Hong Kong Med J 2008;14:427-31 | Number 6, December 2008
A report on a randomly sampled questionnaire survey about renal stone disease in Hong Kong
Steve WH Chan, CF Ng, CW Man, Robert Chung, SK Li
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Caritas Medical Centre, Shamshuipo, Hong Kong
OBJECTIVES. To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of patients with renal stone in Hong Kong, and awareness of corresponding prevention strategies.
DESIGN. Telephone public survey.
SETTING. Hong Kong community.
PARTICIPANTS. A public telephone survey concerning the occurrence of renal stone disease and the public awareness of the condition was performed. Respondents whose telephone numbers were randomly selected by computer and the family member of the household who had the closest birthday to that date was chosen for interview. Data collected were further adjusted for the gender and age distribution of the Hong Kong population in mid-2007.
RESULTS. A total of 1010 Hong Kong citizens aged 18 years or above were successfully interviewed in November 2007. Among them, 25 respondents themselves had a history of renal stones, yielding a point prevalence of 2.5%. In addition, 70 respondents had family members with a history of renal stones, yielding an estimated household point prevalence of 6.9%. Stone patients were mainly older, male, and imbibed less fluids than the average for all respondents. The public's concepts with regard to the diet necessary and the importance of taking more fluid to prevent stone formation was poor.
CONCLUSION. Hong Kong has a relatively low prevalence of renal stone disease, compared to neighbouring areas. However, the local public and affected patients had little knowledge and awareness about this important health problem.
Key words: Demography; Food habits; Kidney calculi; Prevalence; Primary prevention
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