Hong Kong Med J 2006;12(Suppl 3):S11-4
Promoting the appropriate use of chronic medications
JCN Chan, JYF Wu, GMC Chan, WYS Leung, BSC Lee
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kongf
1. Both doctors and patients have concordance problems with adhering to treatment guidelines and regimens.
2. Inappropriate prescribing of medications by doctors and poor drug compliance by patients can lead to treatment failure despite the proven efficacy of many chronic medications.
3. To enhance the cost-effective use of chronic medications, our interventional programmes, which emphasise teamwork between doctors and pharmacists, as well as patient education, to ensure continuity of care and adherence to therapy, led to a significant improvement in prescribing habits, patient compliance and clinical outcomes.
2. Inappropriate prescribing of medications by doctors and poor drug compliance by patients can lead to treatment failure despite the proven efficacy of many chronic medications.
3. To enhance the cost-effective use of chronic medications, our interventional programmes, which emphasise teamwork between doctors and pharmacists, as well as patient education, to ensure continuity of care and adherence to therapy, led to a significant improvement in prescribing habits, patient compliance and clinical outcomes.