Hong Kong Med J 2010;16(Suppl 4):S18-21
Development of an in vitro cell culture model for human noroviruses and its clinical application
WK Leung, NLS Lee, JJY Sung, PKS Chan
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1. Despite the encouraging results on murine norovirus 1, there is no evidence for the successful cultivation of human norovirus (hNoV) in cell lines of haematopoietic lineage. Further effort to develop an in vitro cell culture system for hNoV is needed.
2. Using ex vivo cultures, we found that hNoV displays a previously unreported marked tropism to human duodenal glandular epithelial cells. Future research to evaluate the permissiveness of human cell lines of this type for hNoV infection is warranted.
2. Using ex vivo cultures, we found that hNoV displays a previously unreported marked tropism to human duodenal glandular epithelial cells. Future research to evaluate the permissiveness of human cell lines of this type for hNoV infection is warranted.