Hong Kong Med J 2007;13(Suppl 1):S40-3
To assess the predictive value of ultrasonic assessment of umbilical cord morphology for intrapartum foetal distress
MS Rogers
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital
1. Homozygous _-thalassaemia-1 can be predicted reliably using ultrasound measurement of the foetal cardiothoracic ratio at 12 to 13 weeks’ gestation, but not at 10 to 11 weeks’ gestation.
2. When an optimal foetal cardiothoracic ratio cannot be obtained with an abdominal ultrasound examination at 12 to 13 weeks’ gestation, a vaginal ultrasound examination is useful.
3. The use of ultrasonography to rule out homozygous _thalassaemia-1 can reduce the number of invasive procedures and hence the number of unnecessary foetal losses and laboratory costs for deoxyribonucleic acid studies, without causing diagnostic delays in affected pregnancies.