Editorial policy
Peer review
Apart from book reviews, editorials, special lectures, cover stories, and letters to the Editor (which may be reviewed internally), all manuscripts submitted to the Hong Kong Medical Journal (HKMJ) are sent for external peer review, unless Editorial Board members find that a manuscript has insufficient priority for publication, in which case the manuscript is promptly returned to the author(s).
Peer reviewer and author identities are kept confidential; reviewers are asked to disclose any conflict of interests. Reviewers are asked to return the manuscript promptly if they are unable to review the manuscript, and an alternative reviewer is sought. Most papers are reviewed by two independent reviewers; three weeks are usually given. Authors should not recommend the names of any reviewers, but may give the names of people whom they wish not to act as reviewers in the cover letter.
Reviewers are asked to make comments on the scientific content and style of the paper, to make statistical and methodological appraisals, and to comment on the appropriateness of the discussion and conclusions. Manuscripts that require revision are returned to authors, and two weeks are usually given for resubmissions; a request for a revision does not indicate that the manuscript will be accepted. When preparing a revision, authors should include an explanation of how each point raised by each referee was answered, indicating where the appropriate changes were made.
When appropriate, a manuscript will be reviewed by a member of the statistical review board to specifically appraise the statistical content. Furthermore, the HKMJ reserves the right to send a paper for a further round of peer review if necessary; the HKMJ uses a tie-breaker referee system. The final decision rests with the Editor-in-Chief and Senior Editors. Please note that during holiday seasons, the peer review process may take longer than usual. The HKMJ actively checks for plagiarism with VeriGuide.
Rejected manuscripts
Rejected manuscripts will not be returned to author(s) unless specifically requested in the cover letter. Original illustrations and photographs will be returned.
Manuscripts that have previously required revision, but have not been returned to the Editorial Office after two 1-week reminders have been sent will be either rejected or treated as a resubmission, at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
The final version of an accepted manuscript should be supplied on disk; the author should also send a hard copy and keep a copy of the entire contents of a manuscript. Manuscripts undergo technical and copy editing according to HKMJ style and are returned to the author for approval prior to publication, either as a galley proof or page proof. Forty-eight hours are usually given to authors to proofread their papers, answer any queries, and make any changes. Only minimal changes will be allowed; substantial changes will be charged for, and the addition of new material may require another round of peer-review. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the copy editor and authorised by the corresponding author.
All accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the HKAM and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. Authors should refrain from contacting the mass media about papers that are being peer reviewed or in press; the Editorial Board reserves the right to withdraw an article from publication if it is given media coverage at any stage of the review/publication process.
Any further queries about the peer review process, how to become a reviewer, editorial/review policy, freelance subediting for the HKMJ, and house style should be addressed to the Managing Editor directly. Please refer to the contact information of the Editorial Office.
Authors should forward queries regarding the progress of peer review or publication of any specific manuscripts to the Managing Editor by e-mail only, quoting the assigned manuscript number.