DOI: 10.12809/hkmj154631
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The dark side of the moon
SW Choi, PhD;
David MH Lam, MB, ChB;
Michael G Irwin, MB, ChB, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)
Department of Anaesthesiology, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr SW Choi (
If anyone told you that they read their horoscope
every day because once, a long time ago, their
horoscope correctly predicted a job promotion, you
would probably laugh and say that this was a fluke.
In 2011, however, social psychologist, Daryl Bem,
published a paper in the Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology that purportedly showed evidence
of precognition (the ability to tell the future) and
premonition among university students.1 The
study received a great deal of attention from both
the scientific community and the media, with
the result that several psychologists attempted to
repeat the experiments that had been described in
great detail. When they failed to obtain the same
results, their manuscripts were rejected by the same
journal on the grounds that ‘this journal does not
publish replications’.2 Although the replications
were eventually published in PLOS ONE, this is a
classic case of publication bias.3 This is probably not
surprising since sensational reports of being able to
see into the future are undoubtedly more exciting
than the mundane reality. The point here is that you
would be wrong to think that this only happens in
the field of parapsychology. It also happens in basic
A study conducted in 2012 by Begley and Ellis4
of 53 ‘landmark’ preclinical trials of cancer drugs
found that 47 of them could not be reproduced,
even though the investigators contacted some of the
original laboratories to borrow the same antibodies
and other reagents. The investigators suggested that
this was because only exciting, positive results were
published. Scientists may perform many studies,
repeat an experiment many times, and cherry-pick
the results that ‘tell the best story’, submitting only
these positive results for publication.4 The first
recommendation made by Begley and Ellis4 was
that there must be more opportunity for scientists
to present negative data and that preclinical
investigators should be required to report all
findings, regardless of outcome. At present, the whole
system of publication and academic medicine—from journal editors to academic administrators
who make decisions on contracts, pay rises, and
tenure—provide little, if any, incentive for scientists
to present negative findings. After all, has a Nobel
Prize ever been awarded to anyone who showed that
something did not work?
‘Cherry-picking’ positive results in basic
science may seem tolerable, and at least no lives (no
human lives, at any rate) have been put at risk, but
you would be wrong to think that such publication
bias is limited to parapsychology and preclinical
laboratory cancer research.
The pinnacle, and the most highly regarded
form of evidence in evidence-based practice, is that
drawn from systematic reviews. It is assumed that in
gathering evidence for a systematic review, all trials
pertaining to a certain drug, device, or method are
available to the reviewer, whatever the outcome.
In reality, this is seldom the case. For example,
governments around the world have spent billions
of dollars stockpiling Tamiflu (Roche Laboratories
Inc, New Jersey, US; oseltamivir), a neuraminidase
inhibitor that has been shown to reduce influenza-associated
complications and shorten hospital stay.5
The Hong Kong SAR Government alone pledged
HK$254 million to stockpile 20 million doses6 of
Tamiflu, in case of a pandemic, despite concerns
about the efficacy of neuraminidase inhibitors in the
treatment of influenza.
In 2012, when attempting to conduct a
comprehensive review of the efficacy of Tamiflu,
the Cochrane Collaboration discovered that a large
number of studies, including data from 60% of the
people who were involved in randomised, placebo-controlled
phase III treatment trials of Tamiflu,
have never been published.7 Upon request of the
complete trial data from Roche, the investigators
were presented with various excuses and legal
technicalities, all of which have been documented
in PLOS Medicine.8 The Cochrane team were left
with no choice but to investigate Roche’s clinical
study reports, typically submitted to regulators
for drug licensing. The reviewers found significant
discrepancies between published trial data and the
more complete, but unpublished, records. While
unpublished trial reports mentioned serious adverse
events, one of the most cited medical journal
publications made no mention of such effects.7
Contrary to Roche’s claims that Tamiflu can reduce
influenza complications and shorten hospital stay,
the Cochrane team, on the basis of clinical study
reports as well as published studies, concluded
that although Tamiflu did reduce the time to first
alleviation of symptoms by a mean of 21 hours, it
did not reduce the number of people who went on to
require hospitalisation.7
Selective reporting is nothing new and most
scientists are aware of this phenomenon.9 In 2004,
the International Committee of Medical Journal
Editors announced that they would not publish any
studies that had not been previously registered.
This was intended to encourage all investigators to
register their trials at inception so that they could
be compared with published trials.10 The journals,
however, have reneged on this agreement and
studies of trial registration and publication have
since shown that more than 50% of published trials
were not previously registered. What is more, in
many of the trials that were registered, there were
discrepancies between the registered and published
primary outcomes, with the discrepancy favouring a
statistically significant primary outcome in over 90%
of cases.11 12
Much of the unpublished trial data can be
accessed through clinical trial registers. Clinicians
are advised to refer to this information for a more
complete picture of any drug they are likely to use,
rather than rely on medical journal publications
alone. Guidelines for evidence-based medical
practice should also be written with materials and
data accessed from government regulatory bodies as
well as clinical trial registers.
It is evident that our current system of
potentially biased reporting in peer-reviewed
journals has to be addressed. Without the full story
we might erroneously conclude that new (and most
likely patented) drugs are better than older treatment
modalities and have fewer side-effects.
Just as the synchronous rotation of the moon
on its own axis and around the Earth prevents us ever
from seeing its ‘dark side’, the coordinated interplay
between researchers, journal editors, pharmaceutical
companies, and clinicians makes it difficult for us
to be fully informed of the whole picture when it
comes to pharmaceutical efficacy. Taking action
against publication bias of only positive, new, and
exciting data is not simply the domain of disgruntled
scientists with logbooks full of negative results. It
should concern each and every one of us. How can
we practise evidence-based medicine if we do not
demand access to all the evidence?
1. Bem DJ. Feeling the future: experimental evidence for
anomalous retroactive influences on cognition and affect. J
Pers Soc Psychol 2011;100:407-25. Crossref
2. French C. Precognition studies and the curse of the failed
replications. Available from:
Accessed Jun 2015.
3. Ritchie SJ, Wiseman R, French CC. Failing the future:
three unsuccessful attempts to replicate Bem’s ‘retroactive
facilitation of recall’ effect. PloS One 2012;7:e33423. Crossref
4. Begley CG, Ellis LM. Drug development: Raise standards
for preclinical cancer research. Nature 2012;483:531-3. Crossref
5. Kumar A. Early versus late oseltamivir treatment in
severely ill patients with 2009 pandemic influenza
A (H1N1): speed is life. J Antimicrob Chemother
2011;66:959-63. Crossref
6. Who’s telling truth about Tamiflu after latest study of trial
data. South China Morning Post 2014 Apr 13.
7. Jefferson T, Jones MA, Doshi P, et al. Neuraminidase
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8. Doshi P, Jefferson T, Del Mar C. The imperative to share
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9. Dubben HH, Beck-Bornholdt HP. Systematic review
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10. De Angelis C, Drazen JM, Frizelle FA, et al. Clinical trial
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11. Killeen S, Sourallous P, Hunter IA, Hartley JE, Grady
HL. Registration rates, adequacy of registration, and a
comparison of registered and published primary outcomes
in randomized controlled trials published in surgery
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12. Mathieu S, Boutron I, Moher D, Altman DG, Ravaud P.
Comparison of registered and published primary outcomes
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Erratum in: JAMA 2009;302:1532. Crossref