breech presentation at delivery (primiparous from
72% to 97% and multiparous from 69% to 96%), and
multiple pregnancies (from 35% to 86%). The authors
suggested that the rise in the previous CS group was
secondary to a more liberal policy to allow patients
to choose CS after abandonment of pelvimetry to
predict successful trial of labour. The increased CS
rate in breech presentation group may be due to
publication of the Term Breech Trial in 2000, whereas
the increase in the multiple pregnancy group was
attributed to the liberal policy that accommodated
patient expectations. Nonetheless, a significant
fall from 14% to 11% was noted in the group of
primiparous patients with term spontaneous labour.
Such progressive drop in CS rate was a result of the
adoption of evidence-based active management of
labour protocols, and regular audits in CS rates and
indications within the unit.
A local cross-sectional survey of 660 Chinese
pregnant women in a government-funded obstetric unit in Hong Kong found that previous CS and
conception by in-vitro fertilisation were significant
determinants of a preference for elective CS.17
In another local retrospective cohort study of twin
pregnancies, conception by assisted reproduction
was also a statistically significant factor that affected
maternal preference for elective CS.18
Non-cephalic presentation of the second twin was another
statistically significant factor in the study, indicating
women’s concern for their babies when considering
mode of delivery. The survey also showed that
women who preferred elective CS were concerned
about safety of the baby, and feared a vaginal birth
and the pain associated with the delivery.
Two randomised controlled trials aimed to
determine whether interventions were useful to
reduce the number of women seeking CS. One focused
on using an individualised prenatal educational
programme in women with previous CS19 and the
other used cognitive treatment in women who were
fearful of a vaginal birth.20 Both showed no significant
difference between intervention and control groups
with respect to the women’s request for elective CS.
These results may imply that once fear is established,
treatment is not of significant clinical benefit.
To reduce the overall CS rate, reducing the
proportion of first deliveries by CS appears pertinent.
Public and prenatal education may play an important
role in shaping expectations. Obstetric management
protocols, skills, and clinical audits can be targeted at
reducing first birth by CS, eg external cephalic version
in term-breech pregnancies, safe vaginal twin delivery
techniques, standardised fetal heart rate tracing
interpretation and management, and increasing
women’s access to non-medical interventions
during labour such as labour and delivery support.
More drastic attempts to curb primary CS rates
in primiparous women can be considered, such as
redefining labour dystocia, postponing the cut-off for
active labour at 6-cm dilatation, allowing adequate
time for the second stage of labour, or encouraging
operative vaginal delivery.10 Last but not least,
obstetricians should fully discuss the risks and
benefits of a vaginal birth versus CS, especially when
CS is requested without a clinical indication. In such
cases it is important to explore, discuss, and record
the specific reasons for the request, and to include a
discussion with other members of the obstetric team
(including obstetrician, midwife, and anaesthetist) if
necessary to explore the reasons for the request and
ensure the woman has accurate information.21 The
skill needed to make a balanced clinical decision for
an individual woman may perhaps be greater than
that required to undertake the procedure.
1. Appropriate technology for birth. Lancet 1985;2:436-7.
2. World Health Organization. WHO statement on caesarean
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Accessed Jun 2017.